Cream-wax Zdorov - effective treatment of varicose veins without consequences. Problems with the vessels of the venous system are the scourge of our time. Today, a person cannot find a “golden mean” and, due to his work activity, is forced to either stay on his feet for a long time or be in a sitting position for a long time. Both situations lead to the emergence of a dangerous and unaesthetic disease – varicose veins [...]
What kind of cabbage can you eat for gout? Described by Hippocrates and called a “foot trap” because of the unbearable attacks of pain, gout has long been considered a disease of the stronger sex. Nowadays, it is increasingly affecting women who work on an equal basis with men and receive an equal amount of nervous and physical stress. Statistics also indicate the “sword of Damocles” heredity: in 30% of patients […]
How arthritis manifests itself, how it begins and how to live with it Arthritis is called inflammation in the joints. Almost all joints of the body are susceptible to this pathological condition, but the most common is arthritis of the fingers. The disease usually affects women, causing them irreversible joint deformities that prevent them from living a full life. Medicine knows two forms of this disease: acute and chronic. If it starts […]
Joints of the lower extremities and their diseases All joints of the legs are divided into joints of the lower extremity belt and joints of the free lower extremity. The first group includes the sacroiliac joint and the pubic symphysis. The pelvic bones are also connected to each other using several ligaments. The second group includes joints such as the hip, knee, ankle and foot joints. Theirs we and […]
Why the skin of the feet peels and peels: 6 main reasons Problems with the skin of the feet arise quite often. At an appointment with a dermatologist or a pedicurist, the main complaints are flaking of the skin of the feet, desquamation between the toes and over the entire surface of the foot. So what are the main reasons for the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms? Peeling skin on the soles of your feet: 5 […]
How to get rid of white plaque on your legs? The appearance of a white coating on the feet and between the toes is evidence that a person is suffering from such a common illness as thrush. The causative agent of this disease is a fungus such as Candida, which causes a lot of trouble for a person and causes significant discomfort. This fungus multiplies quite quickly and is easily transmitted if basic […]
Folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins Savin Evgeniy Valerievich - Phlebologist Chernyakov Vadim Petrovich - Phlebologist Shershen Oleg Olegovich - Vascular surgeon Danilov Roman Ilyich - Phlebologist Treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies at home is very popular, almost every person is looking for or already knows several of these methods that they use in at home as a disease prevention. Treatment […]
A child's legs hurt at night. A 5-year-old child's feet hurt at night. Girls! My son is 4y9m. Recently he started saying that his feet hurt at night. During the day everything is fine, he runs, swims, no complaints. What are these growing pains? He also has planovalgus feet. I would, of course, run to an orthopedist, but we are not in Moscow now. […]
Shock wave therapy for the treatment of heel spurs Shock wave therapy for heel spurs is one of the conservative healing techniques. Treatment through this physiotherapeutic procedure helps to avoid the use of surgical methods to combat destructive changes in the heel bone - injections of drugs into the area of the pathological focus and surgical intervention. Based on the feedback from those patients who completed the SWT course, [...]
Why do the right and left legs go numb from the knee to the foot? It is wrong to think that there is nothing wrong with numbness in the legs. And those who think that even at home they can cope with this problem are mistaken. To effectively treat this condition, it is necessary to know the reasons for which it occurs so that you can choose the most appropriate method of treatment. Numbness […]