Varicose veins Varicose veins are persistent and irreversible expansion and elongation of veins, resulting from gross changes in their walls, as well as insufficiency of their valve apparatus due to a genetic defect. The predisposition of women is explained by a cyclical increase in the distensibility of the vein walls and loosening of the valves with increases in the concentration of the hormone progesterone. The primary factors for the occurrence of varicose veins are hereditary weakness of the vascular wall. […]
Physical exercises for joints with gout Gout is a chronic disease that occurs due to metabolic disorders. This disease affects people who have high concentrations of uric acid in their blood. Gout is characterized by deposition of sodium loss in the joints, and in more complex stages of the disease in other vital organs. This substance in the joints [...]
Nurse to a patient: How to cut fingernails and toenails If necessary, the patient's fingernails and toenails are trimmed. The manipulation is carried out after washing the patient’s feet and hands, in a position comfortable for him. If your fingernails are dry and hard, dip them in a container of warm water and soap before trimming. container with warm water; liquid […]
Diet and nutrition for edema Almost every person has encountered edema at least once in their life. For some, the legs swell, for others the face swells, for others in other parts of the body. Swelling itself only causes discomfort. And they appear when there are certain disorders in the body. Why swelling occurs and how to get rid of it, about this and [...]
Exercises for arthritis: therapeutic exercises for joints Exercises that help strengthen and develop joints are used for therapeutic and preventive purposes and are an important component of therapy for diseases of various types of joints, including arthritis and arthrosis. In this article we have given examples of therapeutic gymnastics complexes for different joints. Gymnastics for the hip joints Perform squats. Swing straight legs forward, [...]
Exercise therapy for flat feet Our center has extensive experience working with children from 4 years old and poor posture, flat feet and other orthopedic problems Junior group (4-8 years old) Examination of the child before the first exercise therapy session Individual selection of exercises Focus on the child’s problem areas Correction of posture Development of new correct ones skills Strengthening the muscular corset Strengthening the leg/foot muscles Volume and intensity […]
How to deal with rough skin on the heels? It is very important for any girl to feel attractive and well-groomed. To achieve this, you need to take care of your appearance, devoting a lot of time to cosmetic procedures. Unfortunately, not all girls adhere to this rule when it comes to hygienic pedicure. It is often said that the skin on the legs also needs [...]
Development of flat feet Flattening of the feet in children and adults develops for a reason. Doctors say that the main reason for the development of flat feet is prolonged and excessively heavy loads on the legs, which are combined with congenital weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the foot or insufficient training of the lower girdle of the limbs. People often give themselves a “gift” in the form of leg diseases by constantly wearing […]
How long do nails grow, how and at what speed do nail plates grow? Many have noticed, and some know, that the speed at which nails grow in men and women is different. There is no clear explanation for this. There is no consensus among experts when answering the question: why nail plates on the feet grow slower than on the hands. However, there are quite convincing […]
Why do my legs go numb and what should I do? Numbness of the legs is an unpleasant sensation accompanied by burning, tingling, partial or complete loss of sensation. This phenomenon as a medical pathology is also called paresthesia. Paresthesia of the legs is not an independent disease, but only one of the signs of one or another abnormality in the functioning of the body. It can be both a direct and hidden sign [...]