Leg pain in children: causes and methods of its elimination Many parents are faced with leg pain in children. This pathological condition of the child’s body is mainly observed between the ages of 3 and 9 years, but this does not at all exclude its occurrence in very young children. The causes of pain in the legs in children may be [...]
Why is your heel swollen and painful? Diseases are unwelcome guests in everyone’s life, regardless of where the ailment appears. In this way, the body makes it clear that unwanted changes are occurring. There are several causes of heel disease - the appearance of bones, spurs, and other disorders. Some reasons are related to the physiological characteristics of the leg, others indicate the occurrence of a disease. The article discusses common […]
Fungal foot infections used to be so common that few people could avoid getting infected. Fortunately, starting in the 1960s and 1970s, drugs became available that actually cured patients rather than just providing relief. However, to this day, mycosis of the feet remains the most common fungal skin disease, followed by ringworm in terms of prevalence. The most commonly affected folds [...]
Hormonal drugs for arthritis The doctor refers the patient for examinations and prescribes medication using various means. There are different drugs for therapy, some are used in oncology. If drug treatment is not effective, surgery is performed to replace the damaged joint with a high-tech prosthesis. Anti-inflammatory therapy Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by an infectious-inflammatory process. As a result of inflammation, connective tissue undergoes irreversible changes. […]
Clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis RUSSIAN NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "ASSOCIATION OF RHEUMATOLOGISTS OF RUSSIA" ASSOCIATION OF RHEUMATOLOGISTS OF RUSSIA FOR DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS 2. Definition, principles of diagnosis, features of the early stage of RA 2.1. Diagnostic criteria for RA 2.2. Instrumental diagnostics for RA 2.3. Differential diagnosis of RA 4. The role of the general practitioner in the management of patients with RA […]
The most effective remedies for toenail fungus Fungus is an infectious disease that mainly affects the feet and toenails. It is very easy to recognize this disease. Itching, burning, redness, peeling of the nail - all these are signs of a fungal infection. Treatment of this disease involves the use of various medications, both external and oral. Find a truly effective […]
Exercises for scoliosis and flat feet Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. Most often acquired (5-15 years), but it can also be congenital. Incorrect posture of children during classes leads to uneven load on the spine and back muscles. Acquired scoliosis includes: Prevention of scoliosis is, first of all, a healthy lifestyle, which includes physical therapy, exercise […]
Arthritis of the toes and feet, symptoms and treatment Arthritis of the toes and feet is a common disease; pain begins to disturb a person at night, because it is at this time that the joints are relaxed. Painful sensations occur when the weather changes. When the pain intensifies, the person cannot bear it. Arthritis of the toes makes it difficult for a person to wear [...]
Injections for arthritis: treatment of joint inflammation with injections Arthritis is a common joint disease. With this disease, inflammatory processes occur in the bone junction area. The skin in this area swells and turns red. Typically, rheumatoid arthritis affects one joint, but sometimes joints can become infected. In the acute form of the disease, sharp manifestations are observed. In treatment, pathologists use [...]
Why does my finger hurt due to nail fungus? The finger hurts due to nail fungus due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues. Often, under their influence, the nail plate changes and becomes thicker. This change leads to extra stress on the tissues under the nail. This indicates that in many cases it is not the nail plate itself that hurts, but the surrounding […]