Varicose veins and chronic insufficiency of the veins of the lower extremities are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that cause the patient a lot of discomfort. Itching, swelling, heaviness in the legs are the main signs of such pathologies. If there is constant burning and pain in the limbs, consult a doctor immediately to avoid complications and prevent the development of the disease in time.
Itchy legs with varicose veins indicate advanced disease, but this is not the only symptom that you should pay attention to when vein disease occurs.
Typically, the pathology leads to severe pain in the extremities, the skin changes in appearance (ulcers and nodules form). Let's take a closer look at the reasons why leg veins itch:
The etiology of venous disease combines the following factors:
When varicose veins are detected, every person tries to fight this disease . But before you begin health measures, you need to relieve the itching, which often leads to various complications:
Open wounds that appear after scratching a diseased area of the body are especially dangerous. There is a high probability of infection getting inside the blood vessels, which can cause an abscess, sepsis, and gangrene.
Therefore, itching with varicose veins is a rather dangerous symptom, and the underlying disease must be identified and treated in the early stages of development.
To eliminate such an alarming symptom, contact a phlebologist. After collecting anamnesis and visual examination of the patient, the specialist will prescribe treatment.
The following medications are effective:
Itching due to the formation of varicose veins on the leg: what can be done to relieve such an alarming symptom? In addition to drug treatment, there are other ways to combat this phenomenon. Let's consider alternative ways to relieve itching on the extremities.
Physiotherapy for varicose veins is effective in the early stages of the disease. The most effective physiotherapeutic methods include:
Such healing procedures are designed to improve the patient’s health, relieve itching, burning, and pain in the extremities. Physiotherapy is important for the symptomatic treatment of varicose veins, but it will not help get rid of the disease completely.
Complex treatment of varicose veins includes healing methods of traditional healing. But it is advisable to resort to alternative medicine after the doctor’s recommendations. Most patients ask how to relieve itching with varicose veins at home. There are many effective recipes from traditional healers that will help solve this problem. Below we will consider in detail the most effective of these methods.
A variety of decoctions and tinctures perfectly prevent venous itching in varicose veins, relieve burning sensation, and improve the patient’s health.
A decoction of hop cones is quite effective; it is taken orally, 3 times a day. To prepare the product, add 2 tablespoons of pine cones to a glass of boiling water and then cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Next, the resulting medicine is removed from the stove and filtered. The effect of the decoction depends on the stage of the disease; in the early stages, the medicine helps to quickly relieve itching on the legs.
You can make an excellent tincture from Kalanchoe leaves that relieves itching and improves blood circulation. To make the medicine, you need to finely chop flower petals and add medical alcohol. The resulting product must be stored in a cool place for 10 days, then the tincture is rubbed on the damaged area where it itches.
Compresses made from infusion of birch stoves and honey, which should be applied every day, also help relieve itching. Lotions can be made using freshly squeezed lemon juice. The product is diluted with water (proportion 1:2), then the sore spot on the skin is wiped with cotton wool.
If the veins in the legs are very itchy, every person worries about what to do in such a situation and how to quickly get rid of this phenomenon. Healing baths do an excellent job. You can add a decoction of various medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, plantain) to a bath filled with hot water. You need to take healing baths for 20 minutes a day.
Sore legs should be placed in a bath with hydrogen peroxide; such procedures effectively relieve the symptoms of varicose veins, but you should not proceed to them without the instructions of the attending physician.
Local therapy for varicose veins is based on the use of various healing ointments, creams, and gels. Such medicinal products speed up the removal of itching and prevent the development of the inflammatory process. When the veins in the legs itch, the doctor may prescribe the following types of ointments:
The patient’s menu should include foods rich in vitamins B, C, P; food should contain magnesium, zinc and other microelements important for human life.
It is forbidden to eat salty, fried or fatty foods, or drink sweet carbonated drinks.
Recommended foods include:
Varicose veins are a disease that causes disruption of blood flow, leading to loss of elasticity and changes in the shape of blood vessels. Most often it occurs and occurs most severely in the lower extremities. Varicose veins occur against the background of an inactive lifestyle, sedentary work, excess body weight, and the presence of bad habits. Varicose veins of the lower extremities not only harm health, but also cause life-threatening complications, an aesthetic defect, and provoke daily discomfort. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms: discomfort, itching, swelling, a feeling of heaviness, chronic fatigue in the lower extremities. Itching in the legs with varicose veins is not the first sign of the development of the disease. It occurs at advanced stages of the development of the disease, when “spider veins” appear on the patient’s skin and aneurysm-like local expansions (nodes) have formed.
Varicose veins are an irreversible pathological change in the condition of the veins and a violation of blood flow.
Many patients wonder: why do the veins in the legs itch with this disease, and what to do? The appearance of a burning sensation in the lower extremities with varicose veins is caused by external and internal factors that provoke changes occurring in the blood vessels and tissues affected by the pathological process. The pathology leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the vein walls, causing blood stagnation and blockage of blood vessels. The function of the venous valves in the legs is impaired. The main reasons why a patient experiences itching with varicose veins are as follows:
In combination, such factors initially cause dry skin on the leg, then peeling, redness and a burning sensation. Over time, the skin acquires a dark brown tint. A symptom that is not life-threatening can provoke various unpleasant consequences, so treatment should be started immediately. The burning sensation that occurs in the legs leads to increased nervousness and irritability of a person. The patient is constantly in tension, cannot get enough sleep, or fully relax.
All processes occurring in tissues with varicose veins of the legs collectively lead to itching
With the worsening of varicose veins, itching leads to the appearance of pigmentation, dermatitis, weeping eczema, ulcers, trophic disorders, and long-term non-healing wounds. The occurrence of skin diseases indicates a serious deterioration in the condition of the blood vessels of the lower extremities. Chronic venous insufficiency leads to profound disturbances in metabolic processes at the tissue level, to the development of an inflammatory process, trophic changes in the skin of the legs, thrombophlebitis, and the formation of painful to the touch seals.
Constant itching of the veins in the patient leads to severe scratching and ulcers. Open wounds on the skin of the legs may contain pathogenic bacteria that cause purulent-infectious processes. Gangrene is likely to develop, requiring surgery and amputation of the limb.
You can often hear the question: why do the veins on my hands itch? It is impossible to unequivocally answer that this is due to varicose veins. It is necessary to undergo additional testing for the presence of allergic reactions.
Before you can relieve itching on the skin, you need to undergo a medical examination. With varicose blood vessels, prompt therapeutic measures are required. Since over time, the functionality of the venous valves, the condition of the vessels in the lower extremities will deteriorate, provoking the development of complications dangerous to human health. You can eliminate itching with varicose veins of the legs:
Stagnation of venous blood in the affected veins causes disruption of tissue traffic (nutrition)
The vein in the lower limb will stop itching if treatment measures are carried out correctly. It is possible to simultaneously eliminate the manifestation of other signs of varicose veins, prevent further aggravation of the disease and consequences, and restore the person’s ability to lead a normal lifestyle.
When a vein in the lower limb begins to itch, a person cannot perform professional duties or do ordinary household chores. Constant burning can cause skin infection. Therefore, it is very important to promptly relieve the burning sensation on the skin and itching.
Itching with varicose veins of the legs can be eliminated with the following pharmacological medications:
Antihistamines (cetrin, lomilan, clarotadine, fenistil, troxerutin) – eliminate symptoms of acute itching, prevent the development of edema
To eliminate the provoking factor of discomfort on the skin and improve the condition of the veins, additional therapy for varicose veins is carried out with anticoagulants and antithrombotic drugs. They help prevent the development of varicose dermatitis, thrombus formation, thrombophlebitis and at the same time relieve the symptoms of the disease.
People with varicose veins need to wear special compression garments (tights, stockings, knee socks) every day. It reduces the manifestation of severe itching and eliminates weak itching. Compression knitwear helps to effectively combat varicose veins at the initial stage of development. The fibers exert uniform compression on the lower limbs, restoring tone and elasticity to the blood vessels.
Compression garments for varicose veins
If your legs itch with varicose veins, it is recommended to use traditional medicine in combination with pharmacology. To reduce the symptoms of varicose veins and the sensation of itching on the skin, it is necessary to do contrast baths for the lower extremities in the evening and daytime. Taking a horizontal position, leaving your legs elevated, this improves blood circulation. Infusions and decoctions based on plants that have a therapeutic effect help to effectively eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins. Folk remedies are considered the most effective and useful, as they contain components of exclusively natural origin.
A decoction of hop cones helps to effectively combat discomfort caused by pathological dilatation of blood vessels. Preparation: 2 tbsp. spoons of hop cones are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, put on low heat and boil for 20-25 minutes. Cover the container with the decoction with a lid and place it in a place inaccessible to light, leave for 30 minutes. After time, filter. Take orally 3-4 times a day. The prepared product helps to increase the tone of the veins and increase blood flow. The burning sensation gradually disappears. It is not allowed for people whose work requires increased concentration. The plant has a powerful sedative effect and slows down reactions.
At the stage of varicose veins, when the veins hurt and the legs itch, but there are no open wounds or ulcers, you can defeat the disease using folk methods
The medicinal plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps cleanse wounds of dead tissue, reduces pain, eliminates itching, and reduces blood viscosity. Therapy is carried out with tincture. The crushed leaves of the plant are placed in a glass container (about 0.5 liter jar) and filled with medical alcohol. The container is tightly closed and placed in a cool, dark room for 6-11 days. Then filter. The prepared setting is rubbed into the skin of the legs where it itches, avoiding protruding nodes. The duration of treatment is 3-4 months.
Restores the tone of the venous walls of blood vessels, removes the feeling of itching. 45-55 g of chestnut flowers are poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol, left to infuse for 21 days in a dark, cool place. Then you should strain. Take 25-35 drops orally 3-4 times throughout the day before meals. The course of therapy lasts 30-36 days.
Common horse chestnut
Combine 4-5 ampoules of lidocaine with 50 ml of water (pre-boiled, cooled to room temperature). The resulting solution is applied to problem areas of the skin of the lower extremities in the morning and evening. After 40-60 minutes, wash your feet with warm water and soap. Then treat the sore spot with freshly squeezed lemon juice and wash off after 50 minutes.
In case of acute attacks of varicose veins and for preventive purposes, you should follow a dietary diet. The daily menu should contain foods enriched with magnesium, zinc, and vitamins P, E, C, and D. You need to drink more fluids. Fried, hot, spicy, smoked foods should be excluded from the diet. Do not drink alcohol, sweet foods, or flour. Anti-varicose diet therapy helps reduce body weight.
Often intolerable, severe itching, difficult to treat with conservative and folk methods. Surgery is required.
Varicose veins are removed using the classical method (a skin incision is required) and minimally invasive methods. The method of operation is chosen by the phlebologist depending on the degree of progression of the disease.
Diseases cause a lot of trouble to a person and require careful treatment. Unlike the flu or a sore throat, varicose veins are not easy to get rid of. Ailments can haunt a person for years. Disturbance in the movement of blood through the circulatory system can cause a feeling of discomfort, why the veins in the legs itch with varicose veins or cause pain.
Doctors identify 2 main reasons that cause itchy legs with varicose veins. The first is related to the physiological process of blood circulation. Deformation of the veins leads to disruption of blood flow and provokes the formation of blood clots. As a result, the damaged vein enlarges and protrudes on the skin, blocking normal blood flow to small vessels. Prolonged pressure causes a burning sensation on the skin and therefore varicose veins cause itchy legs.
Another reason for the obsessive itching sensation with varicose veins lies in the composition of the cut itself. Due to impaired movement within the circulatory system, the blood stagnates and accumulates harmful substances.
Carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other compounds are not carried through the vessels to tissues and organs for processing.
They concentrate and have a toxic effect on the skin, causing itching:
If a person has pain in the veins in his arms or itchy legs due to varicose veins, this is not the only possible problem. The appearance of itchy sensations on the skin may be a harbinger of dermatitis, varicose eczema or trophic ulcers. To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to relieve the itching of varicose veins and undergo a course of treatment for the disease.
The decision on how to relieve itching in the legs directly depends on the degree of itching and the person’s lifestyle. Performing daily job duties can be difficult if your feet or hands are itchy. Medicines can relieve the discomfort of varicose veins very quickly or have a gradual effect. You cannot select medications for yourself; this should be done by a qualified doctor.
The following types of medications exist:
"Choledol" is a natural remedy to combat bad cholesterol - the cause of varicose veins! The main active ingredient is amaranth seeds and juice. The plant contains squalene, a component that effectively reduces cholesterol levels. “Choledol” also includes: blueberry juice, clover flowers, native garlic concentrate, rock oil, wild garlic juice. All components of the product effectively reduce cholesterol levels and restore all body systems. The website of the manufacturer "Holidol" is here.
If a person has pain or itching in the veins and skin of the legs, you can resort to the advice of alternative medicine. Healing decoctions and other remedies for varicose veins are used separately or in combination with traditional treatment.
Before starting alternative therapy for varicose veins, you should consult with your doctor!
What to do after itching appears with varicose veins of the legs? Despite the natural desire to scratch an itchy area of skin, you should never do this. Arms and legs do not just itch with varicose veins, the skin is irritated and very vulnerable in this condition. After careless actions, even greater skin irritation and the subsequent appearance of dermatitis, etc. may occur.
Wearing compression stockings for vein disease can alleviate the condition. The accessory is selected after consultation with the attending physician, who determines the required compression class. Different classes differ in the amount of pressure applied to the limbs and are effective at different stages of venous disease. Stockings help normalize blood circulation and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins. Antipruritic compression stockings have a number of contraindications.
Like other products for varicose veins, they should be purchased from official manufacturers who guarantee the quality of their products.
A proper nutrition system occupies a special place in the life of a person suffering from varicose veins. The daily diet should include dishes rich in vitamins C, E and P. It is recommended to eat beef, chicken and pork liver, egg yolks, walnuts, soybeans, beans, onions, any type of cabbage, tomatoes, sweet peppers, fresh parsley , lemons. Doctors also recommend drinking at least 1.5 liters for varicose veins. pure still water.
Varicose veins affect the limbs and can cause severe symptoms. Constant itching in the legs or arms can cause significant damage to the skin and even lead to amputation of the limb. To alleviate the skin condition and carry out effective therapy, you should treat the disease and strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions.
Often, people are in no hurry to treat varicose veins and consider it simply a cosmetic defect. And only when pain and itching appear with varicose veins of the legs do they begin to sound the alarm.
These symptoms are an excellent indicator of advanced disease. When the veins in the lower extremities swell, the skin located directly above the affected vessels is deprived of normal blood supply, which initially provokes peeling of the skin, and later the veins in the legs begin to itch.
Itching in the legs with varicose veins is associated with stagnation of venous blood, which causes blockage of the lumen of the vessel and the formation of blood clots. When the natural anatomical structure changes, a shapeless, weak vein begins to protrude above the skin surface, closing small vessels. They, in turn, also do not have enough space, and burning and itching can develop from continuous tension.
Another reason for the appearance of this symptom is that harmful substances accumulate in the “standing” blood: lactic acid, carbon dioxide, etc., which do not have time to be eliminated from the body in time. An increased concentration of waste above the skin leads to dryness, itching, burning of veins, a feeling of fullness, and subsequently to varicose eczema.
Varicose veins of the lower extremities are sometimes accompanied by the formation of trophic ulcers. Their formation is promoted by itching, since a person cannot refrain from scratching.
Severe scratching is an open wound that, like a magnet, attracts various pathogens that cause more severe and even deadly pathologies.
Ulcer with varicose veins
Eczema with varicose veins
Most often, trophic ulcers form in the supramalleolar region, on the inner surface of the lower leg. Their development may be preceded by dermatitis, combined with painful itching and weeping eczema.
Ulcers can be either single or multiple. They themselves are usually flat, with a smooth bottom and uneven edges. Purulent or serous discharge is observed from the ulcers.
Itching and burning may also be accompanied by acute thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins. In this case, redness and painful seals form along the affected vessel.
As with any other disease with varicose veins, the earlier treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a favorable course of the disease. Because over time, a certain deterioration in the condition of the veins and the development of various complications are inevitable.
Veins form a circulatory network, so damage to one of them cannot but affect the functioning and condition of others. The longer the disease lasts, the pathology affects more and more vessels.
Any specialist will answer the question of how to treat varicose veins only after asking about age, concomitant pathologies, general condition and direction of work activity.
With proper conservative treatment of varicose veins, it is possible to prevent further development of the disease and its complications, reduce itching and other symptoms, which will enable the patient to lead a normal lifestyle.
Of course, constant itching interferes with daily activities and certain duties. If the question arises about how to relieve itchy legs with varicose veins, phlebologists usually prescribe certain groups of medications:
First of all, before starting symptomatic treatment of varicose veins, you should take contrasting foot baths in the evenings or during the day, lie with the end of your foot elevated, lose excess weight, and wear only comfortable shoes.
The anti-varicose diet includes foods such as liver, onions, egg yolks, garlic, walnuts, beans, cabbage, soybeans, tomatoes, bell peppers, parsley, and lemons.
The diet should also include dishes rich in vitamins C, E and P. In this case, canned food, coffee, seasonings, sugar, marinades, alcohol, strong tea, confectionery and smoked meats should be excluded from the daily menu. The drinking regime should be at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
There are several ways to relieve itching using folk remedies. At home, they will help you get rid of this unpleasant symptom:
Often, intolerable itching that is difficult to treat is an indication for surgical intervention. In any case, the appropriateness of any therapy is determined by a phlebologist.
Most patients with varicose veins on the legs complain of itching. The appearance of this condition is explained by impaired blood circulation in the veins. Over time, the itching intensifies and forces a person to scratch his feet until wounds form. This can lead to the development of purulent complications.
Why do the veins on the legs itch with varicose veins? The main reason for this is impaired blood circulation and the skin changes it causes. Due to stagnation of blood in the veins of the legs, microcirculation is disrupted. The skin does not receive enough nutrition and becomes dry and flaky. This causes discomfort in the form of itching.
Intoxication contributes to the development of this condition. Disruption of lymph flow and blood flow leads to the release of carbon dioxide and lactic acid. These substances irritate nerve receptors and cause skin itching.
Very often, itching accompanies the formation of trophic ulcers on the legs. This is a complication of the late stage of varicose veins, when the skin does not receive the necessary nutrition and begins to deteriorate. Another complication accompanied by skin irritation is thrombophlebitis or inflammation of varicose veins.
For whatever reason, itching develops, it must be eliminated. Phlebologists determine how to treat this condition, taking into account the stage of varicose veins and associated diseases.
Untreated itching continues to intensify and leads to mental disorders in humans, the progression of varicose veins, and the development of complications.
The following groups of medications will help relieve itching with varicose veins of the legs:
They are prescribed simultaneously to achieve the greatest effect.
Initially, herbal sedatives are used, which have the easiest and mildest effect. These include:
These medications eliminate irritability and normalize sleep.
To eliminate swelling of the legs, reduce vascular permeability and relieve burning of the skin, antihistamines are prescribed. The most popular of them:
At the same time, the use of topical drugs is indicated. They help soften the skin and reduce irritation. They have a wound-healing effect, eliminate scratches and abrasions:
The use of all these medications is allowed for a long time until a decrease in the severity of itching of the veins on the extremities is achieved. If an allergic reaction or severe side effects occurs, use of the medicine should be discontinued.
A proper diet helps enhance the effect of drug therapy. The diet of a patient suffering from itching of the veins due to varicose veins in the legs should include egg yolk, organ meats, and greens. You should avoid alcohol and strong coffee, preservatives and smoked foods.
To relieve severe itching of the veins in the legs due to varicose veins, phlebologists prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures:
The procedures are carried out in courses of 10-15 approaches. They can reduce varicose veins and relieve itching and burning of the skin on the legs. Physiotherapy procedures are used taking into account contraindications. It is not advisable to do them in the later stages of varicose veins.
When you are concerned about itching due to varicose veins of the legs, experts in traditional methods of treatment will tell you what to do. The following remedies can help alleviate the condition:
In order for your legs to itch less with varicose veins, you must carefully observe personal hygiene, wear clothes and shoes made of natural fabrics, loose fit. A contrast shower has a good effect. Sufficient physical activity is indicated - swimming, race walking, squats, therapeutic exercises. It is important to give up bad habits, especially smoking.
Itching on the legs should be treated only in combination with treatment of the underlying disease, that is, varicose veins. Otherwise, there will be no effect from either medications or folk remedies.
Itching with varicose veins of the legs is a symptom of disease progression. Its appearance indicates the need for more thorough examination and treatment of the person.
Why do the veins in my legs itch, swell and become inflamed? Varicose veins and its consequences cause people a lot of trouble. Heaviness, swelling, pain, ulcers. Patients feel discomfort. Examination and regular treatment will relieve vein pathology. Will help avoid itching and wounds. Traditional medicine tips and physical exercises will strengthen damaged veins and the human body.
Veins in the legs itch most often due to varicose veins and other vascular diseases
Medical statistics show that the veins in the legs become inflamed and itchy during illnesses:
With the diseases listed above, the veins bother and itch. Venous blood passes through the affected vessels with difficulty. It stagnates and provokes tissue necrosis. The skin ceases to be supplied with sufficient blood.
Toxins accumulate in the muscles. The skin changes, becomes red and dry. Itching and sores occur. There is no outflow of blood in the legs, blood seals and clots form in the veins. Over time, they appear as lumps, irritation increases, and the desire to scratch the sore spots appears.
There is a group of people whose veins in the lower extremities become inflamed and itchy:
Itching causes complications and inflammation:
The listed diseases indicate serious inflammation. Open ulcers and wounds cause purulent foci. Gangrene of the legs develops. Therefore, if itching of the veins in the legs is complicated, treatment is recommended.
Constantly scratching your feet leads to unwanted complications that increase irritability.
Constantly scratching your feet leads to negative consequences. Patients do not consider the disease serious, do not pay attention to it, and do not treat it.
The pathology progresses, complications appear:
The occurrence of skin diseases indicates the deplorable state of the blood flow and veins. The patient is prescribed medication.
The drug Warfarin is prescribed for itchy legs to prevent the development of thrombosis
To make a correct diagnosis and find out why the veins on your legs bulge, hurt and itch, consult a medical practitioner. After passing the necessary tests, he will prescribe a course of treatment.
Preparations that eliminate dryness, burning and itching of the skin of the feet are represented by tablets, creams, ointments, tinctures and vitamin complexes:
Remember! Creams and ointments act immediately, but not for long. The tablets have a slow but long-lasting effect. Therefore, rubbing the veins and taking foot baths is prescribed every day. Oral medications – in courses. In spring and autumn for a month.
Regular long walking helps prevent vascular diseases of the legs
To avoid vein disease and prevent inflammation of the skin and itching of the veins in the legs, doctors recommend following the following rules:
Apple cider vinegar helps heal blood vessels
Available recipes will help reduce itching at home. The advantage of which is efficiency and safety:
There are many popular tips and recipes. Use after visiting a doctor, on his recommendation.
Physiotherapy helps reduce pain and itching of the veins in the legs. They prevent the disease from spreading further and increase the body’s internal reserves.
The procedures improve the patient’s well-being and relieve negative symptoms. But it is not always possible to get rid of itchy veins on the legs.
A person with diseased veins should not drink strong coffee
A person with diseased veins is advised to change their diet. Avoid fatty foods, fried and salty foods, alcoholic drinks, canned foods, and mustard. Strong coffee and fruit sparkling water are prohibited.
The menu should consist of foods rich in vitamins P, B, C and containing zinc and magnesium. It is recommended to drink more water, up to one and a half liters per day.
The basis of the food is:
Healthy, proper nutrition is the prevention of many diseases. It also helps with pathology of the veins of the lower extremities.
Lifting on your toes is useful for preventing vein diseases
To prevent itching and disease of the veins in the legs, it is recommended to follow the rules of prevention:
Running strengthens the muscles in your legs. The speed is low. You can exercise at home on a treadmill.
Vigorous knee lifts are a good substitute for running. Standing straight, in place, place your hands on your belt. We lift one leg at a time, then the other. The knee forms a 90 degree angle when lifting.
Lifting on your toes – preventing vein diseases. We stand up straight, feet pressed to the floor. Let's slowly rise to our tiptoes. At the same time, the heel lifts off the floor by three to four centimeters. Then slowly return to the starting position. Do 10-15 times. The exercise is repeated several times a day.
“Bicycle” – exercise replaces cycling. Lie on the floor, raise your legs up. Press your palms to the floor. Move your feet in a circle, simulating cycling. If desired, repeat 3 times for three minutes.
Warm-up for the legs - done with prolonged exercise. Includes squats, bends, swings, rotations. Perform for 2 minutes, several times a day. Accelerates the outflow of venous blood from the legs.
Important to remember! Disease prevention is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and examination.
Itching of the veins in the legs causes a lot of trouble to a person: insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability. In addition, scratching the skin provokes the occurrence of ulcers and open wounds. Through them, infections enter the body. The problem of scratching the veins on the legs leads to further exacerbations.
Watch a video about itching with varicose veins:
At the first symptoms of itching, it is advisable to visit a phlebologist. Follow instructions and recommendations. Get an annual medical examination!
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