Frostbite of the feet is a serious condition that poses a threat to human health, negatively affecting the condition of body tissues, compromising their integrity. As a rule, exposed areas of the body are susceptible to frostbite. In the case of feet, frostbite also occurs due to wearing shoes that do not fit and increased sweating. The first signs of the negative effects of cold do not fully appear immediately, but quickly begin […]
Even the ancient sages of the East were sure that the human body is a very delicate instrument that needs constant tuning. It was on the feet and palms, they believed, that the state of the human body was written. According to the ancient Eastern view, human health depends on the flow of internal energy in the body. This energy travels through 10 meridians, or zones, located on the body and ending […]
How to get rid of bunions on your feet without surgery A bunion on your feet, also known as hallux valgus, is a fairly common disease. Both women and men can suffer from it. The main reasons for the development of the disease are: wearing narrow and uncomfortable shoes, flat feet, excessive stress on the joint, long walking. In the early and middle stages, conservative treatment of a lump on a large […]
How to treat shoes against fungus, and why is disinfection necessary? How to treat shoes against fungus? This question interests many, because these measures are necessary both during the treatment of fungal nail diseases and for the prevention of the disease. The population of cities is growing and with such density as we have today, anyone can become infected with the fungus. Upon arrival home, everyone washes their hands [...]
How to cure atherosclerosis and is it possible? This article will talk about the treatment and prevention of one of the most common systemic diseases - vascular atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, as this disease progresses, it leads to catastrophic consequences, including death. Therefore, prevention from a young age and adequate therapy are so important, so that, if not cure atherosclerosis, then […]
A conspiracy to prevent your feet from hurting Stepanova Why do the heels of your feet hurt? Let's look at 7 main reasons. spells as punishment How to separate from your rival. conspiracy, conspiracy so that the husband always wants and loves, conspiracy of salt for quarrels, gunpowder conspiracy, battle of heroes. Natalya Stepanova's conspiracy against smoking, a conspiracy so that the daughter does not forget her mother, what conspiracies are there for infertility, a conspiracy for […]
Yellow turpentine baths for arthritis and arthrosis Turpentine baths restore blood circulation in tissues, provide oxygen flow to them and help cleanse the body of decay products, as well as eliminate various toxins and poisons. Yellow turpentine baths have primarily a resolving effect. The convenience of yellow baths is that they are also indicated for […]
What to do if your legs swell and hurt Edema of the lower extremities is called a complex cosmetic nuisance, which indicates that a malfunction has occurred in the vital functions of the organs of the human body. Edema is the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the legs. The disease is not difficult to identify. You will need to apply pressure with your fingers on the lower surface of the foot when bending. If, after pressing, a depression appears for a long time and does not disappear, they speak of swelling […]
Why do your legs hurt during menstruation? Menstruation is a normal physiological process that occurs throughout the reproductive age of girls and women. Due to the peculiarities of this process, the sensitivity of the female body changes. Girls for whom menstruation has become a habit are well aware that pain during this period is the norm. However, atypical pain often occurs. For example, your legs hurt when […]
Legs that stretch and hurt from the knee to the foot: finding out the reasons Recently, people have increasingly begun to turn to doctors with complaints of discomfort in the lower extremities. When your legs hurt from the knee to the foot, the reasons can be completely different. This condition is provoked by both normal daily stress on the joint area and a number of diseases or injuries. […]