Elliptical trainer - indications and contraindications for training The elliptical trainer is one of the best modern exercise machines that can replace a fitness club at home. It's great for those who don't have time to exercise regularly outside the home. An elliptical trainer will be especially useful for weight loss. About how this simulator works, are there any contraindications to it [...]
Quick and effective treatment of a trophic ulcer on the leg You must immediately prepare for the fact that treating a trophic ulcer on the leg at home is a long and serious process. Traditional medicines, doctors admit, are often more effective than many pharmaceutical drugs. Many people ask the question: how to quickly cure a trophic ulcer on the leg? Effective treatment includes a complex of various [...]
Swelling of the legs after radiation therapy As a rule, radiation therapy is one of the methods of treating tumor diseases using ionizing radiation. The main goal of radiation therapy is to have the maximum effect on the cancer tumor while minimizing its effect on healthy tissue. Side effects on the skin Mostly the skin reaction to radiation therapy manifests itself as a sunburn, that is […]
Pain in the joints of the fingers when bending With age or under the influence of external factors, irreversible negative processes occur in the joints. This leads to pain, discomfort, numbness, which disrupts the usual rhythm of life. Pain in the joints of the fingers when bending causes the most suffering, since the hands are the main working tool, and the inability of their normal functioning prevents […]
Why does the instep of the foot hurt? If you have ever, while jogging or walking in high heels, literally froze in one place and reflexively pressed your leg because of a strong sharp, as if stinging, convulsive pain in the arch and instep of the leg, then you know firsthand that What is metatarsalgia? Disruption of the natural balance between the metatarsal bones of the foot, which […]
Leeches for varicose veins: everything you need to know The unforgettable Duremar from the children's fairy tale about Pinocchio made his living by selling leeches. Supposedly useful and medicinal. Caught from a dirty pond, the individuals brought income to the fabulous would-be physician, but certainly did not have a healing effect. Because they had nothing in common with real, medicinal leeches. However, Duremar’s “business” was based on good […]
Swelling during pregnancy and how to get rid of it The growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic veins, as well as the large vein on the right side of the body, which receive blood from lower parts of the body. As a result, blood circulation slows down; Pressure from trapped blood promotes water retention in the tissues of the legs and ankles. Sometimes pregnant women have excess […]
Blocked veins in the legs: treatment and prevention blocked veins photo Blocked veins in the legs is a disease that may not make itself felt for a long time. Signals of trouble in the venous blood flow do not cause significant discomfort and are therefore often ignored. The lumen in the vein closes gradually. Unpleasant sensations gradually increase. Therefore, patients rarely seek medical care [...]
You can quickly cure toenail fungus Nail fungus, cracking, peeling, yellowing of nails is a disease of infectious origin, you can become infected with it regardless of your age, gender and status. Toenails are more often susceptible to fungal diseases for various reasons. Curing toenail fungus quickly is not that difficult, thanks to proven medications and […]
What to do if you bruise your toe What does an ordinary person do when he hastily hits the corner of a wall with his toe - either his little finger or his big one? Screams, swears, shakes his injured leg, grabs the bruised place. When the pain subsides a little, he puts on his shoes, despite the discomfort, and goes to work. Surely everyone is familiar with a similar situation, as well as the further actions of a person who has received [...]