Itchy legs: possible causes of itching Itchy skin on the legs is a periodic disease. Most often, burning and irritation bother the patient in the evening. Due to itching in a person, the normal functioning of the nervous system and the appearance of the epidermis are disrupted. It is advisable to contact a qualified specialist immediately after detecting unpleasant symptoms. This will help you quickly get rid of the disease. In this […]
What to do if you bruise your little finger The most unexpected situation can lead to injury to your finger. A bruise of the little finger on the hand is especially common. This is due to its location. People in working professions know more about this injury than others, since their little fingers suffer constantly. Sometimes the treatment can be easy and short-lived, but sometimes even a simple […]
What is arthrosis? Causes, symptoms, treatment In the structure of pathology of the osteoarticular system, osteoarthritis occupies a leading place - it accounts for about 70% of cases. People over 50 most often face this problem, but the initial signs of the disease appear even in young people. This disease has serious medical and social significance, because in many cases it becomes the cause of functional failure [...]
Varicose veins of the esophagus: symptoms and severity, methods of treatment Varicose veins of the esophagus are a disease of the gastrointestinal tract that occurs due to the presence of pathologies of this organ system in a person, as well as against the background of the development of other diseases. Treatment can be medication, surgery and depends on the severity. The prognosis is unfavorable: the disease is incurable and shortens the patient’s life [...]
What you can and cannot eat with gout: menu and diet No. 6 A question that interests almost all patients suffering from gouty arthritis: what can and cannot be eaten with gout? Based on diet No. 6, I have compiled a sample menu for people with gout or prone to it. I hope this information is useful to you. Note […]
Serious causes of pain in the entire left side of the body and limbs It is difficult to explain to relatives or colleagues that the entire left side hurts, without being branded as a malingerer. Even doctors sometimes have to conduct more than one examination to identify the causes. But such symptoms cannot be ignored. After all, simultaneous pain in the left hypochondrium, arm and even leg can be a harbinger […]
Why do my child’s fingers hurt? What should parents do if their child’s fingers hurt? What diseases are diagnosed when a child’s fingers hurt? What prevention should be carried out with a child? Hands are our sensitive instrument, given to us by God to perform even the smallest jobs. At the same time, very often they start very strongly [...]
10 tips for women on how to remove unpleasant foot odor Sweating always causes discomfort in a person. And if we are talking about increased sweating of the feet, then this is not only psychologically constraining and depressing, but can also be a sign of some serious diseases. Let’s look at several options for solving this delicate problem, and also tell you how to remove unpleasant foot odor […]
Diabetes and foot complications. Legs hurt with diabetes - treatment Diabetes very often causes complications in the legs. Leg problems affect 25-35% of all diabetics throughout their lives. And the older the patient, the greater the likelihood of their occurrence. Foot diseases in diabetes cause a lot of trouble for patients and doctors. Legs hurt if you have diabetes - [...]
How to get rid of heavy legs? Pain and heaviness in the legs are familiar to many people. More than 1/3 of the world's population complains of “humming”, “aching” legs, and constant fatigue in the knees and feet. The cause of such symptoms can be either physical overexertion or serious illness. Pain can appear at any time and can be of varying types. Often people […]