A disease such as arthrosis of the joints often leads not only to pain, but also to further disability. The processes that occur in the joint during this disease initially affect only the cartilage. Having lost elasticity, it cracks and becomes thinner. To prevent further development of the disease, during which the joint is exposed due to loss of cartilage and eventually […]
Arthrosis is a chronic inflammatory process that affects the joints of the legs and arms. Arthrosis entails dystrophic-degenerative changes in the morphological structure of the joints. Treatment of pathology is carried out both in a conservative traditional way and at home. An integral element of therapy for the treatment of arthrosis is massage. Its main functions are: absorbent effect; anesthesia; prevention of subsequent development of the degenerative process in the joints of the fingers […]
Why the calves cramp at night: causes and preventive exercises In what cases can the calves cramp? There can be many reasons for the occurrence of such problems, but some of them deserve special mention. Most often, certain diseases of the nervous system or nutritional disorders can cause cramps in the calves at night. In the first case, you cannot do without [...]
Venous edema: a symptom of varicose veins and vascular insufficiency. The appearance of edema is more common in people leading an inactive lifestyle, including work with a forced static body position. The typical localization of congestion is the ankle joint and foot. During intense physical activity, the rate of blood circulation in the vessels is much higher, and therefore the risk of edema is reduced. The occurrence of edema and congestive [...]
When the soft tissues of the body are damaged due to falls or impacts, small blood vessels rupture, leading to the formation of hematomas. This type of injury is called a bruise. In this case, visible damage to the skin, as a rule, is not observed. Children get bruised quite often. Therefore, parents need to know the simplest methods of first aid and be able to treat bruises with folk remedies in order to avoid negative […]
What is testicular varicocele in men and why is it dangerous? Where to go for help? Varicose veins of the penis are a disease associated with impaired patency of the pampiniform (sometimes called “pampiniform”) plexus of testicular vessels. The pathology is quite common, mainly detected in adolescents aged 14-16 years, less often in children under 10 years of age (during a comprehensive medical examination). It can be left-handed, right-handed or [...]
What is arthritis and arthrosis? What is the difference? Arthritis and arthrosis are diseases that are accompanied by damage to the joints. Most people consider these diseases to be similar, as a result of which they are often confused. But in fact, arthritis and arthrosis have significant differences. With arthritis, an inflammatory disease of the entire body occurs, when with arthrosis, the disease affects only […]
Hip Fracture in the Elderly Hip fracture in the elderly is common. This is caused by a violation of the structure of the femur, which is caused by age-related features that increase annually. Among the diseases of the musculoskeletal system that cause fractures, osteoporosis ranks first. Most osteoporotic pathologies occur due to impacts or falls. Sometimes an accident happens at home due to minor bruises while getting up from [...]
Pain relief: what are painkillers for arthritis and arthrosis, effective ointments, tablets and injections Pain is perhaps the most common complaint of a patient with arthritis or arthrosis. It is this that significantly worsens the quality of life of people with such diseases. Fortunately, the pharmaceutical industry comes to the rescue with a large selection of medications that help the doctor achieve adequate pain relief during therapy. Types of painkillers […]
What does polyneuropathy of the lower extremities mean and what are the treatment features? Polyneuropathy of the lower extremities is a common pathology associated with damage to peripheral nerves. The disease is characterized by trophic and vegetative-vascular disorders affecting the lower extremities, manifested by sensory disturbances and flaccid paralysis. The danger of the pathology is that over time its manifestations worsen, problems with movement arise, which affects the ability to work and prevents [...]