The child has a high temperature and his legs hurt. Pain in the legs of a child: causes and how to help. Many parents are faced with the phenomenon of pain in the legs of a child. Naturally, every conscious mother and responsible father will be concerned with the question, what is the reason for this phenomenon? And what to do when a little man complains of pain in his legs. Neurocircular dystonia – [...]
Erysipelas on the leg at the initial stage: how to recognize and how to treat? Erysipelas is an infectious skin disease. If treated incorrectly, it can lead to a number of serious complications. There are many factors that can cause the disease. At the stage of early diagnosis, treatment of erysipelas is easier. An advanced disease develops over time into more complex forms. Erysipelas is a completely curable disease, [...]
A twisted leg hurts, but is not swollen People often rush, do not notice obstacles, stumble, fall, hitting their leg. You can bruise your knee, ankle, or part of your lower leg. Further development is the same: the leg swells, it hurts, swelling begins, other pathologies... It happens that the patient twisted her leg, the leg is not swollen, but it hurts a lot. What to do? Do not panic. Just because a leg isn’t swollen doesn’t mean it won’t […]
Why do women and men's legs swell? A huge number of people suffer from swelling of the legs, which can appear both as a result of various diseases and any mechanical impact. Swelling causes discomfort, a feeling of heaviness and even pain. 8 reasons for the appearance of swelling in the legs Injury to the extremities Sometimes severe swelling appears due to a fall or injury to the lower limb. […]
My neck hurts my fingers are numb Good afternoon, Elena! A year and a half ago, my back and neck hurt badly, I woke up in the morning and could not move my neck, a swelling appeared in the area of the left shoulder blade, I bought diclofenac ointment, ketonal, smeared it on the shoulder blade, applied nanoplast, the pain subsided, but then it appeared even stronger, I I went to the clinic, they made blockades for me, they said […]