Uterine varicose veins: causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment Uterine varicose veins are a pathological change in the physical parameters of the pelvic venous system, leading to partial or complete dysfunction of some sections of the veins in the uterine area. The circulatory system, which supplies all the pelvic organs, including the uterus, consists of the central ovarian and pelvic veins, as well as […]
treatment of joints and spine Diseases Arthrosis Arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis Bursitis Dysplasia Sciatica Myositis Osteomyelitis Osteoporosis Fracture Flat feet Gout Radiculitis Rheumatism Heel spur Scoliosis Joints Knee Shoulder Hip Leg Arm Other joints Spine Spine Osteochondrosis Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Hernia Treatment Exercise pain Operations For pain Other Muscles Ligaments Pain bone below the knee in front It hurts [...]
Fingers become covered with a rash for various reasons. It is very difficult to make a diagnosis on your own; you can only observe the skin and try to understand why the rash appeared, and whether it is protracted or temporary. Do not be afraid to consult a dermatologist, because only an experienced specialist will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment. Initially, try to remember when you discovered the rash, and at what […]
Edema during pregnancy: symptoms, causes, treatment As the volume of blood and amniotic fluid increases, the need for water also increases. The hormone progesterone (the main hormone of pregnant women) slows down the excretion of sodium, which retains water in the body. All you have to do is eat something salty, wash it down with water, and the swelling will immediately remind you of itself. By morning, as a rule, they pass and if this [...]
My toenail fell off Maria Sharapova's heels shocked journalists! In the stolen photos of Sharapova, everyone saw foot fungus! Recently, the entire Internet saw stolen pictures from Maria Sharapova’s phone. The appearance of the tennis player herself did not cause any particular reaction, but the condition of her feet amazed the public! The photo shows an enlarged fragment of a photograph from a closed party, where Sharapova appeared with […]
Shellac on feet. Shellac coating for pedicure In the summer, girls want to look perfect. This applies not only to correctly and appropriately selected wardrobe, but also to manicure and pedicure. That is why shellac on the legs looks especially harmonious in the summer. There are a huge variety of them. Firstly, shellac on your feet lasts longer than a similar coating on your hands. This is related […]
What to do if the skin on your fingers cracks? In our life, we do everything with our hands. Every day our hands are seen by hundreds of people, so they should look decent. But, most often, the appearance of the fingers does not meet the requirements, since the skin is often exposed to various diseases, cold air negatively affects it, as well as […]
Treatment of leg veins with drugs: a list of drugs for varicose veins. What drugs for varicose veins exist in nature to treat pathology? Most people begin to ask this question out loud when they develop certain symptoms that indicate the progression of varicose veins in the legs. Unfortunately, most of them do not know that treating varicose veins on the legs with the help of honey. drugs […]
The leg hurts in the foot area when walking where the bone is. What to do? Our feet are a complex shock-absorbing system of 26 bones that perform a supporting function in a static state and a motor function during walking. When disturbances occur caused by increased stress or injury, then the leg hurts in the area of the foot when walking, where the bone is. The exact location of negative symptoms depends […]
Toenail fungus: how to treat it, the most effective remedies Fungal nail diseases are of an infectious nature. They are caused by pathogenic microorganisms that can adversely affect even the horny tissue of the human body. With a long course of the disease, quite serious consequences can occur, which often require minimally invasive or surgical intervention. That is why treatment should be carried out as early as possible [...]