Actemra is the first and only biological drug that demonstrates superiority over existing standards of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis Text of a scientific article in the specialty "Rheumatology" Abstract of a scientific article in medicine and healthcare, author of a scientific paper - A new drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Actemra (tocilizumab) has demonstrated superiority over the existing standard of therapy (methotrexate): after 6 months of taking the drug, a more significant […]
Rheumatoid arthrosis treatment Symptoms of arthritis of the joints IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for JOINT PAIN, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, recommended by doctors! Read more. Main signs of the disease: Pain when moving the joint, limited mobility, swelling, redness, swelling. Less common symptoms include fever and a joint that feels hot to the touch. Lymph nodes may become enlarged, [...]
Chestnuts and chestnut tincture for joints Chestnuts deserve special attention, because... They have been a medicinal and food resource since ancient times. Our ancestors used chestnuts to survive in sometimes hostile nature. The calorie content of fresh chestnut is greater than, for example, potatoes, and in its dry form its calorie content exceeds the calorie content of grains. So until recently, chestnut was the main […]
Soaring feet for nail fungus Application gives results in soaring feet for nail fungus is the use of special varnishes. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician. However, there are factors that contribute to the appearance of foot fungus: Prolonged wearing of uncomfortable, low-quality shoes made from synthetic materials Prolonged exposure of the skin of the feet to inoculating the fungus on a nutrient medium while barefoot, do not allow the feet of shoes and […]
What to do if your finger breaks With any abscess, parts of the tissue become inflamed, in which a cavity filled with pus is formed due to the ingress of streptococci, staphylococci and other pyogenic microbes. Therefore, in case of any damage to the skin, it is necessary to immediately treat the wounds with antiseptics. But what if the situation is already advanced. What to do if your finger breaks and how to properly treat felon. We will try to answer [...]
How to get rid of edema Swelling is mainly a problem for women, but men also face it. Noticeable swelling not only worsens a person’s appearance, but may also indicate an abnormal rhythm of life or the presence of diseases. Whatever the cause of edema, everyone wants to get rid of it. How to do it right? Edema occurs due to delay […]
Prevention of flat feet in preschool children Flat feet is far from a harmless ailment. Violation of the anatomy of the foot can lead to serious problems with the spine, nervous system, and musculoskeletal system. A child’s foot grows and develops until the age of 7-8 years. Only in adolescence can one say with certainty whether a child has flat feet. From birth, every baby has a flat foot. […]
How to treat arthrosis of the hip joint? Before starting treatment, the doctor must make a correct diagnosis. Before starting treatment for arthrosis, it is necessary to make a comprehensive diagnosis. Only then will targeted, general therapy measures be useful in use. Treatment of hip arthrosis has the following goals: Combating symptoms. Improvement in general condition. Learns to live and fight the disease. There are various treatments [...]
The joints on the legs are swollen, what to do? Why does the ankle hurt and swell? IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for JOINT PAIN, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, recommended by doctors! Read more. Why does the ankle joint become swollen and painful? Only a specialist knows how to treat a damaged area of the body. According to doctors, there are various reasons that can trigger inflammation [...]
Erysipelas of the leg - symptoms, treatment, prevention Erysipelas is an infectious skin disease of a bacterial nature. The main provocateur of its development is hemolytic streptococcus of group A, the action of which leads to severe intoxication and inflamed lesions on the skin. A pathogen such as hemolytic streptococcus can also cause some other diseases - sore throat, for example. However, not all […]