Excruciating nagging pain in the legs is familiar to many people, but not everyone turns to a doctor for help at the first signs of illness. Trying to understand why he pulls his legs, a person looks for information in various sources and often misses valuable time. The same symptoms can indicate a variety of diseases, and sometimes it can be quite difficult to understand the variety of diseases that cause pain in the legs. What to do if your legs are so tight that you can’t stand it? First of all, you should try to understand the reasons that provoke unpleasant symptoms and decide on methods for diagnosing pathological conditions.
Unpleasant sensations in the legs can appear without any connection with diseases. In healthy people, muscle pain may occur after physical activity, be it a walk in the forest or a workout in the gym. The tugging sensation most often occurs in the calf muscle and is felt equally strongly on both legs. A dull, nagging pain may occur along with a crawling sensation and numbness after being in the same position for a long time. No special treatment is required. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to rest your legs, change your body position, and also reduce the load on the calf muscles.
During pregnancy, many expectant mothers notice the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms. The legs usually drag in the evenings, closer to night. Often the situation is complicated by the addition of seizures, which forces the woman to seek help from her doctor. During pregnancy, nagging pain most often appears in the thigh, leg or foot, and these conditions are associated with hormonal changes and increased load on the lower extremities. The muscles and ligaments are not damaged, and the expectant mother does not notice a connection between the pain and the injury. The cause of such symptoms can also be edema, which often develops in women in the second half of pregnancy. Is it necessary to treat this condition while expecting a baby? Only when it is caused by serious pathologies (edema due to gestosis or varicose veins). In other cases, all unpleasant sensations go away on their own after the birth of the child.
Don't self-medicate! Many drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy.
Quite often, alarming symptoms turn out to be manifestations of serious illnesses. The cause may be pathologies of the spine, nervous system, as well as various metabolic disorders. The pain can be both severe and very moderate, and develop in the hips, knees or feet. Let's look at the most common causes leading to pain in the lower extremities.
Bruises, blows, and sprains can trigger the development of the first symptoms. In most cases, the patient notes a connection between the injury and the appearance of muscle pain. The leg pulls, usually on one side, and swelling is noticeable at the site of impact. The pain can be localized in both the hip and knee, depending on where the main blow occurred. If ligaments and muscles are damaged, discomfort persists for several days and leads to a significant limitation of the mobility of the lower extremities.
Accurate diagnosis of the disease is possible at an appointment with a traumatologist. After the examination, the doctor will order an x-ray of the affected limb. If a fracture is detected, the patient is sent for treatment to a surgical hospital. In other cases, it is possible to get by with tight bandaging and providing complete rest to the leg.
Varicose veins are a common cause of nagging pain in the legs. In this situation, insufficiency of the valvular apparatus of the veins develops, resulting in stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. With this disease, the legs pull on both the right and left sides equally strongly. The pain is localized at the back of the calf muscle and often makes itself felt at night, disturbing the patient’s restful sleep. On examination, you can notice small spider veins on the legs and thighs in the initial stages of the disease and clearly protruding veins as the disease progresses. During pregnancy, varicose veins can also become one of the causes of nagging pain in the calf muscles.
What to do if you notice changed veins on your legs? First of all, you should make an appointment with a phlebologist. In most cases, treatment for varicose veins consists of prescribing venotonics - drugs that increase vascular tone. These remedies reduce blood stagnation and effectively relieve pain and heaviness in the legs. In some situations, surgical correction of altered veins may be required.
Do not use medications against varicose veins without a doctor’s prescription!
Spinal diseases can also cause discomfort. Why does the legs drag with osteochondrosis? The thing is that with this pathology, the nerves going to the lower extremities are pinched. Leg pain can be bilateral or localized only on the left or right side. Severe discomfort in the limbs makes itself felt throughout the day and is combined with a distinct stretching of the lower back. Often the pain radiates to the hip or knee and is not associated with fatigue or overexertion. A neurologist treats osteochondrosis. His arsenal includes anti-inflammatory and painkillers, massage and physiotherapy - all in order to alleviate the patient’s condition. Among the folk remedies, belts made of natural wool, wrapped around a damaged lower back, have proven themselves to be effective.
Nagging pain can occur when bone tumors form, both benign and malignant. The pain intensifies at night and is difficult to relieve with conventional anti-inflammatory drugs. Both the right and left limbs are affected equally often. If the discomfort is caused by a malignant neoplasm, the patient complains of general weakness, muscle pain, and a feeling of constant fatigue. Upon examination, enlarged lymph nodes located next to the tumor are determined. Treatment of this condition is carried out by an oncologist and consists of prescribing chemotherapy or radiation therapy. According to indications, surgery is performed to remove the tumor and underlying tissues.
What to do if your leg is pulled in the knee area? First of all, you should make an appointment with a surgeon and take a photo of the affected area. In many cases, pain behind the knee is caused by a Baker's cyst, a formation located in the popliteal fossa. The disease most often occurs in athletes. The pain intensifies with any movement, especially when trying to bend the knee. Treatment of the cyst consists of puncture of the joint, removal of synovial fluid and administration of anti-inflammatory drugs. With timely assistance, the pain behind the knee subsides, swelling subsides, and soon the patient can return to his normal life without restrictions.
When your legs ache, you don’t have to endure it. Timely seeking help gives a chance to identify the cause of discomfort as quickly as possible and provide the necessary treatment. Take care of your feet, do not ignore any pain - and the joy of active movements will not leave you for many years to come.
Very often, pain in the legs is a sign of osteochondrosis. In addition to this disease, there are many others in which the legs pull; the causes of this phenomenon can be very different - diabetes, problems with blood vessels or diseases of the internal secretion organs.
To figure out exactly what problem in the body caused the pain in the legs, the first thing you need to do is consult a therapist. Very often, nagging pain in the leg appears due to:
The essence of these disorders is that blood circulation slows down and metabolism in the body is disrupted. A person cannot independently determine what exactly causes nagging pain in the legs. At first, everything looks just like a symptom of fatigue - pain in the leg appears only before bed with unusual stress, and later this syndrome bothers you every day. There is no need to turn a blind eye to this, because a serious illness may be hidden behind nagging pain.
If such symptoms are not treated, more serious consequences may occur - the skin on the legs will become thinner, and a pattern of blood vessels, the so-called mesh, will appear. And here it’s not far from varicose veins as one of the possible complications. If a person has been experiencing pain in the legs for a long time, ulcers may even develop, due to which the disease will then have to be treated surgically.
The surest way to find out the cause is to contact a vascular surgeon who will scan the veins and arteries. Also, to determine why your legs are pulling, your doctor will order a blood test for glucose and platelet levels.
If we talk about the most common problems, they can be different:
If you have tension in your left leg, this may be a symptom of an intervertebral hernia and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
To determine what's wrong, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray and MRI of the lumbar region. You can independently determine the cause of the pain. To do this, you need to lie on your back and raise your sore leg. If pain appears in the lower back, then you need to treat your back.
Treatment of any pathologies or simply deviations should be prescribed by a doctor. Even if you decide to have a massage for preventive purposes, be sure to consult with a specialist, because incorrect manipulations can only cause harm to pain in the legs. Swimming is very good for such symptoms - it completely relaxes the muscles.
Medicines and ointments are prescribed by a doctor, who may also recommend visiting one of the medical sanatoriums, where you will receive qualified assistance in your area.
Many people choose manual therapy or surgical methods as treatment - it all depends on the complexity of the diagnosis. In any case, before choosing, be sure to consult several specialists and do not rush into a decision. After any therapy, do not forget about physical therapy, which will promote rapid muscle recovery.
Pain in the leg from the hip to the foot can be caused by various diseases. Periodic or constant sensations can occur as a result of traumatic injuries, degenerative changes in the structure of bones and joints, or excessive physical exertion. The causes of leg pain depend on the frequency and distribution. Using them, you can determine what disease caused this condition. This may be intervertebral hernia and disc protrusion, osteochondrosis and scoliosis.
Pulling sensations occur with varicose veins, disturbances in the functioning of nerves, restless legs syndrome, arthrosis of the leg joints and coxarthrosis, osteomyelitis. A common cause of this condition is traumatic or infectious damage to ligaments, muscles and tendons. The pain can be acute or nagging, spreading along the length of the leg, and depends on the degree of the disease.
A nagging pain in the leg is often felt at rest with varicose veins. The pain may extend to the calves, where the veins are particularly prominent. When walking, the pain intensifies and can radiate to the hip or knee. Therefore, if you pull your leg, you should consult a doctor to prevent the development of the disease.
A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of blood in the vessels and veins of the legs. Pain is felt when starting to move. This is commonly called “goosebumps”. The stabbing sensation in the muscles goes away quite quickly as soon as blood circulation returns to normal. Doctors do not consider this phenomenon a disease. But with constantly recurring sensations, stagnation of blood in the tissues of the legs can lead to varicose veins, muscle atrophy and vascular diseases in the legs.
Spinal pathologies in most cases are marked not only by pain in the back, but also in the legs. Statistics call osteochondrosis the most common disease. A defect in the intervertebral discs, their wear and destruction leads to pain in the legs from the hip to the foot.
Osteochondrosis of the spine and joints of the knee and pelvis, as well as accompanying changes in the area of nerve endings, can cause sharp, severe pain from the hip to the foot. Losing their functions, the intervertebral discs pinch the nerves, and the pain can spread to any part of the back and legs. Restriction of movement during severe pain causes inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is associated with osteochondrosis. This creates the feeling that a thin thread is pulling the leg muscles from the buttocks to the foot.
Coxarthrosis of the hip joint
Diseases of the hip and knee joint can cause pain in one specific joint or spread throughout the leg. The pain intensifies with movement and exercise. Osteoarthritis and arthritis are registered in more than a quarter of patient visits with complaints of pain in the legs. More than half of those who applied were women over 40.
Due to the curvature of the spine, the distribution of load on different parts of the skeleton also changes. This can cause your legs to suffer. With exertion, the pain intensifies and can spread from the hip to the foot.
Additional stress on the spine comes from changes in the foot itself. Whether it is flat feet or varus foot, the higher parts of the musculoskeletal system try to compensate for the deformation, working to the limit of their capabilities. And this, in turn, can cause pain in the legs when walking and at rest.
Leg pain accompanies almost all injuries. Regardless of whether the spine or a single joint is damaged, pain can be a constant presence in a person's life. Until the underlying disease is cured.
A disease called restless legs syndrome has an unclear etiology. Doctors are inclined to believe that nagging or stabbing pain during sleep is caused by a number of reasons. Most often, involuntary movements and pain when falling asleep are associated with the work of blood vessels and psychosomatic reasons.
To determine the exact cause of pain and get rid of it, you should not try all possible home treatment methods. Even similar manifestations of leg pain can be caused by completely different reasons. Only a professional can make an accurate diagnosis. Sometimes, identifying the cause requires examination by several doctors.
Modern research methods include clinical blood and urine tests. You can’t do without x-rays and ultrasound examinations. Often, pain in the legs is associated with swelling due to heart failure and kidney pathology. Therefore, treatment should be aimed primarily at correcting the functioning of the diseased organ. Computed tomography is used to determine changes in the spine and joints.
If pain in the legs is only an echo of the underlying disease associated with problems of internal organs and skeleton, then they do not require separate drug treatment. In most cases, it is enough to adjust the load on the legs and change the mode of mobility and rest. Walking in the fresh air, swimming and light physical activity are useful to strengthen the leg muscles. Often, various external ointments and gels with a cooling or warming effect are used to relieve pain in the legs.
Insomnia, a feeling of endless tension, unpleasant sensations, some nerve nodes do not allow the muscles to relax. All these feelings are familiar to each of us. Why nagging pains occur in the lower extremities and how to cope with them are of interest to our site visitors. We decided not to put everything off and turned to the First Moscow State Medical University for advice. Our interlocutor kindly agreed to be Olga Nikolaevna Voskresenskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical University, Head of the Neurological Department of the Clinic of Nervous Diseases named after A. Ya. Kozhevnikov.
Question: Good afternoon, Olga Nikolaevna! Many people complain that after a hard day they feel heavy in their legs, sometimes even during sleep they cannot relax. The calf part causes particular discomfort. Why do my legs pull in my calves at night?
Answer: Hello! In fact, determining the cause of nagging pain in the calf based on symptomatic signs is a very difficult task. For a detailed examination, it is necessary to conduct a clear diagnosis. In my opinion, the cause of concern can be caused by various diseases associated with venous vessels, damage to nerve trunks, pathological abnormalities in the spinal column, as well as other forms of manifestation. In addition, restless legs may be a cause-and-effect relationship with certain abnormalities in the endocrine system, for example, diabetes. In any case, if symptomatic signs make themselves felt for a long time, then it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination.
A common neurological disease that affects large and medium arterial vessels, arising as a result of functional structural changes in protein and lipid metabolism, contributing to circulatory disorders. The appearance of atheromatous plaques in connective tissues is a characteristic feature of the disease, which leads to vascular deformation or complete obstruction (blockage) of blood vessels.
Question: Please tell me what to do if pain in the calves occurs spontaneously, that is, as a result of incorrect positioning of the leg, or due to physical activity, a dull pain is felt. The legs cause particular concern in people with an active lifestyle. What to do if your leg muscles hurt?
Answer: After prolonged physical activity, a person may experience some discomfort associated with poor circulation in the arteries. A familiar condition when after training your legs become weak and your whole body hurts. This is a normal phenomenon; after some time, the blood supply returns to normal and the neuromuscular system begins to function in the same rhythm. It is much worse when muscle tone is not restored for a long time. Blood flow slows down, which can cause the formation of thrombophlebitis.
As a result of venous inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, a blood clot is formed, which violates the integrity of the vascular walls, changes the composition of the blood and, due to the formation of a blood clot, blocks them from passing through.
Question: Olga Nikolaevna, are there any products, tablets or creams that strengthen the calf system? Is it possible that some vitamins or medicinal herbs can cleanse the blood vessels in the legs?
Answer: Treatment of nagging pain in the legs is a complex medical process that requires qualified medical care. Of course, traditional medicine will help improve the condition of the gastrocnemius system. However, I would recommend that if you have pain, you trust the treatment to practicing doctors. Various newfangled alternative medicine recipes can provoke other diseases.
Question: Due to the nature of my work, I often have to move around. After moving for many hours, my legs simply fall off. Often, in addition to the calf part, pain occurs in the knee. Of particular concern are attacks of pain in the popliteal region. Please tell me what are the reasons why the legs are pulled from behind?
Answer: First, you need to check the condition of the popliteal capsule, or bursa. It is possible that the fragile ligaments of the popliteal muscles are damaged. There are a fairly large number of symptomatic signs that cause knee joint disease. These include:
Everything requires a thorough examination. Today there are a sufficient number of highly qualified specialists in the field of neuralgia who are able to provide proper medical care.
Disease of the joints, provoking further inflammation and/or tissue degeneration of the tendons. A diverse range of cause-and-effect relationships for the occurrence of the disease can be caused by an infectious lesion, mechanical damage to the joints, metabolic disorders, rheumatic conditions, severe physical overload and other factors.
Question: Olga Nikolaevna, is there any connection between pain in the legs and chronic diseases?
Answer: Of course, such a connection exists. Patients with vegetative-vascular dysfunctions of the heart and brain are of particular concern. Structural disorders of the central peripheral parts of the autonomic nervous system can affect the venous outflow of blood in the legs and provoke various forms of vascular disease. By the way, with hypertension, that is, high blood pressure, the vessels of the legs are also the most vulnerable place.
Question: Olga Nikolaevna, are there any preventive measures that can prevent pain in the legs?
Answer: Despite the fact that pain in the legs is a consequence of various overloads, I would not recommend focusing on this. Naturally, if there are no special reasons that require medical intervention, then the best prevention of leg pain will be simple physical exercise. For the purpose of therapeutic and preventive measures, we can recommend walks in the fresh air, hardening the body with the help of contrast dousing. Not least important in the prevention of vascular diseases in the legs is proper nutrition. Food products balanced in mineral and vitamin content can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and as a result normalize blood flow in the vessels. In conclusion, I would like to give a little advice: if your feet hurt, get a dog. This will be the best way to maintain your body in healthy muscle tone, in which you will strengthen not only the muscles of your legs, but also your heart.
The vast majority of the population of cities and large cities, both older people and fairly young people, complain of heaviness and pain in their legs. Most often, heaviness in the legs occurs as a result of circulatory disorders and vascular disease in the lower extremities. However, there are other causes of leg pain. Therefore, to determine the causes of leg pain, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and certain studies.
One of the causes of heaviness and pain in the legs is functional disorders in the spine. Pain and heaviness in the legs are usually the main symptoms of various spinal diseases. Pain in the legs due to disorders of the spine can occur at any time of the day and is accompanied by nagging and aching pain in the lower back. The causes of such pain are disorders and pinching of nerve endings as a result of inflammatory or degenerative processes in the spine.
If you experience severe nagging pain in your legs, then you should definitely seek help from a doctor, because... very severe and sharp pain may indicate a serious health problem. You should also remember that painkillers should also be prescribed by your doctor. Proper treatment of leg pain, whether aching or nagging pain in the leg area, begins with an accurate diagnosis. After the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis, drug treatment is prescribed if there is no need for surgical intervention. To prevent severe leg pain, possible complications and other undesirable consequences, it is necessary to use alternative methods of treating the problem. These methods include treatment with drugs using the most advanced technologies. Natural preparations and products with biophotonic spraying from the HuaShen company are gaining popularity. Such products are effective in treating both chronic diseases and problems that are only at the initial stage of their development. Read more about the products on their official website - http://www.huashen-store.biz Such drugs have been used in the treatment of a wide variety of problems, including diseases that cause pain in the legs, for over a decade. This product has proven itself and is used as an additional treatment even for chronic diseases that cause severe nagging pain in the legs.
In addition to problems in the spine, nagging pain in the legs can be caused by diseases such as diabetes, gout, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, as well as rheumatism, diseases of the genitourinary system or poisoning. All these diseases, one way or another, affect metabolic processes in the body. Impaired nutrition and removal of waste from the body can lead to insufficient supply of macro- and microelements, as well as other nutrients in the limbs, which, in turn, signal this deficiency with heaviness and pain. Nagging pain occurs especially often in pregnant women, professional athletes and people whose profession involves heavy physical exertion. If heaviness and pain in the legs are associated with lack of nutrition, then taking vitamin complexes can eliminate them in a short time. To select the correct vitamin complex, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests to determine the content of vitamins and other elements in the body. Most often, legs drag at night as a result of a lack of magnesium in the body. Poisoning of the body with poisons and toxins can lead, due to the presence of infection and a decrease in the functions of a number of organs, to an excess of uric acid and ketone bodies in the muscles of the legs, which, in turn, leads to nagging pain. In such cases, to get rid of pain and discomfort in the legs, it is necessary to conduct tests to determine the amount and type of toxins, and then completely cleanse the body of them using appropriate methods and means.
At night, it is most common for female representatives to experience leg tightening. And, despite the absence of pathological processes in the body and the use of all preventive measures, the pain does not disappear. This is due to mental fatigue. Due to brain fatigue, the brain does not relax completely, so the muscles do not always fully relax during sleep, but are in good shape, which is why the legs drag at night. In order to avoid nagging pain in the legs in such cases. Before going to bed, you need to do special exercises, which allows you to relieve tone and relax your leg muscles. In addition, you need to pay special attention to your emotional state and avoid stressful situations.
Almost all pregnant women sooner or later begin to complain to their doctor about nagging pain and heaviness in their legs. Such pain is associated with the fact that during pregnancy women increase their body weight due to an increase in the weight of the fetus in the womb. This puts additional pressure on a pregnant woman's lower limbs. In the later stages, this can result in swelling of the legs and varicose veins in the legs. To avoid such unpleasant conditions during pregnancy, you must adhere to some rules, namely: eat only fresh and healthy foods, do exercises daily, and do not wear high-heeled shoes. In addition, it is necessary to add to the food a complex of vitamins and healthy supplements recommended by doctors.
Treatment for leg pain can only begin effectively if the doctor has made an accurate diagnosis. The causes of nagging pain in the legs are very diverse; there are more than several dozen problems and diseases that can lead to such a painful symptom as severe pain in the legs, nagging pain in the knee, shin, and foot. If the problem is known, the doctor will usually prescribe a comprehensive treatment based on the severity of the problem. If severe nagging pain appears in the legs, then painkillers will be appropriate for such a problem. In the treatment of chronic diseases that provoke the appearance of pain in the legs, not only medications, but also alternative treatment methods, such as biophoton therapy using structured water, can help. You can read in detail about structured water, the principle of operation of low-molecular water and the device for structuring water, the Huashen mug, here - http://www.huashen-store.biz/kruzhka-dlja-strukturirovanija-vody. Such a device for producing low-molecular structured water helps cleanse the body at the cellular level, promotes the effective removal of toxins from the body.
Pain in the legs, especially if it is constant, is one of the signs of a serious problem developing. And if you do not treat the problem, do not pay attention to the nagging pain in the legs, then the problem may worsen, and the disease may become chronic, which means that the treatment of aching or nagging pain in the legs will become even more difficult, costly and time-consuming. The use of modern treatment methods in conjunction with structured water gives excellent results, especially in cases where the problem is directly related to blood vessels, with the resulting stagnation of blood. In this case, a mug of hua sheng becomes one of the ways to combat the disease, and structured water from a device for producing low molecular weight water gradually and effectively restores blood vessels, helps restore their elasticity and permeability. It helps remove toxins and eliminate all those problems that lead to the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and blood depletion.
Nagging pain by patients is determined by its connection with flexion or extension of the limb, more common, covering the entire surface in front or behind. The nature of the sensations suggests a pathological process along the nerve trunk. Therefore, neurologists are more likely to encounter such manifestations.
If pain in the left or right leg is caused by impaired innervation, then we can assume 3 possible levels of damage:
The most persistent pain is associated with prolapse of a herniated disc of the spinal cord, with a tumor.
All types are accompanied by “long” pains of a pulling, aching or shooting nature from the lower back to the lower leg. It is important for the doctor to determine the differences in these diseases. For this, in addition to the nature of the pain, the location of irradiation in the leg is taken into account.
Nagging pain forces a person to take a forced position. With lumbosacral radiculitis, pain spreads along the posterior outer surface of the thigh and lower leg to the feet. The intensity increases significantly with movement, coughing, sneezing, and defecation. The patient lies in bed with his leg bent.
If the sciatic nerve is damaged, the thigh is rotated outward, and if the femoral nerve is inflamed, it is turned inward.
Trying to turn around, the patient leans on his arms and healthy leg, and in order to sit down, he has to tense the buttock on the healthy side and lean back.
In a standing position, the affected limb is half-bent, and light emphasis is placed on it with the toe. The torso takes the form of an anti-pain protective scoliosis: curvature of the spine to the painful side with inflammation of the sciatic nerve, to the healthy side - with radiculitis (to reduce compression of the root).
It is impossible to work while sitting with radiculitis due to pain
As a differential diagnosis, neurologists use symptoms indicating associated areas of sensitivity disturbance (from anesthesia to tingling), and check muscle tone in the lower back and legs. Tension in the buttocks and calves is also of protective origin.
Damage to the sciatic nerve causes a decrease in the tone of the gluteal muscles, their atrophy, smoothness and drooping of the gluteal fold.
There is a difference in the pain syndrome, depending on the level of damage to the spinal cord roots or prolapse of the hernia. It is shown in the table.
It is difficult to meet a representative of the fair sex who is not familiar with the phrase “they often drag their feet.” Women's legs really require special attention, and caring for them begins with identifying the causes of discomfort and competent medical diagnosis.
It is little consolation to simply accept that this complaint is very common. Owners of a similar problem quite colorfully and skillfully describe similar sensations in the lower extremities. Tingling, numbness, goosebumps, and discomfort associated with a feeling of heaviness in the legs or muscle pain, etc. Similar symptoms are often described by women suffering from osteochondrosis.
Other diseases of the spinal column, blood vessels, and endocrine glands are also possible. Experts consider 90% of the population over 25 years of age to be at risk.
Often these symptoms are concomitant; they indicate the presence of a more serious problem with the blood vessels or endocrine system. Only laboratory tests prescribed by an experienced doctor can eliminate such concerns.
The first thing that most of those who encounter a similar problem complain about is long hours of fatigue, overexertion from a large number of kilometers traveled, uncomfortable shoes or the classic: “on your feet all day.”
Pain is not always an indicator of fatigue or a busy work schedule.
Healthy legs may report fatigue as a result of overexertion in training, professional sports, or walking for many hours (pain in the calf muscle is the most common sensation). This pain is most often described as “twisting” pain.
If you do not belong to the category of people who overexert their legs with sports activities or daily jogging, then you should pay more attention to the factors that cause such symptoms. Possible reasons for such sensations:
The table presents common causes of the sensation of pulling legs in women and the most common diseases that cause such sensations. See the table for symptoms, possible consequences during the progression of the disease, as well as diagnostic options for the most common diseases.
Whatever the cause of the pulling sensation in the legs, you should not self-medicate. After passing the examination and diagnosing the disease, only a doctor has the right to prescribe you the correct, adequate treatment, suitable in your specific case!
After completing all the recommended examinations, you have been diagnosed as “healthy” and no pathological changes in the body have been identified, but the nagging pain in your legs still bothers you? Then the reason is very banal.
Your problem is a psychological state, stress and a request from the brain to go on vacation. A very common and ultra-modern problem not only for women.
The result of systemic lack of sleep, a constant lack of rest and complete relaxation of the body is muscle hypertonicity, the inability to restore strength, which often leads to neurosis or a nervous breakdown. The body seems to be in constant readiness to “go on the offensive” and withstand even more serious loads.
The advice is simple: go in for sports, take time for yourself, think about the beauty and health of not only your legs, but the whole body as a whole. A couple of hours before bed, do some exercises such as:
If a gentle regimen of physical activity, alternating with proper rest, does not help, seek help from a neurologist. He will prescribe comprehensive rehabilitation treatment for you and give appropriate recommendations on the ability to control your own emotions and alternate rest with exercise.
Yoga is a particularly popular remedy. Contact your instructor. A specially designed set of exercises is what you need.