Swelling of the hands after a night's sleep occurs not only from evening overeating or large amounts of water . drunk at night. Sometimes swelling of the hands is a symptom of quite serious diseases. Do not take this as intimidation, but the fact that swelling in your hands appears should make you listen to your body and visit a doctor.
Swelling on the hand can be a result of injury (scratches, bruises, cuts). Bacteria immediately begin to multiply on the wound surface, which leads to suppuration of the wound.
Morning hand swelling may be the result of an allergic reaction to chemicals in cleaning products . The cause of hand swelling may be a cream applied to the skin of the hands at night.
Sometimes swelling is a side effect of certain medications . for example, antihypertensives. In this case, you should adjust the dose or change the drug altogether, but this must be done by your doctor.
Swelling of the hands, as well as swelling of the eyelids in the morning, can be a sign of improper liver function. Damaged liver cells cannot cope with large amounts of toxins and remove them from the body.
Various pathological conditions of the heart and blood vessels can also cause morning swelling of the arms, and in the evening fluid accumulates in the legs. This is especially often noticed by women who, by the evening, can barely take off their shoes from their swollen feet.
Kidney diseases are often accompanied by swelling. Moreover, not only your hands swell, bags appear under your eyes after sleep, your face looks wrinkled in the morning.
Painful swelling of the fingers may indicate incipient arthritis or rheumatism. In this case, swelling lasts up to 6 weeks.
With lung diseases, the outflow of lymph is often disrupted. If you have swollen hands and enlarged axillary lymph nodes, you need to check your lungs. It is advisable for women to visit a mammologist who examines the mammary glands.
Swelling of the hands in the morning can be caused by obesity, usual lack of sleep and fatigue, nervous disorders, alcohol and cigarette abuse. This symptom is often observed in pregnant women and people suffering from hormonal imbalances.
Sometimes even an experienced doctor finds it difficult to name the cause of edema without conducting a laboratory examination. If you notice the regular appearance of swelling in your hands in the morning, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid more serious troubles with your health.
Why do my arms and legs swell? This question often arises for many people. Fluid accumulation can occur in any part of the body: on the face, legs, arms or neck. Swelling of the arms and legs often occurs for completely harmless reasons: due to uncomfortable shoes, sleeping position, or drinking too much water. A common cause of swelling is the body's reaction to a certain product. Often the limbs swell in the morning, after sleep or in the heat. Today we propose to study the causes of swelling of the arms and legs in more detail.
The most common cause of swollen hands is drinking too much water before bed. In addition, the amount of alcohol eaten at dinner and the amount of alcohol consumed influences this reaction of the body. In these cases, swelling in the hands usually goes away within a few hours of sleep. There are often cases when swelling in women persists constantly and does not go away for a long time.
This may indicate the presence of serious diseases or an exacerbation of a long-forgotten disease. There are types of edema that cannot be relieved without taking medications. Women's hands often swell during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, almost before giving birth.
This occurs due to bacteria entering the upper layers of the skin through small wounds and abrasions on its surface. If such an infection occurs, the tumor site is very painful when pressed, and the body temperature can rise to 38-40 ° C.
This happens rarely and indicates a weakening of the protective functions of the woman’s body or a previous injury. If treatment is not started in time, the swelling may spread further through the soft tissues. There are a number of other reasons that cause swelling in the hands, these include:
If in the morning, in addition to swollen hands, you see swollen eyelids in the mirror, then this may be a signal from the body that the liver and kidneys are not functioning properly, which cannot cope with removing harmful substances and excess fluid from the body. Often, at the beginning of the development of rheumatism and arthritis, the joints and hands swell, and pain occurs when touching them. In this case, swelling can last up to 6-8 weeks.
If swelling of the hands in the morning is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, then there is a high probability of lung disease when the outflow of lymph is disrupted. With such symptoms, the woman is sent for examination to a mammologist to exclude the possibility of breast cancer.
For obese, overweight people suffering from chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, swelling of the hands in the morning is a common problem. Women during pregnancy may also experience swollen hands due to hormonal changes.
Legs become swollen for various reasons. Short-term swelling can occur after contact with an allergen or when exposed to unfavorable conditions. So why do your feet swell? Possible reasons:
If the swelling does not go away for a long time, occurs regularly, and the person cannot determine at what point this occurs, then the tumor may be a symptom of certain diseases.
The appearance of edema is often attributed to excess water in the body. The problem can be solved by reducing its consumption, however, dehydration is fraught with new troubles. The causes of swelling of the legs and arms may not be so harmless and can be caused by various pathologies. They differ in the time of occurrence, area of distribution, speed of manifestation, and degree of damage. Only a good specialist is able to correctly diagnose and cope with an unpleasant phenomenon.
The appearance of edema is often associated with diseases of the internal organs. The mechanism of their occurrence is explained by the accumulation of a special lymphatic fluid in the tissues, which increases the permeability of the capillaries and the pressure in them.
Common causes of swelling of the hands and feet:
Swelling of the hands complements the overall picture, but in isolation it is a rather rare phenomenon, which may be associated with heavy loads on the wrist or an uncomfortable position during sleep.
When the underlying disease is treated, swelling also disappears. For edema, it is recommended to limit the consumption of salt (up to 8 g), liquid (up to 1 liter per day), refuse provoking foods and take diuretics, which should not be abused. As preventive measures, it is recommended to engage in swimming, gymnastic exercises, and walking.
The means used are:
It is generally accepted that swelling of the legs is a pathology of tired people. The question arises, why do my legs swell in the morning? If you notice a violation, you should not take it lightly. The phenomenon can illustrate the development of a mass of hidden pathological processes. Finding out the reason that affected your health becomes task number one.
If you notice slight swelling of your feet in the morning, you should analyze your own diet and routine of the past day. Did you drink alcohol or was it due to overwork? Perhaps the answer is in the details.
Before drawing conclusions, try to critically evaluate the signs of a possible health problem. Edema initially occurs from a violation of the body's water exchange process. It remains to be seen what can provoke pathological changes.
The legs are the end point of fluid flow. Swollen feet in the morning means:
After considering possible causes, conclusions can be drawn. If none of the reasons fit the situation, you should worry about more serious violations.
Swollen legs in the morning are a consequence of inflammatory processes in the joints. The structure of the leg is divided into several key components:
After inflammation of any membrane or joint, swelling of the legs occurs. The small joints in the bones of the foot receive daily stress. The reasons why the lower extremities around the foot become swollen in the morning indicate swelling of the components.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints, causing the surrounding tissue to swell. Such a reaction warns of the onset of serious problems with the functioning of the foot. An accurate diagnosis is made after examination by a doctor and passing a series of tests. Doctors recommend seeking advice in a timely manner; the disease is difficult to diagnose independently.
Swelling of the legs in the morning can indicate pathological processes during the rest period. Another joint disease concerns the large joints of the leg. The cause of the ongoing processes is hidden in rheumatoid arthritis.
The inflammatory process occurs in the large joints of the leg. During the course of the disease, patients experience ailments:
At rest, the affected tissues swell more, increasing the size of the affected area. It is difficult for a person to make movements after sleep or rest. There is a clear sign of the first dysfunction of the large articulated parts of the leg. Timely proper treatment will relieve negative consequences.
The hip joint is very vulnerable in the human body. It experiences a lot of stress; after long hard work, this part of the leg affects the condition of the surrounding tissues and blood vessels.
Vulnerable nervous tissue can provoke the reasons why tissues swell in the morning. Damage to osteochondrosis simultaneously affects several important areas of providing nervous activity to the legs:
Swelling in the morning illustrates a violation of vascular tone. Under the influence of a developing disease, the vascular system does not fully perform its natural task; water is retained in the tissues. Extensive swelling occurs.
Despite the manifestations in the form of pain and fluid accumulation, only a doctor can establish the exact picture of the lesion. Based on laboratory tests, the doctor will make an accurate conclusion on which individual treatment is based.
The skin is responsible for many processes in the exchange of the inner layers of muscles and ligaments with the environment. After the skin is damaged by infectious diseases, various systems begin to malfunction. It is expressed in swelling of the feet.
Foot fungus becomes a common infection. Swelling of the legs after rest is a consequence of vascular damage and inflammation of the subcutaneous tissues. Inflamed pores do not remove moisture in full, leading to the accumulation of fluids.
The feet are considered a point of profuse sweating, revealing the cause of frequent infections. Since the skin is constantly hydrated, this creates favorable conditions for pathogenic environments.
Edema is not the only sign of such a disorder; the following are additionally taken into account:
It is possible to do certain disinfectant procedures or take antibiotics. It is better to resort to these measures after consulting a doctor.
The swelling of tissues that occurs in the morning can show a reaction to irritants of the immune system. If quite a long time passes from the moment of strong tension in the leg area, the swelling that occurs can indicate causes of an allergic nature.
Most allergic reactions affect a number of systems simultaneously. The body's metabolic processes are vulnerable to damage. Fluid stagnation primarily affects the legs.
Additional warning signs include:
The resting state can manifest many processes, illustrating why limbs swell. Only after a lengthy examination will it be possible to say for sure that the cause of the disorder was an allergy. Because the presentation is so common, it is difficult to draw immediate conclusions.
Damage to the vascular system can provoke swelling of the legs, especially after sleep. One of the lesions is the formation of cholesterol plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels. This reason leads to swelling of the leg after rest.
The medical name of the disease is vascular thrombosis. This is an extensive lesion of the inner surface of the walls of the circulatory system; as the disease progresses, many changes occur:
This is why the lower limbs swell after sleep. The removal of fluid is difficult, stagnation and accumulation of decay products appear. The situation that has arisen does not allow the body to get rid of toxic substances, causing water retention.
To avoid further surgical intervention, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment in the early stages of the disease. Doctors will be able to provide timely assistance after conducting a series of tests.
The causes of swollen legs after prolonged sleep lie in the injuries received. If the injury is minor, the pain goes away quickly. This does not mean complete elimination of the disorder; inflammatory processes at the site of injury provoke tissue swelling.
Feet swell under certain circumstances:
Having discovered swelling, you should analyze the situations of the previous day, determining the cause of the injury. It is possible to apply compresses to relieve swelling. It is worth consulting a doctor to find out the cause of the swelling.
Lymphatic currents are the body’s filter. Thanks to lymph, every part of the body is freed from accumulated metabolic products and breakdown of substances. Swelling of the legs after resting in the morning will serve as a clue as to why the failure occurred.
Impaired lymph exchange is a common cause that illustrates why legs swell. The accumulated fluid contains many pathogenic substances that can provoke inflammation of tissues and blood vessels.
Damage to the lymph nodes is often caused by:
Neurological causes can reveal the source of the lesion, manifesting itself as swelling of the legs after sleep. Uneven communication of nerve fibers affects communication between areas of organ systems. There is a violation of tone in the vascular tissue.
Impaired regulation of movement and sensitivity provokes swelling. Legs swell unevenly. The answer to the question of why the damage occurred will be:
If after sleep you notice the appearance of puffiness in your legs, this can provoke kidney failure. Such swelling occurs after rest and goes away quite quickly. Violation of fluid exchange leads to their retention in tissues. This is the answer to why legs swell after a period of prolonged rest.
Treatment of swelling in the foot area often requires the intervention of a specialist, the main thing is that it is timely.
Swelling is a consequence of excess fluid accumulation in the human body. The location of such a cluster can be anywhere or throughout the body. The causes of this condition are varied, but the most common is swelling of the feet.
Often the cause of swelling of one or both feet can be a serious illness, but it can also be simple overexertion. In this case, a timely visit to a doctor will help resolve the issue. The main thing is to learn to differentiate edema from simple compaction, and their frequency also matters, whether they occur constantly or during a certain period of time. It’s not difficult to check for edema; just press on it with your finger and if a hole remains within about 30 seconds after pressing, then it’s definitely edema.
Swelling in the feet can be permanent or temporary, it all depends on the reasons that led to them.
Temporary swelling of the foot occurs after short-term exposure to an adverse factor or allergen. Treatment of this type of edema comes down to eliminating the factors that led to it. So, the reasons can be varied.
Constant swelling does not go away for a long time and the person cannot clarify why it appeared. The most common causes are severe and chronic diseases. In this case, you should not hesitate, but immediately consult a doctor.
Pregnancy can be exactly the condition that causes swelling of the feet. All the reasons boil down to the fact that more blood is produced, which is necessary for the normal growth and development of the child, as well as compression of the pelvic veins by the pregnant uterus. Thus, as the right or left common iliac veins are compressed, the outflow of blood is disrupted, possibly causing bilateral compression. Excess water in a pregnant woman’s body can cause swelling not only in the feet, but also in the upper body.
Varicose veins can also cause swelling of the feet during pregnancy. In this case, compression garments will help, which should also reach the upper part of the leg.
Treatment of swelling of the feet comes down to eliminating the causes that caused them. In some cases, you will need to do special exercises and lifestyle changes. But there are conditions when treatment comes down to surgery.
As you can see, there are many causes of foot swelling and each specific case will require its own treatment. The main mechanism of their formation is blood stagnation, due to which the elimination of fluid is disrupted. This mechanism also works in the upper leg or torso. After a comprehensive examination, your doctor will tell you what to do in each specific case. The main thing is to follow all his instructions on time and consistently, and the swelling of the feet will go away on its own.
Your legs often swell in the morning; only a doctor can determine why this happens. This is a very common condition that can be a symptom of various diseases or signal an unhealthy lifestyle.
The principle of swelling formation is the process of penetration of physiological fluid into the intercellular space.
Depending on the specific causes, swelling has a different nature and degree of course, location, and the therapeutic course of treatment also differs:
If your legs swell in the morning, pain, redness and other symptoms occur regularly, you should not self-medicate - you need to consult a specialist, perhaps this is a sign of a serious illness.
Often representatives of the fair sex suffer because their legs swell in the morning. In addition to the main reasons causing swelling of the extremities, in women this condition can be caused by the following factors:
In the stronger sex, there are a number of physiological factors that cause swelling:
Regardless of the characteristics of the body during physiological edema, the main recommendations of doctors boil down to following the following instructions:
Important! If the swelling is accompanied by severe pain and tightness, you should urgently consult a doctor, these symptoms indicate an inflammatory process.
But that’s not all, a set of measures is needed, including the use of folk recipes, diuretics, performing therapeutic exercises, and much more.
To cope with swelling of the legs in the morning, various diuretics are used, for example:
Many doctors recommend using potassium-sparing medications that will help eliminate swelling in the legs in the morning:
They performed well in heart diseases. The course of treatment and dosage is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the severity of the swelling.
Do not use diuretics if swelling is caused by kidney disease during pregnancy.
The following external preparations are widely used in the treatment of swelling of the legs in the morning:
As additional, effective means to eliminate swelling of the legs, it is recommended to use traditional methods of treatment:
If your legs are swollen in the morning, performing a special set of exercises will allow you to prevent swelling in time and effectively treat it:
It is necessary to understand that diet is not the last thing in the complex of therapeutic measures. Regardless of what preceded the causes of swelling of the legs in the morning, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible from the diet:
Doctors often prescribe a special fasting diet that helps get rid of harmful substances, toxins and establish a balance in the body.
Swollen lower limbs are not always a safe symptom; it requires timely diagnosis and treatment.
Are your feet swollen? You don't even know what can be done about this problem? You are not alone with this problem. Unfortunately, today, swelling of the feet is a fairly common problem that needs and can be dealt with. It is important to know the cause of swelling of the feet and then it will be much easier for you to eliminate its consequences and symptoms. For example, women's feet may swell during pregnancy (and you can't do anything about this symptom until the baby is born). Increased swelling of the lower extremities accompanies some girls during menstruation (premenstrual syndrome, known to everyone), with hormonal disorders and, accordingly, during treatment with hormonal drugs. Also, elderly people quite often complain of swelling of the feet - in this case the reason is wear and tear of the bone mass.
Oddly enough, the feet, and lower limbs in general, swell in those people who literally make a living from them. We are talking about sellers, loaders, hairdressers, couriers, postmen, etc. Increased swelling of the feet is directly related to the fact that a person stands on his feet for a long period of time, as a result of which blood cannot circulate normally through the legs (which leads to a rush of fluid to the bottom). To eliminate swelling of the feet in this case, you need to keep your legs in an elevated position for as long as possible after work. For example, you can lie on the sofa and place several pillows under your feet, or lean your elbows on the wall.
So why can a person’s feet swell so much? Let's look at the most common causes of this phenomenon. The first reason is a violation of the outflow of fluid in the human body. Further, doctors identify such causes of the pathological course as:
Of course, the above is not a complete list of all possible causes of swelling of the feet. At home, it will be quite difficult for you to establish the true cause of the pathology. No matter how much you delay, you will have to contact a surgeon, therapist and traumatologist to eliminate the cause and appropriately diagnose the body.
How can you cure swelling of the feet? What methods can be used at home to make you feel better (at least until you can see a doctor).
Below are proven ways to get rid of swollen feet:
You can purchase the herbs listed above at any pharmacy and brew according to the instructions. The course of treatment lasts until you feel better and the swelling of the legs completely disappears.
When your feet become swollen, it is also recommended to drink plenty of water. This advice may seem illogical, because the cause of edema is precisely excess fluid in the body. But the fact is that the water that enters the body from the outside will help get rid of toxins and waste that accumulate with edema.
If your swollen feet are not due to injury, you can try light exercise to reduce the swelling. For example, yoga, cycling, and swimming are great ways to increase blood circulation. This should ultimately reduce the feeling of discomfort.
Listed below are the most effective ointments for eliminating swollen feet. But it’s still worth clarifying again - using ointments, creams, gels for swelling of the feet and lower extremities, you are only eliminating a symptom of a disease. That is, you can temporarily make yourself feel better, but later you will still need to contact specialists for diagnostics.
It is not recommended to use heparin ointment for women during pregnancy.
When our feet hurt after a hard day at work or after wearing uncomfortable shoes, it seems quite familiar and understandable to us, but what should we do if pain in the feet appears in the morning, after rest? It turns out that there are many reasons for the occurrence of such pain and almost always the patient requires qualified medical care.
In children, the causes of pain in the feet in the morning can be completely different:
If leg pain appears regularly and is not associated with increased physical activity, you should consult your doctor to rule out unpleasant diseases such as arthritis, fasciitis or osteoporosis.
And if the examination does not reveal any pathologies or before consulting a doctor, it is recommended:
If pain in the legs is caused by active growth in children, it is necessary to reconsider the child’s diet and explain to him that nothing bad is happening.
Almost every person's feet swell easily and almost imperceptibly in the evening. It just so happens that the planet, attracting us to itself, also attracts liquid to our feet. However, if swelling is noticeable, then you should pay attention to it and find the cause. Foot swelling can try to prevent us from doing a lot of things.
Almost everyone's feet swell in the evening and almost unnoticed. This is not a reason to worry. But if swelling of the foot is noticeable, it’s worth thinking about. There are many reasons for leg swelling. Often the cause of swelling of the legs is venous diseases (chronic or acute thrombophlebitis, varicose veins of the saphenous veins, phlebothrombosis); swelling can also be caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues as a result of heart failure. With serious lung diseases, the heart also cannot work effectively, the blood stagnates, venous pressure increases, which leads to edema. Often, swelling can be caused by kidney and even liver diseases. In liver diseases, fluid usually first accumulates in the abdomen (ascites), and later swelling appears in the legs. Swelling is also possible with mechanical damage to the foot - a dislocation, for example.
However, whatever the reason, it is difficult for us to find out without the help of a specialist. Therefore, postponing going to the doctor is the last thing you should do if you have foot swelling. However, we ourselves can take some measures.
Some tips on how to reduce leg swelling:
What not to do for foot swelling:
The size of the swelling actually depends on the damage. Thus, when the bones of the ankle joint are fractured, the leg swells less than when the ligaments are sprained. A sprained or torn ligament is often accompanied by bleeding into the surrounding tissue, causing the skin in the area to turn blue-black. Treatment for any injury should begin immediately - ensure that the foot is immobile and apply ice. For mild ligament damage, this is sufficient. However, if there is no improvement after 1-2 days, you should see a doctor.
There are several rules to remember when dealing with foot swelling associated with sprains, fractures and dislocations:
It’s worth taking care of your feet, because they are our support!