How to watch stereo images? You look at the drawing, but your vision is focused not on the drawing itself, but on a point located behind the drawing.
By “adjusting” your view, you will see a “hidden” three-dimensional image in these pictures. Under each picture is written the answer, which can be seen by highlighting the text.
Answer: three circles (Eulerian circles)
Answer: there is a month and stars in the sky
Answer: a ring and two dolphins
Answer: teapot and cup
And in these pictures you will not see anything new, but the image will become three-dimensional!
Within a week to the specified email address
You will receive a letter with your LOGIN and Individual Participant Code, which you will use to send solutions.
You need to fill out and upload to the website an APPLICATION for admission to the circle.
What science could be more noble, more delightful, more useful to humanity than mathematics? Franklin
In mathematics there are no symbols for unclear thoughts. Henri Poincaré
The prosperity and perfection of mathematics are closely related to the well-being of the state. Napoleon
Education is what remains when you forget everything you learned in school. Albert Einstein
In mathematics, it is not the formulas that should be remembered, but the processes of thinking. V. P. Ermakov
Mathematics is a collection of conclusions that can be applied to anything. Bertrand Russell
You can't be a real mathematician without being a little poet. Karl Weierstrass
You can't learn math by watching your neighbor do it! A. Niven
Opportunity lurks amid difficulties and problems. Albert Einstein
Mathematicians are like the French: whatever you say, they will translate it into their own language. The result will be the opposite. Goethe
Once you show that something is impossible, a mathematician will be found who will do it. W. W. Sawyer
Everyone should be able to think consistently, judge with evidence, and refute incorrect conclusions: a physicist and a poet, a tractor driver and a chemist. E. Kolman
Mathematics is one of those sciences that are clear in themselves. K. Jacobi
There is an amazing opportunity to master a subject mathematically without understanding the essence of the matter. Albert Einstein
When solving a problem, a bad plan is often useful: it can lead to a better plan. D. Polya
Mathematics is the science of ingenious operations performed according to specially developed rules on specially invented concepts. It is clear that a particularly important role in this is given to the invention of new concepts. The supply of interesting theorems in mathematics would quickly be exhausted if they had to be formulated only using the concepts contained in the axioms. Eugene Paul Wigner
Since mathematicians took up the Theory of Relativity, I myself have ceased to understand it. A. Einstein
It is easier to find the squaring of a circle than to outsmart a mathematician. Augustus de Morgan
I could not understand the content of your article, since it was not animated by X's and Y's. W. Thomson (Lord Kelvin)
The famous Polish mathematician Hugo Steinhaus jokingly claims that there is a law that is formulated as follows: a mathematician will do it better. Namely, if you entrust two people, one of whom is a mathematician, to perform any work unfamiliar to them, then the result will always be the following: the mathematician will do it better.
Geometry is the art of reasoning well from poorly executed drawings. Nils G. Abel
The art of solving geometric problems is somewhat reminiscent of the tricks of illusionists - sometimes, even knowing the solution to a problem, it is difficult to understand how one could come up with it. I. D. Novikov
The subject of mathematics is such a serious subject that it is good to take every opportunity to make it a little entertaining. B. Pascal
Mathematics yields its fortresses only to the strong and brave. A.P. Konforovich
Solving a difficult mathematical problem can be compared to taking a fortress. N.Ya. Vilenkin
Thought is the key to all treasures. O.Balzac
The success of science is a matter of time and courage of mind. Voltaire
The registration procedure for the correspondence club has changed slightly compared to last year.
You can send solutions immediately after you receive a letter with your login and individual code.
You must send us a completed application within two weeks after receiving your login and code.
When filling out an application, the date, signature and transcript of the signature must be done manually , everything else can be filled out electronically.
Starts at 12:00, ends at 12:30 (MSK).
The conditions of the tasks will be posted at 11:55 (so that those interested can print them).
During the blitz competition the following will work:
We recommend saving all links in advance.
The correspondence club now has a VKontakte group
Upcoming events of the Europe Kids club:
We recommend it to everyone who plans to enroll in mathematics schools!
Service "My statistics"
Now participants of the correspondence club can see not only their overall results, but also their progress on individual topics ! Especially for the correspondence club, a new additional service “My Statistics” has been created on the EuroPa-Kids website!
Statistics will be updated as new episodes are reviewed, allowing you to monitor changes throughout the school year.
The results of the Olympiad have been published on the Open Olympiad website.
Congratulations to the winners and runners-up!
This year we plan to issue certificates not only for participation in events, but also simply for participation in a correspondence club. Please note: at the end of the school year, everyone who took part in at least 20 episodes ! (Taking part means scoring at least 1 point for the entire series.)
09/05/17 Registration for the correspondence club for the 2016-17 academic year is open ! Old codes are not saved, all participants need to register again (according to the class in which you will study this year). The registration procedure has changed slightly compared to the previous year - read the details.
Otherwise, the correspondence club operates as before. We welcome our regular participants and are happy to meet newcomers!
Biology, etc. The article presents the chemistry club program for 8th and 9th grades. Work program 2nd grade art. Estimate for additional hours that form the profile of the class. Vsevolod Chugreev 12 2nd grade. Chemistry instruction begins in 8th grade and students initially. It is aimed at students in grades 5–7, that is, of that age.2 Distinguish physical phenomena from chemical ones.
Admissions, tasks of entrance olympiads. Information for applicants: work of the admissions committee, exams, documents, preparatory classes. However, by the beginning of studying chemistry in the 8th grade, cognitive interests. Chemistry club program. Chemistry club for beginners.5 6th grade 11 13 years old. Chemistry biology geography clubs. The course of study lasts 2 years. Preferably. The work of the circle consists of lectures and seminars on zoology, botany, ecology, excursions.
2.1.1. Latyshova Anastasia Vyacheslavovna. Chemistry teacher. The work program is designed for 68 hours, 2 hours per week. Chemistry course 8-9 and an increased number of sick children. It is advisable to conduct this course in the second half of the year, 2 hours a week, 34 hours. Classes are designed to be held 2 times a week for 1 hour, a total of 68 lessons per session. About the educational life of the lyceum, conditions.
Sunday trips to the forest 2 times a month and expeditions during the holidays, including two months of summer field practice. The created image can be used. The annual course of the program is designed for 70 hours, 1 lesson of 2 hours per week. Students can use the knowledge gained from studying this course to visualize scientific and applied research in various fields of knowledge: physics, chemistry, etc.
Work. Reading reports and abstracts.2. Conducting games and competitions among students in grades 7-8 by members of the circle.2. Environmental problems of clean water. Table salt. Review of the most important classes of compounds used by humans. Summing up the results of the circle lessons. General information, educational system, teachers, projects. Review of the most important classes of compounds used by humans.4.
Teacher of chemistry, biology and ecology Yu. I. Petrova Conducts intensive lessons and skillfully uses different forms of explanation of new material. Academic year Number 1st place 2nd place 3rd place Place in the region. Lessons in 2nd grade. Do you know where you can look up lesson notes on entertaining mathematics, preferably 2nd grade. During the training, 2 competitions are held with cross-checking and full analysis of the completed ones.
work program for chemistry class 9th grade
chemistry club young chemist
chemistry circle work plan
entertaining chemistry program
chemistry club 11th grade
chemistry club program 8th grade
chemistry club for junior schoolchildren
Computer literacy: Computer science club program in elementary school. Download the book for free without registration online in electronic form.
Information about the work of the circle in 2015–2016!/Tkinter. On September 15, 2015, a programming club began operating again at school No. 179. A manual for an elective in computer science for grades 4-5. I suggest you consider the computer science club program. I hope she is for you. Computer science club program for primary school students “Creative design in the PervoLogo multimedia environment.” Volkov Yuri.
Computer science club program for primary school students “Creative design in the PervoLogo multimedia environment.” The universal educational computer environment PervoLogo was developed by the Russian Institute of New Educational Technologies together with the Canadian company Logo Computer Systems Inc. The program integrates graphics, programming, animation, sounds and allows for a project-based approach to classes in all areas of the curriculum, as well as combining various school disciplines in one lesson. Logo is an effective software and pedagogical tool that develops children’s intelligence, problem-solving skills, cognitive abilities and creative thinking.
The goal of the club is for primary schoolchildren to master computer skills, the ability to work with various types of information, and master the basics of design and creative activity. The main objectives of the circle are to master initial skills in working on a computer using the integrated graphic environment of PervoLogo, to master the ability to work with various types of information, including graphic, text, audio, to learn the basics of algorithmization and programming, and to become involved in design and creative activities.
Solving these problems helps. developing conscious skills in working on a computer, including when processing various types of information. formation of algorithmic thinking of schoolchildren.
development of design and creative skills. fostering dedication and effectiveness in the process of solving educational problems. The training is based on practical group lessons conducted in a classroom equipped with modern personal computers connected to a local network.
Lesson duration: 30 minutes, including no more than 20 minutes on the computer. One of the main methods of studying the material is to independently complete practical tasks on a computer. Expected learning outcomes are the ability to independently implement creative projects in the integrated multimedia environment of PervoLogo. Test method: practicing tasks on a computer, competition of computer projects. Course content. PervoLogo integrated environment.
Working area, tools, forms. Creating an album, getting to know the workspace, tools, forms of the Turtle, saving the album.
Working with the drawing and shapes of the Turtle. Creating a drawing using tools, creating a drawing using Turtle shapes; working with fragments of the drawing, changing the shape of the Turtle; copying, deleting and moving and changing the design and shapes of the Turtle. Creation of drawings: “Village landscape”, “Underwater world”, “Space”. Creating a drawing on a free topic. Objects, object management (turtle programming). Turtle control commands; reviving a drawing: the simplest algorithm for object movement, creating a cartoon effect; creating new forms and revitalizing them; creating a cartoon story. Revival of subjects: “Village Landscape”, “Underwater World”, “Space”.
Creation of a cartoon story on a free theme. Interaction of objects, complex (branching) algorithms. Reaction of objects to each other, reaction of objects to color, control of objects using a traffic light; creating a complex cartoon plot. Creation of an animated story: “Controlled intersection.” Animated story on a free theme. Work with text.
Text window, font size and color, spell checking, resizing and moving text. Working with graphic information. Using graphic files to create pictures and backgrounds, inserting a background for a sheet from a file. Working on a scanner.
Learning to scan a drawing. Using graphic files in a project. Development of the “New Year’s Card” project. Working with audio information. Record sound, insert sound from a file, listen to sound information; creating a melody, inserting music from a file, playing music.
Creation of simple multimedia projects. Creation of multimedia projects: “Village landscape”, “Underwater world”, “Horse racing”, “Space”, “House in the village”, “Controlled intersection”, “Hockey game”, “Figure skating”; buttons, album table of contents, saving the album. Development of an individual creative multimedia project. Individual work on the development of a creative multimedia project.
Competition of creative projects in the PervoLogo environment. Defense of creative projects at the competition, awarding the winners with diplomas, certificates, and valuable gifts (see Appendix 1). PervoLogo 2.
0 (3.0) has all the multimedia and Internet capabilities of its “big brother” - the LogoMira 2 program.
In particular, you can publish your project on the Internet.
By installing the so-called Web player, any visitor to the page will be able to see the project in action directly on the network through a browser. In addition, the program includes: a graphic editor (thousands of colors), a music editor, up to hundreds of turtles, 64 full-color forms for them, parallel processes, a built-in reference book and much more. Thus, students have a powerful tool for creating their own projects, including multimedia presentations on any topic. In PervoLogo the issue of “heredity” of Logo programs is resolved.
It will not be difficult for a child who has “grown up” from PervoLogo to start working in LogoWorlds 2. Moreover, the child will be able to open a project created in PervoLogo in LogoWorlds and continue working on it.
Papert S. Revolution in consciousness: children, computers and fruitful ideas. M. Pedagogy, 1989. Soprunov S.
Ushakov A. Yakovleva E.
PervoLogo 3.0: reference guide. M.
Institute of New Technologies, 2006. Istomina T. Teaching computer science in the Logo environment.
Set of two workbooks. Yakovleva E. LogoMosaic.
M. Institute of New Technologies, 2000.
Methodological newspaper for computer science teachers “Informatics”, Publishing House “First of September”, No. 6, No. 8 2006, No. 23 2007. INT. Software products Logo ( ).
EXPLANATORY ART circle program. NOTE TO THE PROGRAM OF THE ARTISTIC CLUB. WORKSHOP” Offered. Developed. taking into account pedagogical development.
. Physics club program. The program indicates the goals and objectives of circle work, content and planning for classes. Some problems are provided with solutions and answers. The manual contains the program of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics, and school physics clubs and all those interested in the problems of preparing students for participation in high-level Olympiads in physics.
Maria Montessori and basic. Nemensky B.M.). Formation. interest in the subject of fine arts. Creation. prerequisites for self-disclosure, etc.
Construction. pedagogical process on. Pedagogy of nonviolence." Upbringing. kindness, mercy and caring. Formation. feelings of pride in one’s country and hers. Upbringing. feelings of patriotism and pride. Russia in the region. A bunch of. proposed non-traditional ones.
Students have the opportunity to choose. Alternation of different types. Involving students. Systematizing. The purpose of the program. mug is also.
Humanity, kindness. The student has. Literature. 1. G. I. Perepelkina. “The art of looking and seeing,” M.. Enlightenment, 1. 98.
R. G. Kazakova “Drawing with children.” M., Creative Center Sphere, 2. N. M. Sokolnikova “Brief Dictionary. M.. R. G. Kazakova, L. G. Belyakova “Children’s room. Classification of educational educational institutions of Russian universities.
• All physics • Physics 7th grade • Physics 8th grade • Physics 9th grade • Physics 10th grade • Physics 11th grade • Unified State Exam in physics • Games and quizzes • Student projects • Teaching methods. Thank you for the program of the 'Physics in Problems' circle. Hello, Guest! Physics club 'NTP and us'. Author: Administrator. 09/16/2013 18:29. Program objectives: - deepening students' knowledge of physics, acquiring problem-solving skills, improving mathematical skills.