Even the ancient sages of the East were sure that the human body is a very delicate instrument that needs constant tuning. It was on the feet and palms, they believed, that the state of the human body was written. According to the ancient Eastern view, human health depends on the flow of internal energy in the body. This energy travels through 10 meridians or zones located on the body and ending at the feet and palms.
The modern science of reflexology largely shares this teaching, having been studying and improving it for a long time. In 1917, William Fitzgerald established that certain points on the foot are associated with various internal organs of a person. And any of their illnesses can be cured by ordinary pressure on a certain point of the foot. In the 1930s, these ideas were refined by Eunice Ingram, an American physical therapist who developed the still famous map of reflex zones on the foot.
Today in reflexology, as before, 10 energy zones are distinguished on the human body, located from the head to the fingertips and dividing the human body into longitudinal sections. It is believed that pressing on one or another point of the zone gives an analgesic effect in the associated part of the human body, regulating the flow of internal energy.
The location of reflex points on the foot is determined by two main lines, and it does not depend on the shape and size of the foot. The first line is under the ball of the foot and describes a smooth curve underneath. This line corresponds to the diaphragm, which separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities. The second line runs perpendicular to the first along the middle of the foot. It starts at the lowest part of the bulge on the outside side of the foot and ends opposite the other side. This is the waist line.
To determine all zones and points in our time, a map is used that shows the reflection of parts of the human body by zones on the foot. The massage points on the feet coincide with them.
Any disease of a particular organ can be detected by the sensitivity of a point in the reflex zone. A properly performed foot massage will help cure a lot of diseases.
You can massage your feet to relieve stress yourself at home, without going to a reflexologist. This effect improves blood circulation, accelerates breakdown products and restores the harmony and integrity of the body. It is for this purpose that Thai foot massage is widely used.
This technique was borrowed by the Thais from Chinese traditional medicine. Its effectiveness has been tested for thousands of years. This massage can be done by everyone, regardless of gender and age.
Finger pressure. The main effect on the foot during this massage is pressure. It can be done either with a special wooden stick or with the pad of your index finger. Pressing should be done carefully at first, and then increasing the load more and more. This pressure can be combined with stretching. At the same time, the tissues become more pliable and respond well to the flow of lymph.
Thumb steps. This method stimulates the flow of energy into a particular part of the body. The thumbs are placed close to each other, and then they press in turn, moving in the direction of the flow of energy. When moving your fingers from right to left, you need to lift your left finger, move it 2 centimeters to the left and press. Then you need to pull the right finger to the left finger and apply pressure with it. This sequence is observed when moving along the entire energy zone. Then everything is repeated in the opposite direction.
How to properly massage your feet? At the very beginning, be sure to put a cushion or pad under your knee. In this case, the bones of the feet should not rest on the floor.
For a massage to be effective, you need not only to perform it correctly, but also to create a pleasant atmosphere around you. The room should be warm. When doing a massage on one foot, you can cover the second with a blanket. You can use essential oils for relaxation. The choice of oil depends on your preferences. For a therapeutic effect, you can use anti-inflammatory and warming gels or ointments.
The massage should begin from the arch of the foot. You need to take it with one palm and start rubbing it with the other. After warming up, start massaging each finger in the direction from the nail to the base. Then massage your foot with your thumb. In those areas where the skin is rough, the pressure needs to be increased, and in areas where the skin is soft - loosen.
Particular attention should be paid to the heels. The skin on them is thick and therefore the pressure needs to be increased as much as possible.
Many people prefer to combine a foot massage with a pedicure, then their feet will receive complete relaxation.
This massage is performed as follows: light stroking from above with the thumb. Movements should be made from the tips of the fingers to the ankle. Such manipulations are repeated several times, then you should move to the lower part of the foot, repeating the movements.
With the joints of the foot completely relaxed, cup your hand to grasp the heel behind the ankle in such a way as to grasp not only the foot, but also the leg. Grasping the balls of your feet with your other hand, slowly rotate your foot several times in both directions. These movements will not only help relieve tension, but also relieve pain for those who suffer from arthritis.
The toes, as well as the hands, are very sensitive. And massage on them gives a calming effect. Squeeze your foot fairly firmly under the instep. At the same time, place the thumb of your other hand on your toe. From the very base of the finger, pull it upward with a slowly moving hand. This exercise should be repeated by gently squeezing the toe between the thumb and index finger and gently rotating.
Foot massage can be done two to three times a week. The effect will not only be relaxing, you will be able to significantly improve your well-being.
Literally speaking, foot fungus is a close relationship between doctor, patient and pharmacist. But quite often patients have no time for a doctor... it’s better to run to the pharmacy... some are ready to undress right next to the counter. But why did you suddenly decide that it was a fungus? Could it be psoriasis, eczema, keratoderma or common diaper rash? After all, it is possible to determine the infection only in laboratory conditions.
Of the vast kingdom of mushrooms, only a small part brings trouble to the human body. Mycoses of the feet caused by opportunistic and pathogenic fungi.
Pathogenic fungi (molds and dermatophytes), once on the skin, always lead to the development of the disease; the only question is time or the presence of predisposing factors.
Opportunistic fungi colonize the human skin from birth, but provoke pathogenic processes only under specific conditions.
Foot fungus is usually caused by dermatophytes, less often by yeast-like fungi, and not often by mold fungi. Infection often occurs, for example, in a swimming pool, bathhouse, beach or shoe store. And who found the strength to refuse the host’s offer to wear slippers when visiting? How can you be sure that pedicure accessories are thoroughly and correctly disinfected?
Skin trauma is a predisposing factor for spores, decreased immunity, poor circulation and chronic diseases.
A humid and warm environment is ideal for mushrooms! Athletes, miners, military personnel, and all those who sweat on duty while wearing closed or narrow shoes are often at risk.
An interesting fact is that foot fungus in children caused by dermatophytes is quite rare. In children, firstly, sweat has an acidic reaction, and fungi do not like acid, and secondly, the replacement of the epidermis occurs an order of magnitude faster than in adults, and therefore the fungus does not have enough time to develop from spore to mycelial forms. But, nevertheless, the lot of children is candidiasis. You can see what the disease looks like in the pictures below.
Many patients with mycoses of the feet take the first signs of infection lightly, thinking that it is enough to just take proper care of their feet, and begin to worry when the disease is in full swing.
Symptoms of foot fungus are divided into several forms:
Doctors are completely confused when they see a patient whose soles have hyperkeratosis in volume close to the hooves. And yet, despite the availability of modern antimycotics (both local and systemic), treating foot fungus is a rather difficult task, especially with an advanced form.
List of the most popular drugs used to treat the disease:
Not all of these remedies are inexpensive, but have proven their effectiveness. Failures during treatment, as a rule, are associated not with the incompetence of the doctor or bad medications, but with the patient’s frivolous attitude towards the course of treatment, which is often not completed. But even despite clinical cure, the skin of the feet must be treated with antifungal ointments, liquids or creams for at least another 2 weeks.
Treatment, intensity and duration of the course are prescribed exclusively by the doctor, after undergoing mycological studies. But it’s easy and simple to reduce all efforts to zero if you don’t disinfect your shoes, change your socks regularly and don’t adhere to basic hygiene rules, stubbornly not noticing the disease at the initial stage.
In most skin and vein dispensaries or skin disease clinics, there are foot rooms where specialists with extensive experience in their work use grinding cutters to clean sore feet. At home, you should be sure to very carefully remove the affected skin once every six to ten days after taking a warm bath of soap and soda solution.
Every woman dreams of pink heels, well-groomed feet and a perfect pedicure. But even if the path to open, chic sandals is blocked by a problem called foot fungus, you should not give up trying to cure the disease, despair and think that life is over. Life is easier for optimists than for pessimists. Of course, for a complete and speedy recovery you will have to be patient and work hard.
Naturally, as an option, you can give up on everything and think that no deaths from mycoses have yet been recorded, but you should remember that foot fungus is itching, an unsightly visual appearance of the foot, and a disgusting smell. All these factors will not add self-confidence at all. Mushrooms, as well as their waste products, are a very strong allergen, and can become an impetus for the development of urticaria, eczema, erysipelas, atopic dermatitis and even bronchial asthma.
It’s worth summarizing that the treatment and prevention of foot fungus should not be put aside, but the problem must be solved immediately when it occurs!
Material updated 04/21/2017
Foot massage is a procedure that allows you not only to restore strength, but also to relax after a hard day. If you properly “knead” individual areas of the foot, you can relieve nervous tension and have an impact on many organs and muscles, because they are directly connected to points on the feet.
By the way, you can also notice feedback: if disturbances are detected in the functioning of any organ, then redness or peeling in certain areas of the foot can “tell” about it.
Today there are many massage techniques. Let's talk about the most popular of them.
It is considered one of the most ancient methods of treatment, and its homeland is the East. There, people were sure that a person’s foot contained a “map” of the entire human body, that is, the nerve endings of all organs and muscles were located on the soles. This means that by acting on the points, you can get rid of almost all diseases and strengthen the immune system.
Acupressure is especially effective for headaches, nervous tension, insomnia, arthritis and stomach diseases. It will help relieve fatigue and swelling from your legs. Therefore, such a massage will be equally useful for people leading a sedentary lifestyle and those who are “on their feet” all day.
We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the technique of manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage of the legs, which is aimed at removing toxins and restoring proper lymph flow.
The technique of this massage has been known in Thailand for a long time, and it arrived there from India along with Buddhism. The essence of this massage is to influence the energy flows that, like invisible threads, connect the points located on the soles and organs. The treatment consists of stimulating problem areas that are energetically depleted and need to be restored.
In this video lesson, Yuri Ulyanov reveals the secrets of Thai foot massage. He talks about the basic rules that a person who masters Thai technique must follow and clearly shows how to do it.
The technique of this type of massage includes techniques such as pressure, rubbing, stroking and vibration. During a Chinese massage, a specialist acts on 62 points, according to ancient Chinese medicine. It thereby stimulates the work of internal organs and energy channels.
Typically, this procedure lasts about 7-10 minutes. And the course consists of 12 procedures. Attention is paid not only to the feet, but also to the lower back. Then the massage begins in the area of the fingertips, gradually moving to the shins. The masseur lightly presses, rubs and “chops” the feet. This procedure ends with stroking and kneading the foot.
Allows you to strengthen the immune system, tidy up the nervous system and improve the health of the body as a whole. By massaging certain areas on the feet, which are reflexively connected with the internal organs, you can get rid of many diseases. For this to happen, you need to change the pressure force - from a weak impact to a strong one, and vice versa.
In this video, the massage therapist shows where the reflex zone of the spine is located, which part of the foot corresponds to which part of the spine, and how to influence the zones.
This type of foot deformity is the most common in children. Regular massage for this disorder gives good results. It should start from the lumbar region, moving to the hips, legs and moving to the feet. If the deformity is weak, the massage may be lighter. The course consists of 10 procedures. They need to be repeated every 3 months.
Also read the article about a thumb corrector for hallux valgus.
You can do it yourself at home. After all, to carry out this procedure you do not need to be a professional massage therapist. It can be a great addition to a pedicure.
First you need to warm up your feet. To do this, you need to make stroking movements from your fingertips to your heel. Then, clasping your heel with both hands, you need to rotate your ankle. After that we move on to the fingers. They need to be stroked, squeezed and kneaded. These same movements can be applied to the entire sole. The average duration is 15-20 minutes.
On the Internet today you can find one very interesting and useful product for foot massage - socks. A diagram is applied to their sole, thanks to which you can clearly see the bioactive points associated with important organs.
By influencing these zones, you can achieve the desired result, that is, influence the condition and development of the body. The socks are made of natural material - cotton with the addition of lycra.
Therapeutic foot massage is a relaxing procedure whose origins date back to ancient China. A literary monument by the author Si Maqian called “Historical Notes” has survived to this day, which describes the unusual method of treating diseases of Dr. Shu Fu, which consists of pressing on certain points of the foot.
At the same time, Si Maqian claims that this treatment showed excellent results. Gradually, unique knowledge spread beyond China, primarily attracting the interest of its Japanese neighbors. Over time, this alternative method of medicine came to Europe.
An ancient Chinese doctor empirically came to what modern medicine has proven using scientific methods. A person’s legs, or rather their soles, are connected by nerve endings to all internal organs, and this gives the body the opportunity to self-heal and maintain a good physical and mental state. A properly performed foot massage has the following effects:
The list of ailments that can be eliminated completely or their manifestations can be minimized by influencing biologically active points is very extensive. It includes many chronic diseases of various organs:
Of course, healing is also possible by massaging other parts of the body. For internal organs, a visceral abdominal massage is performed according to Ogulov: the video can be viewed at the link. Back massage remains popular. Here you can watch a video with the technique. Also read about the benefits of back and neck massage.
The theoretical part of the massage is based not only on stimulation of nerve endings, but also on the “Jinglo” principle. This is what Chinese doctors called energy channels that have a great impact on human health. Jingluo lines (or meridians) are channels through which oxygen and blood move, and metabolic processes are also directed. According to this teaching, there are five energy channels on the foot, originating on the inner edge of the heel, in its very middle. From this center, the Jinglo lines smoothly diverge to the fingers, and their active stroking is a kind of warm-up before starting a foot massage.
Is it possible to somehow influence the energy meridians without resorting to massage? Of course, yes: available means will help with this - sea pebbles or pebbles (necessarily smooth), chestnuts, young acorns without caps, beans, peas. They need to be poured onto the bottom of a wide box with low sides and the feet should be stretched, stepping from foot to foot.
This exercise replaces the very useful walking barefoot on uneven natural surfaces and has a positive effect on well-being. If for some reason it is not possible to get the gifts of nature, then human creations are also suitable: special massagers with a rough surface, as well as ready-made massage mats that imitate sea pebbles.
The video explains how to properly massage your feet:
Currently, foot massage is included in the list of services of most beauty salons, but with no less success it can be done at home, following a number of simple rules:
The video describes the projection of organs on the foot for massage:
Integral attributes of a foot massage should be special creams, aromatic oils, and warming ointments. Having completed all the preparatory steps, armed with a good mood and the desire to please your loved one, you can proceed directly to the process.
The described process is the simplest restorative massage, which simultaneously affects all important energy points of the body and helps cope with fatigue and nervous tension.
One of the advantages of foot massage is that you can do it yourself. For this, the aids listed above (mats, massagers) are usually used, but their absence should not be an obstacle. The self-massage technique is very simple: the massaged foot stands on the floor, and the heel of the second rubs its instep and toes, alternating straight movements with circular and transverse ones.
Then the legs should be changed and the process repeated, only in reverse. After this, you can move on to warming up the lower leg, which is most conveniently affected by the heel, instep and entire sole of the second leg. This massage helps not only to relax, but also to get rid of flat feet.
Here you can see the recipe for a gelatin mask against blackheads.
Since the Chinese doctor Shu Fu noticed that rubbing the feet has a beneficial effect on the body, much water has flown under the bridge, and people have greatly improved his innovative technique. There are such popular types of foot massage:
Video: Thai foot massage:
Not every one of the listed varieties is recommended for doing it yourself at home; some of them (therapeutic, reflex) are better left to professionals. But the rest are perfect for home experiments: these methods of influencing the body have no contraindications and therefore it is almost impossible to cause harm with their help.
Point: detailed description of points
Performing a more narrowly targeted acupressure massage is also possible at home, but it requires more care: do not forget that by stimulating the points on the foot, you simultaneously influence the internal organs. To make it easier to navigate, just remember that the left leg is connected to the left side of the body, and the right leg, respectively, to the right. Therefore, some points on the soles of the feet, like some organs, are not paired - for example, the liver zone can only be found on the right foot. Remembering the main locations of projection points is not difficult:
The photo shows the foot with indications of the organs for acupressure:
For those who find it difficult to immediately remember the “organ map” located on the sole of the human foot, you can initially use special socks on which the corresponding pattern is applied.
What to do if, during the process of pressing and rubbing, a so-called pain point is discovered? Do not panic. Yes, such a “find” cannot be encouraging, because it indicates that the organ on which this point is located is sick. Don't bypass it on the opposite side, massage it properly. The massage should be carried out using alternating pressure lasting about a minute and pauses equal in duration . The ideal result is complete disappearance of pain in this area. But, regardless of the result, the discovery of a “pain point” should be a reason for a visit to the doctor.
In the video, acupressure of the feet:
Those wishing to start a foot massage must be sure that they do not have the following diseases:
In addition to the listed cases, you should not massage the legs and feet of pregnant women, as well as young mothers during lactation, without first consulting a doctor.
With the right and regular approach, a pleasant and healing procedure, the implementation of which in most cases does not require special medical knowledge or training, can give a good mood and a feeling of lightness. Just a few minutes a day will help get rid of old chronic diseases and relieve the feeling of discomfort in the lower body after a tiring day at work. To maintain beautiful feet, try lymphatic drainage foot massage. Also read what LPG massage is.
Girls, let's talk about this. I have beautiful, even feet, size 37, I always get a pedicure, open shoes (in the summer), and in the office I wear flip-flops (clogs). I began to notice men’s frequent gazes at my feet and toes. One of them once said, “You have very sexy legs,” and looked at your heels. Is this a new trend or some kind of perversion? I always thought that pedicures were just for aesthetics and not for sexy looks?
and they just stare at my legs) because they are slim
of course, a beautiful pedicure is sexy) but the legs themselves should be beautiful, which means that’s exactly what you have
This is a well-known fact, but you very nicely acted like a fool.
Read about foot fetish on the Internet.
I also have size 37, but my feet are very narrow, so I can rarely find sandals for myself (my feet fly by), and my toes are tiny (not short). I always considered my feet to be non-standard and was worried about it, although the main worry was finding shoes. And here I was in the south, one was silent, literally could not take his eyes off his fingers, he just looked as if spellbound. )) By the way, I also didn’t know that this was a fetish)))
You also clearly have a fetish. You must wear closed shoes in the office! Or do you work in Sharashka’s office?
Offices are different. Is everyone from Gazprom here, or what? People also have creative professions. They don't measure the length of skirts or nails there.
beautiful feet are a rather rare occurrence among our girls and women... I often pay attention to this... sometimes the toes are crooked, sometimes the bones stick out, sometimes the toes are somehow pressed in, sometimes they are simply clumsy and ugly. I can even judge from my friends... one of them is simply beautiful, always dressed super, but when I look at her feet... the bones stick out terribly, the toes are just ***.
yeah fetish, that means every second man is a fetishist. I only have high-heeled flip-flops, it’s difficult to walk in them, but men just fall out of car windows looking at THIS!)))
No, we have a decent office, but I have a sabiki with a closed nose, medium heels, and no back. In black tights - he looks quite “office”.
8 - pedicures are simply neglected. If the fingers are crooked, it will not be noticeable if a good pedicure is done. Well, as for the bones... it needs to be treated, but no one cares about it, just like pedicures
author, you are clearly inclined to draw hasty conclusions - you’ve already started talking about a “trend”)) Of course, everyone has their own sexual preferences, and there are probably some men who treat women’s heels and toes with special tenderness. Well, as they say, this is a personal matter of taste.
Well, for example, I prefer classic “pumps” with high stiletto heels; naturally, I can’t see a bare heel, much less a toe. And believe it or not, men constantly stare at my legs too! and why should I also start talking about the special tendency of men’s love for pumps)))
= everyone has their own sexual preferences
The fact of the matter is that with a pedicure, as a rule, everything is very good! If your feet are ugly, it can’t be fixed. In general, many people have bones that stick out... I understand even in adult women, but in girls of 20 years old?? there is no cure for this, you have to surgically get rid of it, but not everyone decides to do this so easily... so they walk around with ugly feet.
Don't know. In general, I saw bones only once at my own aunt’s; she was already over 40. And I haven’t seen terribly ugly feet. The only thing that catches my eye is some peeling polish, dirty nails and cracked skin (I live near the market)
Feet are my sore spot :((size 41 🙁 I’m terribly complex that they can be as huge and unfeminine as a man’s. They’re also terribly whimsical, so that nothing presses or rubs anywhere, I wear only loose shoes, flip-flops and sandals.. I’m worried about about this, especially when I see miniature legs on girls, but what can I do? I can’t change my legs in any way, I resign myself, I try to fill them in. I also know a lot of beauties with terribly large, and even disfigured feet (what you wrote about, crooked toes, bumps , calluses) and nothing, they are very popular among men! Apparently, not everyone is such a fetishist on this topic.
I have ugly feet, a crooked big toe and a wide foot =(( I am a very attractive girl and of course I have to hide my feet behind a closed ankle, and I really want open sandals and flip-flops. But my husband has just perfect manly feet. It’s even somehow awkward walk on the beach with him =))
And I have a fetish for beautiful male feet. They usually happen when a man does a lot of sports, barefoot - martial arts, yoga... As soon as I see it, I can’t take my eyes off)) And if the hands are on point - with long strong fingers, trained, but not pumped up, but dry, with moderate hairiness - then it’s a complete loss...
And I have a fetish for beautiful men’s feet, it’s a real obsession. It’s more important for me to first take off his socks and look at his feet and then all the other sights. And I love admiring our feet leg by leg. She herself is size 36 with a height of 168.
I can't stand my feet. Both male and female. I always try to look away. The ugliest part of the human body. I can only look at mine, but they really are nothing, small because my fingers are neat. But I don’t feel particularly delighted either. But I had a boyfriend, he was addicted to my feet.
but I just don’t like small fingers (..I have a passion for smooth, thin, medium-length, graceful fingers and feet)
But I can’t stand thin and long ones. Like some kind of claws)))
my boyfriend is also attracted to my feet. It’s sexy) but this is not a generally recognized fetish for all men.
That's it, I'm going to hang myself! I have gatoptys on my fingers (((I killed my fingers when I was young. It crushed me, I rubbed them, but I wore them. Stupid. If I had come across an experienced professional pedicurist, I would have saved her. But my old one cut them off, cut them off little by little. Now I have to constantly, they grow . Now I already know how not to. One surgeon said that in the summer you need to wear open shoes, and in the winter very comfortable ones without heels. Then it will gradually go away. But how to wear open shoes in winter? I have a complex. At sea in general. That’s how it is. . And I’m a beautiful girl, with both figure and face, men like me. Thank God that my husband doesn’t pay attention to my fingers, and gives me massages and kisses. My only regret is how I could walk with bloody feet.
I have bones. I hate my feet because of them, but it could be nothing - the toes are beautiful, the foot itself is narrow. I have a terrible complex. Getting rid of it is not so easy - an operation with a long rehabilitation period, it is difficult to decide to fall out of normal life for six months. But the husband doesn’t notice them, i.e. never said anything about this, and neither did the young people before him. But I still suffered and continue to suffer, it turns out that I am more embarrassed by some strangers.
everything that is beautiful and sexy.
Why are you the author singing about your feet here))))? Did you get the first compliment in your life? why such a surprise? men often actually compliment beautiful girls, not just about their feet, by the way. It’s just that maybe you have the advantages of a current foot - that’s all. nothing else noteworthy.
I didn’t write that they were long) of medium length. small, like some kind of stumps. I see these often, it's terrible. especially the little fingers, terrible!
nah.. there are vixens.. although I’m not the author, but you’re writing nonsense here..
This is not a new trend, it is sooo old as hell. For example, type foot fetish, foot fetishism into a search engine. I once came across their forum. Mom dear! I will never wear open toe sandals again in my life. One wrote how he rides around the subway in the summer in a long raincoat and masturbates while looking at the feet of girls,
another on the beach, while the girl was swimming, stole her flip-flops and tore them. Then the poor girl, if she had no one to call, walked barefoot to the house, and this *** followed her. The third *** put glass in puddles during the summer rain. Sometimes a girl, so as not to spoil her beautiful shoes, would run through the puddles barefoot and step on the glass, and he would come over to help, touch her feet and... ugh, I'm about to throw up, in short, I'll never open my legs again.
It's funny that just today I opened a topic about my neighbor. She’s not talking about foot fetish, it’s just that this was the third time I walked past when my neighbor was walking her dog BAREFOOT at -15, -20. Do you think this is yoga or that?
31, maybe she was asking for a compliment.
I want to encourage those who have complexes.
I'm 39-40. All my life I hated my feet. And I didn’t get a pedicure until I was 25 years old. And then in the pool at the resort, an older lady I knew, when I told her that, they say, what a shame my feet are! - she told me, come on, beautiful feet, smooth, why you're fussing. You know, it seems like nonsense. And somehow I felt encouraged... Then I became interested in pedicures. And then I got a man who was a foot fetishist. And I became very interested in pedicures. And I fell in love with my feet, I just enjoy the look of them. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve been going to a nudist bathhouse, and all the foot fetishists (and if anyone doesn’t know, every second guy is an ardent one, and every first one is a calm foot fetishist) go crazy about me there.
All I'm saying is that, ladies, well-groomed feet, regardless of size, are attractive. Just a pedicure and cream at night.
Rimma, excuse me, you are suffering from nonsense. You might as well wear a stocking over your face, because there will always be a couple of maniacs eager to ruin it. And keep your hands in gloves... Nonsense. Male foot fetishism should be used, especially since it’s so nice..
Two situations are possible
1) The husband, so as not to upset you, is delicately silent
2) It may be that a man (paradoxically!) likes such legs with “bones” and a slight bend in the big toe. Personally, I was attracted to my wife’s legs when she was 30 years old. But if a daughter were born, then, of course, in adolescence it would be necessary to make efforts to form a bunionless foot. Massage and exercise therapy can help out if you come to your senses right away!!
I have terrible feet. Not only are they size 42 (I’m 178 cm tall), but I’ve been shy about them all my life. And I bought shoes a couple sizes smaller and had difficulty wearing them. The big fingers have now become crooked, and the nails on them have generally unfolded even more. And about five years ago I broke up with one very good boy because of this, he left me because of my legs. He was a fan of them, it turns out, and as soon as spring came and I managed to wear open shoes - two dates and goodbye. :((((He later wrote me the reason in a letter. What a complete fool I am!
He later wrote me the reason in a letter. What a complete fool I am!
Are your feet swollen? You don't even know what can be done about this problem? You are not alone with this problem. Unfortunately, today, swelling of the feet is a fairly common problem that needs and can be dealt with. It is important to know the cause of swelling of the feet and then it will be much easier for you to eliminate its consequences and symptoms. For example, women's feet may swell during pregnancy (and you can't do anything about this symptom until the baby is born). Increased swelling of the lower extremities accompanies some girls during menstruation (premenstrual syndrome, known to everyone), with hormonal disorders and, accordingly, during treatment with hormonal drugs. Also, elderly people quite often complain of swelling of the feet - in this case the reason is wear and tear of the bone mass.
Oddly enough, the feet, and lower limbs in general, swell in those people who literally make a living from them. We are talking about sellers, loaders, hairdressers, couriers, postmen, etc. Increased swelling of the feet is directly related to the fact that a person stands on his feet for a long period of time, as a result of which blood cannot circulate normally through the legs (which leads to a rush of fluid to the bottom). To eliminate swelling of the feet in this case, you need to keep your legs in an elevated position for as long as possible after work. For example, you can lie on the sofa and place several pillows under your feet, or lean your elbows on the wall.
So why can a person’s feet swell so much? Let's look at the most common causes of this phenomenon. The first reason is a violation of the outflow of fluid in the human body. Further, doctors identify such causes of the pathological course as:
Of course, the above is not a complete list of all possible causes of swelling of the feet. At home, it will be quite difficult for you to establish the true cause of the pathology. No matter how much you delay, you will have to contact a surgeon, therapist and traumatologist to eliminate the cause and appropriately diagnose the body.
How can you cure swelling of the feet? What methods can be used at home to make you feel better (at least until you can see a doctor).
Below are proven ways to get rid of swollen feet:
You can purchase the herbs listed above at any pharmacy and brew according to the instructions. The course of treatment lasts until you feel better and the swelling of the legs completely disappears.
When your feet become swollen, it is also recommended to drink plenty of water. This advice may seem illogical, because the cause of edema is precisely excess fluid in the body. But the fact is that the water that enters the body from the outside will help get rid of toxins and waste that accumulate with edema.
If your swollen feet are not due to injury, you can try light exercise to reduce the swelling. For example, yoga, cycling, and swimming are great ways to increase blood circulation. This should ultimately reduce the feeling of discomfort.
Listed below are the most effective ointments for eliminating swollen feet. But it’s still worth clarifying again - using ointments, creams, gels for swelling of the feet and lower extremities, you are only eliminating a symptom of a disease. That is, you can temporarily make yourself feel better, but later you will still need to contact specialists for diagnostics.
It is not recommended to use heparin ointment for women during pregnancy.
The appearance of spots on the body and legs, the skin itches and flakes - all these can be manifestations of skin diseases. Do not under any circumstances delay visiting a dermatologist; the sooner the cause of the disease is determined and treatment is prescribed, the more effectively and quickly your body will cope with this disease.
A dermatologist is a specialist who treats and diagnoses diseases of the nails, hair and skin. Skin diseases and diseases are slight or quite noticeable changes in the skin, which will be reflections of hidden or obvious problems of the body.
Skin is the protective shell of our body. The skin is the first to encounter all sorts of adverse and external influences on our body. These, of course, can be various infections (viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.), as well as chemical, physical, mechanical agents that cause skin changes.
Skin diseases of the legs (photo)
Here are clearly visible skin diseases of the legs (photos of which are presented above)
There are different types of human skin diseases. We list the main ones:
Yeast nail fungus
Nail yeast fungus is a saprophyte, and normally it is constantly found on the mucous membranes and human skin. Yeast nail fungus can multiply more actively for the following reasons:
Symptoms and manifestations of yeast fungus on the nails (nail candidiasis) include: