Why do the bones between the legs hurt during pregnancy?
Pregnancy can turn into a real challenge for the expectant mother. This is due to changes in the female body that are necessary to prepare it for the birth of a baby. Almost all pregnant women can experience discomfort and painful sensations, whose complaints are mainly associated with the appearance of pain between the legs, in the pubic and pelvic area. What are they connected with, and how to alleviate a woman’s condition during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, certain changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, which are a kind of preparation for the upcoming labor. It was laid down by nature that as the upcoming birth approaches, changes become more active. Sometimes they happen unnoticed, and sometimes they cause quite severe pain.
The main complaints of expectant mothers are aimed at pain between the legs, in the pubic bone, and in the pelvis. This leads to the fact that during pregnancy a woman’s lifestyle becomes somewhat constrained. The longer the pregnancy, the more discomfort the expectant mother may experience.
Understanding why some women have pain in their pelvic bones during pregnancy is necessary in order to prevent danger threatening the health of the young mother and her unborn child, as well as to alleviate her condition during this period. The reasons that contribute to the appearance of pain during pregnancy between the legs, pubic bone area, and pelvis are:
- Changes in the pubic bone. As you know, the pubic bone is the anterior part of the pelvis. Its dimensions are about 5 – 7 centimeters. From 27 to 32 weeks of pregnancy, the pubic bone changes, becoming much softer, more elastic and able to move. The need for these changes lies in the fact that in this way the birth canal of the future woman in labor is maximally prepared for the upcoming complex process. The pelvic bones begin to diverge and from about 27 weeks of pregnancy the body is ready for the birth of the baby, having prepared and adapted the birth canal for this as much as possible.
- Symphysis is a fairly common occurrence during pregnancy, in which the pubic and pelvic bones hurt. The condition of the expectant mother may worsen starting from the 27th week of pregnancy, and identifying the symphysis is quite simple. First of all, the pain intensifies when walking and lying on her back; the woman cannot raise her straight leg. Having identified signs of symphysis during pregnancy, it is necessary to promptly inform the doctor about this. Despite the fact that the symphysis is not dangerous for the baby, it can lead to the birth of a child by cesarean section.
- The bones between the legs and in the pelvic area hurt during pregnancy due to insufficient calcium content in the mother's body, which will need to be replenished. To do this, you can drink vitamin D, vitamin complexes, and also introduce into your diet foods that contain the maximum content of this element.
- In half the cases, when women have gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, they may experience pain in their pelvic bones. This is explained by the increased load on the back, which is already suffering from the new load - the abdomen.
- The bones between the legs hurt, starting from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and due to the growth of the fetus, due to which the uterus increases in size and strains the ligaments connecting it to the pelvis.
- Disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Pain between the legs and in the pelvic area that occurs in expectant mothers can cause problems with the musculoskeletal system, which include both injuries and diseases - osteochondrosis, scoliosis. The pain can spread not only to the mentioned areas, but also to the entire back.
Women who have pain in the pelvic bones, pubic area and between the legs should understand the seriousness of this condition. By following these recommendations, pain can be reduced:
- It is necessary to avoid prolonged sitting and lying down. It is better to replace exhausting loads and walking with walking short distances, performing special gymnastic exercises that allow you to strengthen the muscles of the legs and pelvis during pregnancy.
- Take a serious approach to your diet, replacing harmful foods with healthy ones. A balanced, proper diet is necessary to maintain the weight of the expectant mother and prevent its rapid gain.
- Experts recommend starting from the second trimester of pregnancy with a device such as a bandage, which helps relieve the load from the back by properly distributing it.
- The future mother's sleeping place should not be too soft.
- Shoes and clothing during the period of bearing a child must be comfortable, natural, and not restrict movement.
By adhering to these recommendations, you can significantly improve the condition of the expectant mother, relieve or reduce pain between the legs, in the pubic bone, and pelvis. It is necessary to take these changes for granted, because in this way the body worries about the unborn child, eliminating all obstacles to its passage through the birth canal.