Submissions are an extremely important aspect of any fighter's technique, especially in wrestling and mixed martial arts. Victory often depends on how technically and quickly a fighter can perform a painful hold.
In Jiu Jitsu there are a large number of locks, which are mostly focused on the joints, for example: locks on the hands, elbows, feet, fingers and neck. The technique of painful techniques in Jiu-Jitsu occupies one of the priority places, since with its help you can neutralize or control the enemy without causing him any special damage, which is very important in our time.
Of all the painful techniques in Jiu Jitsu, the first place in terms of effectiveness and prevalence is taken by painful techniques on the hands, which are called Te-kubi. The effectiveness of such techniques depends on the angle of application of force, on the force with which the painful hold is applied, and on the level of training of your opponent’s hands. If the hands are flexible, which some people have by nature, you need to apply an order of magnitude more force, or greatly change the angle of its application.
In Jiu-Jitsu, painful techniques on the elbow are called “Ude Garami” and are used mainly during wrestling on the ground, since it is there that you can use not only the strength of your arms, but also your own body weight to carry out the technique.
These techniques are called "Getame Waza". During their execution, you should be very careful, since the enemy can strike with his second, free leg.
We continue the “Self-Defense” section of our self-defense portal Weapons that are better than weapons with the article Painful effects on the fingers . Where we’ll talk about a very simple and very effective way to protect yourself - for everyone, for women, for children, for the elderly (on the topic of the article “Self-defense for women”). Well, for other people too??
Painful effect on the fingers - yubi dori, qin na - this practical and simple technique is called in the world. So, yubi dori is a term from Japanese. Means grasping by the finger(s). The fingers (yubi) are one of the weakest parts of a person, and therefore they are very useful for applying strong painful techniques in order to suppress and/or control a strong and aggressive opponent. At the end of the article there is a short self-defense video with excellent examples of painful effects on the fingers.
It consists in bending the finger(s) in one way or another against the natural bend line. Accordingly, the one whose finger is twisted experiences severe pain. Well, as we know, in this case it is very easy to unbalance a person - and to bring the matter to the end, completing what is planned in the Ideal Picture of Self-Defense.
Accordingly, you can bend your fingers:
Whether the lock is applied from the inside to the outside or the outside from the bottom, or something else, the most effective control usually comes from grabbing the opponent's two fingers. One finger is easy to break (which can be a good thing in certain situations), three gives less control, especially if your opponent has martial arts experience, and if you grab four fingers, a strong opponent is quite capable of putting up serious resistance.
A significant portion of researchers also indicate that the yubi-dori technique makes it possible to easily control a physically stronger opponent, and also that it is much easier to move from it to painful effects on other joints than after a blow.
So, there are optimal ways to grab the fingers with subsequent painful effects. But in a real fight, when there is no time to think about the optimal capture, it is best to do as koryu jujutsu expert Hirokami Nobuyuki advises:
“You don’t have to worry about which finger, the main thing is to grab it.”
However, he further clarifies that
“...In Daito-ryu there is a tradition of doing a thumb grip. If you separate the thumb from the other four, then, of course, there are methods of attacking grips for them, but the truly real fighting technique is the thumb grip, since through it you can completely control the opponent’s body. In addition, if you break your thumb, it is impossible to hold the sword. Therefore, samurai in ancient times protected their thumbs in every possible way and, in a collision with an enemy, clenched them into a fist.”
Let's take a little break from the painful effects on the fingers and, before moving on to the video demonstration, remember that we touched on various schools and techniques suitable for self-defense - karate, aiki jitsu, arnis, the El Juego de Garrote stick fighting school, Yuri Kormushin's technique Wing Chun, Krav Maga. Today we can simultaneously look at one of the schools of tai chi chuan (in particular, the qin na grip technique) and at the painful grip of the fingers as such.
For this purpose, here is the promised short video from a master of one of the Tai Chi directions. Mainly about working with fingers - in the first half of the video, and the rest of the part introduces more to the Tai Chi Chuan technique itself. But in the second half of the video there are interesting moments with gripping and painful on the fingers.
So, the painful effect on the fingers is an interesting video “ Iron Palm ” for your attention:
By the way, if you have the previously discussed fork in your hands, unbalancing through pain control will be much easier.
Chapter 5. Painful techniques.
A grab is an action when you grab an opponent with your hands in order to do this. These are painful techniques on the joints of the limbs, consisting of twisting them. This is a lever of the hand and elbow outward; elbow and shoulder inward, elbow and shoulder. Painful techniques on the fingers and hands to free yourself from martial arts grips) breakdown, learn that both hands should always be in.
Painful techniques are various methods of painful impact (kinks, bends, twisting, levers, pressure, etc.) on vital and sensitive areas of the human body (joints, tendons, eyes, nerve centers, neck, etc. Skillful and harsh application A painful hold causes a painful shock or serious injury and takes the opponent out of the fighting state.
This makes it possible to free yourself from capture, detain the enemy, and possibly escort. Before we begin to describe the technique of painful holds, we would like to remind our readers that a painful hold, as a rule, is effectively used after a well-placed blow, when the opponent is in a state of shock or his attention is distracted. Painful techniques on the phalanges of the fingers are shown in Fig. 37. At their core, these techniques are simple. The main thing to remember when using them is a firm grip and sharp bending (twisting) of the joints (tendons). Painful techniques on the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints.
In various schools of martial arts (aiki-do, sambo, ji-u-jitsu, etc.) there are quite a lot of painful techniques on these joints. In this brochure we present only a few of them, which in our opinion are the most accessible and effective.
Valery Rozhkov. Valery Rozhkov., Painful hold on the hand and elbow., Painful hold on the hand and elbow. Bodypainting on the hands. In the world.
As a rule, most of these techniques have a complex effect on several of these joints. Painful "arm lever at the top" hold. This technique can be used as an option to defend against a blow with a hand, stick or knife. The main elements of the technique are a block grab of the attacking hand in the wrist area and a grab of this hand from the inside and below above the elbow bend (Fig. 38a). With a sharp jerk of the right hand towards oneself and a push with the left one away from oneself (in case the blow is delivered by the opponent with the right hand), injure the opponent’s arm at the elbow joint.
With this technique you can throw the enemy on his back, after which he can strike with his foot or hand (Fig. 38b). Painful hold on the wrist joint (Fig.
39). Rigid execution of this technique allows you to escort the enemy. Painful technique “arm lever outwards”.
A favorable situation for switching to this technique is the moment when you have grabbed the opponent’s hand from the outside with one hand. Grab the same hand with your other hand so that the thumbs rest against the back of the opponent’s hand (Fig. 40a). By pressing the enemy's hand downwards with your fingers, and pressing it away from you with your thumbs and turning the enemy's hand outwards, injure the wrist joint (disarm) (Fig. 40b). With this technique you can throw the enemy on his back and complete the counterattack with a kick (Fig. 40c).
Painful technique “arm lever inwards”. This is a universal technique and there are many ways to switch to it (implement it) for the purpose of self-defense. In this brochure we will cover several of them in relation to various situations of confrontation with the enemy. A situation when an opponent strikes with the edge of his palm (with a knife, stick, etc.)
p.) backhand. Turning your body away from the blow, meet the attacking hand with your forearms (Fig.
41a). Grab the opponent's wrist from above with your left hand, and the hand from below with your right hand. Sharply pull the opponent's arm to the right under you, take a step with your right foot to the side, without releasing the grip with your hands, move your left elbow over the opponent's captured arm and press it with your forearm and shoulder to your chest.
Unbalance the enemy by shifting his center of gravity to his right leg and, pressing his hand to your left thigh, moving your right hand up and forward from you, injuring it in the elbow, shoulder and wrist joints (Fig. 41b). The second option for completing this painful technique. If the enemy is significantly stronger (or heavier) than you, it is necessary from the position shown in Fig. 41a, grab and reach with your hands as described above, and with your left foot take a step under the opponent and press him with your chest to your thigh (Fig. 41c). If you feel that the enemy can get away from this position, step forward (sit on the back surface of your left leg), dump the enemy on your chest and, pressing him with his chest to the floor, bring the captured hand forward and up, injuring it (Fig.
41 g). The third version of this technique is shown in Fig. 50a, b, c. Painful technique “bending your arms behind your back.” This technique is also universal and can be used to escort the enemy through painful impact on the elbow and shoulder joints.
A favorable situation for performing this technique is the relaxed (shock) state of the enemy after a blow has been dealt to him. In this case, grab his right hand in front with your left hand, and the clothes above the right elbow or shoulder with your right hand (Fig. 42a). Pull sharply with your right hand towards you, and with your left away from you, bending the captured arm at the elbow joint, and place its forearm behind your back (Fig. 42b). Without releasing the grip with your right hand, pass your left hand under the forearm of the grabbed arm closer to the elbow bend, place the hand on top of the shoulder of the grabbed arm (Fig.
42bv). If you slightly lift your left forearm up and press your hand down, this will cause sharp pain in the elbow and shoulder joints of the grasped arm. With force, this technique can cause serious injury to your hand. In order to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to escape from this grip by somersaulting forward or in another way, you need to grab with your right hand the clothes on his left shoulder from above or the hair on his head from the front and pull the detainee towards you so that the center of gravity of his body moves to his right leg . Press the captured hand tightly with the elbow towards you at the level of the hypochondrium (Fig. 42d, e). Without releasing the grip and applying painful pressure, force the detainee to follow in the indicated direction.
You should walk next to him, to the side and slightly behind him. The main thing is a tight grip and constant painful impact. The transition to a painful hold “bending the arm behind the back” can be performed from various positions and grips. In Fig.
43a, b shows a variant of the transition from a painful technique “lever of the arm inward” for the purpose of escorting or subsequently tying up the opponent. Having studied the technique of the proposed painful holds and learned the principles of their action, you will be able to improvise and independently perform various other painful holds.
Painful techniques on the legs
Prepared by Stepanov A.N.
Pole techniques on the legs are a very powerful and dangerous technical arsenal for Sambo wrestling for the opponent. The execution of these techniques requires a fairly high level of development of physical qualities and mastery of the technique.
There are five groups of painful techniques on the legs:
1) pinched Achilles tendon,
3) pinched calf muscle,
A pinched Achilles tendon is a painful technique in which pain occurs as a result of the Achilles tendon being pressed against the bone.
This technique is rightfully considered the most common painful technique on the leg in Sambo. He brought victory to many wrestlers in competitions. The most common way to carry out this technique is to pinch the Achilles tendon by grabbing the opponent’s leg under the armpit in the following variations: “pinching the Achilles tendon while sitting down,” “pinching the Achilles tendon while walking forward,” “pinching the Achilles tendon while sitting astride,” “pinching the Achilles tendon with resting your foot on the popliteal fold.”
lever is a painful technique, during which pain occurs as a result of extension of the attacked leg against its natural bend in the knee joint. This technique is widely used by sambo wrestlers in fights at competitions.
The principles of performing this technique are similar to the principles of performing the elbow lever.
The most common is the "knee lever with thigh grip"
Pinching the calf muscle is a painful technique, during which pain occurs as a result of pressing the nerve nodes located under the calf muscle to the bone of the opponent’s captured leg.
The most common variants of this technique are: “pinching the calf muscle through the opposite leg”, “pinching the calf muscle by bending” (“canary”).
The hip lever is a painful technique in which pain occurs as a result of extension of the attacked leg at the hip against its natural bend.
This technique is quite difficult to perform in a fight, since the leg muscles are very powerful, and it is difficult to fix the opponent’s leg. The technique mainly works on weaker opponents.
In the case of green legs, it is a painful technique, during which pain arises from the rotation of the opponent’s leg around an axis passing through the thigh.
Leg knots are not divided into outward leg knots and inward leg knots. Rotation is produced mainly by turning the partner's leg with the heel to the side.
4. The English type of foot is distinguished by the fact that the toes sharply decrease in length, as if they are beveled. You also need to understand that pain in the toes can occur with a variety of systemic diseases.
In this case, pain in the joints of the toes can be dull, aching, throbbing or downright sharp, depending on the real reasons for its primary occurrence.
Significant limitation of the consumption of carbohydrate foods, animal fats and sugar is necessary for those patients who have pain in their toes due to the primary development of atherosclerosis. It is incredibly important to constantly monitor body weight for those patients whose root cause of pain in the toes is a systemic disease such as diabetes.
Since fractures, bruises or other severe injuries to the joints or soft tissues of the toes can also cause severe pain, let’s talk about the treatment of these conditions. You need to understand that the most severe pain or discomfort from fractures or other injuries to the toes occurs in the first few hours after the initial incident. My little toes hurt a lot. I decided to go to the doctor in the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory. I came to the surgeon, she didn’t believe me, rudely asked why I came and offered to cut off my sore fingers.
2. Prudent realists have wide feet. Feet are conventionally divided into 5 types. The basis of each type is the fingers. The length of the toes of these people is almost the same. Their toes are usually short and square, with the three middle toes often being the same length. The width of the foot is usually wide, but can be medium. 8. The left foot is larger than the right, indicating that a person in the past and present suppresses masculine character traits.
A woman whose big toe is significantly smaller than the second toe (index) has predominant authority in her family. Her voice is always decisive. People with high self-esteem have a much thinner big toe at the base than at the end.
Those who like to manipulate others have their toes curled. The fourth toe tells about personal and family relationships. The large pad of this finger predicts comfort and well-being for a person. People who have problems in love, as well as those who have problems with orgasm during sex, have this peculiarity on their left leg - the little finger lies on the fourth finger. Beautiful toes confirm that their owner is neat and loves order. Legs twist in bad weather.
Many of us are familiar with the unpleasant sensation of cramps in the calf muscles and fingers. We say “my leg cramped,” but it would be more correct to call it a cramp. Cramps are preceded by chronic leg fatigue, long-term leg pain, an evening feeling of heaviness, and swelling of the feet. Curl your toes, count to ten, then straighten them and count to ten again. Sitting on a chair, raise your legs and make circular movements with your feet.
This small and simple complex helps restore blood circulation in the legs, which prevents the appearance of cramping symptoms. The baby's big toe lies on the index finger from birth!
And what could this lead to? Now there is no way to show a photo, I would just show my fingers. I almost never wear open shoes—I’m embarrassed (and my fingers are crooked, and my nails have an incomprehensible shape and volume). One said that there are tendons ( ) at the bottom of the fingers that are a little short and turn the fingers inward. The fact is that I don’t see such fingers in my relatives. An ingrown toenail is a fairly common phenomenon that causes not only aesthetic and hygienic discomfort, but also causes quite severe pain.
When trimming your toenails, you should not round the corners of the nail plate too much or cut it deeply. Some people have a congenital form of the nail that can grow into the skin of the finger. Additional stress on the legs caused by excess weight is another reason leading to nails growing into the skin of the finger.
First of all, this is a hereditary predisposition and genetic factor. A similar manipulation should be carried out after steaming the legs in a bath of warm water, if there is no inflammation or suppuration on the skin.
As a rule, it is not possible to understand the causes of such symptoms without the help of a qualified doctor. This variant of the disease, rheumatoid arthritis, can cause pain and inflammation in a variety of combinations. But, arthrosis most often affects women, who also wear shoes with fairly high heels and excessively narrow toes for a long period of time. For example, with diabetes mellitus, patients can often experience certain problems with the vascular bed and, as a result, hyperreactivity of all nerve endings.
This limitation makes sense because you can make dangerous mistakes on your own, firstly, in diagnosing problems, and secondly, in prescribing the right medications. Sometimes traumatologists and orthopedists.
And of course, those who have pain caused by ingrown nail plates should directly contact the department of modern podiatry or surgery. Without a doubt, it can be almost impossible to cure an ingrown toenail on your own, especially in advanced and chronic cases.
For example, such patients urgently need to thoroughly wash their feet with soap several times a day; it is recommended to wear only clean socks and always made from natural, high-quality fabrics.
The longer the second toe, the more sensitive and sentimental its owner is. The large pad of the third toe speaks of the strength of character and willpower of a person. As you understand, there are an incredible number of reasons why pain in the joints of the toes may occur.