Arthrosis and arthritis are considered by many to be the same joint disease. But this is not true at all. They have completely different etiologies, features of the course of degenerative processes of joints, symptoms and, of course, treatment methods.
Arthritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in one or more joints. Often, this course of the disease indicates that there are more serious and widespread degenerative changes in the body. This may be autoimmune and infectious processes or problems with metabolism. Less commonly, arthritis of the knee joint can occur as a result of injuries in which the knee joint capsule becomes inflamed without affecting other areas.
Arthritis can be caused by:
Doctors consider reactive arthritis to be a separate group, which occurs as a result of the complicated course of various infectious diseases.
The inflammatory process in arthritis strongly affects the synovial membrane, which leads to the development of synovitis and excess synovial fluid. This liquid substance increases, thereby causing inflammation and swelling in the area of the affected joints.
Also, during the reactive course of the disease, the cartilage tissue that lines the surfaces of the joints is severely affected. Over time, erosion forms on it, leading to exposure of the affected bones.
Arthrosis is a non-inflammatory disease. It leads to pathological deformations of the joints caused by dystrophic changes in the cartilage tissue that covers the bone surface. Often it is the long-term inflammatory process that causes damage and thinning of cartilage.
Arthrosis develops to a greater extent in people who have crossed the sixty-year mark. This pathology is caused by age-related wear and tear of cartilage tissue and osteoporosis, which negatively affects not only the joints, but also the entire musculoskeletal system. This disease can also appear in young people as a result of excessive sports activity and the influence of excess weight.
All symptoms of the disease that worry patients develop as a result of degeneration and thinning of cartilage tissue and its inability to serve as a natural shock absorber. This occurs due to bone friction and compression of cartilage, the formation of osteophytes, and a decrease in the synovial fluid component, which serves to wash and lubricate the articular surfaces.
The answer to this question is very important for patients suffering from one of these ailments, but who do not understand how they differ.
Arthritis and arthrosis can affect any joint, but most often, doctors trace a certain pattern regarding the localization of pathology for each of the above ailments.
So, what is the difference between arthrosis and arthritis?
In addition to the localization features of the course of the diseases, they have many differences in symptoms:
It should also be noted that patients with arthritis feel worse, they lose weight and periodically develop high fever and other symptoms related to the progression of this disease. Patients with joints affected by arthrosis feel stiffness and pain in the articular joints; there are no other symptoms. It is these signs that distinguish arthrosis from arthritis.
To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary not only to know what arthritis and arthrosis are, but also to prescribe an effective treatment method and conduct a complete diagnosis in order to help the patient overcome the disease or at least alleviate his condition.
The examination for diagnosing these ailments consists of:
Since these two diseases have different causes and mechanisms of occurrence, the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis is also different. Having identified arthritis, doctors’ actions are aimed at identifying and eliminating the source of inflammation. This is exactly what therapy is aimed at. If the illness is caused by an infection, the patient will be treated with antibiotics. If an autoimmune process is to blame, then hormonal and cytostatic therapy will be prescribed.
When arthrosis is detected, all treatment is aimed at restoring cartilage and restoring mobility to the joint. For this reason, therapy is based on chondroprotectors, therapeutic exercises and manual procedures. In order to relieve pain, the patient is prescribed medications that relieve pain and inflammation. Most often these are ointments.
Treatment of arthrosis and arthritis begins with conservative methods and only if they do not produce results, surgical intervention will be prescribed. Everything will depend on the severity of the disease and the patient’s desire to go under the knife.
When diagnosing problems with joints, the disease must be treated immediately. The longer you delay going to the doctor, the more serious the consequences will be. Traditional therapy is usually supplemented by traditional methods of treatment together with dietary nutrition.
Traditional medicine includes taking baths with bay leaves, warming and ice compresses, and using various ointments, decoctions and tinctures. But before using this or that folk method, you need to consult a doctor.
Special nutrition will also help to overcome arthrosis and arthritis or alleviate their course. A diet for arthritis and arthrosis includes foods that are healthy for joints and a complete avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, and highly salted and fried foods. Nutrition should be completely balanced and low in calories. It is better to cook by steaming, avoiding fried and over-salted dishes. You need to eat jelly and jellied meats more often to restore cartilage destroyed by arthrosis. The menu should include vegetables and fruits rich in healthy carbohydrates. Animal fats must be replaced with vegetable ones. It is also worth taking a course of vitamins and calcium that are beneficial for joints. Omega acids and vitamins A and E help relieve inflammation and reduce stiffness. Also don't forget about nuts, turmeric and ginger, they also have anti-inflammatory properties.
Only comprehensive treatment can help in the fight against arthritis and arthrosis, so consult a doctor in time and do not delay treatment until later, as advanced diseases can lead to disability, when the quality of life will differ significantly from the life of a healthy person. Take care of yourself!
When various changes in the articular humerus bones and their restructuring occur, it is customary to talk about arthrosis of the shoulder joint, the symptoms and treatment of which are classified into four groups.
Dystrophic changes in the cartilage and adjacent bone tissue of the shoulder joint are defined in medicine as arthrosis of the shoulder joint by ICD 10-M19.91. Most often, arthrosis occurs in the acromioclavicular joint of the shoulder, which most often experiences constant stress and severe stress during the day.
Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is degenerative changes in the cartilage and adjacent bone tissue of the shoulder joint
This process occurs slowly and is chronic; at the beginning it is asymptomatic, but gradually the manifestations of the disease increase and over time can lead to complete immobility in the joint area.
Important! The most common form of the disease is post-traumatic arthrosis of the shoulder joint, ICD code 10- M19.91.
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The shoulder joint is one of the most mobile in humans, which provokes quite frequent injuries to the joint. Even a small injury to a joint that is repeated regularly and over a long period of time leads to the development of arthrosis. Arthrosis of the right shoulder joint is most common, because the majority of the population are “right-handed” and the load on the right side is always higher.
The impetus for the development of shoulder arthrosis is inflammation in the joint. It can appear for various reasons:
If the disease develops, you need to consult a doctor, undergo diagnostics, and only then proceed to conservative treatment for medical reasons. It is necessary to find out why the joint was able to deform, what preceded this pathological process. The main causes of arthrosis of the shoulder joint are detailed below:
Arthrosis is characterized by a long development, sometimes not manifesting itself in any way in the initial stages. Therefore, you should be very wary of the slightest symptomatic manifestations. Shoulder arthrosis is usually indicated by:
IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for ARTHRITIS, ARTHROSIS AND OSTEOCHONDROSIS, as well as other diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system, recommended by doctors!
Arthrosis appears in a person after 45 years of age. 4 groups of signs are represented by painful sensations, crunching, decreased range of motion, and deformation of joints.
They have the following manifestations and characteristics:
Arthrosis of the shoulder joint begins discretely (latently), and many patients may not notice it. The first sign of the disease may be weakness of the upper limbs. Then the following symptoms begin to appear:
Note! In the initial stage, grade 1 arthrosis does not cause any symptoms. This is due to the absence of nerve endings in the cartilage tissue, as a result of which the disease begins to manifest itself when the pathological process extends far beyond the joints .
Depending on the nature and extent of damage to bone and cartilage tissue, there are three stages of arthrosis, which are characterized by certain symptoms.
Joint pain not only complicates life, but, as a rule, indicates dangerous inflammatory and destructive processes that gradually hinder movement, and if treated incorrectly or not, lead to irreversible deformities and disabilities.
Arthrosis is the second most common cause of disability after cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, arthritis and arthrosis very often affect the working population, that is, people become unable to work - or are forced to constantly overcome pain in order to earn a living.
So why do joint pains occur, and what methods exist today that are available to Russians that will not just temporarily relieve pain, but eliminate inflammation and stop joint destruction?
Author of the article: Candidate of Medical Sciences, orthopedist-traumatologist Akimov G.V.
Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirov, St. Petersburg
Disappointing statistics. According to official data alone, in Russia there are more than 10 million patients with arthrosis and about 300 thousand Russians suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (about a third of them have severe forms of disability). The prevalence of arthritis and arthrosis is constantly increasing. So, for the period 2001-2005. the incidence of arthrosis increased by 48%. [1]. Arthrosis occurs in every third patient aged 45 to 64 years and in 60–70% over 65 years [2]. According to WHO, arthrosis of the knee joints is in 4th place among the main causes of disability in women and in 8th place in men.
Arthritis and arthrosis have similar names because both diseases affect the joints. They differ in the nature of changes in the joints.
In arthritis, pain is associated with inflammation of the joint tissue . With this disease, the synovial membrane, in which blood and lymphatic vessels and nerve endings are concentrated, suffers. Accordingly, this affects both the nutrition of the joint and the production of joint lubrication (synovial fluid), which nourishes the cartilage.
Arthritis can develop at any age , including children and adolescents (juvenile arthritis). This disease can affect almost any joints , incl. small (arthritis of the fingers), and multiple joint damage may also occur - polyarthritis .
Long-term arthritis leads to arthrosis , since the joint, in particular the cartilage tissue, suffers for a long time from a deficiency of nutrition, which comes from the synovial fluid. It is important not to “extinguish” inflammatory reactions with anti-inflammatory drugs, but rather to fight the cause of inflammation , for example, using phonation.
With arthrosis , first of all, there is destruction of the cartilage covering the surface of the bone (and, if the process is advanced, the bone tissue itself). The cartilage ceases to cope with the load that is placed on it, and it begins to collapse faster than it can recover. The cartilage tissue softens, the normal sliding of the articular surfaces is disrupted, and any movements are accompanied by pain.
Arthrosis often appears after 40 years . Damage to large joints, such as knees (gonarthrosis) and hip joints (coxarthrosis), is more common and is a cause of disability and disability. Osteoarthritis of the fingers, arthrosis of the big toe, temporomandibular joint, damage to the shoulder, elbow joint, etc. occurs less frequently.
With arthritis, general signs characteristic of inflammation may also be observed: fever, chills, sweating, general weakness. May manifest as headaches and weight loss. Symptoms of the disease that caused the inflammation are also observed: damage to the heart with rheumatoid arthritis, lungs and other organs with tuberculosis, etc.
Arthrosis is often accompanied by inflammatory reactions. Accordingly, pain and swelling are observed, as with arthritis, and the disease itself is called arthrosis-arthritis .
With long-term arthrosis, limited mobility often occurs due to degenerative changes in muscles and tendons (so-called contractures), and joint deformation . Therefore, the disease is often called arthrosis deformans or osteoarthritis deformans.
There are several stages of osteoarthritis, which are usually recognized by X-ray images:
If you suspect arthritis or arthrosis, you should consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis. In a regular clinic, this problem is addressed to a rheumatologist or orthopedist-traumatologist, or less often to a surgeon. In large diagnostic centers you can get an appointment with an arthrologist. This is a specialist who deals directly with joint diseases.
Regardless of the specific cause of arthritis or arthrosis, the main problem is an imbalance between the processes of destruction and restoration in the tissues of the joint.
At the cellular level this means that in the joint:
— an excess of damaged and dead cells , which the body does not have time to remove;
— not enough new functional cells are formed , which should replace the dead cells and ensure the proper functioning of the joint.
The difference in the body's reactions during arthritis and arthrosis is explained by the difference in the tissues of the joints that are affected.
In arthritis, damaged cells predominate in the synovium and synovial fluid, and inflammation begins there. Swelling is a necessary reaction of the body to combat excess damaged cells in soft tissues.
In arthrosis, damaged cells predominate in cartilage tissue, where another protection mechanism operates: the replacement of damaged functional cells with connective tissue (scars), which is not capable of performing shock-absorbing functions and does not have the property of elasticity and resilience.
An excess of damaged cells can occur at once due to injury, hypothermia, etc. In other cases, the accumulation of dead cells, a decrease in the functionality of joint tissues occurs gradually due to daily stress (for example, when playing sports, heavy or monotonous physical work), impaired innervation, metabolic, hormonal and other processes. In this regard, understanding risk factors is of great importance in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.
All risk factors for arthritis or arthrosis are associated with situations when the processes of cell death in the joint begin to prevail over the recovery processes:
Infections and non-communicable diseases in most cases serve only as a “trigger”. Arthritis usually occurs in the presence of the above risk factors. Those. inflammation occurs against the background of existing problems - insufficient blood flow, lymph flow, congestion in the joints. Healthy cells tend to be effectively protected from infections and other “attacks.” Therefore, it is important to treat not only the underlying disease that gave rise to arthritis, but also the joints themselves.
From this general understanding, principles for effective joint treatment emerge.
The longer and stronger the destruction processes prevail over the restoration process, the faster the moment of irreversible changes occurs. In this regard, it is important to shift the balance towards recovery as early as possible.
Let us consider the various types of treatment from the point of view of the first three above principles of effectiveness.
In case of inflammation, the following medications are used:
Thus, anti-inflammatory drug therapy is aimed only at relieving the symptoms of the disease, but not at cleaning or nourishing the joint tissues. The drugs only slow down, “freeze” the protective inflammatory process launched by the body.
Temporary relief of pain is also dangerous because the patient stops “sparing” the sore leg. And this worsens the damage to cartilage and bones. Therefore, the disease inevitably returns, and the pain only intensifies due to the occurrence of additional damage during the period of imaginary “calm.” And soon the only method left is joint replacement.
Joint prosthetics (replacing a joint with an artificial one) is a complex, expensive (at least 150 thousand rubles), surgical intervention in which serious postoperative complications are possible (infection, deep vein thrombosis, inflammation of the nerves, etc.). When infection occurs, osteomyelitis may develop, which requires removal of the prosthesis and affected bone areas. The functionality of the prosthesis is lower than that of a real joint. Falls and careless movements may result in dislocations and fractures of fragments of the artificial joint, which requires repeated surgery. There is a high risk of becoming a wheelchair user .
1. Chondroprotectors . Prescribed for the purpose of restoring articular cartilage. These drugs (mostly we are talking about dietary supplements) are widely used in Russia. However, numerous studies (including those published in July 2010 in the British Medical Journal, data from 10 large studies) show no effect even compared to placebo !
2. - an important component of cartilage tissue. A drug based on it can be injected into the joint only after the inflammatory process has been eliminated. The cost of one injection is from 2,000 rubles. up to 16,000 rub. (depending on the concentration of the drug and the manufacturer’s brand), one course involves several injections. The injection of this acid temporarily protects the joint from further damage. However, the artificially administered drug does not stimulate the production of its own acid , so courses must be constantly repeated to maintain the effect. Thus, treatment of one joint annually costs from 30 to 240 thousand rubles.
However, the effectiveness of these methods in terms of curing arthritis and arthrosis is questionable [5], since they do not eliminate the main cause of the disease - an imbalance between the destruction and restoration of joint tissue.
Therapeutic physical exercises, aerobic training, swimming are an effective means of preventing and treating arthrosis. They are aimed at restoring joint mobility and increasing blood flow in the area, and accordingly can stimulate the cleaning and restoration of joint tissue.
During physical exercise, working muscles create biological microvibration * , which is necessary for transport and metabolic processes at the cellular level. Lymphatic and blood vessels do not approach every cell of the body, every micro-area. Cells do not have their own means of transportation, therefore, in order for them to move and contact each other, they need to be “shaken,” which is ensured by the contractile activity of muscle fibers, that is, muscle work.
Muscles create microvibration energy constantly (even during sleep), only the power varies. The absence of microvibration indicates the death of a person. A level of microvibration sufficient to nourish and cleanse all tissues, including joints, occurs only with physical muscle tension .
REFERENCE: The existence of the effect of biological microvibration was discovered in 1986 by Academician N.I. Arinchin and described in the works “Micropumping activity of skeletal muscles during their stretching”, “Peripheral “hearts” of a person” . And in 2002, physicist V.A. Fedorov. Together with a group of doctors, the first measuring device was created - the myotremograph, which made it possible to measure the microvibration background of a person and experimentally confirm the theory.
That is why exercise therapy is recommended for the treatment of arthrosis and has a healing effect.
Unfortunately, physical therapy has serious limitations :
Thus, exercise therapy is an effective means of treating arthrosis (but not arthritis) in people who are not too old at an advanced stage of the disease in the absence of other aggravating diseases.
However, there is a way out of the situation! The energy of biological microvibration can be obtained from the outside using vibroacoustic therapy (phonation).
Phonation involves transmitting sound microvibration (frequency range 30 - 20,000 Hz) into the human or animal body using a special compact medical device. Such sound microvibrations are natural for the body: in their physical characteristics they are similar to those biological microvibrations that are created by muscle tissue under maximum static physical stress (V. A. Fedorov, 2004).
Thus, phonation, applied at home, is a direct alternative to physical exercise . Moreover, the effect of such therapy is higher, since it is an external “pure” resource in relation to the body, and does not require its muscular expenditure. Microvibration energy is directed pointwise to the area of the affected joint, to a depth of 10 cm. Thanks to an external source, muscle tissue, depleted during periods of physical inactivity, physical overload, stress, hypothermia, restores its contractile activity, and therefore the required level of microvibration (microtremor).
Despite its simplicity of action, phonation has numerous therapeutic effects:
In this case, phonation does not have side effects, but has a long-lasting effect.
The effectiveness of phonation (vibroacoustic therapy) in the treatment of joints has been proven by numerous studies, including European ones.
Scientifically proven effectiveness in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis reaches 70-90% depending on the study.
In particular, according to one of the European studies, vibroacoustic therapy in the treatment of gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint) in patients over 44 years of age, half of whom were overweight, allowed:
Graph of pain intensity reduction according to VAS scale
In another European report on long-term experience with phonation, Ph.D. Slobodan Zelenovic (Belgrade Institute of Biochemistry, Military Medical Academy, Serbia. p. 65) noted that this therapy gave unexpected results: “in the largest group of patients (more than 2000 people) with degenerative arthropathy and osteopathy, very high treatment effectiveness was achieved (in some After 18 months of treatment, complete restoration of the knee cartilage ).
Phonics (vibroacoustic therapy) is one of the new and promising areas in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The effectiveness of phonation has been confirmed by a number of scientific studies.
Several models of phonation devices are registered with Roszdravnadzor. All of them are produced under the Vitafon brand. Today, these are the only devices existing in the world that make it possible to transmit microvibration energy, similar to biological microvibrations, into the human body. For more than 25 years of use in more than 2 million people, not a single case of negative side effect has been reported.
The official method of treating arthritis and arthrosis at home using Vitafon medical devices can be found here. The duration of the course largely depends on the severity, duration and nature of the disease.
If pain or discomfort in a joint appears for the first time, then the development of the disease can be prevented with several phonation sessions. If arthritis has become chronic and arthrosis has already “developed”, then in this case you need to get ready for a fairly long and diligent treatment. If just beginning arthritis can be overcome in a few weeks, then treating long-term arthrosis may require several months and even years.
There is a possibility that your attending physician may not know about this new modern treatment method (phonation) and the corresponding devices, so before going to your appointment, we suggest printing out a leaflet with information about contraindications and methods of treating joints, arthritis and arthrosis.
Based on the above information, the following advantages of treating arthritis and arthrosis using the phonation method using Vitafon medical devices have been reliably determined:
Many people do not turn to specialists and self-diagnose themselves when discomfort in the joints occurs. But the development of arthritis and arthrosis is significantly different. Often these diseases are confused with each other. Perhaps this is due to consonance, or perhaps due to missing information. In order to correctly determine the type of joint disease, it is necessary to identify the causes of their occurrence.
Arthrosis mainly occurs in older people as an age-related deformation of the joint. Sometimes the disease appears after severe injuries or fractures in different categories of the population. But arthritis is inflammation of the joints, which does not depend on the patient’s age. The occurrence of the disease affects the entire body. It can occur not only after bruises and injuries, but also after stressful situations, hypothermia or infection. The inflammatory process is caused by the presence of infection in the body, a weakened immune system, which leads to metabolic disorders. The main difference is that arthrosis is a pathology of the joints of a chronic nature, and arthritis is inflammatory. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is very difficult to cure completely. It can be inherited.
Arthritis and arthrosis can affect all elements of the joints. Arthrosis disease appears with age and indicates degenerative changes and deformation of the joints. It is more often observed in athletes or people who engage in heavy physical labor. Arthritis often indicates that an infection has entered the body, reduced immunity and impaired metabolic processes. It can affect the functioning of internal organs - the heart, kidneys or liver. More often occurs after joint injury. Factors such as stress or temperature changes can aggravate the situation.
The following types of joint pathologies are distinguished:
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Inflammation can cause deformation of joints in the legs, feet or arms. Arthritis and arthrosis can be distinguished by their location and degree of development. The symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis are somewhat similar, but the underlying causes will be different. The table shows the main differences between these diseases:
Diseases can be identified using laboratory tests and medical research methods. Arthritis can be diagnosed through a blood test or immunology. If arthrosis occurs, then the following is used for diagnosis:
A common method for diagnosing both diseases is x-rays. It defines:
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Arthritis needs to be treated to avoid consequences, for example, the development of arthrosis. Osteochondrosis and arthrosis can be treated at home. Medical and surgical appointments will be needed for acute arthritis. The first signs when you need to provide first aid and take the patient to a medical center to see a doctor:
Treatment for arthrosis and arthritis will be different. The first disease is dealt with by an orthopedic traumatologist, and the second can be treated by both infectious disease specialists and allergists-immunologists. Only mild and moderate forms of illness can be treated at home with folk remedies (herbs). Complex treatment of arthritis and arthrosis of the foot and other joints includes the following rules and recommendations:
In its advanced form, arthrosis cannot be cured.
If you carry out a treatment course with drugs in a timely manner, you can stop the development of arthrosis and improve the condition of the joint tissues. Ignoring the disease only worsens pathological processes. As for arthritis, given its infectious nature, the use of antibiotics and immunostimulants will quickly eliminate pain in the legs and arms and eliminate inflammation. But it is impossible to cure rheumatoid arthritis completely; it is recommended to use medications all the time - cytostatics or corticosteroids.