Your feet bear the heaviest load throughout your life. Many people, at a young age, feel pain and heaviness in the lower extremities after prolonged walking or standing. Particularly often, unpleasant sensations in the legs occur during prolonged or systematic carrying of heavy objects. But few people suspect that pathologies of the lower extremities are not independent diseases. Among the most common causes of their occurrence are disorders of the vascular system . Vascular diseases of the lower extremities are common disorders in both men and women. This article will discuss which treatment for leg veins is most effective.
There is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to completely restore and how to cure the vessels of the legs. The situation must be considered in each specific clinical case. Much in the treatment of leg veins depends on the stage of the pathological process. The sooner the patient begins treatment for the blood vessels of the legs, the greater the likelihood of complete restoration of the health of the vascular system. And most importantly, early diagnosis allows you to avoid surgical intervention.
Diseases of the blood vessels of the legs are classified depending on the reasons that provoke their development. But, despite slightly different sources of pathology, vascular diseases of the legs often have similar symptoms. Therefore, if alarming signs appear that indicate that any disease of the blood vessels of the legs is developing, you should immediately visit a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. Only a competent doctor can recommend how to treat blood vessels in the legs in a particular case.
Pathology is a chronic disease. The cause of atherosclerosis is a violation of lipid (cholesterol) metabolism. As a result of excess intake of fats into the body or their improper absorption, cholesterol settles on the vascular walls.
This pathological process leads to a gradual narrowing of the blood ducts and especially the vessels in the legs, as well as to the formation of cholesterol plaques inside the vessels.
With atherosclerosis of the arteries in the lower extremities, a person may experience the following symptoms:
Representatives of the female population are more susceptible to atherosclerosis than the male population. In non-advanced cases, disease of the arteries of the lower extremities is treated with conservative methods. Drugs are recommended that restore lipid metabolism and thin blood flow. But it is useless to treat veins without following a diet that excludes foods containing large amounts of cholesterol. A complete rejection of bad habits is necessary.
Varicose veins on the legs? a pathology called varicose veins, it is characterized by deformation of the blood vessels of the lower extremities. The veins in the legs stretch out and begin to protrude onto the surface of the body in the form of purple, lumpy tracks. This pathological process is due to disruption of the activity of venous valves, due to the failure of which a reverse outflow of blood occurs.
It is not uncommon for varicose veins to be seen on the legs of women. The predisposition of girls to vascular disease of the lower extremities is explained by pregnancy and often several in a lifetime. The load on the legs doubles, and blood circulation shifts as the fetus grows inside the mother's womb. In addition, pregnant women are at risk of blood clots. All these reasons result in problems with veins in the legs.
Symptoms of vascular diseases of the legs associated with varicose veins:
Treatment for varicose veins of the lower extremities involves the use of venotonics and anticoagulants, both orally and in the form of ointments and gels for topical use. In addition to conservative therapy, the use of alternative medicine recipes is recommended. Foot baths with herbal decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, and oak bark are useful. It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of horse chestnut products for treating blood vessels on the legs. An excellent auxiliary and preventive remedy is therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, swimming, cycling and other activities that are beneficial for blood vessels.
Thrombosis of subcutaneous vessels is a frequent companion to varicose veins. Superficial diseases of the veins of the lower extremities associated with varicose veins. Vein disease easily reveals itself with characteristic signs on the legs:
Vein thrombosis in the legs requires long-term treatment from several months to a year. First of all, when diagnosing thrombosis, the patient is removed from the acute stage of the pathology. To do this, a person undergoes a course of heparin therapy and the use of thrombolytic anti-inflammatory drugs in a hospital.
After the exacerbation of thrombosis, continued therapy with prostaglandins, glucocorticoids, anticoagulants and other drugs prescribed by the phlebologist is indicated.
For thrombosis and varicose veins on the legs, it is recommended to wear compression products when moving. Compression stockings can be removed during rest. Such products provide good support for enlarged veins, preventing their further swelling. Due to the special porous structure of the fabric, blood circulation improves.
Endarteritis of the leg arteries is a slowly progressive disease of the veins. As a result of this disease of the arteries of the lower extremities, the vessels gradually narrow. And if treatment for the arteries of the lower extremities is not started in a timely manner, endarteritis threatens to completely close the vascular ducts. This leads to the death of nearby tissues, a pathology called spontaneous gangrene. The development of obliterating vascular disease of the legs is provoked by autoimmune processes of allergic origin.
Obliterating leg diseases symptoms:
When diagnosing obliterating endarteritis, it is hardly possible to count on a complete recovery. The pathology is very complex and if treatment is neglected, it can lead to amputation of the lower limb affected by gangrene. Treatment of endarteritis of the leg arteries is aimed at normalizing the patient’s condition and stopping the development of the pathological process.
Therapy is prescribed in a complex that includes painkillers and sedatives, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation, prevent thrombosis, restore vascular tone, and regulate metabolism.
In addition to conservative methods, a clear cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol is required. Stress is strictly prohibited, and you should also avoid any type of activity that involves standing in one place for a long time. It will be necessary to avoid any even minor hypothermia of the lower extremities.
Vascular obstruction tends to occur in an acute form. Diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, leading to vascular insufficiency? this is thrombosis, embolism, injury or compression of the artery. Obstruction can be occlusive (complete) or stenotic (partial). Arterial insufficiency is caused not only by the loss of blood vessel capacity, but also by disruption of the valves.
Signs when veins and vessels are obstructed:
Blockage of deep vessels is caused by the process of increased thrombus formation and accumulation of blood clots in the ducts. Diseases of the leg veins associated with acute venous thrombosis are difficult to determine visually, but can be suspected by some characteristic manifestations:
Acute occlusive insufficiency of the vascular system can lead to cardiogenic collapse, accompanied by tachycardia, atrial flutter, and a drop in blood pressure. In case of urgent resuscitation, the patient is given intravenous sodium benzoate, caffeine, ascorbic acid and other drugs as necessary. Carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation, maintain the activity of the heart, lungs and pressure in the arteries. Often in such cases, it is possible to bring the patient back to life only through surgical intervention to restore blood flow in the damaged vascular area.
People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend little time outdoors are at risk of developing vascular diseases. Therefore, to prevent and treat cardiovascular pathologies, you will have to include in your daily routine at least walking in areas with high oxygen levels. Because not a single medicine for healing the veins in the legs is able to cope with the disease if a person leads an incorrect lifestyle. Medications for the treatment of veins in the legs can help the body cope with the pathology at first. But further restoration of full blood supply depends entirely on the person. From his way of eating, giving up bad habits, maintaining a drinking regime, and physical activity.
Varicose veins on the legs of the stronger half of humanity occur much less frequently than in women. Therefore, men often do not attach importance to the external signs of the disease. They are diagnosed with varicose veins at a later stage, when the disease is more difficult to fight.
Dilated veins, called varicose veins, are chronic, non-infectious. Most often, this disease is transmitted hereditarily.
Varicose veins, having appeared in the body, may not be felt by their carrier for some time.
The symptoms of the disease are similar to those in women, however, in men, dilation of the veins in the legs can progress and move to the pelvic organs or groin area.
Vasodilation can be suspected when:
In order to promptly identify and treat the disease, it is necessary to know the reasons that can trigger its occurrence.
The following factors may be prerequisites for varicose veins in men:
Very often the question arises: how to treat varicose veins on the legs of men? The method of treating varicose veins depends on the stage at which the disease was diagnosed.
For this, both medicinal methods and surgical intervention can be used.
In any case, during the treatment period the patient will have to change his lifestyle , following the following tips:
Drug therapy is mainly used if varicose veins are still in the initial stages of their development.
Varicose veins in men on the legs, treatment:
Varicose veins in men can be treated at home using several recipes.
The severe stage of the disease can only be treated with surgery.
They are divided into two main types:
One type of conservative treatment for varicose veins is the use of compression garments.
Treatment with this method is based on the pressure of the underwear on certain areas of the legs . Thanks to this, blood does not stagnate in the limb.
This underwear also prevents further expansion of veins and the formation of blood clots.
Compression underwear for men with varicose veins can be of several types. On the one hand, these are tights and stockings, on the other, knee socks.
Tights are used by men only in advanced stages of the disease. You can read more about compression garments here.
More often, representatives of the stronger half of humanity choose knee socks. They create pressure on the leg not exceeding 20 mmHg. Art.
Compression garments can be replaced with an elastic bandage. In this case, the pressure bandage must be applied from the foot up the leg, ensuring that there is not too much pressure on the surface of the skin.
What are the dangers of varicose veins on the legs of men? If treatment is not started on time, it can have a large number of complications. In the severe stage, thrombophlebitis, ulcerative formations on the legs and gangrene begin to develop. Varicose veins also often provoke diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, atherosclerosis, which occurs due to the appearance of blood clots.
In men, the disease is also dangerous in that it can spread to the pelvic organs and groin area.
Varicose veins in the groin in men or varicoceles occur in 15% of men. Often it becomes a consequence of varicose veins on the legs . With this disease, the veins of the seminal canals dilate.
Its signs may be:
In the initial stage of development, the disease can only be detected by ultrasound. This disease is difficult to treat, but at the same time, it is necessary to treat it, because in half of the clinical cases, varicocele leads to infertility.
Dilatation of the veins of the pelvic organs is fraught with many unpleasant complications. Among them are impaired urination and loss of sexual function of the body. This disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:
Such varicose veins are treated with medication (conservative method), as well as surgery.
Most often, varicose veins appear in men after forty years of age. But there are also exceptions. The causes of varicose veins in young men can be:
Check out visually the causes and symptoms of varicose veins in men:
It is better to prevent any disease before it affects the body. To prevent varicose veins, you can take the following measures:
In case of a hereditary predisposition to the appearance of varicose veins, you can also take vitamins that thin the blood.
From this article you will learn: are there any differences in how to treat varicose veins on the legs in men and women, what the correct therapy should be, and why delaying treatment is dangerous.
According to vascular surgeons who treat varicose veins on the legs, there are no differences in symptoms, complications, treatment methods and results in women and men. There is only a difference in seeking medical help: representatives of the stronger sex make an appointment with a doctor only in advanced cases, so quite often doctors have to resort to surgical treatment.
Unfortunately, varicose veins in both women and men can only be cured through surgical interventions. However, even after them, the frequency of relapses of the disease is quite high.
Next, let's talk about treatment methods that are used in men (and women too).
Varicose veins on the legs in men do not always require treatment. If the disease does not cause any symptoms in the patient, then medical attention is not needed.
Treatment is usually carried out:
If treatment is necessary, doctors may first recommend non-drug methods:
Drug treatment of varicose veins on the legs in men is auxiliary. None of the drugs used have proven to be highly effective. Most often, doctors prescribe diosmin and hesperidin. These are semi-synthetic flavonoids that increase the tone of the venous wall, reducing blood stagnation in the lower extremities.
If complications develop, anti-inflammatory and painkillers, local bactericidal drugs, antibiotics, ointments or gels with glucocorticosteroids are used.
Pros and cons of treatment with lifestyle changes:
Pros and cons of compression stockings:
For mild varicose veins on the legs, doctors may recommend minimally invasive treatment (surgeries with minimal intervention) for men. These methods are performed under local anesthesia.
This is one of the main methods of surgical treatment performed for varicose veins on the legs. Its essence is to use radiofrequency or laser energy to coagulate the affected veins. With endothermic ablation, a thin catheter and a special instrument are inserted into the lumen of the vein, emitting radio frequency waves or laser irradiation, which heat the vascular wall and lead to its coagulation.
If the patient is not suitable for endothermic ablation, he may undergo sclerotherapy. This treatment method consists of injecting a special chemical into the lumen of the vein, which causes it to scar and “stick together.” Currently, there is a more modern method of sclerotherapy, in which a special “foam” is injected into the vessels under ultrasound control. This allows larger veins to be “glued” together than with the traditional technique.
In case of severe varicose veins, the use of minimally invasive techniques is not justified, so doctors recommend surgical treatment.
Most often, vascular surgeons perform a stripping operation (removal of the saphenous vein using a special probe). During this intervention, the surgeon makes an incision at the proximal end of the vein, through which a special probe is inserted into its lumen. Having moved it towards the foot, the doctor again makes an incision over the distal end of the probe, and then secures the vein to its head with a thread. The probe is then slowly withdrawn through the proximal incision, removing the vein along with it. During the operation, such a procedure usually has to be done several times, since it is most often not possible to remove the entire vein in one step. Small varicose veins are stitched with a special thread - a ligature.
Another common operation to treat varicose veins in men on the legs is in which surgeons remove varicose nodes through small incisions measuring 1-2 mm. Then, using a special hook, they remove a section of the affected vein through this incision, tie it off and cross it. Part of the vein is removed by slowly twisting it onto a clamp.
Click on photo to enlarge
One of the newest surgical methods for treating varicose veins on the legs, used in women and men, is transillumination phlebectomy. During this operation, the surgeon makes one or two small incisions through which a special instrument with a light source is inserted under the skin. This allows him to see which veins need to be removed.
These operations are usually performed under regional or general anesthesia.
Regardless of the type of minimally invasive or surgical treatment, the use of compression stockings is mandatory after treatment.
Minimally invasive and surgical methods for eliminating varicose veins on the legs in men are highly effective in the short term. However, the long-term prognosis for the treatment of this disease is not so rosy - according to statistics, the relapse rate after 5 years is 20-60%. Recurrence of varicose veins is more common in patients who have undergone endothermic ablation or sclerotherapy. In addition, good long-term treatment results depend on the continued use of compression therapy after surgery.
The best phlebologist in Moscow, Kirill Samokhin, treats varicose veins quickly and without pain.
Men rarely notice veins on the genitals. They can be deep, superficial, take part in erection, due to them blood outflow is ensured. When veins begin to protrude above the surface of the penis, this is not yet a pathology. It is dangerous when their diameter is more than 4 mm. In this case, you must definitely consult your doctor.
Varicose veins are a serious and quite unpleasant problem. With it, the veins begin to stretch, then deformation occurs, they become denser, harden, and look very much like lumps. The pathology is especially pronounced during erection, during which blood pressure rises. Unsightly growths can be seen under the skin of the organ, while the man suffers from unbearable pain.
Most often, pathology occurs due to the fact that a man uses various unconventional sexual techniques. Some people deliberately begin to delay ejaculation to prolong sexual intercourse.
In addition, a number of factors can be identified that lead to varicose veins:
We draw your attention to the first signals indicating varicose veins of the penis:
We note that painful sensations occur extremely rarely. They have an unaesthetic appearance; the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner.
Phlebologists allow sex only if it does not lead to injury to the inflamed veins. But when unbearable pain and discomfort appear, it is better to completely refuse to have sex.
Attention! If the veins are not treated in a timely manner, the pressure in the organ may increase, and everything will end with serious consequences:
In this situation, you need to urgently consult a doctor, he will help get rid of unpleasant sensations and return the man to a full intimate life.
At the beginning of the development of the pathology, the man feels normal, only small tubercles can be noticed on the penis. Then the organ begins to deform, while the cones increase in size, there are many more of them.
At the last stage, hard areas appear on the organ and hemorrhage occurs. Here you need to take urgent action, otherwise everything will end in unpleasant consequences.
The doctor carefully examines the genital organ, then collects a medical history, paying attention to the patient’s complaints. What interests him most is the size of the veins. Dopplerography and venography may rarely be prescribed.
A man should definitely consult a urologist in the following cases:
Additionally, you need to consult with a surgeon, dermatologist, or urologist.
The patient is prescribed local anticoagulants and analgesics. During treatment you should avoid having sex. Additionally, the doctor prescribes a number of medications:
In extreme cases, a phlebologist performs a vein puncture to remove excess blood from the organ. When conservative treatment is not effective, urgent surgery is necessary. The man is recovering two weeks after surgery. If varicose veins recur frequently, phlebectomy is necessary. In this situation, the affected vein is excised and then ligated.
Additionally, you can use leech therapy, which has a positive effect on the circulatory system.
To prevent problems, it is necessary to strengthen the body. Be sure to follow these recommendations:
We note that the expansion of veins on the penis is not life-threatening, but it negatively affects sexual life. To avoid various complications, consult a doctor immediately.
Thus, varicose veins of the penis are a rare pathology, but it leads to complexes in men and unpleasant sensations. It is very important not to delay treatment, do not be shy, be sure to seek help from a doctor. Carefully monitor your lifestyle, do not trigger pathology!
Varicose veins in representatives of the stronger sex can be detected at any age. Heavy physical activity, sports, sedentary work, unbalanced diet and consumption of alcoholic beverages contribute to the development of pathology. Varicose veins in men on the legs cause night cramps, a feeling of heaviness, and swelling of the lower extremities. In the later stages, venous nodes form, the walls of blood vessels become inflamed, and blockage of the veins may occur.
How to treat varicose veins on the legs in men and alleviate the ailment is determined by a phlebologist or angiosurgeon. Prescribing medications is necessary to relieve acute symptoms of illness, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of developing complications such as thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, edema syndrome, and eczema.
For the treatment of varicose veins the following is prescribed:
Drug therapy for varicose veins in men is effective in the early stages of the disease and in the postoperative period. Medicines slow the progression of the disease, relieve acute symptoms and improve quality of life, but cannot completely cure varicose veins in the legs.
Therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed to eliminate pain and reduce the inflammatory process. This group includes: Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ketanov.
Medicines should be prescribed by a doctor as part of complex therapy, taking into account the severity of the disease, the presence of contraindications and the age of the patient. Taking pills on your own can lead to complications.
It is necessary to treat varicose veins on the legs in men with topical medications. The affected areas are treated with angioprotective ointments 1–3 times a day. Patients are most often prescribed:
In case of a complicated course of the disease, the formation of eczema, trophic ulcers, treatment with ointments containing corticosteroids is prescribed. These are Hydrocortisone, Laticord, Flucinar. The products relieve inflammation and allergic manifestations, reduce itching and swelling, constrict blood vessels, and prevent the formation of scars.
One of the effective methods of treating varicose veins in men is the use of compresses on the affected areas of the lower extremities. Dimexide is used for applications - this drug has a pronounced analgesic, antiseptic effect, and improves skin permeability to other medications.
Compresses are made from an aqueous solution of Dimexide 50% as follows: gauze is soaked in the medicine and applied to the leg, the limb is wrapped in cling film or polyethylene on top and covered with a woolen scarf. Treatment should last 20–30 minutes, the procedure is performed daily for 10–15 days.
If there are seals and blood clots in the veins, make local applications with Vishnevsky ointment. Liniment is applied to the surface of the skin, fixed on top with a bandage and film, and kept for 6-8 hours. After removing the bandage, the skin is cleaned with soap. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease.
Compresses with Menovazin help cure male varicose veins at home. The drug is diluted in a concentration of 50% and applied to the lower extremities, covered with a film on top. Treatment helps relieve swelling, pain, feeling of heaviness, and cramps. Therapy is contraindicated for inflammation.
For varicose veins in men, treatment with folk remedies will also be effective.
It is useful to make wraps with a vinegar solution. Use a regular table product. It is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:2. Gauze is moistened in the resulting liquid and wrapped around the legs. A film is applied on top, and then a warm towel. You need to keep the compress for 1 hour, therapy is continued for 2–4 weeks.
As part of complex therapy, men are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. Magnetic laser treatment of the vascular bundle helps reduce inflammation, swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, improves blood circulation and lymph outflow.
Intermittent pneumocompression and ozone therapy tones and stimulates blood circulation in the veins. Therapeutic baths with mud, oxygen, table salt, and bubble procedures have a good therapeutic effect. Carrying out darsonvalization promotes the resorption of blood clots in the veins under the influence of low-frequency currents.
Therapeutic exercises, walking, and swimming can also improve the condition of the vessels of the lower extremities and eliminate venous congestion. Active sports are contraindicated.
So, we found out why varicose veins on the legs are dangerous in men, but this disease has complications. For example, the disease can lead to damage to deep vessels, the formation of phlebitis and thrombophlebitis. Consolidations in the veins sometimes narrow the diameter of the lumen and cause blockage, with further ischemia of nearby tissues. Stopping blood circulation in the veins threatens the development of gas gangrene and paresthesia of the limbs.
Varicose veins can become a problem not only for women - the blood vessels of the male body are also susceptible to this disease. And although, according to statistics, the disease occurs much more often in women, varicose veins cause more serious consequences in men: the development of the disease does not stop on the legs and can spread to the groin area and even the genitals (testicles).
A characteristic feature of the course of the disease in men is that they often do not notice the first alarming symptoms, be it swelling of the venous vessels or their obvious appearance through the skin. Most men who encounter this take everything for minor cosmetic defects that are not worthy of special attention. Suspicion appears after the formation of inflamed nodes on the legs, blood clots in the vessels and difficult-to-heal ulcers on the skin.
In fact, even the very first “signals” that a man’s body sends are easy to notice – the symptoms of varicose veins in men shown in the photo become clear. One has only to pay due attention to the discomfort, take action, and more serious manifestations of the disease can be avoided altogether. Therefore, the stronger sex needs to be more attentive to their condition in order to stop problems in the early stages.
As for the age indicator, damage to the blood vessels of the legs in men is observed both in youth and after reaching a significant age. The total number of men experiencing problems with leg veins reaches 15% of the entire male population.
The cause of the development of this disease may be the presence of a hereditary predisposition in a man. It is the genetic factor, among many others, that phlebologists call the key factor: if it is present, the pathology is most likely to manifest itself in men.
A man’s dependence on alcohol and tobacco can significantly speed up the process of the appearance of varicose veins. Veins become inflamed at an accelerated rate if a man abuses smoking and alcoholic beverages - the free radicals entering the body contribute to the wear and tear of the thin walls of blood vessels. Alcohol toxins can also cause changes in blood circulation through the veins of the legs.
How does this manifest itself externally? Drinking men are distinguished by swollen veins of a blue-violet color. In addition to the change in color, the vessels can be easily noticed because they protrude sharply above the skin of the legs, while a person notices pain along the course of the blood vessel. Other characteristic symptoms include numbness in the toes and the illusion of goosebumps crawling on the skin. All this leads to the fact that smokers and alcoholics experience rapid fatigue when walking; they cannot remain in an upright position for a long time.
Another significant factor that provokes varicose veins in men’s legs can be obesity. It is noteworthy that it is not the excess weight itself that is critical for the blood vessels, but the resulting increased load on the lower limbs. Lifting heavy loads and any excessive physical activity in principle has a similar effect on the male body. However, if obesity returns, its appearance is facilitated by an unbalanced diet: an increase in the proportion of genetically modified foods along with a decrease in the amount of vegetables and fruits eaten. Meanwhile, it is the plant components in food that provide resources for cell regeneration in the walls of the veins.
Stagnation in the blood vessels is also caused by prolonged stay in one static position, and it does not matter whether it is a long standing or a long stay in a sitting position. The veins of the lower extremities, under the influence of excess blood volumes, stretch and thin, while the valves located in the vessels no longer fully cope with their functions. The result of this is varicose veins in men’s legs.
To prevent the development of this disease, a man should eliminate the listed risk factors: leaving bad habits in the past, maintaining your weight within normal limits and moderate physical activity will significantly slow down the appearance of pathologies in the blood vessels of the legs.
The symptoms of varicose veins in men are in many ways similar to those experienced by women. A man who is faced with the problem of varicose veins at different stages of progression may notice the following symptoms of the disease:
Symptoms of varicose veins in men can also appear in the groin area. This type of illness is accompanied by subtle signs and is therefore especially insidious - it is extremely difficult to identify the disease at an early stage.
The first degree is diagnosed only during an ultrasound examination during an examination by a specialist. Inguinal varicose veins are much more visible already in its second stage, when the veins are visible to the eye when the man is in an upright position.
Varicose veins in men can develop into a phase such as varicocele or testicular varicose veins. In men, the veins involved in transporting blood from the testicles to the spermatic cord are affected. Unstable operation of the valves in the vessels returns blood back to the testicle, which is why swelling and nodules are visible on the veins. In principle, varicocele does not lead to dangerous complications; symptoms are most often limited to discomfort in the groin area. However, dysfunction of the blood flow can overheat the sperm, which causes male infertility.
Thus, in the absence of necessary therapy, varicose veins will slow down blood flow with the formation of blood clots and ulcers. The most serious consequence of the disease is the detachment of an enlarged blood clot - if, while moving through the circulatory system, it clogs a key artery, this instantly leads to death.
Depending on at what stage of varicose veins a man turned to the help of specialists, there are three treatment methods - let’s look in more detail at what they are and how they affect the affected vessels.
In the case when the patient comes to a medical institution at the first stage of the disease, the phlebologist will prescribe him a complex of drugs with a venotonic effect of medications and various ointments. This treatment is relatively easy and completely painless.
The goal of treating the initial stage of damage to the male veins is to narrow their lumen and restore the function of valve closure. To quickly achieve the desired effect, in addition to medications, elastic bandages are also used; in a supine position, they are applied to the legs, and can also be successfully replaced with stockings or tights made of special medical fiber with a tonic effect.
However, the basis for the treatment of the first stage of varicose veins is the use of medications that restore blood circulation by reducing its density. The drugs relieve acute manifestations of the disease, prevent the formation of thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism, and generally have a significant beneficial effect:
To relieve the symptoms of varicose veins in men and stabilize the general condition of this disease, specialists use medications with components of plant origin. Their advantage is the high content of biologically active substances: flavonoids, saponins, coumarins, which have antiplatelet properties.
If the condition of the circulatory system is complicated by the presence of blood clots, the doctor prescribes medications containing antiplatelet agents - their healing effect is the gradual dissolution of the formations. In particular, heparin contained in heparin ointment has such properties. Also, to ensure free microcirculation, phlebologists recommend the following medications:
Due to the significant content of the active substances diosmin and hesperidin, the preparations Detralex and Venarus have a powerful healing effect on the walls of vessels affected by varicose veins. Medicines based on horse chestnut (Aescusan, Escin), as well as drugs with bioflavonoids (Anavenol, Troxevasin), are also common. Inflammatory processes in tissues are relieved by corticosteroid hormones and drugs based on diclofenac. Preparations based on diosmin alone, Phlebof, Vasoket, Diosmin and others like them, are slightly inferior in effectiveness and therefore less in demand.
The medicine is selected only by the attending physician individually for each patient
However, as we found out earlier, minor defects of the venous vessels in the legs rarely become an argument for starting treatment, and patients often come to a specialist in the later stages of the disease. Of course, in such cases, varicose veins in men on the legs take on more serious forms, in which traditional treatment with venotonic medications and ointments does not bring any effect, as does knitted compression underwear. Therefore, treatment of male varicose veins is carried out primarily by surgery. To limit yourself to minor intervention and ensure a minimum rehabilitation period, so-called gentle or minimally invasive therapy methods are used.
It is the sclerotherapy technique that is most often practiced in the treatment of male varicose veins due to its high degree of effectiveness and ease of use. The doctor fills the vessel affected by varicose veins with a sclerosant substance. Thus, the pathological vein is excluded from the circulatory system, gradually forming fibrous tissue.
Symptoms of varicose veins in men are relieved using a laser: under ultrasound control, the vessel is exposed to a laser beam, as a result of which the lumen of the vessel narrows and the walls stick together. In this case, blood circulation in the extremities does not stop, but passes through the remaining healthy blood vessels.
Although varicose veins are a surgical disease, with timely intervention by phlebologists, the course of the disease can be stopped at the initial stages in order to avoid any of the listed operations. In this case, it will be sufficient to carry out general strengthening and supportive measures.
The type of compression garments and the degree of compression can only be selected by the attending physician.
It is worth recognizing: not everyone, upon detecting symptoms of varicose veins, will decide to undergo surgical intervention. Also, not everyone wants to take expensive medications for a long period. Therefore, when choosing how to treat varicose veins, men have an alternative answer: various traditional medicines come into play.
Specialized websites are replete with all kinds of recommendations for alternative medicine - you just need to select a few that are most acceptable for yourself and begin experiments on improving your own health. However, you need to be aware: treatment with folk remedies brings the desired results only when the first symptoms are detected, when the disease is at an early stage of development.
In such a situation, self-medication at home using simple and accessible means can indeed give positive results. The main method consists of preparing infusions from medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Some men prefer drugs with the active substance from horse chestnut, but their use is possible only after mandatory consultation with a phlebologist. Also common are the use of aspirin, heparin-based ointment, and self-prepared garlic remedies.
We can conclude: effective methods that defeat early varicose veins in men on the legs are phytotherapeutic or based on herbal remedies. Here are some of them:
It is important not to overuse alcohol-based tinctures, otherwise they can only worsen the situation.
In addition to herbal treatments, the treatment of varicose veins on male legs includes gymnastic exercises - many of them are widely known to people and have been used for a very long time. How to treat varicose veins in men with physical activity?
Exercises that provoke the outflow of blood from pathologically altered veins are especially effective. A good example is the following complex: in a lying position, the left and right straight legs are alternately raised up, after which the foot is stretched to the limit, followed by relaxation.
It is worth noting: for male varicose veins, any physical exercise in which you will give your legs an elevated position will be appropriate - doctors especially advise performing these movements in the evening, when activity will relieve the fatigue accumulated during the working day.
Let us remind you: all this is applicable only in the very first period of the disease - when the primary symptoms of varicose veins in men are noted. If the vessels are in an advanced state, you will not receive a therapeutic effect, but the disease can progress to a severe stage, when the situation can only be corrected by surgery. Is it worth risking your precious health? In any case, making an appointment with a qualified phlebologist will not be superfluous: a specialist will accurately assess your condition and prescribe the correct recovery method.
However, each of us has the surest way to completely eliminate the disease, and therefore avoid the financial and time costs of treatment. Varicose veins in men on the legs will not threaten you if you strictly adhere to simple preventive recommendations in your life.
There are wise recommendations regarding diet: refrain from sausages, steaks, smoked meats, canned foods, spicy, fatty and heavy foods. All this can be replaced with fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs, potassium-rich dried fruits, and calcium-rich cottage cheese. It is also welcome to include seafood in the menu, take fish oil, and eat seaweed. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, add chokeberry and sea buckthorn juices to your diet - they contain the substance rutin, which restores the health of blood vessels.
The recommendations presented in the article are guaranteed to allow men to avoid the problem of varicose veins in the legs and remain active for many years.