Varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy are a fairly common disease, which is characterized by dilation and pathological changes in the veins of the external genitalia (VG) and brings expectant mothers discomfort, anxiety and, often, fear. Most often, this disease first appears or progresses noticeably during pregnancy. Now let’s figure out in order why women have to face this problem during this most beautiful and important period.
During pregnancy, many changes occur in the body and most of them are invisible to the naked eye. The well-known hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the preservation and development of pregnancy, acts not only on the uterus, but also on the veins, or rather on their smooth muscle cells, thereby reducing their tone. This is the first and most important cause of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy. Progesterone begins its negative impact on the venous wall from the earliest stages, when a woman only finds out that she will soon become a mother.
information The influence of hereditary factors should also not be underestimated. If your mother, older sister, grandmother suffered from this disease, then be prepared to face it too. In addition, another trigger is the pressure of the rapidly growing pregnant uterus on the pelvic vessels and difficulty in the outflow of blood through the veins. The final causative factor is rapid weight gain over nine months.
Externally, varicose veins of the lower extremities are very similar to those on the lower extremities. Here are the main symptoms of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy:
If you find yourself with one or more of the signs listed above, you should definitely contact your gynecologist. To confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage, you will be scheduled for further examination . First of all, you will need to take tests - a general blood test with determination of platelet levels and a detailed coagulogram, which must include the following indicators: PTI (prothrombin index), APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time), fibrinogen A and B, D-dimers, INR (international normalized ratio).
Next, you will need to undergo an ultrasound of the veins of the pelvis and lower extremities and consult a vascular surgeon with all the results obtained.
Treatment of varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy is conservative. First of all, it includes changes in lifestyle and nutrition. It is necessary to move as much as possible, since while walking the work of the muscular-venous valves increases and the outflow of blood improves. Visiting the pool 2-3 times a week has a beneficial effect on the venous system and on the body of a pregnant woman in general. It is necessary to exclude salty, fried, smoked and fatty foods from the diet. Monitor your weight gain. If you gain more than 300 grams per week, you need to arrange a fasting day (cottage cheese, apple or rice).
Wear compression stockings and don’t forget to take them with you to the maternity hospital, they help reduce pressure in the veins of the pelvis, lower limbs and veins. A vascular surgeon will help you choose the type of stockings and compression class after consultation. It is necessary to know and strictly follow the general principles of wearing compression garments:
Among the medications, you may be prescribed venotonics (improving the tone of the veins) for general and local use (venotonics). Local preparations include various gels and ointments, which include gingo biloba, troxerutin, and heparin. General venotonics include substances such as diosmin, hesperidin and the same troxerutin. In the pharmacy chain, these drugs are represented by a wide range of different trade names (Detralex, Phlebodia, Lyoton-gel). They should be taken only after consulting a doctor.
additionally For most women, varicose veins in the groin disappear after childbirth. However, in some cases, surgery . In modern vascular surgery, along with classical phlebectomy (removal of varicose veins), laser and radiofrequency coagulation of pathologically altered veins are widely and successfully used.
Every pregnant woman who faces this problem should follow all the recommendations of her gynecologist. With severe varicose veins in the groin, prenatal hospitalization in the hospital at 38-39 weeks will be required for further examination and determination of the method of delivery. Most often, childbirth occurs spontaneously and without any complications. And only in cases of extensive varicose veins do obstetrician-gynecologists have to resort to delivery by cesarean section. Surgery in this case is necessary due to the risk of bleeding , which may occur due to rupture of vaginal varicose veins during childbirth.
Varicose veins are usually associated with a serious disruption of their functioning. Discomfort is caused by severe disruption of blood flow. Pregnant women encounter such a problem as varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy quite often. They experience constant problems with their well-being, so they strive to eliminate it using accessible and safe methods and means.
The pregnancy period is one of the most important factors leading to significant changes in a woman’s body. Against the background of such changes, dangerous varicose veins in the groin arise and develop during pregnancy.
The essence of this pathology is that the body experiences a certain pathological strong dilation of the vessels of the veins passing through the external organs of the genital area. A pathology of this kind causes serious concern to all mothers, and there is also discomfort in the organs and throughout the perineum.
There are several reasons for the appearance and development of such a phenomenon as varicose veins in the groin of pregnant women. There are several main ones:
In terms of its external characteristics, varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin are similar to a similar pathology of the legs. Among the main signs of this pathology are:
As soon as the first signs of varicose veins in the vagina are noticed, you should immediately tell your gynecologist about them. The specialist will definitely conduct examinations, on the basis of which treatment will then be prescribed.
First of all, blood is taken for analysis to determine the number of platelets, and a detailed medical coagulogram is performed. In some situations, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the genitals, pelvis and hips. With the information received, the woman is referred to an experienced surgeon who works with blood vessels.
Such a serious pathology as varicose veins in the groin area is not just a certain disadvantage of a special cosmetic plan, but a real, quite serious disease that tends to result in various complications.
If the problem is not treated, a pregnant woman may face problems such as dangerous thrombophlevititis, bleeding and trophic ulcers. To eliminate the problem, pregnant women are often prescribed effective conservative treatment, they will need to change their general lifestyle, and they will also have to reconsider their daily diet.
Treatment can be different - surgical and conservative - it all depends on the form of the pathology and the degree of its development. Along with the prescribed therapy, it is important to take special poses at every opportunity that significantly alleviate varicose veins and the unpleasant condition associated with this pathology. As a rule, this is a special position lying and sitting, in which you just need to slightly raise your legs.
Nutrition needs to be regulated to normalize intestinal function. It is necessary to completely exclude salty, fried and smoked foods from the diet. It is very important to closely monitor your weight. If the increase exceeds 300 grams per week, you should arrange fasting days for yourself from time to time.
An equally common method of combating varicose veins is wearing special compression underwear. Such clothing effectively reduces blood pressure and can quickly eliminate itching of the labia. There are several rules that apply to wearing:
The size and type of underwear should be chosen by a specialist, since it is important to find a compromise solution. Products should support blood vessels in a normal position, and not constrain them.
In more severe cases, the doctor may prescribe special venotonic drugs, as well as general local use. Modern industrial enterprises produce such drugs in a huge range.
There are special gels and ointments, among which are troxerutin, heparin and products based on gingo biloba. These are preparations for special external use. At the same time, they may be prescribed medications that belong to the category of venotonics, that is, diosmin, as well as hesperidin. All of these are quite serious drugs that should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
In most cases, varicose veins in the groin go away on their own immediately after childbirth. If this does not happen, surgery may be required. Modern vascular surgeons offer classical phlebectomy, that is, removal of the affected veins. Laser and radiofrequency techniques for removing veins whose functioning is severely impaired are no less common.
To completely prevent this pathology, you should first of all purchase the most comfortable shoes. With incorrectly selected shoes, the load on the legs on the vessels will be distributed unevenly.
Reasonable physical activity is very important. If a woman is forced to stand or sit a lot because of work, it is imperative to take short breaks of a couple of minutes. Minor movements effectively accelerate the blood, preventing its stagnation.
Hot baths should be stopped during this period, as this can seriously harm your general condition. Preference should be given to contrasting baths. It is worth watching your sleep, the position should be on your side, you can put a small pillow under your feet. Experts recommend a preventive massage performed with light movements.
If pregnant women encounter a similar problem, be sure to follow all the specialist’s recommendations. With severe varicose veins, the expectant mother is sent to hospital treatment. This is necessary to conduct additional examination, as well as to select the method of the most appropriate birth control.
Treatment in a hospital is also necessary for the reason that compression garments are not worn in recent weeks. This is dangerous, and with such a pathology, bed rest is indicated during the prenatal period, which can only be provided in hospital conditions.
If a woman has severely developed varicose veins, a caesarean section may be prescribed. The reason is that there is a risk of bleeding, which can develop due to the rupture of veins in the vagina during the process of postpartum.
Complications from varicose veins in the groin are quite serious consequences that can put the life of the expectant mother and baby at risk. Pregnant women must follow all the recommendations of their doctor, take care of their health and the full development of their child.
Varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin are a phenomenon that occurs in 30% of women, and with each subsequent pregnancy the risk of developing pathology increases. The first signs of the disease appear at the beginning of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, but sometimes this happens already in the 2nd trimester.
Often varicose veins of the groin area are a complication of disease of the lower extremities, and sometimes - its harbinger. The pathological process can affect the saphenous veins of external organs, the uterus and vagina, and the iliac veins.
Varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin are a phenomenon that occurs in 30% of women, and with each subsequent pregnancy the risk of developing pathology increases.
During pregnancy, hormonal levels change in a woman's body.
The main reason for the development of varicose veins in the perineal area is progesterone, which is produced in large quantities during pregnancy, increases blood pressure, increases the volume of circulating blood and at the same time reduces the muscle tone of the veins and promotes their expansion.
At the same time, during pregnancy, the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the pelvic vessels: the inferior vena cava and iliac veins increases. The outflow of blood from the lower extremities, external genital and pelvic organs worsens, the lumen of the veins increases, the venous wall becomes thinner, and nodes appear - local dilations of blood vessels.
Exacerbates congestion and weight gain during pregnancy. Due to the increased load on the lower extremities, the superficial vessels that do not have muscle support are primarily affected.
The development of varicose veins in the groin area during pregnancy largely depends on genetic predisposition. Heredity determines such characteristics of the vascular wall as density, elasticity, consistency of venous valves, and the presence of structural anomalies.
The development of varicose veins in the groin area during pregnancy largely depends on genetic predisposition.
Lack of muscle activity, chronic inflammatory processes in the organs and tissues of the genitourinary system, long-term use of hormonal contraceptives before pregnancy and hormone-containing drugs during it, diseases of the cardiovascular system, frequent constipation, high intra-abdominal pressure, increased viscosity and blood clotting, chronic diseases of the endocrine system aggravate the course of the disease.
Vaginal varicose veins often develop against the background of sexual dysfunction or as a result of changes in the position of the uterus, and inguinal varicose veins often develop as a result of heavy lifting, prolonged static body position (standing, sitting, lying down) and too intense physical activity.
Women with a history of difficult births are more likely to develop varicose veins in the groin area during a subsequent pregnancy. In addition, the disease can develop at an earlier stage - already in the 2nd trimester.
Inguinal varicose veins during pregnancy have the following symptoms:
With severe stretching of the veins, aching pain appears in the lower abdomen, which spreads to the entire groin, lower back, and buttocks. Because of the pain, sexual intercourse becomes impossible, and heavy discharge from the vulva may occur.
Varicose veins of the vagina and uterus during pregnancy are often asymptomatic. With severe stretching of the veins, aching pain appears in the lower abdomen, which spreads to the entire groin, lower back, and buttocks. Because of the pain, sexual intercourse becomes impossible, and heavy discharge from the vulva may occur.
If veins are swollen on the genitals of a pregnant woman, you should immediately contact a phlebologist. To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to conduct a detailed blood test to assess the number of platelets, a comprehensive analysis of coagulation indicators (prothrombin index, thromboplastin time, fibrinogen A and B, international normalized ratio), ultrasound of the pelvic vessels and lower extremities. Based on the examination, treatment is prescribed.
In most cases, conservative treatment is effective during pregnancy. In addition, most women experience spontaneous healing after delivery.
To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to conduct a detailed blood test to assess the number of platelets and a comprehensive analysis of coagulation parameters.
During pregnancy, a woman needs to wear compression stockings or tights, which promote blood flow and increase blood circulation.
If after the birth of the child the disease continues to progress, sclerotherapy, phlebectomy, laser or electrocoagulation of the affected vessels are performed.
To treat varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy, drugs are used that have a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduce pain and swelling, prevent the formation of blood clots, and improve blood microcirculation.
Pregnant women are prescribed gels or ointments for external use, acceptable for use from the 1st trimester of pregnancy: Venoruton, Troxevasin, products containing heparin (Lioton 1000, Heparin gel), preparations with horse chestnut extract (Venitan, Escuven) or gingko biloba (Ginkor and other).
The ointments are applied with light movements, without rubbing or squeezing the veins, 2-3 times a day.
Preparations containing diosmin and hesperidin (Detralex, Venarus), horse chestnut extract (Aescusan) are used internally; oral administration of angioprotectors is practiced from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
Additionally, patients during pregnancy are prescribed antioxidants and vitamins (C, PP, group B, fat-soluble vitamins), as well as calcium, zinc, and selenium.
Varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy are a common occurrence that worries about thirty percent of expectant mothers. With repeated pregnancy, the risk of developing such an unpleasant disease increases. This bothers many women a lot. First of all, they worry about how the pregnancy will go.
The disease itself brings them severe discomfort. It is important to understand that the structure of the pelvic organs in women is slightly different, because each of them is a future mother in the future. The processes that occur in the pelvis during pregnancy, as well as other reasons, lead to the fact that the condition of the labia does not change for the better.
There are common and specific factors that lead to changes in the vulva:
The appearance of varicose veins of the vagina is similar to the same disease that develops on the lower extremities, which, by the way, is also often found in pregnant women.
The main signs are:
If a pregnant woman discovers one or more of these signs, she should immediately see a doctor. The longer it is delayed, the stronger the symptoms will appear and the greater the likelihood of complications.
She needs a blood test to determine her platelet level. The results of a coagulogram are also very important. Ultrasound examination of the veins of the vagina and pelvic organs is also prescribed. The results obtained are important for the vascular surgeon.
In order to cure an expectant mother from varicose veins of the labia, it is important to choose effective conservative treatment. It is very important to change your lifestyle and eat right. For example, if a woman moves little, she needs to start doing special gymnastics and walking more.
This will improve blood flow and strengthen the functioning of venous valves. It has been proven that swimming has a very good effect on the venous system. Therefore, if the doctor allows it, you can start visiting the pool. Nutrition also plays an important role in the fight against varicose veins in the groin area. The work of the intestines must be debugged. That is why it is necessary to exclude fatty, smoked, fried and salty foods from the diet.
Compression hosiery reduces pressure in the pelvic organs
In principle, this should be done by all people who care about their health. Even though a woman is carrying a growing baby inside her, she should not gain too much weight. If it increases by more than three hundred grams per week, you can arrange a fasting day, for example, on cottage cheese or apples.
Your doctor may prescribe compression stockings. With their help, you can reduce pressure in the pelvic organs, groin and lower extremities. This will also reduce or eliminate itching in the perineum. You need to wear compression garments according to the following rules:
The doctor may prescribe venotonic drugs, as well as venotonics, which are intended for local and general use. It is easy to find such products, since they are sold in every pharmacy in a wide range. Usually these are gels and ointments. You cannot use any medications without a doctor’s prescription, so as not to harm either the child or yourself . If varicose veins in the perineum are too strong, the pregnant woman is hospitalized in the hospital in the last weeks before childbirth to conduct additional examination and choose delivery tactics. Before giving birth, the expectant mother wears compression stockings. Instead, they may wrap their legs with elastic bandages.
Every expectant mother, faced with dilated veins of the perineum or vagina, begins to worry about how the birth will go. It is worth noting that varicose veins are not a contraindication to natural childbirth. Usually, with this disease, childbirth occurs successfully on its own, without complications. However, it happens that varicose veins of the labia have developed very strongly.
In this case, a decision may be made to perform a caesarean section. This is necessary to prevent bleeding. But it can occur due to rupture of the vaginal veins, dilated by varicose veins, because during childbirth they are greatly influenced.
Varicose veins can cause thrombophlebitis to develop in a pregnant woman. In addition, there is a risk of developing placental insufficiency of the fetus. Therefore, diseases need to be treated on time, but it is best to try to prevent it.
In order to prevent the expansion of the veins of the labia, as well as to avoid varicose veins of the uterus during pregnancy, it is important to think about comfortable shoes. If it is not selected correctly, the load on the body will be distributed unevenly. This will aggravate the woman’s situation, which is already becoming more difficult as pregnancy progresses.
In addition, you should try to be physically active. Sometimes, due to work or other reasons, a woman has to sit for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to take short breaks, which will allow the blood to circulate through the veins and prevent it from stagnating. Those who like to take hot or warm baths should stop doing so. This may cause harm. It is best to alternate the supply of warm and cold water to your feet. The vessels love this procedure very much.
A very good prevention of vaginal varicose veins is massage. Do not press on the labia or pelvic organs. Massage should be based on light movements. All these methods should be discussed with your doctor in advance. If you take care of your routine, nutrition and mood, there is a much greater chance that the pregnancy will be successful and the baby will be born safely!
Among the diseases affecting the vascular system, the most common is varicose veins.
Varicose veins are diseases, the tendency to which is transmitted genetically, and this applies to males equally as to females.
However, among patients suffering from varicose veins, 70% are women of childbearing age. And, in most cases, the expansion of the venous network first reveals itself during pregnancy.
Varicose veins are an irreversible process that affects the venous vessels through which blood flows from the lower extremities to the heart. There is a pathological change in their shape (elongation, expansion), thinning of the walls of blood vessels, and the formation of venous nodules.
Varicose veins are not only a cosmetic defect. Its danger is that due to the deformation of the anatomical structure of the venous vessels, their throughput function is disrupted, and blood stagnates in the loci of varicose veins. Blood pressure in the veins in the affected areas increases several times, and new varicose fragments appear.
In advanced cases, dysfunction of the venous system leads to complications associated with the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and impaired blood clotting.
The formation of blood clots, in turn, can cause life-threatening situations for the patient with a risk of death.
More than half of women suffering from manifestations of varicose veins first received this diagnosis during pregnancy. There are several reasons for this:
The severity of signs of pathological varicose veins depends on the degree of the disease.
At first, the symptoms of the disease do not cause much discomfort to the patient, however, over time, the manifestations of vein damage become more and more vivid and painful.
Initial symptoms of varicose veins:
At the following stages of the disease the following occur:
Such signs allow us to diagnose varicose veins without any additional examinations.
The use of in-depth clinical diagnostic methods may be required to clarify the nature of the disease, its degree, and in the early stages of varicose veins, to exclude some other pathologies with similar symptoms.
Violation of the outflow of blood through the channels of the venous network almost always primarily affects the lower extremities, causing changes in the venous pattern in the legs.
During pregnancy, varicose veins of the legs are often accompanied by damage to the veins of the pelvic organs, labia, internal genital organs, etc.
The changes that occur in a woman’s body while she is expecting a child, taken together, adversely affect the condition of the entire venous system.
Due to the anatomical features of its structure, the system of venous channels in the legs reacts most acutely to ongoing changes. Especially if there were signs of venous insufficiency even before pregnancy.
At the same time, varicose veins of the lower extremities can progress with the development of pregnancy, taking on dangerous forms of venous pathology.
Varicose veins on the legs, as a rule, precede pathologies of the veins of the pelvic organs and labia, which are also subject to special stress during pregnancy. This relationship facilitates the diagnosis of the disease and, in case of corresponding complaints from the patient, allows you to choose the direction for additional studies: ultrasound, Dopplerography, duplex scanning, etc.
Varicose veins of the pelvic veins can be difficult to differentiate from gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature and some other pathologies with similar symptoms, namely: pain in the abdominal region, copious vaginal discharge, discomfort during intimate intimacy with a partner and after it, difficulty urinating, etc. .
The fact is that external manifestations of pathology of the veins of the pelvic organs, for example, with deformation of the venous pattern of the ovaries, varicose veins of the uterus, vagina, can only be seen during a gynecological examination by a doctor, or when using hardware diagnostic methods.
Only sometimes cosmetic manifestations of varicose veins of the small pelvis in the form of vascular “networks” and “nodules” can be noticeable in the area of the buttocks, perineum, and thighs.
Therefore, the disease can proceed hidden for a long time and, as a result, take complicated forms.
Progressive pathological changes in the pelvic venous system lead to the development of such consequences as uterine bleeding, inflammation of internal organs, thrombosis, etc.
Varicose veins in the groin or labia are a common occurrence in pregnant women. Moreover, with each subsequent pregnancy the risk of varicose veins increases.
Most often, after childbirth, the veins visually return to normal within a short time. However, if the symptoms of the disease were noted once during the gestation period, then the next time its manifestations, as a rule, progress greatly.
Over time, dilated veins bulge ugly, hang down, itching, dryness, swelling of the labia, pain, and a feeling of “bloating” occur.
Particularly pronounced with varicose veins of the perineum are unpleasant sensations during urination, defecation, after sexual intercourse, after prolonged continuous sitting, and when walking.
During the period of bearing a child, radical methods of treating varicose veins are extremely undesirable; they are used only for vital indications. Therefore, to combat varicose veins during this period, measures are chosen to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, improve blood flow and stop the progression of varicose veins, so to speak, “to survive until childbirth.”
A set of therapeutic measures for a pregnant woman with venous pathology is determined by a phlebologist, taking into account the severity of symptoms, medical history and gestational age.
The condition of the veins and the speed of blood flow are greatly influenced by the lifestyle of the expectant mother. Therefore, with varicose veins, the patient will definitely be given recommendations on organizing her daily activities and diet:
In the initial stages of varicose veins during pregnancy, the use of anti-varicose veins based on the gifts of nature can provide significant assistance in combating the manifestations of the disease:
Brew 1 large spoon of raw material with 1 glass of boiling water, steam in a water bath for 20 minutes. 3 tbsp. l. decoction and 500 ml. Mix the curdled milk, apply it to a piece of fabric or gauze, apply it to the affected area, wrap it in paper, and fix it for 20 minutes.
Prepare as described above and apply overnight.
If varicose veins in the expectant mother have reached advanced stages, changing the principles of life and using herbal remedies may not be enough.
Then there is a need to treat varicose veins with pharmaceutical drugs approved during pregnancy - venotonics (phlebotonics).
The choice of a specific group of drugs for the patient, depending on the degree of the disease and the duration of pregnancy, remains with the phlebologist. Typically this is:
Heparin ointment, etc. The choice of such drugs is preferable before the 12th week of pregnancy, when the systemic effect of drugs on the body is undesirable.
Preparations based on diosmin (Diosmin, Phlebodia, etc.), hesperidin (Detralex, Venarus, etc.), troxerutin (Troxerutin, Troxevasin, etc.) are considered effective. .)
In case of urgent need, for medical reasons (for example, with the development of thrombophlebitis, etc.) before the 30th week of pregnancy, surgical treatment of varicose veins is possible.
The choice of delivery tactics for varicose veins depends on the location of the affected venous areas, the stage of the disease, the severity of symptoms and the condition of the woman at the time of admission to the maternity hospital.
Upon admission to the maternity ward, a woman diagnosed with varicose veins should wear compression garments. For varicose veins of the lower extremities, special stockings or elastic bandages are required on the legs.
If a pregnant woman has developed hypercoagulability due to varicose veins, then before giving birth she is prescribed anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents (disaggregants) to prevent thrombosis. Disaggregant therapy started during childbirth is continued in the postpartum period.
After childbirth, women in labor with varicose veins are recommended to get up early, including after a cesarean section, for a speedy recovery and improved blood circulation.
Since varicose veins are rightfully considered predominantly a female disease, simple preventive measures recommended to all potential mothers will significantly reduce the risk of developing this disease during pregnancy:
Any regular physical activity on the whole body at a comfortable pace improves blood circulation. Expectant mothers are recommended to take leisurely walks, swimming at any stage, and gymnastics for pregnant women.
In high-heeled shoes (above 5 cm), the legs experience a non-physiological load, and blood circulation is impaired. Therefore, on weekdays it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes that provide a slight rise in the foot.
Prolonged static sitting or standing leads to deterioration of blood circulation, especially in the legs and pelvic organs, and swelling. Therefore, during “sedentary” work, long trips in transport, flights, it should be done every 45 minutes to improve blood circulation. five-minute warm-up.
When choosing a wardrobe, even in the early stages of pregnancy, you should avoid tight, tight clothes and underwear, elastic bands cutting into the skin, etc.
Excess weight creates excessive stress on all organs, including increasing pressure on the venous vessels. Therefore, expectant mothers, especially those with a predisposition to varicose veins, need to limit body weight gain within normal limits, both outside pregnancy and during gestation.
Following medical prescriptions will help stop the progression of the disease.
Severe varicose veins significantly reduce the quality of life, and during pregnancy can cause the development of complications and the occurrence of critically dangerous situations for the life of the mother and child.
Therefore, if the expectant mother has a hereditary predisposition to venous disease or has already shown symptoms of varicose veins, this should be brought to the attention of the doctor, and the recommendations prescribed by him should be carefully followed.
During pregnancy, varicose veins are common. After all, this period is characterized by the presence of many favorable factors for the development of the disease. However, this does not mean that varicose veins will necessarily appear during pregnancy. Pathology manifests itself in cases where a woman previously suffered from this disease. In such situations, progression and relapse begin.
Varicose veins will appear in a pregnant woman if the woman previously suffered from this disease.
Varicose veins are a disease in which the veins enlarge unevenly and their walls become thinner. Women are most often affected by this disease. The disease manifests itself especially often during pregnancy.
Most often, varicose veins appear during pregnancy due to the fact that during gestation the uterus enlarges and, as a result, blood circulates more intensely in the veins. Due to this combination of circumstances, the pressure in the veins increases, and due to the influx of the special hormone progesterone, the vascular walls become thinner.
Most often, the appearance of varicose veins in pregnant women is associated with specific changes occurring in the body and a change in the lifestyle of the expectant mother.
The following factors are noted that entail the appearance and progression of varicose veins:
To maintain healthy veins during pregnancy, a woman should perform therapeutic exercise.
During pregnancy, the following types of varicose veins are distinguished, the symptoms of which will be almost the same:
The most common type of varicose veins is in the legs.
The main symptoms of varicose veins are pain and a feeling of heaviness in the affected veins. Fatigue and frequent cramps accompany the pathology.
What is noteworthy is that when walking the pain does not intensify, but recedes. As the disease progresses, swelling, itching, and varicose nodules appear.
In general, the symptoms of this disease are quite characteristic, as a result of which there will be no problems with diagnosing varicose veins.
If treatment is delayed for a long time, varicose nodules may begin to enlarge. In places where they form, the skin will become thinner and eventually collapse. As a result, ulcers oozing blood will appear.
Through these ulcers, an infection can enter the body, which can cause inflammatory processes. It is best to take preventive measures, since any disease is easier to prevent than to treat in the future.
It is worth remembering that not every treatment is suitable for pregnant women. Injections with special means and surgical intervention are strictly prohibited.
Pregnant women have to fight the disease almost entirely on their own. For example, wear special stockings.
And these two methods are the most effective. Pregnant women have to fight the disease almost entirely on their own. In addition, these two methods should not be used in cases where a woman plans to become pregnant in the next few years. Since in this case a relapse is guaranteed.
Pregnant women have only three methods available to treat varicose veins:
An important part of the treatment is special gymnastics. Before performing any exercise, it is best to consult with your obstetrician.
In addition, the doctor will determine whether the pregnant woman has contraindications to gymnastics.
Folk remedies are used as prophylaxis. If the disease has already been identified, alternative medicine can only be an auxiliary remedy, but not the main one. Before using any product, you should consult your doctor.
Before using any folk remedy, you should consult your doctor.
You can use tinctures as a base for compresses. So, you need to take the flowers of gray wormwood and grind them thoroughly. After this, take three large spoons of crushed flowers and mix with 500 ml of curdled milk, preferably fresh. After mixing, all this is smeared on gauze or other fabric. The compress is applied to the epicenter of the dilated veins and kept there for 20 minutes. All this time you need to lie down, and your legs should be elevated, resting on a pillow or something similar. The procedure can be performed once or twice a day, at the discretion of the pregnant woman.
It is worth noting that it is best not to use cellophane in the compress, as this can cause diaper rash.
Using traditional methods, you can also prepare a kind of cream. You need to take chamomile flowers and fill a bottle with them, then pour olive or vegetable oil inside. It is necessary that all this brew for a month. You need to shake the bottle periodically throughout the month. Next, the entire mass must be strained and squeezed. The resulting oil must be rubbed into the affected areas twice a day, in the morning and before bed.
Using traditional methods, you can prepare a cream for varicose veins from chamomile flowers and vegetable oil.
It is necessary that every woman during pregnancy observe measures to prevent varicose veins, even in cases where there is no predisposition to this disease. If a woman does not have a genetic predisposition, she is not overweight and leads an active lifestyle, she will not have problems preventing varicose veins. However, if the opposite is true, you must try to avoid the occurrence of this disease. E
If even slight swelling of the veins or the presence of nodules is noticed during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can monitor the patient throughout the entire pregnancy.
In order to avoid the appearance of varicose veins, you need to get into the habit of walking more often. An hour or two a day is a great start. This improves blood circulation and is good for your calves. But you should refrain from doing this during hot weather.
Another useful activity would be swimming. In addition to the fact that this is a good exercise of physical activity, it is also a kind of massage. Swimming is also good for the spine.
It is also useful to lie down for at least 20 minutes with your legs elevated during the day. You can put your feet on a pillow, or lie on the floor, for example, on a chair. Prevention will help you avoid the disease, and if it does appear, it will help you overcome it.
Varicose veins and pregnancy. A gynecologist's view + PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.