Arthritis (Latin - inflammation of the joint) is a disease that is extremely common among people over 40 years of age, but today there are also rare types of arthritis that typically manifest in childhood and adolescence. What causes the development of the disease, how to recognize its symptoms in time and choose the most effective treatment method?
Many people do not see the difference between arthritis and arthrosis, although these are two fundamentally different joint diseases. Arthrosis is an age-related chronic degenerative disease in which deformation of the joints occurs; it manifests itself as pain during the daytime and during movement; arthritis is the result of inflammatory processes throughout the body, leading to acute pain in the joints, mainly at night and regardless of movements. In some cases, arthrosis is a complication of advanced arthritis.
Arthritis can develop slowly and gradually (chronic forms) or suddenly and suddenly (acute forms). Arthritis is often accompanied by a fever. With arthritis, joint pain is always observed, but their presence is not always a sign of arthritis.
Until now, medical research has not established all the causes of existing types of arthritis, and the causes of some types of disease remain a mystery, for example, psoriatic arthritis. However, most of them are still known:
Each type of arthritis has its own cause, the primary treatment should be aimed at eliminating it. Symptoms of arthritis may also vary depending on the form of the disease and its type, but joint pain is an inevitable accompaniment of any arthritis. So, the symptoms of arthritis include:
The main consequences, or complications, of advanced arthritis in relation to the joint are sepsis, that is, purulent inflammation of the synovial bursa of the joint, or arthrosis - destruction and/or deformation of the joint. The consequences of a number of arthritis can be damage to some internal organs, most often the kidneys, bladder, liver and heart.
Proper treatment of arthritis is always complex, long-term and systematic. It should be aimed at eliminating the cause of arthritis, relieving pain and inflammation. At the same time, depending on the form, type and degree of arthritis, a prognosis for cure is given, which in some cases can be disappointing.
The classic treatment regimen for arthritis of any etiology includes:
The above principles for the treatment of various arthritis can be successfully supplemented, and in some cases replaced, with modern homeopathic methods and medications.
Today in Russia, homeopathic methods of treating arthritis are becoming increasingly popular, while in Germany, the birthplace of modern homeopathy, this has been common practice for several decades.
One of the leading trends in homeopathy is homeosiniatry, a technique that combines the use of the most modern and proven homeopathic remedies and influence on acupuncture points. Its essence lies in the fact that certain categories of drugs, such as “Tsel-T” and “Traumel S” and some others, are injected subcutaneously and intradermally into biologically active points and trigger zones in the form of microinjections, thereby stimulating nerve endings that have regulatory connection with certain organs and parts of the body. The effect of such an introduction of homeopathic remedies increases many times over, especially since they themselves act on the human body in a manner similar to the effect on acupuncture points, awakening the self-regulation function in the body and removing monotoxins from it, i.e. eliminating the causes of most joint inflammation.
The specialized medical center “One Schaden” in Moscow has been specializing exclusively in homeosiniatric methods for more than 10 years and during this time has earned an impeccable reputation. Every year, about 500 patients are treated there, and almost all of them experience positive dynamics.
The stable reputation of the One Schaden clinic is easily explained, since the entire staff of the center has a higher medical education, many years of experience in classical medicine in the areas of therapy, neurology and orthopedics, and regular internships, including in Germany. Only homeopathic medicines produced by the large German pharmaceutical company Heel are used and purchased directly or from an official representative in Russia. Numerous positive reviews from former patients convincingly illustrate the effectiveness of treatment at the One Schaden Medical Center.
Persons No. LO-77-01-003287 dated December 22, 2010.
Issued by the Moscow City Health Department
There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.
Painful sensations in the joints cause a person a state of discomfort and often indicate the presence or development of diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and rheumatism.
Anti-arthritis cream "ARTRAID" is a solution for those who have seriously decided to deal with joint problems. Timely treatment with the cream will help stop the development of diseases that in advanced stages lead to disability. The Russian Association of Rheumatologists recommends using this product because the effectiveness of the cream has been proven based on the results of numerous studies and positive customer reviews.
Anti-arthritic cream "ARTRAID" from "ZDOROV" will help in 3 weeks:
The effectiveness of the drug is due to the formula developed by scientists from Russia. The formula contains only natural active ingredients that can penetrate into the cavity of the joint capsule and restore damaged cartilage tissue in a short time. Such free penetration of the components of the ARTRAID cream is achieved due to the fact that they complement and enhance each other. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven in the majority of willing patients.
Propolis oil extract is included in the cream for a reason: this waste product of bees contains organic molecules with an antimicrobial effect.
The process of inflammation disappears over time in the damaged tissue. The amino acids contained in the product help restore joints and prevent wear and tear.
Activation of metabolic processes in cartilage tissue occurs due to the presence of iron and zinc, sodium, magnesium and calcium in propolis.
ARTRAID cream for arthritis also contains beeswax, which has obvious protective, warming and regenerating properties. Wax ensures a long-lasting effect of the drug on the joints, as it envelops the skin tissue like a film. In skin tissues with a slightly elevated temperature, recovery processes are accelerated.
Among the herbal components of the ARTRAID cream for arthritis from the manufacturer ZDOROV the following are known:
Additionally, the drug is enriched with B vitamins. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 are indispensable in the treatment of arthritis. Thiamine (B1) reduces nerve excitability, so joint pain subsides. Pyridoxine (B6) stimulates metabolism, affecting the proper functionality of nerve fibers, improves the flow of nutrients into the osteoarticular system. The healing time for people with arthritis is accelerated if B vitamins are present in the medicine.
Before treating joint diseases with a drug containing such valuable components, consultation with a rheumatologist is necessary.
Most modern preparations for joints, whether ointment, gel or balm, do not have a therapeutic effect, but for a short time alleviate the severity of the symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, acting as a simple local anesthetic. ARTRAID anti-arthritis cream from ZDOROV™ can help with illness by eliminating the cause of the disease.
The absence of synthetic additives and hormones in the cream allows you to treat ailments without harm to the body. Can be used during pregnancy.
The drug is contraindicated for those people who have allergic reactions to the components of the propolis product.
The cream can be combined with other medications. It is permissible to use a medicinal product before an official diagnosis is made.
It is also important to purchase ARTRAID cream for arthritis from the ZDOROV company because the drug is an alternative to surgery at an affordable price.
The instructions for using the drug are simple: apply the cream to sore joints and rub it for no longer than 10 minutes, 2 times a day.
On the Internet you can find a site where there is a forum where they discuss the question: is ARTRAID cream true or another scam? This is often due to the fact that the popularity of the product has led to the emergence of analogues that are not effective, but pass themselves off as the original product.
Since purchasing the original drug in pharmacies is difficult, the online store of the official manufacturer “ARTREID” comes to the rescue:
Ordering the cream is simple: you need to leave a request on the website of the ZDOROV company. The company’s employees are present at the workplace around the clock, so they will quickly contact the client, give a free consultation, and write down the address to which the order will soon be delivered by courier or sent by mail. Purchasing the original ZDOROV series cream is the key to safe treatment of joint diseases.
Prices for the cream are presented without coupons and individual discounts.
To know what medications to take for arthritis and arthrosis, it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. These joint pathologies are common among the population. The main problem is the similarity in symptoms, so differential diagnosis will be required. Making an accurate diagnosis is not difficult if the symptoms and causes of the pathology are known.
Arthrosis is a degenerative change in the joint. The disease occurs due to wear and tear of the joint and age-related changes. It is impossible to restore worn connections. If the disease is advanced, the joints become deformed, mobility is limited, and pain is tormented.
Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints caused by degeneration of cartilage fibers and bacteria. The acute form of the pathology is accompanied by high temperature, fever, and pain. There is redness of the dermis in the affected joint and inflammation.
The chronic form of the disease occurs due to the deposition of salts inside the joints. The tumor and pain syndrome are provoked by the production of lubricant by the inner surface of the joints. The disease is characterized by the proliferation of the articular membrane and the destruction of protective cartilage. Deformation and hardening of the joint are the causes of limited mobility. The pain becomes severe, and the last stage of arthritis is characterized by muscle atrophy.
The cause of the joint pathology has not been established. Factors contributing to the development of arthrosis include:
The causes of arthritis have a number of differences:
Joint damage is a common disease, especially arthritis and arthrosis.
Arthrosis is a chronic pathology of joints that develops as a result of inflammation. This disease is accompanied by deformation of joints in the later stages. Occurs after damage to the cartilage fibers of the articular surfaces.
The risk group includes women, people with congenital pathologies of joints and bone tissue. The disease has been recorded in 15% of the world's population. Arthrosis affects people over 45 years of age.
Arthritis is represented by a group of joint diseases provoked by infection. Arthritis is a dangerous disease, as it can cause inflammation in the body and affect organs such as the kidneys, heart, and liver. People under 40 years of age are at risk.
Differences can be established by the symptoms of diseases. Pain syndrome is characteristic of each of the lesions of the joints, but it is of a different nature:
Signs of arthrosis. This damage to connections has several varieties. Signs of diseases vary. A common symptom of arthrosis is pain while walking, playing sports, or doing physical labor. In some cases, swelling occurs in the area of the affected joint. When arthrosis affects the joints of the knee, a cramp in the calf muscles is felt. If you ignore the symptoms of pathology for a long time, the joint becomes deformed.
Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory process, the first symptom of which is pain that bothers the patient when walking or at rest. The pain is so severe that it wakes him up at night and the patient does not get enough sleep. In the morning, after waking up, you feel stiffness in your joints. Movement causes discomfort. As the disease progresses, a new symptom is added - swelling. The affected area turns red. Feeling the affected joint causes sharp pain.
Since joint pathologies vary depending on the causes and nature of development, they are treated with different methods. Let's consider therapy for arthrosis.
Anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed to relieve pain. To restore damaged cartilage fibers, chondroprotectors (glucosamine, chondroitin) will be required. Drugs in this group neutralize inflammation within joints and restore metabolism within muscle fibers.
If there is no therapeutic effect, doctors prescribe endoprosthetics (the diseased joint is replaced with a prosthesis). But such measures are resorted to in severe cases. Doctors treat mild forms of arthrosis with the following methods:
Basic recommendations in the treatment of arthritis:
Medicines prescribed:
Arthritis can be cured, but it is necessary to adhere to the principle of complexity. To eliminate joint damage, medications from the following groups are used:
It is possible to improve the condition of the affected joints and the body with timely, competent drug therapy, combined with physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, proper nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle.
To help with the development of joint lesions, doctors use intra-articular injections. This therapeutic method improves the patient's condition.
Corticosteroid hormones are usually administered:
Corticosteroid injections are popular due to the speed of their therapeutic effect. But these drugs do not treat arthrosis, but reduce the body’s inflammatory response to damage to the joint. For this reason, such medications are used in complex therapy.
Doctors consider the introduction of chondroprotectors more useful:
The advantage of the drugs is that such medications affect the cause of the disease, normalize metabolism, and improve the condition of cartilage. But a positive effect is observed in 50–70% of patients.
Derivatives of hyaluronic acid (“Ostenil”) have a faster effect than chondroprotectors. Medicines normalize the level of synovial fluid and help form a protective film over the injured cartilage.
For compresses, special products are used to achieve a better effect than when using ointments. Experts prescribe the following medications:
Despite the popularity of advertising about the effectiveness of creams and ointments in the treatment of joint pathologies, such remedies are not miraculous. There are benefits from these medications, but the drugs are not able to cure the disease. Ointments alleviate the patient's condition. For arthrosis of large joints, doctors recommend using warming, irritating ointments. Drugs are needed to activate blood circulation within the joint. The following drugs are usually prescribed:
The use of these ointments and analogues promotes the production of endorphins, which are called internal “drugs”. The production of endorphins helps reduce pain and remove painful spasms of the periarticular muscles.
Ointments containing bee venom (Ungapiven, Apizatron) and snake venom (Viprosal) are effective. These medications irritate the dermis and have a distracting effect. When absorbed into the dermis, they increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, and improve blood microcirculation. But these ointments also have side effects:
These medications are prescribed in the absence of synovitis. If the pathology is complicated by synovitis, the doctor prescribes medications with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances:
In the treatment of arthrosis, vasodilator medications occupy a special place. The most famous are:
These remedies restore connections by improving blood flow inside the joint and relieving spasms of small vessels. Doctors prescribe vasodilators to eliminate blood stagnation due to poor circulation, which is characteristic of arthritis and arthrosis. The use of such drugs allows diseased cartilage fibers to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and speeds up the recovery process.
Vasodilators eliminate “nighttime vascular pain that occurs in the affected joints. The maximum effect can be achieved by combining the use of vasodilators with chondroprotectors. The advantage of these medications is that they are harmless.
There are a number of contraindications to the use of this group of products. They are:
Substances that nourish cartilage fibers and help restore the structure of diseased cartilage are chondroprotectors (glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate). Drugs from this group are useful in the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis. Glucosamine helps cartilage tissue retain more moisture, giving elasticity and moisture. This substance activates the production of proteoglycans, which help retain moisture in cartilage tissue.
Chondroitin sulfate works differently. This substance does not activate the production of proteoglycans, but increases the ability of these cells to capture and retain water. Chondroitin sulfate neutralizes the action of certain enzymes that destroy cartilage fibers and stimulate the formation of collagen protein.
Drugs from the group of chondroprotectors are indispensable in the treatment of arthrosis, but only at the initial stage. According to studies conducted by American scientists, these drugs do not cause any changes in the condition of destroyed cartilage tissue.
Chondroprotectors will not help patients with arthrosis of the third stage, when the cartilage is destroyed. They are not able to grow new cartilage tissue or correct bone deformities. Even when using drugs from this group at stages 1–2 of the disease, the effect does not come immediately. The therapeutic course will bring the first results after 1 – 1.5 years.
Chondroprotectors from the following list are effective against arthritis:
Medicines are used in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis. Aimed at eliminating inflammation, swelling, pain. Medicines are used in different forms:
Most often, the following compounds are used in the treatment of the lesions in question:
Let us consider in detail each of these means:
Diclofenac. The medication should be taken three times a day. One tablet is enough for one dose. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. The drug may cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract. Allergic reactions may also occur.
Voltaren Rapid. For adults, it is enough to take 20–25 mg at a time. Take the medicine twice, three times a day. The active substance is diclofenac. Contraindicated for pregnant women, small children, nursing mothers, people with hematopoiesis disorders, and bronchial asthma. May cause weakness, vomiting, allergic reaction, nausea, colitis.
Dexalgin 25. It is enough to take 25 mg three times a day. The active ingredient is dexketoprofen. To ensure that the medication is absorbed faster, take the drug 30 minutes before meals. Not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to the main component, patients with ulcerative colitis, bronchial asthma, or pregnant women. Provokes sleep disturbances, heartburn, allergic reactions, headaches.
Diclonak. Taken twice, three times a day (20 – 50 mg). The active ingredient is diclofenac. Not used in the treatment of pregnant women, children, people with impaired liver or kidney function. Sometimes it provokes vomiting, allergic reactions, drowsiness, nausea, and flatulence.
Apranax. It is recommended to take with meals twice a day (0.5 – 0.7 mg). The dosage is adjusted by the doctor taking into account the severity of the pathology. Not used in the treatment of pregnant women, children, people with impaired liver or kidney function. May cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, burning, itching.
Arthrotek. Apply 2 - 3 times a day per tablet. It is recommended to do this while eating. The active component of the drug is diclofenac. The medicine is prohibited for nursing, pregnant women and those with gastrointestinal bleeding. May cause headache, vomiting, allergies, bloating, diarrhea.
In order not to suffer from discomfort caused by dysfunction of the joints, pain syndrome, preventive measures are taken. Prevention of arthritis involves:
In order not to look for a cure for sore joints, it is important to maintain healthy joints for as long as possible.
Joint pain associated with arthritis is usually accompanied by swelling around the joint and a change in the appearance of the joint.
There are several types of arthritis. Each of them has its own characteristics that distinguish it from others. The most common is osteoarthritis. There are several types of inflammatory arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis, gout and infectious arthritis.
Gout is a metabolic disease, often hereditary, and 9-10 times more common in men than women. Attacks of gout usually affect only one joint, often the knees and elbows.
Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory arthritis that usually begins slowly over months or years. The most commonly affected joints are the knees, hips and hand joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis occurs in young patients and affects several joints, often the hands.
Osteoarthritis can occur due to various factors, including wear and tear on the joint that occurs over time. As we age, joints “wear out” due to constant, long-term friction. Osteoarthritis is very common in older people. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs due to failures in the body's immune system. However, it is still unknown exactly why it appears.
Gout is the result of persistently elevated levels of uric acid in the body.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis can include swelling and changes in joint structure, which can lead to damage, pain and loss of joint function. Gout is characterized by severe joint pain, inflammation and redness of the joint. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include swelling, redness, tenderness and loss of function, as well as joint damage.
A variety of devices can be used to support joints and improve their condition: splints, tourniquets, bandages, arch supports, and heel supports can reduce stress on joints and relieve pain.
Exercise your joints. Physical activity (moderate, of course) reduces pain, makes joints more flexible and improves the overall condition of the body. The amount and type of load depend on which joints are inflamed and the degree of the disease. You should consult your doctor regarding the amount and type of exercise.
Try to reduce the amount of stress, relax, listen to music. Physical activity is also one of the means to combat stress. If you are overweight, you need to lose weight. Excess weight can cause pain in the knees and pelvic joints. Avoid alcoholic beverages and foods rich in animal fats and proteins.
The doctor must make an accurate diagnosis or refer you to a rheumatologist for a more complete examination and selection of treatment, but may immediately prescribe medications for arthritis. Over-the-counter medications are usually simple remedies for arthritic pain. There are mainly two types of drugs used: pain relievers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications reduce inflammation and swelling of the joints and relieve pain. Be sure to tell your doctor about all over-the-counter drugs you take.
For gout, your doctor will prescribe a medicine that blocks the formation of uric acid.
The exact causes of rheumatoid arthritis are unknown, but genetic and hormonal problems are possible triggers.
There are many causes of osteoarthritis, including natural wear and tear on joints. Taking care of your body, controlling weight, regular exercise, and avoiding stress and injury can delay the onset of osteoarthritis. Losing even a few extra pounds can significantly reduce the stress on your joints.
Sudden attacks of gout can be prevented by:
- maintain a balanced diet;
- Visit your doctor regularly to monitor your uric acid levels.
The reasons for the development of arthrosis have not been precisely established. Factors contributing to the development of the disease include improper metabolism and poor circulation. To improve blood circulation and warm up, doctors recommend using ointment for arthritis and arthrosis. NSAIDs are needed to fight inflammation, and chondroprotectors and proper nutrition will help restore damaged cartilage fibers.
Articular cartilage damage is a common disease. There are many factors contributing to the occurrence of arthrosis and arthritis:
In some cases, the pathology of the joints is explained by physiological characteristics: wide feet, flat feet, short lower legs, non-standard joint structure. Polyarthritis accelerates the development of arthrosis.
There are many reasons for the occurrence and development of arthritis. Let's list the most common ones:
Osteoarthritis and arthritis are diseases that affect the joints. These pathologies differ in etiology and pathogenesis. The end result is the same, which consists of damage to joints (menisci, cartilage fibers, tendon-muscle corset, intra-articular structure), inflammation of soft tissues, disruption of physiological destruction, and anatomical structure.
Arthritis is characterized by an inflammatory process that involves a group of enzymes that have a destructive effect on the connective tissue of the joints.
Arthrosis is represented by the destruction of joints and manifests itself in deformation of articular components, limiting the biomechanics of the organ. Joint deformation is an irreversible process.
The difference between arthritis and arthrosis lies in the method of treatment:
arthritis is treated with medication. The disease manifests itself after mechanical trauma, stress, or long walking. With proper treatment, inflammation is eliminated, the affected cartilage fibers are restored;
Arthrosis is treated with medication, but in advanced cases surgical intervention is necessary. Destructive damage to joints is stopped after the underlying disease is cured, hormonal levels are restored, and metabolism is corrected.
Osteoarthritis and arthritis differ not only in the causes of occurrence, methods of therapy, but also in the clinical picture. For convenience, we will list the symptoms of pathologies in the form of a table.
The difference between the diseases under consideration also lies in the fact that after therapy for arthritis, damage to the joints is eliminated, and biomechanics is restored after rehabilitation. In the case of arthrosis, the situation depends on the degree of damage to the joint. Biomechanics are partially restored through surgery.
Arthrosis is treated comprehensively to achieve a healing effect. This includes taking NSAIDs, painkillers, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, local agents, physiotherapy, and spa treatment. As for topical agents (ointments), 2 groups of medications are used in the treatment of arthrosis:
Medicines are prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient. To prevent the disease from progressing, self-medication should be avoided.
Using ointment will not cure arthrosis or arthritis. The medicine will help speed up the patient’s recovery and prevent exacerbation of the pathology. Ointment for arthrosis has a number of medicinal properties:
Ointments are convenient to use in the treatment of lesions of the joints of the upper and lower extremities.
Ointments from this group have the following effects:
Ointments from this group are used for long-term therapy. The type of active substance influences the effectiveness. The following components are used for heating:
Red pepper is less commonly used. When using such ointments, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:
Popular medications in this group:
Ointments from this group are made on the basis of substances that help relieve inflammation (ibuprofen, diclofenac). The attending physician will tell you about the duration of the course of therapy with anti-inflammatory and painkillers and indicate the frequency of applying the medication to the affected area. In this case, the doctor takes into account a number of nuances (intensity of symptoms, patient’s condition, presence of contraindications).
From this group, doctors often prescribe the following medications:
These ointments are not used for a long period. Drugs can harm the body. Doctors advise using ointments from this group during exacerbation at the beginning of the development of pathology.
To ensure that the active substance is delivered to the site of inflammation as quickly as possible, doctors use ointments. These medications eliminate pain, inflammation, and swelling from the following areas of the body:
Doctors often prescribe the following ointments for the treatment of arthritis:
You can also use ointments prepared at home:
Traditional medicine recipes are effective in the treatment of joint lesions. The following homemade ointments are popular:
Ointment with propolis. The product is prepared from linseed oil (4 parts), propolis (1 part), turpentine (1 part). These components are thoroughly mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous. Apply to the affected joints 1 – 2 times a day (no longer recommended). The ointment is stored in the refrigerator, but heated before use.
Ointment with wax. To prepare, take wax (10 parts), horseradish root (3 parts), bee venom (0.5 parts), propolis (2 parts). These components are ground to a pulp. Use to treat compounds twice daily.
Herbal ointment is prepared from sweet clover herb, hops, St. John's wort (10 g in total), pharmaceutical petroleum jelly (50 g). Mix the ingredients and let it brew in a glass jar. The affected joints are treated a couple of times a day. This remedy helps eliminate inflammation and is used at any stage of arthrosis development.
Many ointments are used in the treatment of arthrosis. A number of drugs are considered to be the best remedies for arthrosis.
Ointments speed up the recovery of patients with arthrosis and arthritis. But the use of such medications is not always possible. Before using the medicine, you should read the instructions for it. There are a number of contraindications to the use of ointments:
In some cases, patients experience side effects:
To avoid undesirable consequences, before using the drug for painful joints, you must consult with your doctor, who will prescribe the appropriate medicine, indicate the required dosage, and draw up a treatment plan.
Arthritis is the general name for inflammatory joint diseases. The disease is widespread, with incidence rates increasing over time. In Africa and Asia, arthritis is not as widespread as in Europe and North America.
The causes of arthritis can be very different. Most often we are talking about infectious processes, allergic reactions, disorders of the immune system, and mental trauma. One of the causes of arthritis is the natural wear and tear of the joints.
Provoking factors in the development of arthritis can be poor environmental conditions, an unbalanced diet, a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight and genetic predisposition. Some types of so-called “occupational” arthritis develop as a result of many years of stress on the same groups of muscles and joints of the musculoskeletal system.
Now let's take a closer look at the main causes of arthritis:
Depending on the causes, infectious, dystrophic, traumatic arthritis, as well as arthritis associated with other diseases are distinguished. Depending on the number of affected joints, monoarthritis (when one joint is affected) and polyarthritis - inflammation of several joints at once.
Arthritis can be acute or chronic. Acute arthritis occurs suddenly and is accompanied by severe pain in the joints and increased body temperature. Chronic arthritis is characterized by a slow course and gradual progression. In some cases, acute arthritis becomes chronic.
Depending on the causes of occurrence, the following types of arthritis are distinguished:
The symptoms of arthritis are the same. The patient feels pain and stiffness in the affected joint. There may be swelling in the area of the affected joint, restriction of its movement and a local increase in temperature. In some cases, arthritis is accompanied by changes in clinical and laboratory parameters: the appearance of fever, weakness, increased ESR levels, leukocytosis.
The presence of discomfort and pain in the joints is a reason to consult a doctor. Moderate physical activity, special exercises for arthritis and weight control will help alleviate the patient's condition.
The patient should strictly adhere to all the doctor’s recommendations, including regarding diet.
Diagnosis of arthritis includes taking a medical history, external examination of the patient for the presence of characteristic signs of an inflammatory process in the joints, as well as laboratory and instrumental research methods. A blood and joint fluid test can reveal the presence of an inflammatory process, and radiographic studies reveal characteristic signs of joint inflammation. Computer and magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound are also used in the diagnosis of arthritis. Recently, arthroscopy has also begun to be used, which allows for a thorough examination of the joint cavity, as well as sampling synovial fluid for subsequent laboratory tests.
Treatment for arthritis should be comprehensive and include both drug therapy and lifestyle modification, physiotherapy and spa treatment. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nise, Nurofen, Nimesulide, ibuprofen, meloxicam, etc.) are the main medications used in the treatment of arthritis. To eliminate inflammatory processes in the most affected joints, corticosteroid and glucocorticoid drugs (diprospan) are used. In the absence of extra-articular manifestations, try not to prescribe corticosteroids. Intra-articular administration of corticosteroid drugs is advisable in the absence of a therapeutic effect from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as in the presence of fever. Enzyme preparations can be used to improve blood circulation and its rheological properties (Wobenzym, etc.).
Complications from arthritis can be early and late. Early complications include phlegmon, panarthritis (acute purulent arthritis). Late complications include osteomyelitis, sepsis, contractures and pathological dislocations.
Prevention of arthritis comes down to avoiding and eliminating all possible triggering factors. A healthy lifestyle, weight control, a balanced diet, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and regular preventive examinations with a doctor will significantly reduce the likelihood of developing arthritis.