It’s still too early for you to go crazy, but if you want, you have every chance to bring yourself to this hospital. (I'm just kidding)
You are an active and persistent nature, as I understand it.
Don't take everything so seriously. Judging by the letter, you are tired and really need understanding, support, simple human affection and a kind word.
To begin with, calmly get examined. The fact that you should go to a therapist first is very correct. He will be able to refer you to those specialists who will be useful to you.
When you have a complete picture of your health, go back to the therapist. He will bring all the results into one picture and adjust all the assignments. If necessary, you will receive treatment. Well, if everything is within the age norm - then: relaxation, water treatments, meditation, yoga, walks in the fresh air, the gym and positive emotions, music, massage - these are your helpers for the near future. Well, and, of course, see a psychologist - so that you can “stop worrying and start living” faster and more effectively!
I wish you the best doctors and the easiest diagnoses!
After the operation, my back hurts a lot from the lower back to the tailbone. The legs hurt along the back to the bottom of the calf, heels and big toes. More on the right. I can’t stand or walk for more than 15-20 minutes, my lower back starts to hurt and my legs hurt more and more, then I can’t step on them and the pain goes up the spine to my head, it starts to put pressure, my head hurts and there’s a veil in my eyes. It is very painful to climb the stairs. When bending forward and backward, the pain in the back and legs intensifies. Behind the knee of the right leg there is a pulling, as if a vein is hurting. In the morning I can’t get up on my feet, it’s heavy, it takes about 30 minutes to get going. The soles of the feet and palms of the hands periodically burn, go numb, and leg cramps occur.
With any physical activity you feel bad, there is not enough air, as if there is a congestion somewhere and there is nothing to breathe and it begins to put pressure on your head. Even when I get dressed, I start to choke and my head presses. When I stand too, especially when I straighten up straight, I immediately begin to put pressure on my head and behind my ears and I begin to choke. If you can’t sit or lie down, all your muscles begin to ache. There is trembling and weakness in the legs and arms. There is pain in the muscles of the arms even with a slight load when I comb or write. I can’t carry a bag that’s not very heavy, my arms hurt and the pain immediately goes to the lower back, tailbone, legs and puts pressure on my head.
My near vision is greatly reduced; I can’t see near with my right eye. Spirals and midges constantly move in the eyes and never disappear; with load, they become more numerous. There are colors in the eyes like splinters. When I close my eyes I also see white dots. The eyes hurt in the middle, it feels like they are popping out, it hurts to turn to the side
All the time there is pressure on the back of my head, my forehead, a veil in my eyes prevents me from looking, glare, double vision, everything blurs, my consciousness is confused, I can’t concentrate, my vision narrows, I feel nauseous, I feel dizzy. The head seems to be filled with something. There is periodic ringing and noise in my head. It’s like there’s sand in the neck, in the eyes and behind the ears.
Swelling all over the body, especially the legs, at the bottom of the legs like cuffs and lumps under the skin. It hurts to touch your feet. The muscles atrophied, became soft, as if they were not there at all. I'm all puffed up. Doctors say pasty.
In the abdomen above the navel there is pain, pressure, cutting, especially after eating. The stomach is constantly distended, constantly grumbling and there is a lot of gas. There is dysbacteriosis. As soon as I eat, I also feel bad, I’m choking and there’s pressure on my head. I often feel nauseous in the morning and continue throughout the day. The feces have an unpleasant odor and contain particles of undigested food.
At night the side I’m lying on goes numb, I have to roll over all the time, I can’t sleep on my stomach, there’s pain in my lower back, legs and head. I can’t sleep on my back for a long time; it puts pressure on the back of my head and my head starts to hurt. The right leg hurts at night and twitches in the toes. There are lumbagos like a needle from the sole upwards. I wake up several times at night from a strong ringing in my head. And also when I fall asleep I hear a strong ringing several times. At night I sweat a lot, all my hair and shirt are wet. The pressure drops from 90 to 60 or 85-55 and then I can’t get up at all. Before the operation, my blood pressure was 120 over 80. This was my constant blood pressure, I felt good and was never sick or in the hospital. If I was sick, it was rare and only acute respiratory infections.
According to blood tests, there is toxicity, it exceeds the norm by 2.5 times. Red spots constantly appear on the neck and eyes and itch, peel, and the head itches all the time. Many red dots and moles have appeared on the body and they are becoming more numerous. There are bruises under the eyes. Hair is falling out a lot. I constantly feel very tired
Before the operation I weighed 50-52 kg. Every year my weight increases, I eat the same. This is due to swelling of the blood vessels. There's probably a lack of traffic somewhere. Now I weigh almost 60. I am constantly tired, even when I wake up. Fatigue is growing and since lunch I can barely walk, I have no strength to move at all.
It seems to me that there are problems with blood vessels, the spine and the gastrointestinal tract. Most likely, the vessels or adhesions between organs are mechanically clamped and the sidal or other nerve is affected.
Our doctors cannot understand anything. I went for examinations to another city. . Did an MRI: disc protrusions L4-S1, archiodal cysts of the sacral canal and sacral foramen S1-S2, L4-S1 Rotated, reduced height at the L4-5 foramina? The left intervertebral foramen was stenated. Signs of osteochondrosis L4-S1 left-sided foramental disc protrusion. The neurosurgeon said that the pain comes from the fact that blood vessels or nerves in the peritoneum may be affected, or adhesions.
There are congenital heart problems. Valve prolapse and aneurysm I am sending you the results. Help me please! Tell me, what's wrong with me? Is it possible to come to you for examination? I have no strength to live like this anymore. Thank you in advance.