Varicose veins are a serious disease, often found in older men and women, and sometimes begin to develop in youth. If the disease is not treated in time, there is a possibility of thinning of the vein walls, leading to complex diseases - an example of this is thrombophlebitis. The disease develops quickly and is caused by obstructed blood flow as a consequence of vein thrombosis. Pregnant women are often susceptible to illness due to excessive stress on their legs.
If varicose veins develop into thrombophlebitis, the reasons are different. More often these are injuries, even leg operations. The sooner you start treatment, the greater your chances of getting rid of the disease forever. Remember, at the first symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a doctor who will take the necessary diagnostic steps and prescribe the correct treatment. Treatment is carried out with the help of medications and folk remedies. If you take the complex correctly, there is a possibility of getting rid of the disease in a short time.
It is recommended to remember a strict diet that excludes all kinds of sweets from the diet; you are allowed to consume honey. It is recommended to eat low-fat foods: rice and buckwheat with poultry or boiled fish. The food will need to include an abundance of fortified foods; this applies mainly to vegetable and fruit dishes. It is useful to eat large sweet peppers, leeks, preferably with feathers, yellow sweet peppers, lemons and other citrus fruits, and carrots.
The use of herbs for varicose veins on the legs cannot be ruled out, especially since in the methods of treatment invented by the people for the disease there are a lot of similar medicinal plants. To treat varicose veins, it is better to use a collection of medicinal herbs, which forces the veins to be constantly toned.
Let's look at the basic recipes that are effective in fighting the disease:
Treatment with folk remedies requires a careful approach; before using herbs, it is definitely recommended to consult a doctor. For example, certain herbs can cause side effects in the form of: constipation, gastritis, menstrual irregularities, cause convulsions and excessively thin the blood.
Herbs for varicose veins can be used as tinctures, but it is also possible to prepare wonderful ointments. Let's consider the main methods of preparing medicinal ointments:
Many effective methods have been developed that require a careful approach and consultation with your doctor.
For varicose veins, it is advisable to select a herbal collection from:
Herbs that help with leg diseases can be collected independently; they grow either in fields or in forests.
For varicose veins of the legs, many methods are used to combat the disease. There are methods that can remove even large bumps on the legs. For example, you can use onion juice together with laundry soap. Remember, if you have varicose veins, you should not stand or sit a lot; a person should lead an active lifestyle. It is important for the legs that the blood in the veins does not stagnate. The doctor will advise, together with folk remedies, to use gymnastics for the legs; when the veins are dilated, it is performed exclusively in a horizontal position. For varicose veins, it is recommended to wear special compression garments, which will help relieve stress on the legs.
If a person has a standing job, in addition to herbal treatment, regular rest is indicated. It is important to remember about a special diet that includes the maximum amount of vegetables and fruits. If you approach treatment correctly and follow the doctor’s recommendations, the disease will leave the sick person forever. Traditional methods are an excellent help in the fight against the disease.
Herbs for varicose veins on the legs are a remedy that many patients need. Herbal medicine has an exceptional effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels, stabilizing metabolic processes. This method is used in the first stages, when the dilation of the veins of the lower extremities is insignificant. This treatment involves the use of herbal infusions, teas and other traditional medicine.
Today, varicose veins are widespread everywhere. Almost half of people have problems with blood vessels or are susceptible to venous expansion. Lack of treatment can cause a number of complications, such as the formation of ulcers or thrombophlebitis. Therefore, it is recommended to eliminate symptoms in the early stages of the disease.
Varicose veins are a disease that damages the walls of blood vessels. Due to the fact that blood stops circulating normally, stagnation occurs in the lower extremities. This leads to the formation of varicose veins with their subsequent protrusion outward. Weakness appears and, as a result, swelling of the legs.
The cause of improper blood flow is the incompetence of the valvular apparatus of the blood vessels. Because of this defect, blood cannot be normally pushed from the lower extremities back to the heart, so venous pressure increases. As a result of valvular insufficiency, the walls of blood vessels dilate, which leads to varicose veins.
Among other factors influencing the development of the disease, doctors note:
Treatment in the early stages is most effective. Therefore, you need to be able to determine the moments when herbs for varicose veins will be most useful.
To do this, you need to understand the symptoms:
In folk medicine, herbs for varicose veins have proven themselves well. Plants that thin the blood are mainly used. They normalize bleeding and help prevent the development of thrombosis.
There are many recipes that allow you to achieve visible results. The use of herbal medicine will not only prevent varicose veins in the lower extremities, but also improve the health of the body as a whole.
In practice, it has been proven that if you drink decoctions correctly or use homemade ointments, then the dilation of the veins of the lower extremities will disappear for a long time, without the likelihood of relapse. However, for the treatment to be successful, all instructions must be followed. Otherwise, the disease will slow down its development, but will not disappear completely.
The choice of herbs determines how effective the treatment will be.
In folk medicine, there are several popular plants:
But these are not all representatives of the healing flora. Recipes often mention cinnamon, milk thistle, rose hips, hawthorn and kalanchoe. Each plant has a unique composition of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. Therefore, the effect on the body is also different. Experts recommend determining which herb for varicose veins suits your individual characteristics. And only after that start treatment.
Chestnut is known for its excellent properties. It contains a large amount of glycosides necessary for blood thinning. Thanks to this, blood circulation is normalized and the elasticity of the veins is restored.
To prepare the tincture you will need the following ingredients:
Pour vodka over the grass and leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Before drinking the infusion, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the correct treatment and indicate the required dosage.
Varicose veins of the lower extremities are well treated with the help of a golden mustache. The chemical composition of this herb contains natural steroids, polyphenols and other beneficial components. Therefore, it allows you to achieve normalization of blood outflow in record time.
For the decoction, you will need to pour the crushed leaves with running water, boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. The infusion is prepared using the traditional method: clean leaves are poured with vodka and infused.
To make treatment more effective, doctors recommend using both remedies. By combining a decoction and an infusion, it is possible to achieve blood thinning, increase vascular tone, reduce swelling of the lower extremities, and also get rid of pain.
The leaves of this plant contain large amounts of tannins, flavonoids and formic acid. Treatment for vasodilation occurs with the help of nettle infusion.
It's very easy to prepare:
Nettle has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, restoring blood flow. You should consult your doctor about what dosages can be taken without unexpected reactions from the body.
Scientists were able to find out that aloe leaves contain biogenic stimulants. These substances promote renewal of the cell layer. And since when the veins of the lower extremities dilate, the vessels are located at a short distance from the upper layers of the skin, a properly prepared ointment can cure varicose veins by strengthening the vessels.
You will need to mix 100 g of aloe leaf juice with 1 tsp. mumiyo. The finished composition should be applied to damaged areas. Within a few weeks the result will be noticeable.
You will need the following ingredients:
All herbs in equal quantities are poured into the prepared container. The collection is filled with water and cooked over low heat. After boiling, add pork fat and a little sunflower oil to the broth. After mixing thoroughly, the future ointment is placed in the refrigerator.
Treatment of limbs with varicose veins using such an ointment involves not only applying the composition to the affected area. You will also need to do a rewind. To do this, a piece of gauze and polyethylene is applied to the swollen veins (pre-treated with ointment), and then fixed with a bandage. To achieve high-quality blood thinning, you should change the dressings 3 times throughout the day.
It is very simple to prepare such a remedy. You will need a small amount of crushed lilac petals and a fatty base. Even a nourishing cream or ointment will do.
The mixture is applied to the varicose veins, then wrapped with gauze and bandage. These dressings can be used during the day or before bedtime. To increase the effect, it is recommended to wear compression garments, which will fix the bandages with ointment and exert supporting pressure on the walls of the blood vessels.
Preventing a disease is easier than curing it. Therefore, when the first symptoms of varicose veins appear, you should reconsider your lifestyle: add more activity, remember to give your legs rest, and diversify your diet with fruits and vegetables. And as a preventive measure, you can use recipes with medicinal herbs. Traditional methods are a quick help in the fight against varicose veins.
For circulatory disorders, medicine offers modern pharmacological drugs. But herbs for varicose veins also give good results at minimal cost. The main thing is to systematically take herbal decoctions, make baths or compresses. And positive changes in blood vessels and the elimination of blood clots will not take long to occur.
It is important for patients to remember that any therapy for circulatory pathologies requires consultation with a phlebologist. Otherwise, instead of eliminating the inflamed veins, suppuration, necrosis and other problems additionally occur.
Therefore, before making baths based on medicinal herbs or compresses for affected legs, it is worth checking the tolerability of the procedure. If everything is fine, then try healing recipes to restore blood circulation and fight blood clots.
Currently, doctors are increasingly resorting to this method of treating varicose veins in the lower extremities, such as herbal medicine.
The most commonly used herbs for foot therapy at home are:
And these are not all the herbs that will give lightness to your feet.
If there is no escape from dilated and inflamed blood vessels, then brew herbs for varicose veins on the legs:
Dandelion officinalis has a positive effect on the venous walls
Many recipes have been developed for circulatory pathology. You can choose any herbs for varicose veins. Fortunately the list is large:
Red clover – has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antimicrobial effects
Most often, healing recipes for improving blood circulation, eliminating swelling and cramps suggest that patients try horse chestnut-based potions at home. The plant is a well-known venotonic. The substances strengthen the inflamed walls of blood vessels, increase strength, and prevent the leakage of lymph and interstitial fluid.
Tincture of flowers and fruits of horse chestnut
For the treatment of pathology, patients can prepare:
The therapeutic course lasts 2 weeks. Then patients take a break for 7 days. If the disease is advanced, therapy is repeated. Treatment of inflamed varicose veins lasts on average from 3 to 6 months.
To treat varicose veins, you can prepare a remedy from the fruits and flowers of horse chestnut. For this:
To treat varicose veins at home, take 2 tablespoons of the resulting plant material. Treat dilated veins and inflamed areas of the legs with the liquid. Wrap it in cellophane on top and leave it for 2-3 hours. It would be ideal if at this time you place a small cushion under your feet to elevate your limbs .
A variety of herbs are used for varicose veins. Some healing plants can be found in your home or office. The conversation will be about the fat woman. The plant is often called the “money tree”. It is not demanding, grows quickly and perfectly decorates the space. But it also helps heal blood vessels and eliminate varicose veins.
Juicy young leaves are used for treatment. Their juice contains a complex of minerals in a bioavailable form. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-edematous properties. Patients can safely use this plant for sore throat, tonsillitis and other purulent inflammatory processes.
The juicy and fleshy leaves of this plant, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, can be used for household burns to reduce pain and inflammation, for abscesses, pustular rashes
Herbal compresses for varicose veins on the legs are made according to the following recipe:
This therapy at home does not cause pain or discomfort.
To effectively treat varicose veins, try the following recipe:
The therapy is simple: soak a cotton pad in the infusion and apply it to the inflamed varicose veins. Wrap with a bandage or gauze and leave for a couple of hours.
Varicose veins are a pathology that develops as a result of insufficient blood supply. There are a large number of folk recipes for treating the disease, many of which are based on the power of medicinal plants. What herbs are most effective for varicose veins, how to choose the right herbal mixture and how to take it.
The main cause of varicose veins is weak blood flow, as a result, stagnant zones appear in the veins. As the pathology progresses, they transform into nodes and then into blood clots.
The surgical treatment method allows you to get rid of the consequences of the disease, but does not affect the cause. The main goal of therapeutic measures is to restore the elasticity of blood vessels and thin the blood.
Herbal medicine is a treatment aimed at eliminating the immediate cause of pathology.
Well-chosen herbs:
veins acquire a natural, healthy appearance;
Varicose veins are a hereditary pathology, and risk factors include:
As a result, the blood supply to the lower extremities deteriorates, which is the main reason for the development of the disease.
Therapeutic activities at home are aimed at solving the following problems:
Immediately before starting therapy, it is important to follow certain recommendations:
Treatment of varicose veins can be external or internal. In the first case, infusions, teas, powders are prepared, and ointments, compresses, rubs, and baths are used as local remedies. Taking herbal teas internally cleanses and thins the blood. External use helps eliminate the inflammatory process and acts directly on the affected area of the blood vessels.
Herbs for varicose veins on the legs should have the following properties:
Regardless of the chosen therapy, there are certain rules for using medicinal herbs.
Herbal mixtures are drunk according to the following scheme - one mixture is taken for one and a half to two months, then a break of 7 to 10 days is required and treatment with another mixture is started. It is important to change the composition of the collection so that addiction does not occur.
As a rule, a decoction or infusion is prepared from the collection and taken 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least one year.
Herbal tea should be brewed daily and should not be stored. For preparation, use 1-2 tablespoons of herbs or mixture per liter of boiling water. In the summer, you can make iced tea - pour cold water over the herb and leave the mixture overnight.
Medicinal herbs in powder form are most effective for varicose veins. This form of the drug retains the full range of beneficial substances and properties. To prepare, prepared herbs and seeds are ground in a coffee grinder, mortar or blender and mixed in the required proportions. It is better to store the powder in a wooden or glass container. The dosage varies from a quarter to a third of a teaspoon.
Medicinal herbs can be used as monotherapy or as part of preparations. The choice of a specific treatment regimen depends on the patient’s condition and the degree of advanced disease. In any case, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and select the optimal composition of the herbal collection and method of using herbs.
In folk medicine, chestnut inflorescences, fruits, leaves, bark and seeds are actively used. These trees grow in every yard, so collecting raw materials for preparing a medicinal product is not difficult. The plant is rich in tannins, vitamins, and flavonoids.
This chemical composition has a complex positive effect on the body:
For varicose veins, chestnut fruits and inflorescences are used. A tincture, decoction and compress are prepared from them.
Tincture of inflorescences and fruits. The flowers are collected in the spring, during the period of active flowering of trees, and dried until the fruits ripen. For preparation you will need 4 tablespoons of inflorescences and 6 pieces of fruit. Chestnuts are ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with flowers, the mixture is poured with alcohol (0.5 liters). The medicinal product is infused in a dark place for two weeks, shaking the container periodically.
Before use, dilute 2 tablespoons of the mixture in 5 tablespoons of warm water. A napkin is soaked in the solution and wrapped around the legs, covered with polyethylene and a warm towel on top. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours. Then you need to lie down with your legs raised up to ensure the flow of blood from the lower extremities.
Decoction of inflorescences. Fresh and dried flowers are used for preparation. You need to pour 2 tablespoons of raw material into a glass of warm water and leave in a dark place for 5-6 hours. Then bring the mixture to a boil and leave again for at least one hour.
When the decoction has cooled, take 7575 ml twice a day for two weeks, after a week's break the course is repeated. The maximum duration of treatment is 6 months.
The duration of treatment is one month.
Crassula or money tree is a well-known houseplant. The leaves and juice have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling and help get rid of discomfort.
To prepare the tincture, you will need a glass of fresh leaves; they are ground in a meat grinder to make a paste with fairly large pieces. The mixture is poured with alcohol (0.5 liters) and left in a dark place for two weeks. Store the medicine in dark glass containers. This product is used exclusively externally.
The treatment regimen is as follows: moisten a cloth with the tincture and apply to the affected area for 30-40 minutes. The medicine should be completely absorbed into the skin. To prevent the compress from falling, it is fixed with a bandage or plaster. During the procedure, it is advisable to raise your legs up to ensure blood flow.
1. To prepare the collection you will need equal parts:
2. The fee includes:
3. The composition of the healing collection includes:
4. The composition of the herbal collection includes:
5. To prepare the collection you will need:
6. To prepare the next collection you need:
7. To prepare the following collection, herbs are also used in equal proportions:
8. Another herbal recipe effective for varicose veins:
All herbal infusions, regardless of their composition, are prepared and taken in the same way. The ingredients are measured in equal proportions, crushed and mixed. A few spoons of the mixture are poured into a thermos and poured with half a liter of boiling water. The collection is infused overnight and filtered. The medicine is taken 75 ml three times a day.
A washed, fresh burdock leaf should be placed on a boiling kettle so that it becomes hot, but not scalding. The inner part of the sheet is applied to the lesion, directly to the vein. To prevent the plant from burning the skin, it is placed on a layer of gauze. Manipulations are performed at night, the full course is five procedures. As a result of this treatment, the pain syndrome is significantly reduced, swelling and inflammation go away.
The woodlice plant is thoroughly washed and applied to the affected veins, covered with a burdock leaf on top and secured with a bandage. Burdock is changed every one and a half to two hours, and woodlice - when it withers. Already a week after the procedures, the feeling of lightness in your legs will return.
For treatment, it is necessary to moisten a bandage with celandine juice and apply it to the lesions, secure on top with gauze or adhesive tape. The duration of one procedure is 4 hours. The full course of therapy is one week, followed by a ten-day break and the course is repeated. For lasting positive dynamics, three courses will be required.
To prepare, you will need 2 teaspoons of inflorescences and a glass of boiling water. Chamomile is poured with water and left for 30-40 minutes, always wrapped in a warm towel. The finished mixture is filtered and used as compresses at night. A fabric bandage soaked in the infusion is applied to the diseased veins and secured with a plaster.
5. Calendula oil extract.
To prepare, you need to pour 50 grams of calendula flowers with half a liter of any vegetable oil. The mixture is simmered in a water bath for 30 to 40 minutes. After this, the mixture cools and is filtered. The oil extract is rubbed with light, circular movements into the affected veins and left overnight.
Kalanchoe juice is used exclusively as an external remedy for rubbing affected areas on the legs.
Alcohol tincture of acacia flowers. The product helps perfectly in the initial stages of the disease, when small varicose “stars” appear.
At night they make baths from the infusion of marsh dried grass. To do this, 150 grams of herb are infused for an hour in 10 liters of water. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 25 minutes.
Baths with the addition of a decoction of oak bark and willow bark are also good for coping with pain.
For preparation you will need the following components:
Melt the fat in a water bath and add the herbal mixture; first, all components must be crushed. The ingredients are boiled together for a few minutes, then the mixture is removed from the heat and allowed to cool. After this, the medicine must be slightly warmed up so that it can be strained.
The ready-to-use ointment has the consistency of a thick ointment. It is applied at night to damaged veins. The ointment is also used as applications. For complete recovery, the product is applied daily for several months.
The lack of treatment provokes further development of the disease - the veins begin to bulge more, unaesthetic nodes appear, which in the future can transform into bleeding trophic ulcers. If the veins protrude more than 7 mm, there is a serious risk of prolonged bleeding.
The duration and scheme of therapeutic measures depend on the patient’s condition and the severity of the disease. That is why it is so important to consult a specialist in a timely manner, undergo a full examination, on the basis of which the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment.
The first article, where nettle is not recommended for the treatment of varicose veins or was missed? But before that, about 10 sites wrote about nettles. And nettle thickens the blood. So the venous outflow is disrupted, blood stagnation and should you also drink nettle so that blood clots form faster? And about herbs with a diuretic effect... be careful, then there may be problems with the heart. At least drink panangin. Now I understand why doctors are against herbal treatment. Some would advise without thinking, others would rather believe and run to collect herbs and drink. Every herb has side effects. Which may well manifest itself especially with long-term use. And in older people, the active substance accumulates, and the excretory system works more slowly. Naturally there will be side effects. But they don't talk about it. Everyone believes that herbs will not harm you in any way. I have more than once encountered the fact that people who thoughtlessly practice herbal medicine later ended up in the hospital.
Varicose veins are a disease of poor blood supply to the veins. It can be treated with various natural remedies: herbal teas, rubs, compresses. Which of them are most effective: blood thinners or blood vessel cleansers? And how to alternate medications when treating leg veins?
The main cause of varicose veins is poor blood flow in the extremities. As a result, stagnant zones, nodes and blood clots form in the veins of the legs and abdominal cavity. Surgical treatment or sclerotherapy works with the effect and does not affect the cause of the disease. During sclerotherapy, the protruding parts of the veins in the legs are “sealed” (closed). At the same time, the cause of the disease remains unchanged, thick blood requires thinning, and blood vessels need to restore elasticity.
Treatment of varicose veins with herbs is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. Their medicinal components cleanse the blood and blood vessels and stimulate blood flow. As a result, the veins of the legs become less noticeable and are retracted under the skin. In addition, herbal treatment is carried out at home, without expensive medical consultations and pharmaceutical drugs.
The tendency to varicose veins is inherited from parents, but the manifestation of the disease is facilitated by living conditions: activity, nutrition, static loads on the legs. These factors create conditions for poor blood supply to the legs and depletion of vascular tissues. To treat veins at home, you need the following:
What else needs to be done:
Treatment of varicose veins with herbs at home can be:
For treatment at home, herbs are selected that have the following effects:
A course of internal treatment of feet at home consists of using 1 type of herbal mixture for one to two months. The infusion or powder should be drunk 2-3 times a day. Afterwards, a break is taken for 1 week, and there is a transition to another collection. The total period of treatment for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis should be at least a year.
Herbal tea is brewed daily. Take 1-2 tablespoons of the prepared mixture per 1 liter of boiling water. You can also prepare an infusion without heating: pour cold water, leave overnight and drink cold.
Herbs against varicose veins are very effective in the form of ground powder. In this embodiment, the medicine retains the full composition of beneficial substances of medicinal plants. To prepare, the raw materials are thoroughly ground (seeds in a coffee grinder, dried leaves in a meat grinder or wooden mortar), mixed and stored in a dry glass or wooden container. The intake is ¼ - 1/3 teaspoon of the mixture. At home, compresses are made from the leaves of medicinal plants or their oil and alcohol extracts. So what are the best herbs for treating leg veins?
For varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, the fruits and flowers of this plant are used. They are used to make tinctures for rubbing and compresses or decoctions (infusions) for internal treatment. Recipe for preparing a tincture for rubbing venous nodes and bulging veins: the peel and crushed kernels are placed in a jar and filled with medical alcohol. Preparation takes 1 month, during which time you need to shake the container 2 times a week. Similar infusions for rubbing are prepared based on other parts of the plant: flowers, fruits, rhizomes.
Coumarins reduce blood clotting, thin it and prevent the formation of blood clots (one of the complications of varicose veins, called thrombophlebitis). In addition, coumarins are natural antibiotics; they also relieve spasms and thereby exhibit a diuretic effect.
Here is a list of blood thinning herbs that contain coumarins:
Salicylates also prevent blood thickening. They are found in plants:
Salicylates are found in many fruits (apple, apricot, melon, blackberry, blueberry).
This group of plants contains phytoncides, which provide an anti-inflammatory effect. Tannins (they cleanse toxins), alkaloids (they are also poisons if consumed in large doses), phenols, bitterness, and mucus help them fight. These components are found in many plants in varying proportions. Poisons are also effective against inflammation of the blood vessels of the legs (they are used externally). Plants containing them for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis:
Also added to the collection are leaves of plantain, nettle, lingonberry, string, coltsfoot, birch, and Kalanchoe. Flowers of calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow, clover. Rhizomes of dandelion, primrose, elecampane, calamus, burnet, geranium. The fruits of sophora, nutmeg, bird cherry, chokeberry.
This group of medicinal plants is necessary to relieve swelling in the legs around the veins. They occur as a result of poor blood supply and inflammation. The result of swelling is pain in the legs and fatigue.
Diuretic herbs include horsetail, knotweed, coltsfoot, sage, St. John's wort, juniper, motherwort, nettle, and calendula. You need to drink them throughout the day to drain excess fluid and reduce the volume of your legs.
What herbs to drink for varicose veins, how to make preparations from them? The composition contains 1-2 plants of different effects. An example of such a bouquet:
You can also add general strengthening vitamin and mineral components - rose hips, raspberry leaves, currants, nettles. Failure to take action is fraught with further development of leg disease. If left untreated, the veins begin to bulge more and more. Convex nodes are formed, which subsequently begin to bleed (trophic ulcers). When veins rise above the surface of the skin or nodes protrude by more than 7 mm, there is a risk of prolonged bleeding. The effectiveness of therapeutic measures depends on the stage of the disease. Therefore, the sooner you start using herbs, the better the results will be and the healthier your feet will be.
Medicinal plants for gout provide good results if used regularly. Such treatment requires a lot of time and the use of many recipes before one is found that is suitable for a particular case. But, before making a decision on what herbs to drink for gout or use in other ways, you should consult a specialist who will prescribe the basic treatment and give recommendations on herbs.
Herbal medicine according to folk recipes can also help in emergency situations. The best herbs for gout in this case are nettle, sage, chamomile, garlic and lemon. The first is used as a decoction, and the last two together as a tincture. Chamomile and sage are added to the bath to relieve pain.
Herbal mixtures that are healing for the body, as well as their individual representatives, can be used in various types and forms, both for external and internal effects in order to gain control over gout.
In folk medicine, remedies such as herbal tea for gout and other forms are widely used to influence the disease from the inside. Various tinctures and decoctions of plants beneficial to the body fall into this category.
All of the above recipes help remove excess uric acid from the body, but treatment with them requires a long period of time. The result of therapy should be expected no earlier than in a month.
Herbal medicine for gout is not complete without the use of foot or hand baths, depending on the location of the process. This treatment method provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the joints. The main period of their use is the time of exacerbation of gout.
Common herbal baths may be used.
The temperature regime of such baths should be in the range from 36 to 38 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, followed by rest for an hour under a warm blanket.
To get the best possible result, at least 12 baths must be performed.
Treatment of gout with herbs also involves using them in the form of rubs or ointments. This turns out to be effective in resolving cones formed due to gout, as well as getting rid of inflammatory symptoms.
Ointments, like other external remedies, with the exception of baths, are used for at least 10 days, but until the symptoms and manifestations of gout that bother the patient disappear.
If you combine different methods of using herbs when treating gout, this will help achieve the best possible results. In order not to harm the body and avoid adverse side effects, you must regularly visit your doctor.