Fingers become covered with a rash for various reasons. It is very difficult to make a diagnosis on your own; you can only observe the skin and try to understand why the rash appeared, and whether it is protracted or temporary. Do not be afraid to consult a dermatologist, because only an experienced specialist will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment.
Initially, try to remember when you discovered the rash and under what circumstances it worsens. A rash can appear due to the negative effects of household chemicals, especially if rubber gloves are neglected.
The rash can be caused by a nervous breakdown, frequent stress, or other emotional reasons. Dyshidrotic eczema and allergic dermatitis, toxicoderma cannot be ruled out; symptoms of such diseases are the appearance of a rash on the palms, fingers, and between the fingers. In the presence of dyshidrotic eczema, a disease of the skin of the feet and hands, the appearance of transparent, itchy vesicles, which are located deep in the epidermis, cracks, and peeling is characteristic.
The symptoms of allergic dermatitis are similar to the course of the acute stage of eczema, in which redness appears, small blisters form, which soon open, forming weeping skin defects, and then scales and crusts. Symptoms of toxicerma - rashes, erosion, redness. To prevent diseases from dragging on for a long period, you need to undergo timely treatment.
Small, merging blisters indicate the presence of candidiasis. With this disease, interdigital yeast erosions can develop, often between the third and fourth fingers. This disease often develops in people working in fruit and vegetable farms and confectionery production.
The rash may also indicate the development of a parasitic or other infectious disease. In such cases, the rash is accompanied by severe itching. Over time, the blisters burst and their contents leak out. If you have such symptoms, immediately seek help from a dermatologist so as not to aggravate the disease, which can lead to complications.
The most common infectious skin disease is scabies, which is caused by the scabies mite. Scabies appears due to non-compliance with sanitation rules and promiscuity. The main symptoms of scabies are scabies and severe itching. Rashes often appear in the lower abdomen, in the spaces between the fingers, on the buttocks, in the lower back, and in the folds of the skin.
Please note that the development of a parasitic infectious disease does not always require a pathogen, because certain conditions for its activation play an important role. Such factors should be taken into account during treatment.
Pimples on toes can occur in several cases. Firstly, this is the so-called atopic dermatitis, which is a type of allergic reaction. Such rashes appear mainly in children and develop into the form of eczema.
With this type of infection, the skin turns red, many small itchy pimples appear, which burst and create a very itchy, weeping space on the skin with ichor. Despite the most unpleasant sensations, under no circumstances should you scratch these rashes. This can only create the perfect conditions for an even more severe infection. Secondly, it is neurodermatitis. This disease most often manifests itself on the legs, in particular on the fingers, and thirdly, one should not forget about the most unpleasant disease. A rash between the toes and on the limbs themselves may also indicate a scabies infection.
How to treat these manifestations? First you need, no matter how difficult it may be, to identify the allergen and no longer contact it. To make the rash go away faster, never start squeezing watery pimples that appear. Treatment should be continued with antihistamines to relieve itching and hormonal ointments and creams. In complex advanced cases, antibiotics cannot be avoided.
Synthetic socks should not be worn during treatment, but should be changed frequently after any treatment of pimples. If shoes become infected, they are thrown away or disinfected.
Of course, there is no need to panic at the sight of red, itchy skin. A timely visit to a dermatologist will help solve this problem as soon as possible.
Children have very vulnerable and delicate skin. She grows up with the baby, acquiring new functions every day that will reliably protect the body. But often various types of rashes appear on the skin of children. What to do in such cases? Is this a cause for concern?
A rash on children's hands appears for various reasons. The most common causes of rashes are allergies that attack a baby after a year - this is when he begins to become closely acquainted with the world around him, as well as with all the hygiene products that we deal with every day.
Infectious and viral diseases are also common causes of the rash. The rash usually appears on the face or torso and then spreads to the legs and arms. Since hands are always visible, it is more likely that you will first find a rash on the hands, and only after carefully examining the child's skin will you notice a rash on the whole body.
Let's take a closer look at the reasons for the appearance of rashes on the hands.
The main thing is to approach the treatment of rashes on the hands responsibly, especially if the baby has a habit of scratching it. Don't forget about the risk of catching an infection, which is much more serious than the primary cause of the rash.
Changes in the skin indicate various diseases that affect not only the skin, but also signal deeper problems. It can be different in its content, causes of occurrence and morphological characteristics. You can learn more about the rash on the legs with a photo with the name of the disease .
Hemorrhagic vasculitis is a disease of the vascular wall with a complex of symptoms. It manifests itself as hemorrhages on the skin, the appearance of papules and purulent nodes, accompanied by swelling, kidney damage and abdominal syndrome.
Most often, hemorrhagic rash is localized on the lower extremities. It appears regardless of age, although children under 3 years of age are very rarely affected by it.
Many doctors emphasize that these factors can affect the occurrence of hemorrhagic spots if there is a genetic predisposition to this pathology.
Read more about hemorrhagic vasculitis for deeper knowledge on this topic.
Symptoms of Henoch-Schönlein disease:
Very rarely, other internal organs may also be affected.
Patients must adhere to bed rest, diet, and avoid taking medications. Treatment is with heparin . Symptoms that are present with the disease are treated according to protocols. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, as this disease can recede quickly and can be fatal.
Another cause of skin rashes can be rubella . This is a viral infection that often affects children.
The existence of the virus is possible only in the human body, which means that infection occurs through airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy person. Due to the fact that after an illness a strong immunity to it is developed, people get sick more often in childhood.
One of the most striking signs of rubella is an enlargement of the cervical and occipital lymph nodes. Children tolerate the disease much easier; the rashes in children do not merge and pass without leaving any traces. In adults, the course of the disease is more serious:
Rubella is mainly treated symptomatically at home. You need to adhere to bed rest.
To prevent the disease, vaccinations are given. The patient is isolated for 5 days. Complications may include otitis media, pneumonia, arthritis, rubella encephalitis and thrombocytopenic purpura .
The location of the appearance of the rash depends on the disease that caused it. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis based on the nature of the rash. If the rash is itchy and flaky, then the cause may be an allergy. For comparison, you can see a photo of a rash on the legs with the name of the disease. With allergies, the rashes are pinkish-red, uneven and raised.
Such an allergy can be to anything, from foods consumed to external environmental factors. For diagnostics:
An allergic rash is treated primarily by eliminating the allergen. If it is a food product, then do not eat it; if it is clothing, then they need to be changed to natural and softer ones. The doctor prescribes a complex of drugs and ointments.
It is often confused with chickenpox or urticaria. It can lead not only to itching, redness and swelling, but also provoke loss of consciousness and, in severe cases, death.
The cause of scabies is a microscopic parasite - the scabies mite . He chooses the most delicate areas of skin (between his toes) and actively begins to dig tunnels and lay eggs.
It is easily transmitted through handshakes, other people's shoes, and household items.
To recognize scabies, you should consider the first signs of its appearance:
Traces of scabies mites should first be looked for below the knees, in the knee bend, between the fingers of the lower extremities. A specialist should look at the characteristic changes on the skin to make a diagnosis of scabies.
To better understand the nature of the disease, read more about scabies .
Treatment consists of strict adherence to hygiene rules, applying ointments and lotions to the body. The earlier the disease is detected, the faster it can be eliminated.
For any rash on the legs, you should carefully analyze the nature of the rash . What it is, where it is localized, the intensity of its appearance, the presence of itching, pus, peeling - all these and other signs help make an accurate diagnosis.
To make it easier to recognize, you can look at a photo of the rash on the legs with the name of the disease. There are:
Any rash on the skin signals the appearance of pathology on the skin or in the body. Many disorders in the human body can provoke the appearance of pimples, papules or blisters. Some reasons:
Psoriasis on the lower extremities in the initial stages also appears as slightly raised pimples. At a progressive stage, new pimples appear near the old ones. Accompanied by unbearable itching, read more about psoriasis .
You should not wait until the rash goes away on its own; you need to consult a specialist, because in such cases the time spent is expensive.
Many try to ignore this problem, which is not always visible under clothes. The reasons for their occurrence are varied. Acne can affect your appearance and comfort, or it can also be the result of serious and dangerous diseases. Any lesions should be treated, because even minor problems can develop into serious ones over time. Possible causes:
You should never neglect your health. You should always pay attention to the clues your body gives you. We looked at the rash on the legs photos with the name of the diseases. Do you know any other diseases that cause a rash on the legs? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.
A rash on the human body is a fairly common occurrence in medical practice. This can be a separate skin disease, a reaction to the environment, or a symptom of some disease. The rash on the legs or arms can have a different structure and differ in a number of elements. This problem often occurs in pregnant women, which is due to hormonal changes in the body. Before you treat the rash, you need to find out the cause.
If rashes appear on your legs or arms and are also itchy, this may indicate the presence of a serious illness. Among the most common:
The list goes on and on, which once again shows that rash and itching are a signal to see a doctor and begin an immediate examination.
Rashes often appear on both the arms and legs due to physical impact, for example, after minor scratches, insect bites, or due to improperly selected material and style of clothing.
Not everyone knows that the rash has quite a few varieties.
Each type of rash indicates a different disease. When any rash appears, you should not self-medicate, but urgently consult a doctor. Many types of rashes cause itching and discomfort, and if the rash on your hands itches, you should never pick it off. If it turns out to be a blister or an abscess, then the so-called watery infection will lead not only to injury to the skin, but also to its spread throughout the body.
The body of pregnant women undergoes significant restructuring, often causing various malfunctions. If the expectant mother has a rash and itching, then there is no need to panic; on the contrary, this indicates a successful pregnancy. In special cases, this is not related to pregnancy, but indicates infectious diseases.
Due to hormonal imbalance in the body during pregnancy, small acne often appears. It is most concentrated on the face, chest or back, but can also be found on the legs and arms.
Pregnant women for the first time are likely to encounter dermatosis. Modern medicine still does not give a clear answer as to why it occurs, so the main version is a restructuring of the body. Dermatosis occurs in late pregnancy, a small rash appears that is very itchy. The first rashes appear in the area of stretch marks, then the small rash turns into nodules and plaques. Gradually, a rash appears on the legs, arms, inner thighs, feet, buttocks and chest, and the surface of the body is very itchy. The disease does not affect the course of pregnancy in any way and within the first week after birth all signs disappear. To relieve the itching a little, the doctor may prescribe hormonal ointments.
If the rash does not go away within several weeks, then a visit to the doctor is inevitable. An experienced dermatologist, by comparing all the symptoms and the type of rash, will immediately determine the presence of a specific disease. It is better not to wait until the last minute and not endure the itching, if any, but to go to the hospital as soon as the problem appears, otherwise complications may arise, especially in pregnant women. If the rash is very itchy and located on the feet, then most likely it is a fungus. If it is not stopped in time, treatment may take a long time. In addition to a dermatologist, it is advisable to visit an infectious disease specialist. Thanks to its help, you can stop the body from being damaged by infection, which will quickly help you return to normal. If there is a suspicion of an allergy, or your hands and feet itch, a referral to an allergist will be issued. He will not only prescribe medications for the rash, but also tell you how to prevent its occurrence in the future. A rash on the inside of the leg usually indicates sexually transmitted infections, so here you also need to contact specialized doctors.
Particular attention is paid to the treatment of pregnant women. There is also a special diet for dermatosis during pregnancy. By eliminating foods containing histamine from your diet, you can get rid of inflammation. Among these products: coffee, wine, chocolate. These are the main allergens that during pregnancy can also cause diathesis in the unborn child. If rashes during pregnancy cause an illness: rubella, measles or herpes, then damage can be caused not only to the woman, but also to the unborn child. If a woman becomes infected with the virus only in the third trimester of pregnancy, she may even be advised to induce a miscarriage. Therefore, for pregnant women this can result in very serious consequences.
Have all your attempts to remove stains and rashes been unsuccessful?
Have you already thought about radical measures? This is understandable, because clean skin is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least human longevity. And the fact that a healthy person looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof.
Therefore, we recommend reading Elena Malysheva’s article on how to get rid of spots and rashes by cleansing the body of toxins and parasites. Read the article >>
Watery blisters can appear on the skin of both adults and children throughout life. This phenomenon is not always a symptom of any disease, since even a small burn can cause the appearance of a bubble filled with liquid. In most cases, they burst on their own, become crusty and disappear without a trace over time. But, there are also a number of infectious and viral diseases, one of the first symptoms of which is the appearance of watery blisters on the body.
Immunologists are sounding the ALARM! According to official data, seemingly harmless allergies claim MILLIONS of lives every year. The reason for such terrible statistics is PARASITES swarming inside the body! People who are suffering are primarily at risk.
There can be many reasons why fluid-filled blisters appear on the skin, ranging from the most common (allergic reaction) to the rare (bullous pemphigoid). In almost all cases, the rash is accompanied by accompanying symptoms and may indicate the following diseases:
The most common cause of watery blisters on the lips is herpes simplex. It is also called vesicular lichen because of its specific symptoms. It appears most often after infectious diseases, hypothermia or a sharp decrease in immunity.
If you read this article to the “Treatment” section, you could understand that there is no single correct treatment option for watery blisters, since they can be caused by different pathogens. Therefore, if your rash does not go away within 3-5 days, and the condition only worsens and additional symptoms are added, it is not recommended to delay a visit to the doctor.
For example, for manifestations of herpes simplex and herpes zoster, the following drugs are usually prescribed:
But in most people with good immunity, molluscum contagiosum goes away without taking any medications or removing the rash (in some cases, recovery takes several years). Most doctors (especially abroad) insist that removal of molluscs is indicated only if they are localized on the genitals. And this procedure is considered cosmetic, since it does not get rid of the virus located inside the body.
Blisters on the feet caused by a fungal infection can only be eliminated with the help of properly selected antifungal medications. And only a dermatologist can select them correctly based on a microscopic examination of scales from the lesions and determination of the fungal culture. At the initial stage, they try to get by with external agents and only in case of relapse or chronic forms, oral antifungal drugs are prescribed. The most effective are considered:
In case of manifestations of contact dermatitis, in many cases it is enough to exclude the allergen; in severe situations, taking antihistamines is indicated.
Sometimes various rashes may appear on the skin, which require careful examination. After all, a rash on the legs can be a common allergic reaction, and sometimes a manifestation of dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is very important to understand the nature of its occurrence.
Rashes can be different, namely in the form of:
Separately, it is worth mentioning the hemorrhagic rash on the legs, which appears in the form of dots, spots, and stripes of bright red, purple, and black. It can occur on the body due to many diseases that are associated with heredity and infections, such as hemophilia, meningitis or von Willebrand disease.
Depending on the duration, the rash may be short-lived. As a rule, it disappears after a few days, but may appear again. A longer lasting and non-disappearing rash is a sign of a chronic disease. As soon as a red rash appears on your legs, you should immediately consult a doctor who can make a more accurate diagnosis and identify the cause of its occurrence.
Characteristic rashes can appear for a number of reasons, which can be quite safe, for example, the body’s reaction to taking medications or dust. An allergic rash on the legs of this type may go away within a few days after stopping contact with allergens.
A rash on your toes can be the result of a fungal infection, such as contact dermatitis or ringworm. In some cases, they can be caused by poor hygiene or wearing low-quality shoes. A rash on the lower legs, as well as between the toes, may appear due to a lack or, conversely, an excess of vitamins. Also, damage to the skin can be caused by hormonal imbalance. In any case, only a specialist can give you more detailed information.
In addition to these not very dangerous reasons, there are also more terrible diseases, the manifestation of which is also a rash on the skin of the legs. Very often, a rash on the feet can be caused by diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or parasitic infections. If the affected areas of the skin are accompanied by severe itching, this may indicate the presence of skin parasites. Subcutaneous mites are very contagious, so the disease should be treated as early as possible.
Determining the disease by the appearance of the rash
Depending on the appearance, the disease itself can be determined. So, the cause of the appearance of a rash in the form of blisters can be:
A rash in the form of nodules and plaques is a sign of diseases such as:
Rashes in the form of ulcers can be a manifestation of ischemic and varicose ulcers.
The appearance of a small rash on the legs can be caused by a number of other dangerous diseases:
As soon as skin rashes appear on your body, which are accompanied by incessant itching, you should immediately consult a doctor. A timely reaction will allow you to maintain your health and avoid complications. Remember that some diseases have symptoms in the form of a rash, which may not bother you, but can be a signal of a chronic disease or a serious malfunction of the body.
Blistering and itching can occur for various reasons. Favorable conditions for their appearance are: neglect of hygiene requirements, microtrauma of the skin, reduced immunity due to congenital or acquired diseases. In the latter case, rashes and accompanying itching are most often associated with:
Often, a rash and the itching between the fingers that it provokes occur as a reaction of the body to the action of external irritants. It can manifest itself in an apparently healthy person against the background of decreased immunity, and is typical for carriers of various diseases. Its external symptoms are:
For obvious reasons, the hands most often come into contact with various substances, making them the most vulnerable part of the body to various allergens. The latter can be:
The reaction can be immediate, delayed or delayed, depending on the type, the first symptoms appear in the range from a few minutes to two days. Acute itching prompts you to scratch its foci, which complicates the course of the disease and can cause additional infection.
A parasitic form, the causative agent of scabies is a mite. The cause of irritation is the passages made in the skin, where the parasite leaves waste products. Infection occurs through direct contact with a carrier, for example, through a handshake. With the first infection, symptoms appear after four weeks, secondary infection occurs faster, characteristic symptoms are detected within 24 hours. Signs of scabies are:
When scratching, pustular formations form due to staphylococci and streptococci. Diagnosis is made by analyzing skin material obtained by scraping.
In this case, the rash is a manifestation of systemic diseases that affect a separate organ or group. Due to gene mutations, external infections, physical influences (radiation, sunburn), lymphocytes begin to destroy blood proteins, reducing immunity. Such diseases include
One of the symptoms is rashes, dry skin and a characteristic desire to scratch the area of irritation. For a complete recovery, comprehensive treatment is necessary, eliminating not only the disturbing symptoms, but also the underlying cause.
Interdigital fungal infection, a rare form of localization. More often, the fungus spreads throughout the hand. At the initial stage it is almost invisible visually and in sensations. Gradually, small blisters form on the skin, which develop into continuous lesions with pronounced peeling and characteristic discomfort. The resulting cracks are accompanied by a strong burning sensation. Infection is possible when:
The likelihood of fungal infection increases with non-compliance with hygiene requirements and the presence of endocrine problems, cracks in the skin, and reduced immunity. It is difficult to identify the disease by external signs; the external symptoms of the fungus are comparable to other skin diseases. Diagnosis is made by scraping taken from the infected area.
Redness, peeling and itching may be signs of lichen damage to the skin. Refers to contagious infectious diseases that are transmitted by contact. Carriers or sources of infection can be:
Factors that facilitate the formation of fungal infections are reduced immunity, disrupted hormonal levels, and increased stress on the nervous system. There are quite a few variants of deprivation, the most dangerous forms for the hands are:
A qualified dermatologist will be able to correctly determine the type of infection; based on the diagnostic results, the optimal set of drugs and treatment system will be prescribed.
The cause of concern may be simple dry skin. Compared to the others, this is not the worst problem, although the level of discomfort is comparable. Frequent, careless scratching may lead to infection and complications. To avoid such problems and relieve itching, it is recommended to use moisturizing and firming creams. In addition to medications, it is necessary to warm your hands in winter, which will protect the skin from drying out by cold and wind. If discomfort persists, a more serious illness may be present, which can only be determined by examination at a medical facility.
Among the diseases that cause rashes on the skin, including interdigital areas, there is a category of especially dangerous ones. Under certain circumstances they can be fatal. These include viral infections:
For prompt and effective treatment, a thorough diagnosis is required, followed by the selection of drugs based on the cause of the ailment and individual characteristics. With pronounced external symptoms, one of the main methods for identifying the disease is scraping. Possible treatment options depending on the type of disease will be:
In any of the listed cases, when the first symptoms are detected, you should not rely on self-medication; you must urgently contact the clinic at your place of residence.
The only thing that can and should be taken independently is measures to alleviate the patient’s condition, to prevent the spread of the rash to healthy areas of the body, among healthy people. For these purposes, medications are used and hygienic measures are taken. The general rule when detecting symptoms is to minimize contact with other people. In addition, it is recommended:
This is not enough to completely get rid of the disease, but the use of these measures will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and the recovery process.
Small red spots, sudden and gradual rashes between the heel area and calves, which become larger due to constant itching due to endless scratching, are known to a large number of people; such dermatological defects have many causes. Scratching appears in different guises (crusts, scales, papules, vesicles, plaques, ulcers, pustules, blisters, erythema, nodules, purpuras), each signaling a disease, internal or external.
There is a gradation between pathologies from manifestations that indicate a harmless sore to deadly diseases when emergency assistance is called. At the first suspicious symptoms (for example, purple or black spots), you need to visit a dermatologist who determines the type, gives a hint on how to treat and lists the causes of the disease. Conventionally, pathogens that cause red spots are divided into those associated with external mechanical influence, diseases of internal organs and troubles that result in an allergic reaction.
Identifying the causes is considered the beginning of prevention. Treatment of rashes on the legs is mainly limited to the use of appropriate medications.
To get rid of the irritation caused by the above reasons, you will need to change your wardrobe with uncomfortable and tight clothes, anoint the red spots with ointment from the pharmacy, an antihistamine local anesthetic drug. This type of therapy is enough to relieve itching from heel to thigh.
The following group of causes reveals an infectious nature:
The principle of treating infectious diseases is the same, which consists of consuming many tablets and creams.
The spectrum of allergic pathogens is voluminous, most often the cause of the body’s characteristic reaction is the abundance of cosmetics, detergents and laundry detergents. Freshly purchased cream, washing powder or soap can become a disturbance to the health of the feet and the peace of mind of the owner, causing the unpleasant phenomenon of allergies. To eliminate itching, you will need to give up harmful foods.
The next reason for the appearance of allergies is another classic option - close contact with animals, whose saliva or fur, dander, down and feathers can unexpectedly turn out to be the causative agent of the owner's allergies. To remove red spots without giving up your pets, you will have to thoroughly ventilate with an air filter, wash the room, and prohibit animals from visiting the sleeping area.
Bed-dwelling dust mites live in toys, sheets and pillows, often causing the heels and knees to become red and itchy. To combat ticks, the best way is to change bedding from down to synthetic. A special insect repellent spray will help.
Food allergies can cause itchy feet. You will need to consult an allergist about possible intolerance to typical foods - chocolate, citrus fruits, wild berries, and review your daily diet, eliminating foods that are harmful to your feet.
Urticaria is a condition that occurs due to certain foods or medications and is accompanied by an intermittent rash on the legs, large red areas, blisters and swelling. Treated with the methods listed above, the irritation is very itchy.
These reasons relate to diseases that require strict counseling and sometimes, between stages of treatment, hospitalization:
Allergies, red spots, pain between the fingers from inflammatory processes - all of the above can be easily avoided by observing a few simple precautions. When in nature, know in advance what ticks, parasites and other harmful insects live in the area you visit. Think about the safety of your skin (pants instead of shorts) by purchasing special ointments against dermatitis.
To prevent lichen, it is necessary to increase caution when visiting public places (all kinds of swimming pools, baths, showers), since many skin infectious and bacterial diseases are contagious. Vaccinations are also not cancelled, along with the suppression of close contact with infected people who need to be treated immediately.
There are many folk remedies against rashes on the legs. Below are the most famous:
The rash may start on the legs and spread to other parts of the body, and vice versa. By analyzing the symptoms, you can diagnose the cause of the rash on your legs.
Diagnosis of a rash is based on the symptoms that accompany it. Among them:
Leg rashes can occur due to certain skin diseases or conditions. Conditions such as eczema can cause skin damage, red spots on the legs, cracking, bleeding, or changes in skin texture.
Here are some of the main causes of leg rash.
Measles and chickenpox are childhood infections, but adults who are not immunized against chickenpox can get shingles (they are caused by the same virus).
The main signs of a viral infection include:
Viral rashes are quite contagious. Their pathogens can spread from an infected person to another through skin contact or airborne transmission.
There is an increased risk of infection if the child has not been vaccinated.
Measles begins to develop inside the mouth and then spreads to the rest of the body, including the face, neck, arms and legs. Typically, the measles rash appears as itchy red spots, accompanied by fever, runny nose, cough and watery eyes.
In adults, the process of baldness may begin due to the spread of the rash to the head.
Most viral infections in humans cannot be treated with medication. But in any case, you need to consult a doctor. He will recommend medications to relieve symptoms such as fever, itching, cough and others.
Skin conditions such as dermatitis (eczema) can also cause leg rashes. Eczema is a long-term condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red, dry and cracked.
There are several types of dermatitis that affect the skin of the feet. Among them, the main ones are atopic, allergic and irritant contact dermatitis.
The most common type is atopic eczema, which mainly affects children but can continue into adulthood.
Atopic eczema usually develops behind the knees (at the crook of the legs), elbows, ears, neck and around the eyes. This is not a serious condition, but if your child later becomes infected with the herpes simplex virus, it can lead to the development of eczema herpeticum, which is the appearance of many tiny blisters all over the body along with a fever.
If any part of the leg comes into contact with an irritant, a rash may form at that location. The main substances that cause irritation are alkalis and acids, as well as aggressive hygiene products and detergents.
The main symptoms are pain and burning in the affected area.
This type of dermatitis occurs in people who are allergic to certain substances, medications, and insect stings.
Allergic reactions can be life-threatening. If you experience symptoms such as rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, headaches, high fever, or sudden swelling of the body, you should seek medical help immediately.
If you know what exactly causes an allergic reaction in you, try to avoid contact with these substances, or at least try to protect yourself from direct contact with them.
Other types of eczema, such as nummular eczema (also discoid eczema), can cause scaly red patches to appear on the legs and other affected areas of the skin.
Discoid eczema occurs mainly in adults and is associated with atopic eczema.
Risk factors for discoid eczema include allergic asthma, hay fever and food allergies. Consult a dermatologist to understand the possible causes of a rash on your legs.
This is a fairly rare, infectious skin condition that begins on the lower extremities. Most often it affects young children.
Main symptoms and signs include:
If symptoms persist, the condition may become chronic, resulting in chronic fatigue.
If symptoms continue for more than 4 months, be sure to take your child to the doctor again.
Insect bites can cause small itchy rashes. Bites can vary in appearance depending on the types of insects and can be located anywhere on the skin, including on the legs.
Itching and redness are common signs of insect bites. Sometimes small, itchy swellings may remain in their place. Mosquito, bedbug and flea bites are quite common. The presence of blood stains on the sheets is the first sign of insect bites.
In this case, it is recommended to visit a doctor who will help you choose the appropriate treatment for a specific insect bite.
There are reasons that are less common than those described above, including:
To summarize, itchy rashes on the legs can be symptoms of an infection, an allergic reaction, scabies, measles, a reaction to medications and insect bites.
Doctors use different treatment methods for different types of rashes. These include antibiotics, steroids and disinfectants.
Most types of eczema with chronic symptoms can be treated and controlled with proper skin care measures. These include moisturizing, keeping the rash on your feet clean, and using antiseptic creams to prevent infections from reoccurring.
Useful tips for caring for eczema
Minor symptoms such as itching and inflammation can be managed with medications. If you suspect that itching on your legs is caused by a scabies mite bite, you should consult your doctor and, in the future, avoid repeated bites. You should also follow simple rules:
Most skin rashes go away on their own over time, but using the following remedies will help speed healing and relieve symptoms.