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Treatment of the lower back with folk remedies More than 50% of the world's population suffers from lumbar pain, and this is not an exaggeration. Remember how many people from your close circle from time to time grab their lower back after experiencing an attack.
Gonarthrosis or arthrosis of the knee joint is a disease of the knee joint, which is accompanied by severe pain. In this case, motor functions are disrupted and processes of deformation of the bone and cartilage tissues of the joint occur. More often .
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Burnet plant officinalis - properties and uses Burnet plant officinalis is a perennial plant that has long been used as a hemostatic and astringent. It has many uses in folk medicine.
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Corns are rough areas of skin on the foot that cause pain and discomfort when walking. In addition, such a problem can lead to flat feet, and, consequently, poor posture, so it is imperative to get rid of keratinized growths .
Let's look at a variety of ways to treat corns on the soles at home, which will suit absolutely everyone.
Before we begin treatment, we will find out why corns may form. This will allow you to immediately eliminate some of the issues that cause thickening of the skin on your feet.
Before you get rid of corns on the soles of your feet, you should eliminate the reasons that caused them to form. Those. You should definitely review all your shoes, replace their insoles if necessary, or buy better low-heeled boots.
Despite the fact that corns are not such a dangerous and serious problem, humanity has taken a radical approach to solving it and has invented as many as 3 radical methods of treatment:
The appropriateness of the first two methods is determined by the doctor. If the corns have just appeared and do not cause pain yet, then a pedicurist can easily handle them. A special device will be used to perform a hardware procedure that will soften the skin on the soles.
Many people are interested in how to remove rough and painful corns. Laser and cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen) are precisely used for complications when the problem can no longer be solved at home. Mini-surgeries are performed in a clinic or beauty salon by a specialist doctor.
Treatment of corns on the sole with folk remedies is appropriate only when the problem is cosmetic in nature. If these are already painful and bleeding calluses, then you cannot do without qualified help.
Corns are hardened compactions, which means the first thing you need to do is try to soften them.
The easiest bath recipe is as follows: dissolve 1 tablespoon of soda, ammonia and grated laundry soap in 2 liters of hot water. Steam your feet in a basin for 30 minutes, then treat with pumice.
Another good recipe: heat 2 liters of whey in a water bath or in the microwave. Keep your feet in the pelvis for 30 minutes, then treat with pumice stone and apply glycerin ointment.
If you don’t have any whey or ammonia at home, you can make a regular salt bath. Proportion: 1 tbsp. salt (heaped) per 1 liter of water.
Another effective remedy for corns is compresses. Let's look at a few recipes.
Onions contain unique acids and essential oils that can soften dense growths of dead cells. For a compress, you need to grate the onion, spread it over gauze (1-2 layers) and apply it to the corns overnight. Wrap your feet in film and put on socks. In the morning, everything is removed, the feet are rinsed with warm water, treated with pumice and lubricated with any cream.
Socks made of cotton fabric should be moistened with vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn, etc.). Put socks on clean, dry feet and tie plastic wrap over them. You can leave the compress overnight or walk on the floor for 2-3 hours (with breaks, of course). After removal, do the same: rinse, rub with pumice, apply cream.
Cut fresh aloe leaves, plucked from the bottom of the stem, lengthwise and apply to the corns, wrapping them with film. Wear wool socks on top. Leave overnight.
How to remove corns using compresses? Very simple. You need to perform the procedures for 10 days continuously, not forgetting about comfortable shoes and low heels.
In between baths and compresses, you can lubricate your feet with special ointments against corns.
Pharmacies offer a wide range of ointments for corns, including:
How to deal with corns if you can’t buy ointment? Of course, prepare the product yourself. Ingredients:
Mix everything thoroughly, put it in a jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. During this time, a white ointment forms.
Use it only after steaming your feet, applying the product under the bandage at night. In the morning, wash off, but do not use pumice. After 5-7 procedures, the corns will become smaller and then completely disappear.
The core is the root of the corn, which is visible to the naked eye. It is located in the middle of the seal and goes deep into the skin.
When pressed, it is the rod that causes pain, because it is very hard and puts pressure on the nerve endings. Treatment of corns with a core on the sole requires not only softening the skin and removing its hardened areas, but also destroying the root.
To do this, more drastic methods are needed.
Now you know how to treat corns on the sole, including those with a stem. It is necessary to perform any procedures, otherwise walking will be uncomfortable and painful.
In addition, corns are not very aesthetically pleasing, because they are not only roughened, but also yellowed skin. Therefore, decide on the method of treatment at home and feel free to proceed. In any case, you can always consult a doctor who will tell you the most appropriate ways to get rid of corns.
Formations on the skin can be in the form of dropsy or corns. They cannot be ignored - they physically interfere. Is it possible to cure calluses and how to get rid of them? First things first.
Man is one of the few creatures on the planet who walks upright and works with his hands. At the same time, the skin on his palms and feet is not as protected from damage as, for example, the paws of animals. For this reason, we are prone to developing calluses.
Calluses can appear on any part of the body and at any age. There have been cases when babies developed dropsy on the lip due to active sucking on the breast or pacifier. Women can develop calluses around their breasts when wearing an uncomfortable bra. Men - on the shoulders, due to friction from a car belt or travel bag.
This is the body's protective reaction to friction. If our skin did not know how to thicken, our arms and legs would be worn out into blood from the usual daily processes: walking and slicing bread. After all, the most popular places for calluses to appear are the palms and feet.
Dry calluses on the feet are compactions of dead skin that most often form on the heel and in the area in front of the toes. They appear with age, like annual rings on trees. They become more active in the summer when wearing uncomfortable shoes (heels or flat soles).
The mechanism by which corns appear is pressure on the skin. The more a person walks (especially in uncomfortable shoes), the higher the risk of developing dry calluses.
People with flat feet are most likely to develop calluses on the foot, namely on the ball of the foot at the base of the toes. In other words, if there are calluses in these places, the person has flat feet.
In alternative medicine, there is a version that by the location of calluses on the feet (if they are not from uncomfortable shoes), one can make not only the above-mentioned diagnosis, but also learn about other diseases:
Doctors cannot say with certainty how closely the callus on the finger, formed out of the blue, is connected with the functioning of the internal organs. However, experts confidently claim that such a “wrinkle” may indicate a lack of vitamin A in the body, which is found in fish, carrots, pumpkin, persimmon and dissolves in fats (oil, lard, etc.). If the “accidental” callus is wet, this is one of the heralds of a change in hormonal balance. It's worth checking your blood sugar levels.
If a wet callus occurs due to prolonged work with your hands or wearing new shoes, there is no reason to worry - this is a common occurrence. For example, such calluses can easily appear on a girl who has put on new shoes for work or a party.
A proven method for years to prevent the appearance of calluses on the toes and above the heel! After buying new shoes/ballet shoes/sandals, walk around in them at home. Yes, not on bare feet, but in socks made of natural material of medium density. The next day you can wear new clothes even to a disco. The number of calluses will be reduced to a minimum.
Calluses on the hands often bother summer residents. They can also be prevented by wearing gloves. It’s simply a shame not to know about this method.
Uncomfortable dropsy blisters are a hell of a nuisance. It is inconvenient to work with your hands or walk in any shoes. How to remove a callus swollen with fluid? Many have gotten used to dealing with water calluses by piercing. Often, calluses are cut off with the same scissors that are used to cut nails, or they are pierced with whatever is necessary. Such negligence can cause blood poisoning or gangrene.
Dropsy must be removed with extreme caution. In cases where a puncture is necessary (the blister frankly interferes with work), a needle, adhesive tape and disinfectants will come in handy. Read below about removing calluses with liquid.
In appearance, the core callus resembles a corn, but in its center there is a depression, which is essentially an ingrown core. This type of callus is one of the most painful and difficult to remove.
These calluses appear on the feet: between the toes, on the ball of the toe or on the heel. Less often - in the hands.
The cause of the appearance of such calluses is systematic trauma to the skin through biological or mechanical action. For example:
Coping with callus using traditional methods is not easy. It will take a lot of effort, time and patience. In advanced cases, you should seek help from a dermatologist or surgeon to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.
How to treat calluses and is it necessary to get rid of them? Let's look at ways to restore skin damaged by different types of calluses.
Take a syringe needle and alcohol. If you don’t have any at hand, an ordinary sewing needle in tandem with vodka will do. It is advisable to take a thicker and sharper needle in order to puncture quickly and effectively. Disinfect the callus and needle. If there is very little alcohol, use it to treat your palm, and heat the needle over a candle.
Attention! You cannot pierce the dropsy perpendicular to the surface - along with the swollen callus, you can damage the layer of young skin.
You need to pierce from the side, parallel to the skin. After this, blot with a piece of sterile cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
Alcohol or brilliant green in this case is not the best alternative to peroxide. Once in the callus cavity, they will not help restore the skin, but, on the contrary, will dry out all living things inside.
After the procedure, in order to prevent contamination and infection, the damaged area is covered with adhesive tape. You need to change the antibacterial patch once a day. Normal - several times. At night, the callus should be open.
It is imperative to pierce calluses with blood. Dropsy consists of a fluid called “lymph.” This substance, together with blood, is a biologically comfortable environment for the proliferation of bacteria.
The technology for removing bloody wet calluses is not much different from puncturing an ordinary dropsy. If you experience bloody dropsy, pay special attention to the hygiene and sterility of the puncture procedure. Treat your hand and needle thoroughly. Use only bactericidal patch. Change it from time to time. Give damaged skin a chance to rest without it at night.
If a callus filled with blood and lymph bursts, it should be immediately treated with peroxide and a bactericidal callus patch should be applied to prevent blood poisoning.
To prepare a folk remedy for “aged” calluses, you need to take the crumb of black bread and vinegar. Moisten a piece of bread with a few drops of vinegar, knead it and apply it to the rough skin. Secure with a bandage and plaster overnight. In the morning, the callus will turn red and soften. It will be easier to fight her.
Meat is a good remedy for corns. Pork or beef - who has what? It should be raw, but not frozen. A meat compress will soften rough skin.
Express remedy - potatoes with onions. The raw ingredients are grated, mixed and applied to the callus. For convenience, first apply the mixture to gauze - the compress will need to be fixed with something.
Baths of warm water, soda and soap will help deal with rough skin on the feet. Make daily baths at the rate of 1 liter. water 1 tsp. soda and a drop of liquid soap. Let the calluses soften in water and clean the problem areas with a pumice stone.
For the purpose of prevention and treatment, it will be useful to rub your clean feet before bed with vegetable oil with the addition of a solution of vitamin E. Regular procedures will make the heels soft, like a baby’s.
The most severe case among other calluses is ingrown calluses. Not only is it a physical nuisance, just like a corn, it also hurts a lot. A callus, similar to a wart, requires medical intervention:
These and other procedures are offered by cosmetic clinics. After one single procedure, you can forget about the problem for a long time. Unlike traditional home treatment methods, in which the course can last 2 weeks or a whole month.
To ease suffering and relieve pain, use this recipe. Take manganese and dilute it until pink in a bowl of warm water. Add a little salt there too. Keep your feet in this solution for about 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily. At the same time, use methods to combat rough skin (see above).
There are many recipes in the fight against corns. Many of them are based on the effects of sour or juicy ingredients: vinegar, onions, lemon, potatoes, Kalanchoe and many others. Each of them has its own effect on the callus, as a result of which the skin becomes softer and can be easily removed with a pumice stone.
Any disease, like calluses, is better prevented than treated. Try to take care of your feet constantly, removing the slightest roughness immediately after they appear. Massage your feet, nourish them with oils and creams. Wear gloves when working in the country and try not to walk around in new, uncomfortable shoes for a long time.
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Rupture of the cervix during childbirth is a dangerous complication. The uterus is a female organ, without which procreation would be impossible. It is in it that the development and gestation of the fetus occurs. In progress .
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Calluses on the feet are a common dermatological problem that creates discomfort when walking. When wearing open summer shoes, this is also a noticeable aesthetic defect. Constant friction and squeezing provoke the appearance of hard seals on the skin. In folk medicine, celandine with a rod has long been used for calluses, helping to cope with the most complex formations that are difficult to treat and remove.
With regular trauma to the surface of the epidermis, a hard top layer is formed, which acts as a protective reaction to irritation and protects against deeper damage. Wearing new or ill-fitting shoes, work associated with constant stress on the feet, lead to the formation of calluses. Additional risk factors include a lack of vitamin A, endocrine disorders in the body, pathologies of the blood circulation and joints, and fungal infections. Corns appear on the heels, soles and toes.
Friction and pressure cause necrosis of the cells of the stratum corneum of the skin, which, due to the intensity of the process, do not have time to exfoliate and be removed. The consequence of this is the accumulation of dead particles and compaction of the epidermis. When playing sports or heavy physical labor without special gloves, calluses appear on the palms and fingertips.
Depending on the structure, the following types of skin formations are distinguished:
In the absence of proper treatment and care, some types of formations develop into others, becoming a serious problem and interfering with normal walking. The most difficult callus to remove is the callus: even if the surface formations are removed, but the “root” particles remain, it will definitely appear again. To recognize the corns, you can look at the photo below. If the callus becomes bluish and bleeds, this may be an indirect symptom of diabetes.
Popularly, the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of the medicinal herb are used to remove acne, warts, papillomas, and corns. The natural organic acids and alkaloids contained in the plant destroy the affected epidermal cells and prevent their further growth. Vitamins help speed up skin regeneration.
Celandine is effective against dry and core calluses, and when treating fresh blisters with products based on it, the risk of infection and the development of inflammation is minimized. When removing old corns, biologically active substances, penetrating deep into the dermis, stimulate the process of softening and exfoliation of dead cells.
It is first recommended to steam and treat the skin with a pumice stone or brush, which will enhance the effect of the celandine. To avoid burns to healthy areas of the epidermis, it is advisable to cover them with a thick cream or seal them with an adhesive plaster. The product should be applied pointwise to the callus.
For the procedures, juice, fresh leaves and stems of the plant, decoctions and infusions from dry raw materials or pharmaceutical preparations with medicinal herb extract are used.
The optimal collection time is the flowering period, which lasts from May to the end of June. Leaves and stems are used for drying, cutting off the above-ground part of the plant at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the ground. If a recipe uses fresh herbs, remove them by the roots and rinse thoroughly with cold water. Dry the celandine by hanging it in a shaded, well-ventilated place, or spreading it in a thin layer on paper and turning it regularly to prevent rotting. When the stem breaks and does not bend when bent, the raw material is ready. It is poured into linen bags or cardboard boxes and stored for up to three years in a cool place protected from moisture.
Fresh celandine is used for infusions, compresses, and juice extraction. To prepare a plant extract, fresh stems and leaves crushed in a blender are squeezed out using gauze and the resulting liquid is diluted with alcohol in a ratio of 2 to 1. In this form, the solution retains its beneficial properties throughout the year.
For canning, freshly squeezed juice is poured into a sealed container and allowed to ferment for 7–10 days. The lid is lifted regularly to allow any accumulated gas to escape. After this, the bottle is placed in the refrigerator.
With proper and careful use of products with celandine, it is possible to cure all types of calluses.
For those who do not have the time or opportunity to independently collect and prepare raw materials, the following medications are offered:
According to consumer reviews, the drug “SuperClandestine” effectively helps remove corns. Despite the name, it contains only distilled water and sodium and potassium hydroxides. To combat dry growths, callus plaster is also used. Before removing any formations, you should carefully read the instructions for the purchased products and use them using appropriate precautions.
Traditional medicine and herbal medicine offer various ways to use celandine to help with corns with a stem and other types of calluses. When using homemade products, it is important to strictly adhere to the recommended proportions and dosages. The plant is poisonous and can cause burns and skin irritation.
The stem of fresh celandine is cut to release a drop of orange substance. After steaming and treating the callus, the liquid is applied to the callus daily for 7–14 days. Pre-prepared juice or extract of a medicinal plant is also used.
50 g of dry herb is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, kept in a water bath for twenty minutes, left to cool, and filtered. Another option is to prepare an infusion from a fresh plant. The stem and leaves are finely chopped, placed in a container with a lid, and boiling water is added. The solution is diluted with water and used for foot baths.
The juice of the plant is mixed with fat or petroleum jelly at a ratio of 1 to 4. It is also permissible to use a dry herb mixture crushed into powder. The ointment is applied at night and secured with a bandage, and is used for ten days.
The leaves and stems of a fresh plant are crushed into a pulp, wrapped in gauze and applied to a pre-steamed callus, avoiding contact with healthy skin. Cover the top with cellophane film and put on a thick sock. The compress is left overnight, and the next morning the leg is steamed in water with soap shavings and calcium bicarbonate and the area is treated with pumice. The procedure is repeated for 7–8 days. In winter, fresh grass is replaced with an aqueous infusion prepared with a dry mixture, which is used to moisten gauze.
When treating corns, after steaming, it is permissible to carefully cut off the top layer of dead skin, drip the juice directly inside the stem and seal it with a band-aid. Repeat daily. After 2-4 weeks it will separate from the skin and be easily removed.
Celandine juice leaves marks on fabric that cannot be washed off, so when carrying out procedures, care must be taken to protect clothing and bed linen.
Treatment of calluses with roots going deep into the tissue is a long process. In the event that it is not possible to cope with them at home, removal is required using a laser, liquid nitrogen, or drilling the rod with a special tool in a clinic. Following a number of rules will help prevent the appearance of these painful formations:
In diabetes mellitus, the formation of dry calluses is associated with the symptoms of the underlying disease. Damage to blood vessels, circulatory disorders and decreased tissue resistance lead to cracking of the skin and penetration of pathogenic microflora.
To cope with this problem, special attention should be paid to normalizing blood glucose levels and maintenance therapy. In this case, removing the callus with celandine will be effective only when the root cause of the appearance of the formations is eliminated.
The use of medicinal herbs has limitations. It is not recommended to remove corns with celandine-based preparations in the following cases:
If after the procedures the callus cannot be removed or it appears again, you should consult a doctor who will recommend a reliable and safe method for complete removal.
Corns are thickening of the skin of the foot that often cause discomfort and even pain when moving. Most often these formations are without a rod, although there may be exceptions. Corns most often form on the feet; they are also localized under the toes.
We will learn how to treat formations with and without a rod at home, using traditional methods. We will also analyze treatment methods in clinics and the nuances of the removal procedure.
You can find products, ointments or creams that will help get rid of the formation at your nearest pharmacy. If it is difficult to make a choice, then you should consult a pharmacist. It is important to know that the main component that must be included in the product is salicylic acid. The selected cream or ointment must contain at least 10% salicylic acid in combination with other components. Among the most commonly found additional components are vegetable oils, glycerin, castor oil and benzoic acid. Treatment of corns with such means is most effective; corns can be removed in a couple of applications.
Before removing corns using a pharmaceutical product, it is important to ensure that the ointment or cream does not come into contact with healthy areas of the skin. Before applying the selected cream, the skin must be steamed in an antibacterial bath. Then a patch is glued to the corns, in which a hole is cut according to the size of the formation. It turns out that the corn will be completely open. But the remaining patch will protect the healthy skin around it. Now you can treat the formation. Then cover the treated area with a plaster and keep it on for at least six hours. After such treatment, the formation must be scraped off using pumice or a brush.
A visual demonstration of the manifestation of corns on a person’s foot
Treatment of corns with folk remedies:
During his life, a person walks on his own feet a distance equal to the circumference of our planet. Therefore, the skin on the legs becomes rougher, and problems often arise with it. Corns are not as dangerous as calluses or warts, but they are still uncomfortable and can make walking uncomfortable. In addition, corns spoil the appearance of the foot. Their treatment is desirable.
A hardware pedicure will help you quickly deal with corns on your feet. During the procedure, the skin is not cut, but polished. This is a gentle way to care for your feet. It will not harm healthy areas of the skin.
Sometimes, when the situation has gone too far and the area of keratinized skin is so dense and large that it cannot be treated on its own, surgical methods come to the rescue. This, for example, is freezing the corns with liquid nitrogen. Its removal can also be carried out using a laser. The second method is more modern and preferable. The laser beam removes the tumor without performing surgery or affecting healthy skin. After removal with nitrogen or laser, no traces remain, and complications and relapses are minimized.
After you have managed to get rid of this problem, you do not need to “start” your legs again. Watch and care for them carefully. Choose comfortable shoes, take baths at least once a week, and moisturize the skin of your feet, especially in the heel area.
Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies. Papillomas are formations on the skin that are benign and do not pose a threat to human life. Sometimes they cause physical discomfort. Papillomas look like hanging warts of a convex shape on a stalk; their color varies from light pink to dark brown.
Toenail fungus - treatment with folk remedies. You can become infected with a fungus in a shower, bath or swimming pool, or in a shoe store, if the shoes were tried on by a person with such a disease before you. If treatment is not started on time, the fungus can progress quite quickly.
Removing wen on the face at home . The favorite place for lipomas to appear is the face. According to statistics, their owners are mainly women over 30 years old. The neoplasm itself is an accumulation of fatty deposits located under a thin membrane.
Cracked heels - traditional treatment recipes. Cracked heels are a common problem for people of all ages. They are mainly caused by lack of moisture. If the epidermis on the heels does not receive sufficient moisture, then very soon microcracks appear on it, which subsequently become more serious and begin to cause discomfort.
Dermatitis - treatment with folk remedies . Dermatitis is an inflammatory process of the skin that occurs as a result of direct exposure to various environmental agents: mechanical, physical factors, chemicals of plant and animal origin, allergic irritants.
Edema - treatment with folk remedies. Edema in women is accompanied by drowsiness, bad mood, melancholy, headache, and increased appetite. Premenstrual syndrome in many cases is accompanied by swelling : the ankles swell, the eyelids swell and the face becomes puffy. Gums and joints may swell. After the “critical days” these phenomena disappear.
How to remove pigment spots - traditional methods . Age spots are often associated with problems with the liver, kidneys, or gallbladder. They often appear after pregnancy due to increased adrenal function. Pigment spots can also be caused by a lack of vitamins in food, and sometimes appear after sunbathing. Brown pigment spots may be associated with premature aging of the body.
Treating acne at home. Acne has become a problem for many not only because of the psychological discomfort it causes and worries about appearance. Acne is also a skin disease that needs to be treated and not masked with cosmetics. Neglected acne leads to the formation of scars and scars on the skin. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of acne at home .
Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) - treatment with folk remedies . It's no secret that timely hygiene helps a person get rid of the consequences of sweating. But is everything so simple for those who have a more pronounced problem of excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis? Normal hygiene is often not enough for such a person; they have to resort to other ways to combat hyperhidrosis .
Treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies. Erysipelas is an acute inflammation of the skin of an infectious nature. The causative agent of erysipelas is streptococcus, which penetrates through damaged areas of the skin (abrasions, abrasions, scratches). Erysipelas can also develop as a complication of a purulent wound. Erysipelas is an infectious disease that primarily affects the skin.
Herpes - treatment with folk recipes. Herpes is a small blistering rash, most often on the lips or nose, popularly called a “fever.” Herpes is a sign of a decrease in the body's defenses, and if it appears 2-3 times a year, then this already indicates a significant decrease in immunity. Once infected with herpes, a person becomes the “master” of this disease for life.
Folk remedies against acne. Acne and pimples - inflammation of the sebaceous glands, hair follicles with the formation of sebaceous plugs (blackheads) and nodules, sometimes festering - acne. Causes of acne : irrational, irregular diet, excess consumption of coffee, alcohol, starch, sugar, fried and fatty foods, chronic constipation, nervous and endocrine disorders.
Treatment of fungus with folk remedies. Fungal skin diseases (mycoses) are caused by microscopic fungi that parasitize the skin and mucous membranes of humans and animals. There are several groups of mycoses. The first group includes mycoses, the pathogens of which parasitize in the superficial parts of the stratum corneum, the integumentary layer of the skin; they do not cause inflammatory reactions in the body, do not cause pain, itching, and do not affect the general condition of the body; patients are less contagious.
Treatment of allergies with folk remedies. An allergy is an unusual reaction of the body’s immune system to something that normally does not cause any reaction, an increased or perverted sensitivity of the body to any allergen. Allergen is a substance that provokes an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction occurs if a person comes into contact with an allergen to which he has already developed hypersensitivity.
Folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by rashes of profusely scaly plaques on the skin. With psoriasis, joints, as well as various organs and systems of the body, may be involved in the process. The heredity factor is one of the most significant in the development of psoriasis. If one of the parents is sick, the risk of psoriasis in the child is 8%; if the father and mother suffer from psoriasis – 41%.
Seborrhea - treatment with folk remedies. Seborrhea is a painful skin condition caused by a violation of secretory function and a change in the chemical composition of sebum (sebaceous glands). It usually begins during puberty and most often appears in areas of the skin rich in sebaceous glands (facial skin, scalp, sternum, between the shoulder blades).
Vitiligo - folk remedies. Vitiligo is a disease; characterized by the formation of white (devoid of melanin pigment) spots on the skin. With this disease, colored skin cells - melanocytes - are destroyed and white spots are formed. They lack the pigment that gives the skin its natural color. The disease begins with the appearance of small depigmented spots that tend to grow and merge.
Warts - traditional methods for removing warts. Warts are a viral skin disease. Warts are caused by papillomavirus. Vulgar warts are grayish-brown nodules with a characteristic “warty” surface. The predominant location is the dorsum of the hands and fingers. Infection with warts occurs through household contact (through common objects, through direct contact), mainly in childhood and adolescence.
Furunculosis: treatment with folk remedies. Furunculosis is a disease expressed in the formation of many, frequently recurring boils (purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and the associated sebaceous gland). Furunculosis is a staphylococcal infectious disease characterized by purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. Penetration of infection is possible in the presence of microtraumas (cracks, cuts).
Hypertrichosis (hairiness) - treatment with folk recipes. Excessive hairiness, hypertrichosis, excessive hair growth (hirsutism) - the appearance of long, dark, coarse hair in areas of the skin where there is usually no hair or only fluff grows. Hairiness can be local (local) or widespread. Local hairiness can be caused by prolonged mechanical, chemical or thermal irritation (hair pulling, rough shaving, etc.). Common hairiness is usually hereditary.
Treatment of demodicosis with folk remedies. Demodicosis is a skin lesion caused by the acne mite. The difficulty of fighting the subcutaneous mite is determined by the fact that it is our symbiont, that is, its presence is the norm, not a pathology. However, these mites only cause trouble when they begin to multiply rapidly. These mites are found in 90% of people and animals and usually do not cause any trouble, since the body's immune system maintains their number at an acceptable level.
Treatment of eczema with folk remedies. Eczema is an inflammation of the deep and superficial layers of the skin. The cause of eczema lies in a violation of the immune system, which is manifested by an inadequate reaction to various substances (food, detergents, pollen, perfume, etc.). In children , eczema is usually combined with dysbiosis and fermentopathy of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, correction of dysbiosis is necessary.
Treatment of corns with folk remedies . Corns are compactions of keratinized skin on the soles of the feet. They can occur due to uneven load on the foot, constant walking in heels, wearing tight or narrow shoes with an uncomfortable last. Often all this is accompanied by excess weight. Regardless of the reason for the appearance of corns, they cause severe discomfort when walking, as well as pain and burning.
Treatment of abscesses with folk remedies . Abscesses are formed when pyogenic microbes enter the body through damaged skin. Microbes can also spread from a purulent focus in the body. Distribution occurs through blood and lymphatic vessels. An abscess forms at the site where the microbes invade.