The main thing is calm. A new nail will grow, don’t worry. Now the main thing is to avoid infection. If there is a wound, you can take streptocide, crush the tablet and sprinkle it on the wound; if you only removed a nail, without blood, then it is better to do nothing, carefully bandage it with a bandage and just wait for a new nail.
Try to wear open shoes and let your toes breathe. If you don’t want to use a bandage (ugly), use a breathable bandage (antibacterial).
the author of the question chose this answer as the best
You should definitely seek medical help as soon as possible so that your wound can be professionally treated and bandaged.
And as an ambulance, it is advisable to immediately treat the wound with some kind of disinfectant: chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide (although I read that it is not advisable to pour it into a large wound - bubbles can get into the blood and cause blockage of blood vessels. I don’t know if this is true or not).
As a last resort, if there is nothing, then treat the wound with iodine, or brilliant green, calendula tincture, or even just alcohol.
Next, bandage your finger with a sterile bandage.
The nail usually grows completely in six months to a year, layering.
My nail was completely removed once and a large hole was cut out once. After removing the nail completely, it is still better to go to the hospital - there the wound will be cleaned of contaminants. Then the easiest way is to apply and change bandages with levomekol (ointment). It contains an antibiotic and a wound healing agent. Moreover, it also relieves pain and does not stick to the wound.
If you are too lazy to go to the hospital, then it is enough to buy dressings (sterile wipes, levomekol, bandage) at the nearest pharmacy and wait to see if your finger becomes inflamed. If a stabbing pain occurs, it can lead to consequences including the loss of a finger, not to mention a nail. You will have to visit the hospital anyway, get several tetanus injections and clean the wound.
The nail grows in about six months. But he grows very crookedly. You will have to go to the hospital to have a small operation performed to straighten it, but this is when the edges of the ingrown nail fester.
I had exactly the same sad experience as you, on the big toe of my right foot last year in Sudak. On the very first day of arrival, I managed to break it at the root. I had to go to the hospital, where they tore him off completely, and what was left, as you correctly said, was a piece of meat.
Fortunately, there was a salty sea nearby, which accelerated the healing process. Well, in order to avoid infection, I had to change the bandage and bandage. And so that the bandage did not stick to the skin, he put ointment on it. They also say you can just pee on it, but I didn’t experiment.
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My mother had this too, she took foot baths several times a day and used baking soda. I also watered my nails with hydrogen peroxide. When she left home, she always covered her finger with a sterile bandage. After some time, she grew a new nail, although it was very ugly and immediately grew in, she had to have surgery to remove the nail, but in the end another nail grew, and now everything is fine. So there is no need to worry in this case, it is not the end of the world.
I pulled out the extensions on my hand along with mine. It hurt for several weeks. Treat with peroxide, then brilliant green (not iodine). Do not put a bandage on your finger - it will take a long time to heal. It will take a few days and perhaps the nail will be uneven or not grow at all.
The most common cause of a peeling toenail can be a fungus. Often the disease first affects the foot. Unbearable itching and peeling begins, and small blisters appear on the skin. If you do not start timely treatment, the fungus will spread from the foot to the nail. It will gradually destroy the nail bed, which will lead to inevitable peeling of the nails.
So, if you find that your toenail is coming off, you should consult a doctor. You will be given appropriate treatment. In principle, you can use folk remedies if the nails are not too severely affected. It is also recommended to use special medicated nail polishes.
If you follow the advice of traditional medicine, you can make a soda solution. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in three liters of fairly hot water. You should periodically steam your feet in this mixture. After taking a steam bath, you need to wipe your feet dry and apply a cotton pad lubricated with celandine oil to the affected area. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at least twice a day. If the nail comes away from the toe, you can periodically soak your feet in wine vinegar, coffee brew, or lubricate them with salicylic ointment.
If you do not treat nail fungus, it will gradually peel off more and more. As a result, the nail may even come off. Actually, complete detachment of the nail can be the result of some kind of injury, for example, a severe bruise. If you have a similar problem, but the nail has not completely come away from your foot, you should immediately go to the emergency room. The surgeon will remove the entire nail and treat the wound. Under no circumstances should you try to deal with this problem on your own; you may get an infection.
If the nail comes off completely, the wound can be treated without medical intervention. To do this, you can use hydrogen peroxide or a chlorhexidine solution and a gauze swab. After disinfection, apply a small amount of streptocidal ointment to the wound. When moving your fingers, pain may occur, but this is quite acceptable. Of course, not everyone will be able to comply with bed rest. Therefore, before leaving, be sure to apply a bandage with streptocidal ointment to the damaged area and carefully cover it with a band-aid. Don't panic if your remaining toes become swollen. This is a completely natural reaction to trauma.
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Reluctantly, I am publishing this post with a photo, because I am very embarrassed of myself. But let this entry be a memory, an incentive and a little boast for me! At the beginning of the month I started losing weight. Sluggishly, reluctantly. I started going for strip plastic surgery. Then she took charge of herself thoroughly. In general, I have 2 weeks of normal active weight loss. What do we have? 2 times a week active dancing with a furious warm-up, currently 11 sessions of anti-cellulite massage. Below are before and after photos.
Many photographs touch to the core. Below I present those that touched the strings of my soul. You can attach those photos that touched you in some way.
A torn nail - sometimes down to the meat - is still a problem. today decided to discuss with you how to provide first aid to yourself or someone close to you.
Sometimes it happens that the nail plate is torn off inappropriately and “in the wrong place.” For example, I went on a hike, and only the minimum set of a first aid kit was at hand. There is no time to go to a medical facility yet. Or are you at sea, abroad, what to do in this situation? Medical care can cost a pretty penny. Situations are different, but you read and decide what to do in your specific case.
And if you are in your hometown and in a hurry, for example, while getting ready for a date, you hit your foot or hand on a bedside table, table or other protruding areas of furniture, then do not be afraid and immediately consult a doctor.
There is a lot of different advice on the forums, now you will read some of them.
This is what the forums advise what to do if you tear off a nail.
Why shouldn't such wounds be treated at home? Even if you stock up on dressing supplies, there is a risk of doing something wrong, not maintaining sterility and causing an infection. I don’t want to scare anyone, but we need to face reality. The finger may become inflamed . Then the torn nail will seem like “flowers”: there is a risk of saying goodbye to the finger. And if you were afraid to go to the doctor, because in principle you are afraid of doctors, for example, then you will have to go to the hospital, take several injections for tetanus, and clean the wound.
What to do? Of course, the answer is obvious: go to a specialist. He knows exactly what to do. Surgeons have a lot of experience in dealing with not such injuries. If for you this is a real disaster, then for him it is work. But it’s not always possible to get to a doctor right away. Therefore, we act.
Determine how damaged the nail plate is. If the nail remains in place, you haven’t torn it off completely, but there is a crack, this will be easier. Although sometimes blood and pus may accumulate under the remaining part of the plate.
What to do if you tore off an extended nail on your hand along with your own (or part of your native nail plate)? It rarely happens, of course, that extended nails fly off along with the natural ones and “with the roots.” What usually happens is that you hit or get caught somewhere, and a crack appears in the corner. Of course, the most unpleasant thing is when it starts not from the side of the overgrown part of the plate, but where the nail is adjacent to the skin. In this case, in no case should you tear it further with your hands, since here you risk tearing it out with the meat.
It’s better to carefully cut off the part that has begun to break off, but do not reach the meat, and bandage it. Although there are opinions that if you put a bandage on your finger, the wound will take a long time to heal, since humidity will be constantly maintained there and there will not be enough oxygen for healing.
When the entire plate is torn off, there will be bleeding. If you don't stop it within 10 minutes to half an hour, you can lose a lot of blood. How do we act?
If it’s a leg, lift it, press the edge of the sterile material around the nail, but not on the plate itself. If you have a hand, you should also not lower it down. The actions are the same.
We won’t name specific products, much less recommend them, because we can’t see how badly you’ve torn off your nail plate. Therefore, now it’s just a procedure that is usually done.
Of course, when your hand is injured and you severely tear off the nail plate, then it’s more difficult. It is difficult to make sure that the hand, and specifically the tip with the injury, remains at rest. You need to wash the dishes or something else. Of course, you shouldn’t do this until the damaged area stops hurting. If you still need to wash the dishes, wear gloves.
If you can’t go to the hospital, you can leave this bandage on overnight and see what’s there in the morning. If pus appears in the wound, there are veins, the arm or leg is very swollen, this is a signal that you can no longer put off a visit to the doctor.
After you have torn off your big toe nail, the temptation to hide this “beauty” is great. But warns that it is very important that the leg “breathes.” Therefore, wear open shoes. If it seems unsightly to you that your finger is bandaged, then use an antibacterial patch made of breathable material. These are even sold in skin tone, not white, and if noticeable, at least they are not conspicuous.
How to treat a torn toenail if you have not found any signs similar to those described above? For the next 2 days, let the finger remain without a bandage. This way, oxygen will flow into the wound, and it will heal faster. But at night it’s worth bandaging it so that you don’t accidentally get caught on the blanket in your sleep.
You should also apply antibiotic ointment during the healing period. They also perform procedures and bandage them periodically so as not to injure the healing area.
For example, here are tips from the Internet on what to do if you tear off a toenail:
If your boyfriend or husband picks off a toenail, everything is complicated by the fact that he may act “manly” and not show it. I caught it a little - and right away - almost from the root, to the meat. In this case, the help is approximately the same as described above.
In any case, now you know the approximate procedure. But if the scale of the “disaster” is still large, and there was bleeding that is difficult to stop, or most of the nail plate is broken, no one can help better than a doctor. Because as soon as the blood stops flowing, a man can forget that the nail came off and not do any procedures or bandages. This is for us girls to achieve the perfect result. It's different for guys. But what if an infection gets into the wound or the nail plate grows in? Problems will arise in the future, so you definitely need to persuade him to visit a doctor.
Do you have any stories on this topic? Share.
If my finger was cut off, would I also ask for advice on the forum?! Doctors for what?
Don't be mean. Help the person.
How? This is such utter nonsense, doctors will help =)))))))))
It’s one thing to ask for advice on a not very serious matter, such as how to treat a cough/runny nose/hemorrhoids, but it’s another thing to sit with a torn nail and ask for advice on a forum!! There is a difference, isn't there?
Then it grew back, no one died.
go to the emergency room
It's completely clear. The topic can be closed, I was once again convinced that people here are not helping, but can only insult everything.
But who was blaming you?
And how will they help? Will you apply ointment and tie your finger?
You can do this at home and sit and wait for the new one to grow. It wasn't the leg that was cut off with a saw.
Message modified by: AlisJandra (March 10, 2011 - 21:28)
I didn’t do anything special, after some time the nail grew on its own, and I won’t say that it took a very long time.
depending on how it was torn off. if it’s rooted, then you’ll see how “handsome” it turns out.
Plus, if you tear it completely off, don’t expect the edge of the nail to come out from somewhere below and start growing. In this case, first the lower part of the nail bed (read that very meat) becomes keratinized and a new nail is formed directly from it, and then begins to grow.
In any case, I wish you a speedy recovery!
Apply Vishnevsky ointment and wrap it with a bandage overnight.
There's meat there, exposed nerves. Any breeze brings unbearable pain, and you say - ointment and bandage.
on the trail. The day you take off the bandage, crush ice cubes into a blender, add a little boiled water, stick your finger in there for 5 minutes and then remove the bandage without pain or blood. bandage and so on until the next. day. in 2-3 days you will remove the bandages without pain.
wrap it with a bandage overnight.
gauze bandage with no ointments + apply antiseptic.
They bandaged me at the clinic. Well, so what, at first it hurts to peel it off (even soaking doesn’t always help). No one has come up with a better way.
Stokly , why is this section needed then, there are doctors!!!
Well, of course, here the forum will heal everything for you with the power of thought
I’m not asking you to cure me, but I’m asking THOSE people who had a similar situation, how THEY treated it and how long it took for it to grow back!!!
Toenails are quite often injured from heavy objects accidentally falling on the foot, blows, pinching, and even if a person stumbles badly.
As a result of such a bruise, a strong and sharp pain with pulsation immediately occurs, bursting from the inside; almost immediately, a blue discoloration of the injured nail is observed, followed by swelling of the entire finger.
It is important to remember that such a leg injury can be much more serious than just a bruise. A fracture of the terminal phalanx or tuberosity of the finger is quite likely. Therefore, if there is the slightest suspicion of a complicated injury, you should immediately contact the emergency room.
Having received a bruised toenail, few people know what to do next, as a result of which such an injury can result in quite serious consequences and infectious complications. To avoid all this, you should remember the basic rules of first aid for such bruised toenails.
Severe acute pain that occurs as a result of bruising not only the toenail, but also the bruising of the fingernail, is primarily due to a large accumulation of blood under it, which simply bursts the skin, straining the nail, and leads to its rejection. To avoid this, you need to ease the pressure. This can be done by piercing the nail plate through and releasing blood through it until it clots.
However, you should not carry out this procedure yourself at home, as there is a possibility of infection or the puncture being too deep. In order not to harm yourself even more, seek help from a doctor who will competently assess the situation and make the only correct decision regarding your bruised toenail - he will know what to do better than you.
If you have received a severe bruise to your toenail, it is best, after providing first aid, to consult a traumatologist or surgeon who will carefully examine the injured area, possibly take an X-ray to rule out the possibility of a fracture, and also prescribe appropriate treatment.
Perhaps for some reason you do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor or you are confident in the success of self-treatment, then our following recommendations will be useful to you.
If your toenail turns black, the skin around it becomes very red, the finger is swollen, hot, the pain intensifies, purulent discharge is observed and the body temperature rises, you should urgently seek qualified help from a medical facility to avoid possible serious complications, including the loss of a finger. and limbs.
If your toenail turns black as a result of a bruise, in addition to traditional medicine methods, you can try to cope with the problem using folk remedies, which are also quite effective in most cases. Here are some simple and effective recipes.
It is necessary to take dry bodyaga powder and mix it with enough water to obtain a consistency reminiscent of elastic dough. The prepared cake should be applied to the bruised area and left there until completely dry. Dried bodyaga will crumble and fall off on its own, significantly reducing swelling and reducing the bruise under the nail.
A severely bruised toenail can be relieved by using yarrow and plantain leaves. Both plants should be crushed in equal proportions and the resulting pulp should be applied to a gauze pad, which should be applied as a compress to the injured nail.
A gauze bandage soaked in a solution of one glass of vinegar, wine and a teaspoon of salt will help improve the condition of a bruised toenail.
Also, a bruised toenail will help to heal with an ointment prepared from one glass of turpentine, 50 milliliters of church lamp oil, 30 grams of crushed laundry soap, the same amount of ammonia and camphor oil.
Please note if, after 2 weeks, the bruised nail area is still painful, or pus, fluid, blood, etc. are oozing from the wound. - Be sure to seek help from a doctor to avoid serious complications.
For nail injuries, treatment begins directly with wound treatment and assessment of the severity of the damage.
The first step is to remove all jewelry from the injured arm or leg. To stop bleeding, apply a tight bandage made of clean cloth. After the bleeding has stopped, the bandage is removed and the wound is examined.
Treatment at home will be sufficient if only a subungual hematoma (bruise) has formed, occupying no more than 50% of the surface of the nail, if the finger itself is not damaged or deformed and there are no tears or torn areas of the nail. Minor scratches on the nail plate are not dangerous.
The injured limb should be elevated and held above the level of the heart. This will help reduce blood flow to the nail.
The victim should take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, available without a doctor's prescription, if there is no allergy.
All wounds and cuts should be washed with clean water and soap, then an antibiotic ointment and bandage should be applied to the damaged area.
If there are tears or torn areas of the nail, a large hematoma (more than 50% of the nail) or deformation of the finger, you should seek medical help:
First aid includes the same actions as treatment at home, but the technique of assistance may be different, depending on the severity of the injury. In order for the doctor to examine the wound, it is washed. If the tetanus shot was given more than five years ago, it will be repeated.
If surgery is indicated, the finger is first numbed by injecting an anesthetic into its base. Due to this, the finger completely loses sensitivity and the patient does not feel the actions performed by the surgeon.
A tourniquet may be placed on the finger to stop bleeding during surgery. Stopping the bleeding is necessary so that the doctor can clearly see the surface of the wound.
Antibiotics are prescribed if the injury is accompanied by a broken bone or laceration, such as an animal bite.
At the doctor's discretion, the nail may be opened to evacuate the blood. This will reduce the pressure and painful throbbing sensation in the finger. A hole is made in the nail using a heated metal needle or a special device.
The doctor may decide to remove the nail to examine the nail bed for damage. These measures are most often taken when there is a large area of hematoma and a bone fracture.
When cutting the nail, at least one part of it is removed. The nail bed and the skin around it are hemmed. After this, the nail (or a plate replacing it) is glued with special glue or sewn on. The finger is left in this position for two to three weeks.
The cut tissue of the fingertip most often fails to heal. If a significant part of the finger is amputated and saved, experienced surgeons can try to reattach it, but the chances of a successful operation are low.
In some cases, part of the nail can go under the skin without damaging the nail bed. However, more often than not, the nail bed becomes damaged, leading to the need for surgery.
If the finger can still remain straight after a bone fracture, the doctor will first treat other injuries. He then places a splint on the broken finger to secure the bone.
If the broken bone takes an unnatural position, the finger is held in a straight position while other operations are performed, pulling it back. If there is a cut, the patient is given antibiotics.
What to do if your toenail turns black? First of all, you need to establish the cause of this phenomenon. Such an anomaly does not always require treatment, since the nail can darken from impact or mechanical friction.
There can be many reasons for darkening of nails
The nail plate turns black under the influence of internal or external factors. You should pay attention to the area of abnormal pigmentation. The darkness often appears in patches, but in some cases it covers the entire surface of the nail.
Why does the nail on only one finger turn black? As a rule, this phenomenon indicates mechanical damage. The nail plate darkens for 2 common reasons: injury and uncomfortable shoes. In the second case, a person may not even notice pronounced discomfort, but the area under the plate will still begin to ache sooner or later.
A brown or blue nail also indicates mechanical damage. As the hematoma develops, blackness appears. At the same time, the nail plate itself moves away from the bed, and then disappears altogether. There is nothing wrong with this process. The nail does not need to be treated, but it is advisable to regularly treat it with an antiseptic solution. And you should understand that the plate will still fall off.
Other external reasons that can cause a nail to darken:
The nail may turn black due to fungal infection
It is worth clarifying that onychomycosis refers to both external and internal causes. The appearance of the fungus is influenced by various deviations: a decline in the immune system, poor circulation in the extremities. But the pathogenic microorganisms themselves affect only the surface of the nails and skin (with mycosis). The fungus can also be localized on the hands, but on the feet it appears several times more often.
Symptoms: separation and thickening of the nail plate, unpleasant odor, itching and burning between the fingers.
The disease in most cases manifests itself locally, usually on the thumb or little finger. It can be localized at the base, and also affect the free edge of the nail or its sides.
Blackening of nails can be caused by the following reasons:
Black spots on nails may appear due to cancer
Poor blood circulation can cause your nails to turn blue.
Nails may darken due to microtraumas
Nails may turn yellow due to problems with the intestines and stomach
Nails often darken due to chemotherapy
There is an opinion that the nail plates also turn black in diabetes. This disease makes the nails weakened and susceptible to various pathogens. In addition, in diabetics, the color of the plate always changes due to impact or friction. Therefore, patients need to choose only comfortable shoes with the correct fit.
What else causes darkening of the nail? Plates can change pigmentation due to a lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements in the body. Vitamin deficiency often develops against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle and an unbalanced diet.
Even a “neglected” fungus can be cured at home. Just remember to apply once a day.
It can be extremely difficult to independently diagnose the cause of darkening of the nail. If the nail plate turns black without bruising or mechanical friction, then this directly indicates the development of diseases in a person. Only onychomycosis can be cured at home.
How to treat blackened nail plates? For these purposes you can use the following drugs:
To treat nails, it is better to use Exoderil in the form of a cream.
Non-traditional treatment is used only for making compresses or special baths. Such products help to remove the nail painlessly.
You can use aloe to make a compress. You will need the pulp of the plant. It needs to be placed on your finger and secured with gauze. Aloe softens the skin and also has a bactericidal and analgesic effect.
Aloe is good for getting rid of blackened nails
To make a bath, you need medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage (5 tablespoons each), as well as oils (tea tree, almond) and 2-3 liters of warm water. The ingredients must be mixed with water and left for 15 minutes. After this, you can safely dip your feet or hands into the solution. The bath also helps soften the skin around the nail and relieve pain.
Herbal baths will help soften nails
Preventive methods against blackening of nails:
Blackening of the nails is a fairly rare occurrence, but there is no need to be afraid if it occurs for obvious reasons. With oncology, quite specific pigmentation occurs in the form of small dots. It is upon seeing such marks that a person should be wary.
Not all people think about the health of their nails, about making them look beautiful and well-groomed. Moreover, some do not pay attention to them even if they are damaged or changed in shape. And one day this may lead to the removal of the nail plate.
Of course, doctors do not immediately take radical measures; initially they still try to avoid removal.
Patients are often worried about how the nail grows after removal; will the fingers still be beautiful?
Nails may be removed for the following reasons:
In order to treat purulent formations under the nail plate, it is completely removed. If there is fungus, they can remove either part of the nail plate or completely.
To know how a nail grows after removal, you need to know the reasons for its removal. Nail plates can be healthy or damaged, become thin and flaking, inelastic and cracking, painful yellowish in appearance, rough and embossed.
There are a number of factors that affect nail growth.
But sometimes the nail plate can regenerate with certain problems. Most often this happens if the growth zone of the matrix is damaged during an injury. In this case, the shape of the growing nail causes more concern.
If there was inflammation at the site of injury, the nails become wavy. But if cracks suddenly appear, this indicates that the formation process is seriously disrupted.
Of course, on the eve of surgery, all patients worry whether the nail will grow back after removal? First of all, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. The nail will grow, but it does not always grow in the correct shape.
After the nail plate is removed, the bandage should not be too tight, and after its removal, running water should not enter the wound.
It is important that your feet are warm during sleep and that your sore leg is on a small pillow.
Shoes should not be narrow. If pain occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist.
In order for nail restoration after removal to be successful, during the first days you do not need to walk much and apply antibacterial ointment to the wound. The wound will heal within 4-6 weeks. Sauna and steam baths are strictly contraindicated during this period.
Now there are more modern methods for treating ingrown nails: laser and radio wave . Thanks to them, the restoration of the nail after removal occurs faster.
If you remove the nail surgically , you will face a long postoperative period, which is characterized by severe pain. In addition, the healing period is quite long, and relapses are possible. And it is unknown whether the nail will grow beautiful and not deformed after removal.
Another negative thing about this method is that it involves excision of part of the nail plate or the entire nail, depending on how ingrown it is. In addition, partial removal of soft tissue occurs. Before surgery, an anesthetic injection is given to relieve pain. To access the nail, a soft tissue incision is made.
After the nail plate is removed, stitches are applied for several days. During the postoperative period, approximately 2-3 weeks, the patient should remain at home. If the pain becomes too severe, analgesics must be used.
Once the wounds from surgery have healed and you can move without restrictions, you should still be careful. Many patients want to know how long the nail grows after removal. There are many reasons for this. The finger must be covered with a breathable antibacterial patch.
Of course, injuries also affect how long a nail grows after removal. You should try to avoid them. It takes 2-3 weeks for complete healing, but about 3-4 months for a new nail to grow.
Often, during surgery, the growth area of the nail plate is damaged, which ultimately leads to an irregular shape of the growing nail.
Is it possible to calculate how long a nail grows after removal? On average, it grows by 3-4 mm per month. However, this is influenced by the state of a person’s health.
Full development from the embryonic state in the matrix until the free nail edge appears usually requires 3-6 months. But it is quite difficult to clearly say how long a nail grows after removal. Faster nail growth in young people, during the warm season, and in pregnant women.