In order to look beautiful and well-groomed, all women and girls spare no effort and time to take care of their face, body and hair, sometimes forgetting about their legs. Unfortunately, peeling skin on the legs occurs quite often and at absolutely any age. In the photos of medical publications you can see the consequences of excessive dry skin on the legs. There can be many and very different reasons for this phenomenon. What to do if the skin on your legs is peeling? To begin with, it would be a good idea to contact a specialist dermatologist, and if the reasons are medical in nature, then self-medication is not only unwise, but also dangerous. You can simply extinguish the symptoms, leaving the disease in a passive stage, which will lead to even greater problems in the future.
Peeling cannot occur without a reason, and often the skin simply lacks the necessary nutrition and hydration. Due to dehydration, it begins to become covered with scales, which fall off in the form of dandruff.
But you shouldn’t fall into despair, you can overcome peeling, the main thing is to have the desire and make some effort.
If the skin on your feet gets very dry, you can use ready-made products, which are in abundance on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetics departments. Special lotions, nourishing creams and body serums are well suited for this purpose. Photos of legs that have gotten rid of dryness problems with the help of such products give women a positive attitude.
Effective remedies - masks and wraps - can be easily prepared at home using traditional medicine recipes. To do this, you will need the most common and inexpensive products that are always on hand.
Heat a little vegetable oil in the amount of half a glass in a water bath and add the yolks of two eggs and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the areas where peeling is most pronounced , wrap in film, insulate with a warm cloth and hold for half an hour, wash your feet with soap and water. The wrap is useful for peeling skin on the fingers, between the toes and on the soles of the feet.
Combine yogurt and vegetable oil 1/4 cup of each product with calendula infusion (1/3 cup) and honey in the amount of 3 tablespoons. Apply the mixture to your feet and rinse with water without soap after 30 minutes.
The calendula infusion for this recipe is prepared as follows: pour boiling water (1/3 cup) over a tablespoon of flowers and leave for 10 minutes, strain.
The following recipe is based on potatoes: boil 4 small potatoes and mash them, add whey and vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to cleansed skin, wrap in film for 30 minutes, and rinse without soap.
Combine cabbage juice and kefir in equal proportions and spread this product on the skin on the fingers , feet and between the toes, wrap in film and leave for 30 minutes, rinse with water.
Another recipe with kefir: grate two apples and mix with 1/2 cup of kefir and a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Apply the product to your feet for 25 minutes.
Dilute potato starch with water to the consistency of thick porridge and combine with nutritious fat cream (3 tablespoons) and potato starch (2 tablespoons), add a quarter cup of chamomile infusion to the mixture. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture to your feet, rinse after half an hour.
Wraps should be applied only to the previously cleansed surface of the skin of the feet.
Peeling on the feet and between the toes can be significantly reduced with the help of herbal baths, which will soothe itching and irritation, relieve inflammation, and make the skin elastic and soft. To do this, you need to prepare a container with high walls so that the water reaches your calves.
For the recipe, a mixture of herbs, which includes chamomile, mint, calendula and burdock leaves in the amount of 1 cup, you need to brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave, strain, add to a container with warm water and soak your feet in it, the bath time is 25 minutes.
Brew a herbal mixture of celandine, chamomile, mint and string with boiling water in the following proportion: 1 cup of herbs, 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes and strain. Add the decoction to the foot bath.
A useful decoction for a bath can also be made from chamomile, plantain leaves and linden blossom. The cooking process is the same as in previous recipes.
A seawater product is also great for helping the skin between your toes return to normal. All the beneficial substances contained in sea water, such as iron, potassium, sulfur, calcium, will have maximum impact and reduce dry skin.
It is recommended to add soda, lemon juice or vinegar to the bath water to soften it. This will help get rid of flaking and dry skin.
No woman can be immune from dry skin problems on any part of the body. Throughout life, the problem of peeling skin on the feet and between the toes occurs periodically in almost everyone. In order for this phenomenon to bother the fair half of humanity as little as possible, you need to remember the simple recommendations of dermatological specialists:
Despite the fact that taking care of your own health and beauty is not easy and constant, systematic work, it is necessary to do it, then the result will be obvious.
Peeling skin on the legs is one of the most common complaints with which people of different ages and gender turn to a dermatologist. However, unfortunately, advice from a qualified specialist is often asked only when the problem is obvious. But it can be completely prevented if you are a little more attentive to the signals that our body gives.
What causes the skin on the legs to peel is a question to which there are a huge number of answers. In order to make the right decision regarding the treatment of this anomaly, it is necessary to first understand the factors and causes of its occurrence.
Often the main reason why the skin on the feet and between the toes may peel is insufficient or improper care for them. The absence of this also leads to unpleasant consequences. However, in addition to this factor, there are a number of compelling reasons why the body sends such signals. They are:
Unfortunately, the reasons why the skin on your legs, feet and fingers peels off may not be so harmless. If the factors described above can be easily dealt with, quickly eradicating an unpleasant problem, then dealing with dermatological diseases will be much more difficult.
Diseases that can cause the skin on the legs to dry and peel can include:
That is why it is impossible to ignore such signals from the body, and if a person has flaky and itchy skin on his legs, then he should contact an allergist to check himself for allergic reactions.
In principle, these are the main reasons why the skin on the feet or other areas peels. If you were unable to find out exactly what caused such an anomaly on your own, then you should not postpone your visit to the doctor, hoping that it will “go away on its own.” Remember: the more time wasted trying to self-medicate, the more it will take to get rid of the problem with the help of actually effective medications.
When the reasons why the skin on your legs is peeling have been established, you need to think about how to quickly eliminate the problem. To do this, it is necessary to provide the epidermal integument with proper care. It may consist of:
If you have developed one or another dermatological pathology, in which the skin on your toes (or in other places) flakes, itches and peels, then you cannot do without special medications.
Thus, to treat foot fungus, it is recommended to apply Dermazol, Miramistin, etc. cream to diseased areas of the skin. If measures are not taken in a timely manner and the fungal peeling of the skin that occurs on the feet or in the toes area is not stopped, the pathological process may spread to the nails, or to other parts of the body.
In order not to wonder why the skin on the feet peels, you need to think about how to prevent this anomaly. It is much easier to prevent one or another pathological process than to then fight it over a long period of time.
Thus, prevention of peeling of the epidermis on the legs includes:
If there is a clear allergic reaction, you should take an antihistamine and consult a dermatologist. You need to do the same in a situation where all of the above methods turned out to be ineffective in combating flaking of the skin of the legs. Despite the fact that such an unpleasant problem is not always associated with certain dermatological pathologies, sometimes it is better to play it safe and ask for advice from a qualified specialist. In any case, visiting a doctor will never be a bad idea.
Smooth, perfectly even legs glowing with a healthy tan against the backdrop of the sea - this is what women watch every day on TV. Of course, the colorful landscapes are somewhat retouched, perhaps the actresses’ pink heels are not so attractive, and the white skin tone is painted over with self-tanning. But what is definitely missing is peeling of the skin on the legs, red flaky spots in the area of the feet, the presence of a capillary network or sagging.
What to do if this entire unpleasant set is present in everyday life, what are the causes of peeling in adults on the feet and fingers, for what reason may itching of the feet appear, what should be the treatment of the pathological condition and the expected result - you can read about everything in detail in this article !
There are a lot of reasons why the skin begins to peel, and before you start treatment, it is important to get to the bottom of the truth and draw up a detailed plan for getting the skin on your legs (including feet and fingers) in order.
Sometimes itching and flaking, as well as reddish spots, may indicate a number of reasons that led to a serious malfunction of the body.
And treatment will require not only the use of local remedies, but also dietary adjustments, normalization of lifestyle, and giving up bad habits.
Causes of peeling skin of the legs (feet, fingers), list of common factors:
If the skin is peeling, this indicates not only low water consumption (low cell turgor), but also a dry environment. This is especially true for apartments with central or steam heating and low humidity. Sometimes the skin may crack (especially the feet), causing redness and itching. Serious treatment is not required; it is enough to adjust the temperature regime and install humidifiers. With the onset of hot weather, exposed areas of the body dry out; in this case, it is enough to use protective and moisturizing creams.
Often the skin of the legs and feet periodically begins to itch and itch when wearing synthetics, especially for nylon stockings. Unnatural materials have the unpleasant property of irritating sensitive skin, causing peeling between the toes or throughout the leg. No treatment is required, just discard the accessory and give preference to natural materials.
A lack of vitamins A, E, D, group B and minerals leads to changes in the skin, it begins to peel, and sometimes red spots appear on the legs and feet. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a lack of sun (it is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays), so people living in areas with little sunshine are advised to visit solariums. The main treatment comes down to prescribing multivitamin drugs.
Like the entire body, the skin reacts to temperature changes, and this applies to both heat and cold. When moving or traveling, flaking on the legs or spots on the hands can be caused by natural climate changes. Treatment is the application of protective external agents or a quick return to the usual habitat.
The appearance of peeling due to exposure to high or low temperatures on the skin is quite natural. A red spot at the site of the pathological effect indicates the presence of damage; treatment depends on the degree of frostbite or burn.
Most people have an individual reaction to the content of chlorine or heavy metals in the water; after taking a shower, the skin often becomes irritated and peeling, sometimes it takes on a red tint. Treatment with any medications or external means is practically useless; it is important to eliminate the cause itself by replacing tap water with boiled or well (spring) water. The negative effect of water on the skin is also observed in the pool; as a rule, a large amount of bleach is used to disinfect the water tank.
This section has nothing to do with edible gifts of the forest; we will talk about mycosis of the foot, a fungal infection of the feet, in which the leading symptoms are itching and flaking of the skin, a red and itchy lesion located between the toes.
Interdigital spaces are more likely to peel
Factors contributing to the appearance of fungus:
The spaces between the toes peel more often; the fungus especially loves the notch between the 3rd and 4th toes, where a red spot first appears, it itches on the leg, and then becomes covered with whitish scales.
In a latent state, the areas of skin between the toes may be clean, but gradually signs of increased fungal infection in the foot area begin to appear. The reproduction process intensifies, peeling of the skin on the feet, itching between the toes and a characteristic whitish mesh of exfoliated skin are noted. Gradually it acquires a dirty yellow-gray color, peeling disappears, the skin becomes keratinized and cracks.
Treatment consists of taking antifungal agents; the emerging fungus must be “nipped in the bud”; therapy should begin as early as possible.
Foot fungus is a contagious pathology; all family members can catch it: both adults and children.
“Shedding” can be triggered by poor nutrition, constant exposure to a stressful situation, or when the nervous system is exhausted. In this case, not only the sole is affected, but also the skin throughout the body. Finding out the true cause if damaged areas of skin appear is within the competence of a dermatologist.
Peeling of the epidermis in children is common. Most often, the skin begins to peel off on the feet and between the toes (this process is called desquamation). If it comes to a newborn, then there is nothing to worry about, since during the first couple of months babies adapt to the environment, as a result of which the skin may become covered with red spots, legs and arms may peel off.
However, sometimes this can be a symptom of a disease, so the optimal solution when such a problem is detected is a consultation with a dermatologist and pediatrician.
Children and adults can experience peeling skin for a variety of reasons. So, for newborns this may be the norm, but at 5-7 years old such a manifestation indicates health problems. The most common causes of peeling feet are:
Children's skin is more sensitive and therefore prone to dryness. Babies need to be moisturized with oils, maintain hygiene, and protect the epidermis from drying out. In newborns, the skin peels off when there is insufficient humidity.
This is due to the lack of a well-functioning mechanism for sweating and secretion of subcutaneous fat.
Since the body cannot produce hydration fluid on its own, doctors recommend using nourishing creams. This provides optimal hydration and reduces the risk of flaking.
Deficiency of vitamins A, E and D causes the death of skin cells.
The areas most affected are the feet and hands. This can be avoided if you give your child complex vitamin preparations in a timely manner.
In the summer, vitamin D can be obtained from the sun, and other beneficial substances are found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.
For infants, it is especially important that the mother does not deny herself fresh berries, because all the vitamins will be supplied to the baby with her milk.
The first complementary foods can be carrots, apple juice, dried apricot compote, etc. These products are rich in nutrients. They will provide the child with everything necessary during the period of active growth and will help avoid problems with peeling. If the baby is bottle-fed, vitamins can be given only after permission from the pediatrician. The pediatrician knows best which vitamins are suitable to enrich the child’s nutrition.
Under the influence of an external or internal irritant, an allergy may develop, which is accompanied by skin rashes, itching, swelling of the mucous membranes or peeling of the epidermis. The most common allergens are:
Shoes that are tight, uncomfortable, or made from low-quality material combined with synthetic socks are a common cause of peeling toes. Due to the lack of normal access to oxygen, the skin “does not breathe,” which leads to problems with sweating and detachment of the epidermis.
Children's feet are quite sensitive, so coming into contact with the floor in a public place, someone else's shoes or animals, you can pick up a fungus. Itching and flaking are the main signs of this disease.
In this case, consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.
Dysbacteriosis and diseases of internal organs can manifest themselves in the form of changes in the skin. The manifestations of intestinal problems are especially striking in infants, since their digestive system has not yet formed. The absence of lacto and bifidobacteria in the body, progressive immunodeficiency can lead to redness and also cause peeling of the skin on the extremities.
Infestation with parasites can cause peeling of the skin on the feet and hands. Also, the legs peel off due to the development of staphylococci and streptococci in the intestines. Pinworms are dangerous because they can cause a number of dangerous diseases, and in combination with bacteria they cause serious harm to the intestines and lead to the development of vitamin deficiency and rickets; interfere with the absorption of nutrients into the body. They can be picked up from animals, through contact with unwashed vegetables and fruits, or if hygiene rules are not followed.
If the cause of peeling is vitamin deficiency, the doctor will recommend symptomatic treatment and prescribe medications. Local medications are enough to relieve excessive dry skin. Typically, a specialist prescribes vitamin E in capsules, which are rubbed into the feet and hands.
For children over three years of age, a multivitamin complex is recommended.
The most popular recipes for peeling skin in children are:
Watery blisters on fingers - how to treat.
Chamomile is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. To prepare the bath you need 5 tablespoons of dried flowers. If you don’t have chamomile, you can take calendula and nettle.
The collection is poured with boiled water and infused for three hours. The resulting broth is poured into the bath before bathing the baby.
If the epidermis peels off only on the legs, folk remedies such as oatmeal decoction and a bath with oak bark will help. Add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal per liter of boiling water and after 15-20 minutes you can put your feet in the mixture. This will soften dry skin and gently remove it, leaving your feet clean.
To consolidate the effect, you will need a tannin, such as oak bark. Pour two liters of boiling water into 4 tablespoons of dry bark, leave for a couple of hours, after which the resulting decoction is used as a foot bath.
After the bath, treat the child’s feet with linseed or sea buckthorn oil. The procedure can be carried out only in the absence of weeping ulcers.
Daily procedures using chamomile will quickly remove peeling and provide nutrition and care to damaged skin.
You can prevent the occurrence of desquamation if you adhere to the following rules:
The functioning of the immune system should also be maintained, so hardening and gymnastics (it is better for infants to have a massage) will help maintain homeostasis (the natural healthy state of the body). It is better to use traditional medicine in combination with medication; moreover, only after consulting a doctor should you begin treatment.
It is advisable to provide the child with the necessary amount of nutrients, so it is important to introduce a sufficient amount of stewed and fresh vegetables into the diet. When identifying a food allergy, it is important to remove those foods that cause the rash and peeling. Fermented milk products will help eliminate dysbiosis.
By adhering to these simple rules, you can strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolic processes in the baby’s body, improve intestinal motility and eliminate peeling of the feet and toes.
You can often notice such an unpleasant symptom on your fingers as flaky skin.
There can be many reasons, and peeling can manifest itself in different ways - from mild, almost imperceptible to serious problems, deep cracks and peeling of large pieces of skin.
In the article we will look at why peeling of the skin on the fingers occurs, what to do about this phenomenon - how to treat it and with what, preventive measures.
The immediate cause of peeling of the skin of the fingers is the rapid, too rapid rejection of the upper layer of the epidermis.
The skin simply does not have time to recover.
There are three main reasons for this : improper care, lack of vitamins and certain types of diseases.
Let's take a closer look at them.
Lack of vitamins such as A and E also causes peeling. In this case, an unpleasant symptom usually appears in late autumn or early spring. Be sure to take vitamin complexes in cold weather - this way you will be protected not only from peeling, but also from many other problems and diseases.
If the cause is vitamin deficiency, then at the same time as taking vitamin complexes, lean on fruits and vegetables.
Carrots, various fresh herbs are useful, and in the warm season - apricots, fresh tomatoes and sweet peppers. In winter you can eat seaweed, potatoes, cheese, eggs. These products contain a high content of vitamin E, which is responsible for the elasticity and health of our skin.
Video about the causes of dry and flaky hand skin
Read about ways to moisturize your facial skin at home here.
We invite you to read the article about what paraffin hand therapy is and why it is needed.
In the case of scabies, fungus, dermatitis, eczema and other diseases, treatment can only be carried out with the help of medications and after consultation with a doctor.
Home methods in this case are ineffective. In addition, if self-diagnosis is incorrect, they can also aggravate the problem.
Sometimes from birth the skin may be extremely dry.
In this case, it is impossible to do without the constant use of nourishing and moisturizing creams, avoiding contact with aggressive chemicals and household chemicals. Such skin has increased sensitivity and begins to peel off immediately at the slightest negative impact on it.
Also among the causes are sudden changes in temperature, excess moisture, and various skin ailments. In winter, the skin suffers greatly from dry indoor air, so at this time it needs increased attention.
Sometimes the cause of peeling is such an unpleasant skin disease as scabies . In this case, peeling will primarily be observed between the fingers and will be accompanied by severe itching.
In some cases, the skin in the interdigital space peels and bursts not because of scabies, but because you do not dry your hands properly after washing. High humidity causes annoying flaking. In this case, it is very easy to get rid of it - just thoroughly dry the skin between your fingers after each wash and contact with water.
Diabetes mellitus can also cause peeling, which is localized between the fingers. In this case, only constant monitoring of sugar levels and taking appropriate medications will help.
If you notice a similar symptom in yourself, you first need to first consult a medical institution, find out the exact cause of the peeling, and only then begin treatment.
Watch a video about a traditional method of treatment
What can you do to prevent peeling skin on your fingers?
There are too few sebaceous glands on the skin of the hands that could constantly lubricate the surface of the skin with a thin layer of fat, which would prevent it from drying out.
Therefore, special attention should be paid to the hands, not forgetting about this factor.
By eliminating the main causes of peeling of your fingers, you will rid yourself of this unpleasant phenomenon by 90%.
Quite a lot of people suffer from the skin on their fingers starting to peel and peel. Not everyone remembers that hands, like the face and body, also require careful care. If you do not pay proper attention to them, the skin on them will begin to dry out, quickly age and peel. At the same time, you should know that there are many reasons for peeling fingers. This could be a lack of vitamins, health problems, or exposure to any adverse factors.
Each person has his own characteristics, so the causes of the disease are different for everyone.
The most harmless reasons:
Peeling of the skin may be an indicator of vitamin deficiency , which most often begins in the spring. This may be due to a deficiency in the body of vitamins A and E, which are responsible for the health and condition of the skin. A lack of vitamin C can also negatively affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, it is very important to take vitamin complexes in winter and spring. In addition, sources of vitamins A and E are red fruits and vegetables , vegetable oils, dairy products, and eggs. And there is a lot of vitamin C in berries, citrus fruits, cabbage, apples and onions.
Exposure to cold can cause the skin on your fingers to peel. Most often this happens to those who do not wear gloves during frosts and do not apply protective cream to the skin of their hands.
Using cleaning products and detergents without gloves often leads to peeling skin. Sometimes it can even cause dermatitis, eczema or allergies.
soap , which contains chemical components, can have a negative effect
More serious reasons include:
Most often, the skin of the hands peels due to eczema, allergies, scabies and fungal diseases, which are worth learning about in more detail.
This disease is highly contagious and difficult to treat. Fungal infections are common in both adults and children.
The disease begins with slight redness. Then the fungus spreads very quickly and forms ulcers on the skin , which after some time turn into cracks.
You can become infected with fungus almost anywhere. Its spores spread to a sick person quite quickly, remaining on the objects that he touched. Therefore, after visiting public places, do not forget about the rules of hygiene.
At the first signs of fungal infections, you should immediately contact a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe special creams and ointments , and in severe cases, oral medications. The duration of treatment is individual for everyone. Sometimes the skin stops peeling within two weeks after using the prescribed antifungal agents.
This is a fairly common disease in which the surface layers of the skin become inflamed. Eczema begins with redness of the skin, on which numerous blisters subsequently appear. With dry eczema, after redness, the skin on the hands cracks and begins to peel.
Causes of eczema can be:
In order to cure this disease, you need to seek help from specialists. To identify the cause of the disease, you may have to visit not only a dermatologist, but also a nutritionist and an endocrinologist.
Chronic eczema is almost impossible to completely cure. Throughout his life, the patient has to follow a diet and take medications.
If the skin on the fingers of an adult or child peels off, the cause may be an allergy, which can be of various types.
The use of household chemicals or cosmetics can also cause allergies. If, after using some product, the skin on your fingers begins to peel off, then it means that they have been exposed to a strong irritant. This could be washing powder, soap, hand cream, shower gel, cleaning products, etc. Therefore, household chemicals should be used with gloves , and cosmetics that cause irritation should be replaced with others.
Drug allergies can occur after long-term use of medications. In this case it is best to stop taking them after consulting with a specialist. After this, it will be necessary to increase immunity and restore the vitamin balance of the body.
This contagious skin disease is caused by the scabies mite. Characteristic signs of scabies:
You can get rid of itching by rinsing your hands with a decoction of buckthorn bark. Rubbing in an ointment that consists of crushed dry St. John's wort and lard (2:1) also helps.
However, the disease itself should be treated in a hospital , where they will choose a medicine that corresponds to the symptoms and indications.
First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of peeling, preferably by contacting a dermatologist. The specialist will determine the cause and prescribe treatment.
To speed up your recovery, don’t forget about hand care:
During the treatment of a disease that causes skin to peel off the skin of your fingers, it is recommended to include healthy foods in your daily diet. For example, dishes made from rye, corn, barley, and oats are beneficial for the body as a whole and for the skin of the hands.
It is recommended to include greens, dried apricots, prunes, plums, peaches, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, and apricots in your diet.
Olive and flaxseed oils , as well as fish oil in capsules, have a positive effect In addition, in the morning and evening you can take a tablespoon of gelatin dissolved in water.
Nowadays, buying a hand skin care product is not difficult. Any pharmacy sells various creams, ointments, herbs, masks. But with their help, it is possible to ensure that the skin does not peel off your hands only if the reason is poor hygiene or contact with chemicals. If the problem is different, then it is recommended to contact a specialist for help. At the same time , do not forget about traditional medicine , which, together with drug treatment, can be of great help.
Peeling skin on the legs is not just a cosmetic defect. It indicates environmental conditions unfavorable for the epidermis, and can also be a sign of certain diseases. Before you can fix the problem, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.
The skin can peel in both adults and children. The pathology is usually localized in areas below the knee. Peeling of the skin is most often observed on the toes and feet. It is often accompanied by itching, redness, pain or burning. The causes are divided into 2 categories: the action of external factors and internal diseases. In addition, age-related changes and poor nutrition contribute to the development of pathology.
The most common cause of flaking skin is dryness:
If, in addition to peeling, the skin begins to itch, itch, become blotchy or red, this may indicate the presence of dermatological diseases. The problem should not be left unattended. Immediate consultation with a doctor will contribute to a speedy recovery.
The most common disease that causes dry skin is fungus. It affects the feet, fingers, legs, and the area between the legs. This disease causes severe peeling of the skin between the toes. Covered with a white mesh of exfoliated epithelium, the fingers and the space between them itch and turn red.
Another common disease is scabies. Redness and peeling between a child's toes, accompanied by severe itching, can be caused by the activity of scabies mites. Symptoms are observed between the fingers, on the palms, and hands.
Other possible dermatological diseases: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, Kawasaki disease.
To eliminate an unpleasant cosmetic defect, it is necessary to identify and eliminate provoking factors and eat a balanced diet . It is necessary to protect the skin from adverse weather conditions, moisturize and nourish it depending on the season. In some cases, you will have to undergo a course of medication.
Folk remedies are also useful to eliminate peeling on the surface of the legs. They soften and moisturize the skin and prevent peeling.
Below are recipes for foot baths and wraps that can be prepared at home.
The procedure cleanses and disinfects the skin.
For severe inflammation and cracked feet, steam baths will help. They are prepared from finely chopped hops or chamomile (1.5 tablespoons) added to 1 liter of boiling water. The product is poured into a wide pan, over which the legs are placed so that the steam flows onto them. For greater effectiveness, feet should be covered with a towel. The procedure must be carried out for 10 minutes 3-4 times a week.
A compress of ammonia is good for treating foot fungus . To prepare it, you need to add 15 g of ammonia to 200 ml of water. Soak a piece of gauze in the solution and wrap it around the affected foot. Secure the top with a plastic bag and put on a sock. The compress is applied daily at night for 10-12 days.
Oil wraps nourish and moisturize the skin. Any vegetable oil is used as a basis:
To prevent pathological peeling of the legs you need:
By eliminating the causes of the problem and following simple foot care rules, you can quickly achieve the desired result and restore the attractiveness of your feet.