Erysipelas is an infectious skin disease of a bacterial nature. The main provocateur of its development is hemolytic streptococcus of group A, the action of which leads to severe intoxication and inflamed lesions on the skin.
A pathogen such as hemolytic streptococcus can also cause some other diseases - sore throat, for example.
However, not all people who have had it suffer from erysipelas. In addition to the named pathogen, the following pathologies can be the causes of erysipelas of the leg:
Erysipelas of the leg is contagious - it is transmitted by contact through minor damage to the skin, since the pathogen is constantly present on them. When favorable circumstances occur, it immediately manifests its pathological activity.
It happens that infection occurs from the outside when treating the skin with non-sterile medical instruments, or through the lymphogenous route.
The localization of erysipelas can be different - the torso, neck, and legs are favorite places for the pathological process. Facial inflammation also occurs.
The incubation period of the erysipelas inflammatory process ranges from several hours to 3–4 days. Doctors classify pathology as follows:
The primary symptom of erysipelas of the leg is a sharp, causeless increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, accompanied by headache and muscle pain, and general weakness. Severe disease is characterized by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and delirium.
By the end of the first day (less often the next day), the existing symptoms include a feeling of burning and swelling of the skin, redness, swelling of the limb, hot to the touch.
Localization of infection on the skin of the face leads to disfigurement of appearance. Because of the redness and swelling, this pathology got its name “erysipelas.”
In its acute form, the disease can last from 5 to 15 days. Next, the inflammatory phenomena subside, but after this, peeling of the skin appears. The lesions remain pigmented.
In a more severe form, erysipelas of the leg leads to peeling of the upper layer of skin, filling it with serous or hemorrhagic contents (erythematous-bullous and bullous-hemorrhagic forms). Blisters form on the affected areas of the skin. It is possible that after suffering these serious forms, the patient will develop long-term non-healing trophic ulcers.
Such a concept as recurrent erysipelas of the leg gains the right to exist with a relapse that occurs within two years after the acute illness.
Therapeutic measures for the treatment of erysipelas of the leg usually consist of prescribing drugs such as Penicillin, Oleandomycin, Bicillin-5, Tetracycline and Erythromycin. In large dosages, drugs are used for 7 to 10 days. In the event that these antibiotics do not lead to positive treatment results, they are replaced with anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs.
Less often, but still, drugs are prescribed that can strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The fight against erysipelas of the leg also requires drinking plenty of fluids. Thanks to the large amount of fluid, toxins are eliminated from the body much faster, preventing the further spread of the pathogen.
Local treatment of erysipelas of the leg is carried out in almost every case. It consists in the fact that the bubbles located on the damaged surface are cut and their contents are squeezed out. A sterile bandage is impregnated with a special ointment for erysipelas and applied to the treated area of skin.
If there is a significant weakening of the inflammatory process, then the doctor may prescribe stimulants to restore skin tissue. Local treatment can also be carried out using antiseptic solutions (furatsilin solution).
With frequent relapses, antibacterial therapy is supplemented with hormonal treatment with the prescription of Prednisolone.
The fight against erysipelas of the leg takes a lot of time, and a prerequisite for successful treatment in this case is to prevent the occurrence of complications. They appear as:
A good folk remedy that makes it easier to fight erysipelas is a compress, which is a thick layer of grated raw potatoes. You can also apply a cabbage leaf, beaten until the juice appears, to the affected areas overnight.
We make bandages for erysipelas of the leg according to the following recipes:
Tinctures of chaga, eucalyptus and valerian available in pharmacies without a prescription are also good for lubricating the skin of the feet.
For internal use (3 times a day, 1 teaspoon), you can prepare a remedy by mixing chamomile flowers, well-ground coltsfoot leaves and honey.
To prepare an effective herbal infusion, take the following components in equal parts: eucalyptus and nettle leaves, calamus roots, burnet and licorice, yarrow and dried grass. Having measured out 10 g of the resulting mixture, pour it with a glass of boiling water, infuse it and drink 50 g at least 4 times a day. The bandage is moistened in the same solution and applied to the affected area on the leg.
If you can buy silver water, you simply drink it throughout the day.
Healers offer an interesting method of treatment: in the morning, sprinkle the inflamed area of skin with chalk, put a red cloth on top and, having bandaged it to the leg, walk like this all day. The daily procedure must be performed an hour before sunrise for 7 days.
Considering that erysipelas of the leg is contagious, family members of a sick person should take care of prevention. Whenever possible, they should limit direct contact with the sick person, and take care of themselves by avoiding skin damage and regularly caring for it. This is especially true for those people who suffer from varicose veins or diabetes.
Prevention of erysipelas of the leg can be defined as a number of the following measures:
Erysipelas is an infectious disease caused by hemolytic streptococci. Inflammation and deformation affect a clearly limited area of the skin, accompanied by fever and intoxication of the body.
Since the activity of group A streptococci is considered the main reason why a person develops erysipelas on the leg (see photo), the most effective treatment is based on taking penicillins and other antibacterial drugs.
Why does erysipelas appear on the leg, and what is it? The main cause of erysipelas is streptococcus, which enters the bloodstream as a result of any damage to the skin, abrasions, or microtraumas. Hypothermia, stress, and excessive tanning also play a role.
Among the factors that can lead to the development of erysipelas, stress and constant overload, both emotional and physical, occupy an important place. The remaining determining factors are:
In the vast majority of cases, erysipelas develops on the arms and legs (feet, legs); Inflammation occurs much less frequently on the head and face, while the rarest are considered to be inflammatory processes in the groin (perineum, genitals) and on the torso (abdomen, sides). The mucous membranes may also be affected.
Erysipelas of the skin is a contagious disease, since the main cause of its occurrence is an infection that can be safely transmitted from one person to another.
When working with a patient (treating the site of inflammation, medical procedures), it is recommended to use gloves, and after completing contact, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. The main source of diseases caused by streptococcus is always a sick person.
Depending on the nature of the lesion, erysipelas occurs in the form of:
To determine the correct tactics for treating erysipelas, it is necessary to accurately determine the severity of the disease and the nature of its course.
After the incubation period, the patient develops symptoms of erysipelas on the leg, including general weakness, weakness and malaise. After this, the temperature suddenly rises, and chills and headache appear. The first few hours of erysipelas are characterized by a very high temperature, which can reach forty degrees. There is also muscle pain in the legs and lower back, and the person’s joints hurt.
A characteristic feature inherent in the inflammatory process is the bright red color of the affected areas, similar to flames. Clearly defined edges have elevations along the periphery - the so-called inflammatory shaft.
A more complex form is erythematous-bullous. In this case, on the first or third day of the disease, bubbles with clear liquid form at the site of the disease. They burst, forming crusts. Favorable treatment leads to healing and the formation of young skin after it falls off. Otherwise, ulcers or erosions may form.
We present detailed photos for viewing to find out what this disease looks like in its initial stages and beyond.
If we are talking about mild severity, then treatment at home is quite enough. But in severe and advanced cases, hospitalization in the surgical department cannot be avoided.
The most effective treatment for erysipelas on the leg necessarily includes the prescription of antibiotics. To maximize their effect, the doctor must first find out the most effective of them in each specific case. For this purpose, an anamnesis must be collected.
In the vast majority of cases, the following drugs are used:
In addition to antibiotics, drug treatment includes other prescriptions.
Also, cryotherapy and physiotherapy are indicated for a patient with erysipelas: local ultraviolet irradiation (UVR), exposure to high frequency current (UHF), exposure to weak electric current discharges, laser therapy in the infrared light range.
The prognosis of the disease is conditionally favorable; with adequate timely treatment, there is a high probability of complete recovery and restoration of working capacity. In some cases (up to a third), recurrent forms of the disease may develop, which are much less treatable.
If treatment is not started during treatment or is not completed completely, the disease can provoke certain consequences that require additional therapy:
Erysipelas is an inflammatory process on the skin of an infectious nature. It often occurs in women, less often in men by the age of 30, if their profession is associated with constant injury, when the skin is often contaminated, the person suffers from sudden temperature changes. Erysipelas on the leg can occur in military personnel, builders, loaders, and drivers.
The disease occurs due to streptococcus, it can enter the skin if a person is scratched, also through cracks, scratching, diaper rash, injections, abrasions, calluses, at first it is there and does not manifest itself. Inflammation with erysipelas on the leg can develop due to sudden changes in temperature, when a person becomes hypothermic or overheated, is exposed to stress, or experiences severe emotional shock. Often, erysipelas can be triggered by sunburn, bruises, and injuries.
Erysipelas can develop due to the inflammatory process of diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, obesity, foot fungus, trophic ulcers, varicose veins, chronic somatic disease, and a decrease in the immune system.
The inflammatory process affects the arms, legs, and rarely the body, face, and genitals. Erysipelas can be accompanied by mild, moderate and severe symptoms. There are primary, recurrent and permanent erysipelas on the legs.
The disease occurs in one place and spreads throughout the skin. When erysipelas occurs, there is severe chills, muscle pain, headaches, and the person becomes weak. Then the person feels sick, vomiting, anorexia occurs, and the temperature rises above 40 degrees. If erysipelas on the leg is severe, the patient may experience hallucinations, become delirious, lose consciousness, and experience a convulsive state. After a day, severe pain may appear, the affected area begins to burn, redden, swell, and the skin becomes tense.
1. Erythematous, when strong beauty appears on the skin, then erythema appears, which has borders, irregular shape, and then peels off greatly.
2. Erythemato-bullous is characterized by the fact that the top layer of skin peels off, after which blisters appear, they contain a clear liquid. After they burst, a brown crust appears; when it comes off, there is a normal layer of skin underneath if the disease proceeds normally. If not, a large number of trophic ulcers may form.
3. Erythematous-hemorrhagic, in addition to erythema, there may be hemorrhage in the skin areas affected by the infection.
4. Bullous-hemorrhagic is characterized by the fact that the blisters are filled with blood.
Please note that if treatment is not started in time, erysipelas can, in addition to the skin, negatively affect internal organs - the heart, blood vessels. Ulcers, necrosis, abscesses will begin to form on the skin in large numbers, the functioning of the lymphatic system will be disrupted, because of this the person may remain disabled.
Medications used for treatment:
1. Antibiotics - Penicillin, Erythromycin, Oleandomycin, they are administered intramuscularly. In tablet form, treatment with Biseptol, Furazolidone, Erythromycin, Biseptol, and Phenoxymethylpenicillin is effective.
2. It is necessary to take special biostimulants, vitamins - Pentoxyl, Levamisole.
3. Drugs to strengthen the immune system - Retabolil, given intramuscular injections. Pentoxyl is prescribed in tablets.
If necessary, the doctor can prescribe medications that can help reduce the sensitivity of blood vessels. It is effective to use Erythromycin ointment, as well as Enteroseptol powder. The doctor also advises lubricating the affected area with a solution - Furacilin.
You can cure erysipelas with the help of cryotherapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, and ultraviolet irradiation helps. High-frequency current has a beneficial effect on the skin; laser or electric current can be prescribed.
If the disease is mild, treatment is necessary on an outpatient basis; in the case of a severe form, the disease is treated in a hospital. It is not difficult to cure erysipelas; it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner; the disease must not be allowed to become severe and complicated.
When a large number of watery blisters form on the affected area, a minor operation is necessary by cutting the skin and clearing it of the accumulated fluid.
A bandage with antibacterial drugs is applied to the place where there were many bubbles. After the inflammatory process passes, it is necessary to use ointment and special medications so that the skin recovers faster.
Please note that erysipelas is a contagious disease, so you need to be careful not to come into contact with the patient’s skin, make sure there are no diaper rashes, and the skin should not be rubbed or damaged. Erysipelas often appears in those who have diabetes mellitus and varicose veins.
Traditional healers advise using this proven effective method: before sunrise, the affected area is sprinkled with purified soap. For the day, wrap red fabric. The procedure is performed within a week.
Natural bee product and red flap help with the disease. First apply honey before the sun rises, then apply the cloth to the affected area. Do it every day.
Healers use rye flour to treat erysipelas; it must be sprinkled on the affected skin. Place blue paper on top and bandage everything thoroughly. The dressing is changed once a day before the sun rises.
Frog caviar has been proven to help. This medicine must be used in the spring. Lubricate gauze with it, put it outside in the shade, wait until it dries. Afterwards, soak the affected area a little and apply the medicine. It has been verified that after completing these three procedures, a person becomes much easier.
So, erysipelas on the legs is a serious disease, which, if left untreated, can become complicated and lead to serious consequences.
If an infection has entered the human body, this can result in a purulent-inflammatory lesion (disease) called erysipelas. It can be localized both on the face and on the arms, legs and other parts of the body. In this article we will look at erysipelas of the leg, discuss the first symptoms of this disease, as well as possible treatment methods.
Erysipelas is an acute inflammatory process that involves not only the epithelium (human skin), but also the entire lymphatic tissue. The infection penetrates the lymph and begins to rapidly affect nearby tissues. According to medical statistics, erysipelas most often affects the lower extremities.
Visually, erysipelas of the skin looks like an open wound with exposed ends. Sometimes pus and ichor may be released from the erysipelas. Treatment of erysipelas is very long-term and systemic.
Among the most common symptoms of erysipelas are the following:
Treatment of erysipelas should begin as soon as you notice the first symptoms of the disease. Otherwise, the disease becomes chronic - the infection begins to spread to all nearby tissues.
Doctors say that it is simply impossible to miss inflammation of erysipelas on the lower extremities, since the symptoms appear immediately. The skin on the legs becomes tense and shiny. If you touch the inflamed area on your leg, you will immediately feel warmth, and sometimes even heat. The inflammation becomes so intense that the patient feels as if there is a fire in his legs.
As a rule, erysipelas does not occur alone in the human body. Almost always it is accompanied by other pathological manifestations. Erysipelas, according to medical statistics, attacks patients with reduced, weak immunity, as well as those who have autoimmune diseases and diabetes.
If you start treating erysipelas from the first day of its occurrence, then in general, treatment can take approximately 8 weeks.
Complications of erysipelas may look like this:
If erysipelas begins to manifest itself initially in an acute form, then in 95% of clinical cases the patient is concerned about the following symptoms:
On the lower extremities, erysipelas begins with a small spot that grows at tremendous speed.
According to the degree of skin damage on the legs, erysipelas is classified into the following forms:
The most “safe” (so to speak) form of the inflammatory process is bullous. It is easily treated with local and drug treatment. All other forms of the disease are extremely difficult - deep blisters, hematomas (internal hemorrhage), infection, and discharge of pus can form on the legs (on the skin).
Treatment of erysipelas begins with the use of antibiotics in the form of erythromycin, tetracycline, as well as penicillin and oletethrin. These antibiotics are prescribed if the inflammation of erysipelas is primary.
If one treatment for erysipelas of the lower extremities has not given a positive result, then in this case it is recommended to use antibiotics from the following list - methicillin, ceporin, and oxacillin.
Treatment for erysipelas of the legs is prescribed only by a doctor! It is prohibited to resort to therapy on your own, as the risk of complications is high.
Since the main cause of the formation of erysipelas is the penetration of streptococcus, this can result in a strong release of toxic substances into the blood. This means that concomitant treatment should also include the elimination of allergic manifestations.
In the treatment of erysipelas, hormonal drugs are used, namely corticosteroids, as well as drugs that are intended to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and to relieve swelling and inflammation.
The main direction in the treatment of erysipelas is drug therapy, that is, taking antibiotics. Moreover, antibiotics are selected by the attending physician depending on the cause of erysipelas and accompanying symptoms.
If blisters and hematomas form on the skin, surgical intervention will be necessary.
The patient must remain calm throughout the entire treatment, eat a healthy and balanced diet, and observe strict bed rest.
Below is a standard recipe for drug treatment of erysipelas:
An inflammatory skin lesion of an infectious nature, accompanied by bright hyperemia of the affected areas, is called erysipelas. A common pathology that occurs in people of any age from infants to the elderly. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the number of people suffering from this disease.
According to statistics, every fourth person on the planet suffered from erysipelas. A tendency to relapse is observed in a large number of patients: a third of patients are re-treated within six months, and in some the course of the disease does not stop for up to three years.
Erysipelas infection of the skin on the legs most often affects the lower leg area. The causative agent of the pathology is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This strain belongs to the category of opportunistic microflora, which is present in small quantities on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes of any person. Once on the skin, the microorganism begins to actively interact with cells in search of a “gate” for the infection to enter.
Any abrasions, cuts, scratching serve as an excellent environment for the introduction of the pathogen into the subcutaneous layers. If a person has good immunity, then streptococcus does not pose a health hazard. In weakened people, insufficient body resistance gives rise to an active pathological effect of the microorganism with the development of certain painful conditions.
Particular activity in the spread of erysipelas is observed in summer and autumn. When introduced into the skin, streptococcal toxins are absorbed into the cells and cause swelling and redness. In case of repeated cases of pathology occurring in one place, it indicates an allergic background.
In addition to the disease called erysipelas, beta-hemolytic streptococcus causes infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract: sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, rheumatism and other pathologies.
Erysipelas on the legs is often associated with vascular pathologies of the lower extremities, disorders of the outflow of lymphatic fluid, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. Frequent recurrences of erysipelas on the legs contribute to the development of elephantiasis and lymphostasis.
Is erysipelas on the leg contagious to others? Yes, you can get erysipelas if your immune system is poor. One of the main causes of infection is a violation of the integrity of the skin on the legs in the form of abrasions, scratches, cuts, and wounds. The pathogen penetrates the epidermis and erysipelas begins to actively develop.
Pustular skin diseases contribute to the development of the pathological process: ulcers, boils, non-healing fistulas, phlegmon. Erysipelas joins the existing infection as a complication to the affected part of the body.
Weeping eczema and an allergic rash are often a favorable environment for the development of pathology. Constant itching forces the patient to scratch the location of the rash, after which active streptococcus causes a disease called erysipelas.
The toxic effect of the pathogen, in turn, acts as a sensitizer, increasing the production of histamine in the blood, which is the cause of allergies. This condition should be treated and monitored by a doctor.
Hemolytic streptococcus can be an independent allergen; therefore, with constant contact for a long time, a person may develop anaphylactic shock.
Chronic foci of infection that develop as a result of untreated caries, enlarged tonsils, and the presence of adenoids contribute to the appearance of erysipelas, including on the legs.
Exposure to cold, leading to hypothermia of the skin of the legs, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun leads to the appearance of microtraumas that disrupt the protective function of the skin.
The tendency to worry, irritability and worry negatively affects the human body, causing a weakened immune system. At the time of staphylococcus attack, T-lymphocytes do not have time to cope with the infection, and the person develops erysipelas.
Some diseases serve as additional risk factors:
How is the infection transmitted? Erythema infectiosum is caused by streptococcus. The spherical bacterium is ubiquitous, resistant to environmental influences, and becomes inactive at temperatures above 45 degrees.
Streptococci are transmitted by contact with dirty hands, household items and personal hygiene items. In small quantities, the bacterium does not have a pathological effect.
When the function of the immune system is impaired, an inflammatory reaction begins; with normal health indicators, a person becomes a carrier of streptococcus. The microorganism lives on the skin without posing a threat, but only until the person has a good immune system.
Harm caused to humans by streptococcus:
Erysipelas on the legs has an acute onset with violently expressed symptoms. The pathogen causes not only local inflammation; the disease affects the entire body.
Manifestation of erysipelas on the legs:
Which doctor treats erysipelas of the leg? When the first symptoms appear, in order to differentiate erysipelas, you need to consult a competent dermatologist. During the examination, the doctor will advise you to contact an infectious disease specialist if the patient’s condition requires it.
Diagnosis begins with collecting anamnesis and visual examination of the patient. The doctor uses questions to find out the symptoms and possible causes of erysipelas on the leg. The second stage is an examination of external skin lesions: the structure and extent of erythema, the presence of associated infection, enlargement of large lymph nodes in the groin area.
A blood test is prescribed as a laboratory test. What indicators of the study indicate the presence of erysipelas:
To determine the antibiotic that will be effective for this type of infection, a bacteriological examination of the skin is carried out. Determination of sensitivity is determined in a tank laboratory by culture. Skin particles for examination are taken directly from the affected areas.
Based on the appearance of the external infectious manifestations, they are distinguished:
There are three degrees of severity of erysipelas on the leg:
After the acute period subsides, the infected skin heals, remaining painful and vulnerable. Such areas remain susceptible to streptococcal infection for a long time, leading to re-infection. The recurrent form is dangerous due to the development of complications due to the regular effects of streptococcus on the body.
The wandering form of erysipelas is considered one of the most dangerous. Within a few days, staphylococcus affects healthy tissue in different parts of the lower limb. While one area is healing, erythema appears on another. This type of infection is especially dangerous for newborns, who can die from erysipelas.
Despite the severity of the infectious disease, treatment of erysipelas is successfully carried out at home. Doctors recognize the fact that traditional healers can cure erysipelas using traditional methods, but with the caveat that this is only a mild manifestation of the pathology. No conspiracies can replace antibiotics with their antibacterial effect for erysipelas of the leg.
After diagnosis, the doctor individually prescribes comprehensive treatment . For the treatment of erysipelas, measures can be divided into local procedures and general therapy.
All of the above points can be used to treat erysipelas on the leg at home, if the doctor has received appropriate permission for outpatient therapy. Complex cases must be treated in a hospital setting.
In addition to normalizing the general condition, erysipelas of the leg is treated with local medication, which promotes rapid healing of the skin of the legs. An undertreated condition of the affected area will subsequently lead to relapse.
In addition to home treatment methods, it is good to add physiotherapeutic procedures, some of which can be done at home if you purchase the appropriate medical equipment:
To conduct sessions of electrophoresis and paraffin wraps, you will have to sign up for a physiotherapy office. Compliance with treatment and doctor’s recommendations gives an excellent prognosis for recovery.
To prevent infection, you will need to adhere to simple rules: personal hygiene, good nutrition, regular hardening and taking strengthening vitamins. If microtraumas or pustules appear on the skin of the legs, timely antiseptic treatment and treatment of wounds.
Erysipelas of the legs is a common problem. Is erysipelas of the leg contagious? Streptococcus is present in small quantities on surrounding objects; as long as a person has a strong immune system, he is not at risk of infection. Therefore, timely treatment of caries, chronic tonsillitis, and adenoids will significantly reduce the risk of developing infectious erythema erysipelas.
This is a disease that occurs as a result of infection entering the body. Erysipelas spreads to various parts of the body, face, arms, legs.
Erysipelas is an acute inflammatory form of cellulite, which differs from other forms of cellulite by the involvement of the lymphatic tissue in which the pathogen multiplies, as well as by the more superficial nature of the process and a clearer demarcation of the marginal zone from the unaffected surrounding skin. Most often it affects the lower extremities.
Symptoms of erysipelas of the leg are:
At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to begin the treatment process, and it is impossible to skip it, since the skin becomes shiny, becomes hot and is accompanied by pain upon contact with it.
Erysipelas in most cases occurs with other diseases that weaken the immune system, promoting the development of infections that provoke the inflammatory process. Depending on the extent of the inflammation, treatment can last up to eight weeks.
If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, the following consequences may occur:
disorders in the cardiovascular system, kidney function,
Symptoms of different forms of erysipelas legs
When an acute form of erysipelas occurs, the following is observed:
elevated temperature (up to 40C),
Further, the affected area of the lower extremities acquires a reddish color and swelling. The general appearance is similar to a flame, or rather its tongues with a clear outline.
Erysipelas on the leg occurs:
The first form is characterized by normal redness, the second and third by the formation of blisters, and the last by hemorrhages. If not treated correctly, this inflammation of the leg is prone to relapse. And this can lead to elephantiasis in the legs, as lymph circulation is significantly impaired.
Treatment of inflammation consists of taking antibiotics, initially of the first group (Penicillin, Oletetrin, Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Oleandomycin), and if repeated inflammation occurs, use the second group (Ampicillin, Methicillin, Tseporin, Oxacillin). Since streptococci release toxins into the blood, allergies can occur with erysipelas, therefore, when treating erysipelas, the legs may be prescribed anti-allergy medications. In addition to therapy, corticosteroids, vascular strengtheners, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
The main thing in the treatment of erysipelas is the use of antibiotics, individual for each, and in case of relapse they are changed to other antibiotics. Local treatment is also used when blisters form. The formations are cut and the contents are removed, after which a sterile bandage soaked in antibiotics is applied.
Additionally, other accompanying medications are prescribed (anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels). A lot of fluids and rest, in the form of bed rest, are prescribed.
If the affected area has the formation of watery blisters, then local treatment is carried out, in which they are cut and the liquid is extracted. After this, a bandage soaked in antibiotics is applied to the sore spot of the leg from which the blisters have been removed. Only when inflammation subsides can ointments and recovery agents be prescribed.
Drug therapy for erysipelas on the legs
When treating inflammation, penicillinase-resistant Penicillin is used (Dicloxacillin 500–1000 mg orally every 6 hours, cephalosporins or Erythromycin 250–500 mg orally every 6 hours). When combined with a gram-negative infection, aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, etc.) are used. In children with frequently detected H. influenzae, IV Ampicillin and Chloramphenicol, as well as 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins (Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone, etc.) are used for erysipelas.
In case of erysipelas, patients are hospitalized, isolated and prescribed antibiotic therapy. In the absence of the listed antibiotics, Penicillin 3,000,000 units/day is prescribed for 7–10 days. Ampicillin 2–3 g/day (for recurrent erysipelas - Erythromycin, Lincomycin, etc.), detoxifying agents (Trisol, Hemodez, Reopoliglyukin, etc.), Ascorutin, calcium preparations (in the absence of a tendency to thrombosis), vitamins A, group B , Nicotinic acid, multivitamins, immunomodulators (for recurrent forms of erysipelas of the leg).
Externally used for treatment:
If you have erysipelas of the leg, treatment can also be found among folk remedies. Experts in this matter say that an hour before the sun rises, it is necessary to sprinkle the sore spot with chalk (clean). After which you should wrap a red cloth around it with a bandage for the whole day. This lasts all week.
There is no need to self-medicate; you need to contact knowledgeable doctors. The minimum treatment time can be ten days, and in severe forms up to 8 months.
To get rid of inflammation, you need to know everything about the nature of this disease. It develops around wound surfaces, ulcers or on unaffected skin ( erysipelas ). Recurrent erysipelas is often caused by disorders of the venous and lymphatic systems. Often, traumatic or surgical interventions in the lymphatic system cause the first symptoms of erysipelas.
A number of diseases in adults can contribute to the development of erysipelas (diabetes mellitus, malignant blood diseases, immunodeficiency conditions, etc.). Symptoms of erysipelas of the lower extremities are promoted by hypostatic processes, as well as mycoses of the feet, since the barrier function of the skin is disrupted and the pyococcal flora penetrates more easily through the skin damaged by mycosis. There are frequent cases of inflammation developing after venectomy of V. safena magna. Inflammation of the leg is most often caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus.
Prevention of erysipelas of the lower extremities
If there is a person in the family with erysipelas of the leg, then it is necessary to take care of prevention. You should avoid close contact with it, monitor the integrity of the skin of your feet, avoid diaper rash, chafing, and any damage. People with varicose veins and diabetes are especially susceptible to erysipelas on the legs.
The most favorable period for the spread of erysipelas is summer and autumn. And statistics say that women are most prone to erysipelas on their legs, and if we take into account the age category, people over 40 are more susceptible.
In order to avoid this unpleasant inflammation, it is necessary to limit contact with carriers of streptococcus (those with tonsillitis, for example). Also, avoid the formation of skin disorders, cracked heels, and calluses.