Plantar fasciitis, or in common parlance a heel spur, is a fairly common pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The disease is typical for people over 40 years of age, and in the age group over 70 years of age it occurs in more than 80% of the population. At the initial stage, to relieve pain and relieve inflammation, you can get by with physiotherapy, ointments and traditional medicine treatment methods. But if a bone growth-osteophyte causes severe discomfort and unbearable pain, and conservative methods no longer help, then there is only one remedy left - blocking the heel spur.
The formation of a heel curtain is caused by a combination of unfavorable factors, the main ones being loads on the foot, including excess body weight and staying on your feet for a long time, as well as flat feet, metabolic disorders, wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. It should be noted that a heel spur can be a consequence of gout, arthritis, or diabetes.
This is what a heel spur looks like
It's all about the plantar (plantar) fascia - it is a rather dense membrane, which on one side is connected to the heel bone, and on the other to the bones of the toes, as well as to the tendons of the muscles that are responsible for bending the fingers. The plantar fascia is essentially a shock absorber; the membrane stretches when a person steps on a hard surface and contracts again when the leg is raised. Constant heavy loads lead to rupture of the fibers of the plantar fascia, pain and, as a result, inflammation.
The inflammatory process leads to the deposition of salts in the thickness of the membrane, which over time become chronic, as a result of which bone tissue grows at the attachment point of the tendons and heel bone - this is a spur. In most cases, the callus grows on the sole, this formation is called a heel plantar spur, but sometimes it is localized on the back of the heel - a calcaneal posterior spur.
At the initial stage of the disease, there is pain that occurs in the morning or when moving after rest, and intensifies with exertion, which, if the necessary measures are not taken and treatment is not started, develops into the main symptom - “like a nail driven into the heel.”
In the video, doctors explain in detail how and why a heel spur forms.
Before starting treatment, to slightly relieve pain, you can apply ice to the spur, but for no more than 15 minutes. Ointments and gels that contain diclofenac, which has anti-inflammatory properties, also dull the pain. The ointment is applied directly to the site of inflammation.
If the pain is severe, you should seek medical help; the doctor will prescribe electrophoresis with diclofenac, special exercises, recommend wearing a night splint, prescribe mineral baths, massage, mud applications, and also prescribe shock wave therapy sessions, where under the influence of electromagnetic or ultrasonic waves occurs fragmentation of the build-up. And only in the most extreme case, in case of acute inflammation, do doctors resort to a blockade - injections into the heel spur.
In the story below, an experienced specialist talks in detail about effective methods of treating heel spurs, by resorting to which you can avoid blockade and surgical intervention.
In addition to the methods of official medicine, there are many folk methods for treating heel spurs, ranging from compresses with garlic to tapping the heel on the floor and using a spell on a chicken foot. It must be said that reviews of such methods are very different; for some, warm socks and salt baths really help, but in most cases such self-medication only aggravates the problem. In fact, most folk recipes relieve pain for a while, but they do not eradicate the cause of the disease, and after some time the pain returns with renewed vigor. In order not to harm your health, you should definitely consult a doctor before starting treatment.
Wearing ill-fitting shoes and high heels can lead to the formation of bone spurs.
Heel spur blockade is performed when there is significant swelling and severe pain.
The procedure is effective only if the medication is accurately applied to the inflamed area of the heel; this allows the pain to be quickly relieved and the patient experiences relief. If the drug is administered incorrectly, it ends up in the foot area and has no pronounced effect; in simple words, it is almost useless and can even lead to serious complications, for example, tissue necrosis, suppuration, and inflammation of the tendons. Due to the possibility of severe consequences, specialists resort to blockade only in cases of severe inflammation and acute pain.
To block heel spurs, Kenalog, Diprospan, and hydrocortisone are used. Diprospan is considered the most effective drug, since the active ingredient betamethasone disodium phosphate easily dissolves, is quickly absorbed and remains for a long time at the site of inflammation. And the other active ingredient, betamethasone dipropionate, has much lower absorption, which ensures a prolonged effect of the drug. The drug diprospan is used for injections and for the preparation of various suspensions.
Kenalog is a hormonal drug; it is a synthetic analogue of glucocorticoid steroids. Its active ingredient triamcinolone has a potent anti-inflammatory effect. Improper administration of the drug can lead to muscle necrosis and skin atrophy.
Hydrocortisone is a hormone of the adrenal cortex; it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, but to achieve an effect, several injections are required so that the medicine accumulates in the area of inflammation.
The procedure involves targeted injections into the soft tissue in the area of the bone growth. The pain from the injection is very strong, akin to tooth extraction without anesthesia. To reduce pain, the area is first injected with anesthetics, usually lidocoine, or the drugs are mixed in a syringe. The procedure is not simple, it requires extreme care, and must be performed by an experienced orthopedist or surgeon.
After the first injection of diprospan, relief usually occurs, but this is not enough. In some cases, one injection is enough, but more often several injections are required to accumulate the active anesthetic substance in the area of inflammation. After 2 weeks, the drug is completely absorbed. The effect of diprospan lasts about six months.
An injection into a heel spur should be given by an experienced doctor; before signing up for the procedure, try to find out more about the specialist
Glucocorticoid drugs, when used frequently, are addictive, and as a result, the effectiveness of the active substance is reduced. In addition, hydrocartisone is produced by the adrenal cortex, and when administered artificially, the human body reduces the production of its own hormone.
An incorrectly placed injection of diprospan, hydrokartisone and kenalog can damage the dense bridge and the person will not be able to fully rest on the foot. The introduction of pharmacological drugs leads to the leaching of calcium at the site of inflammation, in some cases the calf muscle may become inflamed. Suppuration and tissue necrosis can also be sad consequences of incorrect injections. But the most serious complication is a rupture of the plantar fascia.
Before the procedures, specialists must prescribe x-rays of the foot. The image determines the exact location of the bone growth and its size, and on this basis the dosage of the medicine is calculated. Even experienced specialists perform heel spur blockade under ultrasound guidance.
The only contraindication for treatment with steroids is individual intolerance to the active substance and other components of the drug. But the medication should be administered with caution and under mandatory medical supervision for the following diseases:
Treatment of spurs with steroid injections is indicated only for severe inflammation, when other types of therapy and prevention are not effective. Before resorting to this procedure, doctors recommend undergoing a course of physiotherapy and massage, as well as trying traditional medicine methods. Treatment should be constant and comprehensive, and special attention should also be paid to proper nutrition.
Orthopedic insoles are one of the effective ways to prevent fasciitis; wearing them greatly reduces the risk of developing a bone spur on the heel
The appearance of a spinous bone process in the area of the fascia is popularly called a heel spur. The medical name for this disease is plantar fasciitis. This disease is accompanied by severe pain in the heels when walking. It is felt especially acutely in the morning after waking up, when a person gets to his feet after a long period of rest, and in the late afternoon, when the peak of physical activity is reached.
To eliminate pain, doctors recommend using various external preparations that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. But such remedies, as a rule, help only the first time. Then the pain intensifies and their effectiveness decreases. In such cases, special injections are given for spurs, which contribute to long-term relief of pain.
Injections for heel spurs provide a very good and long-lasting pain relief effect. However, many people refuse to do them due to pain during the procedure. But in this case, it should be noted that the injection itself takes less than a minute and the pain that you will experience during the procedure is nothing compared to the pain that you constantly experience while taking every step.
And besides, not all patients complain of severe pain during the injection. Some of them claim that they are not much more painful than regular intravenous or intramuscular injections. Apparently, it all depends on a person’s attitude to his health and the need to treat heel spurs with injections.
It is impossible to make such an injection on your own. You need to know exactly where to inject the medicine in order to get a truly positive result. Therefore, injections in the heel for spurs are given only by specialists in a clean sanatorium.
At first glance, it seems that getting an injection is not so difficult. I just stuck a needle into my heel and injected the medicine. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Here it is important to consider not only the point of administration of the drug, but also its dosage. Therefore, this procedure is performed under ultrasound guidance.
The quality of the procedure depends on its effectiveness. It should be noted that if treatment of a spur with heel injections is carried out incorrectly, then there is a risk of serious complications, which we will talk about a little later. Therefore, even knowing the name of the drug used and the place where it should be administered, it is not worth the risk. It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist. In this case, the risk of complications after the injection is minimal.
Many people are interested in the question, what injections are given for heel spurs? For this purpose, various medications are used, the most common of which are:
It is difficult to say how long-lasting the pain-relieving effect is from injections against heel spurs. Here a lot depends on the course of the disease. The number of procedures also depends on the disease. Sometimes it is enough to give only 3 injections to relieve pain for a long time, and in some cases at least 5 are required.
A prick in the heel for a spur has different reviews. Everyone has their own body, which reacts differently to certain things. In some cases, the effect of the procedure lasts only a month, and for some people it helps to forget about heel pain for 3-5 months.
Treating a spur with a heel injection is not always safe. This procedure has a high risk of complications. They are observed very rarely, but still. The most common complications that occur after this procedure are:
It very rarely happens that the fascia cannot withstand the load on it during the procedure and ruptures. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is required to restore the functionality of the plantar fascia.
It should also be noted that some patients experience low effectiveness of this procedure. That is, their pain subsides, but for a very short period of time (1-2 weeks), and in some people it is not completely eliminated.
Therefore, it cannot be said that treating heel spurs with a heel injection is the most effective method. And if you compare it with drug treatment, then injections are not safe. The risk of fascial rupture is very high and every person who decides to take a pain-relieving injection in the heel if they have a heel spur should be warned about this.
It's scary when you can't step on your heel. There are so many things to do, there is so much work that you want to cry, but your health does not allow you to leave the house. Scary? No, but it's unpleasant. It seems as if a nail has been stuck into the foot or a piece of glass is stuck there. Heel fasciitis is a harmful thing, but if you urgently need to move without outside help, then a spur injection in the heel . And don’t be afraid that you will be offered such a procedure. It is not very pleasant and painful, but the injection is given quickly and even with freezing. For some time, motor function will be restored, but it is still better to take sick leave and undergo a course of treatment. This is not a superficial callus, but a disease of the bone tissue, so get ready for treatment not only in the hospital, but also at home.
This can happen to everyone: there’s nothing wrong with you admitting that you’ve had to carry heavy loads lately or that you bought uncomfortable shoes that you’d hate to throw away. Go to your local physician or surgeon, make an appointment with a traumatologist or orthopedist. These specialists will help you defeat the disease in a short time. You will definitely undergo an examination: ultrasound or x-ray. What's so bad about your heel and not your forehead hurting in the place where you popped another pimple yesterday? Using the image, specialists will determine the size of the spur, and even the moment of onset of the disease. Depending on how much it progresses, the dose for the injection will be determined correctly for you. Once you get an injection in your heel for a spur , you can rest assured that the pain will go away, possibly forever.
Such “reanimation” of the musculoskeletal system will benefit those who experienced this for the first time. Time will pass, and you will understand that it is worth listening to the advice of doctors and starting to listen carefully to how your body reacts to the unfavorable environment in which you sometimes find yourself. Imagine that your store needs a product, you typed the line “ buy wedding dresses wholesale ” into a search engine, but you cannot come to a meeting with the supplier due to the fact that painful sensations in your leg do not allow you to move further than a chair.
It is quite possible that the pain caught you on the way. Any of the nearest clinics provides paid services for this type of disease. It’s better to pay a small amount for the procedure than to suffer for days waiting for the business trip to end and you finally find yourself at home. There is no need to endure, self-medicate, or pierce the local area. Contact a specialist as soon as possible and save yourself the pain. It is possible that you will need surgery.
Hello, Anyutka! I had a spur cut out yesterday((I went to the doctor, he said that it needs to be cut, otherwise you won’t get it out. I want to say that for some reason my heel doesn’t hurt at all! So go for it! Good luck to you!
I also have a problem with this spur. Anechka, where did you delete it?
Anechka, aren’t you confusing a heel spur with a callus? What do you mean *cut out*? Did you cut out a piece of bone?
my mother-in-law suffered with it for a long time, then they had surgery, 2 weeks in a cast, until everything fused.. now she runs :)
My husband removed it using folk remedies. First I went to the doctor, who didn’t find any indications for surgery on the X-ray, like, it’s still in its infancy, there’s nothing to cut. He prescribed 3 injections in the heel every week. The injections are effective, all the symptoms went away after the second, but, however, they were very sick and my husband apparently had something like an allergy to them - he felt sick, weak, and lost 2 kg after each injection. And two years later everything came back. My mother-in-law then recommended a village method: grate the black radish along with the peel on a fine grater and apply compresses to the heel at night. And at the same time, do it every day for 15 minutes: the first day - knock on the heel with something heavy (the husband took a wooden box with dominoes), the second day - rub the heel with something woolen (the husband took a sock). Compresses were applied after 3 days, there were 5 of them in total. Everything went away in two weeks. He hasn't returned for four years now.
Wait a minute, what kind of injections? Do you know what medicine you injected?
Anyut, I don’t remember anymore. I remember that the doctor gave the first injection himself, using his own medications, and for the remaining two he ordered me to buy medicine. We bought one ampoule at a time, inside the ampoule there was such a white suspension. I'll ask my husband in the evening, maybe he remembers.
My mother was 70 years old. She cured it this way: she hit the threshold with her heel when there was time and how much patience she had, and in the evenings she rolled the bottle under the spur. It was unpleasant, but there was a result!
But it doesn’t work out for me, I’ll probably have to go under the knife too
The most effective way to get rid of spurs at the moment is UVT. Go to the CRCH clinic, they will tell you everything in detail. I know firsthand. They took my mother to the clinic for such procedures. Now everything is fine with her, she calmly steps on her heel, and no longer feels any pain.
The most effective way to get rid of spurs at the moment? UVT. Go to the CRCH clinic, they will tell you everything in detail. I know firsthand. They took my mother to the clinic for such procedures. Now everything is fine with her, she calmly steps on her heel, and no longer feels any pain.
Tell us in more detail what kind of shock wave therapy procedure this is and how it is treated? I went to the surgeon, took a picture, after which I was diagnosed with a spur. How long does this treatment last and how much did it cost you?
The shock wave therapy method is better because there is no need to cut anything; due to these waves, salt deposits are separated from the bone, destroying them; these deposits are called spurs, which cause us pain and discomfort. The course takes 3-5 sessions, three were enough for me. The price for one session at the center is 1100 rubles, a consultation with a doctor is 700 rubles.
Something strange slips into the discussion here: it seems like we are talking about a heel spur, but some bones, mandatory operations, fusion 0o
A heel spur is an inflammation of tears in the plantar fascia, and not some kind of bone growth.
On x-ray it looks like a bone spur due to calcium deposits. In fact, no solid bodies are formed there; you just need to treat the inflammation and fuse the tissue. It is best to use the Doctor Bobyr device for 20 minutes a day and support the treatment with orthopedic insoles.
Dear ladies. Maybe you can help me! I am 17 years old, I have developed growths above my heels, hard, hard, they don’t hurt, but sometimes they interfere, when I buy new shoes, they are lilac in color, tell me what they are, and how to cure them, summer is coming, and they are so scary , and somehow not at ease myself. Everyone in the family has the same problem.
The surest way to get rid of heel spurs: heat 1 liter of milk to a temperature of 70-75 degrees, add 3 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of soda, pour into a basin, place it at an angle, lower the heel into the milk and hold as long as you have patience. , repeat until the milk has cooled. 3-4 procedures and you will forget about the heel spur.
I have had. Of course, there is little pleasure. I wore insoles, applied ointments, did warm-ups - all in vain. But this infection is like that - it hurts terribly. In general, one of my neighbors advised me to get treatment from Doctor Bobyr (she lent me a device). And it helped, despite the fact that I have little trust in such things.
I did as you advised - an hour later a strong burning sensation began. How can you endure this all day!?
I did a compress with garlic. everything is gone. I highly recommend it. Grind the garlic into porridge and apply it to the spur, top it with a bandage or plaster, change it 2 times a day.
There are many remedies for the treatment of heel spurs - from traditional medicine and special insoles, to operations and devices. I suffered for a long time and probably tried all possible options...except for surgery, of course.
The best result was given by the device Doctor Bobyr, who treats using electromagnetic therapy. A month of regular procedures and everything passed. I’ve been living for about six months now, forgetting about the disease.
Don't believe this BEAVER doesn't help.
Girls...what kind of injections...don't do them please, they're just sedatives and painkillers - i.e. temporary, injections do not remove the problem. I used it on my right leg - it helps temporarily, then the pain returns. Now I’m suffering with my left heel - nothing helps. ..torment(
Today I got an injection in my heel, I was terribly afraid, but the wolf is not that scary.
Initially, you need to fight the root cause that caused the spur to appear, and then deal with it itself. There is a website on heel spurs
Today I got my first injection, so far, of course, I can’t report on the results, but I can report on the process. Maybe my experience will be useful to you.
I don’t believe in traditional medicine at all, so I immediately went to the doctor and got an x-ray.
Girls, hello everyone! Please advise how to get rid of heel spurs. The doctors had it. They said a lot of things. I would like to hear if anyone has had this and what helped. Thank you in advance.
There is shock wave therapy, it helps no less in 2-3 sessions with an interval of a week, but it was very expensive for me, but it was expensive for me because I also have a deposit (of salts) in my foot, but another spur came out in another place after about six months, and there’s no way you won’t believe that it made my life easier; we had a construction site where they poured concrete and then vibrated the concrete with a construction vibrator, so I stood on the vibrator where the spur and relief relieve the pain, but shockwave therapy is very painful, but this doesn’t
I have been suffering from a heel spur for a whole year. I tried folk remedies, but so far there is no positive result. I want to try injections, do you think they will help? Who gave the injections, please respond,
I took two injections of Diprospan with a weekly interval in November last year. I was satisfied, but the medicine only lasted for a year, so I had to go and give up again. Folk remedies and physiotherapy did not help, although I have not tried shock wave procedures yet: I read that this method also has contraindications like diprospan, and is expensive (1600 rubles per session, but on average 6-8 sessions are needed) ( (
Heel spurs are curable. Don’t waste your money. Everything you need can be found at home.
This will help. In that case (if it helps), thank you very much! My husband recently had an injection, but there was no longer any sharp pain; he could hardly walk at all. I'm setting him up for surgery, but if there is such a way, we'll do it.
website blog topic "Heel spur is curable." Read the comments. Everything is real. Despite the simplicity of the recipe. My personal experience.[quo?te="Alexandra"]I took two diprospan injections at a weekly interval in November last year. I was satisfied, but the medicine only lasted for a year, so I had to go and give up again. Folk remedies and physiotherapy did not help, although I have not tried shock wave procedures yet: I read that this method also has contraindications like diprospan, and is expensive (1600 rubles per session, but on average 6-8 sessions are needed) ( (
Shock wave therapy doesn't help!
That's right. And it won't help.
Read! And get treatment absolutely free!
Girls, hello everyone!
Please advise how to get rid of heel spurs. The doctors had it. They said a lot of things. I would like to hear if anyone has had this and what helped. Thank you in advance.
Shock wave therapy helped me, I haven’t suffered for 3 years now, before that I couldn’t stand on my heel, the pain was terrible. I don't even want to remember. You can read about Shock Wave Therapy, I found the website
they help but not for long, after 3 months you have to do it again
I’ll describe my story: my heel started hurting in February of this year. Then I didn’t yet know that this spur hurt so much, I thought that I was there, especially at that time I went to another city, to Ikea. Two weeks later I went to the doctor, took an x-ray, and found a spur on my right heel. I started treating anyone who would recommend anything: compresses with dimexide, with medical bile, with various ointments and creams. Nothing helped. It was especially painful to attack in the morning, because the healed microtraumas were torn. A neighbor said that she was treated according to the following recipe: you need to pour 70% vinegar essence in a glass in a shell, break it, stir, add butter, 100 grams. It must first be melted, but not brought to a boil. Pour the melted butter into a glass, you get an airy mass with the smell of vinegar. I did just that, didn’t wait for anything, on the first day I spread this mixture on a piece of gauze, put it on the heel, then wrapped the heel with cling film, then put a towel on top, and tied it with an elastic bandage on top. And for the whole night, I wasn’t afraid that something would go wrong, because it couldn’t happen. I did this for three nights. A neighbor told me that the skin would peel off from her heel, but not mine. I was so happy, but after the fourth time the skin began to peel off in layers, like a rag. At this time, you need to stop lubricating the heel. While the skin was peeling off, I lubricated the heel with Bioseptin and Boro Plus cream, carefully walked on the massage mat, and hit the heel with a rolling pin. I carefully cut off the skin with small scissors; under no circumstances did I tear it off, otherwise there would be blood. Two weeks passed, I thought that when the skin peeled off, I would have to continue the treatment, but I forgot about the heel. It turns out that I only smeared it four times. I didn’t believe that it would help, but I experienced it from my own experience. Today I ran errands in low-heeled shoes, and didn’t even remember about the heel. I had to run across the road, only then did I realize that I was running. Like this.
And Dr. Shubin’s recommendations helped me, look for them in the “Live Healthy!” programs.
I took a Kenalog injection. The first time, from one injection, I forgot about the pain for half a year, the second time I needed two injections at intervals of a week, I didn’t hurt for 5 months, and then it started again. I bought heel spur cream, I apply it after the foot bath 2 times a day, for 3 days already, it seems to have become a little easier, let’s see what happens next. But in general, I want to do shock wave therapy, I read a lot of good things about it, that it actually removes the spur. I’m not used to walking a lot on foot, I don’t walk now, I’m taking care of my leg.
I suffered from heel spurs for 3 years. UVT was contraindicated for me by doctors. I was on injections. This was the only way I could walk. There was temporary relief. Then a spur appeared on the other leg. And again injections. I purchased Church balm and tar water. I made baths and applied balm to the spur. Within a week I stopped taking injections. And a month later the disease disappeared completely. It is wonderful! I'm wearing heels again and enjoying life!
I was treated for a heel spur before the New Year 2015. 5 sessions of shock wave therapy, 7 sessions of ozone therapy, leeches on the heel. Expectations were not met! The pain was severe, I couldn’t walk. In order to be able to get to the doctor at all, I did compresses with dimexide for a week. This helped. And after the treatment at the clinic, nothing changed, although the doctor said that there is such a thing as a delayed effect. That is, in 2 weeks everything will pass. It did not pass! Of course, there is no acute pain, but even if I spend an hour driving (my right foot is on the heel), the pain gets worse. And I can’t walk much. So much for the vaunted UVT!
I dance folk dances, and this is movement and “shots”. I beat my feet so hard that wow! Beaters and “Beaver” can’t compare. But there is a spur ((That’s why I don’t believe in UVT. I tried injections and it lasted for less than a year. As soon as it starts to hurt, I apply indomethocin. It saves me for a while.
I took an X-ray.. a heel spur was discovered.. X-ray therapy was prescribed.. two women I know were cured in this way.. I’m waiting for the first session to be on the 24th. Has anyone undergone this type of therapy?
Author: administrator 07/23/2014
Heel spurs can be treated with a variety of techniques. Conservative therapy includes massage and therapeutic exercises. These actions are aimed at improving blood circulation. Doctors recommend “Diprospan” for drug treatment for heel spurs.
Physiotherapeutic procedures include:
An important condition for effective treatment is to ensure unloading of the inflamed area. For these purposes, it is recommended to wear orthopedic insoles and other similar products. If there is no effect from such treatment, radiotherapy is prescribed.
This technique is not prescribed to all patients. Contraindications to the shock wave technique include:
These drugs are presented in the form of drugs with a pronounced local anti-inflammatory effect, which helps eliminate pain and the inflammatory process.
A big role in this issue is the choice of drug, including its dosage, quantity, accuracy of administration and depth. With proper treatment, the patient will forget about this disease for several years.
Heel spurs should only be treated after a complete examination. This will require the help of experienced doctors - an orthopedist or surgeon. Unsuccessful conservative treatment leads to surgical intervention. However, such actions are restrictive. Heel spur surgery is considered an unfavorable process, since the cause of the formation of such an ailment is not eliminated. Only the consequences of this disease are eliminated.
One of the treatment methods for heel spurs is therapy using hormonal agents. They need to be inserted into the heel. This procedure must be performed by surgeons. Its effectiveness lies in the provision of local significant anti-inflammatory effects by steroid agents, which occurs in the shortest possible time. The cause of the pain syndrome is the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues that surround the bone growth. Achieving an anti-inflammatory effect without eliminating this growth on the heel is the main goal of the course of treatment. The most common steroid drugs used for this purpose are Kenalog, Diprospan, and Hydrocortisone.
"Diprospan" belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids. Its active ingredient is betamethasone. Heel spurs can be treated with Diprospan, presented in the form of an injection solution or suspension.
The latter substance contains, in addition to betamethasone, other auxiliary components. For example, polysobrate, nipazole, Trilon B and others. It should be noted that the injection solution is sold in pharmacies in 2 forms of betamethasone:
The first form is characterized by rapid dissolution and absorption. The second form tends to be absorbed more slowly, creating a corresponding depot of the drug in the area of administration. The therapeutic effect of taking diprospan is long-lasting and lasts 10 days or more.
This drug has glucocorticosteroid activity and has the following effects:
The main effect after the administration of Diprospan is the elimination or significant reduction of heel pain. This drug can be deposited at the injection site, so its effect is long-lasting. However, it depends on certain factors. For some patients, a similar drug is administered several times - 2-3 times. Some patients feel better after the first injection. Much depends on literacy and correct injection. The doctor must inject the drug with maximum precision into the painful area.
Diprospan treats heel spurs and is rarely prescribed by a doctor. This is due to its insertion into the heel, the point where the maximum pain comes from. Such a procedure is complex and unpleasant and is carried out only when other conservative methods are ineffective.
This drug is injected into the heel at a dosage of 0.5 ml. This can be done alone or together with anesthetics. It is recommended to carry out the second option. In this case, the steroid hormone is mixed with the anesthetic in the syringe itself. To do this, you will need to draw 0.5 ml of Diprospan into the syringe, then the anesthetic Lidocaine. Before administering the drug, the syringe is shaken.
This drug is contraindicated in people with individual intolerance to steroids. This is considered the only contraindication specific to taking Diprospan. The remaining contraindications are relative. The drug should be used with some caution or should be avoided for the following ailments:
After medicinal blockade of heel spurs with Diprospan, failure to comply with the recommendations of the attending physician, and without making efforts to eliminate the cause of this disease, without supporting the arches of the feet, heel pain may soon reappear. As a result, you will need to repeat the procedure.
The "Diprospan" injection does not belong to the primary therapy of the drug method in the treatment of spurs on the heels, since the use of corticosteroids (to which this drug belongs) is dangerous for the patient. This is due to the risk of fascia rupture. This phenomenon neutralizes the positive effects of its use. As for the duration of the positive result, regardless of the speed with which the pain is relieved, Diprospan has no advantages over other methods of treating this disease.