Why pigment spots appear on the skin of the legs and how to eliminate them
Hyperpigmentation is a common problem. Many people of different genders and ages are familiar with it first-hand, and none of them are delighted with this phenomenon. Excessive pigmentation is especially frustrating for its owners when it occurs in those areas of the body that are clearly visible to others. And this factor, as we know, largely depends on the time of year: if in winter we show only our faces to the world, then in summer we are not embarrassed to walk down the street almost half-naked. That is why many (especially girls) are concerned about such an unpleasant phenomenon as pigment spots on their legs.
Why does hyperpigmentation occur on the legs?
From any biology textbook we can learn that various age spots form on the human body due to excessive and uneven production of a substance called melanin. Under normal conditions, it is produced relatively evenly throughout the body, but there are certain factors that can significantly affect this process.
For more information about hyperpigmentation, watch this video:
The reasons for the formation of excessive pigmentation on the legs can be both general and specific. Common factors include such common and well-known factors as the aggressive influence of ultraviolet rays, hormonal changes in the body caused by adolescence, pregnancy or aging, as well as various diseases of the kidneys, liver and thyroid gland.
Specific factors that cause the appearance of excessive pigmentation on the skin of the legs include the following:
Use of low-quality cosmetics (body lotions, depilatory creams, etc.);
Skin damage from shaving;
Circulatory disorders in the lower part of the body caused by problems with the cardiovascular system, a sedentary lifestyle and wearing too tight trousers and shoes;
Increased sweating;
Frequent bruises and scratches (this especially applies to children and people leading an active lifestyle).
All these factors can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of melanocytes, which is why hyperpigmentation begins. Some of the reasons listed often apply only to the fair sex - and indeed, women are much more likely to complain about such problems. But excessive pigmentation on the legs of men is less common.
How to get rid of hyperpigmentation on the skin of the legs?
If the factors causing pigment spots on the legs can be general or local, then the methods of dealing with this scourge are always the same. The first thing to do when you notice hyperpigmentation on your legs is to consult a dermatologist. He will send the patient for an examination, which will help determine the exact cause of the formation of spots, and prescribe the necessary treatment.
This is especially important in cases where the appearance of spots on the skin is caused by underlying causes associated with various diseases and hormonal disorders. You should also run to the doctor as soon as possible if the pigmentation is extensive (see photo).
If the appearance of spots is not caused by serious problems, various cosmetic methods can cope with them. Among salon procedures, laser spot removal is considered the most effective way to combat excessive pigmentation. During the procedure, a special laser burns the top layer of skin, accelerating its recovery. As a result, after just a few procedures, the spot fades or disappears altogether.
For those who prefer to take care of their skin on their own, home methods are suitable. You can use a variety of cosmetics: peelings, lotions, creams, serums, or prefer traditional methods proven over generations.
What to do if brown spots appear on the skin?
If brown spots appear on the skin, this may not only indicate the presence of some disease, but usually this is the first sign of “aging” of the skin. But what to do if such symptoms are observed at the age of 20-35 years or in young children in general? Here, much will depend on the competence of the dermatologist, who will have to make the correct diagnosis and select effective treatment.
Possible diseases
Attention! I would like to immediately dispel the common myth about brown spots that are associated with the liver. People call them “liver spots” because of their characteristic color. The “liver cleanse” that some unscrupulous clinics may offer is nothing more than a scam.
When establishing the cause of the appearance of brown spots on the skin, great attention is paid to the following points:
size of education;
color intensity;
surface of the lesion;
number of rashes;
accompanying symptoms (peeling, itching, scales, etc.);
place of localization.
Today, dermatology has a huge number of diseases that can cause the appearance of brown spots on the human body. Here are the most common:
Lentigo. The disease is classified as pigment spots that are hereditary in nature. A characteristic difference is the appearance of round or oval brown spots on the body. They barely noticeably rise above the skin. Not accompanied by any subjective sensations. Localization of formations is open areas of the body, less often the torso and mucous membranes. They usually appear in the first year of life, less often at 5-30 years. The prognosis for ordinary lentigo is favorable; rare hereditary forms are dangerous, which can transform into a malignant tumor.
Pityriasis versicolor. A very common fungal skin disease, usually occurring in people aged 20-45 years. Ringworm almost always begins with the appearance of small light brown spots on the skin, eventually reaching the size of a large coin. A dark, yellow or pink coloration may also be observed. Patients very rarely complain of itching. The surface of the rash is rough, since the fungi affect not only the upper layer of the epidermis, but also the hair follicle. There is no clear statement that tinea versicolor can be contracted from another person or animal. Exacerbations occur most often in spring and summer.
Neurofibromatosis. A rare but very dangerous genetic disease that is hereditary in nature. There are several types of neurofibromatosis, which can be either congenital or acquired. The main symptom is the appearance of coffee-colored spots with a brown tint on the body. But, to make a diagnosis, they look not only at the presence of formations (there must be at least 6 of them), but also at heredity (whether any of the immediate relatives have this disease), hyperpigmentation (in the groin or axillary region), the presence of neurofibromas and optic nerve gliomas. Only if two clinical signs are present can DNA diagnostics and other studies be prescribed.
Erythrasma. Pseudomycosis, which is caused by the pathogen Corynebacterium minutissum. In medicine, this disease is classified as something between fungi and bacteria. Characteristic differences are the appearance on the skin of red-yellow and dark brown spots the size of a small coin. As the process progresses, the rashes can merge with each other, transforming into large lesions measuring 5-7 cm in diameter. The surface is almost always smooth; peeling and small scales can rarely be observed. Localization - in 80% inguinal-femoral folds, armpits and mammary glands, in 20% in other parts of the body. There are no subjective sensations provided there are no secondary infections, which can occur in the summer due to constant friction of the folds. At risk of developing erythrasma are men who suffer from excessive sweating and work in conditions of high humidity (foundries, mines, etc.). Contagiousness is insignificant, so cases of familial outbreaks of erythrasma have not been described.
Freckles. A very common cause of small brown spots on the skin of the face, neck and chest. The disease is classified as a benign skin tumor. Freckles never rise above the surface of the skin and are not accompanied by peeling. The surface of the formations is always smooth. The size of one rash is 1-3 mm. There is a tendency to merge into large foci. A distinctive feature is small brown or dark brown spots randomly scattered over a certain area of the skin, reminiscent of bread crumbs. Most often, freckles appear between the ages of 7 and 10 years. Blondes, red-haired and fair-haired people are at risk; freckles are less common among brown-haired people and almost never among brunettes.
Pityriasis rosea. Despite its name, this dermatosis is characterized by damage to the skin with small red-brown spots. The cause of its appearance is associated with hormonal imbalances and decreased immunity. In women, pityriasis rosea very often occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Localization of rashes is the face, neck, arms, abdomen, chest, and less commonly, legs and groin area. Subjective sensations may include slight itching and swelling in the affected areas.
Athlete's foot. A fungal disease that usually occurs in men aged 25-45 years and women aged 25-35 years. It usually appears as large red lesions that are covered with scales and peeling. As the process progresses, the lesions may darken, which may explain the appearance of huge brown spots between the legs and in the inguinal-femoral folds. Workers in “hot” shops, miners, athletes, bathhouse attendants and swimming pool workers usually get sick. Excessive sweating and problems with excess weight are considered predisposing factors for athlete's foot.
Very often, the appearance of small brown spots on the body can be caused by hormonal changes (in women, this process is observed during pregnancy and during breastfeeding).
Photo of brown spots on the body
Diagnosis and treatment
In most cases, brown spots on the skin do not pose any danger to human health and life, especially in adults. If peeling, crusts and itching appear along with them, it is recommended to make an appointment with a dermatologist to rule out fungal diseases and dermatoses.
Brown spots pose the greatest danger to children, as they can be a harbinger of a terrible disease - neurofibromatosis. It can affect not only the skin, but also internal organs. Deviations in mental development are also very often observed. If a child has more than five café-au-lait spots, he recommends urgently visiting a dermatologist.
The appearance of large dark brown spots in the groin area, between the legs and inner thighs may indicate the presence of athlete's foot, erythrasma or rubromycosis. The diagnosis is established based on examination of the clinical picture and laboratory studies of scales and peeling from the lesions. If the process is not complicated by secondary infections, you can get by with external means alone:
erythromycin ointment 5% (treatment of lesions 2 times a day for a week).
salicylic alcohol 5%;
boric alcohol 3% (cold lotions);
iodine solution 1%;
sulfur-tar ointment 3%.
The duration of the course of treatment and the selection of the drug depends on the form and course of the disease. On average it is 2-4 weeks.
Pityriasis versicolor is easily diagnosed due to its characteristic clinical picture. The Balzer iodine test can be used to confirm the diagnosis. If you treat the lesion with a 5% iodine solution, then even with the naked eye you can notice that the spots are colored much more intensely than healthy areas of the skin. If there are hidden lesions or in very controversial situations, they may resort to glowing the spots under the rays of a Wood's lamp. Under them, the lichen versicolor will glow yellow-brown or yellow-red. Treatment usually includes the following:
- Sulfuric ointment;
- salicylic ointment;
- resorcinol alcohol;
- boric salicylic alcohol.
For maximum effect, lesions are treated with fungicidal and keratolytic agents, which are selected by a dermatologist based on the clinic and the course of the disease.
Freckles, lentigo and pityriasis rosea cannot be treated. In the first two cases, they may resort to using:
In 90% of cases, pityriasis rosea goes away on its own within 3-6 weeks. For preventive purposes, you can take a course of drugs that enhance immunity. If brown spots are caused by the aging process of the skin, then, unfortunately, medicine is powerless.
Dark spots on the body
Dark spots on the skin cause a lot of discomfort. They can be caused by external factors and represent only a cosmetic defect. These pigmented areas can be lightened using both medicinal creams and home methods.
In the second case, dark spots arise as a result of diseases of the internal organs. To get rid of lesions, the cause of their appearance must be determined and the underlying disease treated.
Pigmented areas of dark color are classified into two main types:
- Blue-gray depigmentation is a disorder in the production of melanin that occurs as a result of metabolic failures or non-melanin changes.
- Melanosis is a condition characterized by increased production of melanin in the skin. It concentrates on certain areas, resulting in the formation of dark spots.
Why did gray-blue depigmentation appear?
- Nevus Ita - usually fixed as a single dark spot (in rare cases, multiple lesions occur). Often appears in adolescence or childhood. Localized under the arms, on the shoulder blades or in the chest area.
- Nevus of Ota is a dark-colored defect that appears on the cheeks, eyes, or upper jaw area. In advanced cases, it affects the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. If favorable conditions develop, it degenerates into melanoma.
- The Mongolian spot is a pathology that appears already at the birth of the baby. The child has a spot on his leg, buttock or lower back. The diameter varies from 1 to 10 centimeters. The color can be blue-brown or gray-blue. Over time it becomes smaller and lighter. By the age of 5–7 years it usually disappears completely. It does not develop into a malignant tumor.
In some cases, gray-blue depigmentation appears on the skin as a result of the influence of external factors. These include the following:
- The influence of medications - with prolonged and uncontrolled use of medications from the group of tetracyclines, salicylates, barbiturates, etc., melanin is concentrated on areas of the skin, and spots appear.
- Sun rays - prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, even prolonged exposure to electrical appliances that emit heat (irons) near the body provoke the development of dark pigmentation.
- Concentration of heavy metals – wearing gold, silver and other metals for a long time leads to dark-colored stains on the neck, wrist or fingers.
Often, chronic diseases lead to the appearance of dark spots on the skin. In medical practice, the following causes of melanosis are identified:
- liver diseases - cirrhosis or dysfunction of the organ lead to the formation of spots;
- chronic renal failure or malfunction of the kidneys causes an excessive release of melanin, which causes dark spots to appear on the skin of the hands, face, neck, and legs;
- disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, excess or lack of iodine in the body, dysfunction of the gonads and other diseases lead to endocrine melanosis;
- reticular form of melanosis is typical for heavy smokers. Long-term tobacco use leads to dark spots on the chest, arms, and back;
- The appearance of pigmented areas is promoted by severe tuberculosis. This disease is called cachectic melanosis;
- Acanthosis nigricans - dark spots in the groin area between the legs, under the arms, or on the skin under the mammary glands. The disease can be either malignant or benign.
Dark spots on the skin between the legs are common in both men and women. Many people don't know how to get rid of them. Doctors prescribe vitamin therapy, anti-inflammatory and emollient creams;
- Dubreuil's melanosis is a precancerous form of the disease. It is a small spot that stands out slightly above the surface of the skin. It can grow quickly, continuously increasing in diameter.
A number of dark spots appear as a result of other reasons that are not dangerous. Chloasma is observed as a result of hormonal imbalances - pregnancy or adolescence and the subsequent restructuring of the body. In this case, dark spots form on the body, like bruises.
Freckles - they form on light skin due to the influence of ultraviolet rays, lentigo - dark spots caused by senile changes in the skin. After traumatic injuries, a change in the color of the skin at the site of the scars is possible. The appearance of pigmented areas is affected by a lack of vitamins or the use of inappropriate cosmetics.
What they look like in the photo
When dark spots appear on the skin of the arms, face, and torso, people often begin to fear that this may be a symptom of a serious illness. If a defect is detected, you should contact a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, take the necessary tests and make a diagnosis. Therapy depends entirely on the cause of the spots.
If they arise due to external factors, they can be easily eliminated with medical ointments, cosmetic procedures or home methods. If internal diseases are to blame, then the patient will have to cure the underlying disease, and the spots will disappear on their own.
Cosmetic procedures
You can get rid of unwanted dark spots in beauty salons. The procedures will help completely and permanently remove pigmented areas of the skin. They help even with age-related changes. In addition, they improve the structure of the skin.
The negative aspects include the relatively high cost of the procedures. After cleansing your face, you may experience scars and other side effects. They will disappear only after a few months.
- Mesotherapy – cosmetologists inject tyrosinase enzymes into the deep layers of the skin. They whiten the skin from the inside, causing dark spots to disappear.
- A preparation based on organic acids is applied to the skin. As a result of this procedure, the upper affected areas of the skin are removed.
- Laser stain removal is one of the most effective methods. Promotes complete removal of age spots from facial skin. At first there will be small scars, but over time they will completely disappear.
It is better to buy whitening preparations in pharmacies or beauty salons. Before use, you should consult a dermatologist. Any cream or ointment must be suitable for your skin type. Creams are convenient to use if you need to whiten hard-to-reach areas.
For example: dark spots on the skin between the legs (but first you should find out the reasons for their appearance).
Pay attention to the composition of the cosmetic product. It must include one of the following components:
- Kojic acid is a substance that removes dark spots. Usually included in creams for the skin around the eyes;
- hydroquinone is an active element that whitens skin. May cause irritation. It should not be used by women during pregnancy and lactation;
- arbutin is a substitute for hydroquinone. It is more gentle and based on natural ingredients.
How to treat dark spots on the body at home
- Vinegar mask - mix a teaspoon of 9% vinegar, the same amount of honey and rice flour. Apply to pre-cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. The mask perfectly cleanses the skin of dark spots caused by freckles and age-related rashes.
- Natural lemon juice will help lighten dark spots on your face. Mix it in equal quantities with sour cream. You can simply lubricate your face with citrus juice. The method is not suitable if there are injuries or rashes on the skin. The fact is that citric acid burns wounds, leaving small burns.
- Take 20 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, squeeze it and add ten drops of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Mix all components well, apply to cleansed skin and rinse after 10 - 15 minutes.
- Parsley plays an important role in home skin lightening. Grind it in a blender, mix in a one to one ratio along with sour cream or milk. Apply to face and keep for 30 minutes. The recipe helps with freckles (when spots on the body are like a rash).
- Parsley infusion: chop one bunch of greens, pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and wash with this decoction. The product tones the skin, gradually lightening it.
- Grind a tablespoon of unripe blackcurrants, mix with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture to the affected areas, keep for a few minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
- Effective alcohol tincture - mix the juice of one lemon with 15 milliliters of vodka and 10 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. Add 15 milliliters of vinegar. Store the tincture in a glass or ceramic container. Wipe pigmented areas twice daily.
- Mix 15 milliliters of water and 10 milliliters of boric alcohol. In a separate bowl, combine 5 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide (take a 3% solution) and glycerin. Combine all ingredients. Store in a dark glass bottle in a cool place. Wipe dark spots three times a day.
- If dark spots appear on your body, use fresh strawberries. Apply a mask of strawberry pulp to cleansed skin. Keep it on for 15 – 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The berry contains a large amount of vitamin C.
- Grate raw potatoes. Apply the paste to the skin and keep for an hour. This mask can be done every day.
How to get rid of stains with medicinal decoctions
- Pour 200 grams of dandelion flowers with a glass of boiling water. Let sit for fifteen minutes, then cool and freeze in a cube pan. Wipe your face with them every day.
- An ordinary pickle of sauerkraut, kefir or washing with ordinary milk will help to effectively whiten a dark spot on the skin.
- Take 100 grams of viburnum, add a tablespoon of honey to it. Freeze the product and wipe your face with cubes.
Any skin disease is a cause for concern. If you have a dark spot on your skin, you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will take the necessary tests and find out the cause of the disease. Pigmented areas can be lightened externally.
Doctors warn! Shocking statistics - it has been established that more than 74% of skin diseases are a sign of parasite infection (Accarida, Giardia, Toxocara). Worms cause enormous harm to the body, and the first to suffer is our immune system, which should protect the body from various diseases. The head of the Institute of Parasitology shared the secret of how to quickly get rid of them and cleanse your skin, it turns out that’s enough. Read more .
If the increased production of melanin is caused by a disease of the internal organs, then it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, and the spots will disappear on their own.