05/05/2017 treatment 5,565 Views
The foot is not just an integral part of the musculoskeletal system, which takes part in the process of standing or walking. The main function of the foot is to cushion the body during movement, reducing the load on the knee joints and spine. When foot deformation occurs, the distribution of load on all parts of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted.
One of the most common types of such pathological changes is flat feet. What is flatfoot, what provokes its development, how to recognize the disease, symptoms, treatment, and what complications can the pathology pose? We will try to sort out all these questions.
Congenital flatfoot is a fairly rare phenomenon, and according to various sources it accounts for only 3-11% of the total number of all deformities. Typically, the cause of the disease is anomalies in the intrauterine development of the fetus caused by previous illnesses of the mother, bad habits and poor lifestyle. But besides this, there are many more factors that can cause flattening of the foot.
The main causes of flat feet:
Interestingly, it is women who are more susceptible to the development of flat feet, as they are lovers of high-heeled dress shoes. When putting on high-heeled shoes, rarely does anyone think about the load that the ankle experiences at this moment. Indeed, in this position, the center of gravity invariably shifts, the forefoot is overloaded, and at the same time the transverse arch is flattened. And at first, few people pay attention to this, since at first there is no obvious discomfort.
Important! The size of the heel for a healthy adult should not exceed 3-4 cm. For children, in the initial stage of formation of the arch of the foot, the maximum permissible height is no more than 1.5 cm. Wearing shoes without any heels (with flat soles) is also dangerous because for increased load in the heel area.
Depending on which of the arches was deformed, transverse and longitudinal flat feet are distinguished. If pathological changes affect both insteps, we are talking about combined flatfoot or, as it is also called, longitudinal-transverse. We will try to analyze in detail all types of flat feet.
With this pathology, the forefoot is subject to deformation. This is age-related flatfoot, most often occurring between the ages of 35 and 50 years. The most common causes of the development of the disease are a love of high-heeled shoes and weakness of connective fibers that develops with age. Heredity can also play an important role. Characteristic signs of deformation are a decrease in the transverse arch and the presence of cartilaginous growths on its inner part. As the disease develops, the big toe gradually deviates to the side, and the second and third take on the shape of a hammer. Over time, the patient's gait becomes impaired and movements are difficult.
Deformity with flattening of the longitudinal arch often occurs at the age of 15-26 years. The main reason for longitudinal flatfoot is weak tone of the muscle fibers and ligaments of the ankle. An incorrect lifestyle and excessive physical activity lead to hypotension of the musculo-ligamentous system and, as a consequence, drooping of the longitudinal arch. The main signs of pathology include lengthening of the overall size of the foot, widening in the middle and drooping of the longitudinal arch. Depending on the degree of flatfoot, as the disease progresses, posture is disrupted and the gait becomes heavy and awkward.
Foot deformity is not a virus, and the disease usually goes unnoticed (except due to traumatic injury). We may feel that our legs are swollen and sore, but all this is written off as the costs of hard work. Only a few can identify flat feet at an early stage, suspecting the development of a serious pathology. But the success of treatment will depend on timely measures taken. So what are the first symptoms in adults that should alert you?
Flat feet are not a one-time change. Therefore, the severity of the symptoms of the disease will directly depend on the stage of development of the disease and the degree of deformation.
Prodromal stage (pre-disease). Pain in the calves and feet due to standing for long periods of time. The pain is periodic and is accompanied by pronounced fatigue syndrome.
Intermittent flat feet. The appearance of a feeling of fatigue in the middle of the working day, increased pain in the evening. The flattening of the arch of the foot is reversible, appearing at the end of the working day and disappearing after a night's rest.
Flat foot. Constant leg fatigue caused by overwork of the ankle muscles. Against the background of hyperextension of the ligaments, a continuous aching pain appears. Weakness of the muscular-ligamentous system causes irreversible changes in the foot, its lengthening/shortening in one part and expansion in another part.
Transverse flatfoot is characterized by painful sensations that occur predominantly in the front of the leg. Over time, the shape of the fingers begins to change, persistent calluses appear, and growth of cartilaginous formations is observed.
Transverse flatfoot of the 1st degree is characterized by the appearance of pain in the forefoot. The next form of the disease is marked by painful sensations in the area of the metatarsal heads. With grade 3 flat feet, increased pain and the appearance of a large number of callous formations are observed.
Obvious swelling of the feet and a feeling of extreme fatigue at the end of the working day are the first signs of a disorder. A person may experience pain of varying intensity in the lower leg, ankle and, directly, the foot. Unpleasant sensations with level 2 flat feet can also be observed when pressing in the center of the foot. Over time, the longitudinal arch disappears, and the foot begins to blur in the heel area. Wearing regular shoes with level 4 flat feet causes severe discomfort, and choosing the right models becomes a real challenge.
Have all your attempts to lose weight been unsuccessful?
Most often, flat feet in children develop due to wearing the wrong shoes. These are sandals without a hard back, flip-flops, shoes with a flat insole and sneakers. The development of flat feet in children can also be caused by excess body weight, endocrine diseases, ligament injuries and weak ankle muscles. Congenital pathologies of the ligamentous apparatus are the least common.
It is not easy to determine flat feet in a child, but clubfoot and walking on the front part of the foot should alert parents, because these are the first signs of the development of pathology. Having noticed this, you should not wait until the child begins to complain of pain in the legs. It is urgent to visit an orthopedist who will select the appropriate treatment. In childhood, treatment is based on physical therapy: foot massage and walking barefoot on uneven surfaces. In advanced cases, you will need to wear special orthopedic shoes. Mild flatfoot can be corrected with less radical models.
Important! There is no need to self-medicate and wait for flat feet to disappear on their own. Over time, this disease will only progress. The foot can be corrected without consequences until the age of 13 years.
From all of the above, we can conclude that flat feet are a progressive disease. And if left untreated, the pathology can lead to serious complications. Consequences of flat feet:
There are several methods for diagnosing foot deformities. The simplest and most accessible method used in clinical settings is examination. In addition to the patient's complaints of pain, changes in the color of the skin, the presence of calluses and other seals may indicate the presence of a problem. In a standing position, the feet may not touch each other, falling inward or deviating outward. The big toes are not adjacent either. And when examining the patient’s shoes, wear is observed on the inside of the sole and heel.
In addition to the standard examination, more in-depth research methods are used to clarify the diagnosis:
With timely treatment, the patient’s condition can be significantly improved and further progression of the disease can be prevented. It is impossible to achieve complete restoration of arch height in adults. But therapy for flat feet in children allows for a complete cure. After all, at this age the formation of the bone and muscular skeleton is just taking place and, as they say, with skillful hands you can correct minor errors.
Drug treatment must necessarily be combined with physiotherapeutic procedures. The most effective of them is massage. With its help, it is possible to activate blood circulation in damaged areas and improve muscle tone. And wearing the right shoes for flat feet with orthopedic insoles allows you to correct the position of the foot, making movement more comfortable. Also, do not neglect physical therapy. For children, doctors recommend that therapeutic exercises be carried out in the form of a fun game. All gymnastic exercises are selected individually. But some of their types are applicable, regardless of the type and degree of flat feet.
In the most advanced cases, surgical intervention is indicated. Surgical treatment of flat feet is not practiced among children.
For an adult patient, flat feet are an irreversible process. Treatment will help stop the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life, but it is impossible to completely correct the deformity. That is why it is extremely important to take care of the prevention of flat feet, preventing the development of pathology. Preventing flat feet comes down to very simple measures:
The formation of a correct arch of a child’s foot is, first of all, an even posture and spine. So from the first steps of the baby, you need to think about his good health.
Watch the video of Dr. Komarovsky - children's shoes and flat feet:
Flat feet in children is a foot deformity in which the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot drops and flattens. There are transverse and longitudinal flat feet in a child. You can determine what shape a child has by looking at which arch of the foot is flattened. Often both forms of this pathology are present.
Transverse flatfoot is characterized by flattening of the transverse arch of the foot. The arch consists of 5 metatarsal bones, on the heads of which the forefoot rests. As a result of the deformation, the metatarsal bones diverge in the form of a fan, the big toe deviates, and valgus flatfoot occurs. The middle toe suffers from a hammertoe deformity and the overall length of the foot decreases.
As a result of constant trauma, a bone forms on the finger, which is removed by surgical intervention. With transverse flatfoot, operations provide only temporary relief.
Longitudinal flatfoot is a flattening of the longitudinal part of the foot, the length of which increases in size, with the entire sole touching the floor. The development of longitudinal flatfoot is affected by excess weight, which puts a lot of stress on the legs. Most often, this disease is detected after 15 years.
Foot deformity can be congenital or acquired. Acquired deformity is divided into types: rachitic, static, traumatic or paralytic.
Congenital flat feet are quite difficult to determine, since all children under 5 years old have signs of flat feet. Congenital flat feet occur due to hereditary subtility and in the case of a lack of connective tissue. Examination of this pathology is carried out after 7 years. It is impossible to diagnose congenital flat feet in a child under one year old, since the foot has not formed.
The traumatic form of flat feet occurs due to injuries and fractures of the ankles, tarsal bone or heel bone. The cause can be considered a defect and disruption of the soft tissues that secure the arches of the feet.
The key cause of paralytic flatfoot in a child may be polio. As a result, paralysis of the foot and tibial muscles occurs, and posture becomes distorted.
Rickets flatfoot can occur if there is a disease called rickets, which interferes with the normal development of the bones of the foot. Poorly formed bones cannot withstand the load of the entire body, so irregularities in the shape of the feet and posture are revealed.
Statistical flatfoot is considered the most common today. The main signs of the development of such a pathology are general weakness of the leg muscles, especially in the lower leg area, and weakening of the ligamentous apparatus. Excess body weight and lack of necessary exercises, such as morning exercises and walking, can become a source of abnormal foot shape. Incorrectly chosen shoes are also considered to be the cause.
Symptoms include rapid fatigue during intense walking for a walk. You feel tired in your legs, cramps and swelling of your feet and ankles appear. Due to the lengthening and flattening of the foot, it is difficult for a child to choose comfortable shoes. The occurrence of pain in the lower back and hips, and headaches also indicate that flat feet are developing.
If a child develops flat feet, poor posture occurs, the gait changes, and a toenail often grows ingrown.
Such symptoms are not unique to flat feet. Such signs may indicate varicose veins in late adolescence. In any case, you need to undergo an examination to find out the exact diagnosis.
Foot deformities vary in severity. At the earliest stage, poor development of the ligamentous apparatus occurs. There is no deformation of the foot, but the ligaments are stretched and the child experiences pain.
With mild flat feet of the first degree, a feeling of fatigue in the legs appears, which occurs as a result of physical activity. An abnormal gait is also noticed, and the legs swell. When pressing on the foot, painful sensations are felt.
If combined flatfoot of the second degree develops, then signs such as flattening of the foot and acute pain . The pain sometimes reaches the joints on the knees. It is difficult for a sick child to walk with such a degree of flat feet.
With pronounced flat feet of the third degree, painful sensations become difficult to endure, swelling of the legs appears, headache and lower back pain. Performance is low, you cannot engage in sports and physical activity. To relieve pain, you need high-quality orthopedic shoes. With the third degree of flatfoot, deformation of the foot and fingers occurs.
Flat feet in children one year old and older seem to be the norm to many; in fact, the development of the disease can lead to very serious consequences. The earlier the disorder was identified, the more effective and favorable the treatment will be.
Longitudinal, valgus or transverse flat feet can be completely cured in childhood, until the child’s foot is fully formed. In adolescents, treatment is aimed at slowing down the rate of development of the pathology.
Treatment includes strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the foot and eliminating pain. For mild flat feet, massage can be done. Orthopedic shoes and a special mat are used, which you can buy or make yourself. Treatment of flat feet in children is carried out at home.
Experts recommend effective therapy that will help correct the disorder - therapeutic exercises. Specific exercises must be done every day to achieve maximum results. Gymnastics for each case is selected separately, taking into account the age of the child and the shape of flat feet. The use of exercise therapy for flat feet makes it possible to treat foot and posture disorders easier and faster.
Orthopedic shoes or arch supports are also included in the child’s treatment. These shoes can correct foot deformities. The best option would be to individually manufacture orthopedic insoles for each type of flatfoot. Orthopedic shoes and gymnastics can also correct postural deformities.
You can buy orthopedic accessories for the treatment of flat feet at any orthopedic center.
A modern massage mat will help treat flat feet. You can make a rug yourself at home or buy it in specialized stores. The massage mat is made of rubber material, polyethylene using solid fillers. A massage mat and orthopedic shoes are easy for flat feet; this is also a good preventive measure for posture.
The mat provides a relaxing massage to the feet, which improves blood circulation and normalizes blood microcirculation in the spine area.
To make a rug with your own hands, you will need available materials such as ropes, pencils, buttons and much more. The mat is also made from various cereals: buckwheat, rice, peas, beans. Watch a video on how to make a massage mat at home and make one with your child.
There are general rules to prevent the disease in children at an early age. Prevention of flat feet in preschool children involves intensive training of the ankle muscles. Allow your child to walk more barefoot on the ground, grass, and river sand. If this is not possible, make an orthopedic mat with your own hands.
Walking barefoot on uneven surfaces helps prevent foot deformities and poor posture in children and adults.
You need to do the exercises regularly, a few minutes a day. Gymnastics is performed on a mat to prevent flat feet and correct posture. While doing the exercises, when walking or just standing still, monitor the position of the child’s posture and feet. The feet should be parallel to each other.
To prevent symptoms and further development of flat feet, you should pay attention to the shoes you buy for your child. To prevent flat feet, it is better to immediately purchase orthopedic shoes. The specially designed shape of the shoe holds the foot tightly and prevents foot deformation.