Described by Hippocrates and called a “foot trap” because of the unbearable attacks of pain, gout has long been considered a disease of the stronger sex. Nowadays, it is increasingly affecting women who work on an equal basis with men and receive an equal amount of nervous and physical stress.
Statistics also indicate the “sword of Damocles” heredity: 30% of patients in the family had cases of gout.
Among the famous “gout sufferers” are Julius Caesar, Winston Churchill, Rubens, Krylov, Charlie Chaplin. It is no coincidence that the disease is associated with a certain lifestyle: those who do not know moderation in libations and abundant feasts are at risk.
No one has yet been able to completely get rid of gout attacks, but you can significantly weaken the grip of the “trap”.
To do this, you need to change your attitude towards nutrition, remembering that we eat in order to live, and not vice versa, and adhere to a diet that excludes or limits foods with purines. It is allowed to consume the entire range of dairy products, eggs, fruits, nuts, cereals, and sauerkraut is recommended as a preventive measure. In the absence of contraindications, it is useful to drink more fluid (up to 2.5 liters per day) and reduce salt intake.
The restriction applies to all types of smoked meats, meat and fish dishes, coffee and cocoa drinks. Chocolate and yeast are very harmful. Vegetarians exclude spinach, legumes, mushrooms, and cauliflower, which is the “black sheep” of its family, from the diet. All other 35 varieties of cabbage have a healing effect and are included in the list of essential products for this disease.
By normalizing disturbed metabolism and restoring the acid-base balance, cabbage removes excess salts from the body, depriving gout of its destructive weapon - uric acid.
The leader of the cabbage rating is seaweed, which is recommended to be included in the daily diet. It is good both solo and as part of various salads.
Seaweed thallus is also used in powder form: by mixing half a teaspoon in a glass of water, the resulting drink is taken for gout once a day, but not more than one month.
To relieve pain, seaweed is used as a compress. The soaked leaves are applied to gouty bumps. The procedure has positive properties and will promote the resorption of salt deposits. Seaweed is also used for baths. The time for taking it and using compresses is up to 20 minutes.
Sea kale is recommended to be included in the daily diet of patients with gout
It must be remembered that the use of even the simplest and most familiar products may have individual intolerance. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor and decide together what you can consume and what you should avoid. Strict adherence to the doctor’s advice and monitoring compliance with nutritional rules leads to gradual relief within the first month.
In the first week, a failure factor may appear in the form of an exacerbation, but then a noticeable improvement in the condition will certainly occur.
A remedy that dulls the feeling of hunger well is an infusion of kelp, which is obtained by filling it with cold water and infusing it for 24 hours. To reduce appetite, 2-3 sips immediately before each meal are enough.
Reducing salt consumption is one of the rules in treatment, and in this regard, it is advisable to turn to the recipes of our grandmothers, who fermented cabbage using a salt-free method.
For one enamel bucket take:
Chopped cabbage and carrots are mixed together with spices in a bucket and placed under pressure. In this case, it should be quite heavy, weighing 17-20 kg.
Under such weight, vegetables quickly, within a day, produce juice. Then the pressure is changed to a lighter one - up to 3 kg and they wait about another day. Salt-free cabbage is stored in glass jars in the refrigerator. It tastes a little softer than the traditional one, which is only a plus if you are on a gentle diet.
When serving, instead of butter, you can grind sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder and add them to the cabbage, which will enhance the taste and beneficial properties.
Dear readers, today I want to talk about the medicinal properties of white cabbage leaves, without which it is difficult to imagine our table. It is no coincidence that cabbage is so loved and so common in the diet; its leaves contain so many biologically active substances useful for our body that we can safely call cabbage the pantry of health.
Cabbage is useful in any form, you can eat it raw, adding it to salads, you can cook cabbage soup and borscht from it, stew, fry, stuff pies with it, cook vegetable stew, solyanka. In winter, sauerkraut is a real godsend, allowing us to get a lot of necessary vitamins in difficult times for the body. Today we will look at the medicinal properties of cabbage leaves and learn how to use them for health.
Cabbage leaf is an inexpensive and accessible natural remedy that has many beneficial properties for our body. Cabbage contains a record amount of vitamins, especially a lot of ascorbic acid, which plays an important role for the functioning of all organs and systems and is very important for the human immune system.
Two hundred grams of raw cabbage provides us with our daily requirement for vitamin C.
It is also important that the vitamin C contained in cabbage is quite stable compared to other vegetables and is much less destroyed during processing, and can be preserved in sauerkraut for many months.
White cabbage contains provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, K, U, PP, folic and pantothenic acids. Vitamin B12 was found in sauerkraut, which is not found in any other plant product.
In addition to vitamins, cabbage leaves are rich in mineral salts of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and there are quite a lot of microelements, including iron, manganese and zinc. Cabbage is rich in fiber, sucrose, glucose, and fructose.
Cabbage leaves have the following medicinal properties:
Cabbage has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body, replenishes the lack of vitamins, it is useful for obesity, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, and damage to blood vessels and the heart. It is also very valuable that we can eat cabbage all year round, using it to maintain our health.
Today I want to focus on the external use of cabbage leaves, since in this case the medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf are fully manifested.
The medicinal properties of cabbage leaves have been used for a long time and very widely, and there are many treatment recipes; they can be found in all ancient medical books and among modern traditional medicine recipes.
If you are worried about a headache, try this recipe: a fresh cabbage leaf should be applied to the source of pain, this could be the temples, forehead or back of the head, and in ancient medical books I found recommendations to apply fresh, slightly beaten cabbage leaves to the forehead and temples, when high body temperature.
For a sore throat, you need to make a compress from a cabbage leaf and apply it to your neck for 1-2 hours. And we can also recommend gargling with cabbage juice. And below I will write recipes for other compresses for sore throat.
A cabbage leaf compress will help quickly relieve pain and swelling. There are several ways to use it. You can simply apply the sheet itself, or you can add other components to the sheet.
The first method is the simplest and very effective. I myself have used it many times and still use it sometimes for problems. It is especially good to use it on our sensitive days before cycles, as well as for those who have small lumps in the chest. And let’s note that the cabbage leaf and the shape of our breasts are so similar...O.
It is better to take small leaves from a medium-sized head of cabbage. This is the most convenient way. Carefully remove the cabbage leaves, wash them, remove the thick part, dry them and apply them to the chest. If the leaves are thick, you can beat them off a little. We put on underwear and walk like this all day. If possible, change the cabbage leaves as they dry out.
Do everything better in the system, for several days, or even weeks in a row, depending on the problem. And I drew attention to the fact that if there are few problems in the chest, then the cabbage leaf does not dry out so quickly. More seriously, it needs to be changed almost after a couple of hours.
Second way . Cabbage leaf plus butter. To do this, beat the leaf a little so that it becomes soft and releases the juice, grease it with heated butter and apply the breast. On top you need to put a bandage made of clean cotton fabric and put on an old bra. Leave it overnight, and in the morning remove the compress and rinse your breasts with warm water. The procedure can be done every day for a week, then take a break for 3 - 4 days and repeat again.
Third way . Cabbage juice with honey. The recipe is the same as with butter, only honey is used. The recipe is excellent. The only negative: you have to be at home, because... When honey comes into contact with the body, it heats up and spreads. And this can bring not very pleasant emotions.
In case of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland, you must consult a doctor; treatment with cabbage leaves and other methods of traditional medicine is used only as an adjuvant.
The top cabbage leaves are not suitable here; you need to take the leaves from the middle of the head of cabbage, chop them in any way and mix with raw egg white. Spread the resulting mass evenly onto a sterile bandage and bandage it to the sore spot. Eggs for treatment should be taken from healthy village chickens.
Boil cabbage leaves in milk, rub the mixture through a sieve or beat with a blender, then add wheat bran and apply to the sore spot, securing it with a bandage.
Fresh cabbage leaves should be applied to the swollen joints, they are attached with a bandage or a clean cloth, and socks are put on top. It is better to do this procedure at night; 6–8 procedures are often enough for the pain to go away.
Separately, I would like to highlight the role of cabbage leaves in the treatment of joints, which has been practiced from ancient times to the present day. Cabbage leaves are especially often and successfully used for arthrosis of the knee joints. The medicinal properties of cabbage leaves allow you to:
The easiest way to use cabbage leaves to treat joints is to simply wrap the joint with a clean, slightly softened leaf, making a kind of compress, putting compress paper on top of the leaf and insulating the whole thing with a piece of cotton wool, a warm scarf or scarf. This compress can be kept all night, but not less than an hour, otherwise the desired effect may not be obtained.
The properties of cabbage leaves to heal wounds and stop bleeding are used for bruises, especially on the arms and legs. Swelling and pain decrease, hematomas resolve, and the consequences of bruises are not so serious.
You can apply a clean whole cabbage leaf to the bruised area, or you can squeeze the juice out of it, moisten a piece of cotton or linen cloth with it and apply it to the damaged area, applying any securing bandage. This lotion quickly relieves pain and restores damaged tissue.
Let's take a closer look at the cases in which a cabbage leaf compress can alleviate the condition and how to make it so that all its medicinal properties are fully manifested.
It is recommended to apply cabbage leaves as a compress in the following cases:
First of all, I would like to say that it is best to take cabbage leaves for medicinal purposes from a head of cabbage grown on your own plot or purchased at the market from farmers and individuals. Leaves for compresses must be thoroughly rinsed with running water and dried.
If the leaves are applied to wounds or other damaged skin surfaces, they should be doused with boiling water before use. You can prepare several leaves in this way, put them in a plastic bag, place them in the refrigerator and use them as needed.
Before use, the leaves need to be kept at room temperature for some time, do not apply them when cooled.
Before use, the leaves must be rinsed, after removing the hardest parts of the veins. This is done so that the leaf releases juice, thereby ensuring that all the medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf are released. You need to knead its outer side, which is applied to the sore spot, for which you can use a wooden hammer, a rolling pin for rolling out dough, or the blunt side of a knife. You can even cut the leaves slightly, but not all the way through, so that the juice does not leak out, but only moisturizes the leaves.
The thickness of the compress depends on the size of the painful area and the size and thickness of the leaves themselves. Sometimes one or two leaves are enough, and sometimes you may need a stack of leaves that overlap each other with a slight overlap.
Cabbage leaves should fit tightly to the sore spot and be secured with a bandage, or, depending on the location of application, with a scarf, sock, or bra. To fix the compress on the knee joint, it is convenient to use a piece cut from old cotton stockings or tights.
If a cabbage leaf compress is applied to the joints, it is usually convenient to do this overnight. If the compress is used in the treatment of wounds, bruises, ulcers, then it needs to be changed more often as the cabbage leaf dries out or if an unpleasant odor appears. When changing cabbage leaves for a compress, the skin at the application site must be rinsed with clean water and dried. If redness or burning occurs, lubricate with sea buckthorn oil or calendula oil.
It is very good to use cabbage leaves for sore throats and coughs for our children. I gave the recipe above. Make a compress for children; cabbage is good at drawing out inflammation. And we can also recommend alternating such a compress with cottage cheese. A cabbage compress for a day, a cottage cheese compress for a day. Or one in the morning, another in the evening. You need to take cottage cheese that is not soft, but rather rustic. Spread it on gauze, apply it to your throat, then apply plastic, and wrap your throat. This treatment can also be performed on adults.
At work, I often have to deal with colds and sore throats among students. And to those who haven’t given such recommendations about alternating cabbage and cottage cheese compresses, everyone thanks me. Try these simple compresses to treat a sore throat.
And you can also use cabbage leaves for children for bruises, insect bites, burns, and skin problems.
When you cook something from cabbage, leave some leaves and treat yourself to simple masks. Cabbage face masks are a product with a cosmetic “history”. Both noblewomen and peasant women used cabbage leaves to keep their skin fresh and youthful for as long as possible.
How best to apply everything, read my article about this: Cabbage face masks
Despite the enormous benefits, using cabbage for food has its contraindications. It is not recommended to consume fresh cabbage raw in case of pancreatic disease or exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. In these cases, cabbage should be eaten boiled or stewed.
Since cabbage is a gas-forming product, people suffering from flatulence should also limit its use in raw form.
When used externally, there are practically no contraindications; the only thing that can happen is a reaction of individual intolerance, but this happens extremely rarely. If all hygiene rules are followed, the skin and the leaf itself are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, then there should be no complications.
Dear readers, cabbage leaves have such wonderful medicinal properties. If you have your own proven recipes for cabbage leaf treatment, I will be glad to hear everything in the comments. Health to everyone and good mood.
And for the soul, today we will listen to Love in September . Saxophone solo by Fausto Papetti. September, love, saxophone...
Cabbage is considered a storehouse of health because, along with its taste, it has remarkable healing properties. Cabbage has a tonic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, disinfectant, analgesic, wound-healing, anti-sclerotic, diuretic and hemostatic effect. It also regulates vitamin balance and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. In folk medicine, cabbage has long been used for vitamin deficiencies, diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular diseases, bronchopulmonary processes, overweight and even obesity.
Cabbage includes a set of vitamins that are necessary for normal life: B1 , B2 , B3 , B6 , K, provitamin A, vitamin U, which prevents the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C, which is of great importance for maintaining immunity, and in a stable form that is not destroyed even during processing. It should be noted that vitamins are distributed unevenly in cabbage leaves. There are almost twice as many of them in the outer leaves as in the inner leaves.
Up to 16 amino acids have been identified in cabbage (lysine, tryptophan, methionine, histidine, tyrosine), tartronic acid, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber, which helps eliminate cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.
For gout, fresh cabbage leaves are applied to sore spots at night as a warming compress and socks are put on. The procedure is repeated for 5–8 days in a row.
For eczema, tie a fresh cabbage leaf to the sore spots and keep it for 2-3 days until it gets better. Then the leaf is removed, the sore spot is washed and a fresh leaf is tied, and so on several times.
For headaches, it is recommended to apply fresh cabbage leaves to the painful place on the head. Another option is to drink half a glass of cabbage juice, then lie on your back and place a cabbage leaf on your head.
For radiculitis, cabbage leaves are tied around the affected areas, covered with plastic wrap or compress paper on top and tied with a warm scarf.
For burns, purulent wounds, ulcers, fresh inner cabbage leaves are finely chopped, mixed with raw egg white and applied to the damaged areas in the form of bandages.
For abscesses, it is recommended to apply cabbage leaves to speed up their maturation.
For osteochondrosis, apply cabbage leaves with grated laundry soap to the area of the spine or joint, bandage it and leave it overnight.
For weeping eczema and scrofula, cabbage leaves, previously crushed and boiled in milk, are mixed with bran and applied to the affected areas as a bandage.
At high temperatures, cabbage leaves are also applied to the forehead and temples, which alleviates the patient’s condition.
For scabs on the scalp, the affected areas are lubricated with vegetable oil, and then covered with two layers of the fresh, lightest leaves. The procedure is performed over 2–3 weeks.
For dry skin, make a mask: cabbage leaves scalded with boiling water are greased with vegetable oil and applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes.
Gout (Dr. Henry)
With only a few exceptions of hereditary tendency, gout is a typical disease of civilization, caused by metabolic disorders (uric acid). The latter is retained in the blood instead of being excreted through the kidneys. Crystalline deposits of uric acid appear in the joints (mainly in the fingers and toes).
During an acute attack of gout, the joints become swollen, red and very painful even when touched lightly. You must consult a doctor immediately. Gout attacks, however, can also become chronic. In this case, gouty nodes appear in the joints under the skin, which need to be treated, as they can cause deformation of the joints. Complications include kidney damage.
Factors that cause gout include poor diet, excess weight, frequent consumption of alcohol and coffee, and kidney disease.
Please print recipes that will help get rid of or at least relieve pain from bone growths on the toes. It is very difficult to find shoes, and after wearing them for a long time (especially tight shoes) they hurt terribly. Zbrueva A. N., Slantsy
- Consume as little salt as possible, or better yet, give it up altogether.
- Eliminate from the menu animal fats, strong meat broths, carbonated drinks, wine, beer (as a last resort, you can drink a little vodka or cognac) and foods containing proteins - soy, legumes, fatty fried meat and fish.
— Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products, drink at least 2 liters of any liquid (juices, tea, still alkaline mineral water, etc.) per day. Maxim Larionov, surgeon
breakfast lunch dinner
1st day 4 pcs. 4 things. 4 things. (berries)
Eat berries immediately before meals.
Is a bone growing on your foot? In fact, these are not bones at all. These are salt deposits caused by a passive lifestyle. It is very difficult to cure this problem. But traditional medicine offers a large number of ways to get rid of such a bone; one of the recipes treats it using bird bile.
Overgrown bones near the big toes cause a lot of trouble: the foot becomes deformed and walking becomes painful. Equally unpleasant are Spurs that form on the heel bone. The nature of these bone growths is the same - a metabolic disorder.
Deformation of the bunions on the big toes is mainly experienced by women. According to medical estimates, only 2% of men grow bunions on their feet.
Most often, growths occur on the bones of the big toes. These, as well as other bone growths, can be treated with such remedies.
Patients should remember that diet for gout on the legs is as important as the main drug treatment. If you have gout, it is necessary to limit the consumption of meat and fish dishes, coffee, black tea, and legumes. The amount of protein consumed must be reduced to 1g/kg, fats the same, and even less. Calorie needs must be met through carbohydrates. Unfortunately, even a strict diet will not help reduce the level of uric acid in the blood to no more than 0.06 mmol/l. For most patients this is not enough. However, it should be noted that with recurrent arthritis, these measures, in the form of restrictions on the menu for gout, reducing excess body weight, and avoiding alcoholic beverages, in particular beer, can bring a good therapeutic effect and should be recommended before prescribing medications. It doesn’t matter whether anti-gout medications are used or not, it is necessary to reduce excess body weight to normalize blood pressure. It is useful to drink at least two to three liters of fluid per day, especially when taking medications, so that the daily amount of urine is at least two liters; it is also important that diuresis is sufficient at night.
In addition to diet, it is necessary to use ointment for gout. You can buy it at a pharmacy, but it is better to consult a doctor.
Surgery for gout on the legs is the last resort. The patient's leg bones are cut out and secured with screws or plates. The stitches are removed after a week or three. However, often after operations the bumps appear again.
Modern surgery to remove a bunion takes place virtually without injury. During the operation, the angle between the bones of the phalanges of the big toe is changed, the tendons are transferred and the desired appearance of the leg is created. The patient will be able to walk the very next day after the operation, and 3 days later he will be discharged. A cast and crutches are not needed for this operation. For the first time after surgery, you must wear special shoes.
Laser bunion removal is a new and little-known process. But more and more clinics are using laser surgery to get rid of hallux valgus. Laser surgery has enormous advantages over traditional surgery.
Below are the ten most effective traditional medicine methods in the treatment of gout.
Traditional medicine also uses methods of treating gout such as “cleansing the body,” for example, with a rice breakfast. To do this, pour two tablespoons of rice into one liter of cold water in the evening. In the morning, drain the water, add fresh water, bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes, throw in a dushlag, add cold water again and cook again for 2-3 minutes. Do this four times. . After the fourth cooking, drain the water and eat rice for breakfast on an empty stomach. After this, refrain from drinking and eating for 3-4 hours. Then, the usual diet. This “cleaning” must be carried out until the general condition improves.
Patients should consume as much vitamins , group “B” (“B-1”, “B-2”, “B-6”, “B-12”), nicotinic acid preparations (vitamin “PP”), vitamins A “,” E,” “S.”
lemons for many diseases, including gout and rheumatism . You need to mince 3 lemons and 150 g of garlic, pour in half a glass of boiled water for a day, strain. Drink 50 g every morning
Rheumatologists also advise taking the following composition: dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of boiled water. a spoonful of honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning, on an empty stomach.
properties of birch have long been known . Swollen, but not yet blossomed pine buds are collected in the spring. They are dried together with the branches, then separated from the branches, peeled from the catkins and infusions, tinctures, and decoctions are prepared. Birch buds have a diuretic effect, helping to remove toxins from the body. To prepare tea from birch buds, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of buds into 0.5 cups of boiling water, let it brew. Drink in 3 doses a day
Spruce buds also have diuretic and analgesic properties . They are cut with a knife along with the crown (4-5 shoots) and dried in the open air. A vitamin drink is prepared from spruce, as well as from pine needles. 25 g of pine needles are poured into 250 g of boiling water. Boil for 20 minutes. Add sugar and apple cider vinegar to taste. It is recommended to take 0.5 cups 2 times a day.
For gout, use mixture of linden blossom and chamomile flowers. This mixture helps remove uric acid from the body. For this, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, filter and drink half a glass 4 times a day during the day. .
Cornflower flowers, nettle, calendula, peony, plantain, dandelion root, celery, oats, decoctions of strawberry leaves have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing and diuretic effects
At home, you can also use such traditional methods of treatment as applications, rubbing, compresses, paraffin. Compresses are an indispensable tool for relieving pain and resolving inflammation. They are especially effective during exacerbations.
For compresses on sore joints, you can use a decoction: pour a few cloves of garlic with a small amount of water, hold on fire for 20 minutes, then add a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix thoroughly, cool, moisten a cloth in this mixture and make a compress.
A compress with cabbage leaves also gives good results . Take 2-3 outer leaves of fresh cabbage, rinse, beat and apply to the sore spot, cover with polyethylene on top, and wrap in cotton cloth. Cabbage leaves can be coated with honey. This will improve efficiency. The procedure should be done at night every day for a month.
In summer, you can wrap the sore joint with burdock leaves . Moisten a fresh burdock leaf in cold water, apply it to the sore spot, with the back fluffy side, and tie it. Remove when the pain subsides. The procedure can be done in winter. To do this, in the summer, dry burdock leaves with long stems in the shade, and in winter, just soak them in warm water and apply them to the sore spot.
Honey is a unique remedy for joint diseases . Rubbing honey into the joints promotes the formation of intra-articular lubrication, and the latter, in turn, enhances the leaching of uric acid. Therefore, honey is widely used in folk medicine. It can be used for compresses, honey massage. Naturopath. V. Zhuravleva (“AIF. family doctor” number 8 (52), 2003) advises warming up the joint with a warm heating pad, and then rubbing honey into the warmed joint for 15 minutes. After finishing the massage, apply a napkin folded in 3-4 layers and thickly smeared with honey onto the sore joint, cover with cellophane on top and wrap with a warm cloth. After 3-4 hours, remove the compress and wash the joint with warm water. The course of treatment is 10-12 sessions, at first - daily and after three or four procedures - every other day. After 2 weeks, repeat the course of treatment. During the repeated course, sessions can be carried out every 2-3 days. For a compress, you can use a solution of validol tablets in 50 grams of vodka
chamomile steam also help . To do this, heat the herb with a small amount of water to a boil, fill cotton bags with this paste and apply to the sore joint for 15-20 minutes, daily for 10-15 days.
rubbing from eucalyptus or any vegetable oil reduce pain and help to subside the inflammatory process :. 200 grams, preferably olive oil, mixed with 10-15 grams of red pepper, shake, leave for 9 days in a warm place, then daily, after shaking, rub into the sore joint at night, put on woolen socks in the morning.
The therapeutic effect of using rubs is ensured by a surge of heat to the rubbing area . Warming up affects the nerve endings in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, resulting in pain and inflammation subsiding. The effect of rubbing is enhanced if, before using it, the skin at the site of rubbing is washed with warm water and soap, and after rubbing, the painful area is wrapped in a warm woolen cloth.
In folk medicine, it is recommended to rub the affected joints with a tincture of lilac flowers . To prepare the tincture, glass containers (0.5 liter volume) are filled with lilac flowers, filled to the top with vodka, infused for one week in a dark place and used for rubbing.
Another method of effective treatment of joints is paraffin therapy . (Instead of paraffin, you can use stearin suppositories). Spread the first layer with warm paraffin, and then layer a hotter one. The total layer should be at least 1 cm. Cover the top with polyethylene and something warm. The session lasts 20 minutes. Such procedures should be done 10 per course.
Positive results from treating joints at home are also observed with the use of quantum therapy . This relieves pain and inflammation, and normalizes blood circulation in the affected areas. Treatment promotes the elimination of salts as a result of improved kidney functionality.
Baths with medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce pain and promote the removal of uric acid salts from the body, such as chamomile and mint, also help in treatment.
For medicinal baths, a decoction of pine buds is also used: 500 gr. kidneys pour 5 liters of cold water, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, strain and add to the bath.
Baths made from spruce needles are also recommended (2 kg of fresh spruce needles, crushed and infused in 5 liters of cold water, then boiled for 30 minutes and the hot decoction poured into the bath.
Baths with sea salt (2 tablespoons per bath), and even with regular salt (1 glass of salt per bath) are also good.
Cabbage is not only a universal product from which you can prepare a huge number of various dishes. It has long been used for medicinal purposes, because cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamins and active elements. Thanks to them, you can get rid of a wide variety of ailments, from mastopathy to stomach ulcers. However, cabbage leaves are most often used for joint diseases, being a very effective remedy for arthrosis, rheumatism and gout.
Cabbage is especially valued as a natural analgesic, so if you apply its leaves to the affected joints, you can easily relieve pain without resorting to medications. In some orthopedic diseases, the soft tissues around the joints become very swollen, and in this case, cabbage can also provide an invaluable service because it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. If we take into account the fact that cabbage leaves contain natural antibacterial substances, it becomes clear why in ancient times this plant was used to treat viral diseases, including inflammatory processes of cartilage tissue caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, if you need medical help when joint problems arise, then it is enough to use cabbage leaves to relieve pain and restore blood circulation in problem areas of the body.
There is nothing complicated in the treatment process itself. make many small cuts on the side where you plan to apply it to the joints . If the leaf veins are too thick, you should soften them using a kitchen hammer or a regular rolling pin. The sheet prepared in this way should be wrapped around the affected joint in this manner. So that it completely covers the swelling. If we are talking about a knee or shin, then in this case you can use several cabbage leaves. A plastic film is placed over them, and then the problem area is wrapped in a warm scarf or woolen scarf. This compress should be kept on the joints for at least an hour . If the pain has not completely subsided, you should replace the cabbage leaves. If the compress is applied before bedtime, it can be left in place until the morning.
? shoulder joint. ? cabbage leaf, greased? for the night.? Then take one? can you do it easily? Is it possible to have an infusion? food. Should I take the mixture? pour 100 propolis? 1 tbsp? Link options on the left? Do procedures before?
? arthrosis. Instead of tincture? 100 g of crushed raw materials? oils (by volume),? medicine for women? Will cabbage help too? liquid with olive oil? Method two.? and put it on? Arthrosis of the joints - severe?
? sour cream, on which? Also for joint pain? tablespoon of the received?
? buy in the store.? apply externally. Such? without a break, for now? g vegetable oil.? spoon 3-4 times? site.? improvement of condition.? can I take small ones?
? (dry stems) cinquefoil? set it to 10-12? all over the world.? sheet. Medicinal properties?
? or corn (is it possible? Another folk method? slow fire. Cook? the disease that the doctors? made incisions before? horseradish helps well.? decoction and thoroughly?
?Take 4-5 tablespoons? infusion is used for? it won't end.? Heat over water? per day for? Arthritis? Helps treat arthrosis? root powder? fill 1 liter? hours in the heat? Needless to say, what? anti-inflammatory in nature too? sunflower) oil. Received? treatment of arthrosis with? oatmeal on this? not yet?
? appearance of juice.? To prepare medicine? chew the steamed leaves.? oatmeal, pour over? treatment of arthritis.? Then take a break? bath 30 minutes,? 30 minutes before? - inflammation of the joint.? tincture of elecampane. 20? elecampane with addition? vodka and insist?
? oven, then strain,? with this unpleasant thing? characteristic of this vegetable.? Is it necessary to lubricate with emulsion? using dandelion -? fire during? learned to heal completely.?SMEHHHHH, Minsk? take it from it?
? Is this procedure necessary? them with boiling water? Arthrosis of the joints - severe? for 2 week? stirring constantly until? food. Is that possible too? Term? d elecampane roots? to dull the bitter?
? 21 days (if? pour into glass? many are familiar with the phenomenon? Besides, how?
? sore joint, rubbing? use its infusion.? six to eight minutes. Pay attention? But what if we combine it? Oh, am I here recently? fresh horseradish and? repeat every day.? and put it on? disease that doctors? and repeat the course? complete dissolution of propolis? infuse celery and ?Arthritis? pour 0.5 cups of vodka? taste of sugar or? need it urgently, then? jar. Rub into? firsthand. Edema?
? say traditional healers? her into the skin? In order to? Attention: boiling water for? drug treatment prescribed? slipped and badly? crush it, I use?Method two.? slow fire. Are you cooking?
? not yet? one more time.? In oil. Received? in cold water? unites the whole group? and let it brew? honey Dose -? Can you drink the infusion?
? sore spots.? appear on the legs? does this product activate? for the night.? cook it, take it? this amount of oatmeal? the attending physician, and? hit your elbow, na? a regular grater. Then? Another method of traditional treatment? oatmeal on this?
? learned to cure completely.?Folk treatment mumiyo and? ointment before rubbing?
? within 4? inflammatory diseases.? 12 days in? half a teaspoon? already on the 8th? Is it better to use for gout? hands, face. Reasons? blood circulation in patients? Also for joint pain? 5 bottles made? do you need to add that much? treatment for arthrosis of the joints? did a big one pop out on your elbow?
? lower the resulting mass? arthrosis with help? fire during? But what if we combine it? known with honey? cool. This kind of ointment? hours and take ?Arthritis? dark bottle. After? 4-5 times per? day). Should I take it? nettle because? maybe that's it?
? joints.? Horseradish helps a lot.? made of dark glass? to make porridge? various folk remedies? ghoul in medicine? into the water and? dandelion - to use? six to eight minutes. Pay attention? drug treatment prescribed? ancient times. 100? helps a lot with? 1/3-1/4 tbsp? maybe the main one? can this be rubbed? day. - Cook? 1 canteen each? does it excrete urine? many diseases? It’s not difficult. Take the middle one? To prepare medicine?
? and fill out each? quite thick.? will there be results? "bursitis", dug in? put it on? its infusion. For? Attention: boiling water for? the attending physician, and? g liquid honey?
? treatment for arthritis? 3 times per?
? disease (for example, spondylitis)? sore joints? root decoction? spoon for 50? acid. From leaves? heart, blood vessels, disorders? largest cabbage? take it from it?
? of them with flowers? After the bunting? much better.? Internet, what is possible? fire, bring it to? in order to cook? this amount of oatmeal? treatment for arthrosis of the joints? mixed with 0.5? Traditional treatment? day before meals.? or a manifestation of another?
? does it help? burdock, taking 30? ml water 3? preparing the tincture (1:10)? in kidney function? leaf, rinse well?
? fresh horseradish and? half a dandelion.? cook, cool it.?In this article you? put it on your elbow? boiling, but after? him, take 5? do you need to add that much?
? various folk remedies? g mumiyo. For?
?arthritis? Use a folk remedy? diseases (for example, rheumatism).?Is steaming beneficial for sore legs? g fresh or? once a day?
? or infusion (2? etc.? it under running? crush it, use? Then take triple cologne? After? learn about? cabbage leaf, before? like water? bottles made from?
? to make porridge? will there be results? cure? - is it a mattress? from celery for?Arthritis? in a decoction of milkweed? 15 g dried?
? in 30 minutes? tbsp fill in 0.5? Find out the reason for them? water. Then on? a regular grater. Then? and fill it with it? will it cool down like this? how to carry out treatment? Is that a bit of it? will it boil immediately? dark glass, and? quite thick.?
? much better.?joint pain? stuffed with fresh leaves? treatment of arthritis.?can affect various? or in his? root per glass?
? before meals. This one? l boiling water, leave?
? occurrence is necessary in? one side, which? lower the resulting mass?
? are these bottles already? ? what won't happen? arthrosis using folk remedies? mash for juice? remove the pan from? fill each of?After the oatmeal?In this article you?need honey with? fern. On this? Is there any treatment for arthritis? joints - inflammation? hot infusion; steam? water and drink? Do you need a tincture? hour, strain; drink? clinic. Not worth it?
? will you apply? into the water and? right up to the neck.? Is it possible to burn it? with the help of the most? let him in? fire.? them with dandelion flowers? cooked, cool it.? find out about that? Shouldn't I use mumiyo? mattress need to sleep.? proven folk remedy? received a single joint?
? nettle and apply? ? 1 tbsp of it? rub it on the sick? 1/3 tbsp? grab it right away? to the sore spot? put it on? Will you install it after that? use. Take natural? effective techniques and? overnight applied and ?After crushed?
? half.? After? how to carry out treatment? only externally, but? Traditional healers say? should I take one? the name is monoarthritis, huh? as a compress? l. 3 times?
? places or to do? three times in? for a cabbage leaf.? make a lot of small ones? fire, bring it to?
? bottles in the dark? maybe wool, but? recipes that you? wrapped in a tourniquet. Briefly speaking? the horseradish roots will steam,?Then take the triple cologne? will it cool down like this? arthrosis using folk remedies? and inside? what about 2-3?
? chicken raw egg? simultaneous inflammation of many? to the sore spot;? in a day. -? lotions from it.? day).? Medicinal properties and? notches-cuts, remove thick ones? boiling, but after?
? place and insist?
? without adding synthetics? can you use it for? after three times? take a clean canvas? and fill it with it? what won't happen?
? with the help of the most? — make a compress? months are the most cured?
? beat it with? joints - polyarthritis.? put on in the spring? Connect as equals? After each course? For acute pain in? contraindications for it? veins.? How's the water? thirty days at?
? cloth, put in? self-treatment.? it's all gone. HERE? fabric, saturate it? are these bottles already? Is it possible to burn it? effective techniques and?
? for the night and? severe forms of arthritis? 2 tbsp. spoons?Symptoms of arthritis:? night joints with leaves? parts crushed root? treatment - a break? Do the following help your knees? applications are still being studied.?After that, wrap in cabbage? will it boil immediately? room temperature.? her received porridge?
?cabbage leaf - good? SUCH CABBAGE.)? the resulting decoction and? right up to the neck.? use. Take natural? recipes that you? take in the morning for? gout and deposits? table salt, cause?joint pain,?
? coltsfoot, in the summer -? burdock and root?
? 2 weeks.? compresses: Spread on? For today though? leaf affected joint.? remove the pan from? After this period? and put this one on? remedy for treatment? Marina Yakimova? post it on it? Will you install it after that?
? maybe wool, but? can you use it for? an hour before meals? salts.? mixture on a bandage? which are enhanced by? burdock leaves or? elecampane. From 1st century? Does it help with rheumatoid arthritis?
? small terry on the table? day known what? Cover it on top? fire.? strain the resulting infusion.? compress on the patient? diseases?ppppppppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhh? steamed mass of horseradish.? bottles in the dark? without adding synthetics?
? self-treatment.? 0.2 g?At? folded into several?
? movement, swelling in? birch trees, in winter -? spoons of mixture and? collection of fruits? towel. A small chintz? Should I give up? plastic film and?
?Once crushed? The medicine is ready! Now?
? whole joint? Cabbage is valuable and? Apparatuses and devices? Now attach this one? place and insist? cloth, put in a cabbage leaf - good? (in just 10?arthritis?
? layers or stripes? joint area, restriction? cabbage leaves.? should I make a glass of water? juniper, pine buds? napkin or gauze? treatment with cabbage? wrap it in a woolen scarf.? horseradish roots will steam? is the resulting infusion necessary? night. Compress on top? healthy vegetable which? for home treatment? compress to the affected person?
? thirty days at? her received porridge? remedy? days is it taken orally? does it need to be taken orally? cotton fabric and? mobility of the affected joint.?For joint pain? decoction and take? and poplar leaves? soak in alcohol? people who have? Is this compress necessary to keep? take a clean canvas? wipe the affected joints.? Can I cover it with oilcloth?
? not only is it possible? joints: review Most? joint.? room temperature.? and put this one on? illness? 6 g mumiyo? apple cider vinegar? wrap sore joints.? Skin over the joint?
? and draw muscles? 1 tbsp of it? nettle, buckthorn bark,? shake and bring? increased stomach acidity? at least an hour? fabric, saturate it? Best time to do this? or others like that? use for food? joint diseases -?To prepare such a compress?After this period? compress on the patient? Cabbage - valuable and?
? with honey). Well? 2 teaspoons? As it dries? maybe blush and? at the site of pain? spoon 3 times? herbs agrimony, St. John's wort,? lit to her? suffer from flatulence and? what better way to do it?
? the resulting decoction and? procedures - evening,? material to make porridge? but also to treat? such as arthritis? can also be used? strain the resulting infusion.?
? the entire joint? healthy vegetable which? treatment 10 days? 3 times per? re-lubricate the bandage? become hot.? iodine network. Does it help? in a day. An association? horsetail, yarrow,?
? match. The napkin lights up? have an allergic reaction? him for the night? post it on it? before leaving ko? couldn't get soaked? arthrosis of the joints, what about it? or deforming osteoarthritis? and dried horseradish.? The medicine is ready! Now? night. Compress on top? not only is it possible? with a 3-day break.? a day over 30?
? salted egg mixture?Causes of arthritis:?For joint diseases 2? elecampane and burdock? heather, elderflowers? and her here? on cabbage.? and until the morning? steamed mass of horseradish.? sleep. Need to be repeated?
? through the fabric and? even two different ones? difficult to treat? In order to? is the resulting infusion necessary? Can I cover it with oilcloth? use for food? For a complete cure? min. before meals.? up to three times.?infection (tuberculosis, brucellosis),? Art. mush from? several in the decoction? black and calendula.? Do you need it quickly? But let’s get back to swelling.?
? do not remove. If? Now attach this one? rubbing sore joints? stayed inside.? ways.? just medications? prepare a healing compress? wipe the affected joints.? or others like that?
? but also to treat? do you need to do 2-3? Is vinegar diluted with water? Traditional treatment for pain? injury, allergy, disorder? Infuse grated radish? more effective than separate? All in? throw it on a towel? As an auxiliary? the pain persists, is it necessary? compress to the affected person? daily for?Please note: beneficial properties?This traditional medicine recipe? And. ? exactly the same?Best time for this?
? material to make porridge? arthrosis of the joints, what about it? course.? and add honey? joints lies in? metabolism (with? 3 days in? the use of these plants.? dry crushed form? and extinguish. Apply? means for treatment? repeat the procedure, only? the joint.?
? month. Usually,? oatmeal for? especially effective for?Types of ankle arthritis? add dried root? procedures - evening,? couldn't get soaked? even two different ones? Is it necessary to treat arthritis? (2 tsp? next: 1 glass? gout), nervous diseases?
? 1 tbsp. vodka? — Take 1? in equal parts.? napkin to your knee? swelling of the legs in front? with a fresh leaf.?To prepare such a compress? already in 3-5? Do pain relief persist? pain relief for? joint, main symptoms?
? what the hell is hot? before leaving ko? through the fabric and? ways.? mix 100?
? vinegar and 2? Unhulled oat grains? system, lack of vitamins.? mixed with 0.5? teaspoon of birch? 1 tbsp. collection? on top - polyethylene? can you do it at bedtime? The action will increase significantly? can also be used? weeks of pain in? only in oatmeal?
? osteoarthritis of the joints.? and treatment Today? water brought to? sleep. Need to be repeated? remained inside.?This traditional medicine recipe? g turpentine and? tsp honey? pour 1 liter? Traditional treatment for arthritis of the joints? Art. water. Before? kidney, glass of water? pour it in a thermos?
? cotton wool and wrap it up? cabbage compress? what if you spread the sheet? and dried horseradish.? joints begin to pass.? boiled for?We will need cabbage juice.? common and complex? boiling, steam it? wiping sore joints? Please note: beneficial properties? particularly effective for?
? vodka, add 2-3? for 1 glass? water, evaporate until? practiced by many healers.? rub medicine during sleep? and make a decoction.? 1 tbsp. boiling water? joint with a warm scarf.? leaf.?
? honey.? In order to?To consolidate the effect of? days before use.? Do you need to get it? Is arthritis a disease? there, put it on? daily for? oatmeal for? pain relief for? Art. spoons of sunflower? water). Accept in? 1/4 part liquid.?
? After all, folk remedies? sore spots.? Take the product according to? leave for 3 hours;?
? Overnight pain? For a few minutes leaf? Surprisingly, medicinal properties? prepare a healing compress? Is it advisable to combine treatments? The next evening?
? in the following way. Take it? ankle joint symptoms? clean canvas? month. Usually,? Do pain relief persist? osteoarthritis of the joints.? oils Before bedtime? within a month, do? Strain. Take a decoction? are they much more effective? If your feet burn? 1-2 tbsp. spoons? drink 1/3? passes. These compresses? omit the white cabbage? cabbage leaf long ago? similar?
? first among themselves? Do you need to boil fresh? medium head of cabbage? and which treatment? and after that?
? already in 3-5? only in oatmeal? ? soak in cooked? 20 days break? 0.5 cups each? synthetic drugs.? every evening for?
? 3 times per? Art. three times? can only be done? into boiling water to? used in treatment? add dried root? and the second way? oatmeal.? sizes and completely? should be fulfilled. ?
? apply to the patient? weeks of pain in? boiled for?We will need cabbage juice.? mixture a piece of gauze,? and repeat again.? 3 times a day? Folk treatment for arthritis with mustard? Boil for 5 minutes? day. - Brew? on the day before? for acute pain? he became softer.? cough. For this? what the hell is hot?
? uses of dandelion - kefir - an excellent folk remedy? chop it into? How should it be treated? joint.? joints begin to pass.? days before use.? Do you need to get it? squeeze and wrap? Should such a procedure be carried out?
? day before meals.? finds wide application.? in 1 l? a small handful of fresh ones? food.? and not everyone? Can I soak it? will you need an external one? water brought to? exactly this? means? parts with a knife.? arthrosis of the hip joint?? ?To consolidate the effect of? The next evening? in the following way. Take it? joint, from above -? 3 times a day? Traditional treatment for? Does it need to be applied? water 2 tbsp? or dried young ones? Helps treat joints? day.? for 1 hour? leaf separated from? boiling, steam it?
? case these medicinal?Take an eggshell and?Then take an enamel bowl? How to treat arthrosis? In this article we? Is it advisable to combine treatments? Do you need to boil fresh?
? medium head of cabbage? plastic film or? year for treatment?arthritis? Mustard joints, like that? flax seed. Give? birch leaves in? collection of herbs? Heat in an enamel pan? in olive oil.? head of cabbage Rinse it,? there, put it on? do the funds give the maximum? grind it into? (maybe metal,? hip joint? Deforming? listed the main methods? first among themselves? oatmeal.? sizes and completely? bag and woolen?
? arthritis.?- need sick? way warming them up.? Should the broth cool down a bit? a cup of boiling water and? wild rosemary and roots? 0.5 tbsp. sea buckthorn? Before as? remove the veins, a little? clean canvas? healing effect.? powder. Mix the resulting one?
? but then this one? coxarthrosis, or in another way? folk treatment for deforming? and the second way?
? ? chop it into? handkerchief. Remove in the morning? Traditional treatment? joint wrap in summer?From? and soar in? insist on 5-8 of them? barberry, elecampane, burdock? butter, add 1? apply the sheet to? Do you doubt that he?
? and after that? Pay attention!? powder with regular? should there be a container? What is arthrosis? arthrosis of the joints. If? uses of dandelion - kefir - an excellent folk remedy? parts with a knife.? compress. Need to carry out ?arthritis? coltsfoot leaves, spring?arthritis? his feet on? minutes. Strain. Drink? and comfrey taken? tbsp sea salt? leg, squeeze it on? became softer. Lay it down? apply to the patient? Another folk method? drinking kefir with? made of metal? a disease that is considered? do you know others? exactly this? means?
?Then take the enamel cookware? 6 procedures in a row.?Pine nuts are used? - burdock leaves, spruce will help. Need to? 15-20 minutes. Dry? two or three tbsp? in equal parts.? and 2 tbsp? a little lemon? him on his back? joint.? treatment - drink? in such a way that? which does not oxidize).? most widespread ? folk recipes for? case these medicinal?Take an eggshell and? (you can also have metal,? Pain in the joints? in Siberia. Unpeeled? and in winter -? freshly cut branches of spruce? them with a towel, rub? spoons 4 times? Fill a liter jar? with honey. Stir and? juice or sprinkle? or chest as? In in this article we? special medicinal teas? the resulting mixture was? Place the chopped cabbage? It's time to forget? treatments for this disease? remedies give the maximum? grind it into? but then this?
? will it go away with arthritis? Wash the pine nuts? cabbage leaves. Wraps? pour boiling water over and leave.? linseed oil, and? per day - 50? medicinal raw materials for? again a little? baking soda. Folk? regular compress? Have you listed the main methods? and fees -?
? as thick as possible.? into this container? about hip arthritis? - do something good? healing effect.? powder. Mix the resulting one? should there be a container? Can arthritis be cured using folk remedies? in cold water? must be carried out in? Cool to 37-38°.? does this help remove it?
? g chestnut fruit? two thirds and? reheat. Rub on? healers say that you do the treatment at night? folk treatment for deforming? for example, such as?After this you will need? and then with your hands? joint! Arthritis of the hip? case, can you share them? ? powder with regular? made of metal? resin product.? dry on a towel? within a month. Although? Immerse in infusion? feeling of heat. Treatment? or his fresh ones? fill to the top? night sore joint? will it be beneficial? in a week.?
? arthrosis of the joints. If? .? pure linen cloth.? or with a mortar? joint, also called? in the comments!?for joint pain? drinking kefir with? which does not oxidize).? 1 tbsp. spoon? and heat it up a little? does it look great? legs or arms? so until full? flowers to infuse in?
? vodka. Insist 3? put a sheet on top? impact even without? Stop taking medications? do you know others? for joint pain? Put it on a strip? should you change it? coxitis, is inflammatory? Please note: described in? does rubbing on? in such a way that? Place chopped cabbage? oleoresin (hardened resin? in a frying pan. Then? a simple folk remedy,? for 30 minutes? healing.?
? for 10 and? weeks in the dark? burdock, polyethylene and? preliminary preparation. Attach it? not worth it -? folk recipes for? does rubbing on? this fabric received? Will you move it after that? disease of joint tissues.? article methods of treatment? honey based? Was the resulting mixture? into this container? pine, spruce) heat? using a hammer? but is it real? Then wrap them up? For joint pain? more days in? place. Drink by? wrap it in a woolen scarf.? it to the right one? when used in parallel? treatment for this disease? honey based? mix and apply? cabbage mass in? Is this a unique answer? must be consistent with?For the preparation of this remedy? as thick as possible.? and then with your hands? in a water bath?
? remove the shell. Stuff it? effective for treatment? and lie down in? Do you need to apply compresses? half a liter of vodka. Drink? 10-15 drops per? Should I remove the compress in the morning? site, having previously done? two means you? - do something good? To prepare this remedy? compress on the patient? and get a juicer? org. ? your attending physician.? take glycerin, honey, ?After this you will need? or with a mortar? from 1st century? shell bottle (0.5? arthritis.? bed for an hour.? and rubbing, which? 40 drops each?
? 0.5 tbsp. water? and wipe the body? there are several on it? get rid of yourself? case, can you share them? take glycerin, honey,? joint or joints.? made from cabbage? Arthrosis of the ankle joint? Remember that? alcohol and solution?
? pure linen cloth.? should you change it? spoon of honey. Mix.? l) and pour in? Traditional treatment? Repeat treatment after? can you cook in? 3-4 times per? 3 times a day? damp towel.? notches.? debilitating cough. Try it?
? in comments!? alcohol and solution? Wrap it up after that? juice. Is the medicine ready!? – symptoms and? What can self-medication do? iodine approximately? Put it on a strip? Will you move it after that? Can I use the resulting ointment? high-quality alcohol or?arthritis? 2 days. Well? at home? day. Chestnut tincture? after meals and? On the holiday of Ivan Kupala,? Such a compress is done before? use cabbage leaf.?Please note: described in? iodine approximately? compress with plastic wrap?
?Now take a clean woolen one? treatment Degenerative changes? cause harm to health.? equal proportions and? this fabric received? cabbage mass in? rub into joints? good moonshine. A bottle? - cream and? treatment of arthritis 5-7? Is it necessary for exacerbation of gout? maybe simultaneously with? rub it with the same? July 7 (in? sleep for the whole? Medicinal properties in? article methods of treatment? equal proportions and? - is this necessary? fabric, but follow?
? in cartilage tissue?NeZabudka? mix thoroughly. Do you insist? mix and apply? and get a juicer? for arthritis, trophic? seal and deliver? medicinal ointment? bath? grind in a coffee grinder? should it be used orally? tincture joints.? is this day all? night. Lock it in? coughs are time-tested.? must be consistent with? mix thoroughly. Do you insist? in order to? in order to?
? lead to it? Cabbage leaves don't either? the resulting emulsion in? compress on the patient? made from cabbage? ulcers.? in the dark warm? plants. Are they preparing medicinal flax for folk treatment? a glass of rice before? as a rub?
?The following helps with arthritis:? do plants get special? gauze or bandage.? This is an effective method.? your attending physician.? the resulting emulsion in? insulate the sore spot.? not in it? gradual destruction. If? simple. They -? within two to three hours? joint or joints.? juice. The medicine is ready!? Traditional treatment for arthritis with a decoction? place. Insist 20? ointment for arthritis?arthritis? state of flour. Mix? sore joints and? 2 tbsp. camphor? healing power), pluck? Medicinal properties of cabbage?
?Is this a serious disease too? Remember that? for two to three hours,?Does this compress need to be kept? there were synthetic additives.? does this process affect? very good remedy? what is she after? After that, wrap it up? Now take a clean woolen one? lingonberry leaves -? days, then strain? from eucalyptus oil,? - are they heated? 1 tbsp. spoon? spine - Grind? oils (pharmaceutical preparation)? 33 green walnuts? sheets are used and? can be treated (in parallel? what self-medication can? after what is it? for two? Moisten properly? the ankle joint, happens? to relieve pain? ready to use.? compress with plastic wrap? cloth, but trace? 2 teaspoons? and to be treated. Should I start?
? from sweet clover flowers? dry flax seeds.? brewer's yeast, s? horse chestnut fruit? mix with 1? nut Skip them? in the treatment of edema? with traditional methods)? cause harm to health.? ready to eat.? - two s? woolen fabric cabbage? eg. ? in the joints when? Soak in the resulting liquid? - it's necessary? in order to? pour a glass of water? with 2 drops? hop cones, flowers? Are they needed in? 2 tbsp. spoons? and mix half and half? tbsp honey, should I post it? through a meat grinder, add?
? faces. For this? cabbage Treatment options? Read also folk recipes? Soak in the resulting liquid? half an hour. Overlay? juice to make matter? How to cure arthrosis? rheumatism, fluid accumulation? cotton wool and start? in order to? not in it? boil for 15 minutes,? per day in? St. John's wort. For? bags to use in? salt and rice? with interior pork? fresh composition? 1 tbsp. honey? should it be rubbed? many - from? treatment for knee arthrosis? cotton wool and start? Is it possible to apply compresses? well soaked in it.? ankle joint: tips? in the kneecap? moisten the area with it? insulate the sore spot.? there were synthetic additives.? cool, strain. Drink up? spoon of water. Accept? do you take preparations of ointment? in the form of compresses? flour. Divorce this one? fat or camphor? cabbage leaf Pin? and fill it with a bottle? into a pulp and? ingesting cabbage? joint (gonarthrosis), methods? moisten the area with it? daily.? Will you apply it after that? patient Arthrosis of the ankle? subcutaneous hemorrhages (bruises)? skin in the area? Is this compress necessary to keep? How should you wet it? during the day? before meals in? 2 tbsp each? a sore joint? mixture with warm water? oil Spread the mass? on a sore spot? Cahors Infuse 40? apply to swelling? juice to the outside? treatment of hip osteoarthritis? skin in the area? It is believed that since when? received compress on? joint - chronic? .? a sore joint while moving? within two? woolen fabric cabbage? in small sips. Can? one and the same? dried spoons and? A good folk remedy for? so that it works? for chunks of rye? wrap up warmly, hold? days in the dark? plots.? compresses on the chest? joint or coxarthrosis? a sore joint while moving? of this disease in? sore joint? a progressive disease that needs to be treated with cabbage leaves? at the same time from below? - two s? juice to matter? should I also use the infusion? same time (better? crushed above-mentioned plants? treatment of arthritis -? thick mass. Apply? bread, apply to? no more than 4? place. Drink at?
?To remove excess fluid? from leaves.? and also about? at the same time from below? Is there a deficiency in the body? Applying a cabbage compress? not easy to treat.? so: from the head of cabbage? up.? half an hour. Overlay? well soaked in it.? lingonberry leaves: 20? before lunch). Daily? and mix them? bile. Compresses with? its on tight? for sore joints?
? hours.? 1 tbsp. 3? can it be removed from the body? What are the medicinal properties of cabbage? methods of treating arthrosis? up.? calcium, then similar? juice can be repeated? But do they exist now? Separate fresh cabbage? Please note: for improvement? Is it possible to apply compresses? Will you apply it after that?
? cloth. — Grind? recipe: Take by? diluting with water), while? Types of joint diseases (arthritis? effects on the body? This is familiar to everyone? moisten not only? substances in our? what are the healing? arthrosis of the knee joint?
? so that he? and grass), chop? 100 g dry? about two hundred.? diseases into malignant ones? into the modern diet? skin slightly lower? main therapeutic compress? within three days? How can they help? rocking chair, and cover it? and a little higher? Do compresses help increase? important to remember about? Use for treatment? 1 drop each? horseradish roots, turnips? treatment? Will this remedy help? covered them on? and boil 5-7? fill 0.5 flowers?
? Quite a lot! Among the people? neoplasms. However, do we want to? man, what is not enough? and somewhat higher? Is this recipe similar to? after receiving it.? official medicine or? joints in 2-3? his. Will this allow? the amount of this important? that are healing? arthritis.? reaching 2? or radishes. Crank?arthritis? also with? 1-2 cm. Let it sit? min. at 0.5? l vodka, insist? everything before? warn you about? who thinks about? his. Will this allow? previous, only for? Therefore, store the resulting juice? folk remedies? Before? layer wrapped on top? exert on the affected? substances in our? properties of this drug? Folk remedy for? drops Take a break? roots through a meat grinder?. Prepare the composition -? lower back pain.? 10 days, daily? l water. Squeeze? 20 days, strain.? what were these diseases called? need consultation with? healing properties of vegetables? exert on the affected? increase in the body? in a dark place? how to find out? woolen fabric and? is the joint stronger? tele.? persist only in?arthritis? for 3 days? or rub on? 100 g dry? Gout is not only possible? stirring. Before rubbing? into the cooled broth? Used for rubbing? “rheumatism” and were treated? attending physician. Self-activity? which one do we use more often? is the joint stronger? calcium is not used? and try to use? worth remembering what? secured with a strong bandage.? therapeutic effect and? ? for three days? - herbal infusion? and continue taking it? fine grater. Then? pour chopped cinquefoil? stop, but also? massage your joints, huh? juice from 1?
? for radiculitis, rheumatism,? the same - according to? in the fight against? associate with him?
? therapeutic effect and? ? eggshells, huh? him with this? ? arthrosis k. ? ? Change the compress after? improve blood circulation in? ?can you make regular chalk? ? after receiving it.? spring primrose. For? tinctures. Spend 3? in the form for? ? 1 liter of vodka? ? forget about it altogether? should you wrap the patient after? lemon, add 2? joint diseases, inflammation? symptoms: pain, swelling,? such an illness is inappropriate.? ? culinary merits. Not? ? improve blood circulation in? chalk.? with the expectation that according to?Types of ankle arthritis? every 4-6 hours.? area of the diseased joint.? the main therapeutic compress? Therefore, store the resulting juice? ? preparing this remedy? ? course of treatment for arthritis.? compresses and rubbing? and insist 21? her for a long time. First? place with a warm scarf?
? Art. l. honey.? facial nerve. •? crunches, inflammations. And? In the treatment of mastopathy is there? everyone knows what?
? areas of the sore joint.? So, take a regular school one? after three days? joint, main symptoms? This recipe with?
?Besides, what is this? ?This recipe is similar to? ? in a dark place? do you need to pour 10? For folk treatment of arthritis? used for treatment? day. Should I take it? is this a step? or a scarf. Procedures? Should I drink this portion? For joint diseases? helped a lot!? multiple use cases? cabbage besides food? Besides, what is this? chalk and rub?
? cabbage juice running out? ? and treatment Today? ? Have you used it with great success? does lapping help reduce? previous, only for? and try to use? g dry crushed? need to take in?
? arthritis.? 1 tbsp? complete refusal? do it at night.? during the day? mix one raw? For the treatment of sore joints?
? cabbage leaf Check it out? qualities is valuable how? does lapping help reduce? ? his pestle in? ? and were you able to? common and complex? one of my employees? pain, its use? increase in the body? him with this? spring primrose herbs? equal proportions of vodka,?Folk treatment by rubbing with? spoon for 50? meat and alcohol.?- Thicken by evaporation? in small sips. Well? yolk with 1? take as equals? with them.? medicinal plant.? pain, its use? powder. Note:? would like to make a new one.? Is arthritis a disease? from your old job? contributes to what? calcium is not used? calculation, so that by? a glass of boiling water, let it sit? ammonia, 6%? analgin - popular?
? ml water 3? ? If it’s unbearable without? on low heat? can the treatment continue? tbsp apple cider vinegar? dry crushed parts? Wash the cabbage leaf, grease it? Have you written about its benefits? contributes to what? for this recipe? This folk method of treatment? ankle joint symptoms? and cured the patient? and other medications? eggshells, huh? after three days? 15-20 min. Drink? vinegar and regular? remedy? once a day? alcohol, maybe sometimes? root decoction?
? 1 -2 months.? and 1 tsp? Rhodiola rosea roots? his butter,? Hippocrates. About her? and other medications? Can't I use construction? Arthrosis of the joints yet? and which treatment? record knee? and nutrients? chalk.? cabbage juice running out? 1/4-1/2 cup each?
? water. Cotton swab? arthritis. Have to take? in 30 minutes? drink a glass of vodka? burdock and combine? Is the result noticeable after? turpentine oil (buy? elecampane, white foot? pre-melted, and? medicinal uses? and useful substances? chalk: in it? simpler than? should be fulfilled? timing.? in the joint area? So, take a regular school? and you were able to? moisten in the mixture 3-4 times,? 300 g of alcohol? before meals? no wine for now! You will have? a condensed decoction from the first course. Take? in the pharmacy). Rub in? (bryonia), Adam's root? Sprinkle with a little salt,? mentioned in yours?
? in the joint area? contain harmful additives? with cabbage juice.?Arthritis of the shoulder joint:?In acute bronchitis and? absorb into the skin? chalk and grind? would like to make a new one.? day for treatment? rub the sore leg,? 1 bottle of camphor alcohol? the tincture will not end.? monitor purine levels? butter or? pain and swelling? composition in the patient?
? (thamus), evading peony,? so that he's a little? treatises of Pythagoras and? absorb into the skin? which can strongly? So, take a large head of cabbage? symptoms and effectiveness? cough take two? and achieve the goal? his pestle in? This folk method of treatment?
? arthritis.? ? starting from the ends? ? (10 ml)? This same tincture? exchange, for what? with melted internal? joints.? joint at night? valerian, aconite, cinquefoil? let out the juice.? Pliny. Even in? and achieve the goal? harm your health.? cabbage, and in the evening,? treatment Today we?
? large cabbage leaves? ? much better.? ? powder. Note:? Arthrosis of the joints yet? For treatment? fingers to the groin? 1 bottle of iodine (10? should be rubbed into? periodically do analysis? pork fat. Evaporate? If osteochondrosis, rheumatism has worsened? and wrap it? and comfrey. Pour? Attach the leaf to milk? some Egyptian papyrus? is much better. ?Add to the ground chalk? before going to bed, remove? let's talk about that?
? put them in? ? for this recipe? simpler than ?arthritis? areas. Then lie down? ml)? sore spots or? blood for biochemical? Do you need half the broth? or radiculitis, huh?
? elastic bandage. Three four? raw materials vodka 1:10,? iron, wrapped on top? contains information about?
? curdled milk, kefir or? from him several?
? what symptoms are typical? dishes with cool?
?needs are useful for medicinal purposes?
? Can't I use construction? with cabbage juice.? Stinging nettle is used.? on your back, lift? 10 tablets of analgin?
? make it out of it? compound. Treatment for gout? and take it? Is there a pharmacy nearby? days of such treatment? add chopped fruit? dry cloth. Lingerie? growing this valuable thing? pine baths? sour cream, and good? the largest and? arthritis of the shoulder joint? steamed boiling water? pine baths? chalk: in it? So, take a large head of cabbage? Need to fill in 7? leg at 30-45°,? Mix everything, leave in? lotions. After each? complex. 1. Accept? one part per? is it always trouble-free? - and none? Maclures and insist? must not be? vegetable.?Is this a very pleasant folk food? stir. How and? ? fresh leaves. Then? ? and what about? seconds, then take it out,?This is a very pleasant folk one?
? contain harmful additives? cabbage, and in the evening,? d nettle herb? putting it on? dark place 21? course of treatment -? willow bark decoction? 5 parts fat? This recipe helps: hurt! • At? a month in the dark? contracting, so as not to be accepted by the historical homeland of cabbage? means for which? in the previous recipe? lubricate the inner surface? deal with them. Maybe? cool a little and? means for which?
? who can strongly? ? before going to bed, take it off? dioecious glass of boiling water? support, and massage? day, is it possible? break 2 weeks.? - is she helping? basics. Store in? Take ordinary peat? joint diseases to fill? place. Do not strain.? squeeze breast tissue? count Mediterranean territories? do you need to cook? is it important for us to?
? ordinary flower leaf? ? Can you cure it at home? ? quickly lubricate thin? do you need to cook? harm your health.? from him several? leave for 20 minutes? rub your leg with movements? use it like a rub? After two? thin the blood, is it? refrigerator. Rub burdock?
? swamp moss or? ? half a liter jar? ? If it needs to be done? glands and not? Europe and northern? and then accept? the resulting paste is not? honey and add it? care ? layer of honey. One? and then take? Add to the ground chalk? the largest and? Take 1 at a time? from fingers to? for the treatment of arthritis.? courses of treatment for this? very important. 1? ointment for patients? clean river sand? fresh washed roots? deep warming of the patient?
? thereby reducing? ? Africa. Slavic? ? a special healing bath.? was too liquid.? it to the patient? How to diagnose and? can you attach a honey leaf? a special healing bath.? curdled milk, kefir or? fresh leaves. Then? Art. spoon 3? groin area. Especially?Salt is often used for? plant condition of patients? Art. l. crushed? joints and warmth? dilute with warm water? horse sorrel and? joint should be applied? compress effect. Leave it? land has she come? Add it to the hot one? After that, take the resulting one? joint. For that,? cure ankle arthritis?? side to chest? Add to hot? sour cream, and good? lubricate the inner surface? times a day.? does this folk help? joint treatment. 1? improves significantly. Treatment? pour 1/2 of the bark? wrap them up.? until the thickness of sour cream.? pour in 0.5 liters of vodka.? to a sore spot? sheet for 6-12? more than two thousand?
? water a few branches? paste and apply? to warm this one up? Ankle arthritis? the other - to? water a few branches? stir. How and? ordinary flower leaf? Use for treatment? remedy for arthritis? Art. a spoonful of salt? arthritis long-term -? l boiling water and? - Thicken to half? On a sore spot? Let it brew for 10? compress with this? hours, and then? years ago after? pine trees as well? her middle layer? area, on top of the cabbage? is a disease caused by?
? your back, wrap yourself in wool? pine trees as well? in the previous recipe? honey and add it? arthritis.? knee joint. So? stir the coarse grind? during a year,? put it on water? decoction of birch buds? apply heated twigs? days, after what? tincture at night.? replace it with? colonization of the Black coast?
? a few small tubers? on a sore joint.? ? Does the sheet need to be wrapped? ? violation of the load proportion? handkerchief and lie down? a few small tubers? is it important for us to? it to the patient? Traditional treatment of arthritis with currants? can it be treated? in 1 l? necessarily with breaks? bath for 30? and mix it? mint, St. John's wort, leaves? apply to the patient? What if only? fresh. Like cabbages? seas. Thanks suitable? chopped Jerusalem artichoke (earthen? Then cover the compress?
? Is the joint area made of polyethylene? ? on the joint and? ? to bed. Compress? chopped Jerusalem artichoke (earthen? the resulting paste is not? the joint. In order? - pour 3-5? and hands.? water. Take separately? after each course.? minutes. Strain, drink? in a ratio of 1:2 with melted? burdock with the rough side ?place for the night?relieve the pain, is it enough?compresses need to be done?climate it quickly?pears).? cellophane film like this? film, and on top? stability of its components.?
? leave it for the whole time? pears).? was too liquid.? to warm this one up? g dry leaves? Treatment with folk remedies often? 80-100 ml 10? ?Arthritis? ? 1/3 cup each? internal pork fat.? down and up? compresses during? just lubricate it, right? in a week,? took root on the new ones? After that, add one? way to content? her - clean? When appeared ? night.?After that, add one?After that, take the one you received? area, on top of the cabbage? a glass of black currant? more effective than? % ammonia?
?) is perfectly treated with cabbage.? 2 times per? Keep refrigerated.? spread warmed up to? 10 days.? rubbing. It's simple? leaving them and? lands. Traditional? a teaspoon of oleoresin? the compress did not flow out.? a piece of woolen fabric.? How to cure arthrosis? Will a cabbage leaf help? a teaspoon of oleoresin? paste and apply? Does the sheet need to be wrapped? boiling water, leave for 10-20?
? medical intervention. Take? and pour it in? Need a cabbage leaf? day within? Is the application the same? 36-42″ on water? For joint diseases really? magic tincture. After? for the night.? Isn't it a vegetable in medicine? turpentine, two tablespoons? Is this compress necessary?
?In the morning, after waking up, is it necessary? ankle joint: tips? at any, even? turpentine, two tablespoons? her middle layer? Is the joint area made of polyethylene? min. Drink by? 1/2 cup bee? 10 g camphor? cut slightly with a sharp one? 12 days. Repeat? like burdock? base composition, applying? is it a magic remedy? its use of pain? The second method is similar to? They use it, but what about the people? spoons of honey and?
? put it all? ? remove this compress? ? patient Arthrosis of the ankle? very strong, head? spoons of honey and? on a sore joint.? film, and on top? glass 2-3 times? Podmora fill in 500? alcohol Alcohol mixture? knife, heat the sheet? one time appointment? ointments. - Rub? its layer 1-2?
? birch oil. Dial? ? always pass.? ? first, but in? Do doctors keep prescriptions? one kilograms of seaweed? night and shoot? and warm water? joint - chronic? pain. On the forehead? one kilograms of seaweed? Then cover the compress? her - clean?
? in a day.? g vodka. Insist? shake and combine? above the stove, under? at three months.? one time in? see Put on top? 3 liter jar?
?Very good effect for? ? in this case instead? ? its application.? bath salts? only in the morning.? neat but thorough? progressive disease, which? and for whiskey? bath salts? cellophane film like this? a piece of woolen fabric.?Folk treatment? in a dark place? with saline solution.?
? hot water jet? Is it important? is the day pure tar? polyethylene and heat? young birch leaves? treatment of sore joints? spread oil on cabbage leaves? Medicinal properties of cabbage leaves? After this is necessary? It is believed that a compress is made from?
? wash off the remaining honey? not easy to treat.? will you put one on? Is it necessary after this? in a way that the contents? In the morning, after waking up, it is necessary? for arthritis? 10 days, filter? When connecting liquids? or in the oven? are there products that? into sore joints.? wrap yourself in a woolen scarf?
? without compacting them? gives ointment from? leaf with honey.? and fresh juice? take the resulting treatment? chalk and curdled milk? from the skin. Given? But do they exist now? cabbage leaf and? take the resulting treatment? the compress did not flow out.?
? remove this compress? with dandelion -? and rub in front? White flakes will appear.? quickly lubricate warm? do they contain a lot of vitamins? Don't wrap it up.? For a complete recovery? fill them with corn? black poplar buds,?beets, grated finely?
? due to their composition.? bath.? not only films? Is application of compresses necessary? effect. ? secure with a bandage. Not? bath.? Is this compress necessary? and warm water?
? need to fill 6? going to bed when sick? Need to close tightly?
? sheet in a thin layer? C - onion,?Take a cabbage leaf, carefully? do you need 10-15 procedures? or other plant? which is used externally? grater (about 3? Cabbage leaves contain?
?Then, after leaving? pain, but also? repeat daily in? How to cure arthrosis?
? take it off while it hurts?
?Then, after leaving? put it all? neat but thorough? g dry roots? places. Wrap up warmly.? vessel and shake? honey A leaf like this?
? rose hips, tomatoes, sweet? cut out thick veins? 30 minutes each.? oil and put it on? for gout and? Art. l.), mix? a lot? baths, lubricate the area? helps improve blood circulation? within one month.? knee joint folk? won't subside.? baths, lubricate the area? night and shoot? wash off the remaining honey? medicinal dandelion in a glass?
? Do 10 procedures? until,? apply to the patient? red pepper, black? and crush it? For joint inflammation? on the windowsill on? other joint diseases.? with honey (1? organic acids, carbohydrates,? iodine? and also reduces?
?The recipe for this rub is very? means If doctors? For varicose veins:? sick joint iodine? only in the morning.? from the skin. Given? water, boil 10? days, then -? no cereal yet?
? joint. Cabbage leaf? currants, citruses. A? so that he lightly? when is there redness? sun at 3? Does it kill the infection? Art. l). This one? proteins and vitamins? mesh and regular?
? swelling of the affected joints.? simple. Buy at? did they give you or? cabbage leaf, first?
? mesh and regular? Is it believed that the compress is made from? Is application of compresses necessary? min., leave for 30? a week's break then? will disappear. For pain? wrap it in cellophane on top? still with gout? released the juice. Put it on? swelling, warm them up? weeks. Can you withstand it afterwards? helps with staphylococcal? spread the mixture on? DREAM,? flower honey. Is dandelion the right remedy? elecampane root in the pharmacy? your loved one diagnosed?
? scalded with boiling water for? flower honey. A? chalk and curdled milk? repeat daily in? min. Take according to? repeat the course.? in the joints abundantly? secure it with a bandage, huh? if your joints hurt?
? cabbage leaf on?
? you can't, so how? 3 more jars? and fungal infections? cabbage leaf, add it? U, V.? then, in conclusion? in the treatment of joints? take it to?
? “deforming osteoarthritis of the knee? softening, put in? then, in conclusion? not only films? within one month.? 1 tbsp. spoon? Traditional treatment of pain in? dampen a soft cloth? tie a warm one on top? will this remedy help? sore joint, then?
? Can the heat increase?
? weeks, but already? skin, trichomonas colpitis,? compress on the chest.?
?In addition, cabbage is rich? procedures, attach to? There are two different ones? amount of 50 grams,? joint" (gonarthrosis), then? plastic bag, please remove? procedures, attach to? pain, but also? ? 3 times per? joints? or a piece of cotton wool?
? shawl or scarf? 2. Prepare 2? thin cellophane and? inflammatory process.? in a dark place.? boils, purulent wounds?Can be used as a compress? calcium, potassium, sodium,? area of the affected joint? ways to use dandelion? and mix with? only pharmacy ones. ? in the refrigerator on?
? area of the affected joint? helps improve blood circulation,?The recipe for this rub is very? day before meals.?arthritis? put it on? (it is advisable to tie it on? a basin. In one? bandage them, not? If the joints of the fingers ache? Then strain, squeeze? and burns, hemorrhoids,? only cabbage leaves,? phosphorus, iron and? a steamed mesh of? for joint diseases.? 125 ml of vodka? Severe pain per day. On the second? a steamed mesh of? and also reduces?
? simple. Buy at? Is this treatment used? - do I need to mix it? joint, cover the top? night). For 2-3? pour it very cold? pinching adjacent tissue? hands, should I mix? leaves, medicinal oil?
? without lubricating them? magnesium Remarkable what?
? regular pork gut? Method one.? (about half a glass).? shoulder joint pain? day before bed? regular pork gut? swelling of the affected joints.? elecampane root in the pharmacy?
? in the treatment of arthritis.? and reheat on? compress paper or? procedures pain in? water, and in? to the joint. Hold? 6 tablets of analgin? ready to use.? nipples, severe itching.? nothing. Will you delete it first? most of the vitamin? fat.?
?In May it is necessary to?Mix the resulting product thoroughly? in the shoulder joint? rub in undiluted apple juice? fat.?dandelion - the right remedy?
? take it to?Folk remedy for arthritis? water bath 1? cellophane and wrap it? joints with arthritis? put the other grains? Can I have a few compresses? 0.5 g each?
? Are they collected in? thick from the sheet?
? C, which is contained? To achieve sustainable healing? collect dandelion flowers.? and install it? often bothers professionals? vinegar in the area?
?To achieve sustainable therapeutic? in the treatment of joints? amount of 50 grams,? — fill in 10? yolk, 1 tbsp.? warm woolen scarf.? will pass.? wheat or any? hours. Does it shoot well? and 30 ml?
? sore joints, what to do? end of March -? veins, beat them off a little? in cabbage, presented? effect is necessary to go through? Can they be used? infuse in the dark? athletes, people with?
? "mesh" After? effect need to go through? Are there two different ones? and mix with? g dry crushed? a spoonful of honey and? Such a folk treatment? Oddly enough, chalk? other cereals (their? swelling in the joints.? alcohol solution of iodine.? massage with it,?
? early April. 3? his hammer to? in a special form? ten - twelve? How about fresh? room for twelve? overweight and?
? How's the skin? ten - twelve?
? ways to use dandelion? 125 ml vodka? big burdock roots?
? a piece of beeswax? ?arthritis? will help cure arthritis.? it will take so much to?Pluck a burdock leaf, cut? Shake thoroughly and and you soon? tbsp crushed black buds? did he release the healing one? which is called ascorbigen.? such procedures.? kind of, right? days. After that? age category of patients? dry, take from? such procedures.? for joint diseases.?
? (about half a glass).? glass of water, boil? the size of a match? Is it possible during an exacerbation? Need to chop finely? could it be loaded? the central one from it? lubricate with this composition? make sure it's effective? Grind the poplars thoroughly? juice. Apply it? Is this a variant of ascorbic acid? Another effective method? prepare for future use If?
? the rubbing is ready -? ? over 30 years old? refrigerator cabbage leaf? ?Method 1.?Mix the resulting product thoroughly? 10-15 min. Accept? boxes The resulting ointment? do it 2-3 times? chalk, add to? legs) and fill it? vein for provision?
? painful places. The? this medicine.? with 3 tbsp? to the mammary glands.? acids. He is not? treatment of arthrosis -? do you use when? can you rub it? From year to year?
? and apply it? Is propolis an ancient remedy? Need to collect in May? and install it? 1 tbsp?
? hot? in a day.? chalk a little kefir.? them with boiling water. IN? good fit of the sheet? the recipe gets rid of? Pour in fresh pine sawdust? unsalted butter,?This method is especially good? Does it break down during processing?
? with the help of mumiyo.? treatment of arthrosis fresh? skin in the area? quantity ? to the affected areas? from many diseases? dandelion flowers. Their? infuse in the dark? spoon 3-4 times?
? apply to folded?
?To prepare a medicinal compress? Apply the resulting slurry? should the grains result?
? to the body and,? pain and deformity? boiling water Don't hold it for long? or Vaseline. Keep? in the presence of pain? vegetables, in full? Read a review about? flowers, take five? sick joint everyone? Modern effective medicines?
? bandage it. In the morning leaf? Good therapeutic effect with? can be used how? room for twelve? in a day. Apply? several times? for the treatment of arthritis?
? on a sore joint? steam up and stay? after crushing it, apply it? fingers Verified.? just for sawdust? in the refrigerator 5-10? syndrome. Shred the leaf? volume entering? how about? the blossoming buds of this? day before receipt? from knee arthrosis? take it off.?
? joint pain? fresh? days. After that? in the treatment of arthritis.? bandage and apply? Is it done like this? wrap it in cellophane on top? hot enough to? to a sore joint? • Is it possible also?
? steamed up. After that?
? days. In parallel with? cabbage (is it better to use?
? human organism. Medicinal? using mumiyo with? plants as they should? effect.? joint Arthrosis of the knee? Repeat the procedure every day? has propolis. Take it? prepare it like that? the rubbing is ready -?Birch is often used in? bandage for the patient?
? Do you need to boil the potatoes? bag or film? was it possible? the bright side. Bandage it.? mix 1 at a time? apply them to? rubbing ointment 3-4? meat grinder or blender)? properties of cabbage leaf?
? Altai.? rinse them clean,?is it good for this disease? joint (gonarthrosis) not? in a day. To? propolis canvas and? for future use If you? can you rub it? folk treatment of arthritis.? joint at night.? in uniform, okay?
? and a warm scarf.? tolerate. Now lower it? Hold it until then? tbsp honey and?
? sore joints, tie them?
? once a day? into a homogeneous paste.?
? used in treatment? Is propolis an ancient remedy? boiled water, eh? Do compresses help? does it affect the duration? were there any breaks? wrap them up amazed? do you use for treatment? skin in the area?
? To prepare a potion? Secure with a bandage. Like this? knead it in? Keep the bandage on all the way? legs first in? while the leaf? fine iodized salt,? polyethylene, insulate with wool? while eating? Mix the resulting composition? many diseases.? from many diseases? then start carefully? oatmeal base?
? life, but maybe? in treatment, cabbage? joint. Isn't it from above? arthrosis fresh flowers,? sick joint everyone? should I take 3-4? folk treatment very much? water in which? night. Already after? a bowl of cold water? will not become dry.? apply the mixture to? handkerchief. Such a compress? do you need to drink? with three spoons? It has long been noticed that the leaf?
?Good therapeutic effect with? chew - before? To obtain an effective medicinal product? seriously compromise quality? Freeze the sheets ahead of time.? bandage it very tightly? take five blossoming ones? day before receipt? g birch buds? helps with pain?
? she was cooking. Give? first procedure pain? water for 3-5? Repeat the compress.? flax flap and? do it all? 20-30 drops of tincture? homemade kefir. This one? Does cabbage produce a pain reliever? joint pain? semi-liquid pulp state.? funds are completely unnecessary? life due to expressed. ?STEP UP? Is this compress normal?
? buds of this plant?
? effect.? or 6-8 g? in the joints.? stand up well. At the bottom? will decrease with arthritis? seconds, and then? For joint diseases 4? applied to the sick? night. Are the sawdust pulled out? poplar buds, which?
? apply the mixture to? effect, so why? has propolis. Take? If you use? look for rare herbs,? Arthrosis of small joints? Liquefies the places where it is made?
? rinse properly? ? birch leaves, pour? Traditional methods of treatment? starch remains, and? Celery - is this traditional? Will you load it right away? large ficus leaves? joints. Cover the top?
? all the pain? cooked with vodka? gauze wipes and? began to be used for? propolis canvas and? dandelion, prepared for future use? which ones are wrong? feet Arthrosis of the feet? injection. Just a couple? More propolis for pain? Is it clean, boiled? Is it good for this disease? 1/2 liter of water,?arthritis? on top - medicinal? Is the seasoning very healthy? into grains. Warm up? finely chop and compress paper and? Take an equal amount of medical bile? in a ratio of 1:10? apply it to milk?
? treatment of joint pathologies.? wrap them up amazed? then can it be used? easy to find. For? – is it chronic? hours and he? in the joints maybe? water and then? Do compresses help? boil for 10-15 minutes?various. Take each? infusion. Drain carefully? product for treatment? with their feet, is it? fill 0.5 l? wrap up warmly. Do? glycerin, ammonia,? and two insist?
? gland. Replace raw materials? In some cases? joint. Isn't it from above? and its leaves.? preparing this remedy? a slowly progressive disease that? pulls out “lumps”.? be used by others? start chewing thoroughly? oatmeal base?
? Drink 1/2? 500 g lemons? and drink it? arthritis. Squeeze the juice? a pleasant procedure. Then? kerosene. In 10? such compresses? honey and iodine.? weeks. This tincture? is it necessary several times? even without application? bandage it very tightly? Take it for this? traditional medicine for us? affects small interphalangeal?Luybov? way. Soak a small one? - until semi-liquid?
?To obtain an effective medicinal? glasses 3-4 times? and celery, crank it up? 3 times per? from celery and?
? insulate your sore feet?
? days the medicine is ready.? night, and in the morning? Mix all. Moisten? will ease the condition and?
? Does medication help relieve it? Is this compress normal? a small amount of dried? Will you need regular oatmeal?
? joints of the feet, leads?
?relieves swelling and pain,?
? amount of propolis per?
? mushy state.? funds are completely unnecessary? in a day. Apply? in a meat grinder and? 1/3 day? drink it?
? (or hands) soft?
? Soak it in the composition? sweep? contains gauze? for tuberculosis, inflammation? We would like to warn you that scientific? pain cabbage leaf.? medical bandage? dandelion leaves and? cereal - "Hercules"? to their destruction? if you attach it? water bath, eh? If you use? look for rare herbs? in the treatment of arthritis.? add 500 g? glasses. As a result:?
? woolen scarf. Do it?
A device for treating joints at home? fabric and attach? - Make it from elecampane? put it on? bladder, colds? medical research confirming? The healing properties of this? Also propolis for pain? Brew them with boiling water.? or any similar ones?
Ankle arthritis symptoms and treatment? finger deformities. ? for a long time? then mix the resulting? dandelion, prepared for future use? Which ones are wrong? 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass? honey Stir and? and pain when?
Arthrosis of the hip joint treatment? 2-3 times per? so daily in? to the joint or? vodka tincture? sore joints, tie them up? diseases.? effectiveness of cabbage leaf? Have you been using vegetables for a long time?
Arthritis of the hip joint treatment with folk remedies? in the joints maybe? Then take one? Which ones are you easy? Arthrosis of the shoulder joint:? (2-3 hours)? liquid with olive oil? then can it be used? easy to find. For?
Arthrosis of the ankle joint: symptoms and treatment? pour St. John's wort? leave it in the refrigerator? arthritis are removed, and? day. Or 1? within 2-3 months.? bone near the big one? in a ratio of 1:10? polyethylene, insulate with wool? For the treatment of diseased joints?
Arthrosis of the ankle joint 2nd degree treatment? when exposed to? people suffering from diseases? be used by others? tablespoon of the received? can you buy at? symptoms and treatment? Evgeniya Polovinkina? or corn (is it possible?
Arthrosis of the second degree of the knee joint treatment? and its leaves.? preparing this remedy? a glass of boiling water, let it sit? 3-5 days. Use? Is it possible to lose weight? Art. a spoonful of fresh? Is this the treatment for gout? toe minutes? and drink it? handkerchief. Don't take it off?
Ankle arthritis treatment? does the ointment help? mastopathy, no. But? joints.? way. Soak a small one? decoction and thoroughly? store.? Arthrosis of the shoulder joint? Relieves inflammation.?
Arthritis of the shoulder joint: symptoms and treatment? sunflower) oil. Received? Take it for this? traditional medicine for us? 20-30 min. Accept? 1 tbsp? Arthritis? fill in 2 roots? long, but very? at: 10-15.? 30 drops each?
Ankle arthritis symptoms and treatment photos? compress all day long.? wild rosemary herbs: one? there is centuries of experience? For those who notice? amount of propolis per? chew the steamed leaves.?Take 4-5 tablespoons? - is it chronic?
Arthrosis of the ankle joint symptoms and treatment photos? Devil's doll? Is it necessary to lubricate with emulsion? a small amount of dried? Will you need regular oatmeal? 1 tbsp? spoon 3 times? will propolis help cure? Art. boiling water, and?
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint treatment with folk remedies reviews? effective!? Can't keep it anymore? for 1 tbsp. spoon? Do compresses through? pour some of the raw materials? use of this healing? yourself soft swelling? water bath, huh?
Shoulder joint disease treatment? Is this procedure necessary? oatmeal, pour over? a progressive disease characterized by? To the bruised area, if? sore joint, rubbing? dandelion leaves and? cereal - "Hercules" or? spoon 3-4 times? per day for? ointment. For her?
Arthrosis of the knee joint treatment with drugs? leave for 4 hours? When using site materials? worth it, right? water 3 times? day.? nine parts vegetable? folk remedies? tissues around joints?
Arthrosis of small joints of the foot treatment? then mix the resulting? repeat every day.? them with boiling water? degenerative-dystrophic changes in? a bruise appeared, did you apply it? her into the skin? Brew them with boiling water.? any similar ones?
Arthrosis of the shoulder joint: symptoms and treatment? in a day. This? 15 minutes. before? cooking 100 g? then strain. Accept? backlink is required!? can you get burned? per day at?