Running puts a strain on the human body, on the lower leg muscles. Muscle pain occurs in the lower leg during and after running. The nature of the pain is different: burning, “clogged” muscles, swelling, swelling of the legs. Let's look at the causes of pain in the lower leg when running.
Causes of pain in the lower leg:
Bone fractures and joint dislocations lead to swelling in the knee and lower leg bones. Shin – the lower part of the leg from the knee to the heel. Muscles get stressed when running. Pain receptors are located in the muscles of the leg and in the tissues surrounding them. Receptors signal problems in the functioning of the organ; a person who runs has a sore lower leg or pain in the knees. If the cause of discomfort is a dislocation, sprain, mechanical damage to the bones, joints, knees, immediate medical attention is necessary.
If your shins hurt, there is extensive swelling in the area of the knee and shin bones, and the mobility of the joint on the injured leg decreases - this is a signal of ligament damage. Mobility in the knee is preserved, but moving the leg causes pain. It hurts to lean on your injured leg, your knees hurt. Maintaining joint mobility distinguishes sprains from fractures and dislocations of the leg.
You can get a sprain while running; sudden movements of the joints are not excluded. Ligaments are elongated long connections formed by dense connective tissue. The joints are located in the joints, connecting the bones, located in the knee area. Ligaments help the movement of the limbs; their elasticity plays an important role.
Ligaments are guides for joints that allow movement in a certain direction. If the movements are too sudden, the elasticity may not be enough, the ligaments are stretched or torn. The injury is accompanied by severe pain.
Why do my legs hurt when they sprain? When the ligaments are sprained, the fibers are damaged and the legs hurt. It is necessary to properly treat injuries in a timely manner. Treatment should not be left to chance; this leads to a chronic disease accompanied by constant pain. Three degrees of sprain have been defined. The first is accompanied by damage to several fibers of the connective tissue, which is painful for the victim. The second is accompanied by moderate pain, the damaged limb swells, and it is difficult to move the limb. The third degree of severity is accompanied by rupture of many fibers, the pain is severe, the joint cannot function normally.
If a ligament is sprained, the patient must be given first aid. Apply a tight bandage to the leg and secure the damaged joint. The leg is swollen, the ankle joint is damaged. Apply a bandage so that the bandage grips the heel, so that the bandage does not slip and does not squeeze the blood vessels. It is not recommended to stand on your sore leg for two to three days.
Apply ice to the swelling. Ice should not be placed on the skin of the affected area. Use crushed ice in a plastic bag. The procedure lasts 20 minutes. If possible, consult a traumatologist. It takes a week for the ligaments to recover, the healing time depends on the degree of sprain. My shins hurt for a long time, it seems like my bones hurt.
Massage is an effective treatment. Carry out this procedure a couple of times a week, lasting 15 minutes. On the first day after injury, if pain occurs, massage is not recommended. Use massage techniques: stroking, rubbing the shin, ankle joint.
The shins hurt due to the process of lactic acid metabolism. Lactic acid, or lactate, is a compound formed during the breakdown of glucose without oxygen. Acid is constantly formed in the body, during training the concentration is increased, muscles are working, there is not enough oxygen. Most lactic acid is eliminated from the body within a few hours after exercise; lactate does not cause pain for several days. If a limb hurts for a long time, the phenomenon is called “delayed muscle pain,” caused by microtrauma of muscle fibers.
Lactic acid is removed from the muscles during rest, between repetitions of exercises, and a short break from running. Twenty seconds are enough for the acute burning sensation in the muscles caused by lactic acid to go away. The concentration of lactic acid in beginners is high, in professional runners it is lower. Regular training with increasing load reduces the burning sensation. Athletes use isotonics with bicarbonates, which neutralize lactate. A hot bath after running is recommended; hot water increases blood circulation in “clogged” muscles. Don't forget about warm-up and cool-down.
Delayed muscle pain (pain after intense exercise) is called sore throat. It occurs a day or two after training for beginners or those who took a long break between training. The long duration of manifestation differs from the brief burning sensation after an increase in the concentration of muscle acid. Krepatura appears when the load exceeds the usual by ten percent. The cause of soreness is a rupture at the site of a special protein due to muscle strain. To damage, a protective reaction (immune response) occurs - inflammation, activation of immune cells - macrophages, which form many prostaglandins.
The pain goes away on its own, without outside influence. It intensifies when palpating the inflamed muscle. To relieve symptoms, stretch. Repeating the exercises that caused the soreness with fewer repetitions will help. A massage and light jogging will help improve your condition. Just take a break from exercise. In case of severe muscle pain, take anti-inflammatory drugs, after consulting with your doctor.
On the back surface of the lower leg, the muscles that flex and extend the limbs when running are attached to the bone. Running on inclines is hard on your muscles.
When the foot turns strongly inward, due to insufficient fixation of the ankle joint in unsuitable shoes, damage to the joint occurs. The pain spreads above the ankle and, with continued stress, extends to the lower leg. It is necessary to choose suitable shoes that prevent injury to the limb due to proper fixation.
When acute pain occurs, the cause is a cramp. Cramps are not a reason to panic; they happen to every person. Frequent recurrence of seizures is a reason to consult a doctor.
Pain that occurs when running indicates inflammation of the tendons. Inflamed tendons make themselves felt during sudden movements. With similar smooth movements - walking - the lower leg does not hurt.
In case of damaged tendons, it is recommended to keep the joints in a fixed position. Ice applied to the sore spot (cryotherapy) helps. For severe pain, it is recommended to take analgesics, but before using them you should consult a doctor. If the inflammation is extensive, antibiotics are recommended.
Pain in the lower leg occurs due to various reasons. Sometimes due to the athlete’s unpreparedness for increased loads. Sometimes this is a signal of injury, sprained ligaments, or inflammation of tendons. It is important to provide medical assistance in a timely manner; self-medication is not recommended.
Beginners are interested in running techniques, fashionable sneakers, and tracksuits. Much more important is the actions after the run. Let's look at what to do after exercise and why pain occurs. The problem is common and needs to be resolved.
When your legs hurt after the first workout, the pain is attributed to fatigue and unprepared physical condition. Even if the pain persists after weeks, people continue to exercise.
When a person runs, lactic acid, a product of energy breakdown, and muscle fibers torn during physical activity accumulate in the muscles. The presence of lactic acid in the muscle is uncomfortable for the body. The leg muscles become inflamed, trying to get rid of unnecessary substances. I need help with my legs.
In order for lactic acid to leave the muscles faster, you do not need to stop or lie down after jogging. Take rest breaks while running. Take time to stretch your legs. Stretching exercises are performed before and after running; they remove harmful acid and lengthen muscles.
If you run for an hour every day without stretching, the muscles will grow and will form round protrusions. Lactic acid accumulates in them and edema forms. Muscle pain appears when touched and is unsightly.
If your hips, calf muscles, buttocks, or feet hurt after training, it is recommended to reconsider your running technique.
Severe muscle pain is explained by the body’s unpreparedness for stress. The legs hurt at first, but the pain will disappear after prolonged training.
For systematic pain in the legs, a warm bath, a bike ride, or exercise on an exercise bike will help.
After jogging, walk or ride a bike. This will serve as a post-workout stretch. It is important to do this without sudden movements - at a calm pace.
A contrast shower is useful. Alternating temperatures will help relieve inflammation and remove decay products. Remember, just cold water won't help.
Massage your feet using a cooling gel to relieve fatigue.
To strengthen muscles and bones and protect against pain, eat foods high in potassium and calcium. Mandatory products: cottage cheese, dried apricots, banana, fish. Dehydration is the cause of pain, drink a glass of water after training.
Wear comfortable shoes. If you choose the wrong shoes, your foot and leg will be under constant tension. There is a risk of pain in the legs and bones.
Do not use flat-soled shoes. Do not wear shoes that are too narrow, as this will cause your nails to turn black. One pair of sneakers is designed for 400 kilometers, regardless of weight, surface, or running style. If you have flat feet, shoes should support the ankle joint and have a stable sole. Pain in the hip joint indicates unsuitable shoes.
Legs are designed for walking. In life this ability is not fully realized. The pain that occurs when walking is to blame. This is a dangerous signal for the body.
Legs and bones are subject to stress. A person occupies either a static state or a dynamic one. Static is a vertical position, standing. The dynamic state includes running and walking.
Causes of bone pain: long-term standing, sitting, walking, physical activity. If physical exercise is carried out after a long break, pain may occur. This indicates the presence of a dislocation or sprain, a lack of vitamins and salts in the body. About the inflammatory process in the tendon, muscle spasm resulting from physical activity.
Bones often hurt in professional athletes as a result of stress or injury (football).
Running helps in the fight against depression, strengthens the heart, trains breathing, improves blood circulation by saturating the organs with oxygen. Running helps release the happiness hormone - serotonin.
While running, a person kicks the ground with a force exceeding his own weight. Therefore, the appearance of pain in the knee, heel, and foot is understandable. The pain in the knees appears even after a couple of weeks.
Running is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.
Professional athletes understand the inevitability of injury. For non-athletic people, this prospect does not seem bright, so they quit training due to pain. If you like running, do not forget to do exercises aimed at strengthening your spine and muscles. If you have scoliosis, it is better not to run. Running is prohibited during pregnancy, overweight people, and people with joint diseases.
Problems due to improper running:
Although running is a safe sport, people experience injuries and pain in their shins and kneecaps. More often, injuries occur due to common mistakes:
Before you start jogging, talk to your doctor about what kind of physical activity is appropriate.
If your legs hurt after running, you may have chosen the wrong technique or you have contraindications to this kind of physical activity. Before jogging, you definitely need a warm-up that will warm up your muscles and prepare them for physical activity. It is also important to choose the right place for jogging. It's safer to train on a dirt track than to beat your feet on paved sidewalks. Asphalt is not suitable even as a temporary option for jogging. It’s great if there is a stadium with a normal sports surface nearby. This will be the safest place to run.
The pain can be strong or weak, differs in intensity, and occurs in different parts of the legs. The heels or ankles may hurt more, and sometimes the discomfort radiates to the spine, hip and knee joints. The nature of the pain can say a lot about its causes.
If the pain appears regularly, lasts a long time and is difficult to relieve, you need to look for the reasons.
Unexcreted lactic acid tends to accumulate between the connective fibers of the muscles, looking like round, painful protrusions. Some runners mistake this effect for muscle growth, but it is actually painful swelling due to a buildup of lactic acid.
If you have a history of chronic joint diseases, running provokes exacerbations. It can be:
Inflammation of the ligaments manifests itself:
If your legs hurt while running, you should temporarily stop training and consult an orthopedist or traumatologist for medical help. The doctor will recommend rest, wearing a bandage, or an elastic bandage.
After a knee injury, running will simply be physically difficult. With the current choice of training opportunities, it is recommended to choose another type of physical education activity.
Returning to the footage of Hollywood and domestic films, we can remember how the hero, getting out of bed, puts on a training suit, headphones and goes for a run. The most important mistake is demonstrated: it is dangerous for your health to start running only after waking up.
A rapid transition from a half-asleep state to movement creates a serious stressful situation for the whole body and can cause disruption of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation in the brain.
You should definitely do a warm-up, warm up your muscles, let your whole body wake up, and only after that give it physical activity.
When starting to exercise, beginners experience pain in all parts of the legs: calves, thighs, shins. The foot often hurts – the articular joint, small metatarsal bones, sole. These pains are caused by running speed and high training loads. This is dangerous for non-professionals. You should be careful about the choice of running technique and pace of movement, and increase the load gradually.
Typical mistakes when running are leaning the body forward, weak work with the elbows, which should set the pace.
It is important to choose the right route and coverage along the entire route. Experienced runners know how to change their running technique on different parts of the trail, so they don't complain about shin pain after running. However, beginners must first become familiar with the theory, then begin training in the field. In such conditions, the joints and muscles are subject to the load from sudden jumps, and this is always a risk of microtrauma and overload.
You need to choose the right shoes that will make your feet comfortable. The foot should be well supported and cushioned.
An important rule for a runner is to finish your workout correctly. Let your muscles and breathing calm down, take a step, and do a few muscle contraction exercises.
Morning or afternoon jogging is a harmless workout for a healthy person. Running does not put a massive load on the legs or the entire body. Especially if you choose a medium pace, without much strain on your breathing and heart.
In order for a beginning runner not to get tired of jogging, but to enjoy it, he needs to gradually increase the daily load so that the body has time to adapt.
In order not to overtrain, you can add additional activities to your loads during the day: cycling, swimming in the pool.
In order to properly recover after training, to prevent physical fatigue, so that it does not seem that the shin bones hurt after running, it is necessary to gradually reduce the rhythm, switch to a calm walk, and not stop right away.
Do not lie down or sit down under any circumstances - it is in this situation that, even after the respiratory and heart rhythm has been restored, a feeling of fatigue remains after training.
There is no clear answer to the question of foot placement when running; even many respected individuals argue about this. No matter how you place your foot, something will still gradually become injured.
Let's try to figure out how to place your foot correctly when running so as not to get injured during the first training sessions. While studying this issue, I was struck by the variety of options (methods) for placing the foot. Now I will try to convey to you 3 methods , the most popular and the best.
This method is used by almost all track and field athletes who do this professionally , because it has one indisputable advantage - the time of contact of the foot with the surface is minimal, which means less force will be spent on pushing off. The main feature of the proposed method is that the foot is placed under the runner; it is not carried forward, which allows significant savings in strength .
It’s not for nothing that professionals use the method of placing the foot on the toe, because its efficiency is considered the highest. But don’t get too excited too soon, what makes it all more difficult is that you won’t be able to run this way without strong calf muscles that do almost all the work. They need to be trained for a very long time, because not even all professional athletes with the first category will be able to run a kilometer in this way (meaning, at top speed). Considering the slow pace, even a beginner can most likely cope with one kilometer, but he will spend a lot of energy.
Sprint races are performed on toes, especially 100 meters, so accustomed athletes often use this method even when running cross-country, because they have enough strength for this. Beginners will not have enough calf muscle endurance to run this way , so I do not recommend starting to run this way.
This method can rightfully be called the most common , because this technique is used by almost all self-taught and amateur runners. The main feature of this method is clear from the name - the runner lands on his heel, but then, having rolled, is pushed off by the front of the foot.
This technique has many advantages over others, for example, it will help you learn to run easily without feeling any difficulty in your movements. This method can also be called more natural, because the vast majority of people even walk this way, not to mention running.
But there is a drawback - the difficulty of mastering and many mistakes made by beginners . For example, the most common mistake is considered to be an unsmooth roll (or no roll at all), ending with the toe hitting the ground, which can lead to injury . The joints are especially at risk when the foot hits the ground, so you need to carefully monitor your feet while running using this technique.
This often happens even with relatively experienced amateur runners, and it happens at the end of a cross-country race, when the athlete gets very tired and stops following his technique. In such situations, a person's willpower is tested.
Another common mistake is to push the leg too far forward, as a result of which the runner simply bumps into it, then he has to make much more effort to “jump” over it.
This method is almost completely the opposite of the previous one , because you must first place your foot on your toes, and only then on your entire foot. It’s harder to run this way, but the efficiency is much higher.
By following these rules, you can bring your running technique closer to that of professionals , but running this way will be much easier.
Why do my legs and feet hurt after running? There may be several reasons:
Pain in the legs after jogging is caused by various reasons. Most often this is due to running technique. When starting to get involved in sports, people are more puzzled by what sports suit to buy and what shoes to run in, but have little interest in the technical side of the issue.
Pain in the leg muscles does not leave after training due to the accumulation of lactic acid in them. If you do nothing, then over time the muscles will look swollen and hurt every time you touch them.
With this disease, loads should be moderate. In the worst case, the doctor may rule them out after examination. It used to be considered a disease of grandparents, but now young people, seemingly completely healthy, also suffer from it.
Many people rush to take a cold shower upon returning home. This is incorrect, since lactic acid, which is released in the muscles as a result of physical activity, is excreted when exposed to heat. This is why leg warmers are often worn when jogging to insulate the legs. A warm bath helps relax your muscles after a workout. If you feel tired in your legs, massage your calves.
As a preventative measure, relief from pain can be found in the diet. You should review your daily menu and include foods that contain potassium and calcium. A runner's diet must include cottage cheese, fish and bananas with dried apricots for dessert.
Start your day with different types of cereals. Recent studies by Canadian nutritionists have found buckwheat, oatmeal and rice to be the healthiest. Athletes value porridges because they are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for the body, including for strengthening bones.
If your feet hurt after running, drink water after your run. Make it a habit to drink a glass of water when you get home or take water with you. Just it shouldn't be too cold.
When going for a run, wear not only the “correct” running shoes with good cushioning, but also clothes that should be comfortable and not restrict your movements. First, sport and health, and beauty will surely follow.
But if you have already taken all the measures, reviewed your diet and exercise correctly, and the pain in your legs does not go away, then you should seek medical advice. It is better if you are proven wrong, are completely healthy and continue your journey towards a healthy lifestyle.
And now we invite you to watch a video lesson about proper running techniques, which will certainly reduce the level of injuries and simply unpleasant sensations in the muscles after running.
After running, your calves hurt - why is this so? How to solve the problem Preventing calf muscle strain
It happens that after running, your calves hurt so much that it’s impossible to even think about the next workout. What is this? Serious health problems or a temporary phenomenon about which there is no need to worry too much?
To get an answer to this question, you must first understand what happens in muscle tissue when, after a state of rest and relaxation, they suddenly receive a serious load. It's all about lactic acid. The amount of it in the muscle fibers increases sharply, causing pain and discomfort. The body, which has expended more energy than usual, will need time to remove the acid. This usually takes a couple of days, as long as you don't overload the muscles again. Then the unpleasant sensations should stop on their own.
But sometimes the calves begin to hurt, even if the person did not interrupt training or increase the load. In what.
Why do my calves hurt after or during running? There are several reasons. Let's try to figure out why the calves cramp when running?
During exercise, your legs are very tense. Because of this, the muscles do not receive the required amount of nutrients, and lactic acid accumulates in the tissues.
Running is not a strength sport. Even if you practice acceleration in certain sections of the distance, they should occupy no more than 30% of the distance covered during training, but optimally up to 10%.
To avoid pain in your calves, try to make your torso the initiator of movement while running. Tighten your stomach. When you inhale, try to lift your body higher, as if you were being held under the arms by a belt device of a cable car. Relax your legs and move them as if they are suspended, like your arms. With the right movements you will feel like...
Due to the special structure of muscles, as well as their location in the human body, processes such as movement are possible, which is a consequence of any physical act. One of the most important muscles in the body, thanks to which walking and running is possible, is the calf muscle. This is a biceps muscle formation that is located on the back of the lower leg and connects to the heel through the Achilles tendon. At the same time, painful sensations can quite often occur in a specific muscle, which can have different etymologies. Often the diagnosis is made based on the nature of the pain, since the sensations largely depend on the factor causing them.
As you know, there are many factors that determine the appearance of pain in the calf muscles. It is customary to characterize these sensations as symptomatic manifestations of various diseases. Oddly enough, the described symptom may be a consequence of an ordinary injury or.
Most people think of running as something out of a celebrity movie. Fresh air, a fashionable tracksuit and quick results in the form of a beautiful, muscular body. Beginners do not expect to immediately encounter the problem of leg pain. Why your legs may hurt after running and what to do about it, we will try to figure it out in our article.
Let's look at the main reasons why your legs may hurt when running.
Lack of warm-up or its imperfection
Under no circumstances should you start jogging as soon as you get out of bed. A sharp transition from sleep to a fast pace of movement is a serious stress for the body.
A person who has just gotten out of bed is not ready for heavy loads, since his ligaments are not yet warmed up enough at this time. An experienced runner is unlikely to make such mistakes.
Wrong choice of place for jogging
A beginner should not start running on uneven terrain.
Pain in the calf area can indicate various diseases that are not always associated with the lower extremities. Let's figure out in what cases the calf muscles may hurt and what symptoms arise.
Leg pain in the calf is not always dangerous. Thus, pain in the calves of the legs when walking and sometimes at rest can manifest itself in various cases. Let's look at the main causes of pain in the calves:
With excessive stress during exercise. If you have calf pain, you should be careful about your weight. Significant weight gain and obesity are some of the reasons for pain in the calf of the left and right leg. Pain in the calf muscle can occur due to injury or mechanical damage to the muscles (for example, during exercise). To avoid this, do not forget to perform exercises to stretch your calf muscles before intense strength training. A sharp change in the load on the legs: long.
1. Diseases of venous vessels:
acute venous thrombosis; postthrombotic syndrome; phlebeurysm. 2. Pathology of arterial vessels:
atherosclerosis; obliterating endarteritis. 3. Damage to the nerve trunks innervating the lower extremities.
4. Diseases of the calf muscles:
acute myositis; chronic myositis (occupational, parasitic, as well as chronic myositis caused by other reasons). 5. Diseases of surrounding tissues:
arthritis of the ankle and knee joints; osteomyelitis of the tibia and/or fibula; inflammation of the skin and/or subcutaneous tissue of the leg; tear or rupture of the Achilles tendon. 6. Pathology of the spine:
osteochondrosis; spinal column injuries; chronic diseases of the spine; tumors, tuberculosis of the spinal column, etc. 7. Diabetes mellitus.
Thus, pain in the calves.
Sore calves, cause and treatment
Image from
This is such a common phenomenon or sensation - pain in the calf muscles. that every person suffers from it at least once in their life.
There are too many reasons for the occurrence of these painful sensations.
The slightest damage or irritation of the calf muscle - excessive strain or a bad step - causes pain in the calves. At the same time, pain in the calf muscles can be very sudden and occur as a reaction to unusual physical activity - simply while walking, including.
Quite often, doctors associate the first manifestations of painful sensations with vascular disease. This can be caused by an increase in pressure in the vessels due to disturbances in the outflow of venous blood - stagnation occurs, due to which the nerve endings are irritated and then inflamed, causing.
If your calves hurt after running, it may simply be a reaction to physical strain or unusual activity. Such pain often occurs even just while walking. Aching and stabbing pain in the calves are also considered a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. The fact is that if a person sits still, then blood circulation is disrupted. Accordingly, blood stagnation occurs, which means oxygen starvation of the muscles, which leads to the accumulation of harmful toxins there.
Most often, the calves of the legs hurt because there is some kind of disease of the blood vessels, muscles, bone tissue or nervous system. Then it seems that the legs have become heavy and there is a dull, constant pain. This.
An inflamed nerve can cause pain in the calf of the left or right leg. Having answered the question regarding why the calves hurt, you should be puzzled by treatment methods. Unbearable acute pain in the calves is, unfortunately, familiar to many.
Thousands of people around the world regularly experience pain in the calf muscles. Not many people know the reasons for this phenomenon, although they really want to get rid of it.
There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of such pain, so not timely treatment or improper self-medication can lead to serious consequences.
Thus, many people may notice that their legs hurt after working out. If your calves hurt, you should first examine the entire surface of your legs from the back.
Moreover, the disease is slowly getting younger, so even if a child has pain in his calves, thrombophlebitis cannot be discounted without the full spectrum.
Let's look at the most common mistakes and reasons that lead to pain:
Incorrect tempo. If after jogging you feel pain in your feet, calves, or buttocks, pay attention to how exactly you jog. Don't suddenly stop running. Choose your pace. Let it be very slow, but stopping suddenly, much less sitting down, is not recommended. For knee pain, try a combination of brisk walking and running. No warm-up. Getting up and running is the wrong approach to getting involved in sports life. The muscles need to warm up. Walk a little, picking up the pace, warm up your knee joints and only after that start running. Incorrect posture, etc.
Some people often experience leg pain after running. Scientists have proven that such mild physical activity has a positive effect on the body in terms of combating depression, which often poses a serious danger to modern people. Thanks to this type of sports activity, such as running, the heart is strengthened, breathing is trained, and blood circulation improves, since the supply of oxygen to the organs occurs to the maximum extent.
Despite the fact that after sports procedures sometimes your calves or heels hurt, a run of half an hour not only helps relieve stress, but also helps to release happiness hormones, which are dopamine and serotonin. Their content in the blood can increase almost 7 times. A high level of concentration of such hormones remains in the body for about 2 hours, and their breakdown occurs more slowly.
The results of studies conducted over a long time have shown that running not only has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.
Is it any wonder that your calves hurt if the day before you finally went on a ski trip or enthusiastically danced all night in stiletto heels? Legs unaccustomed to such loads indignantly reproach them in the morning with painful sensations and resolutely refuse to obey.
However, pain in the calves can occur suddenly and for no apparent reason, become annoying over a long period of time, or be accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms. And this is already a signal of trouble, to which you need to pay close attention.
The variety of reasons why the calves hurt does not allow even an experienced doctor to make a diagnosis during examination. Only additional examination methods can confirm his assumptions. Excessive activity or an undetected injury, vascular problems or disorders in the functioning of the spine - the nature of the pain and accompanying symptoms will tell you what could have caused the trouble. Let's look at some.
Existing methodological manuals that practice running, and most often they are devoted specifically to running technique. But what needs to be done after running is rarely described, and very little attention is paid to it. It is very rarely described why legs hurt after running and how to get rid of it. But this problem is quite widespread and is worth looking into in more detail.
The causes of leg pain after running vary. If your thighs, buttocks, calves, or feet hurt after running, you may need to reconsider your running technique.
Some beginner athletes don't know how to run properly, so they take rest periods or suddenly stop. You can’t run with stops, it’s extremely wrong. If you are tired, you should not immediately sit down after running, much less lie down, otherwise your legs will definitely hurt.
Another cause of leg pain.
I am a beginner runner, but very passionate. This is my second year running, with a break for the winter. Last year the distances were 3-5 km, this year they increased to 5-8 km, the personal record was 13 km.
In general, I didn’t experience any problems, I ran in my own way, listened to my body, and got an endorphin buzz.
A month ago I returned from vacation, changed my running sneakers, and after the vacation I got the hang of it, started running almost every day for 5-6 km, and at some point during a run my calf muscles cramped so much that I could barely make it home. Since then, not a single normal run. For two weeks now I have been making some attempts to run, but after 2-3 km it becomes impossible. And if while jogging the pain is not severe, then when you are resting or just walking it is very annoying. The muscles are just like stone.
This is the second week away from the game, and the third day of no activity at all except yoga.
It seemed that on the third day the muscles had rested, I felt good, cheerful, no pain, but...
The slightest pain that occurs in the body must be analyzed. In some cases, you even need to see a doctor. It happens quite often that your calves hurt. Everyone has suffered from such a disease at least once in their life. However, there are many reasons for the appearance of such unpleasant sensations.
A small defect or irritation of the calf muscle, be it an increased load or an incorrectly taken step, will cause pain in the leg area. Often the pain in.
Every person on the planet wants to be healthy and have a beautiful body. To fulfill this desire as quickly as possible, you need to adhere to the right lifestyle, eat healthy and, of course, exercise.
One of the most accessible and effective sports activities is running. In order to run, you don’t need to buy gym memberships, you just need to put on sportswear and suitable shoes and go to the stadium, park or forest.
Such activities are considered fairly mild physical activity, but there are categories of the population for whom running is contraindicated. Those people who are prohibited from running know this. It is not recommended to jog if you have the following diseases:
There are cases that during the actual exercise, when running, the lower leg begins to hurt and the person is unable to continue training. In addition, he does not know about the reason that can cause pain. In this article we will discuss in detail the possible factors contributing to the development of this condition.
The tibia is the part of the leg from the knee to the heel, consisting of the tibia and fibula, on which the anterior, external and posterior groups of muscles are located. With their help, flexion and extension of the fingers of the lower extremities, supination and pronation of the foot occur.
Pain sensations are often localized slightly below the knee, and have the ability to intensify when performing various physical activities, and decrease at rest. If such changes occur, you need to stop playing sports and determine the factor that provokes its appearance.
The main causes of pain in the lower leg are:
In addition, pain can occur due to injury, such as:
Very often, people do not pay attention to pain in the lower leg, thinking that this phenomenon is caused by physical activity and will go away on its own over time. There are a huge number of factors that have nothing to do with playing sports, but can also cause pain and discomfort.
Pain in the lower leg area can be caused by the fact that the body lacks substances necessary for normal functioning, such as:
The cause of pain may be medications that reduce cholesterol levels and remove salts from the body, the deficiency of which leads to pain. These medications include diuretics.
When performing prolonged work, being in the same position, muscle spasms and pain may occur.
Pain can be the result of various diseases and inflammatory processes that occur in the tendons and joints. Such ailments include:
Very unpleasant and requiring long-term therapy is inflammation of the periosteum, which causes not only terrible discomfort, but also severe pain.
Frequent causes of pain are injuries to the calf muscles, partial or complete rupture of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, which is caused by instability of the ankle joint.
Pain can be caused by lesions of peripheral nerves. This condition is characteristic of people suffering from diabetes, and especially those who do not monitor their lifestyle, or rather, drink alcohol and smoke.
It is important to know that pain may indicate the presence of tumor tumors on bone tissue, not only benign, but also malignant.
Herniated discs also cause pain in the lower leg area. Diseases of the cardiovascular system cause pain. The pain usually goes away after rest, but returns when playing sports.
If you experience pain that appears and then subsides, you should under no circumstances ignore this condition and seek help from a qualified specialist, because the causes of pain can be serious diseases that require immediate treatment.
Pain resulting from venous thrombosis poses a danger to human life. As a result of this disease, complications can develop that pose a threat to the patient’s life.
No one is immune from the development of this disease, even those who are actively involved in sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. If it appears, you need to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible in order to prevent the blood clot from breaking off. Treatment is carried out surgically.
Pain is one of the symptoms of such an unpleasant illness as tissue compression syndrome. As a result of excessive pressure in the lower leg area, hemorrhages occur in the muscles; in addition, the disease leads to an increase in body temperature and swelling of the limb.
If the disease is not eliminated in time, the muscles of the lower leg gradually atrophy, and a condition called cauda equina appears. A person is not only unable to play sports, but also simply move around. As a result of a fracture, complications may develop that will cause pain.
This most often occurs in patients with weakened immune systems. The most common is the occurrence of a purulent process in bone tissue – osteomyelitis. Therapy uses medications and surgery.
The occurrence of pain in the lower leg and thigh, as well as difficulty flexing and extending the knee joint, may indicate the presence of neuritis of the femoral nerve. If the sciatic nerve is damaged, the knee joint does not bend at all. In addition, numbness of the foot occurs, severe pain in the lower leg occurs, and sensitivity is impaired.
Changes in the water-salt balance lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the body. As a result, severe thirst, swelling, heart rhythm disturbances, and decreased blood pressure appear. This process can occur as a result of dehydration, severe diarrhea and long-term use of diuretic medications.
In order to accurately determine which specific substance is missing, you need to take a laboratory blood test. After this manipulation, the deficiency is replenished with the help of medications, as well as food enriched with this element.
Under no circumstances should you ignore pain in the lower leg, because over time it can become stronger and stronger. If pain occurs not only when running, but also at rest, you should definitely seek help from a qualified specialist.
Only a doctor will be able to determine the correct cause of pain and prescribe the appropriate course of therapy to get rid of this unpleasant symptom as quickly as possible. There are a number of tips that are prohibited or, on the contrary, absolutely necessary to follow during a running session.
Before jogging, it is recommended to prepare the muscular-ligamentous apparatus for the upcoming work. To do this, you need to warm up. With the help of these manipulations, the muscles warm up and the risk of injury is reduced. And in order for the muscles not to hurt after training, they need to be well stretched.
During and after training, drink clean water to replenish your body's fluid supply and not lead to dehydration. For running, choose a softer surface, it can be rough terrain or a park.
You should not drink drinks such as coffee or tea before training. They contribute to dehydration and negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
By following these rules, you protect yourself from the possible occurrence of pain not only in the lower leg, but also in other parts of the body.