Diagnosis: stage II hypertension, chronic venous and arterial insufficiency of the lower extremities. Trophic ulcer of the right leg measuring 15x14 cm. She is in great pain, we really want to help her somehow, but how?
A very difficult question.
How old is the patient? How long has the ulcer been open? Size of the ulcer? Location of the ulcer on the limb?
What about the etiology of the ulcer? (Varicose disease, thrombophlebitis of deep/superficial veins, diabetes mellitus, vasculitis, obliterating atherosclerosis, etc.).
Concomitant pathology? (IHD, CNC, hypertension, renal, liver failure, thyroid condition, diabetes mellitus, etc.).
“TREATMENT OF TROPHIC ULCERS” involves influencing the cause (what caused the circulatory disorder in the limb) and the effect (i.e., the trophic ulcer itself). That's the difficulty of treatment.
The telephone number for scheduling a consultation is on the website. And we will help you. Good luck.
Sincerely, vascular surgeon, Dr. Lirnik S.V.
I have this question: how to treat a trophic ulcer on the lower leg, I just don’t have the strength anymore?
I am seeing a vascular surgeon, disabled group 2, diagnosed with post-thrombophleibitis, trophic ulcers of both legs.
The ulcers first appeared 5 years ago, venous bleeding appeared repeatedly, I was saved by an ambulance, I undergo inpatient treatment 2 times a year, before that, varicose veins + thrombophlebitis for more than 20 years.
She was treated with many medications: she took a course of antibiotics. What will help me get rid of the pain?
It should be remembered that excessively moistening the wound with lotions prevents its healing. In addition, maceration of the skin around the trophic ulcer may occur. And this threatens the addition of an infectious process. There are products that accelerate the formation of collagen and the regeneration of damaged tissues (for example, solcoseryl ointment and jelly). They promote rapid healing of trophic ulcers and wound scarring. Solcoseryl jelly is better suited for wet surfaces, and ointment for dry surfaces. Solcoseryl improves oxygen access to tissues by more than 200% and improves the ability of tissues to recover. For more detailed advice, please contact your doctor.
Good health to you!
This is PTPS (post-thrombophlebitic syndrome - a condition after suffering blood clots). At what stage, and what form, I don’t know. We need to do a scan.
It is clear that in the lower limb, in the area of the ulcer, there is no blood flow, and if there is no blood flow, then there is a non-healing ulcer. And no poultices or lotions will help. And it will only get worse. The issue of treatment is the restoration of the normal flow of arterial blood (rich in oxygen and nutrients) to the leg and the normalization of the outflow of venous blood (with waste products).
Against the background of poor blood supply to the skin, an infection can occur, and it can be anything, including erysipelas.
Go to my website, look at the results of treatment, read: http://lirnyk.com.ua/ru/troficheskieyazvy.html
Sincerely, vascular surgeon Lirnik S.V.
It is difficult to give advice and treatment based on letters.
I have written many times that the cause of a trophic ulcer on the lower limb is the lack of blood flow. Blood does not flow to the skin (arterial ulcers), blood does not flow from the skin (venous ulcers) and many other reasons - and as a result, the death of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. And severe pain. And secondary infection. Replant, but keep in mind that the likelihood that the grafted skin will fall off in the coming days is very high.
I don’t understand what “good culture from a purulent wound” means!
In addition to the fact that varicose veins are a fairly common disease, it is also too dangerous. Many people believe that the initial manifestations of varicose veins have only aesthetic problems and do not take any measures to get rid of this trouble. As the pathology develops, the patient develops unpleasant symptoms such as pain and itching. Why do the veins on the legs itch with varicose veins?
When blood stagnates in the veins due to varicose veins, the tissues stop receiving the nutrition they need. At the same time, waste products are removed quite problematically. Toxins begin to be deposited in such tissues. This picture leads to swelling, and the color of the skin begins to change, accompanied by irritation, dryness and flaking. Veins, protruding above the skin, displace small vessels that become overly strained.
Not everyone knows what causes itching in varicose veins and what to do about it. The appearance of such unpleasant sensations is explained by external and internal factors that occur during the progression of the disease. The main reasons for itching of the lower extremities with varicose veins are:
Such factors in their sum result in severe peeling, irritation and, as a result, itching of the feet. Over time, this situation gives the skin a brown tint. Despite the fact that such a symptom is not life-threatening, it brings him a lot of trouble and reduces his standard of living, so treatment should be started immediately. Due to constant burning of the legs, a person can become nervous and irritable. The patient cannot sleep normally and begins to suffer from severe fatigue.
When such a disease becomes advanced, ulcers, weeping eczema and non-healing wounds may appear on the legs. When such skin diseases occur, this indicates that the condition of the veins has deteriorated significantly. With constant itching, a person scratches the skin vigorously, on which ulcers appear. Bacteria easily penetrate into such open wounds, which causes purulent and inflammatory processes. This situation can end in gangrene, which requires surgical intervention and amputation of the leg.
Itchy legs with varicose veins due to severe damage to blood vessels. Therefore, before you start getting rid of this unpleasant symptom, you need to undergo an examination. When a diagnosis of varicose veins is made, it is necessary to begin treatment measures as quickly as possible in order to prevent the development of pathology from being neglected. There are several methods to remove the unpleasant itching that accompanies varicose veins:
With the right treatment, your feet will stop itching very quickly. At the same time, you can remove the accompanying unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins and prevent its further development.
The following medications will help relieve itching from varicose veins:
When varicose veins are accompanied by itching, traditional medicine recipes can be used along with medications to enhance the effect. Contrasting foot baths help a lot in the morning and evening. Decoctions and various infusions based on medicinal herbs will not only reduce itching, but also soothe irritated skin, relax your legs and remove heaviness in them.
For example, a decoction of birch buds relieves swelling and itching well. Feet will stop itching when using baths made from a decoction of hop cones. Kalanchoe and horse chestnut will restore the tone of the vein walls and relieve swelling of the lower extremities. Traditional medicine recipes are considered quite effective and have a positive effect on the course of the disease; in addition, they have no contraindications or side effects.
Despite the fact that with varicose veins in the legs, the patient is very bothered by itching, the skin should not be scratched under any circumstances. Microbes very quickly enter open wounds and all this leads varicose veins to an even more advanced stage. With varicose veins you cannot:
If you notice early manifestations of varicose veins and they are accompanied by itching, it is necessary to consult a phlebologist as soon as possible, who will conduct the necessary examinations and give effective recommendations for getting rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.
The muscles of the human body, if their integrity is damaged, are capable of self-recovery. If an open wound on the leg is treated in time to remove dead cells, new healthy tissue begins to grow in their place, gradually closing the wound opening.
The healing process of an open wound on the leg takes place in three stages:
Wounds on the leg are divided according to the following characteristics:
Open wounds are:
If a laceration is received on the leg, it is advisable to take the victim to a doctor, having first provided first aid. The speed of healing of an injury, the prevention of purulent inflammation of the wound cavity, and sometimes even a person’s life depend on the correct pre-medical actions.
Instructions on how to treat an open wound at home:
It is recommended to change the bandage on your leg daily; to do this you need to:
The patient should be shown to a specialist if:
If the wound surface is contaminated with soil, it is necessary to treat the leg with an antiseptic to prevent suppuration. You should definitely get a tetanus vaccination.
The formation of a purulent wound is accompanied by the following symptoms:
Treatment of an open wound on the leg must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, strictly following all his prescriptions and recommendations. A deep cut injury should be sutured no later than six hours after the injury. If there is a suspicion that the wound is infected, stitches are not recommended. High-risk areas for infection are the upper third of the thigh and the sole of the foot.
What to do at home to speed up the healing of an open wound on the leg:
It should be remembered that fat-based medicinal ointments applied to the wound surface in a thick layer can cause inflammation and the formation of pus.
Trophic ulcers that occur with varicose veins of the lower extremities are considered a type of open wounds on the leg. Endocrine diseases and diabetes mellitus provoke the formation of weeping injuries. People suffering from these diseases should take special care.
As a rule, the following reasons prevent rapid healing:
It happens that it is not possible to receive timely medical care. In this case, you can start treating the open wound using traditional recipes.
When choosing how to treat a wound surface, it is recommended to use medicinal plants with a disinfecting effect. These include:
The following folk remedies help speed up the treatment of a wounded limb:
The patient chooses how to treat an open wound on the leg, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before so as not to harm your health. During treatment, it is advisable to provide the diet with vitamins to speed up the healing process. It is recommended to take additional multivitamins.
With various diseases of the lower extremities, non-healing wounds may appear - trophic ulcers on the leg, treatment of which at home is very effective. Recovery is a rather difficult and lengthy process that includes a number of activities and methods.
Trophic ulcers are open wounds of various sizes, usually located in the area of the legs and feet. The disease usually manifests itself in circulatory disorders and problems with blood vessels. Treatment of a trophic ulcer on the leg with folk remedies consists of local action on the defective area of the skin, and in eliminating the causes of the development of the pathology. In the absence of proper therapy, the process of wounds begins to fester, in which inflammation spreads to the muscles, joints and tendons.
When problems arise with blood flow, blood microcirculation becomes difficult, which leads to insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to tissues, and disturbances in metabolic processes. Necrosis (death of tissue cells) develops in the defective area of the skin, and sensitivity to external influences and infection increases.
The causes of trophic ulcers on the legs are:
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Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities depends on the causes of the disease and the nature of the venous pathology.
Open wounds on the legs do not heal for a long time. Symptoms of the disease appear gradually. At the initial stage, dryness and tension of the skin, swelling, and the appearance of a shiny skin tone occur. Then pigment spots appear and ulcers form.
For the disease, two directions of treatment are provided: general and local effects. General therapy is necessary to normalize blood circulation and localize the underlying disease. Local treatment is required to directly eliminate trophic ulcers on the legs.
In the initial stages of the disease, treatment is possible at home, without surgery. Basic principles of conservative therapy:
The patient is prescribed bed rest and hygiene of the lower extremities. To reduce the risk of infection, bandages with a special solution are applied to the wound. Medicinal gels and ointments are used to regenerate and disinfect the affected skin area. Any medications should be prescribed only by the attending physician.
The most effective treatment method is surgery. But this method does not guarantee the absence of relapses. During the operation, the affected areas of the skin are completely removed, eliminating the main cause of the disease.
Treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs can be done at home, subject to certain rules:
Treatment of purulent diseases on the leg at home involves taking medications that improve blood circulation, as well as eliminating the cause of development:
Local treatment for trophic ulcers is aimed at cleansing the wound of dead skin and eliminating pathogenic microbes:
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When treating the affected area of skin with antiseptic solutions, it is necessary to remove as much as possible all non-viable areas of tissue. Then apply a bandage. Dressing should be done once every three days. More frequent processing may cause tissue injury. Ulcerative defects begin to heal after 2 weeks of regular treatment. But treatment and dressings must be performed until the wounds are completely healed.
Trophic ulcers can be cured using traditional medicine. There are a large number of different recipes that promote rapid healing of wounds.
Treatment of diseases of the lower extremities with folk remedies is a long and labor-intensive process. Recovery occurs only with regular treatment of the affected areas of the skin, adherence to a diet, and a proper lifestyle. The folk remedies used must also be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication can lead to complications.
Healed trophic ulcers of the lower extremities heal. Scars also need to be treated to reduce the risk of relapse. As a preventive measure, you can treat them with natural oils (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula). Prolonged stress on the legs, walking long distances can trigger the re-development of the disease.
Treatment at home for a trophic ulcer on the leg is advisable only at the initial stage of the disease, and with an integrated approach to the problem. In particularly severe cases, surgical intervention is required. With timely treatment, complete recovery is possible.
How to cure hypertension forever.
In Russia, every year there are from 5 to 10 million calls to emergency medical care for high blood pressure. But Russian heart surgeon Irina Chazova claims that 67% of hypertensive patients do not even suspect that they are sick!
How can you protect yourself and overcome the disease? One of the many recovered patients, Oleg Tabakov, told in his interview how to forget about hypertension forever.
Patients with chronic leg ulcers go from dermatologist to surgeon to internist to vascular surgeon to naturopath and the wound remains open.
Leading scientists around the world have been trying to solve the problem of poorly healing wounds and ulcers for decades. Their danger is not only that the open wound surface remains a source of pain and other inconvenience for a long time, but also becomes a gateway to infection, which is fraught with dangerous consequences, such as, for example, sepsis. In the online magazine Dermatology News (1), Dr. Teodora Mauro shares her experience in treating long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers on the legs. We publish a summary of her advice, along with recommendations from the journals Wound Treatment and Nursing Care, in this material.
Most often, poorly healing wounds are the result not of one disease, but of a whole bunch of pathological conditions, where venous insufficiency is one of the leading causes. Same with leg pain. It is necessary to remember about other causes of ulcers:
— Smoking is a significant cause of slow recovery from injury that can be completely eliminated.
— Taking certain medications (for example, methotrexate, azathioprine, prednisone, anti-inflammatory drugs, some anticancer drugs) can significantly reduce the rate of healing of wounds and ulcers. Some of these side effects can be easily treated, such as by adding folic acid with methotrexate.
- Both oncological diseases and benign tumors, accompanied by damage to the skin or blood, lead to a slowdown in regenerative processes.
— Eating disorders (2), e.g.
Sometimes the reasons for slow healing of wounds and ulcers include inadequate diagnosis, incorrectly chosen treatment strategy and improper wound care conditions. Frequently used hydrocolloid dressings can cause obstruction of the outflow of contents and worsening of the ulcer. Tight bandages impair blood and lymph circulation with the same result. Folk remedies for the treatment of chronic wounds and ulcers deserve special attention; recently, studies have appeared confirming the effectiveness of some old folk remedies, for example
We hope to return to the topic of folk remedies in more detail in the future.
Summary: Management of patients with leg ulcers and wounds involves identifying and maximizing correction of the cause (or multiple causes), lifestyle modifications (decreasing the number of hours spent standing or sitting, changing diet, quitting smoking) and reducing the severity of symptoms. If these approaches are followed, healing of wounds and ulcers should occur faster and more fully.
1. When sores won't heal, try these approaches. Interview with Dr Mauro in Dermatology News.
2. Nutrition and wound healing. Nutrition and wound healing. A. R. Sherman and M. Barkley
Journal of Wound Care 2011 20. 8. 357-367
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Varicose ulcers, as an unpleasant and dangerous form of the disease, require mandatory competent treatment. To fix the problem, you should follow the recommendations of specialists.
Varicose or trophic ulcer is a disease that brings trouble with its non-healing wounds on the surface of the skin, as well as constantly weeping wounds and even suppuration. The danger and peculiarity of the pathology is the spread of damaged areas to healthy skin and organs of the body.
Trophic ulcers with varicose veins never appear on their own; as a rule, they are a complication from the varicose veins themselves and from pathologies such as diabetes and other ailments. So, what are the characteristics of varicose ulcers and how to treat them?
The main reason for the occurrence of a wound is the complete destruction and disruption of the structure of blood vessels, based on the complete cessation of the supply of nutrition and oxygen cells to the body tissues into the epidermis. Pathology appears in the complete absence of high-quality, well-thought-out treatment or when hygiene rules are neglected.
Determining the onset of pathology is not very difficult. The surface of the nails becomes close to a purple hue, becomes inflamed, open wounds may appear next to the nail, and all this is accompanied by severe pain, itching, and the patient constantly feels discomfort.
If, against the background of these manifestations, highly pigmented spots, bruises and seals appear, this is a guaranteed harbinger of a future phenomenon such as varicose ulcers. Treatment of the pathology must begin immediately.
The main danger of this disease is that a varicose ulcer on the leg, which is not treated, during its development affects not only the surface of the skin; bones, tendons and other tissues are gradually affected. Severe inflammation can only be relieved with the most serious medications; hospitalization is often required.
As certain medical statistics have shown, of all the possible complications of varicose veins, ulcers occur in every fifth person. It is for this reason that it is so important to start the treatment process in a timely manner, otherwise you may encounter rather unpleasant consequences.
If formations of this type are isolated, you can get by using traditional medicine methods, the main thing is to first get advice from a specialist.
The field of medicine is constantly evolving, every year newer and more effective drugs appear, new techniques are developed. Successfully dealing with ulcers is not at all easy; eliminating the problem and its complications can take a lot of time and require spending a significant amount of money. To achieve success, you will need to contact a specialist who will prescribe the most adequate therapy.
In the process of prescribing medications and developing a treatment system, the doctor relies on the degree of development of the pathology and the location of the inflammation.
The standard system includes the following terms and conditions:
If varicose ulcers cause trouble with constant itching, antihistamines - Fenistil, Zodak or Suprastin - can be prescribed. They quickly eliminate all unpleasant symptoms. If possible, trophic ulcers can be effectively treated through laser procedures using ultraviolet radiation.
Modern medical workers, despite the development of medicine, simultaneously prescribe traditional medicine products and methods along with medications. They are quite easy to use and do not require serious material and time expenditure.
To quickly cure varicose ulcers, you can use various time-tested recipes. With their help, you can quickly heal all wounds and at the same time you won’t have to wait long for a quick result.
To achieve a positive result, folk remedies are used strictly in combination with the main therapy, but also after preliminary consultation with a specialist. The most commonly used are ointments, lotions and compresses, less often decoctions that are taken orally.
The following treatments are used:
Pharmacy blue clay is good for varicose ulcers. This is not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive remedy. Regardless of the chosen alternative treatment, it is important to remember its ideal sterility. All components used must be processed very carefully; it is better to cook in clean dishes.
Before applying medications, the skin must be treated with high-quality antiseptics. Dressings should be as sterile as possible.
To prepare a medicinal dressing, you will need to take honey and the white of one egg. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin affected by ulcers. If the course of procedures falls in the summer, you can lay burdock leaves on top, then wrap everything with cling film and natural fabric.
This compress can be left overnight or longer. To achieve positive dynamics and rapid wound healing, 7 procedures are often sufficient. After the course, barely visible spots remain on the surface of the skin. After two weeks they disappear completely.
An ointment made on the basis of yolks can effectively cure the disease not only at the initial stage, but also quite old ulcers. The advantage of this treatment method is that after the course, no scars remain on the skin.
The essence of treatment is to perform the following actions:
The ointment is stored at room temperature and in a dark place. The dressings are changed every 12 hours and after a relatively short period of time an optimal result can be achieved. This form of treatment is ideal for treating varicose ulcers. You can quickly, effectively and completely painlessly remove wounds without leaving any scars.
Baths are indispensable in the treatment of varicose ulcers. To prepare the simplest recipe, you will need to dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate in water. The part of the body on which the ulcer has formed is immersed in the solution and left for at least half an hour. To enhance the effect, you can add tincture of calendula flowers to the container at the rate of 100 ml per liter of water.
After this, eucalyptus oil is added to the water and the wounds are kept in the resulting solution for about another half hour. At the end of the water procedure, the ulcer is wrapped in a clean bandage, pre-folded in several layers. After three to four treatment procedures, the ulcer completely disappears.
You need to take a cabbage leaf, moisten it in sea buckthorn oil and apply it to the affected areas. As soon as the sheet is completely dry, it is replaced with a new one. A similar procedure should be carried out until the lesions on the skin completely disappear.
If ulcers appear simultaneously with venous nodules, cabbage leaves should first be doused with boiling water and left in the refrigerator for a day. Thanks to this, the sheet will become wet, which will increase its effectiveness. Before applying the leaf to the ulcer, you should first drip apple cider vinegar onto its surface. The compress should be applied at night, and in the morning, remove everything and do this for 10-15 days. After about a week, patients experience a significant reduction in pain and a feeling of lightness in their legs.
There is a recipe for a universal ointment, which is a real panacea for a huge number of diseases and varicose veins. the advantage lies in the special combination of components included:
The oil is poured into a previously prepared container and heated over a fire until the wax is completely melted. Boiled yolk is added to the mixture. For each procedure, you need to take half the yolk. The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator, in a glass container, and the composition must be heated before use. This is a universal remedy against varicose ulcers.
Like all diseases, varicose ulcers are much easier and simpler to prevent than to treat them later. If a patient already has varicose veins, he should know all the complications that may arise in the absence of treatment, and he should also know the basic methods of preventing them.
Among the main methods of protection and protection from complications are the following actions:
The best prevention is to constantly visit a specialist, undergo examinations and follow his recommendations. Speaking of specialists, pathology should be carried out by a phlebologist or surgeon. A professional is able to promptly notice changes occurring in tissues, and can also give information regarding the development of pathology.
Only in this way can the patient count on achieving optimal success, which will be based on competent treatment of trophic ulcers in varicose veins.
There are quite a few methods for treating trophic ulcers. If you choose them wisely, you can very quickly get the desired effect and improvement. Traditional methods of treatment are best suited for the initial stage of the disease; at more advanced stages of development, medications are prescribed.
If you do not delay the treatment of varicose ulcers of the lower extremities, you can get by with inexpensive drugs that cope with the pathology without unnecessary expenses and as safely as possible.
A complication of varicose veins of the lower extremities are trophic ulcers formed due to insufficient nutrition of the epidermis. Ulcers due to varicose veins are difficult to cure if the cause of their formation is not eliminated. The treatment regimen and methods depend on the stage of development of the pathology.
The formation and development of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities occurs in several stages:
Depending on the stage of development of ulcers, an individual course of treatment is prescribed.
Various methods are used in the treatment of trophic ulcers:
Violation of tissue trophism with varicose veins of the lower extremities requires treatment even before the stage of ulceration. After consulting a doctor, treatment of the underlying venous disease is prescribed, often with surgical methods. Modern minimally invasive techniques include:
At this stage, drug therapy is used with the use of drugs that improve tissue trophism and nutrition.
When ulcers appear on the legs, general and local treatment is used.
Local treatment consists of selecting a safe medication in the form of a gel and ointment. The drug must have regenerating and antibacterial properties. Stimulate blood supply, gas exchange and tissue nutrition.
The active substance is absorbed through the wound surface, so the product must be safe . Most often, in the treatment of trophic ulcers with varicose veins, it is recommended to use Solcoseryl. The drug is produced in the form of ointment and gel. Solcoseryl gel is used for treatment at the stage of appearance, development and purification. At the stage of granulation and scarring, Solcoseryl ointment is used.
After cleansing the wound surface, a thin layer of Solcoseryl in the form of a gel is applied to the ulcer 2-3 times a day. The ointment is used 1-2 times a day. Solcoseryl not only protects the ulcer from the penetration of microbes, but also accelerates granulation and epithelization. During the healing stage, it promotes the formation of an elastic scar.
At the first stage, Actovegin is also used . In the first four days, 20% gel is applied to the lesion. Then, from 4 to 11 days, apply the cream and until the effect is achieved, use 5% ointment. The use of Algofin ointment with antimicrobial properties is no less effective. The ointment can also be used at the developmental stage, since it contains natural substances - chlorophyll, carotenoids and fatty acids.
They form a film that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and repairing properties, helps cleanse ulcers. Good results are achieved when using Levomikol and Levosin ointments.
In the second stage, it is necessary to regularly clean the ulcer from exudate. To do this, use hydrogen peroxide and aqueous antiseptics specially developed for this purpose, for example 0.01% Miramistin solution or 0.05% Chlorhexidine solution. These substances do not act on living tissues of the body and cleanse the wound of dead cells, discharge from the ulcer, and also prevent its infection.
The area around the ulcer is treated with water and antiseptic soap, such as Furanilin. It prevents the formation of new ulcers and effectively cleanses the skin of impurities. After thorough cleaning, an aseptic dressing is applied. In order not to destroy the granulation, I use special dressings Voskopran and Branolind.
Voskopran is a mesh bandage impregnated with beeswax and drugs (Levomikol, Dioxidin, Methyluracil); it not only does not stick to the wound, but also ensures the outflow of fluid, prevents the penetration of microbes, and stimulates healing. At the granulation stage, a bandage without ointment is used. The Brandolind dressing is impregnated with Peruvian balsam and has air and secretion permeability. To enhance granulation, ointments are used: Betadine, Methyluracil-D, Etonia, Dermazin, etc. Wundekhil ointment has a reparative effect and eliminates necrotic phenomena due to its phytocomposition. Etonia ointment also has an analgesic effect.
In the third stage, ointment is also used, but it is applied along the edge of the ulcer and on areas with new skin. Ointments with wound-healing properties are Curiosin, Bepanten, Alantan Plus, Mephenate, etc.
During the scarring stage, plant-based ointments are used that promote the formation of elastic tissue, such as 10% ointment Comfrey, St. John's wort, Calendula.
General treatment of trophic ulcers involves taking drugs that improve venous outflow, stimulate trophism and tissue healing . After a doctor's prescription, you can use venotonics - Phlebodia, Tanakan, Detralex, Aescin, Ginkgo biloba, etc.
For large wounds, surgical treatment is recommended . To cover the wound surface, a skin flap from the patient's thigh or buttock is used. It becomes an additional epithelialization center and healing is accelerated.
Traditional medicine uses honey, propolis, eggs, herbal infusions, etc. to treat trophic ulcers.
It is necessary to approach the use of folk remedies with particular caution when there is an open wound surface. Treatment should be coordinated with a doctor and carefully monitor sterility when preparing decoctions and ointments.
In the complex treatment of trophic ulcers, physiotherapy is used. Laser irradiation of long-term non-healing wound surfaces is used. After cleansing the wound, it is exposed to red spectrum radiation. When foci of epithelization are formed - infrared. When using pulsed laser systems, the procedure can be carried out through a gauze bandage. Irradiation is carried out for up to 5 minutes, once a day for a course of 10-15 procedures.
Magnetotherapy is carried out using the Polyus-2D apparatus. The surface of the wound is treated with contact, through a bandage, moving from the edge to the center. Treatment lasts up to 10 minutes, once a day and consists of 15 procedures.
The correct strategy and complex effects give positive results in the treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities.
An advanced stage of the disease can cause irreversible consequences, such as gangrene, blood poisoning. Often the life of a person with an advanced stage can only be saved by amputation of a limb.
Under no circumstances should the disease be started!
We recommend reading the article by the head of the Institute of Phlebology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences of Russia Viktor Mikhailovich Semenov.