Most often, edema appears as a result of injury (bruise, wound, sprain, break) as a result of hemorrhage, microcirculation disorders, and accumulation of exudate in the capsule. But, in addition to injuries, such a deviation can also cause some diseases:
If there is no injury, you should not start treatment on your own, since the cause of the swelling is not known. You should consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis.
If swelling of the ankle joint occurs as a result of a fracture, then treatment must begin by comparing the fragments and fixing them with plaster or metal plates. For sprains, a cast is not required; it is enough to apply cold and fix it with an elastic bandage to prevent the possibility of subluxation. The leg should be elevated and a gel that relieves swelling and inflammation (for example, Troxevasin) should be rubbed in once a day.
In case of inflammatory disease of the ankle joint (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis), it may be necessary to remove pus from the joint capsule and inject it with an antibiotic or one of the steroid hormones. Additionally, medications in the form of tablets, ointments or gels can be used. If there is no pus, it is important to improve blood microcirculation in the soft tissues. For this, Diosmin or its analogues are prescribed in tablet form. At the same time, gels or ointments that neutralize the inflammatory process can be prescribed.
For deforming edema , in addition to medications, massage treatment is prescribed in the area of the spine, hips, lower legs and feet. Basic techniques: kneading, rubbing and ironing. The purpose of the procedure is to improve the metabolic process in soft tissues. After the procedure, muscle spasms are reduced and their tone increases.
If the cause of edema is some kind of disease of the internal organs, then folk remedies that normalize the water-salt balance, improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart, and help remove excess water from soft tissues can be quite effective:
Proper nutrition is important to treat edema. Effectively removes water from the body
watermelons, cucumbers, pumpkin, grapes, parsley. Grapes can be replaced with grape juice, parsley can be brewed as tea.
If the doctor has prescribed a diuretic drug, then it should be taken into account that taking it will help remove calcium and potassium from the body. This means that you need to add foods that contain these microelements to your diet: fermented milk products, raisins, zucchini, dried apricots, apricots. You should also limit your salt intake and water volume. Water can be replaced with decoctions of lingonberry leaves, cranberries, and lemon.
When treating edema, elastic stockings, strengthening gymnastics, and self-massage help well. The simplest exercise is to balance first on one leg, then on the other. You need to do this exercise several times a day. For massage, you can use a soft-bristled brush or a hard towel. The legs should be rubbed, starting from the toes, in a circular motion. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with a special cream or any vegetable oil. For women with swelling of the ankle joint, it is not advisable to wear shoes with very high heels.
Swelling of the ankle joint can be caused by various diseases or a fracture. You should not engage in self-treatment, since only a specialist can identify the true cause.
It often happens that people may encounter problems such as pain and swelling in the ankle. This can be caused by a variety of factors, from a minor injury to a serious illness such as arthritis. Swelling of the ankle joint brings a lot of discomfort and this promotes prompt consultation with a specialist. Pain can be observed when walking or running.
The ankle appears to be a union of several bones: the fibula, tibia and talus. They are connected by tendons. In order to bring the ankle into a mobile state, a certain accumulation of muscles, tendons, and ligaments is included in the work process. Pain arising in the presented joint can also mean third-party diseases. Pain can be caused by various reasons, including as a consequence of a fracture.
The most common causes of ankle swelling are sprains and injuries.
Let's look at the main causes of ankle swelling.
When defects in uric acid production and metabolism occur in the body, the big toe and the foot itself can become inflamed. This is caused by excessive salt accumulation in the blood and joints. Excess salt is not removed, so pain occurs in the affected joint.
During this disease, you can observe unexpected swelling in other joints of the foot, which is accompanied by pain.
In this case, the cartilage wears out, which prevents the joint from functioning normally. When the cartilage disappears, the process of bones rubbing against each other occurs. This contributes to the weakening of ligaments and muscles. Most often found in older people. It can also be traumatic and post-traumatic.
This is inflammation in the joint, which may be associated with infection or an autoimmune process. The following types can be distinguished.
This is an inflammation of the fascia (a thick band of connective tissue) located at the bottom of the leg. People involved in physical activity that causes frequent and severe pressure on the heel, this disease is common. In addition, it occurs in people who are overweight and have abnormal foot structure. Incorrectly chosen shoes can also cause illness.
The most common cause of ankle swelling. Possibly caused by torn ligaments or strips of tissue. This can happen during physical activity or walking on a not very level surface.
After a fracture, swelling may occur, the same as with a bruise or sprain. The prevalence of ankle fracture is higher than other parts of the extremities. Swelling after an ankle fracture may be accompanied by signs consistent with other injuries. Unlike a dislocation or bruise, after a fracture there is severe pain in the ankle area.
If such an injury occurs, swelling begins to spread from the joint itself throughout the foot. The lower part of the leg appears to deviate outward. These are the consequences of a pronation fracture. It occurs as a result of a strong turn of the foot. As a result, tension arises in the ligament on the side and it breaks. In this case, swelling occurs on both sides of the injury.
If after this a person continues to carry a load on the injured leg, then the stability of the talus is lost and it begins to shift between the tibia bones. Then the tibiofibular ligament ruptures. There are chances that it will come off the bone with part of it. The talus then contributes to the occurrence of an ankle fracture. Thus, you need to be careful about the symptoms that caused it.
Prolonged swelling can provoke soft tissue lymphostasis. Another area is supination injuries. May be caused by excessive pressure on the ankle. This occurs when the foot is in a rotated (inward) position. The collateral ligament is put under too much strain and is at risk of being torn from the bone. In this case, the talus tries to penetrate inside and it moves obliquely. The result is a crack or fracture.
If after even a minor injury the pain does not go away for a long time, and the swelling only increases, then treatment should be started. Treatment of ankle swelling If the ankle joint begins to swell and is accompanied by pain, the patient is primarily interested in treatment. Naturally, correctly identified causes will speed up treatment. Naturally, only a doctor can prescribe medications, but you can use some tips in case of swelling of the ankle joint after a slight bruise or overwork of the foot:
If you want to prescribe treatment for yourself, then you should not forget that swelling is not the cause of the disease, but only its symptom. If the patient also exhibits symptoms of other joint diseases, he is prescribed non-steroidal drugs that relieve inflammation.
Treatment with physiotherapeutic measures and the introduction of physical therapy exercises are also carried out. It is important to follow a diet when treating ankle swelling. Cartilage tissue as a result of arthrosis or arthritis needs to be restored and a special diet helps with this. It is worth noting that treatment of ankle swelling is carried out on an individual basis, since the causes differ for everyone.
treatment of joints and spine
?If nothing helps, write.?
?apply something cooling (for example a compress);?
?When defects in uric acid production and metabolism occur in the body, the big toe and the foot itself can become inflamed. This is caused by excessive salt accumulation in the blood and joints. Excess salt is not excreted, so pain occurs in the affected joint.?
?This pain is of a pressing nature and occurs more often in the morning or at night.?
?As a rule, this is their stretching. In this case, the patient is immobilized; he cannot step on the affected limb. The patient's joint hurts, is swollen and red.?
If the knee is swollen, this in itself causes great discomfort, limits mobility and causes maximum inconvenience. Perhaps it's just a slight bruise, but, as a rule, the reasons lie much deeper than it seems at first glance.?
?Make a compress from any herbs and vegetables that you can find in the house. But only three vegetables are best suited for this: potatoes, cabbage and beets. But they should not be mixed, but rather used alternately for compresses. Potatoes and beets are cut into rings, cabbage is taken as a whole leaf. The vegetable is placed on the painful joint. Wrap a warm scarf on top. Compresses are made daily until the joint stops bothering you.?
?and if nothing helps, you should contact a specialist.?
?During this disease, you can observe a sudden swelling in other joints of the foot, which is accompanied by pain.?
?To prevent the formation of uric acid salts in the blood, the doctor prescribes the medications “Allopurinol”, “Allomaron”, “Milurit”.?
A person cannot walk without a joint on the big toe, which is called the first metatarsophalangeal. It acts as a stabilizer when lifting the foot. This is of great importance in the formation of gait and the functioning of the limb. Pain in the joint of the big toe is felt when it is inflamed.?
The ankle joint is a rather complex anatomical formation. Three bones take part in its formation - the tibia, fibula, and talus bone of the foot.?
?If you want to prescribe treatment for yourself, then you should not forget that swelling is not the cause of the disease, but only its symptom. If the patient also exhibits symptoms of other joint diseases, he is prescribed non-steroidal drugs that relieve inflammation.?
?In this case, the cartilage wears out, which prevents the joint from functioning normally. When the cartilage disappears, the process of bones rubbing against each other occurs. This contributes to the weakening of ligaments and muscles. Most often found in older people. It can also be traumatic and post-traumatic.?
?The temperature at the site of inflammation increases.?
?When spraining the ligaments, first of all, you need to apply cold to the leg, from the outside and inside, and bandage it with an elastic bandage.?
?Swelling of the knee joints can be a manifestation of arthritis?
?If a person has chronic inflammation of the joints on the legs, treatment can be carried out using a compress based on laundry soap, honey and onions. A mixture of soap and honey shavings, taken in equal proportions, is melted and laid out on a cloth napkin, chopped onion is poured on top. One medium-sized onion is enough. A compress is applied to the joint. The joint is covered with polyethylene and a warm scarf.?
You can apply a compress: aloe juice - 1 spoon, honey - 2 spoons, vodka - 3 spoons. Mix everything, moisten a napkin and apply to the sore joint.?
?Currently, there are many recipes for tinctures, lotions, and compresses that help relieve inflammation of the joints on the legs.?
?And if the range of motion of the metatarsophalangeal joint decreases or the metatarsal bone has an abnormal length, restriction of movement occurs. This leads to a change in gait, poor health and great discomfort in general. This can happen if inflammation of the toe joints is not treated promptly.?
?Decreased vascular wall permeability?
?The shape of the ankle joint is block-shaped. Like all joints of the lower extremities, the ankle experiences large static and dynamic loads from body weight when walking and maintaining the body in an upright position. Accordingly, the ankle joint is more susceptible to various pathological changes than many others. And the symptoms of these changes, along with swelling, will be pain, redness of the skin, difficulty walking, up to complete immobility.?
?Treatment with physiotherapeutic measures and the introduction of physical therapy exercises are also carried out. It is important to follow a diet when treating ankle swelling. Cartilage tissue as a result of arthrosis or arthritis needs to be restored and a special diet helps with this. It is worth noting that treatment of ankle swelling is carried out on an individual basis, since the causes differ for everyone.?
?In case of joint damage – wound care, comparison (reposition) of bone fragments.?
?If the pain has passed, you need to make compresses with Vishnevsky ointment. In parallel with the treatment, a strict diet is followed with an increase in the volume of fluid consumed, preferably through mineralized drinks.?
?Taking painkillers is indicated.?
?This is an inflammatory process that affects joints, their membranes and cartilage. Diagnosis of arthrosis occurs after any injury or infection. The most susceptible to arthrosis of the knee joint are:?
?Rheumatoid arthritis. As a feature of it, one can observe prolonged inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissue. Occurs when there is a malfunction in the immune system.?
?This is inflammation of the knee joint bursa. It occurs due to increased load, limb injuries and a history of arthrosis. The patient is concerned about redness, swelling and decreased mobility of the knee. The pain intensifies with movement and may be temporary.?
?It is necessary to do a light massage.?
Melted paraffin with the addition of mustard powder helps a lot. It is applied to the sore joints, wrapped in polyethylene, a warm scarf and left overnight.?
?In addition to injuries, arthritis can be a consequence of rheumatism, gout, and many other metabolic disorders and infectious diseases. Ankle arthritis is accompanied by swelling of the periarticular tissues due to impaired capillary permeability and accumulation of intra-articular fluid, sometimes mixed with blood and pus.?
?Physiotherapy is prescribed for knee injuries?
?Osteoarthritis is accompanied by the destruction of cartilage tissue on the surface of the joints. Symptoms of the disease:?
?Wearing Piokal stimulants + local use of them on the sore joint.?
?having a burdened heredity.?
?Pus and blood that have accumulated in the joint cavity must be removed. Antibiotics are then injected into the joint cavity. Along with antibiotics (but not simultaneously), steroid hormones - Kenalog, Diprospan - are also injected into the joint cavity. Traumatic and inflammatory swelling of the ankle is very well relieved with medications based on horse chestnut fruits. A drug from this group, L-lysine aescinate, is administered intravenously. Another medicine, Aescin gel, is applied to the skin in the projection of the joint. As a result, the swelling goes away literally within a day.?
?Disruption of microcirculation with the release of blood plasma into soft tissues?
?Decreased bone strength due to the presence of:?
?If you notice that you have pain in your leg, the joint is swollen, there is redness on the inside and movement is increasingly difficult, then it is likely that this is arthrosis. Treatment of this disease is carried out to relieve inflammation and eliminate pain. Is it better to do this in a hospital?
Inflammation of the joints of the big toes during a fracture will continue to remind itself for a long time. For a long time, a person will not stop limping and feeling pain, and when walking, the support will be transferred to the heel.?
?General body temperature increases.? ?Limited joint mobility.?
?To improve blood microcirculation in the capillaries of muscles and soft tissues, Trental, Pentoxifylline, and Curantil are administered intravenously. Almost always, with injuries or inflammation of the ankle, the venous outflow of blood suffers. The properties of the venous wall change, the valves of the veins weaken. Diosmin and its analogues – Phlebodia, Vasoket, Detralex – strengthen veins very well. All these products are presented in tablet form. True, in order to relieve swelling, you need a long course of taking these medications.?
?Decreased venous tone, incompetence of venous valves?
?Drug therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint includes:?
?Mechanical damage to muscles, joint tissues due to bone fragments during injuries?
?Regardless of the causes of pain, we can get rid of it with the help of massage. 1. We find painful areas on the knee joint, press with a finger, rub, knead and tap them with the nail phalanx, pecking movements. 2.Knead the knee between your palms, rub it, tap the soreness with your fist. 3. We massage our knees on the carpet and, if possible, then walk on our knees on the carpet. 4. We tap the painful places on the knees using our index finger, thumb, the corner of the narrow part of the hammer, or a rolling pin with as much force as possible. 5. If antimicrobial immunity is weakened, we strengthen it by rubbing the legs to the knee (foot, shin) and the arms to the elbow (back of the hand, forearm). The time it takes to get rid of knee pain depends on how long it has been bothering you. The pain that has been occurring for about a month will require at most two weeks of time to get rid of it. Chronic pain can be eliminated within two to three months.?
If such an injury occurs, swelling begins to spread from the joint itself throughout the foot. The lower part of the leg appears to deviate outward. These are the consequences of a pronation fracture. It occurs as a result of a strong turn of the foot. As a result, tension arises in the ligament on the side and it breaks. In this case, swelling occurs on both sides of the injury.?
?Weakness and nausea appear.?
?At the onset of the disease, pain appears periodically after exerting physical stress on the joint. At rest it quickly disappears. But over time, it does not go away even after rest, and may appear at night. Women are more likely to suffer from arthrosis of the toes. The disease is provoked by wearing fashionable shoes with pointed toes, as a result of which the big toe is deformed and curved. This causes inflammation of the joints of the big toes, pain and restriction of movement.?
?Redness of the skin to a bright purple color.?
If after this a person continues to carry a load on the injured leg, then the stability of the talus is lost and it begins to shift between the tibia bones. Then the tibiofibular ligament ruptures. There are chances that it will come off the bone with part of it. The talus then contributes to the occurrence of an ankle fracture. Thus, you need to be careful about the symptoms that caused it.?
?Treatment consists of immobilizing the limb, most often with a cast. If fragments are present, surgical intervention is recommended. During the operation, the articular surface is restored and the kneecap is fixed.?
?hormonal imbalance and calcium deficiency.?
?non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Nimesulide, Aspirin, Revmoxicam);?
?Pain of a damaged joint.?
?The simplest way is to apply cold in the form of an ice pack to the injury site. Cold is effective only in the first day or two, and then you should move on to warming procedures.?
?Accumulation of exudate - tissue serous fluid, sometimes mixed with blood and pus in the joint capsule.?
An indicator of weakened antimicrobial immunity, in mild cases, is the presence of a burning sensation and soreness on the skin of the extremities, which are detected when we begin to rub our legs or arms with the base of the palm of our hand, or this burning sensation and soreness is felt on its own, even without touching. This level of weakened antimicrobial immunity will be accompanied by inflammatory processes in the larynx, throat, lungs, kidneys, etc. etc. The presence of aches, aching pain in the bones and joints of the legs and arms is already a signal of a strong suppression of antimicrobial immunity (rheumatism, polyarthritis, arthritis). To strengthen or restore antimicrobial immunity, you need to rub the back of the hand and the outer area of the forearm up to the elbow inclusive with the base of your palm, rub your legs: leg to leg, starting with the instep of the foot, lower leg, from all sides. We rub the knee joints, knead them between our palms. Rubbing is carried out day after day until the burning sensation and pain on the extremities completely disappear, and in the case of a severely weakened immune system, until the aches and pain in the bones and joints, such as the hands, are completely eliminated. This also requires local massage on the joint area. At elevated temperatures, rubbing should be done 8-10 times a day, spending about 5 minutes at a time on the entire massage of the limbs. What effect can be expected from such exposure at elevated temperatures? First of all, this is a decrease in temperature from high numbers to 37.5? C and below. The effect appears literally after 20-30 minutes. Pain and aches may also go away, in some cases, even after the first exposure, but in order for it to never appear again, in mild cases, you will need to work with yourself for about two to three weeks. If the immune system is severely weakened, this will require treatment for 1 to 3 months. Daily rubbing of the feet and hands has an antibacterial effect significantly superior to the best, most expensive imported, of course, broad-spectrum antibiotic, and you can see this for yourself very quickly. Good luck to you.?
?Prolonged swelling can provoke lymphostasis of soft tissues. Another area is supination injuries. May be caused by excessive pressure on the ankle. This occurs when the foot is in a rotated (inward) position. The collateral ligament is put under too much strain and is at risk of being torn from the bone. In this case, the talus tries to penetrate inside and it moves obliquely. The result is a crack or fracture.?
?It often happens that people may encounter a problem such as pain and swelling in the ankle. This can be caused by a variety of factors, from a minor injury to a serious illness such as arthritis. Swelling of the ankle joint brings a lot of discomfort and this promotes prompt consultation with a specialist. Pain can be observed when walking or running.? ?May occur due to arthrosis. At first, the disease is asymptomatic, then swelling appears on the outer and inner sides of the knee joint and pain. The disease is dangerous because the patient is susceptible to frequent bone fractures.?
?warming ointments (Apizartron, Finalgon);?
?Next you should call a doctor! After the examination, he prescribes treatment.?
?The drug "Nimesulide" and its analogues: "Mesulide", "Nise", "Nimulid".?
?If a person often experiences pain in the joints of his toes, which limits movement, he should consult a doctor. After a complete examination, the doctor prescribes treatment for the patient. For osteoarthritis, the following drugs are used:?
?When a person has arthritis, inflammation of the joints of the toes bothers them. Treatment is initially carried out using conservative methods, using medications. Medicines that relieve pain and relieve inflammation:?
?To do this, you can heat the sand in a dry frying pan, then place it in a bag and apply it to the foot and ankle.?
Each ankle pathology can be caused by several, and sometimes all of the above pathological mechanisms. Moreover, in most cases, not only the ankle can swell, but also the other, smaller joints of the foot.?
?If after even a minor injury the pain does not go away for a long time, and the swelling only increases, then treatment should be started. Treatment of ankle swelling If the ankle joint begins to swell and is accompanied by pain, the patient is primarily interested in treatment. Naturally, correctly identified causes will speed up treatment. Naturally, only a doctor can prescribe medications, but you can use some tips in case of swelling of the ankle joint after a slight bruise or overwork of the foot:?
?The ankle appears as a connection of several bones: fibula, tibia and talus. They are connected by tendons. In order to bring the ankle into a mobile state, a certain accumulation of muscles, tendons, and ligaments is included in the work process. Pain arising in the presented joint can also mean third-party diseases. Pain can be caused by various reasons, including as a consequence of a fracture.?
?Medicine “Ibuprofen” and its analogues: “Ibalgin”, “Ibutor”, “Profen”.?
?Ibuprofen and its analogues: Amprofen, Brufen, Nurofen.?
?Drugs "Diclofenac" and its analogues: "Voltaren Rapid", "Dicloran", "Ortofen" and many others.?
Semi-alcohol compresses are excellent for relieving swelling. Many have heard about them, but not everyone knows what it is. Concentrated alcohol is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio (hence the name). Next, a clean napkin is moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the desired area. The napkin is completely covered with polyethylene on top, and the whole thing is wrapped in woolen cloth.?
?Accordingly, treatment of swelling of the joints of the foot involves:?
?Smear all sore spots with sea buckthorn oil.?
?immobilize the injured foot;?
?Remedies “Menovazin”, “Nicoflex”, “Voltaren”.?
?Ibuprofen and its analogues: Amprofen, Ibupron, Ibusan and others.?
?Alcohol-furacilin compresses are a modification of semi-alcohol ones. Instead of water, a pharmaceutical solution of furatsilin is used here. Already in the first minutes the patient feels a pleasant warmth. Compresses should be applied at night and kept until the morning.?
?Improving blood microcirculation?
?you can rub them in while doing a light massage;?
?Let's consider the main reasons causing ankle swelling.?
?If a patient complains of inflammation and pain in the knee joint, it is necessary to consult a specialist:?
?In parallel, physiotherapy, gymnastics, massage and traditional medicine are used. In cases where the disease is severe, surgical treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is indicated by draining the joint and removing pus from it. Among the methods of traditional medicine, the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with burdock has good effectiveness. It is applied to the leg below the femur and secured with an elastic bandage.?
?And remember: if you pay attention to your health, you can avoid many injuries.?
?Bursitis is treated comprehensively. Treatment of the joint of the big toe is carried out very widely using folk methods. To make recovery faster, you can successfully use the following remedies at home:?
?Medicine “Chondroitin Sulfate + Glucosamine” and its analogues: “Arthra”, “Teraflex”.?
Medicine “Ketoprofen” and its analogues: “Actron”, “Ketonal”, “Knavon” and others. If the skin is not damaged and there is no individual intolerance, you can use the drugs “Apizatron”, “Butadione”, “Finalgon”.?
All these remedies can (and should) be combined with physiotherapeutic treatment. Magnet, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, and electrophoresis with calcium are excellent for relieving swelling of soft tissues. However, we should not forget that warming and thermal procedures are contraindicated in the presence of wounds, abrasions, accumulations of blood and pus.?
Swelling of the ankle joint can cause pain and discomfort. The reasons for their occurrence are varied - from injury and banal fatigue to hidden forms of diseases such as heart failure and arthrosis. Identifying the causes and starting timely treatment is the key to healthy legs and an easy gait.
Ankle swelling is very common. It is manifested by inflammation, pain and swelling of soft tissues, causing discomfort.
The human ankle joint performs important functions and is a complex system. It consists of the talus, tibia and fibula.
The complex structure of the joint ensures the performance of diverse functions and loads
The joint is constantly exposed to a large amount of physical activity and is involved in the process of keeping the body in a standing position. Therefore, when the ankle joint swells and hurts, you need to think about how to treat it right away.
Advice. There is no need to self-medicate or let the process take its course. This may be the beginning of a serious illness, and only a specialist can determine the true cause and depth of the problem.
Swelling of the leg in the ankle joint leads to improper drainage of fluid, poor circulation and the development of painful transformations.
Skin redness, swelling, pain appears, walking becomes difficult
There are various causes of ankle swelling. The severity of symptoms and pain directly depends on them.
They most often lead to ankle swelling. There are types of injuries:
When injured, blood enters the soft tissues and joint capsules. Local blood circulation is disrupted, blood stagnation forms, which causes swelling.
This is another common reason why the ankle joint is swollen. The disease contributes to the destruction of cartilage tissue, its “ossification”. Over time, the changed areas begin to rub against each other, and swelling appears. Arthritis of the ankle joint mainly affects older people. It can be a consequence of rheumatism, gout, any infection or autoimmune disease.
Bursitis, synovitis, and arthrosis are often the causes of swelling of the ankle joint. A disruption in the secretion of joint fluid leads to its accumulation, and as a result, the feet swell.
Pathological transformations of the veins, which occurred against the background of diseases such as thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, contribute to an increase in pressure in the veins and disrupt the outflow of venous blood.
Heart failure, diseases of the kidneys and other organs, which lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, provoke the accumulation of fluid and are manifested by swelling of the ankle joints without injury.
Kidney diseases lead to disruptions in the processes of removing fluid from the body, which can be immediately noticed by swelling in the legs
Soft tissue infections caused by viruses or bacteria are another cause of leg swelling.
Important! Incorrect therapy or lack thereof can cause sepsis.
Some medications can cause fluid retention in the body and lead to ankle swelling. These include antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants, and hormone replacement drugs.
Swelling and pain in the ankle joint are not always a consequence of an injury or a symptom of a disease. They can be caused by excessive consumption of liquid or salty foods, poor-quality shoes, and pregnancy. People often experience swelling in their legs and arms during extreme heat. As a rule, such swelling goes away after resting in a lying position.
Pathological edema does not always appear in the evening, and it is not immediately possible to eliminate it even with medication.
Treatment for ankle swelling directly depends on the cause that caused it.
Mechanical damage or injury to the joint occurs quite often due to the heavy load on it, which is mainly associated with upright posture. Athletes and people leading an active lifestyle are primarily at risk. But you can also injure your foot simply on an uneven or slippery surface.
The most common injuries - sprains or ruptures of ligaments, dislocations, fractures, bruises - are accompanied by pain. In addition, tissue cyanosis (blue discoloration) is almost always present at the site of injury. Edema is always associated with damage to blood vessels and hemorrhage into the periarticular space.
Important! In cases of injury, contacting a traumatologist is mandatory.
Before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to provide rest to the injured leg. Ice can be applied to relieve swelling and reduce pain.
Remember! Ice treatment not only helps relieve swelling, but also helps prevent bruising.
Diagnosis, carried out using palpation, X-ray examination or MRI, allows us to determine the severity of the injury and prescribe the correct treatment.
The damaged joint is fixed (preliminarily reduced in case of dislocation, assembled in case of fracture). Depending on the degree of damage, rigid fixation is used (plaster, splints) or an elastic bandage is used.
The injured joint must be immobilized to prevent further damage to the joint capsule and surrounding tissues.
Next, the accumulated fluid is removed from the joint and antibiotics are administered. Edema is well relieved with drugs containing horse chestnut, introduced into the body by drip. Various gels and ointments are used. The result is noticeable within 1-2 days.
When the cause of a swollen ankle joint is not an injury, there is a serious reason to pay attention to your body.
Important! Swelling that appears indicates that something has gone wrong in the body; you should definitely consult a doctor.
With varicose veins, swelling appears gradually, unnoticeably. This usually occurs in the late afternoon, after standing for a long time during the day. After rest, the swelling disappears. As the disease progresses, other signs begin to appear. Swelling is usually asymmetrical. Heaviness appears in the legs.
Swelling in the ankle joint in the absence of injury may be a sign of a hidden disease
In case of kidney disease, swelling is formed not only in the legs. The patient experiences an increase in temperature, a change in the color of urine, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, and swelling of the eyelids.
With thrombophlebitis, as a rule, the ankle joint on only one leg swells. There is pain and burning when walking. Redness is observed at the site of the diseased vein.
Heart failure is characterized by swelling in both legs. When you press on a swollen joint, it leaves a depression that smoothes out very slowly.
When pressing with a finger, a clearly visible hole remains at the site of the swollen joint.
Note. This type of swelling also occurs during pregnancy.
Treatment for a tumor of the ankle joint is prescribed by a doctor only after an accurate diagnosis of the reasons that caused this condition. And it is not the symptom that is eliminated, but the disease itself that is cured.
To remove stagnant biological fluids in the body, diuretics and drugs that improve blood microcirculation in tissues are mainly prescribed. For some diseases, courses of physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.
Physiotherapy has been successfully used to treat the early stages of arthrosis and arthritis
In cases of inflammatory processes, painkillers are prescribed to patients to reduce pain. Treatment is with anti-inflammatory drugs.
Traditional medicine has also accumulated considerable experience in the treatment of swelling of the lower leg joints. Diuretic infusions, including birch buds, horsetail, and knotweed, have been successfully used. Flax seeds and elderberry have a wonderful effect. Black radish juice with honey, as well as parsley, have a healing effect.
Herbalists recommend the use of healing baths. Warm water is used with the addition of St. John's wort, linden, and coltsfoot leaves. Baths are done before bed for 15-20 minutes.
Herbal baths not only relieve swelling, but also stabilize sleep
Foods such as cucumbers, pumpkin, watermelon, raisins, and apricots have an excellent effect on the body. They remove stagnant fluid from the body well and contain many vitamins.
Everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to go to a specialist when ankle swelling appears or try to treat themselves. But we must not forget that the appearance of edema without prior injury can be a signal of the onset of the development of the disease. And the sooner effective treatment begins, the greater the chances for a full recovery.
Co-author of the material: Dmitry Ulyanov is an orthopedist-rheumatologist with 22 years of experience, a doctor of the first category. Engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all diseases of the joints and connective tissue. He has a diploma in Rheumatology and studied at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.