Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a degenerative disease that affects the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine.
Degenerative changes usually develop in the most mobile parts of the spine, therefore, in the cervical spine, due to disturbances in the structure of the vertebrae, the nerve roots at the level of C5, C6 and C7 most often suffer.
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis can be observed in people of any age, and especially among the working population from 30 to 50 years old. Some people suffer from this disease, sometimes without even knowing the cause of the ailment, because degenerative changes in the cervical spine occur unnoticed. Timely treatment of cervical osteochondrosis will return a person to excellent health and give him health in the future.
Cervical osteochondrosis has a number of features in comparison with lumbar and thoracic ones. They are determined by the structural features of the vertebrae of this department, the size of the structures of which is much smaller than the vertebrae of other departments. It must be taken into account that the cervical region is the most mobile; it is almost constantly loaded, since it supports the head. Osteochondrosis usually affects the most mobile segments, which subsequently determines the symptoms of this disease.
Despite the prevalence of this disease and advances in modern medicine, the pathogenesis of cervical osteochondrosis is not fully understood. It is known that the disease can develop against the background of metabolic disorders in the cervical spine, which over time leads to changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies.
Osteochondrosis can be caused by incorrect posture, excess weight, back injuries, and curvature of the spine. Excessive physical activity, improper training, stressful situations, and a sedentary lifestyle can also trigger the occurrence of osteochondrosis. And, of course, one should not lose sight of infectious diseases, as well as simple hypothermia, since this can subsequently cause the occurrence of osteochondrosis.
The disease goes through several stages in its development, during which the spine undergoes pathological changes:
Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine differ from the manifestations of this disease in other parts of the spinal column. This is due to the fact that in the cervical region the vertebrae are located closer to each other, the intervertebral discs have a relatively small height, which leads to the appearance of a clinic even with the most minor pathological processes. Also in the cervical region, compression of the nerve roots and spinal cord occurs more often.
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis manifest themselves differently, depending on which vertebrae are damaged by the disease. First of all, most patients feel pain in the neck; pain can also occur in other parts of the body: in the arms, in the heart area, chin, and so on.
A person may also hear a crunching sound when turning the neck. Due to pinched nerves and blood vessels, a person may experience numbness in the tongue and fingertips. The patient will complain of decreased hearing and vision, high blood pressure and weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs.
Characteristic syndromes for cervical osteochondrosis are:
All these syndromes are accompanied, first of all, by different types of pain.
When a nerve is pinched, the patient experiences acute pain that is descending in nature. The pain spreads from the neck to the shoulder, from the shoulder to the forearm, then affects the fingers or both hands.
A person experiencing radicular syndrome in the neck may feel “goosebumps” and tingling sensations. The elasticity and firmness of the skin decreases, paleness and slight swelling appear.
With this syndrome of cervical osteochondrosis, a throbbing or burning headache appears, spreading to the superciliary region, back of the head, temple and crown. As a rule, the pain is constant, although in some cases it can be paroxysmal.
Increased pain is observed after prolonged movement or being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. If the body is weakened, nausea and loss of consciousness may occur. Auditory disturbances may occur: noise, decreased hearing acuity, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Possible effects on vision: decreased visual acuity, eye pain.
In case of “cervical migraine” syndrome, irritation of the sympathetic nodes is observed, which leads to impaired reactivity of cerebral vessels and impaired circulation.
As a result, hypertension may develop, often accompanied by:
In hypertension syndrome, increased intracranial pressure is determined. The headache is more of a bursting nature and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, an increase in temperature and an increase in ESR may be observed.
If the disease occurs at a young age, one should expect possible complications in all parts of the spine:
If treatment for osteochondrosis is started in the later stages, it will only relieve pain and inflammation. It will be more difficult to completely get rid of negative changes. This is only possible with long-term and complex treatment.
A specialist will tell you how to treat neck osteochondrosis. He may recommend pharmacopuncture, vacuum, manual or laser therapy, dry traction or electrical stimulation. After several sessions the pain goes away. But it is important to carry out the full course of treatment.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and its complications must be treated using conservative methods that are aimed at eliminating pain syndromes, dysfunction of the spinal roots, as well as preventing the progression of dystrophic changes in the structure of the spine.
In cases where conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical treatment is performed for certain indications, where the extent depends on the clinical manifestation of osteochondrosis and the level of the lesion. The most effective result in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is considered to be a comprehensive treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system as a whole.
At home, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with medications may include:
Ointments and gels for external use (Finalgon, Fastum gel and others) have some therapeutic effect.
Non-drug treatment is prescribed for any stage of cervical osteochondrosis and may include:
In advanced cases and in the presence of complications, doctors resort to surgery.
It is required if all measures aimed at relieving the inflammatory process at stages 3-4 of the disease have not led to any results. The usual period of therapy in this case is about six months. But the course of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis can be reduced if the patient experiences a stable deterioration in health. Paralysis of the limbs and unbearable pain are indications for early surgery.
At home, cervical osteochondrosis can be treated with no less success than in a clinic. The main thing you need for effective treatment is a systematic and competent approach.
It is important to include dosed physical activity and neck exercises in the treatment program. It should also be taken into account that the increase in the number and intensity of exercise should be gradual so as not to cause harm to the weakened spine.
And if you don’t yet know how to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home, we will be happy to give you some useful recommendations. Among the folk remedies for osteochondrosis of the neck, it is recommended to take decoctions or infusions of herbs, as well as rub the ointment into the problem area.
Once again I would like to remind you that cervical osteochondrosis can only be treated with complex actions. You need to not be lazy, develop a system and stick to it every day. Treatment at home can provide a significant impact on the healing process. And, of course, you should seek the help of professionals, if possible.
Therapeutic exercises have no less effect than drug treatment of osteochondrosis, and are the basis of recovery. The exercises will not take much time, especially since they are easy to do at home.
Gymnastics is aimed at reducing pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, spraining ligaments and relaxing neck muscles. But you need to perform the exercises only after consulting a doctor and very carefully so as not to harm the body.
Cervical osteochondrosis - we have already encountered this disease more than once, and we fully felt its seriousness, since this problem goes far beyond the cervical region. Sometimes the symptoms of the disease resemble diseases of the brain and cardiovascular system, and at critical moments they can even lead to a stroke. And this makes treatment very difficult. Now it’s time to deal with another type of this disease.
This is arthrosis of the cervical spine . In fact, both osteochondrosis and arthrosis are one and the same disease, the greedy essence of which is to devour our joints. Simply, the concept of “ arthrosis ” is applicable to all joints of the human skeleton, and “ osteochondrosis ” is applicable to the spine. To be completely precise, osteochondrosis supposedly specializes only in intervertebral discs (a kind of elastic cartilaginous pads between the vertebrae), leaving the facet joints of the spine to its fellow arthrosis.
In reality, of course, both processes occur simultaneously (arthrosis may be slightly delayed, since the joints are more adapted to stress), and since the destruction of cartilage in the body, caused by internal reasons, has begun, then all cartilage will be destroyed everywhere - both discs and joints.
Internal reasons can be different:
The most common external factors of cervical arthrosis:
subluxations and fractures of the cervical vertebrae
Trauma can cause damage to the intervertebral disc or vertebral joint. This severe damage is not only difficult to treat, but can lead to consequences even after several years. When diagnosing post-traumatic complications, the concepts of “osteochondrosis” and “arthrosis” are differentiated, since their localization is clearly defined.
What happens with cervical arthrosis of the spine
When examining an x-ray, the following symptoms are visible, which indicate the development of the disease:
The proximity of the cervical vertebrae to each other and the narrowness of the cervical spine turn arthrosis into a dangerous disease: Osteophytes begin to affect ligaments, nerve endings and blood vessels (vertebral arteries pass through the cervical spine)
Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine may occur . This is a form of the usual, complicated by radicular symptoms, which we observe with osteochondrosis or hernia. Only in this case, when the nerve is pinched by osteophytes, they are even more acute. This is in the literal sense, since the sharp edges of the spines can damage a nerve or vessel.
Symptoms of uncovertebral arthrosis
Unexpected causes of cervical arthrosis
Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine can be seen on an x-ray, but does not appear externally for a long time.
In addition to the above factors, it can be provoked by completely unexpected factors:
It would seem, what do these defects have in common with the cervical spine?
The spine is a single mechanism with its own biomechanics. If some link is broken somewhere, then a failure occurs in the overall biomechanical chain
A person with both flat feet and a dislocated hip walks completely differently:
The clock on the time bomb called “arthrosis” begins to tick.
Treatment of this pathology turns out to be ineffective because they begin to treat it according to the standard regimen without eradicating the main cause.
It is treated in the same way as spinal arthrosis in general.
Surgical treatment is used for uncovertebral arthrosis with the risk of vertebral artery syndrome. Its essence is to remove the damaged joint and replace it with an endoprosthesis
Special recommendations for cervical arthrosis
Arthrosis of the cervical spine is a complex disease, so its treatment is also difficult and lengthy.
Health and patience to you!
Video: Exercises for the cervical spine
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and thoracic spine is a rare but serious disease, since it inflames and destroys the bone and joint structures throughout the spinal column. A doctor is usually consulted already in advanced forms of the disease. Patients often confuse osteochondrosis with a number of other diseases, which is obviously an incorrect and dangerous option for self-diagnosis.
More often the lumbar spine suffers from this problem, less often the cervical spine, and in the cervicothoracic region it can only be seen in a few. However, it is with this disease that there is a high risk of disability. The human body will no longer be able to regain its former mobility.
The cervical spine is formed by 7 vertebrae, each link of which is significantly different from the previous one. This is the most mobile zone. There are thin intervertebral discs here, because the least load is placed on them. Lordosis is a physiological curvature in which the pathology is directed forward.
The thoracic region consists of 12 vertebrae, which differ little from each other in structure. They have virtually no range of motion (active only in professional athletes). The intervertebral discs have strong protection, and the muscular corset covers the vertebrae. Kyphosis is a physiological curvature in which the disease directs the chest backwards.
It is for this reason that pain occurs in the area of the cervical spine, and the diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can be heard very rarely. Symptoms in the latter case may not make themselves felt until a more advanced state. Nevertheless, pathology can develop in two sections at once, which is why it bears such a name.
When osteochondrosis of the spine appears, the bone tissue grows together and forms only a slight gap between the vertebrae, squeezing the nerve endings and blood vessels. The muscle layer is replaced by bone growths. With cervical osteochondrosis, the discs wear out, preventing oxygen from entering. This impairs brain function and blood circulation. This process is sometimes isolated into a separate disease - cervical spondyloarthrosis (a particular form of osteochondrosis).
The exact nature of this disease is still unknown. It is diagnosed in people over 35 years of age, therefore the main causes of pathology of the cervical and thoracic regions are usually called:
Young people are susceptible to the disease. The reasons may be:
Often, the symptoms of osteochondrosis are very diverse, so at the onset of the disease they are often associated with a number of other pathologies, which leads to erroneous diagnoses. Cervicothoracic osteochondrosis acquires its individual characteristics only as it progresses. When these parts of the spine are affected, a person experiences constant and incessant headaches, and as a result of this clinical picture, dizziness occurs with cervicothoracic damage, which provokes a feeling of fatigue.
The pressure in the arteries is constantly changing and jumping, stars and dots begin to flash before your eyes. Pain is felt in the cervical and thoracic region, in the arms and shoulders. The patient feels cold and numbness at the fingertips, discomfort occurs in the heart, sternum and in the ribs. The gait becomes uncertain and shaky, coordination of movements is impaired. Men may develop potency disorder.
If the disease worsens, the patient will experience blurred vision, surges in blood pressure, shortness of breath, pain when inhaling and a dry cough.
Increasing snoring can sometimes indicate a similar diagnosis, since the neck muscles become very tense, putting pressure on the throat. In rare cases, the patient suffers from toothaches and various rashes on the skin (including on the head). Signs of osteochondrosis can be divided into 3 large groups:
With the development of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis with reflex syndrome, a person experiences severe (shooting) pain when turning and uncomfortable positions of the head. Often they are permanent. Usually the pain is felt in the back of the head, but sometimes it spreads to the upper limbs. The patient may have frequent headaches. Intensifies after walking or active physical activity.
If cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is diagnosed, symptoms and treatment will depend on the type of this disease. Thus, a problem with radicular syndrome indicates pinching of nerve fibers between the vertebral body and muscle tissue. Over time, the distance between them decreases, compressing the spinal nerves. In this case, pain is felt in the roots of the entire spine and in the region of the heart.
Significant changes occur in the functioning of most internal organs, the functioning of the intestines and blood supply to the brain are disrupted. If the thoracic region is affected, the pain appears sharply and simultaneously. The patient feels numbness and pain in the shoulder blades, armpits and elbows. The disease is often accompanied by a dry, sharp cough.
In the latter case, the spinal arteries are compressed due to intervertebral hernias. Since sensory fibers are irritated, pain in osteochondrosis is particularly severe, and any movement causes a new attack. Weakness in the shoulder girdle (Personage-Turner syndrome) may occur, when the body becomes weak and a person lifts his limbs with great difficulty. Additionally, if a certain part of the thoracic spine is affected, the fingers, thighs, legs and feet may go numb.
First of all, it is necessary to carry out a number of general studies, since patient complaints are usually very similar to other diseases. For example, in cardiovascular pathologies, the following types of diseases are quite common: hypertension, circulatory disorders in the brain, and vegetative dystonia. Various tumors have similar symptoms. Therefore, a thorough examination is carried out to exclude other possible options. The patient is prescribed:
A more accurate diagnosis can be made with x-rays, since osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine very clearly reveals itself on x-rays (with the mouth open). From the image you can easily determine how strongly the intervertebral discs have fused together and the amount of bone tissue that has grown. This study will show exactly how osteochondrosis has worsened.
For this disease, drug treatment is not the mainstay, but still plays an important role in recovery. Any specialist knows exactly what pills are taken for osteochondrosis. Reception begins with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
They are produced both in the form of tablets and in the form of ointments, gels and solutions for intramuscular injections. The most famous are Diclofenac and Nimesulide. The drugs are prescribed in a weekly course of several types. They usually remain in the blood for several hours.
It is important that the preparations contain chondroitin sulfate. The dosage form of this remedy stops the further development of the disease and restores the growth of damaged tissue. If cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis is diagnosed, treatment using chondroitin sulfates becomes easier, since the effect of other drugs is enhanced and the dosage and course of treatment are significantly reduced.
Muscle relaxants will relieve muscle spasms, which cause the main symptoms of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, and B vitamins will improve metabolism. One of the famous muscle relaxants is Mydocalm. You should be especially careful when taking it if the patient is prone to frequent allergic reactions.
Herbal medicines contain medicinal plants to improve tissue regeneration. Gels and ointments are common forms of release. Such products are sold in pharmacies, but you can make them yourself. Ultra Collagen is the most famous ointment for osteochondrosis, which relieves pain.
Chondroprotectors are medications that are aimed at improving metabolic processes in cartilage tissue. These drugs are usually used for several months once a year. For osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic regions, they can be taken in the form of tablets or powder (then the effect of the drug makes itself felt only after 3 months), preliminary intramuscular injections. The latter are painful, but at the same time they give an effect after the first use. Over time, there is a transition to tablets.
Drug treatment with analgesics is not particularly popular. They act only when administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Steroid medications should be used with great caution due to their strong effects on the body and severe side effects. In the absence of any effect from other means, treatment of the cervical and thoracic regions continues with the help of special blockades with novocaine or a novocaine-steroid mixture.
Treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis will consist of a whole range of procedures. Therapeutic massage, for example, will significantly reduce pain, improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tone. With a long course, he will be able to completely restore the former mobility and strength in his arms after osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic regions.
Be careful when choosing a specialist: a qualified massage therapist will perform the procedure taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and a number of contraindications.
For example, any type of massage (even relaxing) cannot be done if you have cardiovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia or circulatory disorders. A bad massage therapist can only cause harm during the procedure.
In addition, the following manipulations will help:
Physiotherapy is a method of treating a disease using physical factors. This way you can influence only certain diseased areas in the body, without affecting other organs. Its effects have virtually no side effects and are painless. Depending on the doctor’s instructions and financial capabilities, they may prescribe: phototherapy, electrophoresis, UHF therapy, etc.
Manual therapy is in many ways similar to massage, since it also affects different points in the spine. However, in the latter option, the pressure is applied to soft tissues. In the first case - on the spine, intervertebral discs and bones.
Reflexology is better known as acupuncture. Using special needles or massage sticks passing along each vertebra, the nerve endings are irritated. At the same time, pain is reduced, blood pressure is normalized, swelling is relieved and the general condition of the body is restored. Reflexology is contraindicated for any tumors on the body, infectious diseases, blood pathologies, and is also contraindicated for patients with mental disorders.
There are several types of traction: underwater (using fresh or mineral water), dry (traction under its own weight), hardware.
Therapeutic gymnastics (physical therapy) is an important and effective method of treatment. It relaxes tense muscles, restores blood circulation and expands the vertebrae. A set of exercises is usually developed individually by a specialist, but they are carried out according to a common scheme for all.
You must start with a warm-up. You should warm up your limbs, shoulders, back, chest, and last but not least, move on to exercises in the cervical region. During the procedure, patients may sit or stand depending on their condition and comorbidities. The following exercise option is considered generally accepted:
Yoga for osteochondrosis is a common method of treating the disease, which helps not only to get rid of pain, but also to balance the patient’s emotional state. Classes are available to patients of any age, with older people performing simpler exercises. However, over time, people of the older generation master complex asanas and are in no way inferior to the younger ones.
Treatment of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis with yoga begins with one workout and is gradually introduced into daily practice. You can practice using numerous training videos on the Internet. But it is still advisable to seek help from a professional trainer. He will be able to explain in detail the meaning of each asana (posture) and correct if something goes wrong.
Yoga for the neck and chest involves proper breathing and stretching of the vertebrae through various poses. The most famous among them are vrikshasana and trikonasana. Vrksasana is done like this:
Trikonasana has the following algorithm of actions:
Many experts prove the effectiveness of yoga, but there is no scientific confirmation whether yoga can completely replace exercise therapy. If a person wants to be sure that he can get rid of pathology, then it is still advisable to give preference to proven exercise therapy.
In rare cases, osteochondrosis and panic attacks are directly related. Damaged cartilage is rubbed, after which the vertebrae compress the blood vessels and nerve roots. These two roots pass through the brain and nourish it.
As a result of cervical osteochondrosis, the brain does not receive enough nutrition. This causes oxygen starvation.
It is this muscle tension that causes an unreasonable feeling of panic.
Sudden attacks may be associated with thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis. Such attacks provoke the development of other symptoms:
During panic attacks, one or more symptoms become acutely worse.
During the examination, a diagnosis of dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic spine may be made. These are degenerative changes in the tissues of the spinal column. Osteochondrosis is one of the conditions of dorsopathy, therefore, if treatment is completely ignored, acute spondylosis (dystrophy of the entire spinal disc) may develop, which will lead to forward displacement of the discs.
Cervicothoracic osteochondrosis and VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) are directly related. The latter arises as a result of the development of the first. Sometimes doctors make the wrong diagnosis, confusing the symptoms. Dystonia occurs due to a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system, osteochondrosis occurs when the vessels of the head are compressed and blood flow is disrupted. The presence of vascular syndrome will be accurately determined by radiography.
Another problem is osteochondrosis during breastfeeding. Its causes are identical to the usual type of disease. The most common is excessive stress on the back during feeding and rocking the baby. It is easy to independently prevent the development of thoracic osteochondrosis in women. The following rules must be followed:
There are no special ways and methods to get rid of the problem when treating a pregnant or nursing mother. The scheme for getting rid of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region during lactation is the same. But the attending physician must select methods of therapy (especially medications). Since most medications directly affect the composition of milk and lactation itself, it is more advisable to use various herbal tinctures and ointments.
For successful treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, it is important to follow a number of simple rules. For example, you need to try to keep your back as straight as possible, avoid jumping and falling from high places, and injuring the cervical and thoracic spine. Before playing sports, you should definitely warm up. There is no need to carry weights too often (maximum weight is 10 kg). Any sudden movements can damage the spinal ligaments.
If your job involves a sedentary lifestyle, a number of simple exercises can help: twists and bends of the body, which will relax tense muscles. Women should not carry handbags on one shoulder, but change sides from time to time. Be sure to often be in the fresh air and walk. We fight laziness and remember that it is better to prevent than to treat osteochondrosis.
Don't forget about sports. The general condition of the spine will be improved by yoga or swimming.
Playing sports will help you avoid the problem of excess weight, and it is often under its influence that osteochondrosis develops.
If you can't go to the gym, chest exercises can be done at home.
An approximate list of exercises that can be done while lying down:
If osteochondrosis has been cured, you can visit a massage therapist from time to time for prevention or learn several self-massage techniques. You won't be able to massage your back, but if you press on the right points on your palms, ears and feet, you can directly affect the functioning of your spine. The area of the hand that is responsible for these sections is located on the thumb in the area from the phalanx to the end of the hands, and also in the entire middle of the palm.
The earlobe is responsible for the functioning of many organs. Start kneading it, gradually moving up. If everything is done correctly, the ear will turn slightly red. There are many such points on the heel. The area just above it is responsible for the spine.
A Russian doctor, doctor of medical sciences and professor claims that with his technique he will cure any joint diseases in a couple of months . Which will completely cure an ancient grandmother with the most advanced arthritis in 78 days. And joint pain, he says, with the right approach will go away in 4 days! And, over 48 years of activity, he confirms every statement with practice.
Immediately after the broadcast on the Russia-1 TV channel (on the topic “how to preserve joints at any age”), he agreed to give an interview. Read the interview.
The spine is one of the most important and at the same time the most vulnerable organs of the human body.
An unhealthy lifestyle, unbalanced loads, age-related changes, past illnesses and injuries can cause diseases and deformities of the spine, which negatively affect the body as a whole, a person’s performance and well-being.
Diseases are localized in different parts of the spine. Since the spinal column consists of vertebrae and joints, it is susceptible to a disease that affects the cartilage tissue of the joints - arthrosis.
Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, expressed in the wear and tear of intra-articular cartilage due to the aging of cartilage cells.
Their destruction under the influence of injuries, stress, inflammatory processes or dysplasia of the musculoskeletal system.
Some types of arthrosis of a certain localization have their own names.
Arthrosis of the spine is also called spondylosis, and arthrosis of the cervical spine is also called cervicoarthrosis. The following types of arthrosis are distinguished:
Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine is one of the types of deforming arthrosis.
It affects the facet joints, is usually localized on 1-2 cervical vertebrae, and is accompanied by the formation of bone growths on their posterolateral surfaces.
Over time, osteophytes (bone changes) become more pronounced, growths impinge on nerves, and arthrosis is complicated by neuritis.
In the early stages of spondylosis, a change in the composition of the synovial fluid that nourishes the cartilage occurs, which is fraught with degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue, but at first there is no deformation of the bones and joints, and with timely diagnosis the process is reversible.
If cervical arthrosis is not detected at an early stage and measures are not taken, it quickly progresses, becomes deforming , and treatment of cervical arthrosis only helps to temporarily relieve pain and restore mobility, but it is no longer possible to return the joints to their previous state.
At the second stage, bone growths form on the edges of the vertebrae, and the cartilage is destroyed , and at the third stage, bone deformation is pronounced, the joint completely loses mobility.
Deviations that cause arthrosis can be either acquired or congenital, genetically determined.
Experts also distinguish such types of arthrosis as: simple vertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine and cicovertebral arthrosis.
Among the reasons it is necessary to highlight the following:
In this article you can learn more about the symptoms of cervical chondrosis.
The initial stage of vertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine passes without pronounced symptoms. During this period, sharp, but short-term and local pain, concentrated in one or two vertebrae, can alert you.
Typically, pain accompanies physical activity, a sharp turn of the head or lifting heavy objects with a jerk.
Such manifestations cannot be ignored, since at this stage, uncoarthrosis of the cervical vertebrae can be successfully treated, and the pathological process can be stopped in just 2 weeks.
If the disease is not identified, not cured and progresses, the pain becomes more prolonged and occurs even with minor exertion.
Pain in the cervical spine can also appear in damp weather, with hypothermia. Painful sensations are accompanied by limited mobility, difficulty bending and turning the head, and movement of the arms in the shoulder joints.
In the later stages, the pain becomes less acute, but almost constant; it is no longer a reaction to stress, but torments a person even in a state of complete rest.
Turning the head is accompanied by a specific crunching sound and sleep is disturbed. In addition to the cervical region, pain can spread to the spinal column as a whole, thoracic, and lumbar regions.
Symptoms of the last stages of the disease are sensations of numbness and tingling in the cervical region.
The development of uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical vertebrae ends with a complete loss of mobility in this department.
At the slightest suspicious symptoms, you must immediately consult a doctor, since only he, using special diagnostic methods, can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
Enlargement of the vertebrae and the appearance of bone growths can be noticeable during visual examination and detected by palpation , but in the early stages the doctor relies on the patient’s words and the results of hardware diagnostics.
After examining and interviewing the patient, collecting anamnesis, diagnostic procedures are prescribed.
To effectively counteract arthrosis, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the disease and the factors that provoked its development.
And then move on to direct treatment. An individual set of measures is developed based on the diagnostic results.
The cervical spine needs to be immobilized as much as possible and gently stretched so that the load on the intra-articular cartilage is minimal.
For these purposes, a special orthopedic collar is used. If the disturbances are caused by physical activity, it is necessary to abandon activities associated with it, and adjustments must be made to a sedentary lifestyle.
With secondary arthrosis, if possible, the diseases against which it developed are treated. The diet is controlled, measures are taken to reduce excess weight.
An important factor in the treatment of cervical arthrosis is diet, which should be constant.
It is necessary to avoid animal refractory fats, smoked foods, fried foods and preserves, salt and hot seasonings, alcohol, and carbonated drinks.
The diet should include cereal bread, fresh vegetables and fruits, and plenty of liquid.
To treat arthrosis, medications of various effects are used.
The doctor selects specific drugs for each group based on the severity of the condition , concomitant diseases, and the individual characteristics of the patient.
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the technique of manual lymphatic drainage massage. A very useful procedure, especially if you are faced with muscle spasms. Read more at: http://vsetelo.com/dlya-vzroslyx/massazh-nog/mn-lechebnyj/limfodrenazhnyj.html
Drug treatment is effective only in combination with physiotherapy, manual therapy and physical therapy.
The following physiotherapeutic procedures are used:
The main method of manual therapy is massage, which cannot be performed in the acute stage.
In other phases, it has a beneficial effect on the picture, improves blood circulation, relieves muscle spasms, and allows you to restore normal functioning of the joints.
Massage must be performed by a medical specialist.
Therapeutic exercise and gymnastics
Any therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the cervical spine should only be prescribed by a doctor, since the situation may be aggravated by incorrect movements.
Exercises for the cervical spine should be combined with general strengthening exercises; gymnastics in the fresh air is most useful. There should be no pain or discomfort during exercise.
Also, in the treatment of uncovertebral arthrosis, orthopedic products - the already mentioned cervical collar, pillow, and special underwear.
In the last stages of the disease, conservative treatment, even complex, is not effective.
In combination with drug treatment and procedures, you can use traditional medicine, which comes down to local effects.
To treat arthrosis of the cervical spine, rubbing, ointments, and compresses are used. Here are some recipes:
Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine, also known as spondylosis, cervicoarthrosis, is a dangerous disease of the joints of the spine.
Starting with a malnutrition of intra-articular cartilage, the disease results in their destruction, joint deformation, the appearance of load-compensating bone growths on the vertebrae and severe deformation of bone tissue.
As it progresses, the pain, localized in the area of several vertebrae and short-term, becomes increasingly long-lasting and spreads to other parts of the spine.
Limited mobility of the cervical spine is replaced by complete immobility. If at the first stage an integrated approach allows you to completely cure arthrosis, then at the last stage only surgical intervention is effective.
Therefore, if you experience pain in the cervical region, it is very important to consult a doctor with a detailed description of the symptoms, the nature of the pain and the circumstances of its occurrence.