Unpleasant sensations in the legs can be completely different - from mild discomfort to barely bearable pain that prevents you from sleeping and moving normally. In addition, along with it comes accompanying symptoms - a feeling of numbness, tingling or weakness.
Pain in the legs can occur for various reasons: radiculitis, flat feet, varicose veins, pinched nerves.
Often, the cause of such pain is based on diseases associated directly with the leg itself, but sometimes it acts as a secondary symptom when a nerve bundle in the spine is pinched, most often this occurs in the lumbosacral region. In this case, the pain is not only localized in the affected area, but can also radiate to the leg, as, for example, with lumbosacral radiculitis.
Therefore, if you complain of pain in the leg, impaired sensitivity in the limbs, or the appearance of severe weakness in them, you should especially carefully examine the lower spine. As a rule, in such cases, consultation of two doctors is necessary - a neurologist and an orthopedist.
With swelling and pain in the legs, one can also assume a disease such as varicose veins.
But even if leg pain is associated with spinal pathology, it can manifest itself differently in each patient.
If you have similar symptoms, it is recommended to consult a specialist for advice and treatment. The first doctor's appointment at the Rehabilitation Medicine clinic is free.
Severe, continuous or jerking pain that radiates from the buttock or lower back and travels down the leg. Some patients describe it as a burning or electric shock sensation. This most often occurs when nerve roots are compressed in the lumbar or sacral spine (during the lumbosacral radiculitis described above).
Impaired sensitivity in the form of numbness or goosebumps. It happens that temperature and tactile sensitivity in the leg is disrupted (the patient does not feel touch or pressure), then everything is restored, but tingling in the limb remains. Such unpleasant phenomena are very disturbing when walking or driving a car, since the foot does not feel the pedal.
A disorder in the form of heaviness or muscle weakness in the leg leads to the fact that movement becomes difficult, and normal movement becomes simply impossible. The patient is unable to stand, bend his leg, or move from heel to toe.
Constant pain in the gluteal region. Of course, this no longer directly relates to pain in the legs, but can often accompany it. Most often this occurs on one side and is a symptom of radiculitis of the lumbosacral region or lumbar radiculopathy. This type of pain can be managed with special massage, walking exercises or gentle stretching.
Some leg pain can be positional and occur during movement or even while sitting. They are also often signs of spinal disease. With this pain, the patient tries to change his position and take one in which the pain decreases, for example, when bending over.
In order to prescribe the correct treatment for pain in the legs, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the pathology that caused the pain symptom. The main diseases that cause discomfort in the lower extremities as a result of back disorders are:
Osteopathy gently treats the causes of leg pain.
Lumbar osteochondrosis is a disorder of the structure of the intervertebral discs, which can change with age. At the same time, the spaces between the vertebrae decrease and friction occurs. This pain can occur at rest and with movement in the affected area and is reflected in the leg.
Root canal stenosis occurs when the disc is completely degenerated and the canal through which the neurovascular bundle passes is reduced. This causes pinched nerves. The pain in the leg with this pathology is usually very severe.
A herniated disc is when a disc protrudes beyond its normal position and puts pressure on a nerve and causes pain. If this happens to the sciatic nerve, then the pain goes along its entire length and radiates to the leg.
Lumbar stenosis, which occurs in the spinal canal, or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, occurs due to compression of the spinal nerves. This can occur when the joints along the back of the spine become enlarged. Most often, this phenomenon is observed as an age-related change and progresses over time. In this case, the pain can also radiate to the leg, there is weakness, impaired sensitivity, a tingling sensation in the lower limb. Such pain is reduced if you take a posture with a forward bend, thus reducing the pressure on the nerve bundle.
Spondylolisthesis is a change in the position of the overlying vertebra in relation to the lower one in the horizontal plane. In this case, the lumen of the canals is disrupted and the nerve roots are injured.
This leads to pain not only in the damaged area, but also to its irradiation into the leg. Diseases such as piriformis syndrome or sacroiliac dysfunction are much less common, but can also cause leg pain.
All of the above symptoms refer to lumbosacral radiculitis. In this case, the pain comes from the location of the sciatic nerve in the back and radiates to the legs. Constant pain or lumbago in the lower extremities is usually called sciatica.
In order for a specialist to determine the exact cause of your disease, it is necessary to clarify the following points:
The patient complained of intense pain in the area of the first toe of the right foot, enlargement of the bunion, and deformation of the toe, which made it difficult to put on shoes.
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Left leg goes numb - causes and treatment
Numbness, numbness, paresthesia or crawling “pins and needles” in the left lower limb is the most common sign of damage to the nervous system, less often to blood vessels or systemic diseases. Patients may feel numbness in the left thigh above the knee, the area of the lower leg (below the knee), numbness in the toes, and periodically the right heel goes numb. An area of loss of sensitivity indicates a possible problem, and additional symptoms (lower back pain, occurs while sitting, lying down when walking, etc.) indicate a disease.
It's not uncommon for people to have a variety of symptoms that seem to have nothing in common at first glance, but in reality it's different. Combination with pain or numbness in the arm. increased when raising a straight leg, coughing, when driving a car, frozen limbs more accurately describe the affected area.
In 9 out of 10 cases, the cause of such sensations lies in damage to the intervertebral disc by hernias, protrusions, complicated by lumbar osteochondrosis. Less commonly, symptoms are associated with tunnel syndromes, varicose veins, thrombosis, etc. The neurological syndrome that occurs with diseases of the spine is called lumboischialgia or sciatica.
How the left leg goes numb when the nervous system is damaged:
Of particular concern are the symptoms of numbness during pregnancy. It should be understood that as the fetus grows, additional stress is placed on the legs and spine. Old problems awaken precisely when the body undergoes restructuring, and their treatment during this period is most favorable. It is necessary to exclude factors of lack of vitamins and other substances consumed by the woman’s body.
All fingers or some of them can go numb. The most susceptible to problems are the big and second toes, less often the little toe, and the area between the second and third toes in the foot area.
Numbness of the toes of the left foot appears with neuropathy of the tibial and peroneal nerves. Their compression can occur at the level of the ankle joint, at the back just above the knee, at the level of the buttock, or directly near the exit from the intervertebral canals. Intervertebral hernia at the level of L4-L5, L5-S1 also impinges on the nerve roots, causing tissue spasm and sensation in the fingers. The fifth lumbar root can cause symptoms of tingling in the fingers, “wooliness” of the foot, followed by pain and weakness in the leg. Without treatment, the symptoms intensify, the foot weakens, and the patient cannot stand on his toes. In addition to this, pain may rise to the outer part of the lower leg of the left leg. When you try to raise a straight leg or bend your torso forward, the numbness intensifies, and pain may appear in the sacral area. under the knee.
Symptoms in the left leg, accompanied by swelling, redness, and limited movement in the finger joints, require examination by a cardiologist or rheumatologist.
The area above the knee to the level of the groin and hip joint is called the femur. Bleeding appears in three typical areas:
Symptoms appear during degenerative-dystrophic processes, due to which the innervation of muscles is disrupted and nerve fibers in narrow channels are pinched.
Quite often, numbness appears in the left shin, on the side of the leg. This indicates spinal involvement at the L4-S1 level, or tunnel neuropathy. Symptoms worsen with exercise, walking or running.
Numbness in the left calf area along with cramps are no exception and are disturbing for the same reasons.
Causes of numbness in the left leg:
If your left leg is numb, you should undergo a series of examinations to clarify the diagnosis. In 90% of cases, signs appear due to intervertebral hernias; treatment must be started promptly to avoid complications and surgery.
Numbness in the left hand can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. Therefore, in order to get rid of this symptom, it is first necessary to identify the specific cause of its occurrence.
Doctors at the CELT clinic follow the global medical rule that states that the disease itself should be treated, and not just remove its negative effects. Based on this, the main role in this case is given to a thorough diagnosis.
If this symptom bothers you constantly, then such signs of trouble in the body cannot be ignored. They can be both quite “innocent” and the first indicators of quite serious diseases of the nervous or cardiovascular system.
Numbness in the left arm can sometimes be a symptom of angina. Most often in such cases, along with unpleasant sensations in the chest, numbness occurs in the hand, forearm and shoulder. If numbness appears during exercise and goes away immediately after it stops, then it is very likely that it is angina. Also typical for angina is a clear positive effect from taking nitroglycerin.
The symptom of numbness of the left hand is one of the companions of an acute cardiovascular catastrophe - myocardial infarction. In some cases, when the clinical manifestations of a heart attack are very mild, and the heart attack itself practically does not cause pain, a numb left arm may be the only signal about a disturbance in the functioning of the heart. Unlike angina, numbness and pain during a heart attack are very intense, occur at rest, and are not relieved by nitroglycerin.
Atherosclerotic narrowing of the arteries supplying the left arm can cause decreased strength and numbness in the left arm. This condition is characterized by increased symptoms when working with a raised arm.
This is another acute vascular catastrophe that can manifest itself as numbness of the limb. If these sensations occur in the left hand, then the lesion develops in the right hemisphere. The diagnosis of this disease is also confirmed by a combination of numbness in the left hand and dysfunction of the left leg, as well as in the presence of visual impairment, problems with speech, etc.
Quite often, the reason why the left arm goes numb can be osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine. In such a situation, numbness usually affects the fingers first. In addition, sensory disturbances are accompanied by weakness in the hand, decreased grip strength of the hand, and sometimes pain syndrome spreading along the outer side of the forearm and shoulder.
In principle, any condition that causes damage, compression or dysfunction of the nerves and blood vessels of the arm can lead to numbness.
Therefore, the reason for this may be:
The appearance of this symptom cannot be ignored, especially if it is constantly present. Examination by cardiologists. neurologists and vertebrologists at the CELT clinic will allow you to reliably and quickly determine the true cause of numbness in the left arm, make the correct diagnosis and begin adequate treatment in a timely manner.
Legs are very important limbs that provide support and movement functions. And therefore, any signs and symptoms affecting them should be cause for concern. What are the causes of foot numbness?
What are the manifestations of this condition? It is important to describe them, since the doctor you will see will ask you to talk about the sensations. What should you pay attention to? Here are some points:
What could be causing this unusual symptom? Sensitivity in the legs is provided by the work of nerve endings. That is, if, for example, you touch the skin, then this signal reaches the brain through neurons. But the functioning of the limbs also ensures normal blood supply, and if it is impaired, then sensitivity can be greatly reduced. In addition, lymph supplies the tissues with everything they need and cleanses them, so its stagnation can cause swelling and, as a result, numbness. This means that there are only three global causes: nerves and blood circulation. But now let's look at each possible problem in more detail.
If for some reason blood circulation is impaired, the sensitivity of the limbs will decrease. Stagnation of blood in the legs can be caused by a number of diseases:
With this disease, lymphatic drainage is disrupted, lymphatic pathways can become clogged, severe swelling occurs, the skin becomes rough, and the limb becomes numb. In the absence of timely and competent treatment, cracks, ulcers and neoplasms may occur. The last stage (elephantiasis) is irreversible. The leg will stop moving.
The fact is that between the vertebrae there are a lot of nerve endings going to the limbs. So if the vertebrae move, the nerves will be pinched, as a result of which the sensitivity of the legs will be impaired and numbness may begin. Possible diseases accompanied by this manifestation: osteochondrosis. intervertebral hernia. spondylosis and others, accompanied by displacement or deformation of the vertebrae.
This disease causes a number of changes in all tissues and leads to serious disturbances in the blood supply to the extremities. So if the blood sugar level is elevated, there is numbness, dry skin, cracks, and especially ulcers, then diabetes treatment should be started immediately.
The foot itself also contains nerve endings. And if they are pinched or simply touched, then the sole may well become numb. For example, a growth on the heel (spur), arthritis and other diseases lead to deformation of bones and joints, and these, in turn, can affect the nerve endings.
Some diseases of the nervous system cause the nerve endings to work incorrectly, causing the sensitivity of the limbs to decrease. For example, polyneuropathy affects small nerves that run throughout the body. Angioneurosis is characterized by a disruption of the functioning of nerve fibers, which leads to alternating spasms and dilation of small vessels.
Another reason for numbness in the feet is fractures or cracks in the bones. They can cause pinched or damaged nerves, causing them to begin to function incorrectly.
The brain is the center of the nervous system. Accordingly, if brain activity is disrupted, then the functioning of the nervous system may also deviate from the norm. For example, a tumor can have a negative impact on neural connections and lead to numbness in the limbs and other symptoms.
If your feet feel numb, see your GP first. He will prescribe a series of tests (cardiogram, vascular ultrasound, Doppler sonography, brain tomography, X-ray or something else). Based on the results, the doctor will determine the cause and send you to a specialist. This could be a neurologist, cardiologist, orthopedist, traumatologist or someone else.
May your feet be healthy and never go numb!
She wore narrow shoes . and now the foot constantly goes numb, while walking there are unpleasant feelings of tingling and burning - women often turn to the doctor with this problem. Men complain of numbness in the feet and heels after a long trip by car or bicycle.
Hypesthesia or numbness of the limbs is a fairly common problem that worries people of different ages and genders. There is nothing wrong with your feet going numb after you have been sitting on your feet or walking for a long time in shoes that strongly compress your feet. Unpleasant sensations of tingling and burning of the foot, which go away after a few minutes of rest or changing shoes, are observed in all people at least once in their lives. They arise due to poor circulation and compression of nerves after prolonged overexertion or compression of the muscles of the limbs. But if numbness of the foot occurs quite often for no apparent reason and does not go away for a long time even after changing position, then this may be a symptom of serious diseases such as diabetes mellitus, damage to the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. In this case, it is necessary to contact a neurologist and undergo an examination of the vessels of the legs, spine and MRI of the brain.
Foot numbness is one of the most alarming signs of an impending health problem. Pain in the foot while walking should not be confused with a constant feeling of numbness for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, numbness of the feet is a process indicating that the wire transmitting nerve impulses from the periphery to the brain is damaged. This is why a feeling of numbness occurs, during which it is difficult for a person to move his toes and feet the way he wants. Here is a list of diseases that can cause numbness in the feet:
1. Osteochondrosis . In 70% of cases, numbness of the foot occurs due to osteochondrosis, which is a fairly common ailment among the population. With osteochondrosis, degenerative disorders of the articular cartilages occur, resulting in pinching of several nerves, disruption of the normal functioning of the limbs and numbness of the foot. There are many reasons for the development of osteochondrosis, including genetic disposition, age-related changes, improper physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.
2. Diabetes mellitus . In people suffering from diabetes, numbness of the foot can be a signal of poor circulation in the limb and be a symptom of incipient gangrene. If there is a risk of developing this dangerous disease, any discomfort in the limbs should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor and promptly treat vascular damage.
3. Intervertebral hernia . Intervertebral herniation occurs due to displacement of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc and is often accompanied by rupture of the fibrous ring. Especially often, a hernia forms in the discs of the lumbosacral spine, which leads to a feeling of constant numbness of the foot. When the stage of intervertebral hernia begins, numbness of the foot alternates with general weakness and pain in the lower extremities, dysfunction of the pelvic organs, in particular urination.
4. Spondylosis . This disease is also caused by deformation of the vertebrae and causes numbness in the foot. With spondylosis, all kinds of protrusions and spikes form on the bone tissue of the vertebrae, which leads to damage to the nerve endings. In addition to numbness of the foot, symptoms of spondylosis include constant aching pain in the spine and difficulty functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
5. Impaired blood supply to the brain . Vitamin B deficiency, excessive alcohol consumption, heart attacks. strokes and severe stress can lead to weakening of the body, dizziness and impaired cerebral circulation, as a result of which the transmission of nerve impulses to the extremities is disrupted and numbness of the foot occurs. Multiple sclerosis also contributes to damage to the nervous system, in which the tissues of the brain and spinal cord lose the ability to function normally. Of course, this is manifested by a feeling of tingling, burning and tightening in various parts of the body, including the limbs.
6. Oncological diseases . Numbness in the extremities can sometimes be a symptom of a tumor in the brain that is pressing on nerve endings and causing numbness. In this case, in addition to numbness of the limbs, pain and impaired coordination of movement occur. Particular concern should be caused if, in addition to numbness, the foot cannot distinguish between cold water and warm water.
7. Raynaud's disease . This disease is manifested by paroxysmal circulatory disorders in the arteries, which leads to numbness of the feet and hands. People who have suffered from hypothermia of the extremities and infectious diseases are most susceptible to this disease. With Raynaud's disease, the feet not only become numb, but also feel cold. The toes become blue when exposed to cold and stress.
When a person’s feet (or rather, just feet) go numb, people often come to see a neurologist or neurologist with . Why choose these specialists?
The fact is that numbness in the feet, like in any other part of the body, occurs from nerve damage. Nerve impulses either pass poorly or do not pass at all. Because of this, unpleasant sensations arise, in this case in the feet. This may include pins and needles, tingling or numbness.
Medicine is a complex science, so the path to the right doctor can be long. As a rule, such patients listen to their feelings for a long time, suffer, and only then go to the clinic, usually to a therapist. This is correct, because the therapist will prescribe all the necessary tests, because not only nerve diseases are possible.
There are several reasons for this unpleasant condition. Here they are:
Translated into Russian as multiple lesions of small nerves (on the arms and legs). There are many reasons, but most often it is diabetes - 50% of diabetic patients suffer from this disease. The cause may be poisoning, tobacco smoking, some blood diseases, or decreased thyroid function.
Polyneuropathy also manifests itself in different ways - various disturbances in the sensitivity of the legs, trophic disorders (this is a lack of tissue nutrition due to which ulcers may appear), and flaccid paralysis occur.
Typically, numbness in the legs occurs when the nerve roots coming out of the spine are pinched.
In this case, you will need to clarify the diagnosis using x-rays or computed tomography.
This disease most often manifests itself as spasm of small vessels; less commonly, spasm is replaced by dilation (this cycle is repeated). Even less common is persistent vasodilation in angioneurosis. The diagnosis is made based on data from oscillography, thermography, and arteriography of peripheral vessels.
Signs of angioneurosis: redness of the extremities, coldness, pain. Sensitivity disorders manifest themselves in numbness. Sometimes trophic ulcers appear.
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the principles of operation of the venous system.
Nerve damage during a bone fracture is normal. Therefore, often with fractures, along with severe pain, there is a feeling of numbness in some parts of the leg.
For example, in case of a complex fracture of both ankles, osteosynthesis surgery is often performed. So, after the operation, even after a few months the foot may become numb.
In this case, the neurologist conducts a detailed examination to make sure in which specific place the nerve is pinched or damaged. Then treatment is carried out using absorbable drugs, and the cause of the disease is eliminated.
If you feel numbness in the leg, with loss of flexibility of the affected limb, unpleasant tingling, burning, tightening, the pathology is called hypoesthesia. It occurs due to pinched nerves that cannot send signals to the brain.
Experts identify the causes of pain and numbness in the legs.
Endarteritis is an inflammatory process in arteries and blood vessels. Characterized by acute pain when walking, the pain does not go away after rest. The pain prevents me from walking much. If the patient lies down, the pain decreases.
Symptoms appear with atherosclerosis of blood vessels. My leg hurts when walking, climbing stairs, or doing physical activity.
More often, the legs go numb at night, and a person has cold feet. The pulse on the toe cannot be felt, and in men the foot is not covered with hair.
Symptoms of arthritis or arthrosis bother a person when standing for a long time, the pain in the leg is acute. Arthritis is associated with deformation of the joints; characteristic clicking sounds are felt when walking. Anxiety and pain appear when the weather changes.
Swelling of the foot, redness and pain appear at the joint. If you have symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.
Pain in the calf area is throbbing, sharp, itching and burning. The causes of thrombophlebitis are blockage of blood vessels with blood clots, consult a doctor immediately, the disease is fatal (a blood clot breaks off).
If there is pain in the surface of the foot or in the heels when walking, this is a symptom of a heel spur. It is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs and consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.
The legs suffer from the disease. Night cramps occur, the feet swell, the legs go numb, a characteristic tingling sensation is felt, the skin itches, itches, accompanied by periodic pain in the legs. For diagnosis, blood is tested for sugar.
Numb feet due to diabetes
A common disease among the Russian population. Associated with pinched nerves of the spinal cord, accompanied by pathologies in the spine.
The disease affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms appear at any age. Prevention of osteochondrosis - massage, sports.
When the disease occurs, intervertebral discs become displaced. Symptoms: dizziness, pain in the spine, radiating to the feet. Requires serious treatment.
The disease is neurological. The cells of the spinal cord and brain become woody. Accompanied by Reine's syndrome, a violation of blood circulation in the body. Legs go numb, foot spasms appear, and skin damage occurs.
Causes of pain and numbness in the legs:
Sedentary work is a cause of pinched nerves.
Passive lifestyle
If your feet are numb, diabetes is possible. Lack of vitamin B. Symptoms include lethargy and dizziness. Failure in the blood supply to the brain leads to heart attacks and strokes. With arthritis or arthrosis, the cause of numbness in the foot is deformation of the joints. The causes of numbness are problems with the nervous system. They arise due to constant stress and depression.
In order not to start the disease or to prevent it, follow the recommendations:
It is useful to lead an active lifestyle. Take evening walks. Sign up for fitness, swimming, wrestling, attend at least once a week. Consult your doctor about cycling; it causes numbness in the perineum. Do not carry phones or wallets in the pockets of trousers, jeans, or shorts. Excess weight puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing pain in the back thigh.
It is useful to keep a health diary and record cases of numbness in your legs. It is necessary for proper consultation with a doctor.
After making a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that must be followed. There are recommendations for relieving leg pain and numbness. Traditional medicine methods. Rules and principles of treatment, following which you will cope with the problem:
Give up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol. Doctors recommend not drinking strong coffee, it causes vasospasm, provokes discomfort, leading to limb cramps. Include hot porridge in your diet - buckwheat, oatmeal, millet. It is recommended to consume foods rich in iron - liver, apples, pomegranate juice. Contrast foot baths help blood vessels. Alternately immerse your feet in hot and cold water, perform the procedure daily in the morning and evening. It is recommended to keep your feet warm. Avoid hypothermia in winter and autumn.
Taking care of your health
Alcohol helps improve blood circulation. Dilute 10 grams per liter of water. ammonia, 50 gr. camphor. Lubricate your feet every day before going to bed. Compresses relieve pain. Place a glass of lilac flowers in 500 ml of vodka, let the mixture brew in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Wet a cloth and apply it to the numb areas. Honey wraps are a remedy in the fight against numbness. At night, lubricate your feet with honey, wrap your feet in a cloth, and rinse with cold water in the morning. After three or four procedures, the numbness will go away. Traditional medicine advises using the tincture. To prepare, crush 5-9 heads of garlic, pour in 5 liters of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Shake occasionally. Take 5 drops per teaspoon, diluting with water. Duration of use - a month. Rubbing. Prepare a mixture of 0.5 liters of vegetable fat and granulated sugar. Mix until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to your feet and slowly rub in spiral movements. After the procedure, make a bath of sea salt - 2 teaspoons of salt per liter of hot water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Dry your feet with a terry towel and put on warm socks.
To prevent disease, lead a healthy lifestyle. If you are sick, carefully follow your doctor's recommendations.
Almost every person has moments when their leg hurts and goes numb. This condition can be associated not only with banal numbness in the legs when the body has been in one position for a long time, but also due to serious pathologies . For this reason, it is necessary to be more sensitive to such cases, as this will help to identify and prevent serious illnesses.
The pathology is characterized by inflammatory processes occurring in the vessels and arteries, including the legs.
Localization and nature of pain in the legs Legs begin to hurt even after a short walk. Pain is felt both in the calf muscles and the inner thigh.
The pain syndrome has a sharp effect, making it difficult for a person to continue walking or running.
Associated symptoms Unpleasant tingling sensation. Increased sweating. The surface of the skin on the legs seems cold. Periodically occurring convulsions.
Which doctor should I contact?
If pathology is detected, you must visit a cardiologist.
Diagnostics Through capillaroscopy, angiography, Dopplerography, an accurate diagnosis can be made.
Treatment To relieve severe pain, antispasmodics are used (“Redergam”, “Angiotrophin”, “Nicotinic acid”). When inflammatory processes occur, “Hydrocortisone” and “Prednisolone” are relevant. To improve the quality of blood vessels, drugs such as Trental, Fibrinolysin, Aspirin, and Hirudin are used.
At the same time, physiotherapy is carried out in the form of a pressure chamber, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, and electrophoresis.
The disease is explained by “clogging” of blood vessels , creating problems with the passage of blood. Due to this, a person feels some ailments in his legs.
Painful sensations in the legs The syndrome makes itself felt in areas of vascular damage. The pain is felt by the patient with an aching effect.
Additional symptoms Periodic tingling in the lower leg, thigh, and foot. Numbness, especially in the morning after waking up from sleep. Heaviness in the legs. Almost constantly cold feet.
Which doctor should I contact for help?
A vascular surgeon is a specialist in the treatment of arthrosis.
Blood test for cholesterol. X-ray contrast angiography. Magnetic resonance imaging. Doppler ultrasound.
Treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities
To solve the problem, an integrated approach is used, including drug treatment and diet. The daily menu should exclude dishes rich in cholesterol.
In addition, you should stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
To lower cholesterol, medications from the statin group are taken (Atoris, Atocord, Anvist, Atomax).
The diseases are characterized by modification and pain in the joints . Pathologies can be caused by infection, deterioration of the immune system, or significant metabolic disorders.
Nature and localization of pain Unpleasant pain occurs in the affected joints, from the hips to the toes.
The syndrome has the effect of a dull pain in which the joint seems to be twisted.
Additional symptoms: Swollen joints. The more the disease progresses, the larger the joints become. Redness in the affected joints. Characteristic crackling and clicking sounds when turning the leg while sitting or walking.
Which specialist will help?
If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should consult a rheumatologist. The specialist has a narrow specialization, so he will be able to competently conduct an examination and make a diagnosis of arthritis/arthrosis.
Magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasonography. Radiography.
For severe pain, antispasmodics are used in the form of “Nise”, “Diclofenac”, “Ketanov”. In addition, warming ointments are periodically applied to calm pain (Fastum Gel, Capsicam, etc.).
The Gialgan Fidia injections have proven effective.
The pathology is a disease of the veins , in which their blockage through the formation of blood clots is possible. The disease is fatal.
Localization and nature of pain Pain syndrome makes itself felt in the lower leg area. A piercing pain is felt, especially after active movements during the day.
Associated symptoms Seizures. Heaviness in the legs. There is itching and tingling in the area where the veins are affected.
To alleviate the syndromes and prescribe the correct treatment course, you should contact a phlebologist.
Diagnostic methods The exact state of “clogged” veins can be determined through angioscanning.
An alternative diagnostic option is magnetic resonance imaging.
Treatment of thrombophlebitis The course of treatment includes the use of drugs that block the formation of blood clots (Sipkumar, Dicumarin, Phenilin). In severe, advanced forms of thrombophlebitis, surgical intervention is performed through specialized dissection of the affected area of the vein.
The disease is expressed by the formation of growths on the bone tissue of the heel . The source of the growths is excess salts in the body, which form a heel internal growth.
Painful sensations The source of pain is the heels. With a small growth, the pain is minimal, but in a neglected state the growth does not allow the patient to move normally. The pain has a dull effect, spreading throughout the entire heel.
Pathology can develop on both heels, which will significantly impair walking activity.
Which specialist can cure a heel spur? If you experience constant pain in the heel area, you should visit a surgeon.
Diagnosis of heel spurs External examination with palpation of the sore heel. Radiography. MRI.
To relieve symptoms, eliminate salt intake. Shoes with supportive insoles should be worn.
Treatment includes the following possible options:
Laser therapy. X-ray therapy. Ultrasound treatment.
In case of severe pain effects, pain-relieving blockade injections (Hydrocortisone, Diprospan, Kenalog) can be prescribed.
In addition, anti-inflammatory ointments (Voltaren Emulgel, Ketanol, Diclofenac) can be used.
The disease develops due to insufficient insulin . Diabetes is dangerous because it affects a number of internal organs, as well as the musculoskeletal system.
Localization and nature of pain in the legs The pain syndrome is wandering in nature. The patient may feel squeezing pain that turns into an aching effect.
Associated symptoms Dry skin (mainly feet). Skin peeling. The patient constantly feels coolness in the feet. My legs go numb from time to time. Dry mouth. A frequent desire to drink a lot of water.
To diagnose diabetes, it is enough to consult a physician. The qualifications of a specialist are sufficient to identify the presence of the disease.
If there is an endocrinologist in the clinic, it is advisable to consult this doctor.
Diagnosis After visiting a therapist, the patient is sent to donate blood. The analysis will determine the exact concentration of sugar in the blood.
Treatment First of all, attention is paid to diet. “Fast” carbohydrates (sweet desserts, confectionery) are excluded from the diet. If you are overweight, you need to bring your body weight back to normal. Everyday meals are divided: meals are taken 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
At the initial stage of the disease, you can easily get by with drugs that cause increased insulin production (Maninil, Glyurenorm, Starlix, Amaryl).
In the case of an advanced form of diabetes, the patient is prescribed insulin therapy.
The pathology is explained by modification of the vertebral discs , as a result of which a number of pain effects occur that also affect the musculoskeletal system. Pain is caused by irritated nerve endings of the intervertebral tissue. The disease develops in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Localization and nature of pain in the legs In the case of lumbar osteochondrosis, the leg hurts and goes numb. The syndrome has a nagging unpleasant effect.
The pain is especially intense in the morning, when a person tries to get out of bed after waking up.
Additional symptoms Lameness when walking. It is not possible to tilt the torso forward. “Shooting” in the back with sudden movements.
If you suspect osteochondrosis, you should contact a neurologist.
Diagnostics To establish the correct diagnosis, the doctor conducts a mandatory examination of the patient. In addition, a blood test is taken to detect inflammatory processes. To clarify the picture, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed.
Treatment Bed rest is advisable to reduce the patient's physical activity. Painkillers are prescribed that can relieve inflammatory processes, such as Diclofenac.
You can use non-steroidal ointments (Voltaren Emulgel, Nurofen, Ketanol).
You should change your lifestyle in order to eliminate such problems with the spine in the future. Everyday exercise can be a worthy prevention of osteochondrosis.
Due to birth trauma or other circumstances, compression of intervertebral tissue by discs . This leads to severe pain syndromes that interfere with a person’s normal active life.
Nature and localization of pain Pain from compressed interdiscal tissue can easily radiate down the leg. Depending on which side of the disc the “bulging” of intervertebral tissue occurs, that leg hurts. If the tissue is pinched on the right, then the right leg hurts and goes numb, and vice versa. The pain is characterized by a pulling effect, especially in the morning after sleep. To relieve pain, the patient has to walk for a while.
A progressive intervertebral hernia makes itself felt more negatively in the leg with a specific nagging pain that can reach the lower leg.
Additional symptoms : Discomfort in the back after sitting on a chair for a long time. The surface of the leg feels cold. It is difficult to bend or squat (painful stiffness is felt).
Which specialist should I contact?
The listed symptoms, characteristic of an intervertebral hernia, should prompt you to go to the clinic in order to prevent the development of pathology. To solve the problem, you should make an appointment with a neurologist at the reception desk.
Diagnosis of intervertebral hernia To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct magnetic resonance imaging. A study of the spine will most accurately indicate the numbers of diseased vertebrae, indicate the size of the hernia and its quantity.
Treatment of intervertebral hernia You can take drugs such as “Nise”, “Ketanov” from tablets. To block pain, it is better to use Diclofenac injections. The medication will not only effectively relieve pain, but also reduce inflammation.
In especially severe cases, when the size of the hernia creates almost constant pain, surgical intervention is used through laser removal of part of the intervertebral tissue.
If an intervertebral hernia is detected, morning jogging, squats with a barbell, and deadlifts should be excluded.
Be sure to watch the video on this topic
Pathology of the central nervous system, in which nerve fibers are actively covered with hard sclerotic plaques. In this case the nerve signals responsible for visual acuity, body movement, intellectual abilities, etc. deteriorate.
Pain in the legs With the development of multiple sclerosis, the patient experiences some weakness in the legs and numbness.
Additional symptoms Movements are inhibited. Absent-mindedness in actions. A person cannot gather his thoughts for a long time. Deterioration of vision. Mental disabilities.
Which doctor can help?
If these signs are detected, you should contact a neurologist.
Diagnosis At the first visit to a neurologist, the specialist conducts a thorough examination of the patient. Upon completion of the external examination, the patient is sent for magnetic resonance imaging.
The treatment process It is not yet possible to achieve victory over multiple sclerosis due to the lack of a cure. However, there are a number of medications that significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease.
Drug therapy involves the use of Cortisone and Cyclophosphamide. The drugs are used at times of exacerbation of the disease.
To maintain the patient in a relatively normal condition, the following medications are prescribed:
"Methotrexate." "Azathioprine." "Beta Interferon". "Mitoxantrone".
If symptoms such as pain and numbness have become your daily companions, do not put off going to the doctor.
The sooner the source of the illness can be determined, the faster the patient’s ability to work will be restored.
What to do if the victim is unable to wait for the doctor to arrive? In this case, you should know a few rules :
Place the patient on the sofa to relieve pain in the legs (in some cases this will improve blood circulation). During painful attacks, you should give 1-2 tablets of an antispasmodic with a glass of clean water so that the medication dissolves more actively and begins to have an analgesic effect. If there is numbness in the leg, you should change your body position. Perform rubbing movements. Cover the patient with a warm blanket.
These simple rules will help you quickly and effectively help a patient without resorting to the help of a doctor.
Negative manifestations such as numbness and pain are the first signs of emerging health problems. Identifying a particular pathology at an early stage will not only help quickly eliminate the disease, but will also save a lot of money during treatment.
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Numbness is a physiological condition that occurs due to prolonged pressure on blood vessels, usually in the extremities. Every person has encountered this phenomenon. When there is numbness, people say “the leg has been resting” or “the arm has been resting,” thereby emphasizing that the condition occurs as a result of a long-term static position of the limb, often uncomfortable, during which the patency of the blood vessels is partially blocked.
Typically, numbness includes a number of features:
Most often, numbness is a transient and quickly passing condition. However, you should be wary if such sensations are repeated too often (for example, your arm goes numb every night or your leg goes numb every time you sit for a long time) or seem inadequate to the situation (there is no mechanical compression, but there is numbness). In the first case, it may be enough to change uncomfortable furniture to more ergonomic and orthopedic furniture, but it is better to seek advice from a neurologist, since numbness may be a symptom of a serious disease of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
If you complain of numbness, you should first contact a neurologist or traumatologist (if the sensations are objectively related to a recent injury). To diagnose the underlying disease, the symptom of which is numbness, the following is prescribed:
After diagnosing the causes of numbness, the patient is referred for treatment to an appropriate specialist: a neurologist, cardiologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, infectious disease specialist, surgeon or oncologist (or other more specialized specialists). Next, the treatment is carried out not specifically for numbness, but for the underlying disease, so medication courses, surgical interventions and physiotherapeutic measures may differ radically. Also, in different situations, treatment can be carried out according to the doctor’s recommendations at home or in a hospital. In some cases (consequences of serious injury, multiple sclerosis), a rehabilitation course at a rehabilitation center may be required.
To prevent numbness, it is enough to follow the basic rule: the body must receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients. This is easiest to achieve by following a healthy lifestyle: