Why does my big toe go numb and what should I do?
A specific feeling of numbness in the thumb is common and usually resolves quickly on its own without requiring medical intervention. Numbness of the toe can be caused by both banal pressing of the vessels and nerves of the leg, and serious pathologies of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.
Causes of numbness of the big toe
The causes of numbness in the toes can be divided into two large groups: temporary, non-dangerous conditions and symptoms of pathological processes. Simple causes that can be eliminated without medical attention include:
prolonged stay in a position with pinched legs - in the lotus position, squatting, etc. In such positions, the vessels in the legs are compressed and the blood flow is disrupted. When blood flow changes and is restored, a feeling of tingling, burning and temporary loss of sensitivity in the pads or fingers occurs;
wearing ill-fitting shoes . The big toe often suffers when wearing high-heeled shoes with narrow toes - standing for a long time while squeezing the toe leads to a feeling of tingling and numbness, first near the nail, and then throughout the entire toe;
hypothermia. When fingers freeze, they often go numb, starting from the tips. This is possible during the cold season or if the shoes are wet.
Pathological conditions that can cause the symptom of numbness of the big toe on the left or right foot:
osteochondrosis – degenerative processes in the cartilage tissues of the spine, causing a change in the functional load. The patient experiences severe pain, and numbness in the toes tells the doctor about the possible localization of the problem in the lumbar region;
spinal tuberculosis is an infectious infection that can develop in cartilage tissues and bones, leading to their destruction;
pathologies associated with metabolic disorders in the body (diabetes);
blood flow disturbances in the legs, tendency to blood clots;
inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
Dysregulation of small vessels , causing them to spasm (Raynaud's disease);
gout _ In addition to numbness, there is swelling of the thumb, redness and pain;
polyneuropathy is a peripheral neurological disease that is difficult to treat. Initially, there is numbness in the fingers, gradually the entire foot begins to go numb, dizziness occurs, and when walking the person moves from side to side;
smoking and drinking alcohol in large quantities - bad habits lead to impaired blood circulation in small vessels, due to which the toes do not receive sufficient nutrition and begin to go numb;
psychosomatics – physical sensations that arise in the body under the influence of psychological problems;
malignant tumors and the formation of their metastases;
spinal hernialocalized in the lumbar region. The problem is accompanied by severe pain in the lower back and impaired sensitivity of the lower extremities;
pregnancy . When carrying a child, women often have a problem with numbness of the limbs and fingers, especially in the last stages. Compression of nerve endings in the pelvic area, increased stress and accumulation of excess fluid leads to impaired sensitivity.
Symptoms that require medical attention
Frequently occurring paresthesia in certain situations for no apparent reason should be a reason to seek advice.
You should be wary if the following signs appear:
loss of sensitivity is replaced by the appearance of pain;
paresthesia occurs in the big toe, but gradually spreads to the entire leg;
the feeling of rested fingers after sleep does not go away throughout the day;
the skin on the thumb, in addition to loss of sensitivity, turned blue or white;
the finger turns red and swelling forms;
gait has changed;
It is impossible to determine the temperature of the water with your limb - whether it is cold or hot.
Treatment methods for paresthesia
The first step in eliminating the feeling of numbness is identifying the cause of this phenomenon. Among the symptomatic methods of relieving paresthesia, it is worth highlighting:
massage . Effective when wearing the wrong shoes, taking an uncomfortable position, or hypothermia - it helps restore blood flow and nerve sensitivity;
gymnastics _ A set of exercises is compiled by a specialist based on the root cause of numbness;
taking medications . For the treatment of paresthesia, it is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to restore blood circulation (Sermion) and painkillers (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Pentalgin), vitamin complexes (usually tablets with B-group vitamins) to restore the passage of nerve impulses. Warming ointments that stimulate blood flow to the treated area of tissue (Espol, Capsicum) give good results;
physiotherapy – magnetic therapy, paraffin baths, electrophoresis, mineral and mud baths;
contrast baths;
folk remedies will also help relieve numbness. You can use a tincture of pickled cucumbers - 2 chopped vegetables, a red pepper pod, pour a glass of vodka and leave for a week, then rub it into a numb finger. Another effective recipe is a mixture of two chopped lemons, a kilogram of celery and the same amount of parsley roots. Combine the mass with a glass of honey and take 2 tablespoons in the morning before meals.
General recommendations for troubleshooting the problem
To minimize the likelihood of numbness for simple reasons, you should follow these recommendations:
- Shoes must be the correct size, wide enough, and have a small heel. Improper distribution of the load on the foot, even without a narrow toe, can also cause loss of sensation in the big toe.
- In cold weather, you should wear appropriate shoes and warm socks, and in rain, choose models that do not leak.
- Avoid frequent sitting with your legs pinched. The habit of crossing your legs when sitting is considered especially undesirable - constant compression of blood vessels can lead not only to a feeling of numbness, but also to varicose veins, so it is better to avoid this position.
- If you suspect a pathological nature of the phenomenon, you should immediately go to the doctor, since the diseases that cause such a symptom are quite serious.
Video lesson: therapeutic foot massage
Any massage should be performed by a specialist, and the set of effects should be determined by the specifics of the existing problem and the part of the body. This video demonstrates a master class on how to perform a proper foot massage, which will help you cope with the problem of numbness in your fingers.
Numb big toe - causes and treatment methods
Numbness of the limbs, or paresthesia, is a consequence that occurs due to pathologies in the functioning of some organs of the body. If regular or constant numbness of the fingers occurs, then you should urgently visit a doctor, because this is most likely a signal of a serious disease of the blood vessels, spine or nerve endings.
Causes of big toe numbness include:
pinching of the nerve in an uncomfortable position (legs crossed, legs under you or squatting);
incorrectly selected shoes (narrow, tight, too high heels);
corns or calluses on the feet and toes;
leg injury (bruise, fracture, dislocation);
regular poisoning of the body with chemicals and poisons (nicotine, alcohol, professions associated with risk);
constant load on the legs (“standing” work);
lack of vitamin B12 in the body;
damage to blood vessels in the legs and spine;
pinched lumbar nerve;
blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques.
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Diseases that cause numbness
The main diseases that cause numbness in the fingers:
- osteochondrosis;
- avitaminosis;
- diabetes;
- spinal tuberculosis;
- Raynaud's disease (disorder of small vessels);
- arthrosis;
- atherosclerosis;
- arthritis;
- gout;
- oncology of the lumbar spine;
Drug treatment
For different causes of numbness, different methods and treatments are prescribed.
Medicines based on salicylic acid
Antispasmodic drug, in the form of tablets, local action. Most often used in the treatment of headaches, pain associated with joints and temporary relief of muscle spasms.
Not a strong analgesic for stopping mild symptoms of diseases that are accompanied by spasms and convulsions.
Tablets and ointments for pain relief
The drug can be used in the form of ointment or tablets. The effect of the ointment in case of joint pain is better, as it acts locally and quickly.
Tablets or ointment for quick and effective relief of pain in bones and joints.
Pills. Most often prescribed to relieve pain due to intervertebral hernia.
Antispasmodic drugs
Injectable drug to reduce pain in muscle tissue.
The drug is prescribed as an intramuscular or intravenous injection. An excellent antispasmodic.
The drug is prescribed mainly as an injection to stop convulsive muscle contractions.
Drugs to lower glucose levels
Foreign drug, in the form of injections. Prescribed to people with elevated levels of glucose and blood sugar to reduce these levels. The drug has a temporary effect.
Tablets are prescribed for the treatment of diabetes and to normalize blood sugar levels.
To treat numbness of the big toes, baths, tinctures and massages are used.
Foot bath with honey
Dissolve 4 tablespoons of honey per liter of hot water. Take this bath for 15 minutes to half an hour.
Place 3 pickled cucumbers and 3 pods of hot red pepper cut into small cubes into a glass container, pour in half a liter of vodka. Infuse the mixture for a week in a dark place. Rub your fingers and feet with this infusion if numbness occurs.
Kissel with linseed oil
Add 300 grams of linseed oil to a liter of water and boil over low heat for at least 2 hours. Then leave the broth to brew for 10-12 hours and strain after the time has elapsed. Consume the resulting jelly 30 minutes before meals, using a third of a glass; the course of such treatment is 2-3 weeks.
Finger exercise
Pour any legumes (peas, beans, lentils) into a bowl and use your toes to transfer the beans to another empty bowl alternately with your left and right feet. This exercise will help maintain good blood circulation in the extremities.
Bath with pine extract and massage
Add a tablespoon of pine extract to 2-3 liters of hot water. Steam your feet for 5-10 minutes. Afterwards, massage each toe and foot using circular movements. Do this massage as often as possible to increase blood circulation in the feet and toes.
In order to prevent your toes from going numb, you must adhere to the following preventive actions:
wear only comfortable shoes that fit your feet;
take the required amount of vitamins and minerals;
strengthen leg muscles with exercises;
massage your feet and toes regularly;
walking on a massage mat or barefoot on the grass;
do not wear shoes with very high heels for a long time;
regularly visit a doctor and get tested to prevent diseases;