The benefits of red wine have long been discussed in medical circles.
It so happened that one day French doctors were puzzled by the fact that winegrowers relatively rarely complain of venous diseases. Interested in this phenomenon, researchers discovered that peasants regularly made tinctures and poultices from grape leaves to care for their heavy, aching legs after hours of work. This home treatment was very common in several Mediterranean regions and was unexpectedly successful.
The benefits of red wine have long been discussed in medical circles. It is widely believed that drinking red wine in small quantities is the secret to a long and active life. But – so that grape leaves turn out to be the source of healthy veins?
Meanwhile, pharmacologists analyzed the chemical composition of the active ingredients of red grape leaves. An effective complex of elements containing a significant amount of antioxidants was discovered in them.
The venous surge of blood both in the legs and throughout the body ensures a rhythmically working heart, muscles and elastic elastic vessels. It is known that in order to maintain good blood circulation, you need to eat a balanced diet, consume plenty of fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables. Most of these foods contain significant amounts of flavonoids. They help blood vessels and veins fully perform their functions.
Flavonoids in the human body promote the production of nitric oxide, which is very important for blood vessels, nerve tissue and for maintaining immunity. In 1998, Louis Ignaro, Ferid Mured and Robert Furchgott were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for their discovery of the role of nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the regulation of the cardiovascular system. As a result of research, in particular, it was found that nitric oxide:
Many flavonoids have P-vitamin activity, reduce capillary fragility, and enhance the effect of ascorbic acid. In recent years, reports have appeared on the antitumor effect of flavonoids. However, there are still few preparations containing pure flavonoids. Forms containing flavonoids can be extracts from plant materials or flavonoid complexes isolated in pure form.
Prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities at home is an important rule for this disease.
Why does varicose veins occur?
Varicose veins in the legs occur due to malfunction of the venous valves and a malfunction in the circulatory system. The blood does not flow back to the heart, but accumulates in the veins. Under high pressure, the accumulated blood presses on the wall of the vein, expanding it.
Initially, due to improper blood circulation, the structure of the nails changes. Later, spider veins become visible. Venous patterns begin to appear through the skin. Already at these moments you need to think about the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.
The absence of the first measures taken for prevention and treatment leads to what begins to worry:
In subsequent stages of development of varicose veins, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, and bleeding occur. There is a risk of blood clots, which can be life-threatening.
Varicose veins are a chronic disease that in most cases is treated surgically. But you shouldn’t rush to lie under the surgeon’s scalpel, because you can always try folk advice and use important rules for prevention.
Treatment of varicose veins, whether with traditional means or treatment at home, should begin with a trip to the doctor. After examination and ultrasound of the veins, the phlebologist will select a program of comprehensive treatment to eliminate the causes that caused the development of the disease. After you receive the treatment regimen in your hands, you can begin treatment at home.
Most often, doctors prescribe complex therapy to strengthen veins and blood vessels. This includes elastic bandaging, taking phlebotropic drugs, physiotherapy, and therapeutic exercises.
But you need to remember that you need to control the disease throughout your life and regularly take preventive measures.
The tips below describe ways to combat varicose veins that can be used in everyday life.
In addition to the doctor’s instructions, you can improve the condition of the whole body and follow basic rules of prevention for diseases of the veins and blood vessels.
A healthy lifestyle includes proper nutrition. By eating right, you will strengthen your blood vessels and improve your blood circulation.
You need to eat foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, minerals zinc, copper, iron, rutin.
You should include dark-colored berries and fruits in your daily diet. Useful for strengthening blood vessels: strawberries, viburnum, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, persimmon, plum, red grapes.
You need to avoid spicy and salty foods. Review your wardrobe and give up high-heeled shoes and tight and constricting clothes. All this leads to improper functioning of blood circulation, thereby increasing the development of varicose veins.
It is important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Naturally, you need to eliminate bad habits and try not to gain excess weight.
It is very important for the legs to be in motion, but in such a way as not to overwork them.
A contrast shower for your feet is a wonderful massage. Alternate the water temperature and pour over your feet. Contraindications for legs with varicose veins are hot baths, saunas, direct sunlight.
If you have varicose veins, it is important to constantly massage your legs.
Using an elastic sponge, massage your legs in a circular motion from bottom to top. After the massage, you can rub in venotonic creams or gels. Such remedies quickly relieve heaviness in the legs, swelling and give the legs freshness and lightness.
Gymnastics to improve blood flow should be performed every day. It is best to perform gymnastic exercises in the morning and evening so that the blood swells from the lower extremities. Leg exercises such as “Bicycle”, “Birch” will help in the treatment of varicose veins. It is important to repeat these exercises regularly, both during treatment and for prevention.
Exercise bicycle to improve blood circulation in the legs
Cycling, swimming in the pool, skiing, and walking are useful in the treatment of venous diseases.
With constant stress, your legs definitely need rest. After working hard during the working day, when you come home, lie down on the sofa with your legs raised up.
Treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities involves constant wearing of compression garments for varicose veins. Compression hosiery can be purchased at orthopedic stores. A specialist will take measurements and select preventive underwear that is suitable for your feet.
What is the secret of such knitwear? The fact is that compression products fit tightly around the limb, preventing the veins from expanding. In this case, the pressure will be correctly distributed throughout the limb. Blood begins to circulate without obstacles, bypassing obstacles and avoiding stagnation.
Treatment of varicose veins at home with folk remedies should be considered as an addition to the main means of combating pathology.
Among the popular tips, it is worth highlighting compresses for the feet. The following materials are used for such procedures: fern leaves, fresh tomatoes, crushed willow branches, potato peels, alcohol, saline solutions and soda. A bandage or gauze is applied to the affected areas and wrapped with a towel on top.
Rubbing, fruit and vegetable masks, and creams made from red grape leaves are useful.
Horse chestnut is used to treat vascular diseases
To cleanse blood vessels, therapeutic fasting and herbal medicine are used. Medicinal plants can not only strengthen the walls of veins, but also cleanse them of thrombotic mass.
Both tinctures and ointments obtained from plant leaves are used. Among all plants, horse chestnut can be distinguished. This plant is even used in the manufacture of tablets for varicose veins.
Do not forget that bee products are very beneficial for blood vessels. Substances contained in honey and propolis effectively improve the functioning of the venous system.
Among the products that are used in everyday life to treat veins and blood vessels, apple cider vinegar is very popular. It is used for rubbing and ingestion. Apple cider vinegar is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation.
You need to constantly take care of your own health. This will save you from using lengthy treatment procedures and wasting money on expensive operations.
Important! Doctors are shocked: “An effective and affordable remedy for varicose veins of the lower extremities exists. " Read more.
If you have been diagnosed with varicose veins, grapes should be your favorite plant. It is not difficult to fall in love with it - the berries are tasty and healthy, and excellent medicinal preparations can be made from the seeds and leaves.
Civilizations grew on grapes and ethnic groups were formed. This vine is the basis of agriculture and the food industry in several countries. This is indirect evidence of the healing properties of grapes.
There is one more observation - people who have consumed red grapes in any form throughout their lives rarely suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
French doctors once noticed that workers in the vineyards did not suffer from varicose veins. It turned out that peasants use tinctures from grape leaves and make compresses on their feet from them. This helps relieve fatigue, swelling and pain in the legs.
However, the undoubted recognition of the healing properties of grapes was the emergence of certified medicinal products based on grape leaves and seeds.
The properties of this vine are determined, of course, by its chemical composition. Grapes contain the following beneficial substances:
Thus, grapes can be used as a remedy for the following diseases:
The pharmaceutical industry has evaluated the healing properties of grape seeds and their effectiveness in the fight against varicose veins. Many drugs have appeared in pharmacies, which include extracts from grape seeds and skins.
Gels and ointments based on grape seeds are also produced. Feel free to use them to apply to problem areas with damaged veins.
Natural grapes can be used in any form. With severe varicose veins, eating a lot of grapes is no longer effective, although it is acceptable to reduce the rate of development of the disease. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use fresh or dried grape leaves:
Iodine mesh for varicose veins is considered an effective remedy that goes well with grape preparations and compresses.
Grapes taken orally strengthens blood vessels and makes them elastic. Compresses made from grape leaves relieve swelling and reduce the likelihood of blood clots. Treatment with iodine helps remove accumulated salts and helps fight inflammation.
As an additional remedy, you can use rubbing your feet with dry soda. With the same success, you can use soda as a compress.
Grapes in any of its forms should not be consumed for peptic ulcers, acute gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, acute heart failure, diabetes mellitus, acute tuberculosis.
As a rule, side effects are a continuation of the benefits of medications. Grapes are no exception. Its effect on blood vessels is associated with the prevention of blood clots by reducing blood clotting. As long as you just eat grapes, there won't be much of a problem. But be careful when using preparations containing concentrated extracts of seeds and leaves. If doses are too large, blood clotting is reduced, which can create a dangerous situation in various injuries, when it will be difficult to stop the bleeding. Women should pay special attention to this property.
But there IS a really effective remedy for varicose veins that helps you save 20,000 rubles. during the operation Read more >>>
Tablets for varicose veins are taken in situations where the problem cannot be eliminated locally and treatment with ointments clearly will not bring results, then the doctor recommends that the patient take the medicine in tablets.
All remedies for varicose veins of the lower extremities are quite effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids. For hemorrhoids in acute and chronic form, venotonics and anticoagulants are used, which have a local and general effect on the veins in the pelvic area.
Symptoms, signs and treatments for varicose veins
For varicose veins, the following groups of drugs are used::
Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents are aimed at thinning the blood and preventing thrombus formation in the affected veins.
Venotonics reduce the fragility of blood vessels and increase their tone, improve blood circulation in the veins, and relieve pain and swelling of the legs.
Nonsteroidal analgesics are painkillers that relieve pain and inflammation.
Corticosteroids are prescribed exclusively by a doctor in the indicated dose for trophic ulcers and other complications of varicose veins.
Detralex is a drug that contains a bioflavonoid fraction.
Thanks to this, vascular tone improves, the elasticity of the vascular wall increases, blood circulation is normalized, and blood clots do not form. The product effectively affects the entire vascular system, resulting in a decrease in the distensibility of the veins and an increase in vascular resistance.
Detralex is often prescribed to patients with chronic venous insufficiency, including patients with varicose veins and people suffering from hemorrhoids. The product effectively combats all symptoms of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. However, not everyone is allowed to take it. Contraindications to the use of the product are allergies, lactation, pregnancy and age under 18 years.
Lilia: “I took this medicine when the doctor reported varicose veins. As you understand, the diagnosis is not a pleasant one, but somehow you have to move on with your life. Detralex helped me immediately, I took the pills in the courses prescribed by the doctor. I spent all my time on my feet, but even this did not stop me from getting rid of protruding veins and mesh on my legs. With the help of the medicine, the swelling went away and my legs stopped hurting.”
Valeria: “I took Detralex for hemorrhoids. I took 6 tablets per day, 2 tablets 3 times. The hemorrhoids had just gotten worse at that time, so the medication literally saved me. After I completed the course of treatment, I forgot about the disease. Now I’m taking a preventive medicine.”
Phlebodia 600 is an analogue of Detralex, French tablets for varicose veins. An effective and fast-acting medicine that has an angioprotective effect. Regular use of the medicine reduces blood stagnation in the veins, while increasing lymphatic drainage and microcirculation.
The drug Phlebodia 600 is often prescribed to patients with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, impaired microcirculation, and pelvic varicose veins. Contraindications for use are similar to Detralex.
Ascorutin is a combined vitamin preparation that strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity. An effective drug that is used to destroy foci of inflammation in the body, stopping the process of formation of pus in the plasma.
The product also has a mild diuretic effect, so it effectively and quickly reduces swelling of the limbs. With regular use of the drug, blood circulation is restored and blood pressure is normalized. The scope of application is wide:
Taking Ascorutin is prohibited for children under three years of age, as well as for patients with thrombophlebitis and diabetes.
Antistax is a drug that is widely used in the treatment of varicose veins. This is a Swiss remedy that increases the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents their fragility, reduces swelling, pain and spasms. Thanks to the quercetin included in the composition, the inflammatory process is reduced and a weak diuretic effect develops, which does not allow excess fluid to accumulate in the body.
Antistax is available in different forms, so it is easy and convenient for patients to take, regardless of their lifestyle. The main indications for the use of the drug in various forms are varicose veins and phlebopathic syndrome.
Ekaterina: “Simply a magical remedy. There are no side effects, and the result is visible within 2 weeks after regular use. In addition, if you take the medicine in combination with other drugs or drink capsules and smear your feet with gel, the effect comes even faster. The legs became beautiful, the venous networks disappeared, and there was no more swelling. A good remedy."
“I took this drug regularly for some time. Then I took a break, after some time I noticed that the condition of the veins had worsened, I began to take the drug again, but there was no such effect. I’m unhappy that the effect did not persist after discontinuation of the drug.”
Venoruton has a positive effect on blood vessels, vascular walls, and blood. This remedy is often used to treat varicose veins at different stages. In addition, the drug is taken for trophic ulcers, postphlebtic syndrome, hemorrhoids, and also to relieve pain after sclerotherapy.
Take tablets for 2-4 weeks, sometimes longer, 1 tablet once a day to prevent varicose veins, or 1 tablet 2-3 times for treatment.
Thrombovazim is a highly effective analgesic that restores damaged blood vessels. This remedy is indicated for use in patients with varicose veins, which occur due to impaired blood flow.
The drug is capable of exerting a number of actions: thrombolytic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and cardioprotective. 6 hours after using the drug, maximum effectiveness occurs.
The main feature of this drug is its ability to dissolve already formed blood clots, increase the speed of venous flow through the lymph, reduce swelling of the extremities and prevent the appearance of new blood clots.
You need to take the medicine half an hour before meals, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days.
Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is a relatively cheap antiplatelet agent that prevents platelet aggregation. The drug thins the blood if taken in small doses.
If the dosage is increased, Aspirin will act as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. To obtain a pronounced effect, the medicine can be used for a long time. Acetylsalicylic acid is often the main component of such drugs as Cardiomagnyl, Acecardol, Aspicor, Aspirin Cardio.
Normoven is able to reduce vascular permeability, prevent blood stagnation in the veins, and prevent thrombosis. With regular use of the product, patients experience swelling in their legs, and the feeling of heaviness and tension in their legs decreases. The drug also copes well with peripheral edema, trophic ulcers, cramps, and hemorrhoids.
Diosmin is a widely sought after medicine, an angioprotector of plant origin, which effectively treats varicose veins at any stage.
The main active component - diosmin - accelerates lymph flow, restores damaged vascular walls, increases vascular tone and prevents inflammation. Thanks to this remedy, blood does not stagnate in the veins and blood clots do not form.
Instructions for use indicate the use of Diosmin for various pathologies of the vascular system, including varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids. The dosage regimen is the same as for Detralex .
Vasoket is a venotonic widely used in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. The drug is able to enhance lymphatic drainage, regulate microcirculation, reduce vascular permeability, reduce the adhesiveness of leukocytes, have an anti-inflammatory effect and potentiate the vasoconstrictor properties of serotonin and adrenaline/norepinephrine.
With regular use of the drug, capillaries become less fragile and bruises appear less often.
Anavenol is a drug that helps treat diseases of the cardiovascular system. Its action is aimed at strengthening the vascular wall, improving blood circulation, reducing the inflammatory process, relieving swelling and pain in the extremities.
Doctors, as a rule, prescribe this remedy to patients with chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, trophic tissue disorders, and for the prevention of varicose veins.
Avenue is a remedy that helps fight varicose veins at different stages.
This is a capillary stabilizing drug that increases the tone of the veins. Thanks to the flavonoid fraction in the composition,
It reduces the distensibility of veins, improves microcirculation, reduces the negative impact on venous valves, and prevents blood stagnation and the formation of blood clots. The drug is used for venous insufficiency, for heaviness and pain in the legs, as well as for different phases of hemorrhoids.
To achieve the maximum effect of treatment with the drug, doctors recommend engaging in moderate physical activity, walking frequently, and wearing compression stockings.
Phlebofa is a venotonic that effectively and quickly restores disorders of the vascular system. With regular use of the drug, there is a strengthening of the vascular wall, an increase in its tone, and the prevention of blood stagnation.
Thanks to its constituent component, phlebopha increases the permeability of capillaries, thereby improving the outflow of blood and lymph. Diosmin, which is included in the composition, has a beneficial effect on venous valves. As a result, blood circulates in the right direction and does not stagnate in the veins.
Dioflan is a modern venotonic and angioprotective agent, which is often used in the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids in the acute and chronic stages.
With regular use of the drug, venous tone increases, the distensibility of veins decreases, the level of venostasis decreases, lymph circulation is normalized, pain and inflammation go away.
Often the medicine is prescribed in the postoperative period after removal of the veins of the lower extremities, as well as for the prevention of varicose veins. The course of treatment with the drug depends on the course and stage of the disease.
Doxium is a product that improves microcirculation and oxygen supply to tissues. With regular use of the product, platelet aggregation decreases, the elasticity of red blood cell membranes increases and blood viscosity decreases.
In addition, the medicine reduces swelling and eliminates the symptoms of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Doxium is often prescribed by specialists for the treatment of CVI, in the complex treatment of superficial thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers. The product is also effective in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids and hormone-dependent bronchial asthma.
Venodil is an angioprotective and venotonic agent that reduces the congestion and distensibility of veins, increases the tone of the vascular wall and reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries.
Thanks to ascorbic acid, which is part of the composition, blood vessels become more elastic, hematopoiesis and capillary permeability return to normal, and immunity increases. Regular use of the drug helps reduce the severity of CVI symptoms.
Capilar is a drug that has an effective antioxidant effect. Also, taking the medication provokes the development of angioprotective, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, decongestant and detoxification effects on the body.
Thanks to its constituent component, the medicine accelerates the process of regeneration of the gastric mucosa, reduces swelling, inflammation, lowers cholesterol levels, stimulates the process of tissue regeneration, and improves heart function.
Doctors also recommend this remedy to patients for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and atherosclerosis, as well as to reduce headaches and dizziness. The medicine fights varicose veins at any stage. Using the gel can significantly speed up the healing process.
The instructions for use of the drug have many indications that you should read before taking the medicine. The same applies to the dosage of the drug - for different pathologies the dose of the drug is different.
Shilajit is a medicine, a biostimulant, which belongs to the group of drugs that affect the digestive tract and the course of metabolic processes. The drug can have many positive effects on the body:
Thanks to such a wide spectrum of action, the drug is effective in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, as well as many other pathological changes in the body. The instructions for use describe in detail for what symptoms the drug can be taken and in what dosages.
Venarus is an analogue of Detralex. The composition of the product includes the same substances, the effect of them develops in a similar way. The medicine increases the tone and reduces the distensibility of veins, reduces capillary fragility, and improves lymphatic drainage. Venarus is used for varicose veins at different stages, as well as for hemorrhoids in acute and chronic form.
Tablets are taken with meals, 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-4 months, can also be adjusted individually.
Troxevasin suppresses platelet aggregation, increases the degree of deformation of red blood cells, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is effectively used in the treatment and prevention of CVI, in particular for varicose veins, swelling of the extremities, pain in the legs, cramps, varicose ulcers, thrombophlebitis.
Take the medicine externally in the form of a gel or in tablets of 300 mg 3 times a day. The effect is usually observed within 15 days from the start of treatment. The course of therapy is 3-4 weeks.
Varicose veins during pregnancy are a common occurrence. In most cases, it is the period of bearing a child that provokes the appearance of varicose veins. But all this can be easily eliminated if you seek help in a timely manner. Why you can’t treat yourself during pregnancy is probably known to everyone. During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the life and health of her unborn baby .
Horse chestnut extract is a medicinal herbal component often used to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids in patients. Horse chestnut extract is included in such preparations as:
All these drugs can have a positive effect on the vascular wall and venous valves. With the correct dosage of the drug, a pronounced effect can be achieved after 2 weeks of treatment.
Such drugs can increase the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby preventing their fragility, reduce swelling and relieve pain in the legs.
It is worth noting that an important component in the treatment of varicose veins is taking medications that can thin the blood. As a rule, the use of such drugs is supervised by a doctor.
The doctor determines the dosage and course of treatment for each patient individually, based on his disease and the stage at which it is. If you take blood thinning medications in advance, that is, on time, the risk of complications or further progression of the disease is minimized.
Before prescribing blood thinners, it is necessary to undergo a number of diagnostic procedures. After this, the doctor will determine the course of treatment, dose and name of the drug that will best suit you. Anticoagulants are used as the main blood thinners for varicose veins, which can prevent the formation of new blood clots and dilute the blood.
These medications include:
Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. Since there are many contraceptives and situations, pathological conditions in which one can say “yes, this is a possible remedy, but this is not.”
Varicose veins are not considered a clear contraindication to the use of contraceptives. However, their choice must be approached with caution if the patient is undergoing treatment for varicose veins. For example, you cannot use contraceptives with a high content of hormones, as this can lead to phlebothrombosis or thrombophlebitis.
In situations where there is a certain danger in the development of varicose veins, patients are prescribed the following medications:
Chinese medicine has been using its own medicines in the treatment of varicose veins for many years, which, according to some sources, are much more effective than our medicines. The most popular remedies for varicose veins are:
This is an innovative product that is used for external application to the skin and for oral administration in the form of capsules. The remedy is used for varicose veins and vasculitis.
The main features of the patch are its ability to pass small medicinal particles into the tissue through the skin. Reviews from patients claim that when using the patch, blood circulation is quickly restored and blood clots are resolved, cells and tissues are saturated with oxygen.
The composition is large, contains many medicinal plants that have a beneficial effect on the body and reduce the symptoms of varicose veins and vasculitis.
Use the patch for 4-6 days (apply 1 patch). It is recommended to apply it to the thighs, or directly to the sore spot. For leg thrombosis, it is recommended to apply the patch to the area with dense nodules. For ulcers - a centimeter from them (do not apply a plaster to the ulcers themselves)
Capsules are taken 1 time per day, 1 capsule before meals.
No, this is a huge misconception of many. Varicose veins are a disease that can be treated for years and only comprehensively. Taking pills alone will not work, even if you have the mildest form of the disease.
Yes, you can, but not all of them. There are a number of indications and contraindications for taking pills for varicose veins in combination with hormonal contraceptives. You can see more detailed information in the article above.
Not always, but the risk of developing the disease is considerable. In addition, if two parents in a family suffer from varicose veins, the chances that the child will not have it in the future are too small.
If you have varicose veins, it is useful to walk, since when you walk, the muscles of the lower extremities contract, squeezing the veins and pushing blood towards the heart. This is a kind of exercise machine for the legs. But excessive walking can also be harmful, so if you experience pain or discomfort while walking, consult a doctor to find out the cause.
In the absence of timely and correct treatment, deep vein thrombosis will occur, thrombophlebitis will appear, swelling will increase and this will lead to difficulty moving, eczema, and dermatitis.
No. Varicose veins are an incurable and progressive chronic disease, which is very difficult to get rid of, especially quickly.
It is impossible to give a definite answer. Since this disease, without treatment, leads to serious consequences. Blood clots and ulcers that appear can lead to the death of a person; moreover, with varicose veins, not only the legs and arms suffer - the whole body and heart suffer. The load on all organs and systems with varicose veins increases, the cells do not receive enough oxygen. All this can ultimately lead to death.
Of all that is listed here, I myself personally took Detralex, the diagnosis was varicose veins at the initial stage, there is no need to operate, but it’s no longer worth starting, the symptoms were swelling and veins began to appear in the calves. I had to drink it 2 times a month. Not immediately, but within a month the result appeared. I probably took the second course more to calm down, since after the first there was nothing left.
And I was treated with Detralex too! It is prescribed to many people now, and apparently for good reason)) I felt something was wrong with my legs. Some strange heaviness began to appear in my legs in the evening and fatigue in the morning, as if I had just gotten up and was already tired)) And one day my legs actually became swollen in the evening. It turned out that the first symptoms of varicose veins ((I underwent the prescribed treatment with Detralex - two courses of two months each. Gradually everything returned to normal, there is no heaviness or fatigue now)) I liked the drug - it did its job perfectly.
And I also use Detarlex tablets, I have chronic varicose veins, I have already tried many drugs, and I liked Detralex the most. I drink it, as it should be for varicose veins, 2 times a year and I really like the result, I stopped feeling the heaviness in my legs, the pain went away and the veins hid, now I’m not ashamed to show my legs, I didn’t even think about wearing dresses before.
My feet hurt a lot, I stopped walking in heels completely. Spider veins appeared on the legs. And also a feeling of numbness in the feet. I still can’t get around to going to the doctor, but it’s probably already varicose veins (.
Hello! First of all, I want to reassure you, spider veins on the legs and numbness in the feet are just the primary symptoms of varicose veins and it is much easier to cure them than the varicose veins themselves as a consequence. Your blood circulation is impaired, so a vascular network has appeared, and your feet are numb. The vascular network could also appear due to the fact that you, for example, stand on your feet for a long time, drink alcohol, or smoke. Sometimes this happens due to hormone therapy, after pregnancy and childbirth. If your problem has been observed for a long time and the condition is bad, neglected, then consult a doctor, a phlebologist. Otherwise, in the early stages you can get rid of the vascular network using traditional medicine. Take foot baths and get plenty of rest. Pay attention to your diet. Aloe leaves are great for treating spider veins on the legs. They need to lubricate all places with the vascular wall. However, before this, the aloe needs to be put in the refrigerator (about 2-3 days before). After lubricating the aloe, the skin should be spread with a nourishing cream. At first there may be a burning sensation, but after 2-3 weeks of this procedure the discomfort will subside. Instead of aloe leaves, you can use juice (up to 10 drops, but no more!) and rub it into the skin of your feet. Positive dynamics will be observed a month after such procedures.
Thank you. I'll definitely try it.
Thanks for the article, very accessible and about everything. Only I thought that Detralex and Venarus were analogues, but here, according to the description, they seem to have different effects? I just took Venarus for a while, but the result didn’t make me happy. Now I’ve been taking Detralex for the second year and I’m very pleased with the result. The most important thing is that the disease does not progress, otherwise I am very afraid that it will be like in the photo in the article!
Hello! Thanks for your question. They actually have the same impact, but there are also differences. I’ll try to explain what caused them now. The fact is that both of these drugs are analogues, that is, Venarus is an analogue of Detralex. Why are they analogues? - because both of these drugs belong to the same pharmacological group (venotonics), they contain the same substances - diosim and hesperidin. They have the same effect (I increase the tone of blood vessels, strengthen their walls, help reduce blood stagnation in the veins, relieve swelling in the legs and help eliminate cramps in the lower extremities), they can be taken during pregnancy. This is their similarity, which gives every right to consider Detralex and Venarus as analogues. But they also have differences. First of all, it is worth noting that Venarus is a Russian drug. Detralex, in turn, is produced in France. The therapeutic effect of taking the drug Venarus occurs only after two weeks of use and continues to be observed only with long-term use. The effect of Detralex occurs almost immediately, especially if you take this drug strictly according to the regimen. This rapid action of Detralex is due to the fact that it contains micronized diosmin. It allows the active component to leave the drug much faster, thereby providing a faster therapeutic effect. In addition, the effectiveness of Detralex has been proven by scientific experiments using a plethysmogram (a graphic image of the state of the vessels, as well as their work). That is why the price of Detralex is higher, which is also a significant difference between these drugs.
Thank you very much for the clarification. Now everything is clear).
Thanks for the detailed explanation of the difference between the two drugs. The doctor prescribed Detralex for me. when I asked why him, he said that these pills are the most effective. I looked at the pharmacy and it was in the same price category, the difference was 100 rubles, so I trusted the doctor and bought Detralex. It helped me a lot, now my legs are in good condition.
My choice is phlebodia. Considering that varicose veins need to be treated throughout your life, it is very important that the drug is easy to use. But here everything is very simple: I woke up, took a pill, and forgot about my veins. Just what you need.
I appreciated phlebodia for its anti-inflammatory effect. My legs hurt badly, I took a course of troxerutin, to no avail. I switched to phlebodia - after a few days the pain went away. I don’t even want to try other medications.