Human skin is a kind of indicator of health, because many diseases of internal organs and pathological processes that occur in the cells of the body are sooner or later reflected on the surface of the skin. Spots on the skin may indicate that a person has some kind of health problem. Therefore, it is better not to delay their further development and growth into large areas, but to undergo examination by specialists.
Diagnostics will help to identify existing diseases, the development of which provoked the appearance of pigmentation on the dermis, and begin their treatment in time to prevent further progression.
Skin spots can occur for the following reasons:
It happens that yellow spots appear on the body of a child or a newborn baby. They occur due to meconium entering the amniotic fluid right before birth. Soon the baby's skin acquires its normal shade. But if you have doubts and concerns about this, you can always contact your pediatrician.
Yellow spots can develop on the body due to cancer, this indicates the development of a malignant neoplasm. Skin cancers are among the most common, in which epidermal cells divide rapidly and atypically.
With an excess amount of melanin produced, not only purely yellow spots may appear on the human body, but also brown, yellow-brown, red with a yellowish tint, differing in size, shape, and location.
Brown spots can occur for reasons such as:
Yellow-brown spots that appear on the body can change their color, lighten, darken. Any of them requires attention and examination by a specialist, because they can develop into a malignant formation.
Round brown spots that do not itch, do not peel, do not grow and have smooth outlines may be simple moles, but if they change, you must immediately visit an oncologist, because many of them occur in cancer and have the same colors.
Yellow-brown marks may indicate that the body lacks vitamins A, C, PP. When treating them, it is necessary to use not only ointments, lotions and baths, but also drink vitamins. Brown spots on the legs often occur due to trophic tissue damage as a result of poor blood supply. The cause may be atherosclerosis of blood vessels in the legs, diabetes.
Aging of the dermis is also characterized by the appearance of pigmentation. During pregnancy, such marks often appear on the face, because a woman’s hormonal levels change. Skin diseases such as lichen (pityriasis versicolor, versicolor) provoke the appearance of marks on the skin.
They peel off, and after tanning, spots remain on the surface of the epidermis. Freckles are also considered spots; they appear in large numbers in the spring in the sun, but they are absolutely safe.
There is a different color of markings on the skin - red with a yellowish tint. The appearance of red-yellow spots on the body may indicate the presence of some kind of illness, pathological condition in which human life processes may be disrupted.
Therefore, when they appear, you should immediately go to the doctor. They can have different shapes and sizes and appear on any part of the epidermis.
The reasons why red-yellow marks appear on the dermis are very different, so it could be:
Any spots, be it yellow, red, brown, that appear on the surface of the epidermis must be examined for the presence of diseases within the body in order to prevent their development and progression.
Many marks on the upper layer of the epidermis appear as a result of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, and if they do not itch or flake, this does not mean that they should be ignored.
It is better to immediately contact the right specialist and undergo a full examination to avoid further health complications.
Few people think that reddish spots that appear on the human body can warn of danger. After all, if red spots appear on the legs, it means that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body. Thus, your body is trying to warn you that changes are happening in it.
If the marks that appear are very itchy, this may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to the products consumed or the cosmetics used.
In this case, it will be enough to stop eating the product that is an irritant, or not to use cosmetics that led to the appearance of redness.
But if the spots not only itch, but also begin to peel off, this is a signal that a pathogenic process is occurring in the body, which only a specialist can diagnose. Therefore, a visit to the hospital should not be delayed. After all, while the disease is at an early stage, it will be much easier to cure it.
In order to collect information about a possible disease, the doctor will conduct the necessary research and prescribe tests.
Remember that only a specialist can correctly assess the patient’s general condition and prescribe the most effective treatment.
It should be noted that there can be quite a lot of reasons for the appearance of such redness on a person’s legs or arms, including:
The congenital presence of small reddish dots on certain areas of the skin. This is quite rare, but still requires the attention of a phlebologist. The cause of their appearance may be vascular disease or a violation of the cellular structure of skin tissue.
Unhealthy or poor diet. If a person eats a lot of smoked, spicy and fried foods, he may develop similar marks. A balanced diet that limits the intake of unhealthy foods will help tidy up your skin.
Lack of vitamins. It's not just an unhealthy diet that can lead to red spots on your arms and legs, but also vitamin deficiencies.
In this case, the patient is prescribed bed rest and a diet that involves eating food rich in vitamins. In rare cases, vitamin complexes are prescribed.
Dermatitis. The most common reason. After using various types of cosmetics or eating certain foods, bright red marks appear on the skin, which are very itchy.
To eliminate them, antihistamines are prescribed, and contact with the irritant that caused the allergic reaction is stopped.
But not only adults can experience such rashes. Quite often, red spots can be found in children. They appear quite unexpectedly.