Damages of blood vessels and veins, in which the blood circulation process changes, nodes of deformed veins appear, are called varicose veins, which is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms and is a serious danger to human health. Treatment methods for this disease vary significantly, but their common goal is to reduce the intensity of manifestations, normalize blood circulation in the affected veins and eliminate pain that is noted in the veins.
This option for stabilizing the patient’s well-being, such as a contrast shower for varicose veins, is used as an effective means leading to normalization of the movement of veins and eliminating stagnation of blood in them. The peculiarities of contrast dousing of the legs, on which varicose veins most often form, and knowledge of the basic rules of therapeutic effects when diagnosing this lesion, make it possible to prevent the likelihood of aggravation of the pathology.
Alternating exposure to cold and hot water on the body causes alternating contraction and constriction of blood vessels, which activates blood circulation. With the development of vein pathologies, a positive result from a contrast shower is expressed in the elimination of stagnation, a kind of massage promotes the regeneration of the walls of the veins. Since varicose veins are characterized by a violation of the condition of the vein walls, this procedure will be very effective for healing purposes.
A contrast shower for varicose veins has the following beneficial qualities, providing a healing effect on the condition of the veins and the blood circulation process:
In addition to the listed positive effects, with regular use of a contrast shower on the part of the circulatory system, there is a significant activation of the immune system, the risk of developing respiratory diseases is reduced, and the metabolic rate increases.
As a result of alternating exposure to hot and cold water, a rapid positive result from this type of therapeutic effect is observed; it can be combined to increase the degree of action with other methods of treating varicose veins. Drug therapy, a certain type of massage to activate blood circulation and eliminate congestion, physiotherapy - all these treatment options, together with a contrast shower, give good results in eliminating the main symptoms of this vein lesion.
When varicose veins are diagnosed, the doctor prescribes a technique that uses a contrast shower. However, there are a number of simple rules, the implementation of which ensures the elimination of obvious manifestations of the disease, and prevents the aggravation of its symptoms and the possible development of complications. And although a procedure such as a contrast shower is not only therapeutic for many lesions of the body, but also preventive, following the doctor’s recommendations on the method of implementation will increase the degree of manifestation of the positive effect.
The main recommendations when choosing this method of treating varicose veins on the legs are the following:
The listed tips are easy to follow and will allow you to quickly get a noticeable positive result from this type of influence both in the initial stage of varicose veins of the legs and in a more advanced form of the disease. Knowing how to do the treatment option under consideration correctly, you can eliminate pain at the site of vein damage, improve their condition (restore the natural elasticity and firmness of the vein walls, eliminate excessive stretching) - it is a contrast shower that copes with these manifestations of the disease.
The degree of manifestation of the positive effects of a contrast shower is determined by the speed of elimination of the most obvious symptoms of the disease. Since the severity of the disease may vary, as well as the body’s susceptibility to the contrasting effects of water, the results obtained may vary among different people. However, there are some points that significantly affect the effectiveness of this health and preventive procedure.
To prevent the worsening of the condition and improve the quality of blood circulation in the affected veins, to quickly restore the general condition of the veins, this effect should be performed regularly (ideally with an interval of one day, preferably at the bottom and at the same time), with a smooth transition to a more noticeable temperature difference . In order to do a contrast shower correctly and make it especially effective for varicose veins of the legs, before starting use, it is recommended to consult with a phlebologist who carries out the treatment and has identified the disease.
After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for some time: since the effect was on the lower limbs, it will be especially useful to provide complete rest to the legs for 30-40 minutes. This is how the leg veins will quickly restore their normal state, and the blood circulation process will stabilize. In addition to improving the health of the affected veins, when performing a contrast shower, especially if it is performed systematically and regularly, there is a positive effect of hardening the body. Alternating exposure of the skin to hot and cold water at a comfortable temperature enhances its protective properties, eliminating stagnation of fluids in skin cells, stimulating the immune system.
Varicose veins, which are noted in the lower extremities, require careful handling, prevention of worsening symptoms and the use of adequate treatment that will eliminate the pain of the affected veins, stimulate the process of blood flow and ensure a speedy recovery. There are several types of therapeutic use of contrast showers, which differ both in the method of implementation and in the degree of effectiveness in a particular case.
Other options for the therapeutic effects of water procedures when diagnosing lesions of the veins of the lower extremities can also be proposed. For example, taking a bath in some cases is not recommended: if the current symptoms are severe, the degree of elasticity of the vein walls is deteriorating, or nodes appear in the veins. An excessively hot bath can greatly enhance the negative impact of the disease, therefore, before prescribing a bath for varicose veins, the doctor must identify the degree of neglect of the disease and the body’s susceptibility to this treatment option.
Today, the most pronounced positive results are shown by the following water procedures to eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins of the legs:
Depending on the stage of the disease, the localization of the venous nodes in varicose veins, the doctor prescribes a certain type of water treatment for the affected areas, and a doctor’s supervision is necessary for timely correction of treatment if necessary.
Thanks to its healing qualities, Charcot's douche for varicose veins can be considered one of the most effective methods of treatment, which has a minimum number of contraindications, stimulating blood circulation, eliminating congestion in the veins.
Initially, this wide-spectrum health procedure was used to eliminate the manifestations of nervous disorders and poor sleep. Today, the scope of Charcot's shower has expanded to improving the condition of the skin, stimulating all metabolic processes in the body, and accelerating the elimination of toxins. It gives excellent results in eliminating the manifestations of cellulite and varicose veins: the targeted effect of a water jet on the affected area, when changing the intensity of the water supply, has a pronounced stimulating effect on the veins, accelerating the movement of blood.
This kind of massage of the lower extremities copes well with all types of stagnant processes in tissues and stimulates the protective properties of the skin. However, in advanced stages of the disease, Charcot's douche is not recommended. The initial stages of varicose veins allow this type of influence, however, to prevent the possible negative result of its use, it is recommended that a doctor monitor the condition of the patient’s veins.
The use of the so-called circular shower for manifestations of varicose veins is an effective method of preventing the likely worsening of the disease. A circular shower is considered more effective in comparison with other types of water treatment for severe varicose veins. Thanks to a special installation through which water flows, a simultaneous effect on the skin is created. Since varicose veins are characterized by stagnation in the body and in blood vessels in particular, this irritating effect of tight water jets ensures more active blood movement.
Today, a circular shower is used in most medical centers; the cost of this health procedure with high results for many organic pathologies should be considered one of the most affordable.
A Scottish shower can be considered unusual, during which a specialist directs two elastic jets of water at the patient, which have different compositions and different physical properties. The physiotherapist varies the water temperature and the area of influence.
With severe varicose veins of the legs, the jets are directed to the lower limbs, and the temperature of the water in the jets gradually changes at certain intervals. This allows you to have the effect of a contrast shower (stimulating veins, activating blood circulation), as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels. After a course of Scottish shower procedures, the elimination of such unpleasant manifestations of varicose veins as spider veins and painful vein nodes is noted.
This type of water effect on the skin, like Alekseev’s shower, can be reminiscent in its effect of Charcot’s shower or modern shower designs that are widely offered for sale. However, Alekseev’s shower is more reminiscent of a fire hose with many jets of water that do not break up into individual drops of water and have a very strong effect on the skin. This action, when identifying varicose veins, will help speed up the healing process of damaged areas, which is ensured by strong mechanical irritation of problem areas.
The use of Alekseev's douche should begin after examining the damaged parts of the body and identifying the stage of the pathology: in the later stages, when the veins are severely damaged and there is a risk of sudden bleeding, the use of this procedure is not recommended.
Rubbing is an effective remedy for diagnosing varicose veins of the legs, since it is quite gentle and does not damage the injured veins too much. When rubbed, blood circulation is stimulated and congestion in the veins is eliminated.
Wiping is performed as follows:
Regular implementation of the procedure will allow you to obtain pronounced positive results within a month of wiping.
To perform the wrap, a comfortable water temperature is also selected, in which the towel is generously wetted. Then it is wrapped around the affected part of the lower extremities and left to act for several minutes. Then rub your feet with a dry towel until you feel warm.
This method of treating varicose veins can be recommended for minor lesions of the legs, when the nodes formed by the affected veins do not cause noticeable discomfort to the patient.
Modern bathtubs, which have a hydromassage function, can be considered an excellent device for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. Their device allows for the appearance of air bubbles that irritate the walls of the wreath and stimulate the blood circulation process.
Hydromassage procedures provide a positive effect both in the initial forms of varicose veins of the legs and in more advanced stages of the disease. An important condition for obtaining only the positive effects of hydromassage should be considered a gradual increase in the degree of exposure to air bubbles, which is especially important for pain in places where the skin is affected.
A bath can also be used to treat varicose veins in the legs. To carry it out, it is recommended to choose the optimal water temperature, which will not have a pronounced irritating effect on the affected veins and will not cause aggravation of the disease.
To carry out the procedure of taking a therapeutic bath for varicose veins of the legs, water at the temperature chosen by the doctor is drawn into the bathtub; its level should correspond to the level of the navel when the patient is sitting in the bathtub. The time spent in the bath is no more than 5-10 minutes, after which you should actively rub your legs and lumbar area with a terry towel to warm the body.
For baths, you can use either ordinary water at a selected comfortable temperature, or a certain composition - for example, a decoction or infusion of medicinal plants, the action of which is aimed at eliminating pain and the tendency to ulceration.
Baths can be carried out in a bathtub with incomplete filling, using a deep basin or bucket. The main condition should be complete immersion of the affected area of the leg in a container of water.
To prevent the worsening of current manifestations of varicose veins, contraindications for contrast showers should be taken into account. Breastfeeding and pregnancy, increased sensitivity and inflammation of vein nodes, high blood pressure are contraindications to the use of the above water procedures for varicose veins.
Varicose veins are an unpleasant and very common disease, which, in addition, does not decorate the appearance, especially of women. Today, there are many methods that can effectively combat this disease, including medications, folk remedies, home remedies, and others. Varicose veins respond well to correction using a contrast shower. A contrast shower for varicose veins allows you to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and combat the phenomenon of stretched veins.
If you have symptoms such as:
You need to pay close attention to these signs, as they may indicate incipient varicose veins.
First, it should be noted that varicose veins do not appear just like that; they are caused by certain reasons:
With this disease, the walls of blood vessels cannot cope with the load and cannot contract and expand correctly.
A contrast shower tones the blood vessels, acting on them like shock therapy. Alternating exposure to hot and cold water strengthens the walls of blood vessels and mobilizes all the forces of the body. This procedure makes the veins of the legs more elastic, making them withstand greater loads, i.e. greater pressure of blood passing through them. At the same time, the shower reduces congestion in the veins of the legs, and also prepares the body to take other means aimed at combating varicose veins, for example, ointments or compresses.
It is important to do this procedure correctly so that it brings maximum benefit:
Although the procedure for taking a contrast shower seems very simple, it has its contraindications:
Varicose veins can be prevented, especially by knowing the hereditary predisposition or taking into account working conditions. Preventive measures include hardening and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You need to eat right and do simple exercise.
It is important to spend less time standing, preferring walking. Walking increases blood circulation through the veins. You need to do an independent foot massage, performing it from the bottom up, starting from the foot. In this case, the foot should be given the greatest attention.
You should refrain from prolonged exposure to the sun, avoid excessively hot baths, and do not overuse the sauna, as this reduces the tone of the veins. Women are not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes; it is better if the heel is no higher than 4 cm. Shoes should not be narrow or tight.
When resting at night or during the day, you should not wear things that restrict blood flow in any part of the body. When sitting, do not cross your legs or tuck one or both legs under you. When you come home from work in the evening, it is advisable to lie down with your legs raised up or on a pillow, which will allow the blood to move freely through the vessels, giving them the opportunity to rest.
If working conditions force you to stand for a long time or, conversely, sit, you need to take breaks, for example, walk around, warm up, and do a little gymnastics.
Let's return to the discussion of water procedures that are recognized by doctors as effective in the fight against varicose veins and can have a beneficial effect:
Varicose veins are a pathological disease during which the venous walls lose their elasticity and become thinner, as a result of which the veins become curved, unevenly enlarged in diameter, while blood flow is disrupted, blood stagnation occurs, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots.
If at the initial stages the disease proceeds unnoticed, then at later stages the veins “come out” in whole “clusters”, trophic ulcers appear, at any moment there is a risk of vein rupture, hemorrhage or severe bleeding.
Contrary to popular belief, the disease does not divide people by age and gender; both men and women over 25 years of age suffer from the disease equally.
The disease is considered female for several reasons:
Enlarged veins under the knee in front
But it should be remembered that varicose veins occur due to genetic predisposition, and the catalyst is various external factors, therefore the disease makes no exceptions for men.
People whose close relatives suffered from varicose veins should avoid: stressful situations, overwork, heavy lifting and generally heavy physical labor. You should also not abuse coffee, give up smoking and alcohol, and lead an active lifestyle.
We should not forget about preventive measures that will help, if not prevent, then delay the onset of the disease by ten years. It is extremely difficult to recognize the initial symptoms; at the first stage there are no complaints at all, and all the processes of disease development begin deep under the skin.
The second stage is more symptomatic: pain and aches in the legs, cramps, swelling. At the third - fourth stage, when irreversible modification of the veins occurs, medical and surgical intervention is necessary. Therefore, the sooner you start taking precautions, the better the results will be.
The main task of preventive measures is to maintain the tone of the venous wall. Of course, you can use special drugs that increase the elasticity of the veins.
However, what to do if the use of medications is contraindicated, for example, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or with chronic liver diseases? This is where the most commonly available remedy comes to the rescue - a contrast shower.
Contrast shower is one of the more gentle, but no less effective, types of hardening of the body. A sharp change in temperature is stressful for the whole body, because the effect occurs through the largest organ - the skin.
How is a contrast shower useful? Already 5-6 days after the start of the procedure, a significant improvement occurs in the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person, because in a healthy body there is a healthy mind!
First of all, thanks to the contrast shower, all biological processes in the body are activated
The procedure, at first glance, is not complicated; it is necessary to pour hot and cold water over the body alternately for 10 minutes.
However, not everything is so simple, and people uninitiated in the intricacies of the process, not knowing how to properly take a contrast shower, make a number of mistakes and forever discourage themselves from healing the body in this way.
Before you begin the procedure, you need to learn simple, but at the same time very important, rules for taking a contrast shower.
First of all, you need to prepare a hard towel for rubbing the skin after water procedures. The fact is that you need to finish your shower with cold water, this way the blood vessels of the skin narrow, somewhat slowing down the superficial blood circulation.
To return blood circulation to a normal rhythm, you need to rub yourself thoroughly and intensively with a hard towel until the skin turns pink; soft towels will only absorb water and will not give the desired effect.
The water temperature should not be lower than 15 ° C. If this temperature is very low for you, increase it.
You should not stay in the water for more than 15 minutes. Lower your feet into the water slowly.
Before diving into the water, you can massage your feet to stimulate blood circulation.
Before going into the water, you must warm up your body, before and after the procedure. Not recommended for people who suffer from heart disease, arthritis or urinary tract diseases, or diarrhea.
This option uses a hand shower. The water pressure should be average. Water jets do not need to be directed at dilated veins.
This technique uses linen that has been previously soaked in cold water and wrung out. To do the cleaning you need.
Do the wipes in the following order:
Repeat for the second leg.
It is best to do rubdowns in the morning. Take your time. There should be no draft in the room.
If you have concomitant diseases or complications of varicose veins or heart problems, consult your doctor.
Basic principles of taking a contrast shower for varicose veins of the lower extremities and contraindications to it.
As mentioned above, a contrast shower is a miraculous remedy for the prevention of varicose veins. Changes in temperature, from hot to cold, cause blood vessels, including veins, to expand and contract accordingly. This significantly strengthens the walls of the veins, increases their tone, and ointments and creams applied after such a shower will be many times more effective.
A contrast shower for varicose veins of the lower extremities greatly alleviates the symptoms of the disease, relieves fatigue and aching legs, reduces swelling and pain.
Proof of this is the repeated positive feedback from patients seen by phlebologists, who were recommended a contrast shower as an alternative method of treating varicose veins.
Despite all the beneficial properties of a contrast shower, there are also contraindications:
In any case, especially if you have chronic diseases, before taking a contrast shower, it is better to consult your doctor.
Alternating warm and cold water has a tonic effect on the vascular system, strengthens the vein wall, and improves blood flow. The therapeutic effect of a contrast shower for varicose veins is based on these effects. If you follow the rules for this procedure, you can stop the progression of the disease, especially in the initial stages.
The action of water on skin receptors leads to a stream of impulses entering the central nervous system, which in turn gives commands to the heart, blood vessels and endocrine system. As a result of additional irritation by alternating heat and cold, the following changes occur in the body:
Since a decrease in the tone of venous vessels and blood stagnation play a major role in the development of varicose veins, under the influence of a contrast shower these processes are reduced. When exposed to cold, blood moves from the extremities to the inferior vena cava, and then to the heart, which leads to relief of heaviness in the legs, the disappearance of swelling, and prevents the development of complications - thrombophlebitis and lymphostasis.
Irritation of nerve fibers stabilizes the activity of the autonomic system, improves the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, which also has a positive effect on blood circulation.
The general effect of hardening when alternating warm and cold water appears as:
We recommend reading the article on how to massage your legs for varicose veins. From it you will learn about why massage should not be done and what manipulations are available.
And here is more information about traditional methods of treating varicose veins on the legs.
At the initial stage, swimming for varicose veins has a positive effect. However, it will be less effective in advanced stages. Treatment with water can be carried out in a swimming pool or any body of water.
General rules for hardening help to avoid negative consequences, since the effects of heat and cold are stress factors for the body. Important conditions for proper treatment with water procedures are:
To properly shower with varicose veins, first pour warm water over your legs, no higher than 40 degrees . There is also no need to use hotter water in the future. The duration of this phase ranges from 30 to 90 seconds. After this, cold water is directed to the feet for 30 - 40 seconds. There should be from 3 to 5 such alternations. The legs should be dried well with a towel and a gel (Venitan, Lyoton or other venotonic agents) should be applied.
The first procedures can be half as long: warm and cold water is turned on for 15 seconds, only 2 temperature changes can be performed. There is no need to immediately resort to intense effects for people who have never taken cool water procedures, this leads to a disruption of adaptation processes in the body.
The body should be completely comfortable at each stage of hardening . In this case, pleasure hormones enter the blood, which have a powerful therapeutic effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, and a contrast shower becomes one of the favorite morning procedures.
Improper use of a contrast shower can cause negative reactions, especially in untrained people and in old age. The following situations should be avoided:
Absolute contraindications include acute infectious processes in the body, periods of exacerbation of diseases of internal organs, severe disorders of cerebral and coronary circulation, the presence of tumors, and thrombophlebitis.
During pregnancy and during menstruation, it is better to avoid this method.
Despite the obvious benefits of a contrast shower for the body as a whole, it cannot be counted on as the main means of getting rid of varicose veins in an advanced stage. Possibilities of its therapeutic effect:
In the first stages of varicose vein expansion, you can limit yourself only to external medications, compression hosiery and water procedures. When varicose vessels appear in the form of a convoluted and knotted venous network on the skin, mandatory treatment by a phlebologist is required. He prescribes complex drug therapy and laser coagulation.
We recommend reading the article about physiotherapy for varicose veins. From it you will learn about why physiotherapy is prescribed for varicose veins and about the main procedures for treating the lower extremities.
And here is more information about the pain of varicose veins.
A contrast shower helps normalize the tone of veins with varicose veins. It improves local and systemic hemodynamics, the outflow of venous blood and lymph, and restores metabolic and drainage processes in tissues. To properly carry out hardening, you need regularity and a gradual increase in exposure to cold and heat. If you have serious illnesses, you should first consult with your doctor, as there are contraindications to the procedure.
Watch the video about the benefits of a contrast shower:
If varicose veins are identified, or there is a tendency to their appearance, then only correctly selected shoes for varicose veins can slow down the progression process. Which one should you choose?
Leg massage for varicose veins can bring both great benefit and irreparable harm. What rules are there?
Damage to the veins of the lower extremities is becoming increasingly common, even in young people. Traditional methods of treating varicose veins on the legs are becoming a worthy alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. What products, recipes and methods of influence are the most effective?
Physiotherapy for varicose veins is carried out as an auxiliary method during treatment. It helps normalize venous and lymphatic exchange in the lower extremities.
Convulsions occur with varicose veins mainly due to impaired outflow through the veins. Moreover, they cause inconvenience mainly at night. How to treat leg cramps with varicose veins?
Pain occurs with varicose veins if the disease is advanced. They can be in the pelvis, groin, legs, knees. How to relieve or alleviate severe pain from varicose veins during pregnancy, after surgery, and remove cramps? What folk remedies will help?
Massage for varicose veins is not always possible and not for everyone. For example, vacuum and can are suitable only for prevention. But lymphatic drainage, even at home, will help reduce negative phenomena in the lower extremities.
It's hard to believe, but varicose veins on the hands also happen. It can even appear on the fingers, but often on the hands. The reasons for women are hormonal changes, for both sexes it is age and heredity. The symptoms are similar to varicose veins on the legs, and the treatment is also similar.
Varicose veins means a disease in which there is an uneven increase in the lumen of the veins, with the formation of tortuosity of the vessels in the form of nodes, protrusion of the walls of the veins, etc. Varicose veins can be observed on the calves of the legs, on the thighs, ankles, and arch of the foot.
Main causes of the disease:
? hormonal changes in the body;
Varicose veins are characterized by several stages of the disease. At an early stage, dilated veins are observed in the form of a vascular network, protruding plexuses of veins. The second stage is characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the legs, swelling of the legs and feet, cramps in the calf muscles, and rapid fatigue. At the last stage, skin pigmentation and trophic ulcers appear in the lower part of the leg.
Treatment of varicose veins is best done at an early stage of the disease. Conservative treatment of the disease involves taking venotonic drugs, which are prescribed only in combination. To enhance their effect, patients wear compression stockings.
In addition to traditional treatment, folk remedies are used; contrast showers also have a good effect for varicose veins.
A contrast shower is an alternation of hot water and cold water. The temperature of hot water should be no more than 45ºС, and cold water – up to 20ºС.
Alternating alternation of water temperature has a refreshing, hardening and invigorating effect on blood vessels and connective tissue. Hot water relaxes and opens pores. Cold water causes the pores to narrow, has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and increases tone. The use of a contrast shower for varicose veins helps to increase blood circulation and resolve blood stagnation. The walls of blood vessels become elastic.
You need to start a contrast shower with warm water and end with cold water. The first week of using a contrast shower involves pouring water at a moderate temperature, both hot and cold, gradually increasing or decreasing the temperature. After the contrast shower procedure, you should not go outside.
These water procedures are performed from the bottom up, in the direction of blood flow in the veins. A contrast shower for varicose veins should begin with the foot. Then rise to the knees, then to the hips. In addition to the legs, hydromassage of the abdomen and lower back should be performed. The streams of water should be soft, smooth, circular, and not linger in one place for a long time.
Approximate order of the procedure:
? warm water, after getting used to it - switch to hot water, with a period of time until the body feels pleasant;
? cold water for 20 seconds, after getting used to it the time gradually increases;
? hot water for 20-40 seconds;
? cold water (up to 60 seconds);
? hot water (up to 60 seconds);
? cold water, long, still pleasant.
It should be remembered that when treating varicose veins using a contrast shower, the temperature of the hot water should not be increased sharply, since the veins are dilated on their own, and very hot water can be harmful.
Varicose veins of the lower extremities are treated not only with medication, but also with physiotherapeutic methods, which include, among other things, a contrast shower for varicose veins. A sharp change in temperature from warm (precisely warm, not hot) water to cold helps to increase blood circulation both in the muscles and in the blood vessels of the legs. In addition, this procedure serves as a kind of training for the venous tissue, increasing its tone.
Varicose veins are a painful change in the venous vessels: stretching and deformation of their walls, leading to a slowdown in blood flow. Most often it affects the veins of the lower extremities, causing swelling and inflammation, as well as cramps due to disruption of the normal blood supply to the legs. The disease mainly affects women, and with age it affects an increasing number of them: if before the age of 25 it is diagnosed in only 8%, then after 55 years this figure reaches 64%. The cause of early varicose veins, as a rule, is childbearing and childbirth, during which a woman experiences loads comparable to the loads of a weightlifter when lifting a 150-kilogram projectile to the height of her own height. Another reason for this “selectivity” of the disease is the predilection of the fair sex for wearing high-heeled shoes, which causes increased stress on the legs.
In addition, it arises as a consequence:
Almost any veins of the lower extremities are susceptible to varicose veins:
The outflow and inflow of blood is regulated by special vascular valves - “locks”, the weakening and dysfunction of which leads to incorrect blood flow: reverse flow, turbulence, etc. Such phenomena cause a disturbance in the normal pressure in the vessels, causing their stretching, thinning, stagnation of intravascular fluid and the formation of blood clots.
This pathology is also characterized by pain when pressing on the vein area, fatigue, heaviness and cramps in the legs.
Varicose veins of deep veins do not involve their protrusion from under the skin, but all other symptoms occur. Since this form does not have obvious external signs, to clarify its diagnosis, methods are used that allow one to see the condition of the vessel from the inside.
These include:
After clarifying the diagnosis and receiving examination data, the doctor develops a strategy and tactics for the treatment process.
At the initial and middle stages of the development of the disease, therapy using various types of medications is usually used:
After consulting with your doctor, you can use not only traditional pharmacological methods, but also physiotherapeutic methods to combat the disease, such as a contrast shower for varicose veins. Such procedures are easy to perform at home. However, they have their own rules, so before you start accepting them, it is important to learn how to properly do a contrast shower for your feet.
Thus, the answer to the question whether it is possible to use a contrast shower for legs with varicose veins is generally positive. It helps strengthen and increase the elasticity of venous tissue and has virtually no contraindications, being not only therapeutic, but also an excellent prophylactic agent to prevent the occurrence of this disease. The only prohibition against doing a contrast shower for varicose veins, in addition to the presence of colds and other diseases for which water procedures are not recommended, may be damage to the surface of the epidermis: scratches, abrasions, wounds, ulcers. And yet, in cases where varicose veins already exist, the final word should remain with the attending physician.