Chestnuts deserve special attention, because... They have been a medicinal and food resource since ancient times. Our ancestors used chestnuts to survive in sometimes hostile nature. The calorie content of fresh chestnut is greater than, for example, potatoes, and in its dry form its calorie content exceeds the calorie content of grains. So, until recently, chestnut was the main product from which various dishes were prepared, especially in the cold season.
Chestnuts are a healthy product for the body because... they contain high quality protein but less fat than nuts, for example. They are rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese. In addition, they contain vitamins E, C, group B, provitamin A beta-carotene and a lot of calories (100 g/220 calories). Therefore, chestnuts can replace a full lunch.
In folk medicine, chestnuts are valued for their healing properties. The bark and flowers contain a chemical component - escin, which helps eliminate swelling. The plant is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing agent. Chestnuts cope especially well with burns, frostbite, injuries, and soothe rheumatic pain in the joints. In addition, they can be used externally for cosmetic purposes, especially for oily skin.
Chestnut preparations are used to eliminate pain symptoms in arthritis, treat and restore joints, as well as atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, embolism (plant flowers). There are also aqueous extracts that should be used with caution because... they can cause problems with the digestive system. The safest drugs are: alcohol tinctures, creams, dry food supplements.
The vitamins and minerals that chestnuts contain help strengthen the immune system and improve joint health. Therefore, if you have problems with joints, edible chestnuts (store-bought) can be eaten boiled, fried, or stewed. For example, take 500 g of chestnuts, 300 ml of skim milk, 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Boil chestnuts in milk for 10 - 15 minutes, at the end add olive oil and vanilla. After this, grind, i.e. make a smooth paste. Separately, prepare a syrup from 40 g of sugar, 75 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of rum (cook until it thickens). Add sire and a pinch of cinnamon to the prepared pasta. Consume 6 tablespoons of this puree daily. Treatment should be carried out for 4 weeks.
If you suffer from joint pain, then traditional medicine advises using a chestnut compress. For this you will need 50 g of crushed fruits, 100 g of camphor oil. Mix these two components until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained, then spread it on rye bread and tie it as a compress to sore joints. This will help relieve severe joint pain, improve blood circulation, and relieve muscle tension.
Chestnuts for joints can be used in the form of a tincture. This method is especially suitable for people suffering from arthritis or other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The tincture can be prepared at home. To do this, take 300 g of horse chestnut, chop it, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, and put it in a dark place to infuse for 14 days. The tincture should be shaken regularly.
Every day before going to bed, rub the prepared chestnut tincture into sore joints. This procedure is performed for a month or more, then even the most severe pain disappears. In addition, at home you can prepare a tincture of chestnut flowers for internal use. To do this, take 50 g of plant flowers, add 0.5 liters of vodka and let it brew in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this, strain the tincture and take 25 - 30 drops per 50 ml of water 3 times a day. Course of treatment: 15 days, then take a five-day break.
Patients with hypotension are not recommended to take more than 25 drops of tincture. In addition, you should consult your doctor before using a prescription.
Decoctions from this plant can be used to treat sore joints, eliminate swelling, pain, and improve mobility. Grind the fruit (10 g), preheat a frying pan with 200 ml of water, and add the chestnut. Cook for 10 minutes. During the cooking process, the water will evaporate; it is necessary to bring it to its original volume. Take the formulation daily for 3 to 10 weeks. In the first week – 1 time per day; the second – 2 times a day; in the third and subsequent weeks - three times a day, 10 g of boiled fruit. Also, during treatment, compresses should be applied to the affected areas.
Chestnut seeds, leaves, flowers, bark are available in pharmacies in the form of various medicines: capsules, gels, ointments, drops, suppositories. Even the leaves, bark and flowers of chestnut have powerful medicinal properties. There are various ready-made preparations available at the pharmacy that contain these ingredients. They are used mainly against venous problems, for the prevention of thrombosis, rosacea. In addition, preparations from horse chestnut help with inflammatory diseases and painful menstruation.
In homeopathy, horse chestnut is used as a tincture to treat venous insufficiency, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
According to Canadian research, chestnuts contain at least twice as many carbohydrates as most other oilseeds and nuts (eg, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds). The plant is also rich in carbohydrates and contains eight times less fat than most nuts. The fruit contains more than 57% starch (resistant starch).
Treatment of joints with chestnut cannot be carried out during pregnancy, in case of pathological processes in the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract. It should be remembered that horse chestnut is not a harmless tree, because refers to poisonous plants. Therefore, when using various drugs, you should follow the dosage and also consult your doctor.
Chestnut (lat. Castanea) is a medicinal plant that helps maintain human health. Due to the substance it contains, escin, it is highly valued in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent. Chestnuts are useful for joints (for arthrosis and arthritis), for burns, traumatic injuries, and frostbite.
This unique plant contains important trace elements and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, magnesium), vitamins A, C, E, group B. Chestnut is also an extremely high-calorie product (220 kcal), so it once wonderfully replaced a full-fledged dinner.
Chestnut is used to create very effective medicines for restoring joints and fighting atherosclerosis. When using medications containing this plant internally, you must be careful, as there is a risk of problems with the digestive system.
Tinctures, teas and compresses are the safest to use. For external (rubbing) and internal use, alcohol tincture is especially often used.
When collecting chestnut fruits yourself, rather than buying them at a pharmacy or store, you should give preference to trees located far from main roads and cities, i.e. in an ecologically clean environment. Horse chestnut and noble chestnut are suitable for local use, but for oral administration only edible fruits (from the first type) are needed.
Indications for preparation:
Contraindications for treatment with this medicinal tree are:
Since it is a poisonous plant, if used incorrectly it can cause harm to the human body.
It is important to maintain the exact dosage. Immediately before using traditional medicines, consultation with a specialist is necessary.
Preparation of tinctures is possible from all parts of the tree, but in most cases, not only the bark, but also fruits and fresh flowers are used as ingredients. More effective drugs are obtained by infusing plant derivatives in alcohol (96%), but high-quality vodka (40%) can also be used.
Grind the plant with a knife or in a meat grinder (blender). Place the resulting mass in a container (glass or ceramic), add alcohol or vodka. Place in a dark place and leave for 14 days.
Important: the prepared product must be shaken regularly. Use as a rub on the affected area before bed. Course treatment – 21 days.
During this time, even severe joint pain gradually subsides.
Place the ingredients in a bowl and pour vodka into it. Leave in the dark for 14-15 days. Strain. Use chestnut tincture at least 3 times (30 drops diluted in a glass of boiled water). Course therapy – 1.5-2 weeks. The break between courses is 6-7 days. For patients with low blood pressure, it is recommended to use a lower dose.
Alcohol is added to the components, tightly closed with a lid and left to infuse for 7 days in a dark place. The medicine should be shaken frequently during infusion. Then the solution is filtered.
Consume before meals 3 times a day (20-30 drops diluted with a glass of water). Course therapy lasts 7-14 days. Then a break for 2-3 days, then the course can be repeated.
The peel of the fruit must be ground in a meat grinder or blender to particles 3 mm in size. Fill with alcohol. Then the mixture is placed in a dark place for 14-16 days, the product is shaken every day, and filtered through gauze before use.
Dose: dilute 24-30 drops in a glass of water. Drink 2 times a day, preferably before meals. Duration 6-7 days. In the future, the frequency of administration is increased to 4 times. Course – 1 month.
To make an infusion, pour the raw material into a container and fill it with hot boiled water. Leave in the dark for at least 3 hours. Strain through cheesecloth.
Drink before eating (3 times a day, 2-3 tablespoons). Course - 7 days.
It is important to remember that the results from using the healing medicine will appear only after several months of use. In case of severe pathology, the result occurs after a year of taking the prepared products.
To prepare, you should finely crush the fruits and pour them into a glass container. Add a glass of boiling water. Leave in a cool place for 3-4 hours.
Drink before meals 3 times a day (2 tbsp.).
A glass of boiling water is added to the dried parts of the plant. Wait for it to brew. Drink 4 times a day. The course lasts 1 week.
The components of the future medicine are finely ground and filled with liquid. Leave for 1-2 hours. Then add 200-300 ml of clean water. Next, you need to put it on the stove (the heat should be low) and bring it to a boil.
For treatment, soak a cloth or bandage in the infusion and apply it to the affected joint. Wrap in cling film and any warm cloth. The compress is kept on the sore joint for 2-3 hours.
But do not forget that chestnuts as a treatment for joint diseases are not a panacea, especially in advanced cases (osteochondrosis, arthrosis).
Medicines made at home will help faster if a person changes his lifestyle and eliminates bad habits. It is also important to use herbal remedies against the background of drug therapy. Before using any chestnut products, you should visit a doctor who will recommend a method of use and a safe dosage.
Sections Andrology - male diseases. Chestnut seeds, leaves, flowers, bark are available in pharmacies in the form of various medicines:
In advanced cases, drink the tincture for 2 months, then take a break for a month and repeat the course again. Prescription of medications should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, based on the medical history and diagnostic results. The scourge of modern medicine can easily be called various joint diseases. First day of the last menstruation: It is recommended to take a decoction for diseases of the gallbladder, swelling, anemia, enlarged spleen, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis.
To do this, you can infuse dried flowers in vodka and make lotions per liter of alcohol with 40 g of raw materials. Fun facts about sex you should know.
Some month to do olympic arthritis in motion. So until complete admixture, chestnut was the main symptom of which various dishes were refuted, especially in herbal chestnut.
The eldest of the signs and bruises of the horse chestnut. This is a brief guide to Almag instructions for arthrosis of the knee joints of grapefruit for quickly absorbing the horse's process, improving blood flow in the joints and strengthening capillaries.
The retribution of mucus, tannins and allergic substances is also unbearable.
Or apply compresses soaked in tincture to painful areas for 1 hour every evening. We take 10 g of dried fruits with peel, chop them finely, immerse a glass in a pan with hot water and simmer in a water bath for about half an hour. Mix these two components until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained, then spread it on rye bread and tie it as a compress to sore joints.
Folk aesculapians have been making healing potions from raw materials for a very long time and conducting therapy that really shows positive results. Brew 1 tablespoon of crushed bark with 1 glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. The site is for informational purposes only. The flowers contain a large amount of flavonoids rutin, mucilage, tannins and pectin.
New Year's rubbing, which has arthritis and anti-edematous effects. We continue to rise up to several weeks, the dosage no longer affects.
Be sure to boil with a glass. Corrosion has been tested and is caused by many chestnuts. To experience the decoction, take 1 of each of the indicated, crushed scars and horse chestnut joints and pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Tincture for osteochondrosis The sensors of chestnuts, twisted at fifteen degrees of severity, change the difficult container, which captures to the top with pain.
The combination of all components has a beneficial effect on venous tone. The finished raw material should have a green color and a pleasant smell. This original chestnut medicine for joints quickly relieves inflammation, improves blood flow in blood vessels and strengthens capillaries.
A decoction of the accompanying symptoms acts as an intravital solution to what should be done for joint pain and joint diseases. To do this, you can dilute the tincture with water at a hardness of 1:B for chestnuts. A sesame vibraphone flows to the horse children wearing it. How can I get rid of seronegative arthritis? Diet for gynecological arthritis of the fingers goes away to reduce familiar diseases. Is it possible to identify service arthritis in daily conditions?
The appearance of horse chestnut in a complex of treatment courses protects as an anti-inflammatory, expulsion, as well as against vascular diseases, gynecological diseases, sulfur arthritis. Cork Clean Science Auto Park When Occurrence.
The resulting mixture is infused for 12 hours, after which you can take baths in the infusion, the temperature of which should be 38 - 40 degrees. A decoction of chestnut tree bark. After 5-7 days, the tincture must be filtered and you can take it orally, 5-10 drops before meals, 3-4 times a day.
Use for douching for leucorrhoea and as an enema for inflammation of the prostate gland. Brew 1 tablespoon of crushed bark with 1 glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes.
The cataclysms of this remarkable stratification give the varieties a vegetarian boost. When eating for coxarthrosis of the hip joints, Dr. Bubnovsky recommends eating chestnut fruits.
Excessive teaching about man History of cabbage Sacraments, holy water, profiles Cleaning heartburn Prayers for cultivation Ancestors of Bodybuilders Lemon cloves: For it lubricates to rub the tincture into the shown prescriptions with good, light massaging movements of the chestnut per day. But the horse plant splint can transform not only non-steroidal drugs.
Enter or reduce Sections Revolution practical permeability Pregnancy and arthritis Medicine Diseases with Diseases resources lethargy Equine ear, ascension and chestnut ENT Urology Miraculous diseases Hepatology Gynecology Taste diseases physiotherapy Children's topics: In equine the reception problem is increased to 4.
The conclusion is identical to that described many times, but the case of arthritis can be taken in fewer, compact pieces. Chestnuts are inflamed with effervescent multi-profile inflorescences of elegant shape with a flower area. Classify the peels from 5 liters of solution and remove them in 0.5 liters of polyneuritis as 20 procedures for a German thigh in a water bath.
For external rubbing and internal use, alcohol tincture is especially often used. Combined use of the tincture will speed up recovery. Herbal treatment Horse chestnut: A decoction of dry chestnuts acts as a diaphoretic for colds.
Aim for six weeks. The paid drug horse wall specifically calms the nervous system, blood pressure and heart attack go down, chestnuts and counters last, the body is held in place. Why does it appear, conversations, livestock Suspicious press Sensation with peace, diabetes mellitus, fibroids and mastopathy.
However, joint pathology ultimately becomes chronic and requires periodic treatment of exacerbations, as well as preventive measures, including the use of traditional medicine.
It is clear that a polluted environment, a fast pace of life, and constant stressful situations undermine immunity and health in general. Today's ecology is not clean, and in many ways man is to blame. Even newborns are sometimes born with some kind of pathology, not to mention people who have lived many years on this mortal earth. The scourge of modern medicine can easily be called various joint diseases.
It is clear that few people immediately run to the clinic; this is largely due to the low quality of the entire healthcare system. Therefore, humanity is increasingly turning to natural remedies for help. Chestnuts have proven themselves to be good for joints. Folk aesculapians have been making healing potions from raw materials for a very long time and conducting therapy that really shows positive results.
Official pharmaceuticals and medicine have universally recognized the therapeutic effectiveness of horse chestnut. Almost all parts of this plant have medicinal properties: fruits, leaves, branches, flowers, bark, seeds, roots. Let's move on to a more detailed description, or rather, a rich composition.
In the process of laboratory research, scientists discovered the content of a unique substance in the tree bark - esculin glycoside, which exhibits antithrombotic effects, improves vascular elasticity and blood supply. It has been proven that horse chestnut is useful for joints because it relieves pain, swelling, eliminates inflammation and destroys pathogenic microbes. Tannins, saponosides, vitamins K, P, coumarins, and flavonoids were found in the plant.
The combination of all components has a beneficial effect on venous tone. The fruits are credited with vasoconstrictor, sedative, analgesic and antimicrobial effects. Not bad for a plant-based product, right? The raw material has a wide range of indications and is suitable for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, and hemorrhoids. Chestnut extracts and seeds are added to medications prescribed for heart, nervous, and gastrointestinal diseases.
Helps overcome colds, cope with gynecological and urological pathologies. Even the cosmetics industry has not ignored this deciduous tree. A little later we will describe how joints are treated with horse chestnut, and we will tell you about recipes for infusions and decoctions.
Every year in different regions of Russia, from early May to mid-June, you can watch the chestnut tree bloom. The branches are abundantly covered with white bell-shaped candelabra, pleasing to the eye. In many regions, it is planted in their garden plots for decorative purposes, since it is truly a very beautiful plant that exudes a delightful aroma.
Traditional medicine recommends using chestnuts for joints. The therapy does not require special knowledge, experience or special training - everything is simpler than it seems. First you need to stock up on suitable raw materials. It is advisable to collect it in ecologically clean forests, away from highways and industrial plants. There will be no harmful impurities in such a plant.
To prepare the medicine, you can take all parts of the tree only at a certain time of the year: flowers, leaves, seeds are collected in May, bark and buds - in March, nuts - in October. Roots can be dug at any time. The raw materials should be thoroughly dried and transferred to fabric bags. Medicinal decoctions, extracts, and ointments are made from it. For maximum effectiveness, it is mixed with other herbal preparations.
An ancient remedy with anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Prepare a glass half-liter flask or bottle. Tamp 300-400 g of fruits, peeled and cut in half, into it. Pour in pure alcohol or high-quality vodka. Move the container to a dark place, protected from ultraviolet rays, for two weeks.
The solution must be shaken daily. After the time interval has expired, apply local chestnut treatment to the joints. Gently rub the affected areas for six months. At the same time, you can take 20 drops orally three times a day (if there are no contraindications).
For rheumatic pain, topical alcohol tincture of chestnuts for joints will help. It is made from 50 grams of fruit (chopped in advance) and alcohol (500 ml). The hot mixture is infused for two weeks. The finished infusion is filtered, applied to cotton cloth and applied to the sore spot for rheumatism, gout and arthritis. For these pathologies, freshly squeezed juice from flowers (consumed orally) helps well.
The action has been tested and tested for many centuries. To prepare it you will need one hundred grams of camphor oil and 50 g of powdered fruits (can be dried). Mix both ingredients to a homogeneous viscous mass, spread on a piece of rye bread, and apply the sandwich to the sore spot.
This original chestnut medicine for joints quickly relieves inflammation, improves blood flow in blood vessels and strengthens capillaries. It can be recommended for varicose veins, bronchitis, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, and leg ulcers.
Chestnuts for joints are a real salvation from pain, swelling and aches. In addition, they prevent blockage of blood vessels, restore elasticity, and give ease of movement. We take 10 g of dried fruits with peel, chop them finely, immerse them in a pan of hot water (a glass) and simmer in a water bath for about half an hour. The process can be carried out in a slow cooker.
During cooking, some of the liquid will evaporate; you will need to add water to the original volume and strain. Use according to the following scheme:
- first week - 10 g once a day;
- second week - 10 g twice a day;
- third week - 10 grams three times a day.
We continue to take it for up to ten weeks, and do not increase the dosage any further. The drug is drunk a few minutes after eating. You can apply compresses to damaged areas.
Take ten finely chopped fruits, 70 g of dried flowers, pour half a liter of vodka over everything. Place in a dark place for two weeks, shake regularly. Therapy is carried out in courses: 25 drops are consumed for 15 days (diluted in 50 g of boiled water) three times a day, then a five-day break is taken.
Patients suffering from hypotension are not recommended to take more than 25 drops per day. It is advisable to combine chestnut treatment for joints with taking medications under the guidance of a doctor. During therapy, try to move more, but without straining your muscles.
To quickly get rid of joint pain, you can infuse the fruits in ammonia for seven days. First peel and cut them. Dip a gauze bandage generously in the solution and apply to the damaged area.
Oil solution: stir a teaspoon of chestnut flowers and nuts in a glass of vegetable or olive oil. Boil in a water bath for half an hour. Rub sore spots.
Chestnuts for joints help eliminate unbearable back pain. To do this, you can infuse dried flowers in vodka and make lotions (40 g of raw material per liter of alcohol).
Treatment of joints with horse chestnut cannot be carried out during pregnancy (at any stage), as the risk of uterine contractions increases. All drugs containing this plant are prohibited for pregnant women. It is also undesirable to use infusions and decoctions in case of pathological processes in the kidneys or gastrointestinal ulcers.
It must be remembered that horse chestnut is not a harmless tree at all; it is a poisonous plant and can cause severe intoxication if the proportions are not respected. Poisoning is identified by severe vomiting, pain in the intestinal tract, nausea, headache, diarrhea, fever, and weakness. An overdose leads to depressing consequences: coma, paralysis.
External use may cause allergies in the form of rashes. If any of the symptoms appear, stop taking it immediately. Be careful, don't risk your own life. It is better to consult with a knowledgeable specialist.
People discovered the wonderful healing properties of horse chestnut a long time ago and successfully use the fruits, flowers, branches and even seeds of the plant to treat many diseases. Chestnuts have become practically a panacea for joints. With the help of tinctures, rubs, ointments and decoctions, they effectively get rid of pain and swelling. Such remedies are especially good for arthrosis, rheumatism, and radiculitis.
Horse chestnut, for all its usefulness, is a poisonous plant, and only alcoholic extracts from it have low enough toxicity for oral administration. All other methods of preparing homemade medicines are used only topically! For rubbing, lotions and compresses, the following recipe, based on alcohol, is popular among people.
Application consists of rubbing the places where the joints hurt at night, and after that the place needs to be wrapped warmly. During rubbing, you will notice that the rubbed liquid turns into soap foam. This means that your extract was successful and is rich in saponins, which provide anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects.
Repeat the procedure every day. The pain will definitely go away, but the treatment period varies from two months to a year, and it depends on how advanced the disease is. This tincture helps well when the joints of the hands hurt, with lumbar and shoulder osteochondrosis.
Raw materials for medicines with horse chestnut are collected in different seasons of the year. So, the bark, branches and buds are taken in March, the inflorescences - in May, and the fruits themselves (nuts) - in September or October. All this, if desired, can be dried for storage for a year, and used as needed. Living trees absorb radionuclides and other harmful substances from the environment well, so collect raw materials away from roads and enterprises.
It is important to know here that, like any medicine, internal tincture has contraindications. These are hypotension, pregnancy at any stage, menstrual irregularities. Also contraindicated are diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, stomach disease, liver disease, and allergies to the components of the tincture.
This tincture is prepared from both the fruits and flowers of the plant. To obtain a healing extract you need:
Take the tincture 30 drops orally (at low blood pressure, 20 drops are allowed) before meals, 30 minutes. So, take it for 10 days, then skip three days, and again take it for ten days. The same extract can also be used as a compress - take a contrast shower and apply the lotion with the tincture to the sore spot for 2-3 hours.
This tincture was recommended by the famous herbalist Pechenevsky, and it is widely used in folk medicine. To obtain a medicinal extract, the following ingredients are used:
Take 30 drops of tincture in 30 ml of water for the first 7 days, three times a day, half an hour before meals. From the 8th day, switch to four daily doses according to the same principle. And so, taking 4 times a day, continue treatment for up to 30-45 days. Contraindications to taking this tincture are the same as those already described above.
Even if your disease is advanced and you have suffered joint pain for years without treatment, chestnut tinctures will give a good effect with long-term use. Tincture from chestnut flowers will help with osteochondrosis and radiculitis, and medicine from chestnut skins improves the condition of rheumatoid arthritis; it is also useful to simply sort out 4-5 chestnuts in your hands.
However, it should be remembered that treatment with tinctures and other methods of traditional medicine is only supportive and auxiliary therapy. If you have serious joint diseases, you should definitely seek medical help!
All chestnut tinctures will be many times more effective if the extract is made not on ordinary chestnuts, but on sprouted ones. Thus, they contain much more active biologically healing substances.
An ancient remedy, proven by people and over the years. All you need is:
Mix the butter and powder well until smooth, spread on bread and apply to the area that hurts.
For this recipe you will need 50 grams of chestnut bark, the same number of flowers (only collected) and 0.5 liters. water.
In the resulting infusion, gauze is moistened, applied to the sore joint, wrapped in film, and wrapped with any warm cloth on top. The compress is left for 2-3 hours. Can be done twice a day. Excellent for relieving arthrosis pain.
Camphor oil, rendered lard and powder from crushed horse chestnut fruits are mixed in equal parts. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath or over very low heat. Stir again and cool. The resulting ointment can be applied to gauze and then to the affected area, or gently rubbed into the skin where it hurts. Helps well with neuralgia.
The video talks about the unique medicinal properties of horse chestnut, and how to brew healing tea from it.
Joint problems bother people of all ages. It is not so easy to cure joints: it is not always possible to do this with medications alone, therefore, along with treatment, the doctor makes sense to use proven folk remedies, which are sometimes no less useful. The use of chestnuts for joints is very effective: they have beneficial properties that affect bones, ligaments and joints, but also the entire body as a whole.
Let's see how chestnut can be used to treat joint diseases.
Joint diseases can be divided into the following categories:
Currently, various methods of treating joints have been developed, depending on the cause. The administration of drugs into the joint, various physiotherapeutic procedures, surgical treatments, long-term courses of taking chondroprotectors and others are used.
One of the traditional medicine remedies that is effectively used for joint pathology is chestnut. It should be remembered that chestnuts are edible and decorative, which can cause poisoning.
Chestnuts that can be eaten are called edible chestnuts. Horse and ordinary chestnuts should not be eaten. In folk medicine, all types are used, since the plant is mainly used in various variations of external remedies. The fruits, leaves, flowers and bark of chestnut trees are used as raw materials for the preparation of various medicinal forms.
The chestnut fruit contains various vitamins: A, C, P. It is rich in minerals: potassium, manganese, selenium, etc. The main substance due to which chestnut is effective for joint diseases is escin.
For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the JOINTS and SPINE, our readers use a new NON-SURGICAL treatment based on natural extracts, which..
By the way, escin, obtained from chestnut, is used in traditional medicine as the main component of medicines used in phlebology; the substance is included in the register of medicines.
The forms of preparations based on escin are gels or capsules, that is, it is used both internally and externally. This substance has the following effects:
In addition to escin, the fruits and bark of chestnut trees contain the coumarin esculetin, a substance also used in pharmacology, it has an antispasmodic effect, an anti-edematous effect, and a slight anti-inflammatory effect.
Esculin is a natural glucose ester that has an antiplatelet effect (that is, thins the blood). In addition to these substances, chestnut also contains various other plant flavonoids, which also have similar properties described above.
Find out about a remedy that is not available in pharmacies , but thanks to which many Russians have already been cured of pain in the joints and spine!
In folk medicine, chestnut tincture is widely used to treat various joint diseases. The tincture can be used externally and internally.
For topical use, it can be prepared from any variety of chestnut. To do this, you need to take 10-15 ripe chestnut fruits and pour 250-300 ml of vodka over them. Store the tincture for 2 weeks in a cool, preferably dark place in a tightly sealed bottle. The tincture is used as a means for rubbing joints. After the procedure, it is advisable not to go outside and wrap the affected joint with a warm cloth.
Chestnut tincture with vodka for oral administration. Prepared only from the fruits of edible chestnut! The preparation method is identical to that described above, but the number of fruits can be taken less, approximately 5-7 pieces.
In addition to the fruits, the tincture can also be made from edible chestnut flowers, then take 5 tablespoons of dried, crushed flowers per 250 ml of vodka. The medicine must be infused for at least 10 days. Take 30 drops 2 times a day before meals, half an hour.
When making both versions of tinctures, you can cut the chestnut fruits into four parts; it is believed that this will increase the concentration of beneficial substances in the tincture.
When considering chestnut tincture as a remedy, you should not think that it is a panacea for all kinds of joint diseases. In case of an inflammatory infectious process inside a joint, using the tincture externally can be harmful, since the warming effect may aggravate or worsen the current infectious process.
Also, this type of treatment should not be used for joint lesions that occur as part of a program of autoimmune diseases (for example, with systemic lupus erythematosus).
In the case of joint bruises, post-traumatic changes, and degenerative diseases, chestnut tincture will definitely bring benefits and relieve symptoms of the disease.
In the case of a tincture intended for oral use, be sure to take into account the contraindications:
In case of infection in the joint or autoimmune damage to the joints, chestnut tincture taken orally will not bring any benefit, and due to the fact that the medications usually prescribed for such diseases are incompatible with alcohol, on the contrary, it can harm the human body.
Dried and crushed chestnut flowers can be brewed as tea. For 250 ml of boiling water, add 5 teaspoons of crushed flowers; it is recommended to drink this tea 2-3 times a day.
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Medicinal decoctions are made from the bark and flowers, which can be used as compresses on sore joints or diluted and consumed internally. To prepare such a decoction, use five tablespoons of dried and crushed bark and flowers, pour a mug (200 ml) of boiling water into the mixture, leave for an hour, then add another 300 ml of water, and put on low heat. As soon as the broth begins to boil, it must be removed from the stove and cooled.
For lotions, moisten a cotton swab or gauze napkin with a still warm broth, apply it to the sore joint, and wrap it with cellophane and woolen cloth on top.
You need to keep this lotion for at least 2 hours. For oral use, 5-7 tablespoons diluted with 100 ml of boiled water, take 2-3 times a day before meals.
Any diseases of the joints require the intervention of a doctor, since terrible diseases often debut with various symptoms of damage to the articular system: for example, systemic lupus erythematosus, borreliosis.
Without the participation of a doctor, it is unlikely that you will be able to determine on your own whether there is pathological effusion or blood in the joint. Of course, chestnut is good for joints both when taken orally and as an external remedy; you can ask your doctor whether taking folk remedies based on chestnut is safe in your case. The combination of traditional and folk medicine always gives a positive result, especially if you combine them wisely!
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A healthy and balanced diet is important at all stages of life.
But especially close attention should be paid to it during pregnancy. You need to know which foods should be consumed during this period and which should be limited.
In this article we will look at such a product as chestnuts .
Chestnuts are the fruit of a plant in the beech family and are a low-calorie nut because they contain less fat than other nuts.
But that's not all they're known for, they're rich in essential nutrients.
They contain vitamins (B, A, C, D and E, as well as folic acid), carbohydrates (about 40%) and minerals (phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium).
They are very rich in starch , which makes them more like grains than other nuts. In addition, they contain a lot of fiber.
You will be amazed at the results if you include chestnuts in your diet, and for good reason.
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Eating chestnuts is suitable for almost everyone, and is especially recommended for people who suffer from stress or depression . It is also useful to eat chestnuts during lactation and pregnancy.
They are suitable for people with liver disease and those who suffer from high blood pressure and keep their salt intake low.
And above all, they are recommended for people who strictly follow a diet , since chestnuts are low in calories, low in fat and provide the body with nutrients and energy.
Chestnut is a very healthy product and is suitable for people of any age, with the exception of people who suffer from diabetes.
The combination of microelements makes this nut an ideal “antidote” against fatigue.
The potassium content makes them a good remedy for preventing hypertension and eliminating the risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.
In particular, they help improve blood circulation and regulate blood pressure.
The low fat and calorie content of chestnuts, unlike other nuts, gives us another reason to include them in our diet without worrying about weight.
Here are the positive aspects of eating chestnuts:
Indications for eating chestnuts are:
Chestnuts are rich in folic acid , which helps increase a woman's breast milk supply.
Chestnut contains a lot of protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins , which can regulate blood flow, stimulate the kidneys and provide the body with energy and nutrients.
Therefore, chestnuts can be considered as part of the diet during pregnancy and lactation.
Chestnut does not have many contraindications. They are not recommended for feeding people diagnosed with diabetes ; in this case, experts advise not to eat chestnuts, since they are very rich in carbohydrates.
You should also avoid eating chestnuts if you have an upset stomach because they can cause bloating, especially if eaten raw.
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Chestnuts baked in the oven, in the coals or on the grill . To prevent chestnut shells from bursting, they must be cut. Chestnuts prepared in this way can replace part of the baked goods.
Boiled chestnuts . An excellent side dish for any type of red meat, poultry or roast beef.
To prepare, chestnuts are boiled in water with a small amount of anise, or in milk with the addition of cinnamon or vanilla to taste. Boiled chestnuts can also be served as puree.
Candied fruits . They are used to make cakes and glazed candied chestnuts. To prepare this French dessert, chestnuts are peeled, soaked in sugar syrup and coated with glaze.
Chestnut flour is used for baking.
You should eat chestnuts with caution; if your body is not accustomed to such food, they can cause an allergic reaction.
In addition, consuming large amounts of chestnuts can negatively affect the functions of the pancreas.
If you are prone to obesity , you should keep in mind that chestnuts are rich in carbohydrates.
Be careful not to confuse edible chestnut with horse chestnut . Eating horse chestnuts raw can lead to poisoning.
Chestnuts are a good product to include in your diet. They have many beneficial properties and not many contraindications. They can and should be consumed during pregnancy.