Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Almost all joints of the body are susceptible to this pathological condition, but the most common is arthritis of the fingers.
The disease usually affects women, causing them irreversible joint deformities that prevent them from living a full life.
Medicine knows two forms of this disease: acute and chronic. If acute arthritis begins, then it is characterized by an unexpected and, at first glance, causeless appearance.
When the form of the disease is chronic, then in this case the damage to the joints is gradual, they occur over years, sometimes even without obvious symptoms.
Characteristic signs of the disease will be joint deformities, nodes under the skin, creaking of the affected joints, aching or sharp pains that occur when weather conditions change, when moving, and after waking up.
In addition, the following symptoms will help recognize rheumatoid arthritis:
Arthritis of the hands affects the phalangeal joints located near the nail plates.
If the arthritis is rheumatoid, then the fingers become deformed and take on different shapes, or contracture develops.
The disease rheumatoid arthritis goes so far that the curvatures do not even allow you to perform basic everyday activities and live as usual.
Before starting treatment, the doctor must determine the specific type of arthritis, because there are
If a patient develops arthritis, it is caused by infections. The causative agent of the pathology is bacteria, for example, streptococci, staphylococci. There is a high probability of developing arthritis in people who often suffer from colds, flu, and acute respiratory viral infections. Patients with tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections and diabetes mellitus should be wary of joint inflammation.
Various injuries, sprains, bruises, joint surgeries also serve as the beginning of the disease. When metabolic processes are disrupted, arthritis of a non-infectious nature occurs. It affects elderly patients who have a history of occupational diseases.
Until today it has not been truly confirmed, but doctors do not exclude a genetic predisposition to the disease.
According to statistics, close relatives often develop arthritis and other joint problems.
Hypothermia and excess body weight can almost always affect rheumatoid arthritis. There have also been cases of increased incidence in those who live in environmentally poor areas, suffer from a lack of minerals, vitamins, allergic reactions and mental shock.
The doctor will tell you what to do if you have arthritis. It will be possible to achieve positive dynamics, improve life and get rid of pathology only if treatment is started as quickly as possible.
Therapy is based on stopping the inflammatory process in the joints and pain relief. Moreover, both medicinal and alternative methods are successfully practiced. Traditional medicine can cope well with joint problems.
Acute period (stage 1). At this time, the patient will feel too intense pain and manifestations of inflammation. For this reason, a person should take medications:
Hormonal and non-steroidal drugs are indicated: Movalis, Nimesulide, Voltaren, Diclofenac. It is acceptable to use different forms of these medications (ointment, intra-articular injections, tablets).
In case of viral etiology of arthritis, it is additionally required to undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics. Based on the causative agent of the pathological condition, the doctor will select the best option for drugs. You should always remember that it is strictly forbidden to skip taking antibiotics or not follow the duration of the course recommended by doctors. This will trigger arthritis to become chronic, forcing you to live with arthritis constantly.
Remission (stage 2). As a rule, in a state of remission, when there are no signs of inflammation, treatment should be continued in full. Now it is indicated to restore the functions of the joints and eliminate the preconditions for the disease.
If gout occurs, then a course of drugs that can normalize purine metabolism will be required, for example, Allopurinol is often prescribed.
When arthritis is rheumatoid, the body's immune forces should be restored. You need to take:
In addition, it is necessary to undergo treatment with monoclonal antibodies. Cartilage can be restored thanks to chondroprotectors that can prevent subsequent destruction in the tissues. Physiotherapy is indicated to achieve motor function. It provides:
It will be useful to review the patient’s usual diet and entire life. You should eat foods rich in vitamin E.
If the doctor allows, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is supplemented with traditional medicine recipes. These can be a variety of lotions, compresses, ointments based on medicinal plants. Ointments based on turpentine, mustard, mumiyo and blue clay are also widely used.
Arthritis often affects the psyche, a person becomes excessively whiny, gets irritated for no reason, and has trouble sleeping at night. To improve your well-being, you should use special sleeping pills and sedatives to help you live fully.
Due to the fact that joint disease affects the nervous system, it is important to strengthen it with vitamins. In such cases, vitamin B1 tablets and injections are recommended.
Joint destruction (stage 3) is the most difficult period for the patient. At this time, the destruction is so severe that getting rid of the problem is only possible through surgery.
Arthroscopy and joint replacement are commonly used. Every sick person is obliged to make every effort to prevent rheumatoid arthritis from reaching this stage.
The patient will achieve maximum results if he strictly follows the recommendations:
Since there are many types of inflammatory processes in the joints, and their difference lies only in the prerequisites for the pathology, the diet should be selected individually.
During the period of treatment and for the prevention of arthritis, it is recommended to increase the daily intake of protein, minimize, or better yet completely eliminate sugar-containing foods, sugar, and salt. Animal fat should be replaced with vegetable oils, ideally olive and flaxseed, even if there is only a predisposition to rheumatoid disorders.
It is good to limit your daily fluid intake to 1 liter maximum. You need to eat small and often, reducing the size of portions. To improve digestion and quickly satiate, you need to eat dishes warm, avoiding too hot and cold.
Rheumatoid arthritis requires the appointment of dietary table No. 10. It provides for the exclusion of mushrooms, fish, meat, marinades, spices, smoked meats and pickles from the menu.
In this case, preference is given to vegetables, berries, fruits, drinks made from bran, brewer's yeast and rose hips. It is useful to eat boiled rice, pre-soaked in cold water and cooked without salt.
For psoriatic arthritis eat:
The patient should try to deny himself legumes, nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, blueberries, peppers), red meat, mushrooms, citrus fruits, salted fish, and sushi. Moreover, they reduce salt consumption to a minimum and adhere to a salt-free diet whenever possible.
When a patient is diagnosed with gouty arthritis, he should completely avoid sausages, smoked meats, hot sauces, seasonings, meat broths, sorrel, alcohol, fried foods, caviar, and fish. The basic principle of nutrition is vegetarianism, supplemented with chicken eggs and meat.
General recommendations would be:
First of all, you need to keep your weight under control and promptly contact a medical facility to get rid of infections and colds. You can protect yourself from the disease rheumatoid arthritis through systematic hardening and physical exercise, which have a beneficial effect on the patient’s life.
It is better to drink only green, herbal teas, infusions and natural juices. Remove junk food from your diet and give up bad habits.
You should not assume that older people suffer from arthritis, because every year the pathology becomes younger and affects young people. Cartilage tissue in patients of this age group is destroyed extremely quickly, concomitant pathology appears, causing early disability, which, of course, should be avoided.
How to live with rheumatoid arthritis is the main question on numerous forums, asked by people faced with the problem of joint damage. The disease is quite serious and causes significant discomfort in the patient during periods of exacerbation. People who are forced to live with a similar diagnosis exchange experiences in relieving the manifestations of the disease, methods of treatment and prevention of pathological disorders.
The disease is characterized by specific clinical signs.
The usual lifestyle of a patient diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis undergoes dramatic changes, which is due to the pathological manifestations of the disease. There are several types of arthritis, the course and prognosis of which vary significantly. The following symptoms are characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis:
Inflammation and swelling of the small joints of the fingers, which are often combined with damage to the wrist joint, occur first in the patient.
Joint damage occurs symmetrically, that is, the same joints on different limbs become inflamed.
The specificity of the pain that accompanies the inflammatory process is that it occurs at night and persists throughout the first half of the day, after which it disappears on its own. When the disease is in the early stages of formation, pain relief can be achieved by performing a series of physical exercises. In any case, the period of absence of pain is short-lived, pain resumes at night.
Restriction of mobility of the whole body, the appearance of a feeling of stiffness after waking up. A similar condition in the early stages of the disease goes away within a couple of hours after the patient wakes up and begins to move. But as the pathological process worsens, the feeling that “the body is numb” can persist all day.
Quite quickly, the inflammatory process spreads to the small joints of the toes, and it is also characterized by symmetry of development. During an examination by a specialist, patients note the appearance of pain of varying degrees of intensity when pressing on the balls of their toes.
As the disease process progresses, an inflammatory reaction also occurs in larger joints - knee, shoulder, elbow or ankle. However, in older people, the disease develops in the reverse order - initially the large joints and tendon apparatus of the heel become inflamed, after which the small joints of the hands and feet are affected.
As the disease develops, the small joints of the fingers are primarily affected.
With a significant worsening of this form of arthritis, the patient develops rheumatoid nodes - subcutaneous non-fixed compactions of small size. Their location is the flexor surfaces of the elbows, hands and feet. These seals do not cause any discomfort to the patient and are in the nature of a cosmetic defect.
At later stages of development of the pathological process, patients note deformation of the affected joints, which leads to a significant limitation of their mobility. Such anatomical changes provoke local disruption of blood circulation and innervation of muscle fibers, which can cause their gradual atrophy.
The inflammatory process in the joints is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms of general intoxication of the body - a significant increase in body temperature, an increase in general weakness, loss of appetite, which, in turn, leads to weight loss. High temperatures persist for a long period of time - up to 1-1.5 months.
Over time, damage to all articular surfaces in the patient’s body is observed, which is accompanied by a noticeable deterioration in their mobility.
With the development of rheumatoid arthritis, a significant amount of exudate can accumulate in the cavity of the affected joints, which provokes the activation of cyst formation processes in pathological areas.
Additional symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include pain in the eyes, difficulty breathing due to pain in the chest, and numbness in the arms and legs.
In parallel with damage to the fingers, an inflammatory reaction can also develop in the joints of the toes.
The difference between this disease and rheumatism is that the inflammation in the joints is significantly stable - it can persist for several months and even years.
A characteristic difference between rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis is the relief of pain after active movements in the affected joints, while with the development of arthrosis, physical activity leads to increased pain.
People forced to live with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis face the need for constant medication support. All medications used for medicinal purposes in this clinical case are divided into 2 groups - basic and symptomatic. Medicines belonging to the latter group are prescribed in order to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and give a person the opportunity to resume their usual lifestyle as soon as possible.
Symptomatic medications include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticosteroids. Their use helps relieve pain and restore mobility in the affected joints in a short period of time. However, these drugs are not able to eliminate the root cause of the inflammatory reaction in the joints - to slow down autoimmune processes, when activated, the body begins to destroy its own cellular structures.
In addition, there are contraindications to the frequent use of hormonal drugs, since the body gradually gets used to their action and the effectiveness of hormone therapy gradually decreases. Also, taking symptomatic medications requires constant laboratory monitoring of the patient’s blood parameters.
In order for a person to have the opportunity to live normally and lead an unchanged lifestyle, he is forced to take basic pharmaceutical drugs, which are divided into 2 types:
As the disease process worsens, patients note the appearance of rheumatoid nodes.
Rheumatologists note that the effectiveness and possibility of treating rheumatoid arthritis directly depends on the progress of the pharmaceutical industry in this direction, since the effect of basic medications is aimed specifically at eliminating autoimmune processes in the body. Systematic use of medications belonging to this group allows the patient to lead a full life, since this not only stops the manifestations of the disease, but also inhibits destructive changes in the affected joints.
The most effective representatives of this group of medications are Methotrexate and Leflunomide. The therapeutic effect of these drugs appears, on average, 6 weeks after the start of their use. The patient is able to live a normal life, since pain in the affected joints disappears and, as a result, his ability to work is restored.
The advisability of using these medications is due to the following positive aspects:
Despite the large number of positive qualities of classical basic medicines, there are certain disadvantages of their use:
Nevertheless, today the main method of treating rheumatoid arthritis is therapy with classical basic drugs. According to numerous reviews from patients taking these medications, people are able to lead a full life only after being prescribed Methotrexate or Leflunomide.
Medicines belonging to this group are the latest pharmaceutical developments and are called biological agents. The therapeutic effect of these drugs is to suppress the activity of autoimmune cells, which provoke the launch of pathogenic processes in the body.
There are practically no contraindications to the use of such drugs, and a positive result in stopping inflammatory reactions and treating the disease becomes noticeable within a couple of days after the start of treatment. The only drawback of anti-cytokine drugs is their high cost, which makes it impossible to use them in various categories of the population.
Great importance in the treatment process is given to measures, the implementation of which helps prevent destructive changes in the affected joints. Prevention of rheumatoid arthritis is divided into primary and secondary. In the first case, we are talking about preventing the occurrence of the disease in various categories of the population.
For people with already diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis, prevention is secondary and is aimed at preventing relapses of inflammatory processes, as well as preventing the progression of the disease.
For this purpose, patients are forced to undergo a course of drug therapy twice a year - in the autumn-spring period - to increase the body's resistance to the adverse effects of exogenous factors of various nature, primarily the action of infectious agents.
Additionally, if the patient has no contraindications, the attending physician prescribes immunosuppressants, which helps reduce the activity of the pathogenic process.
An integral part of preventive measures is the patient’s compliance with certain medical recommendations:
Despite the fact that today there are no treatment methods that guarantee complete healing from rheumatoid arthritis, strict adherence to all recommendations of the attending physician and adequately selected drug therapy make it possible to transfer the pathological process into a state of stable remission, the duration of which in some patients is several years.
It is very important not to give in to the onslaught of the disease and, even if you experience pain, you should not stop regular exercise. This helps reduce pain intensity and eliminate stiffness in damaged joints.
The attending physician will help you choose the right set of physical therapy depending on the stage of development of the disease. During periods of exacerbation, physical therapy is contraindicated for use, but it is replaced by a specific position therapy technique.
Nature wakes up from deep sleep,
The leaves are getting ready to see the sun.
The earth and sky have become softer towards us,
We, having breathed life, want to sing.
Let it be like leaves on the trees -
There will be so much joy with you.
Let how many petals there be on flowers -
There will be so much worldly kindness!
Even if the sky is vastly blue,
Let your soul be so vast.
And let a good friend walk with you,
And the dear one will say “I love you”
Live in the spring mood
Let joy bloom with spring flowers.
Despite occasional bad luck
Let the hope of spring live in your soul.
The last leaf is torn off,
The calendar was taken from the wall.
Congratulations have been waiting for a long time
January is just outside the door.
In the bright lights of the carnival
His hour is coming.
The clink of crystal glasses
Celebration enters our home.
May good luck visit you,
Let inspiration come
Let your life become brighter
To the new year that has begun!
The holiday combines two cultures - Western and Eastern, and children rejoice at the extra reason to receive a long-awaited toy or book. Catholic children expect gifts a little earlier - December 6th.
Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Christianity. He is also called Nikolai Ugodnik. Modern children believe that he brings gifts and puts them under the pillow if he behaves well. Therefore, on the night of December 18-19, they try not to fall asleep in order to see St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Hello, dear specialists! In October 2014, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The disease manifested itself as mild stiffness in the “pads” of the feet, starting somewhere in April - May; in August, after a trip to the sea, my index and middle fingers on both hands became swollen, and in September, severe swelling of the left and then right knee joints arose, I also developed severe stiffness in the muscles of my arms and legs. I couldn’t comb my hair or open a bottle of drink on my own, I moved slowly and heavily. Based on the results of tests for RF and ACCP, I was diagnosed with seropositive rheumatoid polyarthritis, highly active, stage I. Treatment was prescribed: metypred starting with 2 tablets for 2 weeks, then decreasing by 1/4 tablet until the drug is completely eliminated, calcium, methotrexate 15 g once a week, hemodez (10 droppers) and NSAIDs. The disease subsided and I felt great. Every month I took tests - everything was normal. Since there is a great desire to have a child, rheumatologists allowed me to stop taking methotrexate in April and plan a pregnancy in six months. At the moment (approximately October 5), my left knee began to ache, and a slight swelling appeared in the left knee joint. I passed the tests - they are not ready yet. See a doctor only after 4 days. I started taking ibuprofen and cinquefoil tincture on my own, as well as NSAIDs in the form of ointments and gels. There is no stiffness in the joints and muscles yet. Feeling a little tired. What are my next steps? What should I do in the spring-autumn period, because... The attending doctor did not explain anything to me about this. Tell me what are the chances of conceiving a child and how should I generally live with this disease. may adhere to some kind of diet, may take courses of medications in the autumn-spring period, may need some physical procedures, etc. Thank you in advance!
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Natalya Again I ask for advice from those who have taken prednisolone. I read that in order to avoid addiction, you need to take it every other day in a double dose, i.e. drink every other day. Has anyone had a similar experience? VICHY DERCOS c ampoules stop my hair loss
aminexil. In our pharmacy one package costs 2200, but there is a result.
Natalya, addiction begins within a few months. and you need to get away from prednisolone by gradually reducing the dose, you can’t stop abruptly. Depending on the state of health, in principle you can go off hormones completely.
1907. TATIANA | 17.05.2013, 16:05:05 [3583357937]
TATIANA! Did you have pain in your joints while taking prednisolone and metipred? They have left me for now, but I don’t know what to expect next.[/quote]
for Natalia! My pain did not disappear, because RA is very aggressive. Natalya, you may have entered remission and it may last for many years. What dose of hormones do you take?
TATIANA! Did you have pain in your joints while taking prednisolone and metipred? I've gotten away with it for now, but I don't know what to expect next.
for Natalia! My pain did not disappear, because RA is very aggressive. Natalya, you may have entered remission and it may last for many years. What dose of hormones do you take?[/quote]
Tatiana! I am currently taking 10 mg of Metipred. I tried to reduce it to 8 - my leg swells a lot.
1909. TATIANA | 18.05.2013, 14:39:59 [769148130]
Tatiana! I am currently taking 10 mg of Metipred. I tried to reduce it to 8 - my leg swells a lot.[/quote]
Natalya, aren’t you taking any basic medications?
I recently tried a wonderful ointment based on coca leaves. A friend gave me the address of a young company. They have not long been selling natural products from South America, and they ship to order.
I am 53 years old. Arthritis, osteochondrosis. I tried all kinds of medications and treatments.
I rubbed the ointment for two days, and - incredibly - the pain began to go away!
Almost a month has passed since that time. There is no pain, as if there were none.
There are myths about rheumatoid arthritis that say rheumatoid arthritis affects one percent of the world's population, but this cruel and common disease is still the subject of much controversy. There is a lot of misunderstanding and inconsistency on the topic of rheumatoid arthritis, scientists say.
Rheumatoid arthritis is primarily a disease of the joints. But the disease and the medications used to treat it can affect the skin and create problems such as sun sensitivity, rashes, and tissue lumps called nodules.
Arthritis is a fairly common condition and rheumatoid arthritis is often confused with other types of arthritis. In addition, rheumatoid arthritis has not yet been sufficiently studied. Research and the emergence of new drugs are constantly changing the understanding of this disease. Even experts have a long way to go to study rheumatoid arthritis. There are several myths about this common and unusual disease.
Myth #1: Rheumatoid arthritis is just regular arthritis.
Reality: Rheumatoid arthritis is not ordinary arthritis. What we think of as regular arthritis is osteoarthritis caused by damage to or aging of the joints. Osteoarthritis affects middle-aged and elderly people.
In comparison, rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis—where joints hurt—is a chronic and progressive disease. In response to unknown impulses, our body produces antibodies and acts on its own tissues. This impact affects the joints and can also affect other parts of the body. Exposure to disease and inflammation cause people pain periodically or constantly.
Significant confusion occurs between such concepts as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. And an even greater misconception occurs when a person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis develops osteoarthritis.
Myth No. 2: People get rheumatoid arthritis in old age.
Reality: Most people develop rheumatoid arthritis between the ages of thirty and fifty-five.
Rheumatoid arthritis is the destruction of joints of an erosive nature. No one to this day knows the exact cause of the disease. In most cases, the onset of the disease is usually associated with sore throat, stress, abortion and inheritance. According to statistics, the disease is often inherited. Some people develop a tendency to develop the disease from early childhood.
At the moment, most doctors are inclined to believe that rheumatoid arthritis is caused by a viral infection, the origin of which remains a mystery. Women suffer from the disease, which destroys joints, more often than men. More than 1% of the world's population lives with rheumatoid arthritis, which is almost 100 million people. It is necessary to realize that with such a serious illness you can live a full life if you take the necessary measures in time and start treatment.
The disease appears in various age categories. But in most cases, it begins in one of the most energetic periods of a person’s life, that is, from 18 to 35 years. The course of rheumatoid arthritis is multifaceted. In some people, the development of the disease continues for several years. At the same time, in others it can manifest itself extremely quickly and have a serious impact on the health of the body. It's hard to admit, but the more complicated type of rheumatoid arthritis primarily affects children.
When treating a disease, there is no single method that is suitable for all patients. As you live with rheumatoid arthritis, it takes on different forms that vary from person to person. For this reason, the therapy program is planned based on criteria such as strong or weak damage to certain organs and the speed of the disease. In addition, the lifestyle and nature of human activity are of considerable importance.
Most often, a person decides on his own what to do with rheumatoid disease. This decision arises out of hopelessness with traditional treatment. It is not uncommon for a person suffering from an illness to take a certain medicine without the necessary knowledge about its dosage and side effects, let alone whether the drug is suitable for their type of illness. For example, taking non-steroidal drugs can cause stomach ulcers and hypertension.
The use of any medications without the recommendation of a rheumatologist is strictly prohibited. In addition, you should always see your personal physician, who should develop an individual type of treatment for the patient.
It happens that patients voluntarily try to be treated with antibiotics. No rheumatologist prescribes such drugs to his patient with rheumatoid arthritis, since there are no examples of their beneficial effects on the disease. Only a qualified doctor should decide what to do, otherwise serious consequences cannot be avoided.
You should not rely on cheap drugs chosen without the recommendation of a rheumatologist. Such medicines can be manufactured in bad faith, and you will experience a whole bunch of side effects that can undermine your already weakened body.
Experienced patients with rheumatoid arthritis often turn to alternative medicine and healers. Such actions are difficult to control, so if you decide to take such extreme measures, be sure to discuss the use of any remedy with your rheumatologist.
Excessive physical activity is also undesirable, as it can harm the patient’s health. Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious disease that must be treated with caution and responsibility.
In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, it is intended to use 2 groups of drugs: symptomatic and basic.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (steroids), which are symptomatic, can quickly improve the well-being of a sick person. They work within a week to reduce common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, including joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. It is worth noting that these treatments cannot relieve immune inflammation in the synovium and stop the destruction of joints.
NSAIDs are prescribed to most patients with inflamed joints. Medicines from this group cannot 100% combat inflammation that arises from immune cells inside the synovium.
Hormonal medications, such as corticosteroids, reduce signs of inflammation quite quickly. The disadvantage of the drugs is that with prolonged use their effectiveness decreases due to the body’s adaptation. In addition, the side effects of hormonal drugs can be very alarming: obesity increases, the body becomes more susceptible to viral diseases, bone tissue is depleted, and the skin is easily injured. This does not exclude the occurrence of blood pressure and diabetes. Steroid medications are prescribed under certain circumstances. In rheumatoid arthritis, treatment with their help is carried out in very severe cases of the disease, as well as depending on its individual properties.
In the treatment of a disease, the usefulness and side effects of drugs directly depend on the dosage and duration of use. It is the responsibility of the rheumatologist to find the right dose to avoid most side effects. The most popular method of using hormonal drugs is to inject them into the inflamed joint. For such therapy, diprospan is usually used. Treatment with the above method is the most effective, but it must be taken into account that this approach can also cause addiction to the body. In addition, the injection of hormonal agents into the joint can damage it if the injection procedure is performed more than 3 times a year.
As a rule, if therapy with hormonal drugs is necessary, you can use basic drugs that can reduce their dosage, or completely eliminate the use of such drugs. It is important to remember that you should not individually reduce the dose of hormonal drugs, as this can lead to the progression of inflammation. This decision can only be made by your personal rheumatologist. Patients who constantly take prednisolone and drugs similar in their mode of action need to monitor the presence of vitamins and calcium in the body, reporting the test results to their rheumatologist.
Basic agents affect the functioning of synovial membrane cells (classical) or directly on inflammatory foci in the synovial membrane (anticytokine).
Therapy using basic remedies is designed not only to extinguish inflammation, but also to stop the destruction of joints, thereby reducing the development of arthritis. Basic drugs of the previous generation affected the disease extremely slowly. But current drugs can affect treatment in less than 5-7 weeks (leflunomide, methotrexate). In addition, there are biological base products, the effect of which is noticeable within a couple of days after the start of use.
In general, basic agents can suppress immune inflammation in joints, increase their mobility and reduce deterioration.
This group includes a fairly extensive range of medicines. The most effective and popular drugs are the aforementioned methotrexate and leflunomide, which can ensure a speedy recovery. In addition, they are completely non-toxic.
The positive qualities of basic funds are:
The negative qualities of basic funds are:
Just a couple of years ago, a scientific breakthrough occurred in the study of rheumatic diseases. It was possible to invent the latest means, which are called biological agents. They act directly on cytokines (cells that have changed themselves at the molecular level as a result of an error and have begun to fight against their own structures), which are the primary source of the disease. But the latest treatment is used in a few highly qualified and modern clinics. Anti-cytokine drugs are not cheap, as they were invented relatively recently. They are expensive to create and require lengthy laboratory study. At the same time, the opinion of all rheumatologists on the planet agrees that the future of rheumatoid arthritis treatment lies in such drugs. They have great hopes for complete remission of the disease through the use of anti-cytokine drugs.
Today, patients with rheumatoid arthritis are patients for whom it is not possible to completely cure. But it is possible to achieve amazing results. It is necessary to begin treatment in a timely manner under the supervision of a personal rheumatologist, who is able to develop an individual program for each patient, and, if necessary, change the course of treatment.
It can be said with certainty that treatment with basic medications six months after the onset of the disease will lead to a decrease in their effect and a regression of the patient’s general vital signs. 90% of those observed retained the effective effect of inflamed joints during therapy with basic drugs.
Current treatment criteria show that the basic basis of therapy is defeating all symptoms: reducing pain and body temperature to normal, increasing joint function and reversing the disease.
It is known that in certain cases they achieved a complete absence of signs of illness, as well as healthy blood tests. Remission can last for several years, or at best for several months.
It is important to know that exercise is essential for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. They prevent muscle atrophy and increase the performance of motor functions. Physical exercises can be done even in case of pain, the main thing is not to overdo it. The diet is individually developed by a rheumatologist. It is recommended to eat foods rich in protein to keep the body in good shape. If you are struggling with exhaustion, you should not restrain yourself in consuming fats and well-digested carbohydrates.
Arthritis is not a new disease. If we take into account the data obtained by scientists during excavations, then in the prehistoric era there lived several dinosaurs that really lacked large heating pads. And human remains indicate that not everyone was healthy then.
Hippocrates wrote about arthritis. Socrates said that arthritis was the most common disease in Greece at that time. Well, during the years of Rome’s greatness, baths were built throughout the empire to treat citizens suffering from joint pain. Emperor Diocletian even exempted those who were most affected by the disease from paying taxes.
When it comes to treating arthritis, we have come a long way. If you had suffered from arthritis in the time of Julius Caesar, your doctor would probably have taken you to the sea beach and asked you to step on some electric stingray. Surprisingly, little had changed by the 18th century. At that time, to relieve joint pain, the doctor would only give you a small bloodletting.
Today, despite the fact that a cure for arthritis has not yet been found, doctors have a much larger arsenal of tools that can make the lives of patients easier. Although symptoms and treatment vary depending on the type of arthritis, there are a few simple, helpful rules that can help almost everyone with arthritis.
First of all, as Dr. Pennington advises, you need to take things gradually. Cleaning your home if you have arthritis can be very difficult. Therefore, if you clean the carpets with a vacuum cleaner today, it is better to wash the kitchen floors tomorrow. With an even distribution of physical activity, your joints will experience less stress and you will experience less pain.
Another rule of living with arthritis is to avoid overstressing your joints. This can be achieved by using only the largest of them. So instead of grasping your coffee cup with two fingers, wrap both hands around it. And don’t wrap your fingers around a thin pencil. It's better to put curlers on it so that it becomes thicker and it would be easier for you to grab onto it. And do not open massive doors with an outstretched hand. Instead, apply pressure with your elbow and your entire body.
When your joints are inflamed, you may want to curl up on the couch in front of the TV and not move again. And the last thing you would want to do in this state is exercise. Many people with arthritis end up in a self-defeating cycle: joint pain forces them to become sedentary, and lack of mobility almost always makes things worse.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease of bone joints that is autoimmune in nature. This means that the body’s own defense system perceives the joint tissue as foreign and begins to destroy it. The disease occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission, slowly progressing, so it is difficult to live with this disease. The prevalence of the disease is high; people can live with rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmune pathology most often affects middle-aged women. According to them, living with rheumatoid arthritis significantly impairs performance, as well as mood and overall well-being.
In our classification, we will highlight common signs and those that prevent people from living a full life, bringing discomfort.
General clinical manifestations of the disease:
Signs that prevent people with rheumatoid arthritis from living a full life:
Rheumatoid disease is a severe progressive chronic disease. It is impossible to completely cure this pathology; there are methods that can be used to slow down the progression of the disease and do everything possible to make life comfortable for patients.
This condition often occurs differently among patients, so it can be difficult to predict the course and prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
There are factors, the totality of which can be used to predict how a patient will live with arthritis and what the prognosis of the disease will be.
Positive criteria by which we can say that the disease is proceeding favorably, living with this disease will be relatively comfortable, periods of remission can reach several years:
Negative criteria that reduce life expectancy, accelerate disability and prevent patients with a pathological condition from living fully:
According to foreign scientists in the field of rheumatology, the life expectancy of patients with rheumatoid pathology in comparison with the control group is reduced by approximately 4-10 years, and the standardized mortality rate is 2.26.
In addition to properly selected drug therapy, the prognosis and course of rheumatoid disease are influenced by: a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, sleep patterns, and an active lifestyle. How you live and will live with rheumatoid arthritis depends only on your discipline, attitude and way of thinking.
There are traditional methods and folk methods that help reduce discomfort and inflammation.
The following groups of drugs will help you live relatively comfortably with rheumatoid arthritis during the period of exacerbation of the disease:
Additional methods of combating the disease are used mainly during the period of remission (physiotherapy, massage, gymnastics), helping to increase mobility in the joints and restore physical activity. Proper nutrition plays an important role, especially during an exacerbation of the disease. If pain is severe, alcohol and carbonated drinks, fried, spicy and salty foods should be avoided. During this period, it is recommended to eat small portions 5-6 times a day, focusing on seasonal vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish, and cereals. You can drink herbal teas, fruit drinks and plain still water in a volume of at least 2 liters per day.
Traditional methods of dealing with painful sensations are an effective addition to basic drug therapy. There are many recipes that can be used to relieve the inflammatory process and also reduce discomfort. Here are some of them:
Honey or propolis is an ancient ingredient in medicines, masks, ointments, which has unique properties and is rich in microelements and vitamins. Honey-based ointments and compresses help reduce inflammation and severe pain.
To prepare the oil, you need to take 1 portion of honey and 2 portions of olive oil, heat the mixture in a water bath, stirring. Cool the resulting solution and apply to the affected joint three times a day.
Recipe No. 2: Sea or table salt.
Sea or table salt helps not only to relieve pain during an exacerbation, but also to reduce swelling of the joint. To prepare the ointment, you need to take 1 part sea salt, 2 parts honey and 1 part mustard, mix all ingredients until smooth, apply the composition to the affected joint, wrap it in a towel and leave for an hour, then rinse with water.
Recipe No. 3: Potato compress.
Potato compresses, due to their warming effect, relieve discomfort and help to live fully during the period of exacerbation of the disease. To do this, you need to grate 1-2 raw potatoes and put them in a colander in boiling water for a few minutes. Then the mixture is collected in a fabric bag, applied to the diseased joint, covered and fixed with a towel or film. This compress is done at night for 7-10 days.
Due to its warming effect, vinegar essence also has an analgesic effect. Pour a tablespoon of any 6% vinegar into a liter of hot boiled water. Soak the fabric in this solution and apply it to the pathological joint overnight. You can cover the top with a blanket or woolen scarf. It is recommended to do this compress for 7-10 days.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a terrible disease that occurs with periods of severe pain, while constantly and slowly progressing, causing suffering to patients. In the modern world, there are still debates and research about the treatment, causes and prevention of the disease. At this time, more and more people are affected by this pathology, resulting in loss of ability to work and disability. People lose the ability to care for themselves, become unhappy and lonely. Despite the fact that there is no specific prevention for this pathology, compliance with medical prescriptions, proper nutrition, getting rid of bad habits, sanitizing foci of inflammation and timely treatment of infectious diseases and moderate physical activity can not only delay the exacerbation of the disease, but also prevent its onset.