A child’s nails begin to grow during his mother’s pregnancy, so in newborn babies they can be quite long. But in the first month after birth, the nails are still soft, and it is almost impossible to get hurt by them. So, when and how to cut a child’s nails?
In newborn babies, nails grow quickly, but unevenly: on the feet slower than on the hands. So the baby will have to get a manicure every 4-5 days, and a pedicure 2-3 times a month.
It would seem that both procedures are so ordinary that performing them on the baby’s fingers will not be difficult. But it was not there. Initially, you need to consider small nails, and this is not an easy task. Then we have to solve the following problem: how to fix the finger if the child constantly pretends to be a bicycle with his legs and a mill with his hands?
The baby’s movements will become more meaningful only by the age of 7 months, and nails need to be cut already from the 1st month. If this is not done, the child can easily scratch his face or body. In a word, children's manicure and pedicure requires a certain skill from parents.
In order to properly cut your baby's nails, you should not use nail scissors for adults. They are very sharp, so they are not suitable for small children: any careless movement can injure the baby. Preference should be given to children's scissors with safe, rounded edges.
The use of special tweezers is also not prohibited: if the nail plate fits deeply into the nail groove, it is even more convenient to use them. You can buy both models in pharmacies or children's stores.
Before each procedure, scissors and tweezers should be disinfected with an alcohol solution or doused with boiling water: the cutting part should be as clean as possible. In addition, it is always advisable to have brilliant green or some kind of antimicrobial agent on hand to treat accidental cuts.
A good time to trim your child’s nails:
It is most convenient to do a manicure and pedicure after bathing the child: in the water, the nails become soft, so they are easier to cut. Although the procedure can be carried out under other circumstances. For example, immediately after eating, when the baby is in a great mood, or while the baby is awake.
If the child is awake, then it is better to attract dad or grandmother to help. While one adult is cutting nails, another can distract the baby's attention with a rattle or a funny song.
If the child clearly does not like the procedure, and he expresses his dissatisfaction by whining or crying, then you should put the scissors aside until next time or try to entertain the baby. Try not to get irritated or raise your voice, because hygiene procedures should take place in a calm environment, so that in the future, beauty treatments will organically become a healthy habit.
Optimal nail shapes for a child:
Your baby's nails should be cut in good lighting. Each finger must be taken in turn and firmly fixed in your hand.
Before you start cutting your child’s nails, you need to slightly pull back the pad: this will reduce the risk of injury to the baby.
In order for your nails to grow correctly, you should not cut them too short, it is better to leave 1-1.5 mm. The nails on the hands should be trimmed, cutting off the corners, in the shape of a crescent. Uneven edges can be trimmed with a special soft file.
Toenails should be cut evenly, leaving the corners, otherwise they will grow into the skin.
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How to cut toenails so that they are beautiful and healthy? People often get manicures more often than pedicures. After all, hands are always visible. They shake them when they meet, kiss them. But is it right to forget about your legs? Especially in the summer when you use open shoes. A sloppy pedicure looks untidy, and a black streak of dirt looks completely sloppy.
To prevent nails from growing into the skin, trim them correctly only straight, without cutting off the corners. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, you can file off the sharp edges with a nail file. This nail shape is the most natural.
It is also not recommended to grow long toenails, especially in the cold season. When outdoors in closed shoes, they become deformed and cause discomfort. The correct length is up to 2 mm. But on your hands you can experiment with the shape of the nail plate and its length.
It is not necessary to buy a full set of pedicure tools. For trimming toenails there is a mandatory minimum:
Each family member should have personal tools to avoid fungal infection. If for some reason this is not possible, you need to properly treat the instrument with an antiseptic or sterilize it. Special disinfectant solutions are used as antiseptics; you can also wipe the instrument with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.
Other devices can be purchased upon request. These can be cuticle scissors, sanding files, various spatulas for pushing back cuticles, sticks for removing dirt from under the nail plate, etc.
Toenails should be trimmed no earlier than their length reaches 2 mm from the edge of the junction of the nail plate with the skin. Choose a well-lit area so you can see what you are about to do. If lighting is insufficient, turn on a desk lamp. Also prepare a container for storing scraps. This can be a trash can or a box, or you can collect them on a paper napkin.
Getting a pedicure right is not at all difficult.
If your nail does become embedded in the skin, it should be trimmed as quickly as possible. As long as the finger does not fester, you can do this yourself. Otherwise, you will have to see a surgeon to avoid blood poisoning.
If your toenail often grows into your skin, pay attention to the shoes you wear. Shoes that are too narrow squeeze the foot. The nail plate simply has nowhere to grow, so it grows in, and the shape of the toenails can become distorted. The right shoes allow your toes to move freely without causing them to bend. An ill-fitting heel can cause the foot to slide forward, which also leads to ingrowth.
Taking care of your toenails is quite simple. It is enough to cut them on time and correctly. If they are thin and brittle, it is recommended to coat them with varnish to mechanically strengthen the nail plate. There are also various creams and oils for pedicures to prevent cracking and breakage. Healthy and well-groomed nails always look beautiful. Pamper your fingers, and they will delight you with their beautiful appearance!
Manicures and pedicures are important procedures not only for maintaining the beauty of nails, but also for maintaining their health. When caring for fingernails, many people forget about their feet, although their nails also require special care. The most important procedure in pedicure is the correct adjustment of the length of the nails, which allows you to trim the nail plate without damaging it.
There are three main differences between the nail plates on the hands and feet, which determine the differences in manicure and pedicure.
Toenails grow much slower
Toenails grow noticeably slower than fingernails. This property can be called a significant advantage, since it allows you to trim your nails somewhat less frequently.
So, in a week the length increases by about a quarter of a millimeter, maximum by a millimeter, while the nail plate on the fingers gains up to two millimeters in length in a week.
Usually the nails on the toes are much rougher and thicker than on the hands. This problem is especially relevant for the thumb, where the nail plate is rough and dense. This disadvantage leads to the need to use additional tricks and tricks to facilitate regular pedicures.
Tight shoes affect the condition of your toenails
First of all, this is a growth of a large layer of cuticle , which needs to be softened and trimmed regularly.
Also, ingrown toenails are more likely to appear on the feet, which occur due to wearing uncomfortable shoes.
Such individual features require additional attention and the use of special tools and tools.
Toenails, like fingernails, are trimmed as they grow . At the same time, it is strongly recommended not to cut the nail at the root: such a nail can grow in later and cause a lot of trouble.
The frequency of pedicures is determined by individual characteristics.
It is better to choose a comfortable length with 1-2 millimeters of regrown light nail plate and stick to it, updating the length approximately every one to two weeks.
If the individual nail growth rate differs significantly from the average, the timing of a pedicure should be varied individually: someone may only need it once a month.
Pedicure tools
Before a trimmed pedicure, it is best to steam your feet in a warm bath with oils or special cosmetics.
Foot bath before pedicure
First of all, it will moisturize the skin so that it will be easy to process, and in addition, it will soften the nails and cutting them will be painless.
Also, any procedure for treating feet should begin with their complete disinfection: first, any dirt must be wiped off with a rough brush, and then treated with any suitable disinfectant.
When cutting your nails, you should not get too close to the pink part , but leave a small supply of regrown nail plate.
When cutting nails, the clipper should be held at right angles to the nail plate.
Making thick nails into a round shape using scissors or nippers can be dangerous, so they are cut at a right angle, and the sharp corners formed during the cutting process are filed down .
If your nail curls, you can try not cutting its length, but regularly shortening it with a nail file. In this case, after several procedures, the nails will noticeably straighten.
To avoid ingrown toenails, do not try to give your nails a square shape.
Experienced pedicure masters have a lot of their own professional secrets and techniques, which can greatly simplify the process and improve the quality of your home pedicure. Watch this video for a master class on trimmed mechanical pedicure:
Hardware pedicure is a set of very simple and absolutely safe procedures for caring for the entire foot. It allows you to shorten the length of your nails and maintain a healthy “after-salon” appearance at home.
This procedure begins with disinfection of the feet, after which, using a special round file attachment, gradually removed , which in the process are slightly rounded to the corners.
Then, using another cone attachment , the rough skin is removed . It is important to remember that a special cosmetic product is used to soften it, since it is better not to steam your feet before a hardware pedicure.
When changing attachments, it is important to treat the skin of the sole, between the toes, directly around the nails and in places where calluses form. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of cuticles.
At first, hardware nail treatment raises a lot of questions and doubts for a novice fashionista; this video tutorial shows in detail the entire pedicure process performed with a pedicure machine:
Usually, cutting nails causes whims and hysterics in children, especially if the baby is very small. To avoid this, you can use a few simple recommendations that will greatly facilitate the procedure:
Cutting nails for a child
The first stage of the formation of an ingrown toenail is the appearance of redness and significant discomfort when touched.
An ingrown toenail should be carefully filed regularly.
At this stage, you can trim the ingrown toenail yourself at home, after thoroughly steaming and softening it, and then carefully prying it up and shortening it. In the future, it is worthwhile to regularly file the diseased nail plate for some time, but for prevention, avoid strong shortening.
If the second or third stages are observed (severe inflammation, formation of pus and other signs), only an experienced surgeon can solve the problem of an ingrown nail.
It is important to properly and regularly care for your nails so that every time a pedicure turns into an easy and pleasant procedure.
To maintain the health and beauty of your nail plates, do not neglect regular care.
It is worth your toenails regularly
Just like in manicure, in pedicure you should use nail coatings. Various fixatives, a manicure base, or at least just a high-quality varnish will help avoid chips and cracks on the nail plates.
It is important for the health of your toenails to choose comfortable, breathable shoes that fit perfectly.
Regular and proper pedicure is a guarantee of maintaining healthy nails and maintaining beautiful feet. There is no need to save on purchasing high-quality pedicure tools and waste your own time on the procedure. Then your legs will be healthy and neat.
A child’s nails need to be trimmed not only for the sake of beauty, but also so that he does not injure himself. Let's look at how to do it correctly.
A child's nails begin to grow even before birth. Therefore, in a newborn they are already quite long. But don’t rush to cut them off right away. These nails are very thin and will break on their own in the first weeks. Over time, the nail plates harden, and then maintenance will be required.
It is absolutely necessary to trim your child's nails, otherwise he may scratch himself. At first glance, the procedure seems complicated, but it’s only scary at first. In the future, this will be a common thing for both you and the baby.
Monitor the condition of your nails. They are an indicator of the child's health. The horn plate should be pink. This condition indicates that everything is normal. If your nails become thin and have white stripes on them, be sure to see a doctor.
Some mothers adopt foreign experience and put thin mittens on their baby’s hands so that the baby does not injure himself. But, according to neonatologists, they slow down development. It will be better to trim your child's nails regularly and not interfere with the development of fine motor skills.
1. You need to cut your fingernails approximately once every 5 days, and a pedicure can be done once every 10 days.
2. To avoid accidentally injuring the baby, buy scissors with rounded edges or special wire cutters.
3. If, despite all precautions, you accidentally injure your finger, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
4. Trimming the nails of a child who cannot sit still for even a minute is not an easy task, so it is much easier to do this procedure when the child is sleeping.
5. Ask your husband to help you. Let him hold your baby's hand while you trim his nails.
6. If there are no helpers nearby, you can easily do it yourself: hold the child’s wrist with one hand and trim the nails with the other.
7. To avoid accidentally pinching the baby’s skin, carefully move the pad of your finger.
8. It is better to cut a child’s fingernails in the shape of a crescent.
9. Pedicure has some specific features: to make nails softer and easier to trim, it is advisable to do a pedicure after a bath.
10. Please note that you only need to cut your toenails in a straight line so that the corners do not grow into the skin.
There are a number of conclusions about the dangers of washing cosmetics. Unfortunately, not all new mothers listen to them. 97% of shampoos use the dangerous substance Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or its analogues. Many articles have been written about the effects of this chemistry on the health of both children and adults. At the request of our readers, we tested the most popular brands.
The results were disappointing - the most advertised companies showed the presence of those very dangerous components in their composition. In order not to violate the legal rights of manufacturers, we cannot name specific brands. The Mulsan Cosmetics company, the only one that passed all the tests, successfully received 10 points out of 10 (check out). Each product is made from natural ingredients, completely safe and hypoallergenic.
If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed 10 months. Be careful when choosing cosmetics, this is important for you and your child.
Author: admin · Published 12/01/2013 · Updated 05/07/2017
Our babies' nails grow very quickly... just like them themselves =) Therefore, mothers have to cut them quite often . . And everything would be fine, but most children do not particularly like this procedure and reject any attempts by their parents to “bring beauty”, especially when they are held tightly by the hand and something is done to their nails with such a terrible weapon as scissors!
And you need to cut your nails. First of all, for reasons of hygiene, because dirt accumulates under the nails - a source of infection, including helminthic... The second reason is that children's nails are very sharp and thin - they can easily scratch the skin of an adult, not to mention the fact that the baby can scratch himself..So how can you cut your child’s nails without screaming and hysterics and teach your baby to this procedure?
It is better to cut a newborn's nails while he sleeps , because he sleeps very soundly. Don't worry, the baby won't feel anything (unless, of course, you do it very carefully), and you will have time to give your baby a manicure and pedicure. There is no need to rush anywhere, do everything carefully. Examine each finger and trim carefully. If the baby moves in his sleep, interrupt the procedure and rock him a little. Wait until he is fast asleep again and continue. Try trimming your child's nails about half an hour after he falls asleep. At this time, sleep is most sound, and, most likely, you do not have to take breaks for rocking and the whole procedure will take 2-3 minutes. Note! It is impossible to cut a newborn’s nails for some time after birth, because the nail plate is still poorly separated from the skin, which means that the fingers may begin to bleed, which will cause complications. In this case, the newborn can wear special scratch mittens on his hands, which will prevent him from inadvertently scratching his face. When the nails become stronger, they can be trimmed, following safety rules.
Here are some tips from life
Let's cut his hair: clack-clack!
Cut and cut, click and click!
Who is this? Little finger!
I ran to the store with a friend!
Hello, ring finger!
Like a tin soldier
Always on duty
And he looks menacing!
Who is this? Middle finger!
Played with the puppy in the front
They were tumbling on the floor!
Give us a nail!
Come on, scissors - click, click!
Who is this? How's that?
He's an expert at answering questions!
This is our big finger!
I'm glad to get my hair cut with all my heart!
He's in a good mood
Ate strawberry jam!
If your child is afraid of scissors, take a break . Do not insist or scold your child. Time will pass, and bad memories of cutting nails will be erased from childhood memory. Only then begin to follow the recommendations outlined above. In the meantime, to prevent your child from walking around with uncut nails and biting his nails, cut them while he sleeps.
The answer is obvious - as they grow. On the arms - more often, on the legs - less often (they grow unevenly). Usually, infants' nails are trimmed approximately once every 3-4 days, and for older children - once a week . Pediatricians advise doing this no more often than once every 7-10 days.
In addition, you can treat children's nails with special tweezers . These tweezers quickly and easily “pinch off” nails in one movement. And when the baby grows up, it is with tweezers that he will be interested in cutting his mother’s nails, and then his own. We wish you good luck, your kids a good mood and let the procedure of trimming small nails always bring only joy!
Here's some good advice. Nothing to add.
I, too, have been cutting hair in my dreams since birth.
I also can’t cut our nails - he starts twitching and curling his fingers, and I’m afraid of accidentally hurting him. But he lets my dad, my husband, cut his hair without any problems, sits quietly and doesn’t squeal!
I've been cutting hair since birth. Everything gives. The only thing is that when I wash it, my nails are soft. He watches TV and I cut my hair.
My daughter is almost 2 years old. She also cries and screams when I cut her hair. It’s on her legs that won’t let her. I hold her leg tightly so that she doesn’t break out. Once a week it’s such torment. Cutting your hair in a dream is not an option, she wakes up immediately
Girls, your children are not hysterical because of their whims. They are simply in pain. Be patient, distract, don’t scold. I have two ways to solve this problem: either I do it in the water, when my legs are already steamed, or immediately after taking a bath. The nerve endings will dull, but it takes time.
Sorry for the mistakes)
Many people cut their child’s nails after a bath, try it. Just talk first, explain why you need to cut your nails, and that you need to cut your nails in any case.
when he sleeps, cut his hair and everything will be ok!
Author: try not with scissors, but with a nail file. And explain to your child that you won’t cut your hair this time.
Mine, too, did not allow his nails to be cut until he was almost three years old. I cut my hair in my sleep, half an hour after falling asleep. After three years, the problem disappeared; I even began to ask him to trim the overgrown, interfering nail.
This is just some kind of nightmare: my son is 2 years old and absolutely refuses to cut his toenails. Kicking, crying, hysterical. Previously, I was younger: you give me a toy, a phone, a tablet or a TV, you turn on the TV, you distract me... but now even slapping or scolding me on the butt doesn’t help. His hysterics every month during this procedure drive both me and my husband to the brink. It would be nice if there was another result: the duck is kicking, pinching his fingers...
What about you? Maybe there is a good method, otherwise you can only cut 1-2 nails a week.
Try it while sleeping]
Until the age of two, the mother did not realize that the child’s nails should be cut in a dream, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I see that you are a very advanced "mother"
My child falls asleep and sleeps ONLY IN HIS CRIB! and how you can cut your hair in a dream. take it out without waking you up. + cut your hair without waking you up. + put back without waking up.
Thanks everyone for the advice and comments
Well, now at least I know that it’s not just me who has this problem. mine is 2.2 and . hysterics ((((and immediately after the bath there is also hysterics, and I can’t distract with a cartoon, although it still worked a couple of months ago (((
Thanks for the comment about pain. This seems to be true. Things work out so well with my child that I believe him. And if he doesn’t even agree to the candy, and only starts screaming at the very moment of the haircut, I understand that he’s really unpleasant. It's about the nerve endings. We must keep this in mind after all. Previously, it was the same on both arms and legs. Now only the legs remain. We should probably wait. It would be nice to have some scientific confirmation of this.
In a dream, you say? My daughter is 1.3 years old, my husband and I just hung over the sleeping Masha for an hour, trying to trim her toenails - what the heck: she pulls out her leg, cries, wakes up. On the third attempt, I cut off 2 nails and that’s it, we want to sleep, it’s two o’clock in the morning.. When I can’t sleep, after the bath we tried to come to an agreement - no way! Maybe some kind of children's sleeping pill? It's just a bit of a bummer.
cut nails when baby sleeps. I usually do it 20 minutes after falling asleep when I’m in a deep sleep. But here it is generally impossible to cut hair. Just wrap the leg with a towel so as not to tickle.
Yes, I think the advice is valuable. Cutting your hair while you sleep is an option, but only while the child is small; the older they get, the less sound the sleep. Before, I couldn’t even cut nails, undress a sleeping child, etc. And now he quickly wakes up. I'll tell you that we are 5 years old and the problem remains. Moreover, a friend of mine has a 7-year-old child with the same problem. I read on other forums that a boy is afraid even at 10 years old. So this problem remains. Some write that they cut their hair in their sleep, but they do not write how old the child is. When my child was 2-3 years old, I also cut hair in his sleep, and now he is 5 years old and the child already feels his leg twitching and wakes up. So I didn’t find any advice for myself.
Mine is one year and two months old. I can’t cut my toenails while I’m sleeping; I can’t wrap it, I don’t wrap it, it still pulls out my leg and turns around on the bed like it’s already there. I tried several times, half an hour, an hour, two after falling asleep. It’s too early to agree, he doesn’t understand persuasion! What to do? GUARD.
Mommies. The best option is to cut your nails at night. During the day, I also tried it to no avail;
Now the little one is 2.6 years old. Using valuable advice, I was able to trim my toenails in my sleep. My husband and I tried together; he was big and couldn’t be restrained. And from a year on, my husband held one leg and I cut it, then the other. After 2 years, my grandfather suggested: they turned on the flashlight and illuminated it on the fingers. He was interested. They cut their hair like that until they could play with a flashlight. But now I had to in a dream
You can also chop off the legs with a hatchet and then there will be nothing left to cut.
And your head and hands, so that you don’t have anything to write such ***** with
Apparently you have no legs and no arms.
yes, apparently no brains at all
I do this - my daughter sits on my husband’s lap, I press her leg with me (the main thing is to fix her straightened knee), so to speak, I lie down with my chest, hold her foot tightly and cut my hair. It doesn’t work out right away, he pulls out his leg, tightens his fingers, but I cut it off little by little. The main thing is to keep the knee straight, I lie down on its knee or use my elbow to fix the straightened knee. my daughter is one year old
My son is 1.7. I also can’t cut my toenails, I used to cut them in a dream and everything was fine, but now it immediately twitches as soon as I touch it and wakes up. I cut my hands in my sleep, but now I can’t cut them on my legs and won’t let me cut them during the day, I don’t know what to do???? can anyone tell me
You need to take a huge roll of tape. Tape the child to a table or sling; it is advisable to have several people help you (you can ask your neighbors or the first person you meet). You can also tape his mouth so that he doesn’t distract him. That's it, you can cut your hair. Don't forget to sharpen your scissors.
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Children's nails grow so fast that they have to be cut almost every day (every 3-4 days). Strong regrowth should not be allowed for several reasons. Firstly, the baby can harm itself with its thin and sharp nails. Secondly, nails are an excellent place to collect dirt and various infections that can adversely affect the baby's health. Every mother knows about this, but you can’t explain to your baby the need for a manicure and pedicure. In most cases, children are very resistant to the procedure of cutting their nails, tearing out their legs and arms, and throwing unprecedented hysterics. Therefore, every mother should know how to properly cut toenails and fingernails so as not to harm the baby.
To know how to cut your baby's nails, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations below.
Before you start manicuring, treat the scissors with an alcohol solution or keep them in boiling water.
It is better for newborn children to trim their nails during sleep. When the baby is sleeping, you can easily treat his fingernails and toenails. You just need to do this very carefully. If the baby begins to fidget in his sleep, then it is better to interrupt the procedure. The deepest sleep occurs in children 20-30 minutes after falling asleep. Therefore, this time can be considered the most suitable for these procedures.
It is prohibited to cut a baby's nails in the first days after birth. Many mothers know about this. Only someone refers to the fact that it is a bad omen to shorten the child’s life. Well, some are guided by more sensible explanations - the physiological underdevelopment of the nail plate. In fact, everything is very simple - after birth, the baby’s nails are very thin and fragile. Most often, the first millimeters of the regrown nail plate are not separated from the skin, so when cutting it there is a risk of damaging the finger. Therefore, it is better for mothers to use special mittens (scratchers), in which the baby will not be able to scratch himself.
Since older children can already show their own character, trimming nails on their hands and feet becomes more difficult. But parents should know what tricks to resort to so that this procedure takes place without any problems.
Some children, just seeing scissors, fall into a real panic. To adults, this may seem like just another pampering on the part of the baby, but in fact, at this moment the child may experience real panic. In this situation, the mother must show all her wisdom. Under no circumstances should you shout at or scold a child. Any of your “pressures” on the baby will lead to aggravation of the situation. There is only one way out in this case - wait until the child forgets his fear. This will happen quite quickly, especially if you unobtrusively show your baby how you cut your own nails without experiencing pain. In the meantime, fear still accompanies the baby, you have one option left - cut your nails while the child is fast asleep.
The correct choice of scissors also plays an important role. You shouldn’t trim your baby’s fingernails and toenails with your “adult” accessories. Nail scissors are not intended for babies, as they can easily injure the baby's delicate skin, which will cause an even greater sense of fear. Therefore, it is better to give your preference to scissors with rounded ends. At first, it will not be convenient for mom to use such an object, because catching the nail will be quite problematic. But over time, you will learn to do it quickly and painlessly. And to make the scissors arouse interest in the child, you can buy scissors with a pattern or with a handle in the shape of some kind of animal.
Some parents cut their children's nails with tweezers. This thing is quite convenient to use, but you need to use it extremely carefully. After all, one awkward movement and a finger injury is guaranteed. And fragile children's nails may begin to break off under the influence of tweezers.