As the volume of blood and amniotic fluid increases, the need for water also increases. The hormone progesterone (the main hormone of pregnant women) slows down the excretion of sodium, which retains water in the body.
All you have to do is eat something salty, wash it down with water, and the swelling will immediately remind you of itself.
By morning, as a rule, they go away and if this problem is regulated by diet, then there is no particular reason to worry. But such symptoms are the beginning of very serious complications. If they are associated with varicose veins, renal and heart failure, gestosis. If you have these diseases, you should consult a doctor before becoming pregnant, as pregnancy can complicate the disease.
Swelling is the concentration of excess fluid in the tissues or the restructuring of the entire body to retain fluid. Inflammation, bites, and injuries lead to some swelling. General edema changes the condition of the entire body.
First of all, the face and legs swell, then sometimes the stomach and arms are added . Most women are familiar with edema and consider it normal during pregnancy. Then why are doctors so attentive to edema? They prescribe diets and monitor tests.
Why are they so dangerous? It depends on the causes of edema.
Do you do an enema before childbirth? You asked - we answer.
Manifestation of edema: the face becomes rounded, the eyelids swell, the nose swells. Loose fiber, like a sponge, retains liquid.
Hormonal changes also cause a runny nose. The mucous membrane of the nose swells, breathing becomes difficult. Rhinitis appears at the same time of day and at a separate stage of pregnancy, but can accompany the entire period. With the termination of pregnancy, it disappears without a trace. Its danger is that a child with breathing problems may experience a lack of oxygen.
The hands are much more likely to suffer from this disease. There is tingling, burning, and numbness in the limbs. The most famous symptom is the ring: if previously it was loose, now it is difficult to remove.
Women who work a lot on the computer, do needlework, sculpting, or any monotonous repetitive work are prone to such swelling. Do exercises for your arms; periodic rest won’t hurt either. If these symptoms are combined with swelling of other parts of the body, you need medical advice.
Swelling of the legs is the most common phenomenon due to the force of gravity. The legs are noticeably enlarged, there is a mark from socks on the ankle, it is impossible to wear the same shoes. As a rule, such swelling appears in the third trimester.
If such swelling does not go away by the morning, and other parts of the body swell along with the legs, then it is necessary to be examined; perhaps this is a manifestation of late toxicosis - a dangerous phenomenon for mother and child.
If you press on a part of the lower leg where there are no muscles, a dent will remain on the skin that will not disappear after 10 seconds. If the swelling has spread throughout the body, the dent will remain on the sacrum. There is a rubber band mark on the ankle, the shoes are too small.
Swelling of the hands: the ring that was free before pregnancy now does not rotate; you can try the first method on your hands.
Such edema may be indicated by an abnormal increase in body weight (more than 300 g per week), provided that over the entire 9 months the pregnant woman should gain no more than 12 kg, the rest is always excess. The doctor may prescribe monitoring of fluid intake and urine output.
If the difference is more than ? plus weight gain, to check the pastiness of the tissues, the McClure-Aldrich test is prescribed. Sodium chloride is injected under the skin. A blister forms at the injection site and usually lasts for an hour. With hidden edema, the blister does not appear at all or will disappear earlier.
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If you have physiological edema, which can be eliminated by restoring your normal routine and diet, then you can get by with prevention. If you wake up in the morning with swelling all over your body, you should urgently go to the antenatal clinic.
Rapid weight gain of more than 20 kg (300g per week) will also be a serious reason, so you need to constantly monitor your weight. Even with normal health, ignoring swelling threatens to disrupt the connection in the “mother-placenta-fetus” system with possible fetal hypoxia and the threat of pregnancy.
First you need to identify the true cause of the swelling. Sometimes it is enough to reduce salt intake, reduce physical activity, limit exposure to the sun, and ensure normal rest.
When edema is detected, blood tests are checked every week and blood pressure is measured. This will help the doctor monitor the development of nephropathy. Treatment depends on the stage of pregnancy and the location of the swelling. At the first stage, you can get by with outpatient treatment, in the future - only hospitalization.
During a severe stage of pregnancy and the development of nephropathy, fetal hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) may occur and serious treatment cannot be avoided. The doctor prescribes medications to improve blood flow, metabolism, lower blood pressure, and herbal diuretics.
If the edema is not physiological , then at the beginning of pregnancy it is clearly associated with disturbances in the functioning of the heart or kidneys. Cardiac edema appears if a woman has heart problems and they are localized exclusively in the lower part of the body - legs, lower back. Shortness of breath, tachycardia appear, the liver is enlarged, and the lips may turn blue.
Unlike cardiac edema, renal edema can be everywhere : it starts from the face (“panda effect”), and later moves to the arms and legs. The reason is worsening kidney disease. The sooner you seek help, the smoother the birth will be.
Often, late edema is a clear symptom of gestosis (late toxicosis). The less attention you pay to such swelling, the more problems you and your child will have. You see only the external manifestations of the problem, without thinking about what is inside.
Magnesium, vitamin E, and lipoic acid are usually prescribed for treatment . It improves blood circulation, as well as the functioning of the kidneys and heart. Diuretics are rarely used (due to toxic effects on the fetus). In any case, such treatment can only be entrusted to a specialist, taking into account both the potential risks and benefits.
One and a half liters of water (maybe with lemon), excluding other liquids , is the norm for an expectant mother. Drink water often: 8 glasses daily help eliminate sodium and other waste, poisons, and toxins that affect swelling. Coffee is harmful, you can use green tea or berry juice.
The main treatment is a balanced diet - up to 3500 kcal per day (120 g of protein, 350 g of carbohydrates and 80 g of fat). You can take prenatal vitamins.
Eat less salty foods , spices, carbonated drinks and foods containing sodium, and avoid heavy gastronomic delicacies. Do not sit in one position for a long time, elevate your legs while sleeping, and do not neglect walks. The knee-elbow position facilitates the work of the kidneys for 5-10 minutes.
If you spend the day on your feet , take breaks, wear comfortable shoes, avoid tight tights - allow blood to circulate freely.
You need 10 hours of sleep , daytime rest, and limit emotional overload. Food should be protein with a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. Hot spicy foods increase capillary tone, thereby complicating the disease.
Once a week, practice fasting days , consuming only one product during the day (in 5-6 meals). Apple day (1.5 kg of apples), cottage cheese (800 g of cottage cheese and 500 ml of water), kefir day (1.5 liters of kefir). Watermelon is also suitable during fasting days, as it has an excellent diuretic effect.
Physical exercise is especially important for edema . Walking, running, swimming, yoga will be useful. Be sure to discuss your choices with your doctor.
How to prevent cervical rupture during childbirth? Recommendations from experts in this article.
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Lingonberry berries and flowers, hawthorn, bear's ears, bearberry leaf, horsetail, cherry stalks are excellent diuretics. The norm is a glass of decoction per day for a month. You can try an infusion of dried apricots: steam it overnight, eat it all in the morning before breakfast.
Cool foot baths help relieve swelling: the water should be comfortable (don’t catch a cold!). Hold your legs for 15 minutes, rest on your left side with your legs elevated. It's good to massage your feet.
Basically, these recommendations apply to pregnant women with “normal” edema.
There are four degrees of the disease:
1. Hydrops of pregnant women - swelling, weight gain, weakness, fatigue.
2. Nephropathy in pregnant women - protein is also added to the urine, blood pressure increases, if all three signs are present at the same time - a threat to pregnancy.
3. Preeclampsia - changes in the brain and fundus of the eye are added to nephropathy.
4. Eclampsia - convulsions begin - an extremely dangerous condition for mother and child.
Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman’s life. While the child grows and develops, his life and health are completely in your hands. Follow the correct diet and rest, attend antenatal clinics on time and motherhood will only delight you.
Register for pregnancy: when and where? Read more here.
Pregnancy is a special time for every woman. Many women face the problem of edema. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, additional blood is produced.
Most often, swelling appears on the legs. What is this connected with? The fact is that with each month the size of the uterus inexorably grows, as a result the pelvic veins begin to be compressed. The large vein located on the right side is also compressed.
The supply of these vessels occurs at the expense of parts of the body that are located below. As a result, blood circulation slows down. This leads to fluid retention in the legs.
Swelling during pregnancy is a problem that causes discomfort; it interferes with the normal rhythm of life, so it’s worth figuring out how to get rid of it.
Treatment depends on the stage of development of the problem. If swelling appears only on the legs, then it is easy to remove them; all you need to do is lie on your side and just let your body rest. A course of diuretic tea will also be useful.
Still, you should not self-medicate; it is important to regularly come for a consultation with a gynecologist. During each appointment, the doctor carefully examines the pregnant woman. To identify pastiness, the doctor carefully examines the arms and legs.
The best way to help identify excess weight gain is regular weighing.
You should come to an appointment with a gynecologist with the result of a general urine test. A clinical study helps determine the functional abilities of the kidneys, as well as identify or exclude the presence of pathological processes.
Salt retains fluid in the body, so consuming it in large quantities can lead to edema during pregnancy.
The best way to help get rid of swelling is to drink clean water with the addition of a small amount of lemon.
First of all, it is necessary to exclude the influence of provoking factors:
The following measures will help to quickly alleviate the condition:
Coffee is a product that is prohibited for edema
It is possible to get rid of swelling at home if you do it correctly. Only in extreme cases is mandatory hospitalization of the pregnant woman necessary.
In addition, hospitalization is also necessary in cases where treatment does not produce any results. Hospitalization will help identify the true causes of the persistent problem and provide additional treatment.
The important point is that measures to eliminate edema should not harm the health of the mother and baby.
Follow these tips:
You need to get this underwear as soon as possible. The bandage performs the following important functions: unloading the back, supporting the abdomen, relieving the load on the veins of the legs.
Treatment of any pathological process is primarily aimed at identifying the cause that led to the problem and combating it. Traditional medicine is replete with a variety of tips and recommendations, but do not forget, they can be used under the strict supervision of a specialist.
Self-treatment with diuretics is dangerous; they can only be used after a doctor’s prescription.
In addition, experts recommend that pregnant women lie on their left side. Why? According to experts, in most cases, physiological rather than pathological edema appears during pregnancy. This is considered normal because after eliminating the cause, for example, poor diet or increased stress, the problem goes away on its own.
In addition, when lying on your left side, the kidneys themselves, one might say, “rest” with you. This is due to the fact that this paired organ in this position experiences less stress and moves urine faster through the entire excretory system.
It is important to remember that taking medications during pregnancy can lead to health problems for both mother and child.
Remember that taking diuretics has two sides of the “same coin”, in addition to the fact that they remove excess fluid from the body, at the same time they wash out such an important element for the body as potassium. Potassium is the basis of our skeleton and teeth. It promotes normal functioning of the heart muscle. That is why, while taking diuretics, you need to replenish potassium either with food or vitamin complexes.
Unlike taking medications, if you use traditional recipes correctly, you can avoid the removal of beneficial minerals.
Recipes for diuretics from traditional medicine can quickly and effectively get rid of the hated problem
Let's look at some common and effective recipes:
So, we found out that edema can be both physiological and pathological. Only a specialist can identify the problem and danger, so treat edema under the strict supervision of a doctor.
After conception, a woman begins to experience significant changes. Swelling in the legs during pregnancy is one of the most common phenomena. Such a symptom cannot be ignored, because it can often indicate a developing disease.
In most cases, swelling during pregnancy is temporary.
It happens when symptoms are a manifestation of severe complications.
Highly qualified gynecologists who care for patients during the prenatal period are well aware of the dangers of edema and that there may be either concomitant diseases or a hereditary factor for varicose veins. In the moderate and severe stages, they refer to a specialist who can find out whether there is any concomitant pathology of the veins of the lower extremities or lymphatic vessels.
From the middle of the second trimester, the uterus increases in size and a certain compression of the iliac veins in the pelvis occurs. The expansion leads to venous stagnation. Intercellular lymphatic edema is formed, which leads to the so-called chronic lymphovenous insufficiency. This is what makes pregnant women feel heaviness and fatigue when moving. Edema syndrome may not even allow you to sleep at night. In severe cases, you should contact a vascular surgeon.
To find out why legs swell during pregnancy, you need to correctly determine the nature of the disease.
The mildest degree of swelling is when it manifests itself in an increase in the volume of only the lower leg. The next stage is when the legs swell in the ankles and feet during pregnancy. Sometimes moving to the thigh and lower abdomen. In the third, symptoms appear on the fingers and face. On the fourth, almost all parts of the body swell.
One of the effective solutions to the patient’s problem, when a question arises, is how to get rid of swelling, are special exercises.
The most prescribed position by doctors is the elbow position. Its prevalence is due to the fact that when it is performed, the entire weight of the body and abdomen falls down and, since the kidneys are in this position from above, they rest. Stay in this position for 15 minutes.
It should be remembered that the uterus compresses large vessels from below and if you spend the whole day standing, blood rushes to the lower extremities as a working organ and swelling occurs. After walking, women can lie down at home on a hard surface and raise their legs against the wall. The peculiarity of this exercise is that you must place a small bolster or pillow under your pelvis to raise it. If this is not done, there will be a sharp bend and the outflow will not occur. In this position, venous congestion becomes less.
To know how to relieve swelling, you need to correctly diagnose its cause. Therefore, drugs are prescribed by a doctor. The most commonly prescribed medications are those prescribed for renal failure, for example, Canephron. Blood thinning therapy may be prescribed. For this purpose, heparin and aspirin are used. In other cases, medications are prescribed to improve blood circulation between mother and fetus. This is Actovegin, petoxifylline.
Many people know about the possible occurrence of a problem, and women are faced with the question of preventing leg swelling during pregnancy, what to do to prevent this process:
Considering that the kidneys and bladder begin to work more actively after lunch, you can take more liquid before lunch. After lunch, due to the activation of the kidneys and bladder, the fluid that has accumulated in the body will begin to be excreted.
You need to drink enough, 4 glasses a day. If you reduce the amount, there will be the opposite effect. This will negatively affect the functioning of the brain, and the body will begin to “store” water in all organs, and as a result, swelling will occur.
Sometimes edema syndrome is a sign of the disease hystosis. A gynecologist will help you determine edema with this diagnosis. In this case, it is better to be treated in a hospital, where they will provide special therapy. This is drug therapy. At the initial stage, doctors prescribe diuretic herbs to find out whether the symptoms of swelling can be eliminated in the easiest way or not.
Typically, swelling in the legs appears in the last period before childbirth. This phenomenon cannot be considered natural.
During late pregnancy, legs begin to swell towards the end of the third trimester. This problem occurs because at this time the outflow of urine is disrupted due to compression of the ureter by the uterus.
The appearance of a problem at 33 weeks of pregnancy is often associated with a significantly increasing size of the fetus.
The 34th week is the time when it is best to remove the rings from the fingers, in order to avoid stagnation of blood due to the compression of the ring of swollen fingers. You should also start paying attention to weight control.
If bloating appears at 35 weeks of pregnancy, the first thing you should do is normalize your diet and start monitoring the ratio of water taken in and removed from the body. During this period, symptoms may already begin to influence the further process of labor.
There is an opinion that from the 36th week of pregnancy the problem arises due to excess fluid. The amount of liquid should not exceed one and a half liters. At the 37th week of pregnancy, swelling in the legs may also indicate an edematous state of the placenta, which will limit the baby’s oxygen supply, which poses a great danger to his life.
At week 38, this problem is considered the most common complaint with which people turn to an obstetrician-gynecologist. From this time on, pain begins to accompany swelling in the legs.
Leakage in the body at 38 weeks of pregnancy, when a woman has already gained full weight gain, often occurs due to extra pounds. Normally, the increase should be 12 kilograms. If it is more than 1 kilogram, it is worth changing the diet you eat. With accelerated weight gain, the gynecologist can diagnose dropsy, characterized by edema due to impaired water-salt metabolism in the body.
If your legs swell at 39 weeks, you should pay attention to which organs are still susceptible to edema. When symptoms also appear in the nasal cavity, this can lead to the fetus experiencing a lack of oxygen. In this case, vasoconstrictor nasal drops may help. When your legs swell in the last days before childbirth, it is important to lie in the correct position so that the uterus does not put unnecessary pressure on the blood vessels. It is best to do this on your side, placing a pillow or bolster under one leg.
A pregnant woman who regularly observes swelling in her lower extremities can try to reduce the pathology on her own before contacting a gynecologist. You can find out how to remove swelling without harm to your own health and the condition of the fetus by visiting any Internet resource dedicated to pregnancy and childbirth. Emergency care in this case may include:
- a diet that limits the consumption of salt, as well as smoked meats, spices and fried foods. Gastronomic restrictions of this kind help to establish the body’s salt balance, speed up metabolism, and reduce weight, which can significantly reduce blood pressure. It won’t be too late to adjust your diet even at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy.
-consuming enough liquid. Oddly enough, the body of a woman suffering from edema of the lower extremities is often dehydrated. Even in late stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to consume 1-1.5 liters of water daily;
-light physical exercise. Physical education helps to get rid of congestion in the lower extremities, and also stimulates the motor activity of the fetus, as a result of which, changing the position of the baby can reduce the pressure on the pelvic vessels. A woman should attend gymnastics classes for pregnant women, as this will help obtain information on how to reduce swelling in the body tissues.
- effective rest. It consists in the need to adopt a horizontal body position as soon as the opportunity arises. A woman needs to rest with her legs raised above the bed using a bolster or pillow. Crossing your legs over your legs, especially when you are more than 36 weeks pregnant, is not recommended - this will impede blood circulation more rapidly, which contributes to the occurrence of varicose veins and thrombosis. The fetus is already quite large and during this period the load on the vessels increases many times over.
-special massage. You can knead swollen legs with a cool stream of water from the shower and with your palms, rubbing special compounds into the skin. In both cases, the massage therapist will need to move from the feet to the thighs to restore restricted blood flow. All these measures taken together are good in the early stages of pregnancy as a preventive measure against swelling.
Diuretics for edema are the basis of therapy for this complication. Herbal medicine is best used when leg swelling is mild. The reason for this is isolated cases or the intake of excess food and water into the body. The decision to use this method should be made only after consultation with a gynecologist.
Lingonberry leaves, white birch leaves, bearberry, and corn silk have effective diuretic properties. Compotes from dried fruits also effectively remove liquid. Lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks are also very effective. Meadowsweet herb, kidney tea, herb and roots of eryngium field, fruits of garden parsley. The infusion is brewed in a steam bath.
During treatment, ointment for swelling is often prescribed. Although this is one of the most common methods of combating the problem, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the need for this therapy and dosages.
Ointments containing heparin and rutin act to strengthen the capillary system. These include the following drugs:
Essaven gel, a heparin ointment, can help normalize blood circulation. This drug also helps eliminate microthrombi. Venitan will help strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries. Lyoton and Troxevasin also have an analgesic and cooling effect.
Today, creams for leg swelling during pregnancy are actively prescribed by doctors. There are many Chinese creams against varicose veins on the pharmacy market, which have a positive effect on blood vessels. Anti-swelling cream made from horse chestnut helps a lot. It helps eliminate the likelihood of blood clots.
For swelling of the legs during pregnancy, foot baths are one of the effective methods. Cool water is great for relaxing and reducing symptoms. The average temperature should be 22-23 degrees. To enhance the effect, you can add a pre-prepared herbal infusion to the water. After taking a bath, it is best to lie down on your side and rest.
If only situational swelling occurs after a long walk, you can do salt baths. Pour water into a basin or bathtub to the level of swelling, pour sea salt into it. To determine whether there is enough salt, you can taste the water; it should resemble sea water in salinity. The water temperature can reach 37-38 degrees. Keep your feet in this water for some time. At this time, due to asthmatic pressure, fluid in the body will swell to where it comes into contact with salt water.
It should be understood that the occurrence of edema is always a worrying factor. In any case, it is worth monitoring the indicators of urine tests and constant consultation with a gynecologist, which will protect you from unnecessary problems associated with this pathological factor.
The doctor may also recommend folk remedies, for example, using herbal decoctions or applying cold cabbage leaves to the affected areas. Acupuncture and manual therapy give good results. It is important for a woman to understand that both conservative treatment and alternative methods of treating swelling should be monitored by the attending physician. Self-medication or relying on reviews from patients with similar symptoms of the disease during pregnancy is unacceptable.
While expecting a baby, many changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Which ones should alert you? Almost all expectant mothers know that pregnancy is often accompanied by edema Everyone also knows that outside of pregnancy, edema is a symptom of some disease, most often of cardiovascular or renal origin. But what does it mean if pregnant women have them? Is this a normal option or a pathology that requires treatment?
Edema during pregnancy
Swelling during pregnancy is a very common occurrence. The mechanism of edema during pregnancy is associated with changes in water-salt metabolism, as well as as a result of impaired outflow of blood and lymph through the veins of the legs and changes in the blood and vascular wall.
There are 4 stages of development of edema during pregnancy:
1. – swelling in the area of the feet and legs;
2. – swelling of the lower extremities, lower abdomen and lumbosacral region;
3. – addition of edema in the hands, the appearance of pasty “puffiness” on the face;
You can determine for yourself whether there is swelling during pregnancy : press your finger on the skin, if the skin quickly evens out, then everything is fine, but if there is a hole left, then most likely it is swelling.
Swelling of the legs during pregnancy
If only your legs (feet and ankles) are swollen, this is natural. Usually, a lack of fluid and constant thirst occurs due to the increased need of the body. They appear in the evening and go away on their own by morning.
However, if swelling of the fingers occurs (the woman notes that she cannot wear a ring), swelling on the legs becomes permanent (shoes become tight), and swelling of the face is observed, then such swelling can be a symptom of a very serious complication of pregnancy - gestosis (late toxicosis).
The appearance of edema from 20 weeks, of course, should alert the pregnant woman and her doctor. Such a woman needs to be examined to determine the cause of the edema, but it should be remembered that not all edema observed during pregnancy is associated with gestosis.
Edema in late pregnancy can also occur due to obstruction of the outflow of urine due to compression of the ureters by the enlarged uterus.
Treatment of edema during pregnancy
Treatment for edema is usually prescribed depending on the results of the examination.
If left untreated, swelling can spread throughout the body. Edema may be hidden. To diagnose them, regular weighing, blood pressure measurement, and urine analysis are used.
The absence of visible swelling does not always indicate well-being. There are so-called hidden edemas. To diagnose hidden edema, the patient is weighed regularly. The presence of hidden edema is indicated by a weight gain of more than 300-400 grams. per week, which has nothing to do with the amount of food consumed.
Timely measures taken can prevent further development of edema.
Prevention of edema during pregnancy
To prevent the appearance of edema or at least reduce it, you must follow the following recommendations.
For mild edema, treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis. A dairy-vegetable diet is recommended for pregnant women.
Limit your intake of table salt (to 1-1.5 grams per day); in especially severe cases, switch to a salt-free diet.
Do not abuse sweet and carbonated drinks, which inhibit the removal of fluid from the body.
Do not reduce your water intake, as this may have the opposite effect. When you reduce fluid intake, the body will try to retain it, and swelling will increase accordingly. Drink at least 1.5 liters 2.0 liters of fluid. (including soup, cereals, juices, compotes). However, we must remember that the amount of urine excreted should be 50% - 80% of what was drunk.
Avoid situations that require you to stand or sit for long periods of time. Try to raise your legs to the top as often as possible. Try to stay in a hot place as little as possible.
Use kidney tea and other herbal infusions only as prescribed by a doctor.
If swelling occurs during pregnancy , you should definitely consult a doctor. He will establish the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon and help cope with it.
Diagnosis of edema during pregnancy
How do you know if you have swelling? Answer a few questions.
Have you recently become desperately sorry for your favorite worn-out shoes?
Does the wedding ring squeeze your finger, leaving a mark, or is it difficult or impossible to remove from your finger?
Have you started to gain excess weight (more than 300 g per week)?
Of course, obvious swelling will be noticed not only by the doctor, but also by you. But there are also hidden edema , or tissue pastiness (the so-called fluid retention in the body), which are not noticeable. They can only be suspected if the expectant mother experiences a large or uneven weight gain.
Most often, edema in healthy pregnant women who do not have cardiovascular or renal pathology appears in the second half of pregnancy .
Usually the legs swell swelling of the arms, abdomen, and face may occur . The latter is especially upsetting for expectant mothers. the eyelids swell the most on the face . This is due to the anatomical features of this area. There is loose fiber located there, which, like a sponge, is ready to retain liquid.
In the morning , swelling in the legs is less noticeable, because at night the fluid spreads evenly throughout the body. But during the day, when you spend more time on your feet, the fluid goes down, accumulating mainly in the ankles, on the back of the feet, on the shins, where the pressure of a finger can cause a slowly leveling hole. Skin with edema is pale, tense and smooth.
In addition to a doctor's examination, what methods are used for diagnosis?
Weighing in dynamics Possible hidden edema is indicated by excessive (more than 300 g per week) or uneven weight gain of the expectant mother.
Diuresis studies Compare the amount of fluid drunk and urine excreted (per day). Normally, a healthy person secretes ? drunk liquid. Let's say, if you drank 1000-1200 ml of liquid per day (including soups and tea-coffee), at least 750-900 ml should be excreted in the urine. The remaining quarter of the fluid is released in the form of sweat and also during breathing.
Measuring the leg circumference at the same level in dynamics. An increase in the circumference of the ankle joint by 1 cm or more within a week indicates fluid retention in the body.
Blister test 0.2 ml of saline solution is injected intradermally into the area of the inner surface of the forearm with a thin needle. A blister forms, which normally resolves within one hour in a healthy person. The more “edematous readiness” the body has, the faster the blister is absorbed.
What is the danger of edema?
Foreign doctors tend to consider edema in pregnancy a physiological phenomenon that does not require treatment. True, with the caveat that edema will not be accompanied by protein in the urine and high blood pressure.
Russian obstetricians believe that edema needs to be treated, since dropsy in pregnancy is the first stage of gestosis and in 90% of cases, after edema , protein in the urine and high blood pressure appear. Timely treatment can prevent the transition of dropsy to subsequent stages of gestosis.
How to treat edema during pregnancy?
In the treatment of dropsy in pregnancy, priority is given to a diet with limited salt and liquid drunk per day.
Food should be under-salted, as salt retains fluid in the body. It is allowed to consume up to 8 g of salt per day instead of the usual 12-15 g. For the same reasons, hot, spicy dishes and smoked foods are excluded from the menu. It is better to cook food by steaming, you can also boil or stew, but just do not fry!
The amount of fluid consumed in the second half of pregnancy should be no more than 1000-1200 ml per day. Don't forget to take into account the volume of liquid contained in the soup and juicy fruits and berries.
In addition to dietary restrictions, strengthening the vascular wall and improving blood flow through the vessels is important. This prevents fluid from leaking from the vessels into the tissues and, accordingly, prevents the formation of edema. To do this, doctors prescribe vitamins and agents that strengthen blood vessels.
In consultation with your doctor, you can drink herbal teas with diuretic properties (infusions of bearberry leaves or bear's ears; horsetail, kidney tea). A glass of infusion is drunk during the day in 3-4 doses (1/3-1/4 cup at a time). The course is long - 3-4 weeks.
Diuretics are prescribed only for severe swelling , and even then not for long. You cannot take this remedy on your own!
Edema , especially if it appeared before 20 weeks of pregnancy , may be a manifestation of some disease that existed latently. Sometimes pregnancy is the push that turns a hidden disease into an obvious one due to the increased load on the diseased organ. That is why, in case of early edema in pregnant women, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination, check the kidneys and heart.
Swelling of the legs may be associated with varicose veins in the legs. At the same time, expectant mothers usually complain of pain, heaviness in the legs, and fatigue when walking.
Do you think non-alcoholic beer will help relieve swelling or is it not worth it?
And what does beer have to do with it?))
club! In the hospital they are removed with IVs. What beer?!
You need to see a doctor, it's very dangerous. At least don't eat salty foods.
However, you are being harsh.
Swelling is certainly not good, but it’s not as catastrophic as you’re scaring the girl here. Some people just have them their entire conscious life.
No, this could be very catastrophic. To rule out the possibility of a catastrophe, you need to go to the doctor, take a urine test, and monitor your blood pressure.
I hear from the club)) beer has a diuretic effect, that’s why I’m asking
I really sympathize with you ((how did you deal with swelling?
Yes, I'm a dumbass. My swelling led to hypoxia in the child. Intrauterine hypoxia, in turn, led to heart disease.
Apparently everything you don’t get asked about now led to this? You recently wrote that it was your smoking that led to this result. What exactly did you advise pregnant women to avoid?
What kind of smoking? I don't smoke and haven't smoked
My doctor thought it was no big deal. In the maternity hospital, when I was in pathology, they already told me to drink kidney teas and gave me IVs, I don’t remember with what.
Is the pressure normal?
My blood pressure is always elevated, 140/90, I was in the maternity hospital for conservation, they put in IVs, I gave urine according to Zemnitsky, Necheporenko, general... everything is as it should be, the pressure was the same as when I arrived, they said it was stable. released after 2 weeks. The swelling remained as it was.
High blood pressure, swelling and protein in the urine indicate gestosis.
If there is protein, then this is already serious
High blood pressure, swelling and protein in the urine indicate gestosis. If there is protein, then this is already serious
no protein no, tests are normal
the cardiologist diagnosed me with chronic hypertension
What is your deadline?
Week 30 is here, maternity leave soon
and they checked your kidneys.
my friend, when her blood pressure rose to 130, I don’t remember how much, and the swelling did not subside, she was taken by ambulance to the maternity hospital. But she almost had PPD, she gave birth in 3 days, and you still have to walk.
By the way, kg. have you gained a lot this whole time?
How do you know that swelling is dangerous? I started having swelling about 2 weeks ago (I’m about to give birth), I realized that there was swelling when I squeezed my fingers and toes, but the bones were all visible. It’s just that my legs and toes have become a little fuller.
and I also go to the toilet a little often
This is no joke, I was immediately sent to the hospital. My legs were very swollen. I was 34 weeks.
I had preeclampsia with terrible swelling, which was removed once or twice with intravenous drips and with a blood pressure of 160/100, which they could not bring down and as a result I had a cesarean procedure, barely waiting for 38 weeks. and the urine was perfect.
swelling in the legs indicates slagging in the body.
not always. before birth - this indicates that the baby is already big enough and can put pressure on the kidneys
Canephron helps me. It seems to regulate the fluid balance in the body
I also wanted to write about canephron. Good drug. It is herbal, without chemicals, but it is still better to consult your gynecologist. Why are you ignoring the doctor, author? Self-medication in such matters, um, is not always justified.
I was also told to take Canephron if there is swelling. But it is used for poor kidney function, and the author may have swelling due to something else, and not because of the kidneys.
Ah, well, and for prevention, I can recommend the Mamma Donna anti-edema cream gel for pregnant women from Chicco. It's called Crema gel antifatica gambe Antistress. I generally have a tendency to swelling of the legs even without pregnancy, and even with it in the evening, when I take off my knee socks or socks, my legs look like a bandaged sausage from which the ropes have been cut)) here. I apply this gel to clean feet - the swelling subsides within 10 minutes, it helps me a lot. But this, I repeat, is prevention. If your legs are very swollen, then you can hardly get by with just gel(
My legs also swelled during pregnancy. I took Canephron. But when I saw my legs after giving birth. These were the swellings. “Pregnant” swelling compared to “postpartum” swelling was not swelling at all.
A little swelling is nothing to worry about. Now you have a double load on all internal organs, including the kidneys. I also had swelling. Then when I gave birth, everything went away.
swelling is dangerous, especially in the 2-3 trimester. You need to go to the doctor and rule out problems with your kidneys and calcium. As for mild edema, doctors usually prescribe kidney teas and canephron, and for more severe gestosis, infusion therapy. Well, limit the water.
Ot otekov mne ochen' pomogala zhmen'ka izyma kazhdoe ytro
author, do you actually go to the toilet every day?? This is why you dance.
There are no problems with the toilet, regularly. I gained 5 kg in 7 months. I don’t ignore doctors, I take everything they prescribe. I have a sedentary job in the maternity hospital and they said that my legs swell because I sit for 8 hours a day and have nowhere to lie down at work.
Edema is dangerous when tests are not normal. Blood pressure, protein in urine, etc. But before giving birth, almost everyone experiences swelling. If the doctor doesn’t charge you, then everything is ok with you.
Swelling and high blood pressure during pregnancy are very dangerous. My blood pressure was 150=90. I lost my baby at 32 weeks. Go to the maternity hospital and lower your blood pressure, drink diuretic tea. Don’t delay it. Good luck to you.
swelling can lead to placental abruption, then bleeding, and then it depends on how quickly doctors get there. The best way to relieve swelling is in a hospital, if the doctor decides so.
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I'm 39 weeks. Swelling from 6 months. Doctors don't put you in the hospital. Canephron was prescribed. It didn't help. I drank rosehip tea. Flaxseed oil helped remove swelling within a day. Take a spoon twice a day and be sure to eat, otherwise you’ll get very sick. This oil cleanses so that the toilet is largely permanent. But it’s such a delight to fit into shoes of your own size.
Try antistax gel or spray. Swelling is quickly relieved and pregnant women can, because... This is for external use.
I’m now 37 weeks, swelling started about 2 weeks ago, and it’s not because of the water, not because of the salt, not because of anything else, but my legs are just getting tired, the only thing the doctor told me was not to sit or walk for a long time, but to lie down more often, so what if Everything is normal with you, all tests, etc. then most likely it's just fatigue
Pregnancy is often accompanied by a number of discomforts that can be corrected if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. Some will resolve on their own, some require auxiliary therapy. In particular, the problem of edema is a common occurrence that requires consultation with a doctor. Edema in pregnant women can have varying degrees of severity. The cause of the development of edema is a violation of the woman’s hormonal levels, water-salt balance, as well as anatomical and physiological changes in the woman’s body that are temporary. Often during pregnancy, the condition of the veins of the lower extremities worsens. In addition to the increased load on the legs, blood stagnation occurs in the vessels of the lower extremities due to an increase in the size of the uterus and mechanical compression of the vessels in the pelvic area + associated biochemical and hormonal changes in the body. The consequence of these processes is a feeling of heaviness, swelling, and the appearance of spider veins. If you notice swelling for the first time, you should contact your doctor immediately, as swelling may be a sign of more serious pregnancy complications.
Serious complications of pregnancy are, thank God, not common. And most likely you will be advised to follow a special diet with limited salt and liquids, and perhaps wear compression garments (the degree of compression is selected by the doctor!). The product is unique in its combination of classical ingredients and components of oriental medicine known for several thousand years. Cream for the prevention of vascular diseases of the lower extremities Zhil and Zevi de Lux from the famous Czech manufacturer of health care products ?Simply You Pharmaceuticals? can be used for a long time, rub in 2-3 times a day with massage movements from the periphery to the center, combine with wearing compression garments. Naturally, the cream is recommended not only for pregnant women, but also for all family members.
I also applied Zhili and Zevi de Lux for swelling, it helped and there was almost no heaviness in my legs
While a woman waits for her precious baby to be born, her body undergoes numerous changes. Restructuring the body does not always lead to an improvement in the general well-being of the expectant mother; most of these changes can be alarming, since changes in a woman’s health can harm the fetus.
Everyone knows that pregnancy causes edema. Should you be wary of this symptom and when should you seek help? Let's try to answer these questions.
It is known that any disease is a deviation of the body’s functioning from the norm. In order to understand in time that the body is accumulating excess fluid, you need to pay attention to the following points:
Any expectant mother can identify obvious signs, but hidden swelling can only be detected by a professional.
Most often, fluid retention in the body of pregnant women who do not suffer from heart or kidney disease occurs only after half the pregnancy period, especially in the third trimester.
The lower extremities are most susceptible to swelling, since during the day a person spends most of the time on his feet, excess fluid accumulates in the ankles and legs. Due to constant standing and walking, the venous outflow of blood is disrupted, as a result of which the fluid does not leave the lower extremities, and swelling occurs.
Doctors in European countries unanimously believe that swelling in pregnant women is a natural physiological change that does not require intervention. All that is required is strict monitoring during gestation for the appearance of protein in the urine and increased blood pressure. Our specialists do not share this opinion and state that if treatment for edema is not started in time, it can develop into gestosis.
After a thorough examination of the pregnant woman and identification of dropsy, it is necessary to take a course on a special diet, since diet is the foundation for starting treatment.
Physical methods of reducing swelling of the extremities are gymnastics, as well as raising the lower extremities in a supine position above body level.
Pregnancy is a kind of signal to act on a dormant illness, which a woman may not be aware of, but due to an increase in the overall load, an “interesting situation” turns an invisible illness into a real disease. That is why pregnant women should not underestimate swelling. It is best to immediately contact a medical facility for consultation and, if necessary, a full examination of the kidneys and heart.
Ekaterina Klokova, Obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D. honey. sciences
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Often during pregnancy, hands and fingers begin to swell. This is excess fluid in areas such as the wrists and fingers. When the mass of fluid becomes large, it blocks the nerves that are naturally formed in the hands, which deprives them of sensitivity, and the expectant mother feels severe discomfort from this.
When the time comes for the third semester, doctors do not advise wearing rings on your hands. For many, swelling occurs in the second trimester - then jewelry is removed earlier. If you do not remove them in time, they will dig into the skin. And when the stage of constant swelling comes, they cannot be removed.
The appearance of such swelling occurs for certain reasons:
Changes in hormonal levels. When pregnancy comes, the body of the expectant mother begins to produce the male hormone progesterone, which causes severe changes. In addition to causeless mood changes, the body begins to retain large quantities of water.
The body becomes open to infection. Swelling is often a natural reaction to some viral diseases.
Often this turns out to be an allergic reaction to food or household chemicals; Bad quality.
Improper lifestyle, overwork. During a condition such as pregnancy, even a completely healthy body begins to suffer from changes, including deterioration of the skin, and the usual state of fatigue causes poor skin condition and swelling.
It is not always possible to independently understand why edema occurs during pregnancy. Prompt laboratory tests and constant monitoring by a doctor are necessary, and then it will be possible to reduce the harm of such a phenomenon to a minimum.
Swelling of the hands and fingers is a standard condition during pregnancy.
Constant feeling of something tingling in the fingers.
Usually, swelling of the hands occurs under certain conditions - for example, in women who are engaged in knitting or modeling. In addition, the symptom manifests itself in those who work at a computer, when the same actions are constantly performed. So, these include working with knitting needles and pressing the keyboard. In addition to the listed manifestations, many begin to suffer from the so-called “tunnel syndrome”. This is constant pain in the wrists.
These troubles can be easily avoided if you do gymnastics and warm-up exercises for your arms. There are cases when the sacrum, abdomen, and back join the swelling in the arms. Then it is recommended to urgently contact a specialist.
Facial swelling during pregnancy is a phenomenon that is caused by certain reasons:
Blood cells retain less salts and protein than other tissues, and the blood becomes dehydrated as water leaves it.
When the last weeks of pregnancy begin, the uterus literally squeezes the veins and the system of lymphatic vessels coming from the legs.
To understand why edema appeared, you need to learn to understand the stages of a phenomenon such as pregnancy.
On the first, the areas of the feet and legs swell.
In the second case, the swelling affects the lower extremities, the part of the abdomen closest to them and the lumbosacral region.
With the third, the hands swell and there is a feeling of puffiness in the face.
The fourth is the stage of general edema.
A swollen face can be easily distinguished by external signs: it begins to appear rounded, and when you press with your fingers, a dimple remains at the point of pressure. When these symptoms are established, you need to consult a doctor, and then take measures aimed at preventing serious complications. Most often, a diet and medication are recommended.
Facial swelling during pregnancy is associated with certain mechanisms. First of all, there is a connection with changes in water-salt metabolism. Due to a disruption in the outflow of lymph and blood through the veins, the arms, face and legs swell. This should not be ignored.
On the subject: Why does the face swell and how to remove swelling from the face?
Facial swelling is easy to distinguish visually. He develops unpleasant roundness. In addition, we have already mentioned a method called pressure. There is no need to press hard - even if it’s just your fingers, pressing may leave bruises and the condition will worsen.
A woman, convinced of the presence of such symptoms, seeks to visit a doctor as soon as possible. He can more accurately determine why this condition occurred. Accordingly, what follows is the establishment of treatment.
This condition is quite common, and because of this, a number of signs have even appeared. So, there is a belief that you should not touch your face - but if you do this often, the child will be born with birthmarks on his face. We can say that the connection with reality here is quite tenuous. If you touch your face with your hands, the pores of the skin become dirty, and given the changes in the body, the pollution can reach the fetus and cause similar consequences. Such cases are rare, and, as a rule, frequent touching is harmful to the mother.
Each appointment is accompanied by an examination of the pregnant woman. This is especially true for the face and legs, as this allows you to reveal pastiness. Procedures such as weighings must be carried out regularly. This is the best way to detect excess weight gain. Edema during pregnancy is a certain phenomenon associated with an increase in human weight. On the legs they may be weakly expressed. If they are not expressed at all, then this signals hidden, internal swelling.
Before each examination by a gynecologist, a urine test is required. Using its results, kidney function is determined and “normal” edema is differentiated. They should not be confused with a phenomenon such as gestosis or kidney problems.
The causes of edema can be quite difficult to determine. The gynecologist will need the result of an additional examination (ultrasound of the kidneys, blood test). The patient needs to calculate diuresis (for this, the volume of fluid consumed and the weight of urine excreted are determined). If the urine mass is not enough, then it makes sense to start therapy.
If swelling occurs during pregnancy, you need to take a number of actions. Many people try to reduce the amount of fluid they consume. Now doctors do not advise resorting to this method. But the dangers of not drinking enough water are too great for the health of the mother and fetus. And if the reduction was sharp, the so-called reverse effect begins. The body begins to store water reserves for the future. We advise you to drink as much as before. It is at least one and a half liters of clean water, excluding the consumption of soups and fruits.
The best solution is to drink clean water. It is allowed to add lemon. And you will have to give up such a drink as coffee.
Prevention measures are based on the exclusion of all provoking factors:
It is better to start reducing the consumption of salty foods as much as possible with sauerkraut - it is eliminated first. Next, pickled cucumbers, herring, black bread, salted nuts, and olives are eliminated. Then they reduce food with spices, carbonated drinks, fried, smoked foods.
At least once a week, a fasting day is indicated, when only apples and juices are consumed.
Staying in one position for a long time is contraindicated.
It is recommended to engage in physical exercise.
All these measures are allowed if there are no contraindications. You need to devote time to proper walks and relaxation in the fresh air. When it’s time to sleep, it’s better to put your feet on some elevation.
Swelling in the legs will help relieve:
In the latter case, you will need to pour boiling water over the dried apricots and leave overnight, and in the morning drink the compote 30-40 minutes before meals. We can give examples of many other so-called traditional medicine recipes against swelling. It is dangerous to start treating such formations on your own with medications such as diuretic tablets. Such decisions should be discussed with your doctor.
Above we listed physiological edema. In such cases, a diet for pregnant women, as well as monitoring fluid intake, is sufficient. In the first situation, they refuse junk food - not only salty, but also fatty, fried, smoked. But it is salt that is the reason why liquid cannot leave the body. All food needs a little less salt. Statistics say: the norm of salt during pregnancy is 8 g, and in the normal state - 14 g.
When there is severe physiological edema, you can adhere to a salt-free diet for some time. There are cases when diuretics are prescribed, but this measure is taken only after consultation with a specialist.
There are types of edema that cannot be treated with diet. Then they resort to drug treatment under strict medical supervision. Emphasis remains on eliminating the root cause.
Despite the swelling, expectant mothers almost universally suffer from dehydration. That is, excluding water from the menu is out of the question. In this case, resort to diet. She's quite strict. But it is not an absolute solution to the problem, but a little relief is guaranteed. The doctor also gives recommendations that must be followed and conscientiously undergo a course of medication treatment.
Much attention is paid to folk recipes. Many people believe in herbal teas as a panacea. Indeed, doctors often recommend this remedy. But this does not mean that women, having noticed swelling of the eyelids, should begin treatment themselves.
Firstly, even specialists cannot always determine the cause of edema, and the prescription of the medicine depends on this. Secondly, pharmacies and stores often sell harmless but useless products, and sometimes even counterfeits. When deciding to start treatment, you should always consult a doctor. Remember: harm can be caused not only to you, but also to the fetus.
Among the common recipes is an infusion of bear ears, as well as bearberry leaves. Popular remedies include kidney tea or horsetail. Take 1/3-1/4 cup no more than 3-4 times a day. The course is prescribed by a doctor. But in the standard version, its duration is 3-4 weeks.
Many believe that lingonberries will help one hundred percent. Long-term practice has proven: this berry is full of vitamins, and it often reduces the harm of edema. But you need to keep in mind that each organism is individual. That is, you still need to consult a doctor. Scientists have determined that lingonberries are a means of toning the body. Imagine that your already tense uterus will receive this tone. Such carelessness leads to the threat of interruption.
The course of pregnancy is a factor influencing the future health of the fetus. And, of course, taking care of your health will affect the woman’s condition after childbirth. This will determine whether she will retain her beauty and whether she will still be healthy and vigorous. Nine months is a long period of time during which people recover from diseases. If you don’t resort to extremes, don’t lead a strict lifestyle and take care of your condition wisely, you can not only improve your well-being, but also guarantee this for your future fetus.
On topic: The best products for swelling
Edema during pregnancy can be treated quite successfully at home. As a rule, hospitalization is resorted to in extreme cases. When carrying out long-term therapy, the result is guaranteed in most cases, but if it is unnoticeable, a period of hospitalization begins. In severe cases, this is necessary in order to carry out additional conditions and identify the causes of obvious pathology.
We want to pay attention to those tips that will minimize the risk of harming yourself and your fetus.
To do this, follow a few simple recommendations:
You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day (this amount includes soups, juices, fruits, etc.).
Stop eating salty foods and foods that make you thirsty.
Avoid carbonated drinks.
Do gymnastics and exercises for pregnant women regularly.
Consume stewed, boiled, steamed foods, cereals, vegetables and fruits as often as possible.
If swelling is severe, diuretics are often used (only in consultation with the supervising doctor).
The lifestyle should be quite mobile and active.
Long stays in stuffiness and heat are not recommended.
If necessary, cool foot baths are performed.
Avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes, shoes, boots with flat soles or excessively high heels.
Wear special anti-edematous underwear - tights or stockings.
Rest your legs and avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time.
Treatment of pathological edema is usually based on eliminating the manifestations of the disease that provoked its appearance. Despite the fact that in this state women sometimes take rash actions, they should resort to any measures only after contacting specialists.
Diet for pregnant women against edema is one of the most common measures. It must be admitted that opinions differ here. Sometimes there are directly opposite statements. Many years ago some recommendations were adopted, but now it turned out that they were not entirely correct, and they were modified.
First of all, it is prohibited to exclude water from the diet. Dehydration is a condition that is dangerous even for a healthy person, and even more so for a fetus in the womb. In addition, because of this, swelling will not disappear. You should not drink more than 1.5 liters of liquid per day. Don't forget that this includes soups and fruits, not just water. Often this volume is increased to 3 liters - much depends on the characteristics of the pregnant woman. There is also a certain average - in these cases they indicate that you need to consume 1-1.2 liters. Observation by a doctor and testing will help you find out which indicator is relevant in your case.
You can't refuse water. This measure sometimes does not relieve swelling, but only aggravates the symptoms. We have already written about this feature above.
Diet advice is much more effective. It gives results most often because it is a true measure. A diet is not a refusal of foods needed by the body, but certain recommendations. We also talked about them above. Let us remind you that not only salt, but also protein contributes to fluid retention. Most often, it is recommended to switch to dairy-vegetable foods. We will clarify that it is imperative to find out which vitamins will help in a particular case, otherwise the diet will be harmful. Hospitalization is considered an extreme measure to combat edema, but it is resorted to only in especially severe cases.
Before answering this question, you need to clarify several very important points. First, do you really have swelling? Secondly, what is their reason. And only after receiving answers to them can you think about treatment.
Swelling during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. Especially in the second half of pregnancy. With edema, a woman feels heaviness in her legs, her hands may go numb, her shoes may become tight, and the rings on her fingers may become tight. Usually, in swollen areas, when pressed, a dimple remains, which disappears very slowly. The skin of the body (in swollen places) becomes smooth and pale.
The causes of edema in a pregnant woman vary. The main one is the growing uterus. With its weight it puts pressure on the internal organs, their large vessels that lead to the limbs. As a result, venous outflow from the legs becomes difficult. Due to pressure on the kidney vessels, their function is impaired and the removal of fluid from the body slows down. Such swelling is called physiological. They pose no danger to a pregnant woman or her child. Typically, swelling is observed only on the legs and feet, and disappears after rest.
But there are also more serious causes of edema in a pregnant woman. They may be associated with dysfunction of the liver, kidneys and heart. If swelling spreads not only to the limbs, but also to other parts of the body, if it does not disappear in the morning, the woman finds it difficult to breathe, blood pressure rises, protein is detected in the urine test - you should consult a doctor, undergo the prescribed tests, find out the true cause of the swelling and Only then can we begin serious treatment. There is a degree of edema that can only be treated in a hospital. In any case, you must understand that self-medication in this matter is strictly prohibited!
Foreign doctors do not recommend treating physiological edema. Domestic medicine is more careful in this matter. Our obstetricians claim that it is imperative to treat the first stages of edema, since in 90% of cases in pregnant women, following mild swelling, blood pressure rises and protein appears in the urine. And these are already symptoms of gestosis, which is dangerous for both the mother and her child.
There are several methods for treating edema during pregnancy: