The knee joint is one of the most loaded joints in the human body. It bears the weight of the entire body every day for long periods of time, absorbing shock loads while walking, running or jumping. Because of this, the risk of developing certain diseases of this joint increases, which can cause significant damage to the growing body. Why do teenagers have knee pain, should they worry about this and what to do if such a symptom appears?
In order to understand why knees hurt in teenagers, it is necessary to understand the general structure of the knee joint. Its structure consists of the following elements:
Epiphyses (rounded ends) of the femur and tibia, covered with a layer of cartilaginous tissue;
The knee joint has a complex structure, a large number of connective ligaments and cartilage. It is surrounded by muscle, fat and nerve tissue, and a large number of blood vessels. This is due to a fairly large number of factors that can cause unpleasant or painful sensations. Let's look at the main reasons why a teenager's knees hurt.
Not related to diseases. Pain is the guardian of health, but it is not always caused by any pathologies. It is often explained by physiological processes that normally occur in the body. Pain in the knee joint in adolescents can be caused by circulatory disorders associated with a discrepancy between the growth of blood vessels and the superior development of children's bones. It usually appears at night after increased physical activity and is characterized by low intensity. Upon completion of the period of intensive development of the human skeleton (after 18-20 years), such pain usually decreases or goes away completely. The mobility of the joint remains normal, and no pathological processes develop.
Knee joints in teenagers also hurt due to ordinary overstrain of muscles and ligaments - nevertheless, the entire weight of the human body puts pressure on the knee. It usually occurs when standing for a long time or in an uncomfortable position. In this case, the cartilage is briefly compressed, blood flow is disrupted, and the nerve endings in the joint may be irritated. This pain goes away quickly with rest or change of position.
Anatomical disorders of the joint. The structure of the knee is determined by the apparatus of genetic inheritance. Some malfunctions in its operation during the conception of a child or during its development can lead to deviations in the anatomy of the joint from the norm. Insufficient development or weakness of ligaments and cartilage, congenital deformations of bone tissue and other hereditary defects can cause discomfort and pain in the knee due to disruption of the biomechanics of its movement.
Injuries. One of the common causes of knee pain is mechanical damage to the elements that make up the joint structure. Injuries can be caused by excessive physical exertion or external influences, such as blows, punctures, cuts, etc. In most cases, they are accompanied by severe pain, discoloration of the tissue in the knee area, swelling of the joint, limited mobility or hypermobility, deformity and other symptoms . The most common damages include the following:
Osgood–Schlatter syndrome. This pathology is usually observed in adolescents aged 1–15 years who are intensely involved in sports. With it, under the influence of physical activity, a pathological growth of the tibial tuberosity occurs, which causes the formation of a popliteal growth. This is accompanied by pain of varying intensity, from quite tolerable to extremely acute. After a few months, the pain goes away, but a formed popliteal protrusion remains, which, however, does not limit the functionality of the knee in any way.
Diseases of the knee joint. These pathologies can be provoked by various factors, from physical activity to autoimmune disorders. Knee diseases in adolescents can be divided into several groups:
Obviously, knee pain in adolescence can be caused by causes of varying degrees of severity. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account the nature and intensity of pain, as well as the presence of other changes in the child’s well-being:
If you have diseases of the knee joint, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to establish their exact etymology - the method of therapy that the doctor will choose depends on this. Under no circumstances do self-examination and treatment, since if the cause of the pathology is incorrectly identified, they will not bring any effect, and the disease can become chronic and cause irreversible damage to the limb. The use of traditional or alternative medicine should only be carried out after consultation with a professional physician and should replace the traditional treatment prescribed by him with pharmacological drugs, physiotherapy or surgery.
Joint diseases usually cause associations with old age - and this is justified, because most of them manifest themselves in old age. However, even in youth, people are susceptible to certain problems with the functioning of their musculoskeletal system. For example, you can often see teenagers cracking their fingers. As a rule, this does not seriously harm their health, but it is often a warning sign indicating possible problems in the future. In this article we will look at why a teenager’s joints crack, what the consequences may be, and what to do if such a phenomenon is detected.
Crunching joints: mechanism and causes Crunching as a norm and symptom
Before considering why crunching occurs in joints in adolescents, we should talk a little about their structure. This is important, as it will allow us to understand the mechanism of operation of skeletal joints. So, the joint consists of the following elements:
rounded formations at the ends of bones (epiphyses), the surfaces of which form the joint; cartilage covering the epiphyses, providing shock absorption and reducing friction between bones; a capsule consisting of dense connective tissue that surrounds the joint cavity, providing its protection from external influences, and also secreting synovial fluid (nutritive lubricant).
The joint is surrounded by various tissues - muscles, nerves, tendons, blood vessels, etc. They provide limited mobility of the bones, thanks to which we can perform various actions, but at the same time maintain the stability of our body.
The biomechanics of the human body has evolved over many millions of years of our evolution. Normally, the joints of the body work silently, without any discomfort. If clicks or other noises occur in them when moving, this indicates a certain violation of their structure. The following causes of crunching in joints in teenagers can be identified.
Anatomical features. The human body is a complex mechanism, the structure and operation of which is determined by genetics. In some cases, the cellular apparatus of inheritance of characteristics fails, as a result of which a person, even at conception, receives certain characteristics that distinguish his body from the norm. This is also true for joints. As a result, for example, of congenital defects of tendons or epiphyses of bones, the articular surfaces may not coincide with each other. This causes a biomechanical disorder, which is accompanied by clicking and crunching sounds when moving. If congenital defects in the structure of the joint do not significantly distinguish it from the norm, then at a young age this does not cause serious problems, manifesting itself mainly in the form of noise and discomfort. However, this can subsequently cause serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially during sports or heavy physical labor.
Joint hypermobility. This is a fairly common congenital structural feature of the skeleton, in which, due to the weakness of the connective tissue, the elements of its joints can take a position significantly different from the norm. This is usually not accompanied by any pain or damage, but when the joint returns to its normal state, the surfaces of the bones may make a clicking or crunching noise. Hypermobility is an abnormality, but not necessarily a pathology. This becomes a problem if high joint mobility causes pain and provokes frequent dislocations and other injuries.
Joint overload. Prolonged stay in any position, especially when accompanied by a load on certain parts of the body (neck, legs, arms, etc.), can also cause joint crunch. It especially often manifests itself when there is a sudden change in posture. This is due to the fact that in an uncomfortable position, the muscles adjacent to the joint experience tension and overwork, which can sometimes be accompanied by slight inflammation. As a rule, this does not cause any harm, since the body easily restores muscle and cartilage tissue. However, if there is a predisposition to joint diseases, overload of skeletal joints can become one of the provoking factors in their development.
Injuries. Excessive physical impact on joints and bones can lead to various damages - fractures, ruptures, etc. In response to this, an inflammatory reaction develops in the tissues, which sometimes provokes the appearance of formations that deform the articular surfaces. Due to their curvature, the bones begin to fit together inaccurately, and when the joint moves, their friction is accompanied by clicking or crunching sounds. In most cases, cartilage restores the normal smoothness of the epiphyses, but with particularly severe damage, noise may persist even after the injury has healed.
Joint diseases. Crunching in skeletal joints can be one of the symptoms of various pathologies of cartilage and connective tissue:
Arthrosis. This joint disease involves the gradual thinning of cartilage, as a result of which the surfaces of the bones begin to rub against each other, accompanied by pain, crunching and inflammation. Arthrosis mainly manifests itself in adulthood and old age, but due to congenital metabolic disorders, injuries or other factors, it can also affect adolescents. Gout. This pathology of the joints consists of the formation of crystals of uric acid salts inside the joint capsule. They destroy surrounding tissues, including cartilage, synovium and the bones themselves. The crunch in this case is manifested due to the friction of the crystals against each other, as well as against the hard surfaces of the joints. Gout in adolescence is rare, but can occur in children with a congenital defect in uric acid synthesis. Arthritis. These are inflammatory diseases of the joints, manifested as a result of injuries, infectious lesions, autoimmune diseases, etc. In adolescents, arthritis is provoked mainly by congenital disorders in the immune system or mechanical damage to the joints.
Other diseases that can cause crunching and clicking in the joints include inflammation of the joint capsule (bursitis) and periarticular tendons. The course of these diseases is accompanied by deformation of the cartilage tissue covering the epiphyses of the bones.
Excess salts. The hardness of bone tissue is due to the presence of calcium compounds in it, in particular hydroxyapatite. If metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, salts can also penetrate into articular cartilage. As they harden, they lose their shock-absorbing properties and, when the bones move, the surfaces of the mineralized cartilage begin to crunch.
What to do if a teenager’s bones and joints crack? Crepitation during movement does not necessarily indicate any disease. In healthy joints, noises occur relatively rarely and sporadically in the limbs, neck, back, mainly as a result of strong physical exertion (for example, when playing sports) or prolonged stay in the same position. Prevention of joint diseases and their symptoms (including crunches) consists of following the following recommendations:
in case of adolescent hypermobility of the joints, physical activity should be limited - in particular, sports or physical education are best carried out according to an individual program; staying in one position for a long time is often observed during study, so it is recommended to periodically do unloading gymnastics between classes; to prevent hypothermia and the inflammation of the joints it causes, the teenager should wear warm clothes that reliably protect against cold and wind; To prevent the thinning of articular cartilage, it is recommended to include special dietary supplements (chondroprotectors) in the diet of adolescents, as well as jellied meats, jellies and aspics - these dishes contain important structural compounds, in particular collagen, chondroitin sulfate, etc.
If a teenager has cracking joints all over his body, this is already an alarming signal indicating certain disorders. Crepitation, which is accompanied by pain and limited mobility, should be taken especially seriously. In this case, you must immediately seek medical help, and the sooner the better. Joint pathologies are quite easily cured in the initial stages of development, and the damage caused to cartilage is subsequently compensated by the regeneration of tissues of the young body. Delays in diagnosis and treatment significantly complicate the situation, since the disease can become chronic, and tissue damage often becomes irreversible. It is also important to understand that only a professional doctor can help a teenager in case of joint pathology. In no case should you self-medicate, since without an accurate diagnosis, taking certain medications may not have any effect.
Sweating is a natural process for a teenager, as for any person. This is how the body regulates body temperature, preventing the body from overheating. But the feet and palms do not participate in thermoregulation, so their sweating causes anxiety and a feeling of discomfort.
Many teenagers suffer from the fact that their palms become wet at the most inopportune moments. Although this phenomenon is quite widespread, it causes a feeling of discomfort among young people. This can contribute to the formation of complexes and interfere with freedom of communication with peers. Teenagers, as well as their parents, are often worried about the question: why do our hands and feet sweat so much? The reasons may vary.
Teenage sweating is a natural phenomenon and doctors say that you just need to get over it. As soon as hormonal changes end, sweating will return to normal. In addition to hormonal changes, active restructuring of other body systems occurs. So, during this period the heart grows faster than the blood vessels. This difference leads to increased fatigue in young people. Physical activity affects your general condition and can also lead to more intense sweating. During this period, the teenager should pay more attention to personal hygiene. In order to get rid of moisture on the body, you can use special powders and deodorants.
Feet often sweat if the shoes are not chosen correctly. To school you need to wear removable shoes that will allow your feet to breathe. If young people wear winter shoes while indoors for a long time, they cannot avoid sweating.
There are times when additional measures should be taken. Individual psychological and physiological characteristics, chronic diseases require attention and adjustment by specialists.
During the period of hormonal changes, a person becomes easily excitable. Even a seemingly insignificant event can cause severe nervous tension, causing your hands to sweat.
A neurologist or psychotherapist can help in this situation. After conducting an examination, the specialist will determine why the teenager reacts so sharply to everything and will prescribe corrective treatment (sedative decoctions or medications, psychological support sessions).
Increased sweating is caused not only by the flu, acute respiratory viral infections or tonsillitis. The cause of sweating may be tuberculosis, malaria or AIDS.
Long-term use of antibiotics leads to the destruction of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the functioning of the intestines and peripheral nerves is disrupted, and the immune system is weakened. The result is severe sweating.
To restore microflora, it is recommended to drink yoghurt, kefir, and yogurt. You can take multivitamins and yogurt capsules.
Why is excess weight a double health problem? On the one hand, the more weight, the greater the load on all body systems. The intense work of organs leads to an increase in body temperature. The second part of the problem is that there is a thick layer of fat under the skin that interferes with heat transfer. Excess heat can escape from such a “thermos” only through sweat. The result is increased sweating, arms and legs become additional channels for cooling the body.
The solution in this case is to get rid of excess weight. Until your body returns to normal, you should shower twice a day and drink more water to improve your metabolism.
VSD in adolescents is a common phenomenon. About a quarter of children of this age are diagnosed with VSD or NCD . These are various problems in the functioning of internal organs associated with a violation of their nervous regulation. As a result, the body's thermoregulation is disrupted, and teenagers sweat a lot.
This disease is diagnosed by a neurologist. He also prescribes treatment. For your part, you should avoid foods that stimulate the nervous system: hot and spicy dishes, energy drinks, coffee and drinks containing alcohol. Active rest, exercise, fitness help normalize well-being (how to treat VSD).
Thyrotoxicosis. This is a disease in which the level of thyroid hormones is significantly increased. Signs of this disease: rapid heartbeat and increased sweating throughout the body, not just the arms or legs.
Diabetes mellitus develops as a result of a lack of insulin. Signs of diabetes mellitus include frequent thirst and sweating of the upper half of the body, while the legs do not sweat at all, and are often too dry.
An examination by an endocrinologist will help you find out why a teenager sweats and what to do to treat it.
If the tendency to hyperhidrosis is inherited, it manifests itself from childhood, and during puberty it becomes more pronounced. The causes of sweating in this case have nothing to do with diet or general physical condition, and the smell of sweat is especially pungent.
To reduce sweating, it is advisable to wear clothes that contain as much natural fiber as possible, and use talcum powder for hands and feet, as well as body powder.
Parents cannot accurately determine why their child's hands and feet are sweating based on home observations. Only a specialist can identify the real causes of sweating in a teenager. If this condition persists for a long time, you should go to the hospital for examination.
Increased sweating can be local (as a separate disease) or secondary (accompanying the underlying disease). To diagnose primary (local) hyperhidrosis, an examination by a dermatologist is sufficient. Drug treatment for such a disease is prescribed by a specialist.
If you have excessive sweating of your hands and feet, you can take five-minute baths with herbal decoctions.
Sage + nettle. 1 tbsp. l. Mix the leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10-30 minutes, strain, add 3 glasses of water.
Viburnum bark. Pour 10g of bark into a glass of water and bring to a boil. Leave for 2 hours.
Tea. Brew strong tea, let cool to body temperature.
You can prepare the following solution: glycerin, lemon juice and vodka in a ratio of 2:1:1. Wipe hands after contact with water
Have you ever tried to get rid of hyperhidrosis (stop sweating so much)? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:
Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such sweating be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end it! Do you agree? That's why we want to recommend to you. Read more. »
Knee pain in teens is often caused by injury, illness, or weak areas of the kneecaps that can become infected. Often, if a teenager has knee pain, there is no reason to worry, because over time, as the child grows, the pain goes away on its own.
However, if a child complains of knee pain, this should not be ignored. If you experience any symptoms, including swelling of the knee, persistent pain, redness or warmth of the skin, or pain when walking, you should consult your doctor.
Teenagers who are regularly active in sports or lift heavy objects may experience knee pain due to Osgood-Schlatter disease. This disease is caused by inflammation of the tendon, which is located below the knee and connects to the tibia. As a result, a soft lump appears under the knee, at the base of the bone, and the pain may intensify with movement. Therefore, if a child has knee pain due to this reason, he will have to interrupt activities until the symptoms disappear. Typically, the disease goes away on its own when the knee bone stops growing.
This is usually a problem for teenage girls. The knee is located in a depression, which allows the bone to slide when walking, running, or bending. When the kneecap pops out of its socket, the knee joint is said to be displaced. It is accompanied by pain and swelling of the soft tissues in and around the knee. Often the leg “gives way” and the girl falls. Treatment usually involves immobilizing the limb with a tight bandage.
This is another answer to the question why a child’s knees hurt. This type of injury is familiar to those teenagers who are interested in sports. Due to a knee injury, a ligament on the inside or outside of the knee can tear (the ligament inside the knee is called the medial ligament, the ligament inside the knee is called the lateral ligament). Symptoms of this type of injury include pain, swelling, and difficulty walking. Minor tears are usually treated with rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and immobilization of the limb. If the gap is significant, surgery may be necessary.
Active teenagers may experience softening or thinning of the cartilage behind the knee. In this case, the child’s knees also hurt, and the pain is usually felt in the front of the kneecap and intensifies with physical activity. One of the symptoms may also be a feeling of friction in the knee. To get rid of this syndrome, you need rest, anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy. If the cartilage is severely damaged or pinched between bones, surgery may be necessary.
When the kneecap is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen, this disease occurs. As a result of poor blood supply, bone tissue dies and cartilage separates from it. Pain occurs when a piece falls off the bone and begins to move freely in the knee.
Patients with osteochondritis dissecans may experience a feeling of weakness in the knees, as well as a clicking sound when bending and extending the joint. In addition, the knee cannot be fully bent or straightened. Also, after a long period of rest, swelling and hardening of the tissues may occur.
Mild cases of the disease resolve after prolonged rest and lack of intense physical activity. If symptoms return or knee pain worsens in adolescents, surgery will most likely be needed.
At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, pain of varying severity is observed in many teenage girls. Painful periods are exhausting, cause particular discomfort, and become a big problem.
Of course, many women, as they gain experience, by the age of 30 get used to such manifestations and are able to quickly eliminate the problem with the help of improvised means that can relieve pain and relieve abdominal cramps. But at a young age, real panic often begins when a teenager’s painful periods come, and many don’t know what to do. Pain in the lower abdomen can be so severe that it leads to decreased ability to work, sleep disturbances, tearfulness, depression, stress, irritability, nausea, vomiting, etc.
Pain during menstruation is a gynecological pathology caused by many diseases. According to the types of algomenorrhea there are:
Painful periods in teenagers can be caused by:
With painful periods in the first days of the menstrual cycle, it is all due to prostaglandins or hormone-like substances that, in the process of their synthesis, can lead to irritation of the nerve endings of tissues, peeling (destruction) of individual sections of tissues and the ovary, increased uterine contractions, and the release of the endometrium with bleeding. Some diseases can cause pain during menstruation:
Most girls suffer from oligomenorrhea for physiological reasons, when the genital organs simply do not have time to fully form with the arrival of primary menstruation:
Factors lead to irritation of pain receptors and increased contractions of the uterus. And progesterone only makes the situation worse. Other causes of pain during menstruation radiating to the back:
The methods of disposal will directly depend on the degree of development of the pathology and the existing symptoms. Treatment is complex: medications (painkillers, vitamins, tranquilizers), physiotherapy, home remedies, psychotherapy. It is important to direct measures to relieve inflammation in the genital area, if this occurs.
Prescription of drugs and techniques is carried out exclusively by the treating specialist based on the results of the examination. If severe cramping pain bursts in the stomach and presses on the intestines on the 1st-2nd day of menstruation, then as first aid, girls are allowed to take a tranquilizer, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory drug: Ketanov, Solpadein, Baralgin, Ibuprofen, No-shpu, Papaverine, Tempalgin, Spazmalgon . However, dosages should not be neglected, and it is best to visit a gynecologist first.
A diet containing foods containing calcium and potassium is recommended to minimize pain during menstruation. You need to drink more fluids to avoid the accumulation of toxins and waste in the body. On critical days, it is advisable to avoid drinking alcohol, strong tea, fatty and floury foods, which will only increase the pain of menstruation.
On a note! In case of severe pain, it is acceptable to take a painkiller tablet, Spazmalgon, Ibuprofen, or No-shpa, but the hormonal levels in young girls are unstable, so you should not get carried away with medications. In particular, you need to be careful when applying a warm heating pad to your stomach, not forgetting that with an infectious, inflammatory course in the uterine cavity, this can only aggravate the situation.
As maintenance therapy it will help:
If there is a suspicion of an inflammatory course in the uterine cavity with severe pain in menstruation, then it is better to undergo an examination as quickly as possible:
Primary algomenorrhea is the most difficult to treat. Many girls have a hard time with pain during menstruation. In some cases, hormonal contraceptives and tranquilizers are prescribed. Sometimes you can’t do without consulting a psychologist.
Attention! Vaginal suppositories can be used only in cases of severe pain caused by inflammation in the uterine appendages.
As a rule, signs of dysmenorrhea appear 2-3 days later with the arrival of menstruation. Typically, painful sensations are more noticeable in young girls with an asthenic physique. During menstruation, cramping, throbbing pain with distension, colic in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back and perineum, appears. Additionally, general health worsens, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and irritability appear.
A sign of the development of a gynecological disease is secondary dysmenorrhea, when there is a suspicion of uterine fibroids, endometriosis with an inflammatory, abnormal course in the organs of the reproductive system. There is nagging, prolonged pain throughout the menstrual cycle. There may well be an increase in symptoms 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation, when cramping pain appears that cannot be relieved with analgesics.
The main complications of secondary dysmenorrhea, when a violation of the menstrual cycle is clearly observed:
Diseases require an integrated approach to examination:
REFERENCE! If menstruation lasts more than 7 days, is accompanied by severe pain, fever above 38.5 degrees, nausea, vomiting, then you need to visit a gynecologist. It is painful periods that lead to decreased ability to work, psychological discomfort, and the development of a number of gynecological diseases.
Pain during menstruation is a symptom that in itself cannot lead to complications. But in some cases, this is a signal of serious disorders in the body. For example, endometriosis leads to infertility! You cannot ignore prolonged pain in the lower abdomen during menstrual periods.
Attention! If a diagnosis of “secondary dysmenorrhea” is made, then uncontrolled use of tranquilizers, analgesics, and strong painkillers during menstruation is prohibited for adolescents. For example, algomenorrhea is more often caused by organic disorders in the body systems: hormonal imbalance, dysfunction of the nervous system, impaired prostaglandin production. Prescription of medications is exclusively the responsibility of the attending physician.
With endometriosis, inflammation occurs in the genital organs. Negative symptoms often appear in combination. It is important to first identify the causes that provoked the disease and pain during menstruation. It is acceptable to take Acetaminophen, Paracetamol (1 tablet) to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. But uncontrolled, incorrect use of analgesics is fraught with a decrease in sensitivity to pain and the development of complications of the underlying disease.
It is necessary to stop painful periods in a complex manner. Doctors prescribe contraceptive, combination, and oral medications for pain. The goal is to direct treatment to reduce estrogen levels and the excitability of prostaglandin and myometrium, eliminating painful sensations with the onset of menstruation.
The following medications are prescribed for painful periods:
On a note! Dosages should not be neglected. Taking any of the drugs listed may cause side effects and complications. Only a doctor can choose the optimal treatment course.
It is primary dysmenorrhea that has a suppressive effect on the psyche of adolescents. In combination with medications, girls are recommended to carry out popular, effective techniques:
If painful periods have become a constant, obsessive phenomenon, then herbal decoctions and infusions prepared at home from plants such as meadowsweet, oregano, tansy, and horsetail will help. If you take an infusion of sweet pepper daily, the pain quickly subsides, and all subsequent periods become less painful.
Attention! Not all herbs are so harmless. It is important to pre-coordinate treatment with a gynecologist at home.
Of course, most often adolescents are diagnosed with primary algodismenorrhea, which is successfully treated with painkillers. To stabilize hormonal levels, a course of oral contraceptives may be prescribed by an endocrinologist. Additionally, girls are recommended to take calcium and magnesium, the lack of which provokes a breakdown of the nervous system and the onset of painful menstruation.
Young people today are overly emotional and impressionable. It is worth learning to restrain your emotions, not to get upset over little things, and to be able to find compromise solutions even in difficult life situations. Adults are obliged to provide educational and moral support to teenage girls.
Doctors advise girls to be more sensitive, listen to their bodies, measure physical activity, and if they have heavy periods, generally refrain from doing so for a while. Observe what your menstruation is in terms of color, volume, smell. If there are no signs of acute inflammation in the body, then you can try to minimize attacks at home, take pain pills. The main thing is to prevent complications, since dysmenorrhea can be caused by a number of gynecological pathologies in the genital area.
If your critical days have become simply unbearable, then pain in the lower abdomen is most likely a signal of health problems and illness; only a doctor can make a diagnosis. It is important to understand that it is normal for teenage girls to experience only minor pain with the onset of menstruation. If other unpleasant signs are observed in combination: high temperature, itching and burning in the vagina, discharge of bloody discharge with a putrid, fetid odor, unusual color, then this clearly indicates an inflammatory course in the uterine cavity and you need to visit a gynecologist immediately.
If the mother of three children has a stronger psyche than that of a carefully trained FSB agent, then the parents of the first-born are naive and timid, like recruits - every complaint and the slightest nuance can throw them out of balance. And the child’s constant complaints about pain in the knees can even serve as a reason for panic: what if the joints are damaged or, even worse, some kind of congenital anomaly?
In fact, pain and discomfort in the knees of children are not very uncommon, because outdoor games and curiosity, which forces them to climb trees and abandoned buildings, contribute to abrasions and bruises. The unformed and constantly growing musculoskeletal system of a child also causes such features as overstrain of ligaments and muscles, which contributes to tendon sprains.
Very often the cause of pain is a common injury, but this is not always the case.
Active career advancement and a lot of “adult” things do not always allow you to take your child to the doctor without delay: maybe it hurts and it stops. But if you always rely on this statement, you may miss the onset of serious pathology - the period in which treatment is most effective. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine how serious the pain can be and what is its source.
The presence of abrasions and scratches on the knees makes it possible to accurately determine the source of pain. Things are much more complicated if children repeatedly complain that they “hurt from the inside” without apparent circumstances.
A knee injury in a child is not a reason to refuse an examination, especially if the pain does not go away within 2-3 days. Because damage can be more serious and deeper than just a scratch or bruise:
Now, when arthrosis is diagnosed at 20 years old, osteochondrosis at 30, and the whole world is gripped by fear of cancer, the appearance of pain in children’s knees for no apparent reason is even more frightening than sprains, dislocations and cracks of bones combined. Why does it hurt if the baby didn’t fall or hit himself?
Among the invisible causes, the most common are physical overload - a long walk or excessively intense exercise for teenagers in the gym often results in pain in the knees and lower legs, which gets worse in the evening. You should not lose sight of factors such as excess weight and flat feet - they cause increased stress on the joints of the legs, which means that children get tired faster and may experience pain.
In such cases, it is very important to choose the optimal physical activity. Intense training for children who are overweight is not always the best solution: the already high loads on the knee joint are aggravated by the need for constant movement - this contributes to injury and deformation of the joints and ligaments.
Not only flying in a dream, but also pain in the knees can indicate that the child is growing. Until the age of 12, the child’s body grows and develops intensively, and tissue differentiation occurs. The legs especially suffer from rapid growth - their vessels do not yet have sufficient elasticity, blood circulation through them occurs normally only if there is active movement. Growth pain most often occurs in the evening or at night, when blood flow slows.
During active growth, pain in the knee area can occur due to uneven growth of bones, blood vessels, and ligaments.
You can help your child cope with such pain with the help of massage: the tissues warm up, blood circulation in them increases, and the pain recedes.
Severe diseases such as gout and rheumatism in children and adolescents are practically not registered, because It takes a long time for major changes to occur in tissues. However, identifying the cause of discomfort and adequately assessing the need for medical assistance is very important, because incorrect diagnosis at a tender age can cause ligament contracture, joint deformation and impaired mobility. If you have even the slightest doubt, immediately take your child to the doctor - modern professional diagnostic methods will help you answer the question “why” as accurately as possible and begin treatment in a timely manner (if necessary).
At the top of the comments feed are the last 25 question-answer blocks. I answer only those questions where I can give practical advice in absentia - this is often impossible without personal consultation.
Hello! I am 14 years old, I have very severe pain in the joints throughout my body, and there is also pain in the meatus. What to do?
Hello, Lina. To determine the diagnosis, you need an examination, and for this you need to go to the clinic to see a pediatrician. There are always many reasons; joint damage may have occurred due to a cold or flu, or it may be age-related.
Hello! I am 16 years old. My knees have been hurting for about 2 years, only in spring and autumn. The pain is sharp, from the inside
Hello, Elena. Such pain is called seasonal, but it occurs due to some disease. Most often, these are manifestations of arthritis. You need to check your body and get treatment while your body is young and strong. To do this, you can contact your pediatrician and ask to prescribe tests.
Hello, I’m 17, my knees often hurt after I hold them in a bent state, the pain after that is strong and goes away for a long time, I’ve already tried different ointments and tape, but nothing helps, please tell me what to do, the pain is severe most often on the outside side of the knee
Hello Elizaveta. There is no need to self-medicate, especially if the pain is prolonged. You need to see a pediatrician. He will prescribe the necessary tests, and if a particular diagnosis is suspected, he will give a referral to a highly specialized specialist. There are many reasons, it could be infection of the joints after a cold/flu, age-related changes, or inflammation due to an inactive lifestyle (or vice versa due to heavy stress). A specialist examination is required.
Hello, I'm 12 years old. I've been having pain in my knees for a couple of days now. Namely when I go to bed and after sleep. They hurt a lot, I can’t sleep because of it. What can I do to get rid of this pain?
Hello, Snezhanochka. It is best to visit a pediatrician and orthopedist so that you can be examined and prescribed appropriate treatment. After all, pain can be different for a variety of diseases. While you can anoint your knees with some anti-inflammatory ointment, there are many of them in the pharmacy. For example, Diclofenac or Ibuprofen. Apply 3 times a day and be sure to go to the doctors.
Hello! My daughter is 10 years old. Over the past 4 years she has been complaining of pain in her legs, which occurs periodically and after a while gets worse, first in the lower leg, then in the knee, now in the femur. He says the pain only occurs during the day. A month ago, a different type of pain appeared. When immobilized, when lying down, sitting at a desk, in the morning, when getting out of bed, he cannot straighten his leg without pain until it comes apart. She has been involved in sports not very intensely since she was 7 years old, periodically roller skating, swimming, short track (she started training about three weeks ago). There is no inflammation around the joints, no bruises, they did an x-ray of the hip joints, the surgeon found nothing. The tests are normal. Sometimes the temperature is 37-37.2.
Hello, Elena. Pain will not arise out of nowhere, nor will low-grade fever, which is understood mainly due to the fact that there is inflammation in the body. You need a consultation with a rheumatologist and endocrinologist, and blood tests. It is better to eliminate physical activity completely during the examination, except for light exercise. It looks a lot like a virus.
Hello! My name is Artyom, 13 years old. Help me solve the problem. My knees have been hurting for 6 months! Most often from the outside. Please tell me what ointments, tablets and procedures can help. I will be very grateful!
Hello, Artyom. You can recommend ointments, but it is better for you to be examined by an orthopedic doctor, conduct tests, and be able to get questions and some answers. For example, if your knees started to hurt immediately or after you had a cold, an infection could have penetrated into the knee joints and then serious medications would be needed, that is, antibiotics, immunomodulators, etc. Well, in general, teenagers often have knee pain due to transitional a period when the circulatory system cannot keep up with bone growth. In such cases, exercise, swimming in the pool, cycling are very important, but you need to start exercising very carefully, gradually increasing the duration of exercise, this is important. Exercises will improve blood circulation in the joints, normalize nutrition, pain will decrease and after a while will go away completely. Massage can also help.
You need to do everything comprehensively, that is, smear your knees twice daily with Diclofenac ointment (or Ibuprofen, Voltaren), drink more clean water (at least 2 liters per day), take a complex with vitamins and minerals (preferably those with more calcium) , well, plus massage classes.
If there is no improvement after 2 weeks, be sure to consult an orthopedic doctor.
Hello. Please tell me, my daughter is seven years old, she complains that her bones hurt, starting from the buttocks and up to the extremities and fingers, she does not play any sports, what could be the reason?
Hello Anisa. Without an examination it is impossible to answer, since the same symptoms can occur in dozens of diseases. Contact an orthopedic surgeon, neurologist and endocrinologist for a clinical examination and tests.
Hello. My name is Veronica, I'm 12 years old. About a year ago I began to notice pain in my knees. When walking, swimming, running, etc. my knees don’t hurt, but when I start squatting, doing lunges to the side (this exercise), the joints in my knees start to hurt. The pain is tolerable (to some extent). This worries me a lot. Can my scoliosis (grade 1-2) affect this (I started doing small exercises in order to get rid of it) Please answer.
Hello, Veronica. With scoliosis, it is necessary and better to do special exercises for scoliosis. If you put too much stress on yourself, the pain will become even stronger, and complications may arise. The clinic should have an exercise therapy instructor or physical rehabilitation specialist, to whom your pediatrician or neurologist can make an appointment. But first you need to find out whether they are in the clinic or not. These specialists individually develop a set of exercises and at the beginning help, teach you how to perform all the exercises correctly. Swimming can be left, but running needs to be eliminated for now. You can't exercise through pain.
Hello, my daughter, she is 16 years old, has knee pain. They took an X-ray of the knees - normal, an ultrasound - the tendon had thinned to 1.3 mm. We were in the hospital, but there was no result. No one can explain the reason for the thinning of the tendon. Doesn't play sports. Please tell me where and who to go to, what tests to take.
Hello, Lilia. Typically, thinning of the tendons is caused by constant stress or previous injuries, which your daughter could have suffered on her own, without complaints or seeking medical attention. Everything is individual. Any tendon injury is serious and often leads to a chronic form of the disease or disability in the patient in the future. This must be prevented. To do this, as the tendons grow together, the patient is prescribed a course of rehabilitation, which includes: drug treatment, hamstring exercises, chondroprotectors (glucosamine, hyaluronic acid), which promotes rapid healing.
The lack of effect from conventional conservative methods is an indication for surgical treatment.
Good afternoon, I’m 16 years old, recently I started to notice that when my leg is not in a horizontal position, my knee and the area around it hurt very much.
I didn’t notice the temperature, but the pain was simply unbearable, sometimes bringing me to tears.
I cannot sit still for more than 10 minutes, unless I raise my leg in a horizontal position, I am in severe pain
Maybe you should contact a surgeon or traumatologist?
Because pills and ointments don’t really help...
Hello, Sofia. If you have such severe pain, you should definitely see an orthopedist or traumatologist for examination. There are many causes of acute pain; x-rays and blood tests (for rheumatic tests) are important.
Hello! I’m 15 years old. About 2 years ago my left leg started swelling. I took all possible tests and went to the doctor, they prescribed gel and pills (they said it was a problem with lymphatic drainage) my leg stopped swelling, but pain appeared in the knee, first in the knee of the left leg , after a while in the right. I did an ultrasound of my knees, they suggested a diagnosis of reactive synovitis, since I play basketball, they told me not to stop physical activity and exercise in a bandage, but even after that, after training for a couple of days I feel pain at the top of the knee (it’s especially painful to go down from stairs and lifting heavy things) What should I do? How to treat? Because doctors can’t prescribe anything new.
Hello, Alena. Usually, during pain, all physical exercise is prohibited until the condition normalizes. You can't exercise through pain. Reactive synovitis is treated with medication. To begin with, excess fluid must be removed from the cavity of the diseased joint using a puncture. This procedure is performed several times until the amount of effusion in the synovial bursa decreases to the required volume. After this, the joint should be fixed using a tight bandage, a special bandage or other devices.
Currently, reactive synovitis is treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These include oral medications, intramuscular injections, as well as topical gels, creams and ointments (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen). If the disease cannot be controlled by NSAIDs, the use of corticosteroids, which are injected into the joint, is acceptable. At the same time, the patient is prescribed a course of physiotherapy: no more than 12 UHF procedures, the same number of sessions of hydrocortisone phonophoresis and about 5 sessions of ultraviolet irradiation. It should be noted that hydrocortisone phonophoresis has many contraindications, so the doctor should ask you in detail about previous diseases, a tendency to allergies, heredity and other factors influencing the choice of the procedure.
Hello, I'm 16 years old. I recently started playing sports, and for the 3rd day in a row I have been training on my legs. My calf muscles hurt, I knew that... but this evening my knee hurts a lot. It's not scary, is it? It will pass soon, right? Don't you need to go to any doctor? Maybe I should just be patient and it will pass?
Hello, Diana. You know that all loads need to be increased very gradually, and for good physical shape there must be a good experienced trainer. If you are in severe pain, you should not exercise. You need to take a break, anoint your knees with ointment, for example, Bystrum-gel helps (apply 2-3 times a day). After 7–8 days, you can resume training, but for now with an elastic bandage on the knee or a special bandage. If the pain does not go away during this time, you will need to take an x-ray by contacting a traumatologist or orthopedist.
Hello, I will turn 14 in a week, my height is 158-159 (maybe a little higher or lower). I already had a small growth spurt, after which my knees began to hurt, and to this day they hurt with heavy loads. I have been to many doctors and they say growth. And since I was sick as a child, I couldn’t eat fatty foods or drink milk, and I have thin cartilage that needs to be maintained and eaten well. But I would like to be taller. I tried to jump, like on a basketball, 100-200 times in height, but my knee starts to hurt, so it’s better not to.. I like Berg’s exercise - it increases height and gives correct posture, and there is not much load on the knees. Do you think my height will increase by at least another 10 cm until I’m 16-17 years old with the help of exercises? I plan to do Berg, hang from the horizontal bar and reach up. And there are cases when, after 14 years, girls were still able to stretch 10-12 cm? Thank you.
Hello, Lika. The human body grows until about 21 years of age, so it is quite possible that you will still grow significantly. But if, for the sake of growth through pain, you do all the stress for growth, you can become disabled and receive serious complications. You should not have any physical activity on your knees.
Hello, I am 13 years old, and for about 2.5 years now my knees have been creaking strongly and often, and when I crunch, I feel pain. If I do physical exercise, my knees hurt, the pain is tolerable from time to time, I’ve already started to get used to it. I have never been involved in any special sports, and in physical education the load is quite minimal. Pain can still appear without any stress; in the morning, one or two knees may simply hurt and constantly crunch. I didn’t go to the doctor, I thought it was just age-related and would go away. But I want to do regular training just for myself to maintain muscle tone. I tried it, but after any exercise my knees hurt worse than usual for several days. Flat feet, excess weight, no injuries. Should you see a doctor? Thank you.
Hello, Tatyana. Yes, it is better to contact a pediatrician and orthopedist for an in-person examination, tests and x-rays. An examination won't hurt. Try to drink more clean water, as well as teas with chamomile, mint, and lemon balm. Just not with chemical additives, but with natural, freshly brewed herbs. Such herbs will improve the functioning of internal organs, support the heart, remove toxins or sand from the kidneys, and strengthen the body’s resistance to pathogenic infections. But the main treatment can be prescribed after a full examination.
Hello! I have a question. I have been actively involved in sports since I was 5 years old, martial arts. Now I'm 13 and doing weightlifting. My joints started to hurt. It's inside the cup. My father had this when he was 12, and so did my uncle. Both are masters of sports in weightlifting. My father, when his joints hurt, didn’t work out for a month, took aloe injections, drank calcium gluconate, calcium glycerophosphate. Could it be hereditary or just active physical activity? And should I be treated this way?
Hello, Maxim. This is most likely not hereditary, but age-related. At your age, active growth begins and blood vessels do not keep up with the growth of bones, plus you put increased stress, hence the pain, through which it is dangerous to deal with complications. The best treatment can be prescribed by a general practitioner or podiatrist. Calcium gluconate is not completely absorbed by the body and can calcify into kidney stones; there are other special preparations. In addition, just in case, you still need to take an x-ray of your knee joints, because the sport you engage in involves numerous bruises and sprains.
Hello. I am 18 years old. Almost 1.5 years have passed. My knees hurt. I dance and in the summer I didn’t fall. After classes, my knees started to hurt. For about a week, my leg was swollen and I couldn’t move it. Afterwards I went to see a traumatologist and there were no cracks. They said it was a muscle strain. I waited, the swelling went away, and I started walking. But it hurts. So I went. Afterwards I couldn’t stop dancing and didn’t pay attention to it. But then, after 2 months, I went to the doctor, he prescribed ointment. It didn't help. Do this twice. After 6 months I was tested for rheumatism, and everything was clear, again ointment and injections. I took the injections for a week and felt light. And yet to no avail. They hurt again. Again the same new ointments and nothing. I'm tired, I don't know what to do. Where to go. Is it worth trying oriental medicine?? I’ve already given up dancing, but my legs hurt more and more every time. (The side of the knee hurts when you press).
Akbermet, first you need to identify the causes of pain, and for this you need an x-ray, since during the examination it is not always clear which structures are damaged and to what extent. Then it is already possible to prescribe adequate treatment. For it to be effective, it must be comprehensive and persistent. If ointments don't help, then it's something more serious. For inflammation, injections (for example, Diclofenac), physiotherapy, chondroprotective drugs (to restore and strengthen cartilage), etc. are prescribed. During treatment, the knees should be given rest.
Hello, my name is Rustam, I’m 15 years old, and my knees have been hurting for a week now. When bending and straightening the knees, there was also severe pain. I went to the pediatrician and said everything was normal. There were moments when when bending the knees there were painful crunches in the knees. what to do
Hello, Rustam. You need to contact your pediatrician again and ask for a full examination (blood tests, x-rays). It is possible that due to the growth of your body, the blood vessels do not keep up with the growth of bones, then this is normal and will pass over time. You can smear your knees daily with ointments such as Diclofenac or Ibuprofen (2 - 3 times a day).
But it is possible that pain in the knee joints appeared due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland (checked by an endocrinologist), or due to infection of the joints after a cold, flu, sinusitis or otitis media. Therefore, consultation with the following doctors is advisable: endocrinologist, neurologist, rheumatologist.
Hello, two weeks ago my 11-year-old daughter complained of intermittent pain, after a physical education lesson, in the area of the hip joint, and short-term numbness in that area; when pressed, the joint did not hurt, the muscle ached. It's gone. And two days ago, late in the evening, my knee began to hurt when walking, and now it hurts when walking for a long time, it hurts on the side of the kneecap. There is no swelling, the cup does not hurt when moving, or when bending. What could this be and which specialist should I contact?
Anna, when the diagnosis is unclear, they turn to a pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and studies for your daughter, including x-rays. Then, after suspecting a particular diagnosis, it will be possible to refer you to the appropriate specialist. It is possible that it is simply a matter of body growth and temporary hormonal changes. But there may also be various diseases, for example, arthritis (checked by a rheumatologist).
Also, various pains sometimes appear in children with a thin structure of the nervous system after stress or overexertion (mental or physical).
Consultations with an endocrinologist and neurologist are recommended.
Hello, a 14-year-old child has been diagnosed with JRA for 1.5 years. I have been taking methotrexate for a year and my knees hurt and swell. But, at the same time, C-reactive protein is not increased, Rheumatoid factor is negative, hemoglobin is 160. ESR (SRE) is not increased. ACCP analysis - 0.5, normal - 3; Everything is fine, what's the problem? Rheumatologists say: “it happens, it’s an autoimmune disease.” But I still doubt it. After all, we passed all the tests for infections, for worms, everything is normal. Only the Einstein Bar virus was detected (is this mononucleosis?), Why are there still problems with the knees?
Hello, Oksana. Once in the human body, the Einstein-Barr virus may not manifest itself in any way at all, but can lead to infectious mononucleosis. The infection is characterized by an increase in the number of lymphocytes (over 15% compared to the age norm) and the appearance of atypical mononuclear cells (over 10% of all leukocytes). Usually, symptoms such as weakness and headache, myalgia (muscle pain) and arthralgia (pain in the joints that your child complains of) appear in the early stages, and pain when swallowing may appear a little later. During the acute period, body temperature reaches 38 degrees and higher. The process can also occur during low-grade fever (T = 37.0–37.5°C). Clinical symptoms are individual for everyone.
It is worth treating the Einstein-Barr virus when it is in an active form. First of all, the patient is prescribed interferon-alpha drugs and abnormal nucleotides. This could be Ganciclovir, Famciclovir. A course of treatment with immunoglobulins is also offered. If the Einstein-Barr virus is in a passive state, then drug treatment is not necessary. Folk remedies will help boost your immunity and fight the virus. Thus, good antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects are caused by birch buds, rose hips, linden leaves, calendula, thyme, sage, coltsfoot.
Hello, I’m writing because I’m tired of going to doctors, there’s no point. I’ve been to a pediatrician — the blood is normal, I’ve been to a rheumatologist — rheumatology tests are normal, I’ve been to three traumatologists — orthopedists, they did an X-ray, but there’s no diagnosis, but the girl is 14, from 17, August, my knee hurts, they injected me with declofenac, my knee didn’t hurt for a week and then again, it hurts sometimes at night, it hurts in the morning, it hurts constantly, another doctor admitted me to the hospital, it’s been two weeks now, prescriptions: massage, ozokerite, magnet after which the knee hurts more, electrophoresis with novocaine, a warming compress with alcohol and no results. What to do? Doctors say that you need to observe, but for as long as possible the child’s knee has been hurting for 3.5 months. I say let’s get an MRI _ no their answer. All examinations are normal, everyone blames it on that that her daughter has grown 5 cm over the summer. But her knee hurts so much that she can’t walk up the stairs, squat, tie her shoes. And that she’ll be home soon, but there’s still no diagnosis. Please tell me what diseases cause pain in the knees with normal tests, although apart from blood from a finger, urine, we were not prescribed anything else to ask, what should we do next?
I read that they do a calcium test, what kind of test? Maybe they can do it for us? Maybe I can go and do an MRI myself? My daughter says that she’s already tired of the pain, but I don’t know who to turn to.
Hello Tamara. Sorry.
Well, firstly, severe pain in the knee can indeed be associated with active growth, although it is rare that it occurs to such an extent. Secondly, you can actually do an MRI and/or CT scan yourself: with a CT examination, bone formations, even salt deposits, are better visible, and with an MRI, the condition of soft tissues and cartilage is better visible. It is also possible to detect a metabolic indicator, in particular calcium (the norm is approximately 2.50 – 2.75 mmol/l).
Similar pain can also occur after a cold or flu. In such cases, viruses or a bacterial infection can enter the joints, affecting them, causing severe pain and inflammation (a virus test is needed). This situation could manifest itself almost immediately, or it could happen after a certain time; everything is individual for everyone and not necessarily with rheumatism.
If you have the opportunity, it is better to visit a private clinic. It will be expensive, but at least the girl will be treated truly and comprehensively.
Hello. My son started playing volleyball at an Olympic reserve school 2 months ago. He is 13. His knees began to hurt in the evening. Now the right one hurts, under the kneecap. One workout every day. There are no special loads. But with a height of 172, weight 62. The doctor at school says that this is a lot and puts a strain on the joints. And flat feet 1st degree. What to do? This morning I ran to the bus and started limping...
Hello Olga. In adolescents, the phenomenon of pain in the knee joints of unknown etiology is quite common. They are quite simply explained by physiological processes during the growth of the skeletal system. Most often this happens if the child experienced increased physical activity the day before (for example, playing volleyball). This is explained by the structural features of the adolescent’s vascular system. It is not recommended to exercise through pain.
Pain can also be a consequence of the development of the disease. You need to take an x-ray and, just in case, take blood tests for rheumatology tests (from a rheumatologist). As for flat feet, you should consult an orthopedist about special insoles for shoes. With flat feet, the load on the joints is distributed unevenly, which further increases the load on all joints, hence additional pain and rapid fatigue.
Hello, I'm 14 years old. Height 180 About a year ago my knees started hurting. At first it was a little, now it’s very strong, I can’t exert myself, lift anything even 10 kg, a sharp pain begins. I went to the surgeon, they took pictures, everything was normal. The only thing is that the calcium level in the blood is several times higher. The pediatrician recommended calcium supplements, maybe the calcium is washed out (??). It seems to me that this is nonsense, and so the calcium excess is 12 times the norm, but no one else can really say anything, but it’s worse for me. Maybe you can give some advice? Thank you
Anton, if you have done a test and your blood calcium is elevated, you must consult an endocrinologist who will conduct an examination according to currently established standards. In order to come to an appointment with an endocrinologist “not empty-handed,” it is better to take some additional tests that the pediatrician may prescribe before meeting the doctor.
The standard examination of patients with elevated blood calcium includes the following blood tests: parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, phosphorus. This is the minimum with which you can already come for a consultation with a doctor. It is clear that the doctor can then order additional tests, but the three blood tests listed above will help him figure out in which direction he should conduct a diagnostic search.
But knees can also hurt due to intensive growth, this happens very often in teenagers. Another possible reason is viruses, that is, after a cold or flu, viruses could get into the joints and cause inflammation. To exclude this factor, you need to consult a rheumatologist. No need to drink calcium!
Hello. I’m 17, my knees have been hurting since October 16, I took an x-ray and had tests, the traumatologist said everything is ok, don’t worry
I tried many types of ointment, drank gelatin, all without any benefit. I reduced the physical heat without results, increased the physical heat, also without results, and finally removed it, also without results. They hurt non-stop, even in the morning they hurt. I’m thin, but my legs are well developed, I ran without pain like a leopard, now at every step there’s pain incomprehensible where. There were no serious falls at all. I don’t have flat feet, only my knees hurt, nothing else. Simply fantastic. What do you think causes knee pain?
Hello, Rustam. Of course, it doesn’t happen that pain appears without a reason. In your case, this may happen either due to the active growth of the body, or, perhaps, after suffering a viral disease, a cold (viruses often affect the joints). In this case, you need to visit a rheumatologist (take rheumatology tests), but I advise you to contact a pediatrician to take the necessary tests. Afterwards, the pediatrician will decide which specialist to give a referral to.
Hello! I am a choreographer for a children's group. In my 20 years of experience, my students have never had any injuries. But here are two cases in the last two years. A 14-year-old girl’s kneecap flew out while turning. Then she returned from sick leave and the knee popped out again immediately at the beginning of the lesson. I didn't walk anymore. Then, a year later, a 12-year-old girl’s cup flew out while running backwards. They also think that they won’t be able to dance. I'm scouring the Internet, looking for what could be the reason. Hormonal development? Both girls were thin. The movements were not the most difficult, there are more serious ones. Maybe the children are not eating properly? How can these injuries be anticipated? Can such injuries occur in children with flat feet? As a choreographer, this really excites me.
Hello Tatiana. You are right that there are many reasons why a kneecap can pop out. Teenagers experience constant growth, the body is not fully formed, and this can be expressed by instability of the joints, especially in the case of heavy loads. After a period of intensive development of the human skeleton (after about 20 years), such factors usually decrease or disappear completely. The mobility of the joint remains normal, and no pathological processes develop. But the current generation has weakened immunity due to poor ecology and poor quality food. During active physical activity, it is very important that the teenager receives sufficient quantities of natural minerals and vitamins, clean water, has sufficient sleep and the opportunity to recover during the rest period.
A teenager’s diet should contain enough substances that help strengthen ligaments and cartilage. These are the so-called chondroprotectors. There are a lot of them in jelly, jellied meat and aspic (fish and meat). There are also special exercises that help strengthen the knee joints, you can find them on the Internet. To prevent injuries, we can also recommend wearing special bandages that will help reduce the risk of injury.
Unfortunately, if a person has suffered an injury at least once, for example, a ligament rupture, then in the future it often makes itself felt, for example, instability of the knee joint. The peculiarities of the personal structure of the joints are also important. Before accepting a child for choreography or any sport, an examination by an orthopedist and other specialists is strongly recommended.
Good afternoon, a 14-year-old boy complains that his legs hurt; if he walks for a long time, his legs hurt around the knees. This can be intensive growth, in a year he grew by 8 cm. I went to football and came and complained that my knees hurt. Maybe I should go to the doctor?? We are registered with a gastroentrologist (2 bends of the gallbladder) and a cardiologist (oval window)
We went to an endocrinologist and had hormones tested; they prescribed idomorine and took it on drink. Our alkali phostophase is still twice as high; we tested negative for hepatitis. What should we do and where should we go?
Larisa, all the factors you listed can affect the health of the knee joints, and especially active growth against the background of active physical activity. When asked where to go, I’ll say that start with the pediatrician. Let him prescribe all the necessary examinations for the child and decide which specialist should be referred to to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.