With any abscess, parts of the tissue become inflamed, in which a cavity filled with pus is formed due to the ingress of streptococci, staphylococci and other pyogenic microbes. Therefore, in case of any damage to the skin, it is necessary to immediately treat the wounds with antiseptics. But what if the situation is already advanced. What to do if your finger breaks and how to properly treat felon.
We will try to answer all questions, consider the causes of abscesses and their treatment with medications and folk remedies.
Treatment of suppuration is usually conservative - with medications or folk remedies. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is required.
If you notice the above symptoms, you should consult a surgeon who will determine the full extent of the panaritium, and also prescribe medical treatment - drugs and special therapeutic dressings. In some cases, treatment with antibiotics is prescribed, and if necessary, the abscess is opened.
Under no circumstances should you open the abscess yourself! If bacteria enter, the infection will begin to spread even more quickly and sepsis (blood poisoning) may occur.
Treat the wound with any of the antiseptics - hydrogen peroxide, iodine, potassium permanganate solution, furatsilin, rivanol;
Of the ointments most often prescribed (in the early stages of suppuration): ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, levomikol;
In advanced cases, treatment is carried out with broad-spectrum antibiotics included in the group of penicillins or cephalosporins: oxacillin, cloxacillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, methicillin - in a dosage of 20 to 50 thousand units, diluted with novocaine.
These methods can be used if you do not have the opportunity to see a doctor, for example, you are on a picnic or in your garden.
During treatment of an abscess on the finger, you need to carefully monitor its condition. If traditional methods do not help you, the site of damage begins to enlarge, and your health worsens - do not delay visiting a doctor! Delay can cause serious complications: phlegmon of the hand, sepsis, inflammation of the tendons of the finger.
If you are going on an outdoor holiday, always take a travel first aid kit with you so that the necessary supplies are at hand.
Treat even minor damage carefully and then you will not be tormented by the following question: what to do if your finger breaks. Just panaritium will not arise. Stay healthy!
The nail on my big toe has started to rot. What should I do please help
Vishnevsky ointment or balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) as first aid. And then see a doctor.
See a dermatologist, maybe you have a fungus
you need to go to a podiatrist, he will help you
I had this on my middle finger. half of the nail was torn off, I went to bandages every day for two weeks. This happened in the winter, I couldn’t walk in shoes at all, so I was on sick leave for a month, and then at work I wore open slippers
See a surgeon urgently! The nail needs to be removed. And then forward to the doctors. It is possible that you have diabetes.
like the PR donor Poroshenko, who donated blood
or maybe panaritium
Author, the same ***** was about 8 years ago: the nail on the big toe began to grow in, the skin around this area was an open wound, pus was oozing, the smell was terrible. At first ointments/drops did not help. I went to the surgeon at the clinic at my place of residence, my nail was torn out, I suffered beyond words with transportation/bandages/medicines/shoes. The nail plate has grown and is growing again. I went to a private clinic, where they removed the ingrown part of my nail with a laser (from an external point of view nothing is visible: a nail is like a nail), everything healed quickly
finger in alcohol, something spicy like nalidixic and ascorbic acids in the mouth, a lot; thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine; if you really want to, then see a purulent surgeon
it is time for secondary hyperglycemia, elections require a lot of counter-insular hormones and lead to activation of microflora with the breakdown of glycogen; however, the little rabbit was already emaciated, know Timoshka poured a triple dose of caffeine with moxifloxacin into her coffee out of the kindness of her soul, shuffritsh was in line for nitroimidazoles and trimethoprim in chifir
Help, I have the same problem, what kind of clinic is it and how much does it cost, and how painful is it? Please tell me
Guest 8, please tell me.
I have the same system, for 2 years in a row my large toenails rot and then fall off and rot again
Guys, who uses what? My grandfather’s big toe nail started to rot about 6 months ago, he didn’t pay attention, yesterday he showed me that half of the nail had rotted and already on the second toe it was starting to rot, he categorically didn’t want to go to the doctor. maybe traditional medicine?
Kat, what did you do, how did you deal with this problem?
unbearable pain in the little toe of the right foot... there are no obvious signs of suppuration - redness, increase in size. but when pressed, the nail seems to move separately. And with stronger pressure, it seems as if it will come off. what to do.
What to do? The nail on the hand is rotting and there is pus on the finger next to it. What should I do??
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What to do if your finger breaks? This question is especially of concern to those who have experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon directly. As you know, during an abscess inflammation begins, as a result of which a small cavity forms in the tissues. Over time, it can fill with pus, which subsequently leads to the proliferation of microbes such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. That is why, if your finger breaks out, you should definitely take urgent measures to eliminate the inflammatory process. Indeed, under favorable conditions, bacteria are able to penetrate through damaged skin into the tissues of the body. In this regard, the affected skin area must be immediately treated with iodine or brilliant green.
What happens if your finger breaks out and is not treated?
If for some reason you have started the situation with an abscess, then you will no longer be able to get rid of this trouble on your own. In this case, you should consult a doctor. In medical practice, such a purulent lesion is called felon. Quite often it occurs when the skin is damaged (for example, with a splinter). If your finger breaks out and you do not take any measures (for example, do not disinfect this damaged area), then it is likely that it will cause you great concern in the future. This may include pain, twitching, tingling, as well as a slight increase in body temperature. Subsequently, the affected finger may even swell and swell.
What to do if your toe breaks?
Panaritium is a purulent disease of soft tissues. If the disease has progressed and pain appears, then you need to urgently consult a surgeon. After all, only an experienced specialist can assess the extent of the abscess, open it if necessary, and prescribe special medications and therapeutic dressings.
How to get rid of an abscess yourself at home?
There are times when an abscess has formed on a toe, hand, or in another part of the body, and there is no way to see a doctor. In this case, you should take urgent measures for treatment yourself: