Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is found in medical dictionaries under the name “gonarthrosis.”
What is it? A disease caused by a degenerative process affecting the hyaline knee cartilage.
Symptoms of arthrosis of the joint develop slowly, over the years, manifesting as pain that hinders movement. Among other articular arthrosis, it is the knee, and not the hip, elbow, shoulder or phalangeal arthrosis, that occupies a leading position in the number of suffering patients.
The development of the disease is often observed in very young people, but this is associated with injuries or excessive stress in athletes.
It is impossible to affirmatively state the existence of one single cause contributing to the development of arthrosis of the knee joint, however, it has been proven that there is a certain set of provoking factors, under the influence of which the risk of such a disorder increases with age. In medicine, there are two mechanisms that explain the occurrence of arthrosis:
Some facts about gonarthrosis of the joints:
In medical practice, there have been cases when people after 40 began active sports activities, in particular intense running and squats. With the onset of age-related changes, you cannot sharply load the body and its individual parts; this can provoke the activation of dystrophic and degenerative processes in the joints.
In addition to injuries and serious injuries, the occurrence of joint arthrosis can be affected by underlying diseases (psoriatic, reactive or rheumatoid arthritis; gout; varicose veins; ankylosing spondylitis; excess weight).
Professional sports, regular physical activity, hard work or carrying heavy objects, frequent climbing stairs to high floors in old age can also lead to the development of disease in the knee joint. Those at risk are those who have had spinal injuries, neurological diseases, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders and hereditary ligamentous weakness.
In half or even most of the cases of this joint disease, the root cause was a spasm in the muscles of the front surface of the thigh. Before the pain begins to manifest itself in the knees, this spasm can go unnoticed for a long period of time, while the person experiences discomfort from lumbar pain, fatigue and heaviness in the legs. The constant spasmodic state of the rectus and iliopsoas muscles of the thigh, over the years, “tightens” the knees, blocking their free movement.
More recently, Belgian orthopedic surgeons from the city of Leuven discovered a hitherto unknown and as yet unstudied anterolateral ligament (all), located in the human knee. Another name for the ligament is “anterolateral”.
It was noted that some patients, even after knee ligament surgery, felt instability of the joint, as well as pain with minor loads.
Four years of research on almost fifty knee joints yielded stunning “fruits” in the form of the discovery of this ligament, completely unknown until that very day. The anterolateral ligament provides rotational function of the tibia. It requires surgical correction during operations performed after injuries, which, out of ignorance, orthopedic doctors have always neglected.
As is known, gonarthrosis in most cases develops in only one of the joints, and given the intensity of the pathological processes, medicine has identified 3 degrees of joint arthrosis:
At this stage of the “inception” of the disease, there is no bone or joint deformation; the manifestation of the disease is infrequent, load-related pain in the joint. Minor swelling of the joint is also possible, which can disappear on its own.
This stage is characterized by intense and prolonged pain that increases with light physical exertion, walking, and after heavy lifting. You can clearly hear a crunching sound in the joint. At the second stage, joint deformation begins to develop, which leads to moderate limitation of movement.
Symptoms are actively developed and fully manifested. Regular pain leads to gait disturbances, joint deformation is quite noticeable, and its mobility is limited. Increased pain depends on changing weather conditions. The piercing nature of the pain disrupts sleep, and it becomes difficult to find a comfortable position.
When the disease appears, symptoms appear gradually. At the initial stage, only minimal discomfort appears, with minor pain from walking up stairs - this is the so-called patellofemoral syndrome. A distinctive feature of arthrosis of the knee joint is the symptom of starting pain. When suddenly changing position from sitting to standing, the first steps are very painful. However, with each movement the pain goes away, but may return after a noticeable load. The external condition of the knee does not change immediately. It is only due to the accumulation of fluid that it may swell slightly or become spherical.
Initially, arthrosis leads to the disruption of the blood supply to the hyaline cartilage; over time, it dries out and cracks. Therefore, there are obstacles to the movement of cartilage, which contribute to tissue microtrauma. Overgrowths form on bone structures, leading to even more difficult supply of nutrients and cartilage degeneration.
Because of this pathology, the second stage is characterized by increased symptoms, and the slightest load is enough to cause severe pain. Resting, she calms down, but continuing her movements, she returns again. It becomes impossible to bend the leg as much as possible because A sharp pain interferes, and a rough crunching sound is noticeable when walking.
When arthrosis has completely affected the knee joint, the bone is completely deformed, and there is practically no cartilage tissue left. The pain does not give rest around the clock, lying down and standing, the legs can bend and become X or O shaped, it is very difficult for the patient to walk without support.
The first degree of arthrosis does not make it possible to diagnose the disease using a routine examination, but in grades 2 and 3, noticeable deformations of the joint and bones become a clear sign, the axis of the limbs changes, movements are constrained and are accompanied by a crunching sound.
In addition to standard X-ray diagnostics, more effective methods are used - CT and MRI.
As a medical treatment, chondroprotective agents are prescribed to replace synovial fluid. Treatment may also require intra-articular administration of steroid hormones. Sanatorium-resort treatment is very useful.
As a modern method of treatment, injections into the knee joint for arthrosis are used; drugs for this are used in the form of hyaluronic acid. It serves as a “liquid” prosthesis, which performs the functions of real synovial fluid, providing lubrication of the articular surfaces, its nutrition and restoration.
If the treatment is unsuccessful, the possibility of joint replacement cannot be ruled out, but only if the patient is young, arthrosis is severely painful and movement is completely limited.
Impaired metabolism, obesity, obesity, all this can lead to unnecessary stress on the joints, especially on such weak ones as the knees. If you have been diagnosed with deforming arthrosis of the right or left knee joint, you must immediately reconsider your daily diet. It should be dominated by light dishes prepared in a simple way - boiled, stewed or steamed. Their regular use will lead to a gradual and safe loss of extra pounds, which will please the joints, ligaments, and all internal organs.
But also, a diet for treatment of joint arthrosis should combine foods that have a beneficial effect on tissue, bones and cartilage, restoring them if possible. Here it is worth paying attention to the strong broth made from bones, jellied meat and jelly.
Protein must also be present daily for treatment. You can get it from chicken and rabbit meat, cheese and cottage cheese, as well as legumes. Sick joints are in great need of vitamin E, so never deny yourself almonds (or hazelnuts) and baked fish.
Healthy carbohydrates are consumed from various cereals, sweet fruits and whole grain bread. Nutrition for arthrosis of the knee joint cannot be imagined without vegetables; the healthiest of them are cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin and carrots.
Treatment with physical therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint can only be an auxiliary method and in consultation with a doctor.
This type of gymnastics is very simple to perform and does not require any investment, but despite this, it is very effective. Here are a few exercises from exercise therapy for joint arthrosis:
Exercises for the treatment of arthrosis of the joints can be combined well with massage.
Massage treatment for arthrosis of the knee joint can be performed even independently, having first studied the correct technique for its implementation.
Osteoarthritis of the knee joints (gonarthrosis) goes through 3 stages in its development. Grade 1 knee joint gonarthrosis is rarely detected, since clinical symptoms are mild and radiological signs are questionable. With grade 2 gonarthrosis, the patient is usually forced to consult a doctor, as the discomfort becomes noticeable. Conservative treatment for grade 2 arthrosis of the knee joint is still quite effective, and although the disease cannot be cured, it is possible to delay its development at this stage. If treatment is insufficient, grade 3 arthrosis develops, which often leads to disability. Only endoprosthetics surgery can restore the functions of the knee joints at a late stage.
Osteoarthritis of the knee is not only divided into 3 stages, but also classified according to etiology (origin) and localization of the process. According to etiology, gonarthrosis is divided into primary and secondary:
The risk of developing grade 2 primary gonarthrosis is higher in older people, people with a hereditary predisposition, athletes and workers in heavy physical labor with loads on the legs.
Sometimes grade 2 arthrosis of the hip joint leads to the development of deforming gonarthrosis. This is due to the fact that when the functions of the hip joints are impaired, the load on the knee joints increases, and the articular cartilage begins to collapse. Simultaneous damage to the knee and hip joints of the 2nd degree is classified as polyarthrosis, and if the process involves 3 or more articular groups (knees, hips, small joints of the hand, foot, spine), it is generalized deforming arthrosis. There are unilateral (left-sided or right-sided) and bilateral gonarthrosis. Damage to both knee joints is not considered polyarthrosis if the other joints are not affected.
Degenerative-dystrophic processes in paired joints do not always begin simultaneously and develop at the same speed. Therefore, left-sided grade 2 gonarthrosis of the knee joint can be combined with grade 1 or 3 arthrosis of the knee joint of the right leg.
What is grade 2 DOA of the knee joint? This abbreviation is an abbreviation for deforming osteoarthritis, as arthrosis is often called in the medical literature. The first part of the word, “osteo,” indicates that bone tissue is involved in the process, its compaction occurs, and marginal growths (osteophytes) are formed. Typically, these processes occur precisely with arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree. Bone deformations begin already at the 2nd stage. diseases, at 3 they become pronounced, large osteophytes protrude through the soft tissue. Deformation of the bones and uneven narrowing of the joint space leads to the fact that the leg is bent at the knee. That is why arthrosis is called deforming arthrosis.
A type of knee arthrosis of the 2nd degree is patellofemoral arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree. What it is? The knee joint is complex, it is formed by two large bones - the tibia and femur, as well as a small sesamoid - the patella, or kneecap ( patella). Typically, with grade 2 deforming arthrosis of the knee joint, the pathological process develops at the junction of the tibia and femur. But the area between the upper edge of the kneecap and the condyles of the femur - the patellofemoral joint - can also be affected. The following localization options for gonarthrosis are possible:
With gonarthrosis of the second degree, all these components are often involved in the process; this development option is called pangonarthrosis. Sometimes damage to the articulation of the tibia and femur is preceded by arthrosis of the patellofemoral joint, which is subjected to significant stress and is often injured. Overuse or injury can lead to patellofemoral pain syndrome localized in the front of the knee, this is stage 1 of the disease. With patellofemoral arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree, irreversible changes begin in the cartilage tissue, the cartilage wears away at the 3rd degree, other components of the joint are involved in the process, and pangonarthrosis develops.
The development of arthrosis of any localization begins with changes in the articular cartilage. Its strength and elasticity, its ability to bind and retain liquid decreases, cracks form, and the surface becomes rough. Cartilage tissue becomes thinner in places where it is subjected to maximum stress, and at the same time grows at the edges. By the end of stage 1, ossification of these growths begins. With grade 2 arthrosis of the knee or hip joint, cartilage destruction progresses. The cracks deepen, reaching the subchondral (subchondral) bone tissue, in some places the bones are exposed, pieces break off from the cartilage. Thinning of the cartilage layer leads to a narrowing of the joint space, and it occurs unevenly.
Gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree of the knee joint is characterized by the restructuring of bone tissue, which can be seen on an x-ray:
At stage 2, the knee joints often become inflamed. This is due to irritation of the synovial membrane by the breakdown products of cartilage tissue and the sharp edges of osteophytes. Loose bodies, the so-called articular mice, appear in the articular cavity - fragments of osteophytes, cartilage, and accumulations of salts. They can periodically enter the joint space, causing the joint to jam.
Deforming osteoarthritis of the 2nd degree of the knee joint is characterized by a multicomponent pain syndrome. Pain is associated with irritation of nerve endings and blood vessels concentrated in bone tissue, with the inflammatory process in the synovium, and with muscle tension. The patient may complain of:
Grade 2 gonarthrosis is also characterized by significant limitation of mobility and stiffness of movements, accompanied by a rough crunch. It is difficult for a person to bend his leg at the knee or rotate it when the knee is bent. When performing any movements, you have to overcome resistance; the range of movements is less than in a healthy joint. This is due to the narrowing of the joint space, the proliferation of osteophytes that cling to each other. The sliding of bones is difficult due to a lack of lubrication - synovial fluid. With arthrosis, the synovial membrane produces it in smaller quantities, and with synovitis, its viscosity decreases due to inflammatory effusion.
The thinning of the shock-absorbing cartilage pad and the drying out of the articular cartilage leads to the fact that movements are accompanied by pain. The supporting function of the leg is also impaired. To avoid pain that occurs and intensifies under load, the patient tries to move the leg at the knee less, and when standing or walking, transfers the body weight to the healthy leg. As a result, muscles weaken, tendons shorten, and gait changes. With deforming arthrosis of the 2nd degree, a decrease in the circumference of the thigh, lower leg, and shortening of the legs may not be noticeable, but is revealed when measuring the healthy and affected limb.
Treatment of grade 2 deforming arthrosis is carried out mainly by conservative methods, although minimally invasive operations (arthroscopy) can also be performed. Be sure to follow a diet for arthrosis of the knee joint, abstain from alcoholic beverages and smoking. You cannot carry heavy objects, run or jump. Walking should be short and at a moderate pace, preferably using a cane. The doctor may recommend orthopedic products to relieve and stabilize the joint, and develop a diet for grade 2 gonarthrosis of the knee joint. The treatment regimen is developed taking into account the severity of symptoms:
The diet for stage 2 gonarthrosis of the knee joint is the same as for stage 1. For overweight patients, the restrictions are more stringent; the daily calorie intake must be reduced. At the same time, a person must receive enough proteins, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and sulfur. The need for carbohydrates is satisfied by cereals, vegetables and fruits; sweets and baked goods should be abandoned. Reduce fat consumption, unrefined vegetable fats should predominate in the diet, fatty fish is healthy, but lean meat. Fermented milk products must be present in the diet as a rich source of calcium, but only low-fat ones. Fast food, foods with preservatives, spicy and salty foods, smoked meats and sausages, and fried foods are prohibited.
Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree is manifested by severe symptoms, intense pain and significant limitation of mobility. At this stage, the destruction of articular cartilage reaches critical proportions, and bone deformations begin. The functions of the lower extremities are limited, but not completely lost, so disability at stage 2 of gonarthrosis is rarely assigned, usually with 2-sided damage, a combination of arthrosis of the knee and hip joints of the 2nd degree. At stage 3, disability is almost inevitable; intensive complex therapy can delay its onset.
Arthrosis is a disease of the joints that develops as a result of dystrophic-degenerative changes in their surface and cartilage tissue. In essence, this is premature wear of the cartilage, they become thin, wear out, and as a result, exposed bones rub against each other when moving. Hence the main symptoms of the disease are severe pain and stiffness of movement. In later stages, deformation of joints and limbs occurs.
The most favorite location for arthrosis is the knee joints. The disease in this case is called gonarthrosis. Gonarthrosis develops faster than other forms of the disease and is characterized by vivid symptoms. Since any movement becomes very painful for the patient, a visit to the doctor is not delayed for long.
Treatment of knee arthrosis in the early stages is usually successful. Often, the disease can be cured without pharmaceutical drugs, using folk recipes and physiotherapy. In the acute stage, drug treatment is used; in advanced cases, deforming arthrosis of the knee joints is treated surgically.
Treatment of joints at home is possible, but only after the approval of a doctor and under his supervision.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for JOINT PAIN, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, recommended by doctors! Read more.
Hospitalization for arthrosis of the knees is required only in advanced forms of the disease, with exacerbation and general deterioration in the patient’s well-being associated with the development of other concomitant pathologies.
In other cases, the patient can stay at home, provided that all doctor’s instructions are followed without violation.
Treatment of arthrosis at home includes the following:
It is worth talking about each of the listed points in more detail.
The cartilage in the knee joint begins to deteriorate prematurely due to lack of nutrients. And they enter the body along with food. Therefore, for successful treatment of knee joint diseases, it is very important to monitor the patient’s diet. The menu must include the following products:
If you are overweight, you should reduce your consumption of confectionery and bakery products as much as possible. Avoiding fatty, fried, salty foods, which in any case are harmful for a disease such as arthrosis of the knee joint, will help you control your weight.
It is not difficult to completely restore JOINTS! The most important thing is to rub this into the sore spot 2-3 times a day.
It is impossible to do without special exercises from joint gymnastics in the treatment of gonarthrosis. Since pain when walking and moving reduces the patient’s activity, it is important to prevent weakening and atrophy of muscles and ligaments. This is why physical therapy is needed.
In addition, when performing physical exercises, blood supply to tissues improves. This means they receive more oxygen and nutrients, which is also very important for successful treatment.
A set of exercises and exercise therapy for gonarthrosis is always selected by a doctor and trainer. It is advisable to conduct the first classes under the supervision of a trainer, so that he adjusts the loads and monitors the correct execution. Then you can do gymnastics on your own at home, only periodically turning to the instructor for checking.
Physiotherapy for the treatment of the knee joint can also be carried out at home. The following devices will be needed:
The nurse should also first demonstrate how to carry out the procedures correctly.
The affected joints should be relieved as much as possible during the course of treatment with physiotherapy. During this period, it is advisable to use a cane or crutches for movement - the orthopedist will tell you how to choose them correctly.
The simplest and most accessible garden and medicinal plants, in combination with products that can be found in every kitchen, can be of great benefit for inflammation of the joints. Here are some proven, effective and safe recipes:
Homemade products are always used only fresh. They are stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, then the medicinal properties are lost.
Massage stimulates blood circulation, restores tone to weakened muscles, while at the same time relieving muscle spasm. – the main provocateur of pain. Properly performed massage of damaged joints can literally put the patient back on his feet.
But such procedures provide only a short-term effect in the initial stages of the disease. Therefore, they should always be used in combination with other therapeutic measures and means.
Leeches are also often used for deforming arthrosis.
Leeches improve blood composition and accelerate blood circulation, and this is very useful for inflammatory processes in the joints. There was also an acceleration in the regeneration of cartilage tissue after hirudotherapy, an increase in the quantity and improvement in the quality of intra-articular fluid.
The disease has several names that characterize its essence. The term “gonarthrosis” is used when the pathological process is localized directly in the knee. The diagnosis of “deforming arthrosis” reflects the condition of the knee cartilage with pre-existing changes on its surface, ligaments, and muscles. Their configuration changes and atrophic processes begin.
Based on the above, arthrosis of the knee joint is a thinning of the cartilage. It cracks, loses its shock-absorbing properties, and does not soften the friction of the knee and body during movement. Deformation of the knee joint develops gradually. The patient goes through three stages of the disease. To avoid disability in the future, it is important to contact a doctor at the first symptoms and begin treatment.
This type of pathology is characterized by a mild course and positive prognosis for cure. Arthrosis of the knee joint of the 1st degree does not occur overnight. Disease of the right or left knee develops over years, and people often attribute the first symptoms to fatigue. Gonarthrosis occurs due to loss of elasticity of cartilage. At the first stage, there is a narrowing of the joint space, sharpening of the edges, softening of the cartilage tissue, and a slight limitation of mobility.
In the second stage, patients already begin treatment, because early symptoms are usually ignored. Arthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees is characterized by significant destruction of cartilage, the formation of bone growths, and the presence of intra-articular fluid. An X-ray photo shows a narrowing of the intra-articular space, hardening of bone tissue, and disruption of the articular structure. Knee gonarthrosis of the second stage is difficult to ignore, since morning stiffness appears and persists for a long time, during which it is already difficult to bend the affected leg.
With gonarthrosis of the third stage, the sore knee turns red, swells, and looks deformed. This fact indicates the patient’s carelessness, since complex treatment of stage 1 and 2 pathology leads to recovery without consequences. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint grade 3 can also be healed, even with rapid progression. The disease manifests itself as acute pain at rest, lameness, and the leg stops bending. X-ray photographs show that the joint space is completely absent, the cartilaginous zones are affected by sclerosis, and salt deposits have appeared.
There is no single cause of illness. Gonarthrosis of the knees develops due to a combination of factors that lead to cartilage damage. The mechanisms of exacerbation of pathology are divided into primary, which occurs during natural aging of tissue, and secondary, which manifests itself after injury. Other causes of knee arthrosis:
The very first sign of pathology is slight pain in the knee when walking. Without treatment, arthrosis of the knee joints makes itself felt by pain after prolonged sitting, swelling, and crunching when moving. The deformed cartilage begins to crunch while walking, making it difficult for the patient to bend the limb. With hyperarthrosis (a progressive pathology), the pain becomes intense, localized inside the knee. The main symptoms of arthrosis of the knee joint:
It is not possible to cure the disease according to any single scheme. When planning therapeutic tactics, the doctor must take into account the condition and age of the patient, the stage and severity of the disease, and the degree of cartilage deformation. Effective treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is a long process, involving medication and manual therapy, diet, acupuncture, massage, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, and alternative methods (hirudotherapy, ozokerite and others). Doctors prescribe surgery only in the most extreme cases. Treatment for knee arthrosis is:
An effective way to treat osteoarthritis is to repair damaged cartilage. This can be done with the help of medications from the chondroprotector group. They contain glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which are active ingredients. Glucosamine is an essential substance for cartilage synthesis, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and relieves swelling.
Chondroitin improves phosphorus-calcium metabolism, due to which joint tissue is endowed with elasticity. Drugs for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joints are available in tablets, ointments, gels, powders, and injections for injections. They should be treated for at least six months, and positive results appear no earlier than after 3 months. The best drugs in this group: Teraflex, Chondroxide, Structum.
If knee arthrosis is not severely advanced, then you can try to treat it with alternative methods. How to treat knee arthrosis using traditional recipes? A time-tested product is a ferrite magnet. It is easy to remove it from the radio and massage the sore spot for 20 minutes 2 times a day. After this therapy, many patients experience pain relief without antibiotics or other medications. Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with folk remedies can be carried out using:
If the diagnosis has determined a pathology of the first or second degree, then therapy can be carried out at home. Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint at home begins with nutritional correction, a set of therapeutic exercises (therapeutic exercises), massage and compresses. To relieve pain, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications. People up to 50-60 years old can count on a complete cure. Medicine cannot stop age-related destructive changes in older people 70-90 years old.
You can relieve pain and relieve muscle tension in the knee with massage. It is carried out using several techniques: shiatsu, Russian, Finnish. You can independently massage the knee with arthrosis after receiving recommendations from an experienced massage therapist. You should massage for 25 minutes daily:
To keep joints in working condition, you should balance the minerals, trace elements and dietary supplements entering the body. A diet for arthrosis of the knee joints includes avoiding fast food, smoked meats, fatty meat products, and animal fats. You should reduce your consumption of chocolate, baked goods, processed meats, and meat broth soups. The diet needs:
To avoid wear and tear on your joints, you should exercise regularly. Walking, cycling, swimming are suitable. Prevention of arthrosis of the knee joints includes weight correction, because extra pounds increase the likelihood of developing the disease. The progression of gonarthrosis is facilitated by wearing uncomfortable shoes (stilettos, unstable high heels).
Information regarding groups of drugs used to treat arthrosis of the knee joint is given in the table.
Table. Drugs for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint
Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with more detailed information about the above groups of drugs.
Important! The names of any medications are given strictly for informational purposes only. Do not try to cure yourself - this may only worsen your condition. Follow your doctor's recommendations in everything.
The most popular: nimulide, diclofenac, indomethacin, etc. The word “non-steroidal” indicates the absence of hormones in the composition of such drugs. They help fight pain and inflammation and begin further stages of treatment - physiotherapy, massage, etc.
They are not recommended for long-term use - in fact, they only “hide” the symptoms of arthrosis, because they are not able to cope with it solely on their own. An additional argument in this regard is the mass of side effects of long-term use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Follow your doctor's recommendations.
They provide the greatest benefit. Unlike anti-inflammatory drugs, they act on the main cause of the disease being studied, nourishing the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints and restoring the production of natural “lubrication”.
Particularly effective in the first stages of arthrosis. But you shouldn’t overestimate the capabilities of chondroprotectors either. For example, if arthrosis is advanced to the third stage, which is characterized by almost complete destruction of cartilage, it will not be possible to normalize the condition of the joint with chondroprotectors alone.
In the first stages, these drugs also do not have an immediate effect. To achieve tangible results, you need to take at least 2-3 courses, which takes approximately 6-18 months.
Among the additional advantages of chondroprotectors, it should be noted that there are almost complete absence of contraindications and unwanted side effects, but you cannot take them without medical prescription and supervision - you can worsen your condition.
Designed to reduce the severity of local symptoms of arthrosis. If the disease is not complicated by synovitis, warming ointments that help improve internal circulatory processes will have a good effect.
If synovitis is present, the specialist will prescribe an ointment made with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
You cannot rely on ointments alone: human skin allows on average up to 6-7% of the active ingredient to pass through, which is definitely not enough to completely get rid of inflammation.
They have a similar, but more effective effect compared to ointments. The best results are observed when using compresses with 3 main drugs.
Used in emergency cases for very severe pain. The most commonly used drugs are celeston, diprospan, kenalog, etc. They effectively and quickly relieve inflammation and pain.
Along with this, they are not able to directly relieve arthrosis - there is no beneficial effect on cartilage tissue, bones are not strengthened, blood circulation is not normalized, etc. The only function of intra-articular injections is to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, therefore they are not used as an independent method of treatment.
The drug for intra-articular injections must be selected exclusively by a qualified specialist - the wrong drug and/or violation of the required dosage will cause, at a minimum, a lack of the desired effect, and at a maximum, severe side effects.
Effective in the initial stages of arthrosis. Used after getting rid of pain and inflammation. They are especially effective when used in combination with intra-articular injections, chondroprotectors and other treatment methods.
Examples include electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, etc.
One of the most important components of a comprehensive treatment program for arthrosis of the knee joints. In fact, without appropriate exercises, any treatment will be noticeably less effective when compared to a full-fledged program.
Therapeutic exercises help strengthen muscles, improve the condition of blood vessels, normalize blood flow and generally improve the health of the body.
Important! The decision regarding the time to start performing exercises, the list of exercises and significant accompanying nuances can be made exclusively by the attending physician.
A very important component of complex treatment is a balanced diet rich in vitamins, microelements and other essential nutrients. Detailed information about the diet for arthrosis was provided in the corresponding publication on our website.
Thus, the treatment of arthrosis is a long, complex and necessarily complex process. If you have personally encountered this disease, be patient and follow your doctor's instructions.
Normally, cartilage cells produce a protein fluid that plays a shock-absorbing and nourishing role. Thanks to it, the joint is maintained in working condition. For a still unknown reason, these cells cease to cope with their function. Therefore, the cartilage becomes soft, loose and cracks.
The load on the bones of the joint becomes uneven. In overloaded areas, blood circulation is disrupted, which not only accelerates the destruction of cartilage, but also damages the underlying bone. It is rebuilt, cysts and tissue growths form in it, and the configuration of the joint is disrupted.
Inflammation develops in places of cracks and destruction, which aggravates pain and accelerates destructive processes.
This explains all the symptoms of joint arthrosis.
The first thing that starts to bother you is pain. It is mechanical in nature, that is, it occurs during movement and goes away after rest. The intensity of unpleasant sensations is especially great when going down, while going up and moving on a flat surface does not cause them. Starting pain may also be a concern, when at the beginning of walking the pain is more intense than as it continues.
They arise due to the fact that “dust” from the destroyed cartilage rubs between surfaces, and during walking moves away from the working areas. Sometimes the pain becomes so severe that it is impossible to move the leg. The cause is a piece of cartilage stuck between the articular surfaces. Gradually it falls out and the sensations pass.
When inflammation occurs, the pain becomes constant and aching. The joint swells, turns red, morning stiffness appears, when it is necessary to move apart in order for movements to return to normal.
At the first suspicion of joint disease, you need to go to a therapist and do all the necessary tests to be sure of the diagnosis and stage of the disease. Only in this case will the treatment be most effective.
If a doctor is unavailable or there is neither money nor time for examinations, you will have to treat arthrosis at home.
The first step is to reduce the load on the damaged joint, that is, get rid of excess weight and exclude running, long walks and heavy lifting from exercise. It is important to change your lifestyle, which starts with proper nutrition.
Diet can relieve symptoms, but how to treat arthrosis of the knee joint?
Emergency medications are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: nimesulide, movalis, Celebrex, diclofenac and others. You should avoid taking indomethacin, as it worsens the condition of the cartilage. They are taken in a short course of 3-5 days for pain. You should not exceed it, as they have a bad effect on the liver and stomach.
Swelling and redness are relieved by ointments such as voltaren, nimesulide and others, containing the same non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
If there is no inflammation, but the aching pain in the knee still bothers you, you can use warming ointments: capsicam, menovazin, nicoflex.
Compresses with dimexide or bischofite relieve pain well.
However, all these drugs only fight the symptoms, but do not affect the condition of the cartilage.
Medicines that affect the joint itself are derivatives of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. They are combined under the name “chondroprotectors”. One of the best medications with proven activity in clinical studies is Artra. Piaskledin also performed well. There are several other drugs on the market: Dona, Structum, Elbona and some others.
It has been proven that glucosamine at a dosage of 1000-1500 mg and chondroitin sulfate 1000 mg per day promote cartilage regeneration and slow down the course of the disease.
The drugs are contraindicated for phenylketonuria. Individually, they can cause allergic reactions. Otherwise, there are practically no side effects. Sometimes, very rarely, there are discomfort in the stomach, bloating, headaches, dizziness.
Don't expect them to help right away. And after the first week the effect will not be noticeable. You need to set yourself up for daily long-term (at least three months) use of the drug. This slows down the course of the disease, but will not stop it forever, so the courses will have to be repeated several times.
Is it possible to cure arthrosis? Unfortunately, it is a chronic disease, which means that once it happens, it will remain with its “owner” forever. However, if left unattended, you can simply lose your knee. At this stage, medications will not help at all; all that remains is to replace it with a prosthesis. Paying attention to your health will preserve your leg mobility for as long as possible.
As soon as the necessary time appears, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, since the diagnosis you make yourself may be erroneous, which means that all treatment will be in vain.
Good health, healthy and mobile joints to everyone!
Author of the article: general practitioner Shabalina Anastasia Valerievna
Arthrosis is a series of pathological changes in the body of the joint. It becomes thinner, deformed, and the structure of the cartilage tissue changes. Arthrosis does not occur suddenly; the disease develops over years.
There are 4 stages of arthrosis:
As a rule, the first symptoms appear in people after forty years (in women 2 times more often than in men). However, today arthrosis has become younger, its signs are observed even in twenty-year-olds.
At risk are:
All these reasons contribute to the development of arthrosis at an earlier age and the severe course of the disease.
The main insidiousness of the disease is that at the first stage it does not manifest itself in any way, and the patient simply does not know about the problem. The second is characterized by discomfort, which the future patient does not pay attention to. Athletes attribute the resulting pain and crunching to heavy workload, office workers to sedentary work. As a rule, most people seek medical help already in the third stage of the disease, when severe pain and limited mobility appear.
Osteoarthritis is diagnosed by:
As a rule, a competent doctor can diagnose arthrosis based on a specific clinical picture characteristic of this disease.
There is an opinion that arthrosis cannot be cured. This is not entirely true. Knee arthrosis has recently been included in the list of diseases that can be completely cured. Its treatment is long-term and requires a systematic approach. In addition, a complete cure is possible if the disease is diagnosed at stages 1-2.
For arthrosis of the knee joint, the following treatment methods are used:
As for drug and physiotherapeutic treatment, it is used in courses under the supervision of a doctor. The operation is indicated if destructive processes in the joint threaten the patient with disability. The patient can use other methods independently for a long time.
Let us briefly consider which drugs can eliminate arthrosis of the knee joint. Treatment at home involves the use of:
We will not consider inpatient therapy. It is indicated for severe lesions and is prescribed individually by a doctor. It is important to understand how to treat arthrosis at home effectively and safely.
Therapy is long-term and systemic. In any case, you should seek a doctor's appointment and be patient - rehabilitation may take years. For older people, treatment for arthrosis is often indicated at home; medicine is unable to stop age-related destructive changes in joints.
People under 40-50 years old have a chance for a complete cure. The exception is older people who have completely changed their thinking and lifestyle and got rid of arthrosis (and other age-related diseases) at 70, 80, 90 years old. So everyone has a chance to eliminate arthrosis of the knee joint. Treatment at home involves:
Naturally, a noticeable effect is achieved by a combination of all treatment and rehabilitation methods. They need to be considered in more detail.
Even medicine admits that folk remedies have an excellent effect. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is treated with the following proven methods:
Change the means alternately. Use them in courses.
Ointments can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. They should be used regularly, applied with massage movements or rubbed in.
Ointments for the treatment and restoration of the joint are divided into:
Ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint is used depending on the course of the disease. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs must be used in the acute stage. Chondroprotectors and regenerators - in courses to restore cartilage tissue.
In any case, the use of funds must be agreed with the attending physician. Chondroprotectors for arthrosis of the knee joint are also used in the form of ointments. They directly affect cartilage tissue and have a restorative effect. Ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint of this type is not contraindicated, but self-medication is dangerous.
Special therapeutic nutrition is of great importance. An improper diet is one of the factors that causes arthrosis of the knee joint. Treatment at home involves daily consumption of the following products:
Therapeutic nutrition should begin with cleansing the body for a period of 3 days. You can eat rice, raw fruits and vegetables. The purpose of such cleansing is to remove dead tissue, cleanse the body, and launch a recovery program.
On days of therapeutic cleansing, hormonal drugs (for example, Diprospan) and chondroprotectors for arthrosis of the knee joint should not be used.
Such three-day cleansing fasts should be carried out once a month. The rest of the time, practice the principles of proper nutrition and remember that arthrosis’s best friends are alcohol, cigarettes, and fast food.
Most patients think that arthrosis of the knee joint puts an end to physical activity. Treatment at home involves regular and competent physical activity.
It is advisable that the doctor select the treatment complex individually, based on the course of the disease. Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint is not just important, but mandatory. In any case, you are shown the following types of loads:
Some doctors recommend light dance gymnastics to their patients with stage 2-3 arthrosis, but in stages 3-4 with obvious destructive processes, loads of this kind are prohibited.
Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint should be combined with massage and applications. Your task is to maintain mobility and restore tissue. According to the experience of patients, regular gymnastic exercises provide an excellent restorative effect.
Arthrosis is characterized by destructive processes in joint tissue. Therefore, knee pads are used for arthrosis. How to choose them?
To choose the right knee pads, consult your doctor. But wearing them alone will not solve the problem. Combine use with other treatment methods.
A disease that many people have to deal with is arthrosis of the knee joint. Treatment at home will help not only stop the course of the disease, but also contribute to the almost complete restoration of joint tissue. However, remember that the effectiveness of the methods used depends only on you.