Lower back pain during pregnancy radiates to the leg Lower back pain during pregnancy Pregnant women quite often face such a problem as lower back pain. The body of the expectant mother works under increased stress to ensure the normal development of the fetus, so within forty weeks any weaknesses in the woman’s health can make themselves felt. This also applies to the spine. Height […]
Common causes of swelling in the eye area and methods of treatment Swelling in the eye area is perceived by many people as a common cosmetic defect. Unfortunately, your eyes swell for a reason. Most often, behind the seemingly harmless swelling lies fluid retention in the body. But in some cases, the causes of swelling are serious eye pathologies. Macular edema is swelling of the central [...]
Causes of itching on the legs from the feet to the knees and proven methods of treatment Being sick is always bad. This disrupts plans, reduces the quality of life and takes a lot of strength and energy. Leg diseases especially cause a lot of problems for patients. This is not just discomfort and unpleasant sensations, but also a significant limitation of motor activity up to complete immobility. Therefore, any symptoms are [...]
How to properly use essential oils for varicose veins and spider veins? Even in ancient times, the healing properties of oils were discovered in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. They also demonstrate high effectiveness in the fight against such a widespread disease as varicose veins. Essential oils for varicose veins and spider veins Among the main causes of its occurrence are pregnancy, excess […]
Some people do not notice why blisters appear on their fingers. Formations can be the result of physical impact on the surface of the skin, indicating an infectious lesion of the body. But sometimes a blistering rash reflects serious pathological processes in the body. It is prohibited to ignore symptoms of disorders. After all, in this way you can miss a disease, which will not be easy to cope with in the future. It is important how [...]
Drugs and folk remedies for the treatment of heaviness in the legs Heaviness in the legs after a long walk is a natural phenomenon that does not require medical attention. However, if a symptom appears regardless of fatigue and other factors, treating heaviness in the legs with drugs is the first thing a person should do so that the situation does not become more complicated. However, before starting therapy, you should [...]
Blood clots in blood vessels: arteries and veins - causes, treatment, localization It is difficult to overestimate the role of the circulatory system, which is the connecting link that allows all parts of the body to function normally. The liquid state of the blood and its normal flow ensure proper metabolism in the tissues, and, therefore, support its vital activity and the performance of vital functions. Any change, in particular [...]
Folk remedies for heel spurs To treat heel spurs, in addition to the main treatment, you must follow a diet and consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies In addition to standard drug treatment, there is a folk treatment for heel spurs. To get rid of this disease, you can try the following: Buy medical bile at the pharmacy. At night, steam your feet well [...]
Hello, our dear readers. In this article I would like to highlight in as much detail as possible the problem of leg pain during pregnancy. Almost every expectant mother has encountered this problem and probably initially wondered why her legs still hurt during pregnancy, what to do if the exercises are done, the required mileage is covered, the nutrition is correct and the bed is comfortable. So in [...]
Before treating a wound, you need to make sure the injured area is clean. Wash it with boiled water with potassium permanganate, boric acid, etc. First aid for abraded skin Healing of small wounds requires only washing, after which the injury is covered with boric acid and bandaged. Or you can apply gauze soaked in alcohol or aloe juice and then tie it. If the blood does not flow for a long time [...]