Foot massage with a massage mat How ruthless we sometimes are towards ourselves and our body! Our legs experience especially heavy loads. It’s rare that any of us, even at a relatively young age, can say that his lower limbs are in perfect condition. But our legs and feet require special treatment, extremely careful treatment. If […]
What to do when your hands go numb - causes and treatment All people are familiar with the feeling when, due to an uncomfortable position of their hands, they can lose sensitivity, and their hands and fingers can go numb. If this phenomenon is short-lived, then it is associated with compression of the nerve endings and should not be alarming. However, if numbness occurs for no apparent reason, and continues for a long time, or does not stop at all, […]
Therapeutic exercise for arthritis and arthrosis Having reached middle age, rarely does anyone keep their joints healthy. Over the years, joint mobility gradually decreases. To adapt to these changes, a person switches to senile behavior. But unfortunately, these changes also occur at a young age. Physical therapy will come to the rescue for arthritis and arthrosis. Physiotherapy […]
Why does skin peel off between my child’s toes and hands? Causes and ways to combat the disease Children's skin is very sensitive and reacts to any internal and external influence. In some cases, it begins to peel and peel, and the child experiences itching and discomfort. This situation is especially common between the fingers and toes. In this […]
?The most common drugs for the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis. The cause of the disease is the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the vascular walls. As a result, the lumen of the blood vessels narrows, the blood supply to the brain and, consequently, its work are disrupted. The first signs seem frivolous: attention is weakened, dizziness appears, and sleep is disturbed. Lack of treatment leads to progression of the disease, movement and speech are impaired, memory and thinking deteriorate, [...]
Heel spurs - or (plantar fasciitis) - a disease whose main symptom is severe pain in the heel. There are many ways to treat heel spurs, including various treatment methods and preventive measures. All methods can be divided into the following four categories: using drugs; Non-drug methods. Heel spur pain is primarily caused by inflammatory changes in the plantar area of the heel, […]
List of tablets for varicose veins on the legs Varicose veins are a disease associated with blood vessels. They play a fairly large role in the functioning of the entire body. Here we will look at tablets for varicose veins and other medications. List of the best tablets for varicose veins Drugs that reduce the risk of blood clots forming inside blood vessels Aspirin - tablets used for pain, […]
Why does my toenail turn black but does not hurt? A common problem: the toenail turns black, but the feet themselves do not bother. More often the phenomenon appears on the thumb. Most women ignore this, masking the black nail with a layer of opaque varnish. Black nail is a symptom of serious diseases. If pathology is detected, consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis. Get rid of the problem [...]
If your toe is numb If you ever feel that your toe is numb, then it is better not to ignore this phenomenon, since such harmless numbness may have a more serious problem. Causes of Numb Fingers Numb fingers are not only a concern for older people. Very often young people feel numbness in their fingers in the morning [...]
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 The finger is thick and large. If possible, look at the object with one eye. Having little drawing skill, it was difficult for me to draw. You need to approach work with concentration. Otherwise, you end up with monkey paws and the lines crawl in different directions. I wanted to fill the background with sayings about hands that are useful for the mind, but I […]